The queen is so fierce

Chapter 112 Aunt Chu!Aunt Chu!

Chapter 112 Aunt Chu!Aunt Chu!
"Do you think this seat has done something wrong?"

When Xu Shoujing woke up, he found himself in a pure white space.

It seems inaccurate to say that it is 'space', because there are no ornaments that can tell the direction around, only the boundless pure white is reflected in the eyes.

Shaking his head and turning around, Xu Shoujing's eyes finally settled on the man in the black robe who called him.

The thick black robe on his body was embroidered with the golden dragon pattern that spread out. His body was slender and his arms were strong. Compared with the meeting in Meteor Dragon Abyss three months ago, his majestic face looked old and vigorous.

The moment Xu Shoujing saw him, his right hand instinctively touched his waist, but the touch from his palm was only the fabric of the belt.

Whether it was the silver knife or the Qiongyu inlaid in the center of the belt, there was no trace of it.

Jiuxiao saw Xu Shoujing's guard in his eyes, smiled bitterly for a moment, and sighed:
"Don't worry, that knife of yours has already wiped out the soul of this seat, although the price is that you also fainted because of the damage to your soul... Now it's really only the seat of the seat who is standing here to talk to you. The remnant soul will dissipate in a while."

Xu Shoujing hesitated for a while, seeing that Jiuxiao didn't seem to be lying to himself, he lowered his guard a little and began to talk about the topic just now:

"You just said, what did you do wrong?"

"Nature is the choice of this seat."

Jiuxiao waved his hand and created two more chairs out of thin air.He took a step and sat up, and raised his hand to Xu Shoujing:
"sit down."


Co-authoring, you are still planning to chat, right?

Xu Shoujing's eyes were weird. He was fighting hard before, but now he is sitting and chatting together... This picture is so weird, take a look again.

However, although he didn't feel quite right, he still sat down on the chair beside Jiuxiao.

No one wants to stand if they can sit, unless they can lie down.

Jiuxiao saw Xu Shoujing sitting next to him, sighed slightly, and glanced into the distance, his eyes seemed to be reminiscing about the past:

"I told you in Meteor Dragon Abyss, that I am the 710th dragon king of the Dragon Clan, and the catastrophe of our clan was calculated by the high priest... Actually, this seat has something to hide."

"How?" Xu Shoujing mumbled.

Jiuxiao pondered for a moment, and some ripples appeared in his eyes:
"My clan's catastrophe was not calculated by the high priest... If it was just because of his calculation, this seat would not be able to take it so seriously. In fact, there were already signs long before the high priest's calculation."

Jiuxiao tilted his head and glanced at Xu Shoujing, and said solemnly:

"Do you know the demon robbery?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then frowned, "Isn't it the demonization of a thousand years ago?"

Jiuxiao shook his head and said, "That's the demon calamity for your human race. What this seat is talking about is the demon calamity that caused my demon clan to almost wipe out the clan.

Before your human race was demonized, the demon race disappeared in the long history of the Nine Regions for no apparent reason, and most of my demon race was also wiped out.Even at the end of Tianzhu, the only ruling immortal clan in the world..."

Speaking of which, Jiuxiao didn't know what he was thinking, so he turned his head and glanced at Xu Shoujing, not daring to speak.

Xu Shoujing didn't notice the change in Jiuxiao's expression. He frowned and fell into deep thought. After a while, he asked inexplicably:
"I've read some books before, the demons are extinct because their Dao is too arbitrary, and they are not tolerated by the Dao."

"Nonsense." Jiuxiao snorted coldly, with disdain in his eyes: "Where does the Tao distinguish between high and low? The way of sticking to the heart is the direction of the Dao. Your human race always likes to do those false things, where is the right way and the devil? In this seat, it’s just a different way.”


Xu Shoujing laughed secretly in his heart, look, Lao Kui, the ancient bosses have sprayed you.

Jiuxiao found that the topic was getting farther and farther, he coughed dryly, and continued to talk about business:
"Because the immortal clan and the demon clan have gone extinct one after another, I have to pay attention to the prophecy of the high priest... The cause and effect of the world are interconnected, since the demon clan is destined to have a catastrophe, as long as this catastrophe is spread out All right."

