Luo Xuan plans to buy a pig.

And you have to buy a lot, a lot of pigs.

Every single flower in a crop depends entirely on manure.

The two acres of land behind my house, plus the planned development of barren hills to plant rubber trees.

All need a lot of pig manure, cow manure.

There is a lot of cow dung on the mountain, but it's a pity that there are dozens of mountain tops, and cattle are dangling everywhere.

I really don't have so much energy and manpower to pick up these cow dung.

In addition to the dung beetles on the mountain, there are quite a lot of earthworms and birds.

The cow dung just pulled out by the cows. "Crack", very quickly.

It was harmed by these insects and birds.

There is no way. The territory is vast, and even picking up cow dung is too late.

Since it is unrealistic to rely on picking up cow dung as fertilizer, we can only choose the next best thing: raising pigs!
Lots of pigs.

Fortunately, there are quite a lot of pigs in the village.

And they are all black-skinned local pigs, the price is not expensive, and the pork is very fragrant.

Restricted by the breed, the size of this kind of pig generally cannot grow too large.

in most cases,

When the native pigs weigh 8, 90 or less than 100 jins, the villagers will sell them.

Or keep it for practice; when it is wedding or funeral, it is slaughtered and eaten.

buy and sell things here,

They only like to discuss the individual, the only, and the pile. They don't like to weigh the weight. In fact, most of the villages can't find a steelyard.

Even if it is said, most of the mountain people don't know the front sight above.

There are even old antique mountain people who always think that Han people use scales and weights to weigh and sell things.

It was the cunning Han Chinese who deliberately deceived people.

The bully mountain folks don't know each other.
this day,
Luo Xuan brought Zhang Xiaoli, Lao Min, and Miao Meisha to the village to collect pigs.

The number of pigs I bought myself was quite large, and the more people I could give to help, the better.

It is very difficult for the mountain people in the village to get rid of the pigs raised at home.

Now, with great difficulty, Luo Xuan, a big customer, came to buy a large number of native pigs.

The entire cottage suddenly erupted.
All of a sudden, the people in the village turned their backs on their backs, and the chickens flew like dogs!
This soil pig,

Just like the mountain people in the village: I am used to being free and loose, and I can't stand the restraints one by one, wild and ruthless!
Although the soil pig is not big, it runs on four legs and is much more agile than the mountain people.

Hard to catch.

Fortunately, there are walls in the stockade.

No matter how well these pigs can run, they can't run as fast as those mountain people who have money floating in one eye and "earth smoke" floating in the other eye.


In the big bamboo cage that Luo Xuan brought over, there were already about 30 wild pigs that were screaming and banging.

The wife of production leader Zha Nu,

Fanning up her house early in the morning, the three lazy sons who were about to be eaten by snakes; dragged back her two daughters from other people's houses.

A whole family of men, women and children went into battle together, and the whole family mobilized everywhere to catch pigs.

After she managed to catch all her pigs back.

But he saw that Luo Xuan's pig cage had already filled a lot of pigs.


Zha Nu's wife, disheveled and tired and out of breath, couldn't help worrying that Luo Xuan wouldn't buy it.

So Zha Nu's wife hurriedly asked, "Luo Xuan, do you want any more pigs? I still have 5 pigs at home. I'll sell them to you at a cheaper price."

Luo Xuan laughed and said, "Sister, why are you being polite? I don't have to buy other people's pigs. But can I not buy the pigs from Uncle Zha Nu's house?"

The mother-in-law Zhanu was overjoyed, "Na"

The 5 pigs in Zha Nu's family,

Two of them are sows, one big and one small.

The big sow weighs about 100 jin; the small sow looks like 3 to 40 jin.

This time, Luo Xuan bought the native pig.

The price given by the big pig is 60 yuan a head, and the price of a small pig is 15 yuan to 28 yuan depending on the size of the head.

This price, if it is placed in the mainland, is considered a little cheap.

Because in the supply and marketing cooperatives in the Mainland, the pork at the food station costs more than 4 cents per catty.

The most popular pork belly is only 5 cents a catty.

But to buy meat at food stations in the Mainland, not only money is required, but also a quota of meat tickets is required.

Many urban worker families can afford the money to buy meat.But it is not so easy to get meat tickets.

So Luo Xuan bought pigs this time,
The price quoted here is considered to be on the high side. The price of meat in Laos County is not as expensive as that in the mainland.

No matter how poor the mountain people are,
You only need to go up the mountain with a shotgun, and if you catch some prey, the family will have meat to eat.

Therefore, the people in the village, if they want to get a little dirty, compared to the members of the production team in the interior.

Still much easier.

This time, 39 pigs were collected.

After finishing the work of collecting the pigs, Lao Min was counting the money loudly and smiling, discussing with the villagers who were going to buy cigarettes, "Who has cattle to sell?"

This is what Luo Xuan asked Lao Min to help.

After all, the mountain people are not familiar with him yet, so Luo Xuan is worried that they will raise prices on the ground.

Don't think that the people in Shankalali are simple. They kill people, but their mouths are smaller.

But that doesn't mean they don't kill people.

