Yunmeng Peak

Chapter 71

Chapter 71 Scraping
When Tang Ming said this, Cheng Xiangyun was immediately speechless. After all, it was about the establishment of the foundation, so he could only smile embarrassingly.

There are three paths to become a Ke Qing of a foundation-building family like Yunmeng Cheng's.

One is that as a monk who has reached the level of foundation establishment, as long as he is not a person with serious crimes and diseases, and his conduct is passable, he can become a guest minister.

Second, Qi training monks have a certain skill, but they must be extremely accomplished, and they need to be recognized by the Cheng family before they can become a guest of the Cheng family.If it is extremely rare, such as pastry chefs, the requirements can be lowered.

As for the third, just like Cheng Xiangyun, he failed after taking the Foundation Establishment Pill, but managed to survive. He was lucky enough to comprehend some foundation establishment abilities. The strength of Dzogchen.

And the third one is the most difficult one. At least in the 500 years of the Cheng family's establishment, no such monk has come to the Cheng family to be a guest.

After all, the monks who can afford the Foundation Establishment Pill must not be simple people, either they have a high level of cultivation or they have power behind them.

If such a monk really came to the Cheng family to serve as a guest secretary, the Cheng family might not even dare to accept him, maybe it was a spy sent by some family.

And the people who go to the big families to serve as guest ministers are monks who want to enjoy their old age in peace, and don't want to intrigue in the world of cultivating immortals.

After serving as the guest minister of each family, the guest guest needs to obey some orders within his ability, and that family also needs to protect the guest's safety, and this is what Cheng Xiangyun is worried about.

After dozens of breaths of silence in the secret room, the three of them began to share the spiritual objects in the secret room.

Although Cheng Qifeng had the lowest level of cultivation among the three, he was able to kill the powerful Blood Demon Tiger with the help of the Flame Talisman that Cheng Qifeng took out, so his share was [-]%.

Without that third-order talisman, it is unknown whether the three of them could survive.

Cheng Xiangyun also got [-]% and Tang Ming got [-]%. Such a share made even the seasoned Cheng Xiangyun blush a little, not to mention the newcomer Cheng Qifeng, who belonged to Tang Ming's ancestor after all.

If Tang Qian hadn't died in the Nanling Mountains, all the spiritual objects and jade slips in the storage bag must belong to Tang Ming alone, but now Tang Ming, who was originally the owner, only The [-]% share really made Cheng Xiangyun and others have to admire.

But Cheng Xiangyun and the two didn't know that everything Tang Ming did was for his precious granddaughter, and it was precisely what Tang Ming was doing now that brought a great opportunity to his precious granddaughter. But Tang Ming...

In addition to the three jade slips, there is also one of Tang Qian's own alchemist insights, but Cheng Xiangyun and Cheng Qifeng didn't pay much attention to this alchemy insight, which belongs to the kind of dispensable.

After all, the Yunmengcheng family, as an old family of alchemy, the most indispensable thing in the family is the perception of a powerful alchemist.

However, no one would think too much of such a high-level alchemy comprehension, and all three of them copied a copy. As for the original of Tang Qian's alchemy comprehension, Cheng Xiangyun handed it over to the Gongfa Pavilion in Yunmeng Mountain.

The three jade slips were handled in the same way, but the three of them used those three jade slips in the secret room.

The obtained family contribution points were shared equally with Cheng Qifeng, and as compensation, they shared a lot of spiritual objects with Tang Ming.

Cheng Qifeng was the first to pick up the jade slip that was inherited from alchemy, and as the jade slip was close to his forehead, his divine sense penetrated into it. in the head.

Huge fragments of alchemy kept flashing through his mind, and severe pain came from his mind, and it took several minutes for Cheng Qifeng to feel relieved.

Cheng Qifeng looked at the jade slip in his hand and said in shock: "If it weren't for the strength of my spiritual consciousness comparable to the late stage of Qi training, I am afraid that the sea of ​​consciousness supported by the knowledge in the jade slip will be shattered."

Thinking of this, the hairs on Cheng Qifeng's body stood on end.

When Cheng Xiangyun and the two handed the other two jade slips to Cheng Qifeng, Cheng Qifeng explained the situation to them in fear.

The two of them have extremely strong spiritual consciousness as a monk at the ninth level of Qi training. When encountering such a situation, it is not as obvious as Cheng Qifeng, a monk in the middle of Qi training.

After hearing this, Cheng Xiangyun was afraid to speak and said: "If this is the case, you need to make a note when you put it in the family kung fu pavilion, and monks below the late stage of Qi training are not allowed to use it."

Cheng Qifeng then put the other two jade slips on his forehead, and after half a stick of incense, Cheng Qifeng used them all up.

As for the rest of the other various spiritual things like pills, spiritual materials, magic symbols, etc., the three of them divided equally according to their respective shares before.

However, even according to the three components, there are quite a few spirit objects in Cheng Qifeng's hands. According to his budget, the value of these spirit objects in his hands is at least thousands of spirit stones.

Cheng Qifeng couldn't help sighing secretly at this time: "What I have gained from this journey is enough for me to not have to worry about cultivation resources for more than ten years. Dangers and opportunities are indeed mutual."

If Cheng Xiangyun had refused Tang Ming to go to the Nanling Mountains to hunt and kill the Blood Demon Tiger, Cheng Qifeng who followed Cheng Xiangyun would have lost this opportunity as well.

And Yunmeng Cheng's family even lost the Ascension Spirit Wine that could increase the success rate of foundation establishment.

Among these spirits, there are dozens of auxiliary medicines for refining Shengling wine. Just wait for the Shengling fruit in the Nanling Mountains to mature, and find a third-level brewer to immediately start refining Shengling wine .

There was even a Purple Jade Ginseng, the main drug of the Foundation Establishment Pill. Cheng Xiangyun and Cheng Qifeng had no choice but to secretly delight in such an unexpected acquisition.

However, such a big harvest had to make the three present wonder whether the old Tang Qian had stolen the treasure house of a certain family or power.

After all, there are so many spiritual things that a mere third-rank low-rank alchemist can possess.

Later, it was Tang Ming who guessed that it might be the opportunity of his family's ancestors during the early Qi training period, and got it from it, and the three of them understood.

Whether it was the auxiliary medicine of Shengling wine or purple jade ginseng, Tang Ming, as a craftsman, did not ask for these medicines, but made a deal with Cheng Xiangyun.

The Ascension Spirit Fruit that belonged to him and was still growing in the Nanling Mountains would be refined by Yunmeng Cheng after it matured, and if he died after it was successful, it would be given to his granddaughter Tang Xin'er to eat.

Cheng Xiangyun happily agreed to such a simple matter. After all, he just needs to succeed, and if he fails, it has nothing to do with their Yunmeng Cheng family.

Then Tang Ming gave those spirit objects to Cheng Xiangyun. Of course, Cheng Xiangyun didn't use them for himself, but exchanged them for the Cheng family.

As the elder of the family, Cheng Xiangyun has experienced the success and failure of the family, and attaches great importance to the family.

 Thanks: 2018...3530, Tianchen Yunhai, Taozi who loves to cultivate immortals and chase stars, and read the recommendation ticket
  Thanks: 2021...5027 rewards, thanks
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(End of this chapter)

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