Xu Shoujing heard this, as if he understood something, his eyes suddenly turned cold:
"Your 'scattered cause and effect', shouldn't it be the demonized human race?"

Jiu Xiaowei was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Xu Shoujing to react so quickly. He nodded and said:

"Yes, thousands of years ago, this seat wanted to use the demonized human race to disperse cause and effect. But before this seat implemented this plan, the three souls were scattered by the human fairy."

"Human Immortal?" Xu Shoujing frowned.

"It's the dragon killer in your mouth." Jiuxiao said. "I call her a human immortal because in that era, before the immortal race went extinct, there were very few monks in the human race, and she was the only outlier who was born as a mortal and cultivated into immortals the day after tomorrow."

"Born to be ordinary..." Xu Shoujing's eyes were a little stunned, and he always felt that this situation seemed a bit like himself...

"After the two souls of this seat were sealed, I no longer have the ability to carry out the previous plan. Unexpectedly, the demon robbery and the demonization of the human race appeared at the same time. After the demonization calamity, although the demons were killed and injured most of the time, they still left behind the seeds of future generations, and they did not completely disappear like the demons."

Jiuxiao sighed, his old face was a little bitter:

"But... maybe it's karma, and the dragon race has become the only extinct race among all the demon races."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

It's really hard to argue with that.

"This seat barely escaped the catastrophe because the three souls were separated from the body, but my clansmen are no longer there... I was already disheartened, and there is nothing to remember here... However, the final teaching has given me Gave me a hope."


"Yes, a hope to resurrect my people."

Jiuxiao turned around and stared at Xu Shoujing, saying hard:
"When the soul is gone, there is no hope of resurrection. This is the ultimate principle of heaven, and it is also an iron law that cannot be reversed... But what if this seat transcends heaven? If I am beyond the nine continents and not bound by heaven, Is there any hope of resurrecting the clan of this seat?"

Transcendence, transcendence.

But anyone who has anything to do with the End Yanjiao is crazy about the word 'detachment'.

Zhuo Ding is like this, so is Qiu Ji, even an ancient tycoon like Jiuxiao is not exempt.

What exactly is detachment?What does it mean to go beyond heaven?Do you practice beyond the heavenly way?
A lot of questions came out of Xu Shoujing's heart. The one he hated the most in his life was the riddleman, and he couldn't wait to ask Jiuxiao to clarify.

However, Jiuxiao waved his hand as if he was aware of what Xu Shoujing was thinking.

"I won't tell you about the sect of the end of the world. Although I have died, it doesn't mean that I don't have hatred for you in my heart. It's just my revenge for you."


Xu Shoujing looked constipated, groaned for a long time, and then said embarrassingly:
"You are so free and easy..."

Jiuxiao shook his head and sighed: "It's not free and easy, but I just can't figure it out. I'm obsessed with this. If I don't ask a question, I'm really uneasy about death."

Xu Shoujing understood, raised his eyebrows and said:

"You want to ask, if I were you, would I choose to rely on that glimmer of hope?"

Jiuxiao nodded.

Good guy, this is unwilling to lose to me, come to ask for approval?

Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment, wanting to say the answer he once said to Lao Kui, but when the words came to his mouth, it became:

"I do not know."

"?" Jiuxiao looked stunned.

Xu Shoujing sighed and shook his head with a wry smile:

"To be honest, I may still prefer a clean way of 'revenge and sacrifice'. Destroy the entire Jiuzhou and resurrect relatives... Even if I really do it, it's not what they want to see.

I thought so in my heart, but when I answered you, I was a little unsure... Maybe this is human nature.

Because I haven't actually encountered it, everything I'm talking about now is just talk on paper, and no one knows if I will change my choice at that time. "

At this point, Xu Shoujing paused, looked at Jiuxiao seriously, and said in a low voice:

"So... I'm going to get stronger, so strong that there will never be a situation where this choice is needed."

Jiuxiao was stunned again and again, and after a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief as if he was relieved:

"Forget it, it's whimsical to seek answers from you."


A row of question marks appeared on Xu Shoujing's head, his face full of dissatisfaction.

Are you trying to find fault on purpose?

Suddenly, Jiuxiao's body became a little illusory. He lowered his head and glanced at the palm that was becoming more and more blurred. He turned to look at Xu Shoujing, who was a little confused, and sighed:
"It seems that it's time for me... You should wake up too, count the time, you have been in a coma for at least three months."

