The queen is so fierce

Chapter 114 Floating Boat at Sea

Chapter 114 Floating Boat at Sea
Tiannanzhou, separated from Yuliangzhou by more than 15 kilometers, straddles the most extensive ocean in Jiuzhou. A monk who is not good at learning can easily use up his spiritual power halfway, and finally dies in the giant mouth of monsters in the sea middle.

Perhaps the distance is too far. Compared with Yuliangzhou, the secular dynasty in Tiannanzhou has almost no sense of existence.

It's not that the secular dynasties have become decorations, the main reason is that their role is completely inferior to some sects in the region. Even the most basic order, a large part of it is maintained by the monks of each sect.

Why are the same population continents, so different?
In fact, this is inseparable from the composition of the two continents.

Although Yuliangzhou is also promoting the cultivation of immortals, most of the resources for immortal cultivation are still in the hands of the upper imperial power, and it is difficult for ordinary people to contact the orthodox immortal cultivation.

Needless to say, since Nanchu, even since Dali was founded, the five sects of the founding fathers have been monopolizing the channel of immortal cultivation, which has also led to the fact that even people who really desire immortality often have no way to enter the Dao.

Taking [-] steps back, even if someone really traveled through mountains and rivers to find a remote small Dao sect... they would often delay their optimal cultivation age because of trivial matters at home, and be rejected by the immortal sect.

This is the result of the constitution of the regime over the years. Even if Qiu Xuanji wants to change, he can only start from the subtleties.

From this point of view, Tiannanzhou is different.

Although the quality of cultivators varies, they are indeed real cultivators of all people.

The biggest reason that caused the dynasty to lose its sense of existence was because the sects in various regions were much more useful than the dynasty when it came to maintaining order.

In Tiannanzhou, you can even see children who have just turned five years old, accompanied by their parents, to take the admissions test of various sects.

Among the various towns, the mature guild system called 'Tour Immortal Pavilion' has also benefited the common people and promoted the good communication between the disciples of different sects.

In a sense, Xu Shoujing chose to come to Tiannanzhou to experience himself, and he really did not make a mistake.

I don't know anything else. To say that the continent with the most intense cultivation atmosphere, except Tiannanzhou, there are really few top rankings.

Of course, Xu Shoujing basically heard the news about Tiannanzhou, and never saw it with his own eyes.

Even if we want to see you, it will be a few days later...



The blue water reflected the white clouds, and the wandering fish were scattered by the huge black shadows galloping past, and the waves were churning.

The scorching sun was like fire, and the Feidu pontoon was gliding between the sea of ​​clouds. A man and woman on the deck stood on the edge, looking at the boundless horizon with emotion.

Nangong Xiaoxiao was wearing a cool summer dress, her stubborn hips were pressed against the platform on the edge of the deck, the indigo blue skirt was folded in half with a clear fold, her white and well-proportioned calf was hanging out, swaying back and forth, holding it in her hands. Holding a wooden sign, his eyes were a little dissatisfied.

"It doesn't taste right, it's not bad... it's just weird. Are you sure you bought it from the boss? Why is it so hard? It used to be very soft and juicy... I took a bite and burst. Mouth full of that."


Xu Shoujing looked straight ahead without squinting, not daring to tell Nangong Xiaoxiao that the few skewers in her hands were actually baked by herself.

It's very strange... Obviously the recipe and the heat are all the same as what was written on the list of the squid stall owner, but they turned out to be two different ways.

Those ingredients aren't so precious, and it's not like he hasn't made them in his previous life, so why is this happening?

It's as if... those ingredients are repelling themselves, or rather, 'making changes to them'.

This kind of thing doesn't matter once, and if it happens one after another, it will inevitably make people think of some bad things.

Am I being cursed?

Who can't cook when they have nothing to do?

Xu Shoujing couldn't think of the reason, so he could only turn around and ask Zhao Fuyao again.

[-]% is the problem of this broken physique.

Xu Shoujing retracted his thoughts and saw that Xiao Chenghuang was biting the squid viciously next to him, with a posture of 'this Huang and it are inseparable', and quickly coughed:
"Speaking of which, it's okay for you to eat this now? Did you explain it to Sister Rong Yue?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao's biting motion froze for a while, and after a few breaths, the little tiger teeth left the 'muscular' squid, leaving a row of conspicuous tooth marks on it.

