Yunmeng Peak

Chapter 10 Gongfa Pavilion

Chapter 10 Gongfa Pavilion

Cheng Xiangtai looked at Cheng Yuanliang and Cheng Yuanliang with a smile on his face, and said: "Uncle 21, Qi Feng, you are already in the realm of Qi training, and your cultivation speed is so fast, I am afraid that you will catch up with your elder brother in a few years." gone."

Cheng Qifeng can feel Cheng Xiangtai's sincerity. For family members, there are very few people with bad intentions. The stronger the monks in the family, the greater the help to the family. When the family becomes stronger, every member of the family will have enough Confidence, and this is also a family monk, one is prosperous and the other is damaged.

Cheng Xiangtai couldn't help thinking to himself: "When did the three spirit roots come so fast?"

Two years ago, after Cheng Qifeng tested the spiritual root in the ancestral temple, Cheng Yuanliang, Cheng Yuanqu and other senior clan officials did not disclose Cheng Qifeng's identity as He Linggen.

What Cheng Xiangtai said made Cheng Qifeng a little embarrassed, Shanshan smiled, and then said: "Eight Uncle was joking, brother is almost in the late stage of Qi training."

Joking aside, Cheng Xiangtai soon returned to the topic, and then asked, "Did Uncle 21 bring Qi Feng to get the storage bag and the Qingling Sword?"

Cheng Yuanliang nodded and said, "Yes."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Xiangtai walked to the backyard, and returned to the counter after a while, holding a storage bag in his hand.

After Cheng Xiangtai handed the storage bag to Cheng Qifeng, he said: "The Qingling sword is in the storage bag, there are two spirit stones in the storage bag, and there is a bottle of yellow bud pill, and there are three in it, all of which are yours." Family benefits of the month.

Cheng Qifeng was overjoyed when he heard that, Huangya Pill was a elixir used by low-level Qi training monks in the Nanling Immortal Cultivation World to increase their speed of cultivation, and it was quite impressive for monks in the early and middle stages of Qi training.

This is also the largest medicinal pill sold by the Cheng family in Huaishuifang City. One spirit stone can buy one yellow bud pill outside, and one yellow bud pill can last about seven days. Three yellow bud pills can last for about seven days. Ya Dan was barely enough for a monk in the early stage of Qi training for a month's practice, so he lived a good life as a monk of the Cheng family, and all of this was supported by the monk who established the foundation.

After Cheng Qifeng took the storage bag, he secretly said in his heart: "The family benefits are really generous. With those two spirit stones, you can start the spirit gathering array and practice for a while."

Cheng Qifeng, who kept playing with the storage bag, poured his spiritual consciousness into the storage bag, and then took the Qing Lingjian in his hand. Looking at the sharp sword in his hand, he thought of the long sword his father made for him, and he couldn't help but compare in his heart. After a while, there is no doubt that Qingling Jianqiang is of course.

The Qingling Sword is a low-level magic weapon distributed by the Yunmeng Cheng family to the monks of the family. The Yunmeng Cheng family has a miniature cyanite mine. Relying on this iron mine, the Cheng family's refiners have refined a large number of Qingling swords. The parts are used to equip the children of the family, and most of them are sold in Huaishuifang City after refining, and Qinglingjian is also one of the few businesses that has not been suppressed by other Foundation Establishment families in recent years, not because they don’t want to but because they can’t do it , It can be said that more than [-]% of the low-level magic weapons used by the monks in Huaishui County are the Qingling Sword, which is cheap and easy to use, and is very popular among casual monks.

The Yunmeng Cheng family is not a simple family. It can be said to be extremely accomplished in medicine pills, crafting, talisman making, and formations. Although the Cheng family does not have as many foundation builders as the other two peak foundation build families, But there are several times more people cultivating immortal arts than other families.

Seeing Cheng Xiangtai giving Cheng Qifeng this month's salary so easily, Cheng Yuanliang couldn't help a little praise, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and he thought to himself: "This kid from the third brother's family is not very smart, but his brain is quite active."

There are only seven days left in this month. According to this situation, if the newly promoted family Qi training monks want to receive this month's family benefits, they should go through the process and apply to the head of the General Affairs Hall. Only after the application is approved can they receive this month's resource benefits. But now Cheng Xiangtai directly skips it, although Cheng Yuanliang does not agree with such behavior, but why not do it for the convenience of himself!
The Yunmengcheng family has a very strict system for family welfare. When the children of the family reach the age of [-], they will no longer receive welfare and need to rely on themselves.

