Chapter 117
Denglong Port is located in the southernmost part of Tiannan Continent. It is one of the facades of Tiannan Continent for communication with the outside world. Its population size is no less than that of the capitals of several secular dynasties.

Almost every monk who came from other places would choose to go ashore at Denglong Port, experience the culture of monks all over Tiannanzhou, and buy some local specialties that are highly regarded by local residents before planning the next trip.

When Xu Shoujing first heard about the name 'Denglonggang'... I thought about this splendid name, is there a 'Denglongjian' waiting to be pulled out somewhere?
Later, I asked the local residents to find out that it was named Denglong Port, simply because there is a natural abandoned mountain range less than [-] miles away from this port, called "Denglong Mountain".

At that time, people couldn't think of a name, so they just used it.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

The origin of some names is so unrefined, rather than tracing back to the source, it is better to keep the last touch of mystery in the heart.

The scorching sun was high, and the fishermen who had returned from the port stood in simple sheds to sell their goods; people on the road were moving, and at almost every distance, monks with swords, knives, or fans could be seen walking around the world.

Most of them were wearing immortal Taoist robes, or monotonous solid-colored robes, which formed a strong contrast with the world, and were indescribably weird.This kind of scene was completely unthinkable in Dali.

The fisherman's shed is located at both ends of the road, and a pair of bi men walk side by side.

The boy who was a head taller was dressed in a black robe, with a 'painting boat light smoke' that had just come from his new master for nothing.

"It's really a long experience... It's the first time I've seen a 'spirit knife' pick a fishbone..."

The woman holding the boy's arm was dressed in a long snow-blue slim-fit dress and a warm hosta. The dignified temperament of everyone.

After hearing the words of the black-robed youth, the purple-skirted woman covered her mouth and chuckled:
"What is this, didn't you see it when you first got off the ship? The cargo ship that was inspected next door, and the cultivator Yujian carrying the goods."

"..." The black-robed youth was a little speechless, "I feel the brute force of the cultivators in Tiannan Continent... The style has dropped to a new level. The cultivators you can see on Dali Street are still the Demon Suppression Division. This place has become a boy who carries goods, and a chef who picks fishbone..."

"Okay, okay, don't look at them. It just so happens that the master and the others are away, and my sister hasn't been shopping with you for a long time. Come with me today, okay?" The woman in the purple skirt smiled softly, leaning her head on the black The shoulders of the robe boy.

'Sister' said so, the black-robed boy naturally nodded in agreement, but his thoughts were wandering.

Denglong Port is open to the entire Jiuzhou, but this does not mean that you can enter by floating boat casually. According to the road maintenance engineer, every port in Tiannanzhou is guarded by no less than ten nirvana realms. If Without an entry permit, no matter from which angle, they will be stopped in the sea by Tiannanzhou's formation to defend against foreign enemies.

This is the first time Xu Shoujing and his party have come to Tiannanzhou. Whether they are flying a boat or their identities, they need to be registered. Otherwise, if they are discovered by the local law enforcement agencies, they will be suppressed and detained.

As elders on the bright side, Chu Shuwan and Qiu Xuanji must go through a series of formalities along with them. Ranxi stayed in the cabin to take care of Ling Fuyu, while Zhao Fuyao was in bed for eight of the twelve hours a day.

The task of finding an accommodation inn fell on Xu Shoujing, who was the most idle.

What?You ask Nangong Xiaoxiao?

She basked in the sun on the deck and lost the temptation of the squid, and Xu Shoujing could not stop her for the time being.

Hearing that Xu Shoujing was going out for a walk, Jiang Rongyue, who had not been alone with her younger brother for a long time, naturally followed with a look of joy.

In the end, it evolved into the picture of sister and brother dating now... Of course, to outsiders, this is just a pair of immortals who came to the street to give out candy.


From the port market with a strong fishy smell, I walked to the open road with clean roads and fresh air.

The fishermen and traders on both sides of the street all turned into a variety of specialty snacks, and there were long queues in restaurants and inns; the dusty woman on the second floor of the brothel lit up, and began to wave to the handsome young man who was contemplating below:

"Good-looking son, do you want to come and play?"

"Don't worry, sisters will take good care of you~"

Yingyingyanyan, chattering like tigers and tigers, most of the voices are mature women in their 30s, while the younger ones have already froze in place, blushing and daring not to talk like that.

