Yunmeng Peak

Chapter 72 Family

Chapter 72 Family (recommendation, collection, investment)

Half of his body had already been buried in the ground, and the family valued and trusted him in the early years, and later gave him a valuable Foundation Establishment Pill, but the foundation failed because of his unstable cultivation and Dao Xin.

This made Cheng Xiangyun feel ashamed of the family all the time. Whether it was his childhood education or his experience as an adult, Cheng Xiangyun felt that the most important thing in his heart was the family.

The Yunmeng Cheng family also has people who care about the family just like Cheng Xiangyun, so that they can gradually become stronger and take a further road.

And this is also the biggest difference between family monks and sect monks.

In a huge and beautiful mountain tens of kilometers away, two figures in blue gowns were standing and talking in a quiet attic.

One of the heroic women frowned, handed a book to the white-haired old man in front of her, and then said: "Brother, this is the foundation-building exercise, but it only uses the [-] spirit stones Later, I am afraid that it will affect the progress of that matter."

After the white-haired old man took over the exercise book, he opened it to look through it, and said lightly, "Within three years, that elixir will definitely be able to be successfully exchanged for purchase. I have talked with Xianghe about this matter, and he also agreed." support."

"This foundation-building exercise is rare after all, and one more copy of the exercise can also give the young monks in the clan a way out. Such a thing is also a good thing."

"Yuan Jie doesn't need to think too much, is Qi Feng's child okay?"

Cheng Yuanjie nodded, but she was still not reconciled, and then said, "Sixth brother..."

Before the heroic woman could finish speaking, she was interrupted by the white-haired old man.

"Yuanjie, this is Lao Liu's own choice. We can't control it. It is true that our Cheng family has become like this all these years. He has done a good job and is worthy of the family."

Cheng Yuanjie obviously wanted to say something else in her heart, but she couldn't say anything more delicious, with mixed feelings in her heart, and she exited the quiet attic after dozens of breaths.

And the white-haired old man Cheng Yuanqu stared at the direction in which the woman was leaving, lost his mind, sighed softly after a few breaths, and then turned his head.

His eyes returned to the exercise book in his hand, but no one noticed the trace of loneliness in his eyes.

In Huaishuifang City, in the secret room of Yundan Pavilion, the three of them spent several hours before they finished dividing up the spiritual objects all over the floor.

I'm afraid that Cheng Yuanjie, the fifth elder of Yunmeng Cheng's family in Huaishuifang City, would be envious of so many spiritual creatures here.

In addition to those spiritual objects, Cheng Qifeng and Cheng Xiangyun each received a thousand spirit stones, which were also in the storage bag. I'm not ashamed to share, so I left it to Tang Ming.

When the three of them walked out of the secret room, Cheng Qifeng's face was flushed, and outsiders could tell at a glance that it was something happy.

Far away in Tianhe County, a place full of aura, in a luxurious loft in the core area.

A black-haired old man in a black gown was sitting leisurely on a grand master's chair, while a white-haired old man was kneeling in front of the old man.

The black-haired old man on the chair said lightly: "You mean you didn't find anything?"

The kneeling white-haired old man didn't dare to raise his head when he heard the questioning voice from the chair, and even tiny beads of sweat appeared on his back.

The kneeling white-haired old man whispered tremblingly: "Grand Elder, although Shi Ming's death has not been ascertained, according to the information Shi Ming left in Huaishuifang City, he followed Tang Ming into the Nanling Mountains. perhaps……."

Having said this, the kneeling old man stopped talking, not because he didn't want to talk, but because the old man on the chair showed a ruthless expression at this moment, and an extremely powerful coercion continued to flow from his body.

The kneeling old man was covered in cold sweat at this moment, and a powerful spiritual pressure kept pressing on his body, causing the kneeling old man to rest his hands on the ground with a hideous expression on his face, but no matter how painful he was, he just didn't make a sound .

The kneeling white-haired old man knew that if he dared to make a sound, he might disappear in this world in the next second.

And the black-haired old man lightly patted the armrest of the Grand Master's chair, snorted coldly, and the kneeling old man was knocked backward by a powerful spiritual force. The old man fell heavily to the ground, but got up quickly at the first moment kneel down.

The person on the grand master chair said viciously: "Yuancheng, is it for nothing that I let you be the patriarch for these decades? Tell me maybe? Are you joking about my family's knowledge? I want to give the whole clan power , Tang Ming must die, then Tang Xiner will bring me back to Dongling, if not impossible, I will let you experience the feeling of your child dying in front of you, hmph!"

After the old man on the grand master's chair snorted coldly, the grand master's chair he was sitting on was directly reduced to ashes, and the old man who was kneeling and flying upside down was not so lucky this time.

He was knocked into the air again, but this time he flew tens of meters away, smashed the door of the attic, and flew upside down outside the attic.

He vomited blood, and there were several young monks who had been waiting outside the attic door, but none of them dared to help the old man who was vomiting blood on the ground.

And the old man in the attic looked towards the south with a fierce look in his eyes. After dozens of breaths, the old man turned into a light and shadow and disappeared in the attic.

In Huaishuifang City, after Cheng Xiangyun and Cheng Xianglin explained some things, they resigned to Tang Ming, left Huaishuifang City, and flew towards Yunmeng Mountain with a green leaf magic weapon.

Dozens of days later, a white-haired old man in a blue gown rode a graceful crane to a stone wall in the Nanling Mountains.

Looking at the stone wall in front of him, a cyan light flashed in the eyes of the old man, and then he smiled at the corner of his mouth, and smashed the phantom formation and several other formations with a wave of his hand, and the stone wall also revealed his true colors at this time.

A hole appeared, and then the old man put the crane beside him into a small bag, walked in along the hole, looked at the small tree in the middle of the cave, with a faint smile on his face.

"Sure enough, it's the Ascending Spirit Tree. It's really my Cheng family's luck."

Immediately, he took out a futon from the storage bag, sat down cross-legged, and meditated with his eyes closed.

Half a year later, Cheng Qifeng in Huaishuifang City also returned to his normal practice life. Although he gained a lot of wealth, he still insisted on refining elixirs.

After all, although those spiritual objects are valuable, they will eventually run out one day.

It may be because Tang Qian is also an alchemist, most of the elixir can be made into the elixir needed by each elixir, which is extremely suitable.

Of course, there are also some extremely rare elixir, among them is the main medicine of Blind Breaking Barrier Pill.

The Breaking Barrier Pill is also a elixir that breaks through the realm, but it is much stronger than the Jinglin Pill, but it is several times more difficult to refine than the Jinglin Pill.

However, Qi Feng did not intend to refine the second-level high-grade barrier-breaking pills now, but just refined some of the batch of elixir that can be refined into second-level middle-grade elixirs to achieve second-level middle-grade pills. Quick cash.

 Thanks: Xiaoxiao, 2018...6702, first enjoyment, self-sufficiency, Wei family, alone drunk moon 0 wine soul, bright star, Abai, 2021...5200, human book fairy 652, elegant and dust-free recommendation tickets

  Thanks: Bing Ge 1009's monthly pass

  Thanks: 2021...5027 rewards

  Thank you, a lot of favorites
(End of this chapter)

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