The queen is so fierce

Chapter 116 1 day as a teacher, life as a...

Chapter 116 A teacher for one day, a lifetime for...

The screaming Lei Mang was left behind, and the strong contrast between black and white was like a landscape painting.

A scorching sun hangs from the edge of the horizon, a huge pontoon soars in the sea of ​​clouds, and white-feathered fairy birds fly by.

The room was lit with incense, and the glamorous Taoist nun dressed in neon clothes lay quietly on the bed, her soft facial contours outlined a peerless beauty.


After an unknown amount of time, Daoist Leng Yan moaned in her sleep, her cold cheeks struggling slightly.

"you're awake?"

A somewhat familiar voice came from the ear, the Taoist nun slowly opened her closed eyes, and a handsome young man appeared above her line of sight.

Wearing a black robe with gold trim, the young man is restrained and luxurious, with a dignified chivalrous spirit; his sword eyebrows are thick and ink, and his facial features are exquisite but not masculine. .

Daoist Leng Yan was stunned for a moment, Xu was never seen such a handsome young man, hesitated for a moment, and whispered:

"Where is this?"

His voice was clear and cool, like a small stream flowing in the mountains.

It's a pity that she herself is too cold, and even if she doesn't express obvious resistance, she can still feel the estrangement between the words that refuses people thousands of miles away.

"My floating boat." Xu Shoujing shrugged, "You forgot? It passed out in the air and almost died in the mouth... er, under the mouth of the beast."

Daoist Leng Yan was stunned for a moment, and the memories before the coma flooded into her mind.In the dim consciousness, he seemed to see a black shadow standing in front of him.

"It was you who saved me?" She suddenly came back to her senses, her beautiful eyes staring at Xu Shoujing.

"Well, that's right." Xu Shoujing patted his head a little embarrassedly, but in the strict sense, he didn't save it successfully. After all, he failed to kill the big turtle. The one who really saved her should be still outside now. Take Aunt Chu and Xuanji who are angry with Dagui.

"My name is Xu Shoujing, from Yuliangzhou Dali."

Daoist Leng Yan was silent for a moment, then said coldly:
"Ling Fuyu."

It seems that he doesn't intend to say too much about himself... Xu Shoujing rolled his eyes, paused for a moment, and said speechlessly:

"You can't beat that big turtle again. You have nothing to do and run around to meddle in your own business, and you almost lost your life."

Ling Fuyu shook her head and said solemnly:
"Just passing by and helping the junior, it's nothing."

Xu Shoujing was stunned, then looked at Daoist Leng Yan with stunned eyes. If it wasn't that he didn't know her well, he would touch her forehead to see if she had a fever. were so fucked that you vomited blood from your mouth, and then you said, "I'm actually more powerful"... Then someone will believe it?

Ling Fuyu glanced at Xu Shoujing's expression, and immediately knew what he was thinking, and didn't care, she said sternly:

"Lingji Demon King, who is less than 2000 years old, is nothing to be afraid of. If the old wounds did not suddenly recur, the poor will not be reduced to this point."

She raised her head and glanced at Xu Shoujing, "The frozen thousands of miles you see are the actions of the poor."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then said: "That sea area was frozen by you just now."

"Of course." Daoist Leng Yan nodded.

Hearing what Ling Fuyu said, Xu Shoujing believed her just now.

Being able to freeze a sea directly is not just a powerful spell or a lot of spiritual power, but the quality of spiritual power possessed by the caster itself has already surpassed ordinary existence.

The most typical example is undoubtedly Zhao Fuyao, who doesn't have any spiritual power now, but converted the spiritual power of Kui Dao and others through Yao Ye Sen Luo, and reproduced the 'extreme night' in a simulated form.

The power is also as you can see, the ancient mythical beasts in the Chongxiao realm can be destroyed with a single finger.

If it is just a large-scale attack, Qiu Xuanji can also do it.

But with the quality of her spiritual power in the Nirvana realm, while expanding the range, it will inevitably dilute the spiritual power, and the power will also decrease.

This point is almost impossible to solve before breaking through to the next realm. Only by continuously improving the quality of spiritual power, the damage of spells can be increased.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing was a little dazed... In other words, he somehow saved a big guy?
Why say it again...

Is this the rhythm to carry the soft rice to the end?
Seeing that Xu Shoujing was inexplicably sluggish, Ling Fuyu's eyes swept over him, from neck to chest, from both arms to the lower plate, the more she looked, the more brilliance in her eyes.

After a while, she withdrew her gaze, and her fair cheeks revealed a bit of solemnity:

"Would you like to be my disciple?"

