Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 548 It's time to send warmth [Thanks to Taurus for your attention]

on this mountain,
Basically, they are miscellaneous trees, shrubs, wild bamboo forests, plantain wild ginger and so on.

On the way down the mountain,
Luo Xuan saw a few rubber trees among the trees.

Maybe it's a bird, a beast or something, a rubber seed that was accidentally brought.

Luo Xuan asked Nami on his back, "Are there a lot of rubber trees on your side? And the purchasing station in the commune, can they collect rubber?"

"There are not many rubber trees here."

Nami replied, "After crossing the boundary river, I heard that there are quite a lot of people planting rubber."

"The purchasing station of Mengli Commune also collects rubber. And the commune allocates funds every year to encourage everyone to plant rubber trees."

Nami said, "It's just that people in the village think that planting rubber trees is too slow to bear fruit.

So in our village, few people are willing to plant rubber trees. "

After Luo Xuan listened, he was thoughtful.

It seems that it is also a way to develop the half of the mountain that I have allocated to plant rubber trees.

Just planting rubber, the investment in the early stage is relatively large.

If you want to wait for the process of earning benefits, it will be very long.

7 years. Generally, when rubber trees are planted, it takes 7 years to start seeing benefits.

But planting rubber trees also has several advantages: First, our country is seriously short of rubber raw materials.

Every year, a lot of precious foreign exchange has to be spent to import rubber raw materials from Southeast Asian countries.

If the planting of rubber trees here is successful, the first is that it can bring long-term and stable economic benefits to the local mountain people.

This move can also save a lot of precious foreign exchange for the country.

This is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone and benefits the country and the people.Even if the initial investment is large, it will take a long time.

Luo Xuan was also going to stick to it.

The second benefit is planting rubber trees, which have a long benefit period.

The rubber tree is the tallest and can be harvested continuously for 30 years.

Therefore, planting rubber trees on hilltops requires a large initial investment and takes a long time, but it is definitely a worthwhile project.

It's just that Luo Xuan needs to find a feasible solution that can develop sustainably and doesn't require any money from himself.

If not, always let yourself stick money and stick.

It's wrong, no, no.

After all, that's not a long-term solution.

Looking at so many hills, there is no output?
In fact, this has a lot to do with not having a leader and leading the mountain people to get rich

People from this area,
They like to grow rice in the valleys; sometimes they also grow upland rice in the mountains.

However, most people have given up growing upland rice, a crop with poor yield and low return rate.

Therefore, on most of the mountains, all kinds of trees grow freely.

Even the very precious mahogany is not uncommon here.

It's just that due to transportation, it is extremely not backward.These redwoods, which are very precious in the interior, are nothing more than useless things in the eyes of those people in the village
Even for chopping and burning, they feel that mahogany is too hard and takes too much effort with their hatchets.

Not worth it!

"Luo Xuan, after you go back, you may encounter a little trouble."

While resting on the way, Nali quietly approached Luo Xuan.

Lowering his voice, he said, "Nami's father is very difficult to deal with. He will probably come to extort your money, saying that it was because of you that Nami was injured."

Luo Xuan was puzzled, "It's obviously someone from another village who accidentally hurt Nami when he came to hunt. How could it be my fault again?"

Among these girls,
Najudi is a little baby fat, with a small brain;
Na Mu is like a butterfly, cheerful and simple.

And Miss Nali is undoubtedly the most stable and intelligent person among them.

As for Nami, besides being tight, Luo Xuan really didn't see any characteristics about her.

Nali glanced at Nami, who was resting on the slope,
He whispered, "And I feel that the dancer in the village may target you sooner or later."

Luo Xuan was puzzled, "I didn't recruit him, I didn't provoke him. Last time, he came to do things at the door, and I asked Lao Min afterwards.

The price I gave is relatively high in the stockade.What reason does he have to target me? "

"Because you stole his thunder."

Nali explained, "In the past, when encountering an unexpected situation like Nami, the people in the village would go to the dancer to deal with it.

And after the dancer dealt with it, the people in the village would often lie in bed and have a fever for several days in a row.

Most of them will still be haunted by evil spirits within a few days, rolling all over the floor and saying some weird words. "

"In this case, their family will have to kill two more chickens and continue to invite dancers to exorcise evil spirits."

Nali said, "But you bandaged Nami yesterday. Look at her, not only was she able to do that last night, but now Nami's whole body is fine.

He didn't say that kind of incomprehensible nonsense. "

Luo Xuan heard the words,

Can't help frowning: It seems that I have inadvertently, and it is indeed possible, to kill that guy who pretends to be a ghost.

You know, the dancer is not just relying on pretending to be a dragon and ghost to cheat food and drink.

In fact, secretly, he is also playing the role of "local law doctor".

In the village, the person with the highest prestige is undoubtedly Lao Dao.

But the person everyone fears the most is probably the dancer.

The dancers in these villages are not only good at traditional exorcism and sacrificial rituals.In fact, secretly, they also know some medical theories and prescriptions.

Otherwise, if you meet someone in the village who is sick.

These dancers can't cure their patients just by going mad with epilepsy.

in fact,

When they performed the exorcism ceremony, they secretly poured some so-called "talisman water" into the mountain people.

And in that bowl of water,
Whether the dancer is adulterated or what herbs are in it, only he himself can figure it out.

He used the advanced medical technology from the mainland to bandage Nami's wound.

From yesterday to now, Nami has no signs of infection or fever.

The reason why the effect is so good,

One is wild girls like Nami, whose own resistance and immunity are very strong.

another one,
That is to say, the virus in this period has not evolved so much.

If someone is accidentally injured, a little bit of modern antibiotics can basically successfully help the patient and safely pass the wound infection period.

"Offend it if you offend it."

