The queen is so fierce

Chapter 113 Departure

Chapter 113 Departure
After half a year of baptism, Dali Chaotang almost changed its appearance, except for some royal clansmen, even the high-ranking prime ministers, all 'voluntarily' resigned and returned to their hometowns, giving way to more capable ministers.

If that's the case, these ministers wouldn't be so busy, anyway, they were all selected through imperial examinations.

The key point is... These people with lofty ideals who went to Beijing to take the exam from all over the country, hoping to get a half-official position, after finally putting on the black gauze hat, suddenly received such a news——

Qiu Xuanji took the Zen throne, and the object was still King Zhao, who had just turned fourteen years old.

Okay, changing the emperor is nothing more than changing the master, and it's not a big deal.

But the question is... how come the colleagues who went to court with him are all newcomers?

It is said that there are three fires for new officials to take office... Then you have to know how to do it, at least you have to tell them how to operate.

At first, Qiu Shangyun planned to make use of the knowledge she had studied so hard to become an emperor who was good at admonishing but not majestic. After all, she was still a novice, so if she did random operations at the beginning, she might get lost.

But later she found out that the courtiers below were more confused than herself, they only knew the situation during the whole process, and at the end she said, "What do you think of the sage?"

Don't talk about remonstrance, just wait for her to issue an order.

Even if there are occasionally a few new officials who have their own opinions, but because they are all newcomers to the court, they do not dare to speak freely.

Guys, it's all starting to swing.

The clan of the Qiu clan wanted to help by the side, but they were worried that the people of Qiu Xuanji were still in Zimo.

Thinking back to the fate of Qiu Ji and Qiu Ming... In case Qiu Xuanji misunderstood that they were trying to usurp the throne...

Forget it, let the little emperor ask for more blessings.

Until Qiu Shangyun went to court for the third time, Qiu Xuanji happened to return to the palace to pack up his clothes and took a look.

Qiu Xuanji was a little angry when she found that the entire court was dead. She spent half a year teaching Qiu Shangyun how to operate, so you learned this?
When the court went down that day, Qiu Xuanji walked into the study with Qiu Shangyun's collar without a word, and sat on the chair with his legs crossed, and let Qiu Shangyun lie in front of the book desk and draw up the imperial decree with a cold face.

Qiu Shangyun never dared to resist Qiu Xuanji. He held the pen with an aggrieved face, and wrote an imperial decree in the style of the Dali Empress according to Qiu Xuanji's words.

The next day, the old officials who were busy going home and farming were recalled to the capital with a bewildered face. The eunuch made them kneel without saying a word and said:

"Follow the sky..."

He said a lot, but the criminals have been in the court for so long, and still understand the meaning:
You criminals have gone too far. If you have made mistakes, forget them first. Those who deserved to be beheaded have also been beheaded. The rest left you with a life.

But what do you mean by that?Let you retire and return to your hometown. Once you take off your official robes, you don't care about anything?
The imperial sister has pardoned your death crimes, should you be grateful and take care of the aftermath?
...For example, take a good look at the new officer who takes your place.

"..." Everyone.

They heard it, this is definitely not the imperial decree written by Qiu Shangyun, the new emperor is definitely not so domineering.

They also heard that the decree clearly said:

Don't go yet, wait until the residual value is drained before leaving.Don't worry, it's definitely a freelancer who doesn't give a penny.

It's a pity that, even if they were reluctant in their hearts, they did not dare to disobey the will, and honestly returned to the court as a 'teacher', venting their dissatisfaction on the new officials, which was more severe than teaching their own disciples.

After going back and forth, and after a lot of tossing, the old courtier finally got his wish and left the place of right and wrong in Zi Mo.The new courtiers also rejuvenated with the hard work of the old courtiers.

Since then, Dali's court has finally entered the right track.


Dawn had just broken, and the east was white.

Dali had just stepped into the summer heat. Even in Zimo City, which was relatively north, it was inevitable that there would be a little more heat.

The officials who walked out of the palace in the early morning were dressed in heavy official robes, their backs were almost soaked with sweat, and almost everyone had a hurried look on their faces.

No way, it's too busy.

Pedestrians on Suzaku Street were like waves, and the luxurious carriages galloped past. They just glanced at it a little and didn't care anymore.

For ordinary people, as long as they are fed and clothed, changes in the personnel above will not affect them much.

In the middle of Suzaku Street, there are several small wooden boats moored on the gentle current, and passers-by on the arch bridge pass by.