Xu Shoujing was called back to God, and when he heard this sentence, he just took a few breaths to understand the meaning of this sentence, and then exclaimed:


Daoist Leng Yan thought he didn't hear clearly, and said solemnly:
"Your limbs and bones are like swords, and your meridians have long cyclones. You are born to practice swords, and you have entered the sea level before you reach the age of the crown, which shows that you are extremely talented.

Poor and incompetent, he has devoted himself to the study of ice techniques and swordsmanship for more than [-] years, and now he has achieved small achievements.If you want to, it will definitely make your swordsmanship complete. "

"No... that's not the problem." Xu Shoujing was a little messy and didn't know where to start.

"But there is already a division?" Ling Fuyu frowned slightly.

"Uh... it can't be counted like that." Xu Shoujing's expression was a little tangled.

Longyumen is not a school for him, but a home that he can go back to.The brothers and sisters who get along day and night are not classmates, but family.

Xu Shoujing has never regarded Longyumen as a teacher, about Zhao Fuyao?
Zhao Fuyao actually led him on the path of cultivation, from the most basic body training to Qi refining, and even to the training of the mind of the Tao... It can be said that Xu Shoujing's cultivation so far is all based on Zhao Fuyao's possessions. In terms of knowledge, it is really not wrong to call Yao Yao 'Master'.

The problem is that not long ago... oh, more than half a year ago, he just told Zhao Fuyao that she was not his master.

Although Xu Shoujing himself doesn't care about these ethics, it doesn't mean that these people who were born and raised in Jiuzhou don't care.

After all, Chu Shuwan and him are not real mother and son, nor is Qiu Xuanji his real mother and queen, and there is no real teacher-disciple relationship before each other.

In a sense, these names seem to be of no use other than being a little stimulating when doing double cultivation.

Logically speaking, Xu Shoujing has already confirmed with Zhao Fuyao that it is not a relationship between master and apprentice. It is nothing to say that there is no mentorship, but after saying it, Xu Shoujing still feels strange...

After all, although Zhao Fuyao and Zhao Fuyao did not have a nominal master and apprentice, in fact it is not an exaggeration to say that they are masters and apprentices...

At this time, a Ling Fuyu came out and wanted to accept him as a disciple, and he also claimed to have no teacher...

It felt like I had a girlfriend and everything had happened.

But when a new girl asks you "are you married", she answers "no" as a matter of course.

so crumbly...

Ling Fuyu naturally didn't know that Xu Shoujing was struggling with these irrelevant matters. She thought that Xu Shoujing had some scruples in her heart, and after thinking about it, she said sternly:
"Don't worry, Pindao didn't accept you as a disciple because you saved me. Your talent is indeed the most suitable swordsman I've ever seen. Pindao just doesn't want your treasures to be dusted. Grant."

"I disagree!"


The door of the cabin was pushed open, and the graceful Chu Shuwan stood at the door with a sullen face, glaring at Ling Fuyu.


Before Xu Shoujing could answer, he heard the murderous and wanton voice behind him, his whole body trembled for no reason, and he turned his neck stiffly:
"Aunt Chu, are you back?"

Chu Shuwan glanced coldly at Xu Shoujing, ignored him, stepped forward, looked at Ling Fuyu condescendingly, folded her arms and held up the tall placket, and said coldly:

"I'll teach Jing'er myself, I don't need anyone else."

Ling Fuyu frowned slightly, feeling baffled in her heart.She is here to accept apprentices well, this little girl who is not yet 40 years old, what does she want to do out of the blue?

Xu Shoujing clearly felt that the air in the room was a little colder, so he quickly got up and hugged Chu Shuwan, accompanied by a smile;

"Aunt Chu, don't get excited, haven't I agreed yet?"

Well, between the Taoist nun who met for the first time, and the aunt who accompanied each day and night, Xu Shoujing easily made a choice.

Chu Shuwan pushed and shoved a few times with a cold face. Seeing that he was still leaning towards her, she twisted the soft flesh behind Xu Shoujing's waist and snorted coldly:
"I'm not excited? Can I do it if I'm not excited? The old lady is fighting turtles outside. You'd better be abducted after a few words."

"What kidnapped? Jing'er will always belong to Aunt Chu."

"Oh, the mouth is not right."

"Then why don't Aunt Chu touch it?"

"Get your paws off!"

Ling Fuyu watched the two flirting with each other in front of her, and she became more and more puzzled.

She obviously just wanted to accept apprentices, why did this junior act like she wanted to rob a man?
Ling Fuyu hesitated for a moment, then said seriously:

"Could it be that the girl has some misunderstanding about Pindao? I have no intention of being a man or a woman to him, I just like his talent."