She retracted her two calves hanging outside, sat on the platform with her knees tucked, and said sullenly:

"It's been half a year. Your sister is not an idiot. Can you see that? I can't really make your belly bigger just to pretend to be pregnant."

That's not pretending to be pregnant... Xu Shoujing glanced at her and was a little speechless: "Then what's the reaction of Sister Rongyue?"

"No reaction." Nangong Xiaoxiao muttered.

Xu Shoujing was puzzled: "No response? Isn't that good? Why are you depressed here?"

"I'm depressed because I don't respond." Nangong Xiaoxiao sighed with a look of worry: "You said, Sister Rong Yue was so good to me before, is it all fake? I thought she would know that I was not pregnant. Surprised, or just scolded me...and it turned out to be nothing."

Nangong Xiaoxiao looked up at Xu Shoujing, his eyes dodged:

"I'm even more afraid of her."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

You thousand-year-old leftover girl, tangled up in this stuff?
Da da da--

Footsteps of shoes tapping on the deck could be heard from behind.

Xu Shoujing interrupted the conversation with Nangong Xiaoxiao, and as soon as he turned his head, he found Jiang Rongyue standing behind him at some point, with a gentle smile on his face.

Jiang Rongyue put on a snow-blue dress, with two small fair hands folded around her waist, showing her dignified and virtuous temperament at a glance.

Before Xu Shoujing could speak, he only heard a 'thumping' sound. Nangong Xiaoxiao, who was sitting on the platform, rolled over and jumped down, grabbed his shoulders with both hands and hid behind him, looking like he was 'secretly observing'.

"—" Xu Shoujing glanced at Xiaoxiao, too lazy to pay attention to her.

Jiang Rongyue tilted her head, realizing that Nangong Xiaoxiao was hiding from her, and she didn't know what she was thinking, she said softly:
"Xiaoxiao, were you talking about me just now?"

"No! No!" Nangong Xiaoxiao hurriedly retorted.

"But, I just heard clearly..."

"You heard wrong!"


Jiang Rongyue was a little unclear, so she could only turn her attention to Xu Shoujing, hoping that he would give her an answer.


Xu Shoujing thought for a moment, while observing Jiang Rongyue's expression, he chuckled lightly:

"Sister Rongyue, I told you before that I didn't do anything to Xiaoxiao. Look, I didn't lie to you."

As soon as he said the words, Xu Shoujing clearly felt that the clothes behind him were suddenly pulled up, and the person who pulled the clothes stiffened.

Jiang Rongyue was stunned for a while, and she was in a trance for a while, as if she just remembered this, and her pretty face put on an apologetic expression:

"I was the one who blamed you at that time, Xiaojing. Big sister knew that you wouldn't give up, and Xiaoxiao really made such a joke..."

Nangong Xiaoxiao's slightly trembling body stopped, and her face was sticking out from Xu Shoujing's shoulders on her toes, her eyes filled with doubts.

That's it?

I don't feel like I'm really angry...

Nangong Xiaoxiao tilted her head and just saw the helpless look Xu Shoujing cast towards her, she couldn't hold back her voice transmission and said:

'What's the matter with your sister?I thought she was silently angry, but who knows she's not angry...'

Xu Shoujing glanced at Sister Rong Yue, who was smiling, and then at Nangong Xiaoxiao, who had a question mark written on her face.After hesitating for a while, he thought to himself:

'You may not believe it when you say it. '

'how? '

'She just got into trouble with me after your operation, she never got angry at all.I know her so well, I think I was thinking the whole time - Xiaojing forced other girls to be unwilling to take responsibility.

Now that Sister Rongyue knows that I haven't done that kind of morally depraved thing, it's too late for her to be happy, so how could she be angry? '


Xu Shoujing watched Nangong Xiaoxiao's eyes change from astonishment to confusion, and finally turned his head silently with some doubts about life.

"However, Xiaojing. Forget it, Master, and even Uncle Master, you can't support your behavior." Jiang Rongyue suddenly crossed her waist and looked serious, just like the elders reprimanded the younger generation.

Xu Shoujing's expression froze, and he quickly embraced Jiang Rongyue's shoulders with a smile:

"Sister Rong Yue, listen to my explanation..."

