The queen is so fierce

Chapter 115 Daoist Swordsman

Chapter 115 Daoist Swordsman
Dark clouds covered, thunderous dashing.Wang Yang, who couldn't see the edge at a glance, set off a huge wave with a tearing roar.

The giant tortoise as vast as an island opened its huge mouth of the abyss, and the sea water poured out from its mouth; in front of the giant tortoise, it was enough to take dozens of people's flying boats, but it was just a lone leaf, and it would be caught by the huge waves at any time. overturned.

Zuo Lingxuan managed to stabilize his body during the swaying, stepped to the bow, and pulled out the long sword from his waist neatly.

When the disciples who were in disarray on the deck saw this, they suddenly came back to their senses, all standing on the side of the boat with their swords drawn.

This can't be helped, the senior brothers have expressed their opinions, they can't do nothing...

Seeing that the disciple of the division finally calmed down, Zuo Lingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not dare to let go of his vigilance.

This fierce tortoise has thousands of years of cultivation, if you only look at the frontal combat strength...then they can lie down and die.

The purpose of going out to practice is to experience the dangers of the cultivation path. Of course, it is impossible to equip a Taoist guardian like those big hidden families.

There were eighteen people in total. Except for him, the leader of the team was in the Yuqing period of the Canghai Realm, and the rest were all disciples of the Water Transformation Realm who had just entered the school.

At this point of cultivation, even for the demon king who has been in existence for thousands of years, it is not enough to plug his teeth.

This also leads to another new question - you see that we have so little meat, why don't we eat it?
Zuo Lingxuan of course knew that there would not be such a good thing, he has already broken into other people's homes, who still has a temper?

Now they want to run and can't run, they want to fight... In fact, no one wants to fight at all.


The hurricane surged like a tide, and the black hole of the giant tortoise opened its dark cave, sucking all the surrounding wind and waves into it.

Vaguely, you can see a small spot of light converging in the huge mouth of the abyss, condensing into a sphere the size of half a mouth in the blink of an eye.

This is for a beam cannon...

The sword-wielding disciples on the deck felt weak in their legs, no matter how low their cultivation base was, as monks, their instinctive fear of danger made them subconsciously want to escape.

"Master...Senior brother, what should we do!" One of the disciples said tremblingly.

What to do...I want to know what to do too!

Zuo Lingxuan screamed wildly in his heart, and was about to curse, but his face was calm as water, he raised his hand and said:
"Don't panic, hurry up in formation, the sword is toward the nine, the spirit is toward the fifth, and the walk is round."

"Oh! Hurry up!"

The disciple who reacted hurriedly ran, and after a while, it formed a twisted ellipse, the silver sword in his hand pointed towards the sky, and the yellow spiritual power hovered in the air.

Zuo Lingxuan stood in front of the sword formation, raised his sword to the sky, and the pale yellow spiritual power turned into a translucent giant shield engraved with the word 'Yan' along with the trajectory of the sword.

This is the most basic defensive formation of 'Tianyan Pavilion'. The principle and structure are very simple. The one with the highest cultivation level is used as the formation eye, and the rest inject spiritual power into the formation eye, layer upon layer to defend against the enemy.

Don't underestimate this array with almost no complicated composition. Sometimes, the simplest is often the easiest to work.

Of course, Zuo Lingxuan will come up with this trick, it is completely impossible...

The ball of light in the giant turtle's mouth seemed to have reached the critical point, and only a loud noise was heard. The next moment, the beam that split the sea in half shot towards the spiritual shield in front of Zuo Lingxuan.


The hot air from the evaporation of the sea water rose into the air, and the beam hit the spiritual shield straight.

The brilliance on the spiritual power shield dimmed a bit, and the swaying ship strayed from the channel under the impact of the spiritual power beam. Among the disciples who kept sending spiritual power behind, a few could not bear the pain of being stripped of their spiritual power. , spit out a mouthful of blood and collapsed to the ground.

Zuo Lingxuan clenched his teeth tightly, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, his hands gathered in mid-air trembled uncontrollably, his bloodless face became distorted due to excessive force, but he did not dare to relax for a moment.

Once they let go of their hands, the giant tortoise's beams can instantly make them disappear from this sea area.


The cylindrical light waves gradually converged, and finally dissipated into an untraceable thread.