"What the hell?"

Everyone in Xu Shoujing is stupid, why did he jump for half a year all of a sudden...

"Continue to pursue your way. Your choice is much more difficult than this seat's choice. The final teaching is more interested in you than you think. As long as you are still alive, you will not be able to escape this disaster."

Jiu Xiao's illusory figure gradually faded away, leaving only a faint echo in the pure white space.

Xu Shoujing's eyelids were tired for a while, and he seemed to see a figure in a white dress.

Spotless, looks like a fairy.

Her beautiful eyes as sharp as swords stared at the common people, and her indifferent expression did not have a trace of warmth, just like the purest immortal, ignoring all things in the world.

But Xu Shoujing felt inexplicably that she must be a mortal.


Contrary to the indifferent appearance, the gentle whisper is refreshing.

The pure white behind him was covered by the sea of ​​fire, Xu Shoujing finally couldn't bear the sleepiness that hit his heart, and closed his eyes.

Consciousness plunged into darkness.



The scent of orchids lingered in the nostrils, and the sound of steady breathing echoed in the ears.

Xu Shoujing woke up from his deep sleep and opened his eyes instinctively. His peach blossom eyes, like a clear spring, were not focused, and he stared blankly at the ceiling.

The white light that suddenly broke in from the outside covered all vision.

Xu Shoujing squinted his eyes subconsciously, and only gradually focused on the hazy and blurry scene after his eyes that had not seen the light for a long time got used to the light.

where am i...?
The moment he asked this question in his heart, the touch of his body had already answered him.

The soft bed was filled with an aroma, and it was obvious that the aroma did not come from incense or something, but... the people around you.


As if awakened by Xu Shoujing's subtle movements, the woman lying side by side in the bed took a deep breath.

She pulled the quilt and turned over, her sleepy almond eyes slowly opened, and the fragrance from her red lips sprayed onto Xu Shoujing's cheeks, which were moist, warm, and itchy.

When the woman opened her eyes completely, there was a hint of light in her dilated pupils, which happened to meet the young man who was watching her.

Looking at each other, the woman was stunned.

Xu Shoujing scratched his face and smiled awkwardly:

"Morning, Aunt Chu."

Chu Shuwan tightly covered her mouth with her small white jade-like hands, and shook her head in disbelief.

Seeing Xu Shoujing still here saying hello heartlessly, Chu Shuwan's nose was sore, as if her tense nerves had been disconnected, she jumped up and hugged Xu Shoujing's neck tightly.

"Jing' scared my aunt to death, and you won't be allowed to do that again in the future! passed out for half a year! You also said that you have a sense of proportion...the internal organs are all rotten, and if it weren't for the use of spirit Yao took her last breath, my aunt almost thought I would never see you again..."

half a year? ! ! !
Xu Shoujing buried his head in Chu Shuwan's soft hair, sniffed the fragrance, and widened his eyes.

Good guy, didn't Jiuxiao say three months?How come it's been half a year again.

Co-authoring that knife really killed me for half my life?

"woo woo woo woo……"

Feeling dizzy and wet on his shoulders, Xu Shoujing suddenly recovered. From childhood to adulthood, he had never seen Aunt Chu break down like this.

Feeling moved, but also a little guilty.Xu Shoujing stretched out his hand and passed through Chu Shuwan's slender waist, as if coaxing a baby, and gently patted her back:

"Sorry, Aunt Chu, I promise that I will never take such risks in the future. It made you worry..."

Chu Shuwan's choked sobbing gradually subsided under Xu Shoujing's comfort.

It seemed that she had reacted to her current situation. Chu Shuwan's mature and beautiful face was flushed. She quickly reached out and pressed Xu Shoujing's chest to push him away. She hugged the quilt and shrunk into a ball, for fear of leaking spring.

Xu Shoujing didn't understand the situation, and was pushed to the corner with an inexplicable expression on his face.

But when he took a closer look, he immediately understood Chu Shuwan's embarrassment at this time.

Chu Shuwan has been taking care of Jinger closely during this period of time, and even sleeping, she is not at ease to let Xu Shoujing stay on the bed alone.