Xu Shoujing was thinking about something, but he didn't even notice that he and Sister Rong Yue passed by the place of smoke and dust. He only felt a sudden soreness in the soft flesh in his lower back, and instinctively exhaled:
"Hi... Sister Rong Yue, what's wrong?"

Jiang Rongyue glanced at him unpleasantly, hugged Xu Shoujing's arm tightly, wishing to be buried in the snow peak, and sighed sourly:
"Xiaojing, it would be nice if you weren't so good-looking, so that you wouldn't be targeted by so many bad women."


Xu Shoujing was quite satisfied with his appearance, but after listening to Sister Rongyue's words, he glanced at the older mature woman next door glaring at him, and immediately realized what was going on.

He thought about it for a while, then chuckled:

"Sister Rongyue, sometimes I also want you to look ordinary, so that there won't be so many other men staring at you in the street."

Jiang Rongyue suddenly became annoyed and patted him lightly:
"If my sister wasn't pretty, would you still like me?"

Xu Shoujing hooked the corners of his mouth, gently squeezed his weak and boneless hands, and asked back:
"Then if I don't look good, will Sister Rong Yue still like me?"

Jiang Rongyue frowned and said, "Sister doesn't like you because you're handsome. Don't think about how long I've been with you."

When the words fell, she was stunned for a moment, and found that she seemed to have fallen into a pit.

Sure enough, after listening to Jiang Rongyue's words, Xu Shoujing raised his hand and stroked the hair by her ear, and said with a smile:

"Me too. I don't like you just because Sister Rongyue is beautiful. What else do I need to worry about?"

Jiang Rongyue was a little stunned by what she said, but at the end she seemed to have reacted, her pretty face flew with a red glow, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and hit Xu Shoujing on the shoulder, and said quietly:

"Xiaojing, you've failed in your studies, and now you're coaxing girls to do everything."


Xu Shoujing sighed helplessly. There were vinegar jars all around him. Over time, his mouth was honed.

After walking for a while, the rhetoric of the windy women on both sides became more and more excessive, such as "one dragon plays two phoenix, wait on the slave's bed", "dewy love, don't want your money"... Similar words come when you open your mouth.

Jiang Rongyue frowned when she heard this, and shook her brother's arm:

"There are more inns in the area just now, why don't we go back?"


Xu Shoujing hesitated for a moment, with a strange expression: "Everyone has come, let's walk forward for a while, Sister Rongyue, don't worry, I will never look to both sides."

"Then... let's do it." Although Jiang Rongyue was puzzled, she did not refuse.

In fact, Xu Shoujing's purpose was not just to find an inn, he also planned to find someone to ask about the 'Changhe Su Clan'.

Half a year ago, Su Huanqing didn't leave any contact information before leaving, and the only clue left was the name 'Changhe Su Clan', which sounded very similar to 'Tianya Yu Clan'.

When he first left the port, Xu Shoujing asked the monks at the road inspection, but they said that they had only heard some rumors, and no one knew the exact location.

As a last resort, Xu Shoujing could only use the most primitive "inquiries on the street" to find the news of the Changhe Su family.


"Fortune-telling~ Fortune-telling~ Tianyan Pavilion's high-level apprentice trades at a loss, five spiritual beads are counted once, and ten spiritual beads are counted three times. You know astronomy and geography, and you know the disaster of marriage~"

"Fortune-telling~ Fortune-telling~ Tianyan Pavilion..."

At the intersection of Baiyu Avenue and the street, there was a small table on the street. Zuo Lingxuan, dressed in a blue cloud shirt, spoke the lines of a liar with a heartless expression.


Zuo Lingxuan was lying on the seat, resting his head on his arm, and said absently.

Suddenly, a bunch of men and women who were envious of others broke into the empty line of sight.

Zuo Lingxuan's eyes lit up, he quickly regained his strength, sat up straight, and shouted loudly:

"Brother, do you want to fortune-telling?! It's very accurate in the next day's Yanzong apprentice! Only five spiritual beads once!"

Xu Shoujing walked well and was suddenly stopped, frowned slightly, and turned around slowly:

"No, I don't believe it you?"

Zuo Lingxuan was also stunned when he saw Xu Shoujing's true face turned over:
"You are the Sword Immortal who couldn't stop his sword yesterday..."


You don't remember anything, just remember that I can't brake, right?

Xu Shoujing rolled his eyes.

Jiang Rongyue, who was on the side, looked at the stunned expressions of the two, and pressed her green fingers to her chin, wondering:

"Xiao Jing, do you know him?"