At the same time, only a 'click' was heard, and the gray spiritual shield in mid-air shattered with a hard sound.


Zuo Lingxuan was panting heavily, the spiritual energy in the spiritual sea in his body had already dried up, his exhausted limbs swayed a few times on the bow of the boat, and his knees bent on the ground.

Even Zuo Lingxuan is like this, not to mention other new disciples who are extremely hydrated.

bang bang bang-

There was a chaotic metal crash behind him.

Zuo Lingxuan tilted his head and saw that none of the disciples who had just maintained the sword formation were standing. past.


Eighty-eight percent of the time, I am contributing, and you have contributed some spiritual power, but you are really exhausted!
Zuo Lingxuan was a little speechless, and was about to reprimand, when a gust of wind and waves hit, the robe on his body was blown by the "huhu".

I saw a small familiar ball of light condensed in the abyss-like mouth of the giant vicious tortoise.

"—" Zuo Lingxuan looked up at the sky, spread out his palms, and gave up.

What's more desperate than when you've exhausted all your strength and the other party just put a flat A?
The ball of light expanded evenly as the hurricane was involved, and the eyes of the fierce turtle narrowed into a line slowly opened. Among the beast pupils that spanned the long history, it seemed that they did not pay attention to the struggle of the human race in front of them.

Someone broke into the territory?Then let them disappear.

This is the responsibility of every qualified demon king. Even bandits will collect tolls. What happened to their demon king's life?
Of course, those little demons who live in deep mountains and forests and dare to call themselves demon kings with only a few decades of cultivation are another matter, they are not worthy.

Destroying some human races, for it, is just a mouthpiece.

Even if one is not enough, you can have another.

The fierce turtle has gathered the hurricane spiritual power, and the dark beast pupil has no mercy. It is about to raise its head and shoot its mouth cannon——



Zuo Lingxuan, who closed his eyes and waited to die, frowned, and suddenly he felt the boat that was swaying in the waves just now stop under him.

It's not that smooth sailing has been restored, but... it's frozen.

The entire deck is as solid as it is on land.


The biting chill hit, Zuo Lingxuan felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, shivering from the cold.He couldn't help but opened his eyes, rolled over and got up, after seeing the surrounding scene clearly, his eyes froze suddenly.

ice.All ice.

An endless ocean, covered in ice-blue permafrost.

The reason why the pontoon underfoot stopped was because the seawater that had previously supported the boat was now frozen on the bottom of the boat.

Such a large-scale ice formation cannot be a natural phenomenon in the first place... let alone it is summer now.

Then there is only one possibility left, magic.

To be able to freeze the surface of the sea, this cultivation base is guaranteed to be above the bottom of the sky...

Zuo Lingxuan's eyes narrowed, maybe he didn't need to lie down, it was saved.

The body of the fierce turtle was frozen for most of it, and a beast pupil covered under the ice layer was round and turned up and down.The huge mouth of the abyss slowly opened and closed, the ice layer shattered, and it fell down with a "click, click", and a cloud-like air-conditioning spewed out.

"Hoo! Hoo!" While the fierce turtle broke free from the ice layer on his body, Gu Jing Bubo's beast pupils were full of anger and kept roaring into the sky.

Between the heavy clouds and mist, stood a cold woman with an ancient jade hairpin on her head. Her tall and graceful figure was hidden by light gray neon clothes. She was very conservative, and she could only see a faint soft outline. His eyes stared at the giant tortoise in the ice, and his white jade-white hand lightly held a silver sword with an ice-blue light.

The Taoist nun Jianxian who doesn't eat fireworks... Any person, the moment they see her, will probably think so.

But these are not important. The moment Fierce Turtle saw Daoist Sword Immortal, Gu Jing Bubo's beast pupil was still angry, but his body stuck in the ice layer suddenly froze.

It was an instinctive fear of an invincible opponent.


The ice layer once again spread over the shell of the fierce turtle. It struggled to wriggle backwards. At the same time, it continued to roar at Taoist nun Jianxian in a demonstrative manner.

Daoist Jianxian said nothing, and turned a blind eye to Fierce Turtle's guilty actions. The plain hand holding the sword came over, and the simple silver sword reflected a white light. Under the invasion of the extreme cold, the world could not help but condense .