After the three chatted for a while, Cheng Yuanliang said lightly to Cheng Qifeng: "Qi Feng, let's go!"

Before leaving, Cheng Qifeng did not forget to thank him, bowed his hands, and then gave up, Cheng Yuanliang pulled the clothes at the neck and flew towards the direction of the Kung Fu Hall.

Cheng Xiangtai in the general affairs hall looked at the two figures that kept going away, and said to himself: "How can Qi Feng's third-grade spiritual root be cultivated so fast? It stands to reason that although Xiantian is easy to break through, it shouldn't be so fast. Don't we all guess?" wrong?".

He lowered his head, he didn't know what he was thinking, suddenly he seemed to think of something, his eyes flashed with inexplicable brilliance, and he whispered and sighed: "If you count the days, there are still 16 years before that group of goddamn monsters will come Now, I hope Qi Feng can grow up quickly!"

After a while, Cheng Yuanliang and the others came to the gate of the Gongfa Pavilion. Cheng Qifeng looked at the deserted Gongfa Pavilion without any doubts, and thought to himself: "Why is there no clansman here?"

The owner of the kung fu pavilion is Cheng Yuanqu, the great elder of the family. The clan members rarely come to the kung fu pavilion except for changing or selecting kung fu techniques.

In addition to the fact that the first selection of exercises in the Gongfa Pavilion is free, if you want to enter the Gongfa Pavilion, you also need to contribute points. Cheng Ruiguang, the ancestor of the Cheng family, advocated a way to let the family members understand that all the benefits of the family are not worth it. In vain, the family can only make your cultivation smoother in the initial stage, not to support the young master and the young wife. As for the future, you still have to rely on yourself, and you can’t rely too much on the family. The iron law of the fairy world.

In fact, the contribution points required to enter the Gongfa Pavilion are not high, but there are still very few people who come to the Gongfa Pavilion. If casual cultivators find out, they will definitely feel that the children of the Cheng family are prodigal. This is also a common problem of most family monks, not for themselves. What comes is never cherished.

There are four floors in the Gongfa Pavilion. The first floor is mainly for some small spells during the Qi training period, and some Qi training realm exercises, as well as the cultivation experience left by a small number of family Qi training seniors. For the few monks who encounter bottlenecks Let’s take a look at the experience, you can avoid a lot of detours, and it’s not unheard of to achieve advanced breakthrough effects because you understand the Tao through experience.

The second layer is mainly the foundation-building exercises of the family. Only family monks can enter after practicing Qi training. There are dozens of cultivation experiences left by the strong in the foundation-building period of the family in the past, as well as the six foundation-building exercises of the Cheng family. Law, two books of metal properties, one for each of the other attributes.

If the Xiuxian family were to know that the Cheng family had such comprehensive attributes and exercises, they would probably be shocked. You must know that the cultivation of immortals is indispensable for monks are the secrets of exercises. Establishing the foundation, but without the foundation-building technique, the road will be cut off after that day, and the strength is only [-]% of the strength of the foundation-building cultivator who practiced the foundation-building technique.

The Wang family of the other two peak foundation-building families in Huaishui County has four books of exercises that can be cultivated to the foundation building, and the Li family has four books of foundation-building exercises. These are all obtained by their ancestors after nearly a thousand years of hard work. Of course, these are It is well known to the outside world, if the Wang and Li families still hide something, it will be another matter.

The Cheng family has only risen for less than 600 years, and already has as many as six books, and they still have all attributes.The Cheng family did not cover up these things, so there has always been a rumor in the outside world that Cheng Ruiguang, the ancestor of the Cheng family, entered a site of the Jindan sect in the overseas immortal world in his early years, and obtained many of the inheritance.

It wasn't until he himself was unable to step into the golden elixir because of the damage to his dantian that he returned to Nanling to establish a family. Of course, this is just a rumor and there is not much credibility, but there are still many people in Huaishui County Believe this rumor.

As for the third floor of the Kung Fu Pavilion, there is no any kung fu, only the inheritance of the three hundred skills of the formation master, the alchemist, and the weapon refiner.

For other cultivating families, as long as they get one, they can rely on that skill to stand in the world of cultivating immortals, but for the Cheng family, which is still a cultivating family with a weak background, it is just icing on the cake. There are too few people, too few people and too many resources to stay there, which makes it difficult for the Cheng family to spend a lot of resources to train family artists.

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(End of this chapter)

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