If you say you don't know it, you definitely don't know it.

Yesterday, Xu Shoujing was visiting to save Ling Fuyu, but he just glanced at Zuo Lingxuan who was lying flat at every turn, not even a face-to-face relationship.

I just didn't expect that the other party still remembered him so clearly.

It's weird to remember though...

Originally thought that he brought a large group of junior brothers, maybe it was a direct descendant of the Xianjia sect, but I didn't expect to run out to tell fortunes and cheat money.

It is better to clear the relationship as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing pouted and waved his hand simply:

"I don't know, let's go."

"Ah, oh..."

There was a question mark on Jiang Rongyue's head, and she felt a lot of confusion in her heart, but her good brother said so, and she would not let him explain clearly and leave together.

"Hey! Hey! Don't go!"

Seeing this, Zuo Lingxuan didn't even want the stall. He stopped in front of Xu Shoujing and said solemnly:

"Brother, you saved me and my junior brother yesterday, I haven't thanked you properly yet."

Xu Shoujing glanced at him: "How are you going to thank?"

Zuo Lingxuan rolled his eyes and said tentatively:
"You count your fortunes with me, and I'll give you a discount, how about a spirit bead?"

Thank you for saving your life and need money?

Xu Shoujing looked surprised, "haha" for a while, then changed his face in a second:
"Forget it, I don't believe in fortune-telling."

Having said that, he left again.

Zuo Lingxuan was dumbfounded, and after being stunned for a long time, he quickly chased after him again:
"I'm an apprentice of Tianyan Pavilion. I'm very accurate in fortune-telling, and I'm not a liar in the rivers and lakes... You can count with just one Lingzhu. If you go to Tianyan Pavilion's headquarters, no matter how much money you take, you won't be counted."

"Tianyan Pavilion?"

"That's right, it's the Tianyan Pavilion of the No. [-] Trigram Sect in Tiannan."

"never heard of that."


Zuo Lingxuan swears that he has encountered many strange things in the past two days, but this time is definitely the most strange.

In Tiannan Continent, where Daoism is rampant, Tianyan Pavilion can also be ranked in the top ten in terms of scale alone... Of course, aside from strength, we can only talk about function and scale.

As long as you have a little understanding of Tiannanzhou, it is impossible not to have heard of Tianyan Pavilion's name.

Zuo Lingxuan had some doubts about life and said to himself:
"Is this really never heard of Tianyan Pavilion? It shouldn't be... I took my junior brother to Yun Aozhou to exchange Taoism last time. Even a continent so far knows about Tianyan Pavilion, even a non-local cultivator can't do this... …”

Xu Shoujing was a little annoyed by the entanglement, and gently broke free from Jiang Rongyue's hand, turned around, and said angrily:

"What do you want to do? I really don't have time to play with you. If you have something to say, don't bother me."

Zuo Lingxuan was silent, his head lowered and his face tangled for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.

Just when Xu Shoujing thought he had finally given up and planned to go with Sister Rong Yue.

Zuo Lingxuan suddenly knelt down and hugged Xu Shoujing's thigh, and said with a heartbroken voice:
"Brother! Let's count one fate! One Spirit Orb! One Spirit Orb!"

Xu Shoujing was completely stunned by his posture:

"Don't touch me, get up!"

"I can't afford it! I won't get up if you don't kill me!"

Xu Shoujing's head is full of black lines, where is this weirdo.

Jiang Rongyue covered her mouth and chuckled, Xu Shi thought it was very interesting, and held Xu Shoujing's big hand:

"Xiao Jing, do you want to listen to him?"

"What are you talking about?" Xu Shoujing's face was dark, and he threw his legs several times without getting rid of the goods, and finally sighed: "But I don't even have a single Spirit Orb."

Zuo Lingxuan didn't believe it at all, and he held his thighs even deeper: "Just based on your talent in swordsmanship, it's not a direct descendant of a wealthy immortal sect, or a descendant of a thousand-year-old family, how could there be no spirit beads."

Xu Shoujing was very helpless: "The problem is that where I used to stay, Lingzhu is not a transaction currency, and it is used everywhere."

"Who are you kidding? Lingzhu is common to all nine continents, and money and silver are only used by some secular dynasties. I don't care. If you don't kill me, I won't get up."


The problem is that Dali is what you call 'part of the secular dynasty'.