The candied gourd hawker carrying the straw target shouted, and when passing by the cloth merchant's stall, he handed a bunch to his wife, turned his head and smiled at the cloth merchant, and continued to shout "selling candied gourd", disappearing in the crowd.

"Stall owner, here are ten skewers of grilled squid."

"Okay, sir, wait a moment."

Directly opposite Zuixianlou, behind an old cart.

The man with the headscarf took the money, threw it into the basket, wiped the sweat from his hands with a towel, and grilled the squid skillfully.

The golden oil drips down the tentacles of the squid, and the burnt black on the wooden stick exudes a fruity fragrance. The tough squid meat is shaken by the stall owner for a while, which can be described as full of elasticity.

"Guest officer, your squid... ah!"

The owner of the squid stall handed the grilled squid forward. The other hand was about to clean the boiler. As soon as he raised his head, he saw a handsome young man, and was stunned for a moment.

With a long silver sword on his waist, the young man was dressed in a black robe with a gold border. He was tall and tall, with a white jade embedded in the center of his tight belt; his long black hair stood up high, The face is as handsome as a fairy, and what makes people unforgettable is the pair of peach blossom eyes that are like a clear spring, and they are peerless.

"Oh, so it's you, son, I haven't seen you for almost half a year." After the squid stall owner calmed down, he handed over the squid skewers in his hand.

Xu Shoujing just woke up from a deep sleep today. He hasn't moved his body for a long time, and he did some exercise with Aunt Chu in the morning.

Hearing the words of the squid stall owner, Xu Shoujing stretched out his hand to take the squid skewers and stuffed them into Qiongyu Pavilion, shook his head, and said with a wry smile:
"I was injured a little, and I have been recovering at home during this time."

"I see." The owner of the squid stall saw that Xu Shoujing didn't want to say anything, so he was embarrassed to look into it. He touched the back of his head and said, "So now it seems that the son's injury has been healed?"

"That's it."

Xu Shoujing thought for a while, and then asked:

"Stall owner, in fact, I will go to Tiannanzhou in the next few days. I don't know when I will come back next time. Based on our friendship, I have an unkind request... Your recipe for grilled squid. , can you give me one?"

After all, if there is no such thing, how to buy Nangong Xiaoxiao in the future is a mystery.

The squid stall owner was stunned when he heard the words, and quickly waved his hand:

"Damn, what did the son say, you have saved the old man's life, so you should be fine."

"Thank you very much then."

Xu Shoujing accepted the list of materials handwritten by the owner of the squid stall, and while watching, he walked to the Zuixian Building, but instead of going in directly as before, he waited at the door.

After about half a column of incense, a woman in a dark green dress came out with a jug, stood at the door and looked around. After seeing the black shadow standing under the sun, she quickly trotted to catch up. past.

"Young master, your wine is ready." Ran Xi softly handed the red wine jug forward.

Xu Shoujing stretched out his hand to take it, stuffed it into Qiongyu Pavilion together with the list, and said with a smile:
"Thanks for your hard work."

Ranxi wanted to say, "This is what Ranxi should do." She just raised her head, but stopped when the words came to her mouth, and Jianshui's eyes were slightly startled.

Xu Shoujing's handsome profile was close at hand, and his refreshing breath almost hit his forehead. Ranxi, who had never had such close contact with him, was a little unbearable, and quickly lowered his head, fanning his cheeks with his small hands. , want to cool down hot skin.


Seeing Ranxi blushing suddenly, Xu Shoujing's eyes were a little inexplicable. He felt that he had nothing to do, how could he act like he was flirting with women from a good family on the street...

"Master... Master, have you bought everything? Shall we go back?" Ranxi said hesitantly.

Food, drink, sleep, play... Really bought everything, Xu Shoujing hesitated, turned his head to look in the direction of the Broken Dragon Mountains, and said in a low voice:

"Go somewhere else."


There are four gates in Zimo City, of which the Vermillion Bird Gate is the closest to the Broken Dragon Mountains, and next to it is the Linjiang that runs through the entire capital.

When Xu Shoujing came to the capital for the first time, he also met Jing Ming here with Zhao Fuyao on his back.

The scorching sun is like fire, and the branches of the willow tree are like the smooth long hair of a woman under the breeze blowing by the riverside.

Several white-feathered immortal birds squatted in the shoal for food, and their long and narrow beaks protruded into the river to probe and probe, and from time to time they could hear the strange cries of "Guguji!" and "Gujiji!"

It is a pity that the white-tailed fish in this season have not grown up at all, and these energetic fairy birds are destined to return.