"Hoo! Hohoho!" Fierce Turtle finally panicked, it could feel that if the sword was swung, it would be wiped out without any resistance.

Zuo Lingxuan, who was standing on the bow, breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the fierce turtle with a strange look.

When the fierce turtle attacked them just now, wasn't it the same as the Taoist nun Jianxian attacked the fierce turtle?

At that moment, at exactly this moment... It's so similar.

This story tells us, never think of yourself as a hunter, because the next moment, you may become the prey.

No matter what they said, with the help of this Taoist girl, Jianxian, they finally saved their lives.

Zuo Lingxuan began to think of a way to get the floating boat out... Otherwise, how would you go back later?

However, he was still too happy.

The Taoist girl Jianxian who was about to swing her sword in mid-air froze. She had already swung the sword halfway, and the fierce turtle below was also lying dead, but she stopped.

The atmosphere that had been brewing for a long time was interrupted again.

"...?" Fierce Turtle waited for a long time before dying, and opened his eyes in surprise.


Daoist Jianxian, who was standing in the sky, suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and the cold and white cheeks were bloodless in the blink of an eye, just like a patient who is about to die.

"—" Zuo Lingxuan's eyes widened, and the whole person froze.

what's the situation?
Hey...don't vomit, how can we live...

The fierce turtle was also stunned in place for a few seconds. After he was convinced that the Taoist swordsman was not on the ground, the black and bright beast pupil showed a hint of joy, and he quickly opened his huge mouth and began to condense the beam cannon.

The Taoist girl, Jianxian, swayed a few times in the air, and then she lost her strength and fell towards the ice layer below.


The fierce turtle's expression did not change, but it changed from a fixed target to a moving target.

With a "Boom", the beam cannon pierced through the sky.

"Senior brother, what should we do?" A disciple slowly stepped forward, clutching his chest, the blood on the corner of his mouth was still dry, and his face was full of sadness.

What to do...I want to know what to do too!

...Have I thought about this sentence once?

Seeing that the Taoist nun Jianxian was about to hit the beam cannon, Zuo Lingxuan stood on the spot and was anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

Not to mention that the spiritual power is basically exhausted now, even if there is spiritual power, what can you use to save others?

He's still just a sea creature!
Zuo Lingxuan sighed and shook his head, patted his butt, intending to lie on the ground and wait to die.


He just lay on the ground with his head resting on his palms, and before he had time to close his eyes, he saw a black light rushing out of the sky, and the direction he looked at seemed to be where the Taoist nun Jianxian was.

Zuo Lingxuan's expression was startled, he quickly turned over and sat up, his spiritual power poured into his eyeballs, and he took a closer look.

The black light in the distance washed away the layers of wind and waves, leaving behind a black spiritual trail.

There is no doubt that it is heading towards the fallen Taoist nun Jianxian.

Zuo Lingxuan is almost certain that this is a person in the sword, but the question is... how can there be such a fast person?
He even used the pupil technique!He could only see the outline of the swordsman.

"With this person's speed... maybe he can really catch up." Zuo Lingxuan murmured.

As Zuo Lingxuan expected, just before the fierce turtle's beam cannon was about to hit Daogu Jianxian, the owner of the black spiritual power received Daogu Jianxian and almost passed the beam cannon.

Seeing this, Zuo Lingxuan heaved a sigh of relief and praised: "From the perspective of spiritual pressure, the cultivation base has the most sea level, but it has such a speed... It seems that he must be a sword cultivator genius."

If you rely on the speed of this black spiritual cultivator, you might be able to fly out of this sea area with that Taoist nun Jianxian.

At that time, if the fierce turtle goes after him, wouldn't there be hope for him to escape?
Zuo Lingxuan was thinking in his heart, but the junior brother beside him suddenly widened his eyes and pointed forward with trembling:

"Senior brother, something is wrong. He... why doesn't he stop?"


Zuo Lingxuan frowned and turned his head to look—

With a 'boom', the black light hit the head of the fierce turtle.

"..." Zuo Lingxuan.

You don't think you're dying fast enough, do you?

As early as when it was still dozens of miles away, Xu Shoujing learned from Nangong Xiaoxiao that something big was happening in this place.

Xu Shoujing Yujian came to take a look at the situation, but he didn't expect to see the scene where the Taoist nun Jianxian fell.