Jiang Rongyue opened the big hand on her shoulder and said angrily:
"Xiaojing, don't think I'm long-winded, my sister still wants to tell you, now that there are so many girls around you, you should be content, and you are not afraid of your sister's sadness when you are outside every day."

On the way to the words, Jiang Rongyue suddenly felt a touch of sourness in her heart, she pursed her thin lips, and her expression was full of resentment.

Xu Shoujing couldn't stand her sister's appearance the most, rubbed his temples, stretched his arms around Jiang Rongyue's waist, and said softly:

"Sister Rong Yue, do you think I look like that kind of person?"

Jiang Rongyue looked up at his profile and nodded solemnly.Nangong Xiaoxiao next to him took off the burden, and was obviously much more relaxed. Seeing this, he also agreed:
"This girl has never seen someone more lustful than you, and I will not let go of different species."


Xu Shoujing glared at her, lowered his head between Jiang Rongyue's hair, and whispered:
"Sister Rong Yue, then I promise not to mess with flowers in the future, okay?"

Hmm... as much as possible.

Jiang Rongyue didn't answer, but her breathing was obviously a little heavier.

Xu Shoujing felt the difference, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Sister Rong Yue is... smelling me?

After a while, Nangong Xiaoxiao started to yawn. Xu Shoujing felt that his neck was itchy, so he couldn't help but say:

"Sister Rong Yue? Are you ready?"

"Not yet... ah! It's okay, um, I believe in you, Xiaojing."

Her voice trembled, intermittently, and when she raised her head, Jiang Rongyue's fair face was dyed with a strange flush, and in front of Xu Shoujing's face, she clipped her beautiful legs under the snow-blue summer dress.

Xu Shoujing's eyes were helpless, and he almost forgot that Sister Rong Yue had this attribute.

"Then...Xiaojing, it's almost noon, I'll cook first, you can continue chatting with Xiaoxiao." Jiang Rongyue took a peek at her brother's handsome face, fanned her hot cheek with her little hand, and walked away quickly. go.

When there were only two people left on the deck again, Nangong Xiaoxiao folded her arms and supported her full jacket, and snorted lightly:
"Your sister is so kind to you. If you go outside and bring a woman back, I think she will really turn black."

Xu Shoujing subconsciously gave a chill, turned his head to look at Nangong Xiaoxiao, and said quite unexpectedly:

"Heihua... don't you mean sick girl? Hey, when you first met me and pretended to be Sister Rong Yue, was it your own interest to pretend to be sick girl, or was there really such a thing? possible?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao stood in the sun and stretched her waist greatly. The turbulent waves of her clothes swayed Xu Shoujing's eyes. A wicked smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she turned her head:

"Guess what?"

After the words fell, he left with his hands behind his back, humming "grilled squid~grilled squid~", and after a while, there was a sound of two beasts fighting in the cabin:


"You fat fat cat! He stole my grilled squid again! This girl has to strip your hair off today!"

"Meow meow meow!"

"What meow! Can you speak human words?!"


"—" Xu Shoujing stood on the spot, rested his forehead with one hand for a while, and looked up at the sky.

Come on some normal people...


It is less than ten miles away from Xu Shoujing's flying boat.

The calm sea caused layers of waves, and the blue sky and the scorching sun were shrouded in black clouds like thick smoke.

A floating boat of more than fifteen feet swayed in the air for a while, and suddenly it seemed to have lost its driving force, and fell straight to the sea.


The water splashed several feet high, and the floating boat made a roar. Although it was not stable, it was still supported by the sea.

But those on the pontoon were not so lucky.

Dozens of Confucian scholars in white robes were soaked by the waves, lying on the ground in embarrassment, but they were unable to recover.

The only one who kept his robes clean was the grey-robed boy kneeling on one knee on the bow of the boat.

He is the chief senior brother of Tiannanzhou Yusheng Pavilion, and this time he went out to sea with his sect and junior brothers.

Just as he was about to return to the voyage, he meditated for a while, but he did not expect that the sect junior and junior fell to the surface of the sea in order to avoid the thunder.

No matter it is any sect, as long as it is about maritime knowledge, it will definitely tell everyone to "don't lower the flying height in certain sea areas".