With the help of Ranxi, Xu Shoujing walked out of the Suzaku gate, and his eyes followed the sheep intestines path all the way up. When the whole picture of the Broken Dragon Mountains was completely reflected in his pupils, the whole person was stunned.

The Broken Dragon Mountains are named after the legend of the 'Dragon Killer'. In addition, it is also related to the distribution of its own body like a dragon.

The peak closest to Zimo City towers into the clouds, and the mountains are winding for thousands of miles.

Except for the abyss canyon 'Meteor Dragon Abyss', which is disconnected in the middle, its shape is like a real dragon.

However, the Broken Dragon Mountain Range had completely changed at this time.

There was a crack in the middle of the highest peak that went straight to the bottom of the abyss. The top of the mountain slanted towards both sides. At first glance, it looked like it was split by a blade, and the incision was flat without any bulge.

This is not the end. After reaching the crack, how long is the Broken Dragon Mountain Range, how far is this crack, even if it is far apart, you can see the blue sky and white clouds on the other side of the mountain through the crack.

"Is this... what I did?" Xu Shoujing's eyes widened in disbelief.

At first, I thought it would be a loss for me to cut myself down for half a year with that knife... I'm sorry, but I'm out of shape.

On this's a miracle I'm still alive.

Ranxi took Xu Shoujing's arm, listened to his words, and said quietly:

"Young master, you don't even know how much sensation your knife has caused. At that time, Ranxi was still in the kitchen helping Miss Rongyue to make dumplings, and the window suddenly became very bright. It's daytime.

When Ranxi went to check outside, she found that a crescent-shaped white light was shining in the air, and the whole sky seemed to be cut open. , Master Chu came back with the son covered in blood. "

"Is that so..."

Xu Shoujing was a little stunned. Aunt Chu didn't tell him that much in the morning. He fainted immediately after swinging the knife. He really didn't know that so many things had happened.

On the night when she was looking for Zhao Fuyao to convert her spiritual power, she once said tirelessly: 'Ji Ye' is too early for you, and you must not use it lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

Xu Shoujing didn't care too much at first, but now that he saw the 'afterglow' at that time, he deeply realized how correct Yao Yao's words were.

This time it was good luck, and the next time it might be cut off.

Finally, looking at the mountain range that was turned into two halves, Xu Shoujing sighed and turned around and said:

"Let's go back."


In the front hall of Longyumen's residence in Beijing, the food on the table was steaming, but no one touched the chopsticks.

The atmosphere is very depressing, it seems that as long as a gunpowder primer can be completely detonated.

Qiu Xuanji was wearing a concubine's red gauze dress, sitting on the right side of the round table, holding her cheeks with one hand, her pure desire to the top of her face did not have the slightest emotional fluctuations, and she turned a blind eye to the tit-for-tat confrontation that started as soon as the junior sister got up.

It is worth mentioning that the vacant chair on her left, according to common rules, happens to be the upper position of the "master of the house".

Chu Shuwan stood with her akimbo on the side, her dark green dress was very slim, and outlined a magnificent figure.

Perhaps because of the moisturizing at the beginning, the already familiar face is more charming and moving. With a frown, she takes off her usual arrogance, and a simple movement of raising her hair can easily arouse the flames in a man's heart.

Not long ago, it was almost noon when Chu Shuwan got up from the bed dragging her delicate body that was about to fall apart.

Chu Shuwan had never learned the water method, nor did she have the habit of getting up and taking a bath. Although she simply washed her body, she wiped the sweat off her body with a towel.

But after all, after exercising for so long, the smell of raw truffles on the body is obviously not so easy to remove.

Chu Shuwan was completely unaware of the charming smell radiating from the inside out, and walked into the front hall in a grand manner.

The oncoming Qiu Xuanji straightened her nose and said indifferently:

"You and Jing'er have married?"


Chu Shuwan was a little confused, and before she had time to say anything, she saw that Qiu Xuanji was sitting in the place of the 'eldest woman' as she should, and patted her beside her, motioning her to sit over.

Seeing this, Chu Shuwan was immediately annoyed.

What do you mean?
How about a good tea?

I apologized apologetically to my mother before, but now I'm playing 'first come, first served'?

Even if we really want to talk about first come first, then it should be me first, right?If it weren't for me, would you have a share?
Thinking of this, Chu Shuwan felt even more resentful in her heart, and quarreled with her senior sister after a long time.

Of course, it is a one-sided quarrel.