Without thinking about it, he manipulated his spiritual power to speed up, relying on the sword-fighting skills taught by Nangong Xiaoxiao to break through the wind.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is just a black line.

Xu Shoujing himself never thought that he would be able to achieve such a level for the first time using Sword Mastery.

This feeling is very much like playing downhill in a previous life, enjoying the speed and passion in the wind.

Under this exaggerated second-stage acceleration, Xu Shoujing rescued Daogu Jianxian from the beam cannon even though he was wiping the corners of his clothes.

The soft fragrance is warm and jade in the arms, and the elegant fragrance enters the nose.

Xu Shoujing didn't have the heart to enjoy these charms, and just wanted to turn around and leave quickly.

A fool would know after seeing it, although this big turtle is the same as the tiger demon encountered in the Broken Dragon Mountain Range...but the two are not of the same order of magnitude.

"Huh?" Xu Shoujing controlled the long sword under his feet to cross over and turned the sword head, but found that the direction of his flight had not changed.

Didn't Edgeworth turn around like this?

But skateboards turn like this! !

Xu Shoujing was a little stunned, but at this moment he realized that although the feeling of stepping on it was very similar, the two were not the same thing at all.

How can Yu Jian be able to turn... The key is that the parallel trade is not taught!

Nangong Xiaoxiao said, would you teach others how to breathe and sleep?
For a moment in a trance, Xu Shoujing was bathed in the wind and waves, and the huge head in the field of vision was getting bigger and bigger. It is obviously unrealistic to study how to turn now.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he turned to protect the Taoist girl Jianxian in his arms, and hit the hard head with his body.


Debris of the ice mist splashed around, and a plume of black smoke emerged from the head of the fierce turtle.


Xu Shoujing reached out and fanned his nose. The smell of rotting kelp and rotting fish was all over his head. Just smelling a little bit made him sick to his stomach.

"Come on..." The Taoist nun Jianxian, who was lying in Xu Shoujing's arms, whispered.


Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and suddenly a light flashed in front of his eyes, and his feet began to slant a slope.

I saw the fierce turtle stretched its sturdy neck, bent its head like a swan, and did not know when a ball of light gathered around its mouth.

"No, you can put this thing upside down...?"

Xu Shoujing complained silently, slightly speechless, and caressed his waist with five fingers, and the black spiritual force pulled out a dark heavy spear.

far away.

Zuo Lingxuan's eyes were dazed, and he couldn't make out his mind at all: "Why did his breath suddenly disappear... Just now he was in the sea level, but now he is like a mortal."

The junior brother next to him stammered: "He... is he going to take this blow? Is he sure?"


Zuo Lingxuan glanced at him expressionlessly, and lay down on the ground with a 'puff', with his hands and fingers crossed on his chest, his eyes closed, his expression was calm, like a 'I'm lying down, you're free' attitude. .


Brother, is it not good for you...


When he is sure, he will act as a chivalrous man, and when he is not sure, Yujian will run away.

This is Xu Shoujing's action plan for going out for himself the night before Dali's departure.

Of course, this criterion still needs to be combined with specific situations and specific analysis.

Just like now.

Are you asking if you can beat it?Xu Shoujing told you without the slightest hesitation: nonsense, if he could beat him, he would have already appeared before him with a sword beheading him.

Then someone has to ask again: If you can't beat it, why don't you run?
Still nonsense, if you can run, run early.

Doesn't this stop the car...

Xu Shoujing has never been a person who likes to sit still. Since he can't run away, let him go.

It's really not good, the big deal is to sleep for another half a year, and this sea area will be leveled directly.

Besides, maybe after a few minutes of delay, Aunt Chu and the others will come over.

Hey, the next time I kill you, I won't fly so fast.

Xu Shoujing dragged Shen Jing to punish the sky, and calmly met the group of beam cannons that shot backwards.


A black slanted light swept across the cylindrical light wave, and in an instant, the light beam radiated toward both sides, and with a 'boom', it washed away the unbreakable ice.

On the floating boat in the distance, the junior brother who was about to lie down with his senior brother saw this scene, his mouth grew, his chin was about to fall, he kept shaking the senior brother beside him, and said in shock:

"Senior brother, look! He really blocked... No, he just split it in half!"