Luo Xuan sighed, "You also know the situation at that time. I can't just stand by and not bandage Nami's wound, can I?

If she was sent to the stockade urgently and asked the dancer to cast a spell on Nami, the blood on her body would have been drained long ago. "

Na Li also sighed, "We all know the truth, so what?
Nami was at home, not even daring to make a sound.All matters in her family are decided by Nami's father alone. "

"Let's go."

Luo Xuan stood up, "When I came out, I saw a mountain spring not far behind my house.

After I go home today, I have to figure out a way to lead this mountain spring to the side of the house.

In this way, whether it is used for cooking or bathing, it is very convenient to use water. "

Nali was a little worried, "What if Nami's father really came to extort your money?"

Luo twisted his lips, "Just give it to him! How big a carrot can the little rabbit open his mouth to ask for? Let him take advantage of it now, and I will treat it as a reward for Nami's hard work."

"But this account, I will write it down for him."

Luo Xuan picked up Nami and left, "One day, he will regret that he offended me today"

The mountain people here have relatively short-sighted and short-term vision.

And their way of thinking is completely different from their own.Luo Xuan didn't want to mess with them endlessly for small money of 10 yuan or 8 yuan.

If Nami's father only cares about the little money in front of him.

Then in the future, when the rubber plantation is up, he will never want to occupy the slightest light in it.

Let him spend his whole life spinning around in small money!

Make up your mind.

After Luo Xuan returned home, he picked up a hoe and began to implement the water diversion project.

The water quality here is not particularly good.

Even if it is mountain spring water, the amount of iron and fluorine contained in it is very high.

Luo Xuan plans to divert this stream of mountain spring water to the side of the house first, and then build a sedimentation tank and filter tank in two days.

The water here cannot be filtered without filtering it.

Not long after Nami was sent home by Na Mu, Na Judi, and Na Xigu.

Sure enough, her father brought a few relatives with him, all of them carried guns on their backs, daggers on their waists, and rusty machetes in their hands.

Noisy, came to Luo Xuan to ask for "medical expenses" and "damage expenses".

Luo Xuan asked her father, "What did your Nami lose?"

Nami's father replied, "You let my Nami not be able to work for the next half month, isn't that a loss?
In the past two days, I have to kill two chickens.Isn't it a loss to ask the dancer to come over and do something so that Nami can get better as soon as possible? "

Luo Xuan asked him again, "What else?"

Nami's father scratched his head, "That should be all, right?"

Luo Xuan then asked, "How much do you plan to ask for?"

Abba Nami raised her hand and twisted it three times in a row.

Luo Xuan couldn't understand.

So he turned his head to look at Lao Min and asked him to help translate what the other party meant.

Lao Min snorted coldly, "Zala, you don't have money to buy cigarettes, so you're crazy about money? How dare you ask for 15 yuan?

You want Luo Xuan to give you two months of cigarette money at a time, which is a good idea!Get out, I won't give you a penny today! "

Nami's father got a stalk in his neck!
He took off the gun from his shoulder and shook it in his hand.

He was threatening Lao Min.

Old Min, who knew the habits of the people here, snorted coldly: "Who are you scaring?
If you dare to use a knife and a gun today, believe it or not, the old knife will skin you alive at night?
In terms of boxing skills, believe it or not, Luo Xuan can throw you, a skinny monkey, out of the fence with just one hand. "

No matter what kind of contradictions and hatreds there are between people in the same village.

You can make an appointment with each other, but you must never use swords or guns.

This is the iron law left by the ancestors in Laku village!

no one dares to violate
Judging from the experience last night, it was really good.

Luo Xuan took out the money from his pocket and was about to hand it to Nami's father.

Miao Meisha used to work at Lao Min's house. At this time, she saw many mountain people coming to Luo Xuan's house with firecrackers and machetes to make trouble.

Can't help running over quickly.

When she heard that Nami's father actually asked Luo Xuan for 15 yuan in damages.

Usually looks like Miao Meisha who is gentle and gentle,

Can't help being furious: "Luo Xuan, don't give it to him! He is bullying you, he just came from the mainland, you don't give him a penny.

If he dares to make trouble, I will cross the boundary river tomorrow and bring you over 100 people. Let's see who is afraid of whom? "

People here,

If there is trouble inside, run outside.

Similarly, guys who cause trouble outside will also hide here.

Miao Meisha's stockade is known as a large stockade within a radius of several hundred miles.

Coupled with the large number of people in her group, she is one of the best soldiers in this area.


Miao Meisha, who also came from afar, was not afraid at all, pulling away the mountain people of the production team.

Luo Xuan waved his hand,
Stop Lao Min and Miao Meisha from getting angry.

He reached out and handed the money to Nami's father, "Take it and go, if you dare to take half a step into this yard in the future, I will break your leg."

Looking at the back of Nami's father going away.

Old Min asked in a low voice, "Luo Xuan, why do you want to give in to him? A beating for this kind of person is in vain. He has been smoking for decades, and his whole body is empty, and he will fall down if pushed."

Luo Xuan shook his head,
"It's easy to hide with a bright gun, but hard to defend against a dark arrow."

Luo Xuan said, "Here's a sword to seal the throat tree, poison ivy, what poisonous snake and centipede too much. It's still worth it to give him a little money so that he won't hold a grudge and wait for an opportunity to retaliate."

Seeing that Miao Meisha was not convinced, Yuzi was puffing up there.

Luo Xuan patted her on the shoulder and comforted her softly: "It's only 15 yuan, so there's no need to get angry with him.

You can drink water with peace of mind and sleep soundly.It's better than being on guard against him all the time, isn't it? "

Lao Min and Miao Meisha thought about it,
The two finally nodded and stopped talking.

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