Since the two of them are lying together, then... the natural thing to do is to take it off.

At this moment, although the brocade was covered up, she could still see from Chu Shuwan's exposed fair-skinned weeds that she was wearing only one undergarment.

Xu Shoujing silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva, thinking in his heart, while Chu Shuwan was not paying attention, he lightly grabbed onto the quilt and pulled it hard—


The quilt was suddenly lifted, and the coolness of the morning invaded the bare skin without any scruples.

Chu Shuwan's face flushed, and her arms quickly covered her body.

But obviously, it didn't work.

Chu Shuwan only wore a black apron on her body, and the light was very dim, but Xu Shoujing was backlit. From his angle, he could clearly see a soft curve from top to bottom.

The fabric of the black apron looks very silky, embroidered with a green luan with its head down, and the luan bird's slightly tilted head is raised high, forming a very exaggerated slope with the body.

At the end of the black cloth, the skin as white as winter suet stretched out, and the two plump legs overlapped, not losing to the outline of the 'Qingluan's head', completely burning the flames in Xu Shoujing's heart.


This time everyone heard the gulping sound.

Xu Shoujing licked his lips, his mouth was dry:
"Aunt Chu, can I..."


Before Xu Shoujing finished speaking, Chu Shuwan immediately retorted.

Xu Shoujing was choked hard, but the balance of reason in his heart had already been tilted, so how could he give up?
"Aunt Chu, you promised me. Have you forgotten? As long as the battle is over, you will give it to me."

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, and when she thought about it, she realized that it really happened.

However, when it comes to this kind of thing, she has always only talked about it, and she will definitely be counseled at a critical moment... Otherwise, she would not have rushed Xu Shoujing to Zimo City.

From this point of view alone, Xu Shoujing and Chu Shuwan are really carved out of the same mold.

A hint of hesitation flashed on Chu Shuwan's mature and beautiful face, she struggled for a long time, but in the end she said:

"I...I regret it."


Seeing that Chu Shuwan's tone was firm, Xu Shoujing sighed, and did not want to continue to force her, so he lifted the quilt and planned to take a cold shower.

But the moment he lifted the quilt, Chu Shuwan suddenly widened her eyes, completely different from her usual hot and free and easy way. She covered her eyes with both hands, but couldn't help peeking through her fingers, hesitating. said:
" did you..."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, as if he had remembered something, and quickly stretched out his hand and pulled the quilt to cover it with an embarrassed expression:
"Uh...there's no way..."

What do you want me to show you?

Obviously you have to see it!

Chu Shuwan stared at Xu Shoujing for a while, the entanglement on her face dissipated, and she sighed as if giving up:

"Forget it, whatever you want."

Xu Shoujing had given up originally, but he did not expect Liu An Hua Ming You Village, his expression of loss was reversed in two levels, and his expression of joy was beyond words:
"Really?! This is what you said, Aunt Chu. You don't need to regret it this time."

Saying that, Xu Shoujing couldn't wait to reach out to Chu Shuwan.


Xu Shoujing's smile froze, and he sighed helplessly:
"Aunt Chu, if it really doesn't work, forget it. I won't force you... You don't need to play with me like this."

This kind of feeling is like being picked up with great difficulty, but it was brought down at the most critical moment... It's really a bit torturous.

Chu Shuwan rolled her eyes and said angrily:

"Look at what you said, will my aunt go back after she promised you?"

Xu Shoujing blinked: "Then Aunt Chu, you just..."

Chu Shuwan's head was steaming with steam, and her face was red as if she was about to bleed. She glanced at Xu Shoujing and said like a mosquito:

"You just woke up, and your body hasn't fully recovered. I'll come."

"?" A question mark appeared on Xu Shoujing's head.

Seeing that Xu Shoujing didn't react, Chu Shuwan felt anxious, stretched out her hand and hit him, and said angrily:
"Why are you standing still?"

"Ah... oh."

Xu Shoujing suddenly came back to his senses, and hurriedly lay down obediently according to Aunt Chu's words, staring at the top, and his heart was beating non-stop.


"Hey... be honest, they said I'm coming."

"Aunt Chu, I think it's okay again."


The morning light broke, and in this early summer season, the incense-lit wing room was full of spring.


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(End of this chapter)

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