Xu Shoujing saw that this guy was going to completely rely on his posture, and the corners of his mouth twitched:
"Okay, get up first and tell me what's going on with you."

Zuo Lingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, got up slowly, and returned to his initial confident appearance, patted his chest and said:
"Don't worry, Xiongtai, I can't guarantee anything else. Tianyan Pavilion's hexagram technique is called the second in Tiannan, and no one dares to be the first."

"So amazing, you still set up a stall on this street?" Xu Shoujing raised his brows.

Zuo Lingxuan slumped in an instant, and sighed: "Actually, the floating boat I brought out of the sect broke down. I must find a way to fix it as soon as possible, otherwise... I dare not go back."

Xu Shoujing took the kettle Jiang Rongyue handed him, took a sip into his throat, and said in surprise:
"If it's broken, it's broken. Let the Qiongyu Pavilion Yujian go back and repair it."

When Zuo Lingxuan heard the words, he first looked left and right to make sure that no one was there. Then he took a few steps closer and whispered:
"I don't know about Xiongtai, that floating a public property of the sect and needs to be compensated! Although I am a direct disciple of an elder, the 'Yuansheng Peak' I belong the poorest in the entire Tianyan Pavilion, my master. I don't do my job every day, and now there is not even a grass on the top of the mountain.

But I am still the leader this time. If I dare to go back with a broken pontoon, all the responsibility will fall on me.Instead, let those juniors and brothers set up a stall here with me, earn enough money to repair the floating boat and go back. "


Xu Shoujing was stunned for a while, but he didn't know where to start when he wanted to complain.

Your teacher is too unreliable...

After speaking, Zuo Lingxuan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:
"How is it, Xiongtai. Jianghu rescue, do you want to help some Lingzhu?"

Xu Shoujing glanced at him, then hugged Jiang Rongyue and left:
"It's still free, my creed only allows me to prostitute for free."

"???" Zuo Lingxuan was stunned on the spot, why is it different from what he said.

No, I finally caught a rich boy, so I had to enclose the spirit beads.

Zuo Lingxuan watched Xu Shoujing, his hands clasped together with his sword fingers in front of him, the rich dark blue spiritual power gradually rose, his pupils turned silver, his whole body trembled, and he said:

"Brother, you... you are here to find someone!"

Xu Shoujing paused, turned his head slightly, and looked surprised:
"Can you see that too?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Rongyue, who was in the arms of her good brother, smiled condensedly, a flash of light flashed in her almond eyes, and the word "dangerous" appeared on her head, as if she understood something.

"Xiaojing, are you shopping with me, or are you looking for Su Huanqing?"

The tone was still gentle, but the chills sent chills down the spine.


It's over, I forgot that the vinegar jar was still beside me.

Xu Shoujing's scalp was numb, he lowered his head and kissed Jiang Rongyue's cheek, snorting:

"We'll talk about it later, Sister Rong Yue, I... I'll ask him first."

Jiang Rongyue stroked the wetness on her face, her face full of resentment.

Does he think women can be coaxed by a kiss?
Xu Shoujing bathed in his sister's gaze and judged, only to feel that the edge pierced his back. He walked in front of Zuo Lingxuan nervously, and said absently and embarrassedly:
"What did you see?"

When he said this, Xu Shoujing didn't care about Zuo Lingxuan's reaction at all, he just wanted to escape Jiang Rongyue's resentful eyes.

"Look... see..."

There was a dense layer of fine sweat on Zuo Lingxuan's forehead, his crossed sword fingers trembled, and the strangeness in his eyes became thicker and thicker, and he doubted life:
"...It's so weird, it's so weird, it's never been like this before... I only see that the purpose of Xiongtai's trip is to find people. Although the road is bumpy, after a lot of hard work, you can find the person you're looking for."

You said that you are lonely, and you are still a disciple of Tianyan Pavilion... Xu Shoujing looked disgusted, and said in a bad mood:

"Are you really an apprentice of Tianyan Pavilion? How to say it is the same as the Banan effect that charlatans like to use."

"Ba what Nan?"

Zuo Lingxuan was slightly stunned and didn't understand what it meant.

Sensing that Xu Shoujing's expression was getting more and more disgusting, he thought for a long time and whispered in a tentative tone:
"Actually, I can see a little..."


"Does it count as an unusually strong peach blossom luck?"



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I just summarized the market research and reader feedback, and the future writing direction is more clear.

(End of this chapter)

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