This also led to Jiang Rongyue and Nangong Xiaoxiao, who walked into the front hall later, like eggplants beaten by frost, with their small faces and shivering, sitting beside them, not daring to interrupt, for fear of setting themselves on fire.

Only Zhao Fuyao, the last entry, turned a blind eye to the secret rivalry between the two, and sat silently opposite, as if she was the only one who did not belong to this world.

At the moment when the atmosphere in the hall became more and more depressing, a hurried footstep came from outside the door:
Da da da--

"Aunt Chu, everything is ready, let's go."

Xu Shoujing followed Ranxi and stepped over the threshold...


Five lines of sight were locked on him at the same time, the smile on Xu Shoujing's face gradually disappeared, he glanced at the fierce Aunt Chu, and at the expressionless Qiu Xuanji, his Adam's apple wriggled:

"Well, you guys continue, I remembered that I still have something to buy..."




into the night.

The full moon is in the sky, the stars are hidden in the sky, the night wind blows the wicker, and the shadows on the ground sway with the sound of "rustling".

Longyumen is brightly lit up and down, most of the disciples are in their small buildings to adjust their breaths and meditate, and a few disciples practice fighting in Baiyu Square.

Qin Pan looked at Jing Ming and waved his hand, then ran to play cards with Meng Yi, looked down at the letter he gave him, and frowned for unknown reasons.

But when he opened the envelope and spread it out, his pupils shrank suddenly, and Yujian hurriedly flew in the direction of Long Boshu.


The disciples in the White Jade Plaza only saw a silver light flying by, and their eyes were slightly surprised:

"Brother Qin, what's wrong?"

"Who knows... Maybe, it's going to break the mirror again?"


The mountains are quiet and the greenery clears the way.

The long and narrow stairs can only allow one person to pass through. This is the mountain path leading to the only fairy tree in Longyumen, the Dragon Bodhi tree.

Its length is no less than that of the white jade stone steps selected for the entry of Longyumen. It can be said that it is easy to go up and difficult to go down.

Basically, all the disciples of Longyumen either don't go. If they really want to go, they will wait until the sea and fly over with their swords. No one wants to climb this long ladder like a fool.

Over the years, only two people have chosen to climb on foot to reach the platform of the Dragon Bodhi tree.

One was Xu Shoujing, who had never cultivated but was determined to become an immortal.

Kui Dao, dressed in simple neon clothes, took heavy steps, walking up one step at a time, holding the unsealed letter in his hand.

This is the letter Qin Pan just handed to him, and it only said that it was written by Chumen Master. When he asked him what the content was, Qin Pan left Gu Yan and said hesitantly, saying, "You will understand when you go to the Dragon Bodhi Tree. ".

Dragon Bodhisattva, a rare fairy tree in the world.

Its leaves can be said to be the best nourishment for spiritual power, which is used for alchemy, which can quickly stop the injury and restore spiritual power after swallowing.

It is named 'Ambergris Leaf' because it smells like 'Ambergris'.

At the realm of Kui Dao, the effect of ambergris leaf can be very small, but the fragrance it emits still plays a role in calming the mind.

Because of this, Kui Dao stayed there when he had nothing to do.


The end of the stairs appeared in sight, and Kui Dao's letter was half-read.

"That stinky boy finally woke up, hiss... The power of that knife is far more than Chongxiao. Where did he learn it?"

"Xuanji is in the Zen position, do you want to come back with Shuwan and continue to practice?"

Lao Kui muttered to himself, with a kind smile always on the corner of his mouth, the knot in his heart was dissipated, and when the apprentice returned, there seemed to be no more perfect ending than this.

That kid Xu Shoujing also plans to go out to practice, it seems that the growth of Longyumen is just around the corner.


The smile on Lao Kui's face froze, and as he stepped on the last step, his eyes stopped on a certain line of the letter:
'Also, Master, the disciple found that he is indeed inferior to Senior Sister Chou, so he plans to go out to practice, and the position of Sect Master will be returned to you.Rong Yue is with Jing Er and I, so don't worry.

In addition, there were many unexpected situations when going out to practice. Before leaving, Jinger went to get a little ambergris leaf and hoped that Master would understand. '

A gust of cold wind blew, Lao Kui didn't smell the familiar incense, and looked up——

The huge ancient tree in the sky stands under the night sky. The original dense branches and leaves are nowhere to be found, only the bare trunk is left, shivering in the night wind.

"..." Lao Kui.

……a little?
(End of this volume)


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 Maybe take a day off tomorrow and finish writing the last outline, maybe the day after tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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