Yunmeng Peak

Chapter 9 Conversion Technique

Chapter 9 Conversion Technique
The young man in the green shirt opened his eyes, and a gleam of light shot out from his eyes.

Cheng Qifeng let out a long breath, smiled palely, and said to himself: "Successful, the real level of Qi training, the world of cultivating immortals, here I come!"

After leaving the practice room, feeling the fresh air, looking at the sky and the small yard in front of him, his heavy heart became more comfortable.

Cheng Qifeng just pushed open the courtyard door, but Cheng Qihui had already been waiting outside the courtyard door for a long time, which really made Cheng Qifeng very puzzled.

Then I heard Cheng Qihui complain: "You finally come out, grandpa is worried about your accident, I have been here to guard you for two days."

Only then did Cheng Qifeng understand, and then Qi Hui looked at the pale face of the young man in front of him with a look of worry, and asked concerned: "Hey! What's wrong with you? Your face is too pale! What's going on!"

Cheng Qifeng replied with a wry smile: "Brother Thirteen, I encountered some accidents when I was practicing the exercises these days, and my spiritual energy almost lost control, but I survived this calamity by luck."

Hearing this, the worry in Cheng Xianghui's heart intensified, and he quickly pulled Cheng Qifeng's hand, using his spiritual sense to constantly check Cheng Qifeng's body, and after a while he frowned and said: "Qi Feng, my cultivation is too low to detect you Whether there are any injuries on the body, let's go to find grandpa."

"Ah! Brother Thirteen, it's not that serious!"

"Why is it not so serious, I have never heard of any family's children practicing the exercises for the first time for three full days."

After hearing this, Cheng Qifeng had to smile wryly, and explained: "Brother Thirteen, it's hard to say, alas! Don't talk about it, I haven't eaten for three days, I'm really hungry."

Cheng Qihui saw that the face of the young man in front of him was a little thinner, and he couldn't help feeling distressed, but he gave Cheng Qifeng a blank look, and then said, "You! What time do you want to eat? After such a long time, I will give you a few bigu pills, let’s go home! Grandpa brought back a large piece of second-tier middle-grade spirit beast meat a few days ago. He was going to celebrate your breakthrough and Qi training Yes, I didn't know that you spent so long practicing the exercises, if it was a few days later, I'm afraid all of them would have entered my stomach."

Cheng Qifeng couldn't help feeling warm when he heard it, and then followed Cheng Qihui to walk in one direction.

Cheng Yuanliang and Cheng Qifeng's yard is not far away, and they will arrive there after a short walk. Cheng Yuanliang looks worried when he sees Cheng Qifeng's pale face.

Cheng Yuanliang looked at Cheng Qifeng's body eagerly, fearing that something might happen to Cheng Qifeng, he used his powerful spiritual sense to detect it several times, but did not find any problems, so he gave up.

However, Qi Feng didn't find such a troublesome thing, and the warmth in his heart intensified, and he didn't tell the two of them that the aura impacted the meridians during the practice of the exercises and caused them to vomit blood, which would only make them suddenly worried.

While the three of them were chatting, Cheng Qifeng's stomach was growling uncontrollably. Cheng Yuanliang patted Cheng Qifeng's head, smiled and went to the kitchen to get animal meat. After a while, he handed over a large piece of cooked monster meat. To Cheng Qifeng.

Cheng Yuanliang kept nagging and preaching to Cheng Qifeng: "After Qi Feng is full, I will take you to the General Affairs Hall to receive family benefits, and then go to the Gongfa Pavilion to learn some low-level spells. When your third uncle comes back, you will go to him to learn the basics of alchemy, and practice hard in the last five months."

Although Cheng Qifeng didn't know why something would happen five months later, he was looking forward to that day very much in his heart, and immediately replied: "Got it, Mr. 21."

Cheng Qihui looked at the two people who were close and joked and said, "Grandpa, why don't you clip it for me! Just remember to clip it for the eighteenth brother."

In this way, coupled with Cheng Qihui's rich expression, both Cheng Qifeng and Cheng Qifeng laughed.

Cheng Qifeng also integrated into this small family and finished the meal happily.

After chatting with Cheng Qihui about his cultivation experience, he followed Cheng Yuanliang to the General Affairs Hall to collect things.

The owner of the General Affairs Hall is Cheng Yuanxian, the fourth elder of the family who ranks ninth in Yuan’s generation. As he gets older, Cheng Yuanxian seldom manages affairs in the General Affairs Hall, and spends most of his time practicing. Now the general affairs hall is in charge of Cheng Xiangtai is the son of Cheng Yuanxian, the eighth-ranked uncle in the Xiang family.