Chu Shuwan was still obstructing Xu Shoujing's chaotic hand, and when she heard this, she subconsciously wanted to refute, but she didn't know what to say when she said it.

What she worried about was not what Ling Fuyu would do to Jing'er as a master, but what she was worried about was that Xu Shoujing, as an apprentice, would behave badly to her master!

Look, is there anyone around Jinger who is younger than him?
Which is not aunt, which is not sister?
Everyone knows that he likes older people, and if he gives him the identity of multiple masters, is it worth it?

But Chu Shuwan knew that this bastard had never taken human relations seriously. He dared to go to bed when he was only four years old and teased himself with poetry. What else could he dare not do?
Xu Shoujing and Aunt Chu have been together for 18 years, and even if they don't say anything, they can roughly guess what the other person is thinking.

Seeing this, his hands around Chu Shuwan's waist tightened a bit, and he said in a low voice:
"Aunt Chu, are you still worried about me?"

As soon as the words fell, it happened that Zhao Fuyao and Qiu Xuanji heard the movement and walked in. Chu Shuwan tilted her head and glanced, and said with a sneer:
"What do you say?"


Xu Shoujing was so choked that he was about to speak, but found that Zhao Fuyao, who had just come in, gave him an inexplicable look.

He suddenly remembered that because Zhao Fuyao's body was getting weaker and weaker, he hadn't practiced double cultivation with himself recently.

If it was normal, Zhao Fuyao should still be resting on the bed now, allowing her to drag her tired body over, indicating that she really has something to say.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing let go of Chu Shuwan's hand, left a sentence "let me think about it", turned around and walked out, followed by Zhao Fuyao.

Chu Shuwan and Qiu Xuanji were a little confused, but they quickly turned their attention to Ling Fuyu, an uninvited guest.


The blue sky is like washing, the sea of ​​clouds is thousands of miles.

The afterglow of the setting sun dyed half of the sky red. Jiang Rongyue's voice came from the kitchen while cooking and humming a song. Ranxi started to fight for her. Nangong Xiaoxiao didn't do anything.

Xu Shoujing stopped at the edge of the deck, looked back at Zhao Fuyao, who was late, and said doubtfully:

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Fuyao was expressionless, stroked the hair by his ear, and his tone was calm:

"Promise her."

"?" Xu Shoujing was stunned for a while, but he didn't ask the reason for the first time, but instead asked: "Can't you teach me?"

Zhao Fuyao glanced at him lightly and shook his head:

"I will still teach you, but I will not interfere with your practice any more. I reminded you more before, so that those experiences lost their original effect, but they harmed you."

Xu Shoujing never felt that Zhao Fuyao was hurting himself, he stepped forward and held Yingyingyu's hand hanging by the side, and said softly:

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have such a clear goal as I am now."

Zhao Fuyao looked away: "This is where I hurt you. Dao should have been completely realized by myself, but now I have made you depend on me... This is not a good thing."

Xu Shoujing leaned on the guardrail on the edge and reached out to embrace Zhao Fuyao in his arms:
"That's why you want me to apprentice to someone else?"

The soft fragrance and warm jade fell into his arms, and the wet and warm breath hit his neck. After a while, the voice that buried his head on his shoulders came:
"Not all. I asked you to promise her because her exercises are very suitable for you. You are indeed born a sword cultivator."

Xu Shoujing was a little confused, and said doubtfully:

"Can't I learn your exercises? Your exercises shouldn't be weaker than hers, right?"

Sometimes, Zhao Fuyao really wanted to take Xu Shoujing's head apart to see what it looked like inside.

How could anyone ask such a question?

"It's not a question of who is weak and who is strong." Zhao Fuyao got up from Xu Shoujing's arms. "My practice is not something you can practice now. You have used the incomplete 'Goku Ye' once, and you should be able to appreciate the difference."

Xu Shoujing was stunned, it turned out that it was still incomplete...

Still crippled, he lost half his life...

Zhao Fuyao was rarely speechless and said:

"I have nothing to teach you now, most of which you can't bear at your level, and you can't perform what you can bear. Take the Nine Tribulations Prison Body as an example. Control, splitting the mountains and the ground, it is as heavy as a thousand pounds... But in your hands, it has become a tool for destroying the terrain."

"..." There was no way to refute it.

Zhao Fuyao looked at Xu Shoujing's rather embarrassed expression and continued:

"Since you don't plan to cultivate with me in a short period of time, if you still want to become stronger, Ling Fuyu will be your best choice. Although she has become a little thin due to the injury, the sharp sword aura on her body can't deceive anyone. "

"You said so, do I have any other choice?" Xu Shoujing sighed, and then said in surprise: "Why do you talk so much today? Usually you don't even want to say a word..."