Lao Dao was upstairs and heard what Lao Min said.This time, he didn't dare to pretend to be reserved.

Quickly poked his head out and asked Lao Min, "Buy a big cow or a small cow?"

Lao Min looked back at him with his head up, "Of course I bought a big cow. We don't raise cows to make money, but want to use cows to work and cultivate land. Small cows can't do it."

"Come up and talk."

Lao Dao waved his hand, "Such a big matter, why don't you discuss it with them? After hesitating for a long time, I'm afraid these guys can't even negotiate the price with you."

Lao Min looked at Luo Xuan.

"You ask the people in these villages to help me send all the pigs back home."

Luo Xuan said to Zhang Xiaoli, "And let them go up the mountain to chop bamboo, help build a few pigpens, and dig the cesspit.

Just keep an eye on it, if any job is not done well, I won't pay them. "

"Okay! I'll listen to you."

Zhang Xiaoli and Miao Meisha said in unison, "This time, at least let them help build 8 pigpens and dig 8 cesspit pits."

Miao Meisha, who knows better about the mountain market,
Patting his chest, he promised, "Luo Xuan, you'll be fine. I'll make them build more pigpens and dig a lot of cesspit! Eh, cesspit, what is this for?"

people here,
They never use pig manure or human manure to fertilize vegetables. In their conception, those things are too dirty.

How could it be used to fertilize crops?
I heard Miao Meisha ask,

Zhang Xiaoli said, "I know this. It's just that I can't explain it to you right now. I'll just explain to you how to dig the cesspit."

Is it too much to buy pigs from mountain people and ask them to help build pigpens and dig cesspit?

Not too much.

The people in the village are very lazy, and they have to be poked before they move.

This time,
As a big purchaser in the stockade, I haven't met for many years, if I don't take this opportunity to order them around and ask them to help with some work.

That would be too bad!
Most people in this village usually have no matches or salt to eat.

Can still boil.

But if they don't smoke for a few days, they can't stand it.

Now that Luo Xuan buys their pigs, most of the people in the village can get a considerable amount of cash.

With this money, they will be able to spend two or three months happily.

Luo Xuan, who has not yet paid for the goods, made an additional request: they have to help build the pigsty and dig the cesspit.

The mountain people dare not refuse.

The whole village immediately called for children and women, looking for hoes and scimitars.

All of them suddenly changed, and seemed to love working very much, and the old and the young rushed to Luo Xuan's new home.

Helped build the pigsty and dig the cesspit
Lao Dao's house is still the same.

But after Luo Xuan and Lao Min entered the room, they suddenly felt that the room seemed much brighter than usual today.

"Come, come, sit down!"

Lao Dao's furrowed face obviously stretched a lot more than before, "Luo Xuan, do you smoke?"

Luo Xuan looked at the thick hookah in Lao Dao's hand, which could knock people unconscious.

shook his head.

"Not smoking this."

Lao Dao took out a small lump from his bag, and handed it over, "How about a hot bite? Don't worry, I'm treating guests, no money is required."

spinning head,
Shaking harder than a barang drum, "No smoking. And don't mess around in front of me. Otherwise, there's nothing to talk about."

If left in the past,

If I speak like this in front of Lao Dao.

It is estimated that this skinny, skinny half-old man in front of him will smash things and turn his face on the spot!
Then he will take various retaliatory measures against himself.

But because last time, after Luo Xuan overthrew a big wild boar by himself.

Lao Dao knew that the tall young man in front of him might not be so easy to mess with.

At least Lao Dao is not sure, with 3 or 5 mountain people, he can beat Luo Xuan.

Usually Lao Dao likes to put on a show, and I am used to it.

But he is not stupid.

In his own stockade, a fierce general appeared out of thin air.

Even if you can't take Luo Xuan for your own use, at least don't offend him.

In order to avoid Luo Xuan's retaliation in the future when there is a fight between Laku stockade and other stockades.
Wouldn't the old knife be at a loss?
What's more important: Luo Xuan has settled for the old knife, and he asked himself to discuss it in private today.

The old knife in front of him definitely has a plan!

if not,

As soon as I and Lao Min came in, it was impossible for Lao Dao to be so enthusiastic about him.

For the mountain people, especially the old knife in front of them.

You can be more polite, but you must not be timid; let alone leave them with an appearance that you are easy to bully.

Those pigs, cows, chickens and ducks I bought back today are not enough for them to try their best to beat the autumn wind.

I ate it clean.

That's why Luo Xuan acted so tough on purpose just now.

For Luo Xuan's attitude, Lao Dao didn't think he was disobedient.

I saw him put away his pimples embarrassingly.

Then he asked, "How many cows are you going to buy this time?"

Luo Xuan asked back, "What price?"

Lao Dao stood up and looked into the stockade over the half-man-high wooden railing on the second floor of his house.

In the current stockade, it is rare to be quiet.

Many people went to work for Luo Xuan, in a messy village full of chicken feathers and pig feces.

There are only some old men and women who are hunched over and have to rely on three legs to barely move.

There are also some little dolls rolling on the ground with pig urine, chicken and duck feces
very quiet,
It is very suitable for talking about some hidden secrets.

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