The Yunmengcheng family has set up two halls and one pavilion. There are nine elders in the first elder hall. When something important happens, the patriarch needs to hold a meeting of elders in the elder hall to make a voting decision. The patriarch has three voting rights. , the rest of the elders have one vote.

And every elder needs to have a foundation building practice, or a person with a high level of cultivation of immortality, and the ranking is determined according to the order of foundation building.

The Ninth Elder Cheng Yuanliang was a surprise, he didn't have any hundred arts, and he was also the weakest of the Nine Elders. According to rumors from the older elders in the family, Cheng Yuanliang got a fourth-order coin the last time he performed a family mission. The low-grade Ziyun fruit can improve the cultivation base of a foundation-building monk for a hundred years, but because of the damage to his dantian, Cheng Yuanliang could not advance his cultivation base for life. The clan gave Cheng Yuanliang a position with apology, which is also considered A little compensation from the family for him.

If that purple cloud fruit is used well, it will be enough for the Cheng family to continue standing in this cruel world of cultivating immortals for hundreds of years.

The other hall is the general affairs hall, where every monk in the family who becomes a Qi training monk can receive the symbol of Yunmeng Cheng's magic weapon for free, a second-grade low-grade magic weapon Qingyun Sword.

At the beginning of each month, the family will also distribute monthly gifts to each monk. In the early stage of Qi training, they can receive two spirit stones a month, in the middle of Qi training, they can receive four spirit stones, and in the later stage of Qi training, they can receive six spirit stones.

Although there are not many, it is not bad for young monks who cannot go out to do tasks to earn resources. These spirit stones are a fortune even for those elders.

This kind of behavior also made the Cheng family extremely grateful to the family. Although compared with the Li and Wang families who are also peak families, the welfare gap is not small, but now it is the limit of what the Cheng family can do for the clan. After the foundation-building peak monks, the Cheng family's business in Huaishuifang City was suppressed by the Wang family and the Li family's two foundation-building peak families. It is barely even, even if there is a profit, it is only a few hundred spirit stones.

For some hundred-year-old elders in Yunmeng Mountain, the high-ranking members of the Cheng family have always abided by the ancestral precepts left by their ancestors, and have not arranged to go out to do errands. As for the salary, they will still be paid as usual until the family monks die.

Another function of the general affairs hall is that you can receive family tasks in the general affairs hall. As long as the family members are eighteen, they need to complete a task for the family every six months. It will not be given to that clansman's family monthly tribute until the next year.

Most of the tasks in the general affairs hall are to help the family, or to guard the spiritual fields, or to garrison towns in the mortal world, or to join the family's monster hunting team, and there are also a few tasks to find various spiritual objects.

Doing things for the family is to follow the family caravan to deliver goods, or go to the family's shop in Huaishuifang City to work as a waiter, which is the most popular task in Shuwutang.

Relatively speaking, the contribution rate of this kind of task is relatively low. Members of the Cheng family can get corresponding contribution points as long as they complete a task, including mandatory tasks every six months, which also have contribution points.

The contribution point can be regarded as a transaction currency used within the family, and one contribution point is about the same as the purchasing power of one spirit stone.

In the family's general affairs hall, a bottle containing ten yellow bud pills only needs eight contribution points, while in the Fangshi store outside, it needs ten spirit stones. This is the benefit of the family.

Of course, doing family missions to obtain contribution points is sometimes very dangerous. When the family was established for hundreds of years, many talented Cheng's children died because of family missions, and the clan can only express their regret.

After going out, Cheng Yuanliang waved his finger, and the spell was instantly formed in his mouth, a small cloud appeared in front of them, Cheng Yuanliang pulled Cheng Qifeng up and made the white cloud fly.

In less than a moment, he arrived outside the General Affairs Hall. Cheng Xiangtai, who was on the counter of the General Affairs Hall, looked at the two people outside the door curiously. Feeling the aura emanating from Cheng Qifeng, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

This is also Cheng Qifeng's fledgling has not yet learned the method of restraining breath, and the breath belonging to the first level of Qi training is directly exposed.

 Thanks: I like Xiuxian Family, let's watch Xiuxian Family together, and I have received recommendation tickets from other big brothers!Big brothers are coming, relying on you Yunmeng tens of thousands!thanks thanks!Please recommend!monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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