Zhao Fuyao looked startled and looked away, "It's nothing."

"Okay, then, I'll go to apprentice." Xu Shoujing didn't care, stretched his waist to the sky, and then walked towards the first wing of the cabin again.

Under the setting sun, Xu Shoujing's shadow was dragged for a long time until it completely disappeared on the deck.

Zhao Fuyao's eyes drooped slightly, and he raised his hand to look at the pale skin on his palms, his phoenix eyes surging with waves.


"No matter how bad it is, Jing'er is also the young master of my Longyumen. Where can I get outsiders to teach me."

"Pin Dao has no other meaning, you are in the Nirvana realm, and Pin Dao had been in the Crescent Moon Realm for more than [-] years before he was injured. Even if the realm fell now, it will remain in the Chongxiao Tianxuan Realm. He is born. Jianxiu, following the poor way is always better than following the two of you."


The candles flickered and the incense lingered.

Chu Shuwan carried out the hotness in the past, regardless of age and humility, and competed with her predecessors who were hundreds of years older than her; Ling Fuyu's expression was always indifferent.

Only Qiu Xuanji did not participate in this chaotic battle, as if what they were discussing had nothing to do with them, and sat quietly on a chair in the outer hall drinking tea.

As soon as Xu Shoujing entered the door, he saw this scene that made people want to flee immediately.He gently came to Qiu Xuanji's side, glanced at the bed, and said in a low voice:

"Xuanji, don't you object to my apprenticeship to others?"


Qiu Xuanji put the white porcelain teacup on the round wooden table and blinked:

"I'm not your master, I'm your Xuanji, and your decision is mine."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and was about to cry. He quickly stretched out his arms and hugged Qiu Xuanji, holding him tightly in his arms. While there was still a quarrel next to him, he took a few bites on that graceful face.

It's not easy... Everyone is surrounded by vinegar pots, and finally there is one who is willing to think about his own man.

"I'll help you spread Shuwan away." The former Empress Dali obediently lay in Xu Shoujing's arms and said understandingly.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and said softly, "I'm sorry to bother you."

"This is what I should do." Qiu Xuanji shook her head, put her head close to Xu Shoujing's ear, and exhaled like a blue: "If you want to make amends for me, come to my room tonight."


After speaking, without waiting for Xu Shoujing's reaction, Qiu Xuanji walked into the inner room with noble steps, leaving only the confused Xu Shoujing in the outer hall.

After a while, she didn't know what she did, but she really persuaded Chu Shuwan and called her out.

Qiu Xuanji took a deep look at Xu Shoujing and said in a low voice, "I'm going out first."

Chu Shuwan glanced coldly, snorted, and followed the pace.


The light in the room dimmed, and the candle flame was almost extinguished by the door wind.

Xu Shoujing walked into the back room, and by chance Ling Fuyu rolled over from the bed and sat up.

"Have you thought about it?" Ling Fuyu said.

Xu Shoujing nodded: "Master."

Hmm, it's pretty quick.

There was no surprise in Ling Fuyu's eyes, as if he was certain that he would definitely choose this way, he stroked Qiongyu's hairpin, and in his hand there was a silver sword that was three feet long.

The hilt of the sword is inky black, and the scabbard seems to be a thousand spirit wood. Although the blade cannot be seen, it can be felt that thousands of sword qi are locked inside. As long as the scabbard is taken out, the enemy can be easily torn apart. .

Ling Fuyu handed the long sword forward and said solemnly:
"I once gave my eldest apprentice a magic sword named 'Xue Luo Wen Yue', she inherited all my ice magic. Today, you are my apprentice, and the ceremony is this 'Painting Boat Shallow Smoke'.

This sword is not an immortal sword, but it is better than an immortal sword. It will grow with the growth of the sword master. It is of little use in my realm... But for you, it is undoubtedly the most suitable sword. "

Become... Grow A?

Xu Shoujing tactically leaned back, and took the 'Painting Boat Light Smoke' quite cautiously.

Ling Fuyu nodded with satisfaction and said solemnly:

"Those who are immortals should be human first. Cultivating immortals and practicing chivalry is the way of practice.

Since you have entered my sect, you must always remember that those who cultivate immortals must have the world in their hearts, and must not lose their hearts because of their own selfish desires. "


Xu Shoujing was doing the apprenticeship ceremony, but he was thinking in his heart: But my original intention was not from the common people...


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(End of this chapter)

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