Jumping and jumping, the voice is excited, and those who don't know thought it was a little fanboy from where.

Zuo Lingxuan's head was full of black lines, and he said angrily:

"I'm not blind."



Bai Yan Xiaoxiao, the light beam dissipated, and the handsome black-robed boy still stood there, like a normal person.

Ferocious Turtle Beast Eye looked at him in astonishment, as if he didn't understand how this human race, which was no different from ants, split the mouth cannon that had accumulated for thousands of years.

Xu Shoujing clenched the gun body tightly, glanced at the fierce turtle, bent his knees, turned into a black flash, and came to the head in the blink of an eye.

Without any hesitation, a shot stabbed in the past.


The fierce tortoise let out a roar, and quickly turned his head to the side.

However, the fierce turtle is proud of its huge figure, but there is no place to hide at all. Even if you want to recover the turtle shell, there is no time at all.


The gun blade glowing with black light broke through the hard leather surface of the head, and released a black blood that shot three feet high.

"Hooho!...Hoo?" The fierce tortoise, who was constantly struggling, stopped, with a puzzled look in his eyes, as if he was saying:

That's it?

Xu Shoujing's expression froze, and he maintained the action of stabbing the heavy gun in. There was some recollection in his heart.

This reflects the limitations of God's pure punishment of heaven.

Although it can be destroyed in the face of the ban, and the defense can be broken in the face of the formation... There is no more cheating weapon than this, but from another point of view, other than that, it can't do anything, it is just a bit heavy. Point of the ordinary long gun.

There is also the negative effect of 'the user will temporarily become a mortal'.

If the enemy is a human race, and the cultivation base has not yet reached the realm of immortality, then it is completely possible to use the special nature of the gods to punish the sky, ignore the defense and break the defense, and pierce the opponent's heart with one shot.

Yu Chao suffered so much at the time.

But switch to monsters...especially this kind of prehistoric giant monster, you take a weapon that has no function other than breaking defenses, and put some blood on it...what's the use?

For them, this is equivalent to a layer of skin being broken by an ant holding an embroidery needle, which has no effect.

The defense was broken, but not completely.


Xu Shoujing's Adam's apple wriggled and swallowed silently, as if he was licking a cat, he reached out and touched the hard head of the fierce turtle, and said embarrassedly:
"It's time for you to wrap... dead skin, look how thick it is..."

The Fierce Turtle gradually came to his senses, his stiff neck shrank suddenly, and Xu Shoujing was shot and flew to the Taoist nun Jianxian's side with a gun.


Xu Shoujing rolled for several laps before he stopped, his head was still a little dizzy, and when he stood up, he found that light balls were lit up in all directions.


It turns out that it doesn't have to be fired from the mouth...

Xu Shoujing stood up with the Taoist nun Jianxian in his arms, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

This is really troublesome, Shenjing Punishment is not a 360-degree full-siege defense... Holding this gun is no different from ordinary people. If you touch the beam cannon a little, you will die on the spot.

The head of the fierce turtle is still braving a small fountain of blood, and the bright black beast pupils have a hint of anger.


A dazzling red light came with a trace of fire.

The frozen ice melted visibly to the naked eye, and transpired white air rose into the sky.

Hearing a "bang", the fierce turtle's head exploded, and the thick black smoke spread to Xu Shoujing's face.

"Cough cough..."

Xu Shoujing fanned the black smoke with his hands, opened his squinted eyes, and the soul-stirring Concubine Hong was in his eyes.He couldn't help but be overjoyed and said:


There was another explosion, the fierce turtle's body was tilted, and Xu Shoujing's footing was not stable.

Chu Shuwan hovered beside Qiu Xuanji with her waist on her shoulders, and glanced at the Taoist nun Jianxian in Xu Shoujing's arms, her eyes became cold, but she still suppressed her anger:

"Why are you standing still, let's go!"

Xu Shoujing smiled embarrassedly, put Shenjing Punishment back to Qiongyu Pavilion, stepped on Feijian again, hugged Taoist nun Jianxian and left Fierce Turtle's head.

The ice melted, and Zuo Lingxuan's frozen floating boat also recovered its kinetic energy.

"Hurry up and turn on the backup spiritual power. If you don't slip at this time, when will you wait?"


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(End of this chapter)

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