Sixty percent of the entire Jiuzhou is ocean area, and the number of monsters and beasts far exceeds that on land.

Among them, there are many who have been living since ancient times, just escaped the demon robbery and survived the big demon.

Most of them will not take the initiative to attack the Terran, as long as the Terran can honestly pass by in the range above the clouds, the two do not interfere with each other, and basically nothing happens.

But once you lower the altitude in the sea area where ferocious beasts are frequent, especially when you enter the 'territory' that they consider themselves, those beasts will attack the human race who infringe the territory.

Some beasts will obviously encroach on the interests of the human race when they expand their territories.Every time at this time, 'Tour Immortal Pavilion' will post notices, offering rewards and tasks, and some sects will also send disciples to go to crusade the beasts.

In addition to this, generally no one would go looking for trouble with beasts when they are idle. It is thankless, and if the cultivation base is improper, it is easy to eliminate the body and death of oneself.

Compared with the fierce beast, the thunder in the dark cloud is just like the family, there is absolutely no need to avoid it, and it is not a thunder disaster.

Zuo Lingxuan never thought that he was just sitting down to adjust his breath, and those junior and junior brothers who boasted of being extraordinary could actually do such a thing.

"You don't want to die?"

Those disciples who only dared to pretend to be fascinated have long been frightened, and were accused by their senior brothers with a cold face, and immediately began to throw the blame:
"It's all... It's all his fault. It's his fault that it's hard to have a thunderbolt. Just drop a little distance and fly a little distance, and it'll be alright..."

The disciple who was betrayed was immediately annoyed: "It's as if you didn't agree! Don't you think it's too slow to fly in the dark clouds?!"

"I just thought, who knew you really did that!"

"It's only an afterthought, right?! You motherfucker..."

Zuo Lingxuan jumped tic-tac-toe on his forehead, and said coldly:

"Stop arguing! If you have time to quarrel, you might as well imagine how to deal with the beasts. How did the elders teach you? Once they invade the territory of the beasts, they will chase the intruders from the ends of the earth until they die."

"Ah...Senior brother, you must save us, how can we beat the beast..."

Zuo Lingxuan sneered, and before he had time to speak, the floating boat under his feet was suddenly lifted by the waves.


The sea water fell like a rain curtain, Zuo Lingxuan stabilized the hull, his narrowed eyes slowly opened, and the boundless darkness reflected in his eyes.

It was wrong to say that it was darkness, it should be that all eyes were blocked by something.


The roar sounded as if it could shred a human eardrum, and the giant tortoise opened the abyss like an island.

That floating boat, in front of the giant tortoise, was like a leaf scattered on the sea, weak and powerless.

"Don't...don't come here!"

"Ujian... let Yujian go!"

"I can't fly! Our cultivation is too low to support us to fly to Tiannan Continent..."

Zuo Lingxuan glanced at the confused junior brother and ignored them.With his right hand pulling out the long sword around his waist, he stepped forward, looking at the giant tortoise in front of him, his face remained calm, but his heart was smiling bitterly.

Can I win this?
- click

Suddenly, an extreme cold that seemed to freeze all the spiritual power struck.

The rocking hull stopped, and the entire sea was covered in ice.


At the end of the month, let's clear the monthly passes in your hands... Please ask for monthly passes and recommended tickets~
 Push a book: "Global Gray Fog: This Guy Is Cheating, Who's In Control"

  The author is a newcomer like me, but the update is guaranteed, and those who are interested can take a look.

  Introduction: The gray fog came, and all the old order collapsed in the gray fog.

  Centaurs, eccentrics, extraordinary races, etc., are hidden in that gray curtain.

  Only with the power of the gray fog can the gray fog be shattered.

  Jiang Shu came through, and the fingers turned golden at the beginning, turning corruption into magic.

  【This mushroom looks sweet and delicious, but one bite will kill you! 】

  [The meat of high-level creatures can be used as food to satisfy hunger, and at the same time, it can temporarily increase your strength! 】

  The first generation of mechanical seeds: Lao Tie, you want me to turn beef out of you by drawing a circle with your finger on the ground? !
  Jiang Shu: Didn't you say that it can turn corruption into magic?
  When everyone was still struggling to survive, Jiang Shu could already watch anime and eat hot pot.

(End of this chapter)

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