The queen is so fierce

Chapter 111 Extreme Night

Chapter 111 Extreme Night
Broken Dragon Mountains.

Legend has it that a real dragon has fallen here, the mountains stretch for thousands of miles, and there are countless treasures in heaven and earth, but also a natural paradise for monsters and beasts.

The bright crescent moon hangs in the starless night sky, and the figure in the simple black robe stands on the top of the cliff.

The waterfall that flew down three thousand feet washed away the reflection of the crescent moon in the pool. The man in black robe stepped out of the cliff, and in a flash, he descended to the side of the pool.

click - click -

There was the sound of footsteps stepping on the lawn in the shade of the trees diagonally behind.

The figure in the shadow, under the moonlight, revealed the face of a scholar.

The black-robed man glanced at him calmly, and said solemnly:
"Why don't you have any spiritual power in you?"

The expression on Qiu Ji's face remained unchanged, and he bowed and saluted:
"This is a deal between me and Xu Shoujing, otherwise I won't be able to get out of the Zhenyu Heavenly Prison."

After speaking, he pretended to hesitate for a while, and then sank his hands:
"I have an unkind request from my subordinates, can the king help his subordinates lift the ban?"

The black-robed man glanced at him, sighed, and waved his hand slightly impatiently:
"come on."

"My subordinates thanked the king."

Qiu Ji maintained a respectful attitude, walked slowly in front of the man in black robe, knelt down on one knee, and showed a posture of resignation.

"It's really troublesome."

The withered big hand of the black-robed man hovered over Qiu Ji's head, and the dark spiritual power was like a strand of hair, solidifying into a half-zhang-wide circular formation.


The crisp sound of wind chimes reverberated, Qiu Ji's originally dull complexion became round and full, and dozens of water columns rushed out of the dry spirit sea at his dantian, but in an instant, it returned to a boundless ocean.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Qiu Ji was overjoyed.

The man in black robe withdrew his big hand, raised it to the front and shook it, and said with some disgust:

"This seat has just retrieved the three souls, and the strength has not yet fully recovered, and it is the time when the spiritual power cannot be easily used. But you actually asked this seat to help you lift this strange ban, if you don't have the spiritual power, you can't take it with you. you……"

"I know."


The black-robed man was stunned for a moment. From the change in Qiu Ji's clearly visible tone, he seemed to have heard something. He frowned and turned to look at him——


The purple light condensed into a line and penetrated the black-robed man's chest.

In an instant, blood beads scattered and sprayed onto Qiu Ji's side face.

Qiu Ji's right hand condensed a mass of spiritual power, and his arm remained in the original position as it penetrated into the body of the black-robed man.

Several purple crystals turned into cones, pierced the flesh and blood of the black-robed man, and pierced out from all directions.From a distance, it looks like a porcupine with human legs.

"you you……"

The man in black robe opened his mouth, blood choked into his throat, but he was speechless.

Qiu Ji smiled coldly, took advantage of the situation and pulled out his right hand, looked at the man in black robe who fell to the ground, and said in a low voice:

"When Xu Shoujing looked for me, I refused. But I thought about it later, apart from agreeing to Xu Shoujing's request, I couldn't get out of the Zhenyu Heavenly Prison. I don't think you would do it for me. Kind of little people run to prison.

In this case, it is better to follow Xu Shoujing's words and give you the final blow when the five elements in your body are the most unstable.As long as you die, I will definitely be able to enter the headquarters of the sect of the end this time..."

Speaking of this, Qiu Ji's eyes flashed with enthusiasm, and he said madly:

"I want to replace you and become the new 'protector of the end'. As long as he sees the leader, he will definitely recognize my value... I am the one who can surpass Kyushu."

The old man's face under the hood of the black-robed man was twisted, his big hands tightly covering his chest, and the blood between his fingers flowed like a river.

He had just recovered the other two souls, and it was the moment when the five elements in his body were on the verge of their limit.

It is as if the porcelain cup is overflowing with water, and the cup may shatter at any moment due to the slightest imbalance.

What Qiu Ji did just now was undoubtedly directly destroying a big hole in the entire container. If he couldn't find a way to plug it quickly, the spiritual power that had nowhere to put in his body would soon swallow him up.

The man in black robe lay on the ground, his eyes struggled for a moment, but he still took out a white jade-like medicinal pill from his arms and swallowed it.

Qiu Ji didn't notice the small movements of the man in black robe, turned around and shouted towards the woods beside him:

"You should be there, right?"


Another sound of wanton trampling on the lawn...

Under the silver moonlight, the handsome-looking black-robed youth walked out slowly, with a sheathed long knife hanging around his waist.

When Qiu Ji saw Xu Shoujing, he pointed to the fallen man in black beside him and said:

"There is a blood oath between you and me. If you don't give me the life stone, you will also be attacked by heaven."

Xu Shoujing didn't speak, he lightly stroked Qiongyu on his waist, and the aura particles drawn by his five fingers condensed into a black stone.He casually threw the life stone towards Qiu Ji.

Seeing this, Qiu Ji breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly reached out to touch the dark stone, crushing the life stone into pieces regardless of the occasion.

The life stone is the basis for the blood oath, and his soul is sealed inside.

When the black-robed man lifted the restraint in Qiu Ji's body, it was not because of how strong the restraint itself was, but simply because the heavenly truth contained in the blood oath was too cumbersome and unfriendly to his physique who had just retrieved his three souls.

Feeling that the broken part of his soul was returned to his body, Qiu Ji patted Bai's chest and let out a long sigh of relief. When he saw the man in black robe still struggling on the ground, he smiled at Xu Shoujing:

"He'll leave it to you to do whatever you want, and I'll go first... We have an agreement, you won't stop me, right?"

Xu Shoujing looked at him blankly, paused for a moment, and said slowly:


Aware of Qiu Ji's stunned gaze, Xu Shoujing suddenly returned to his senses, scratched his cheeks with his index finger, and smiled awkwardly:
"Uh... I'm sorry, I ate too much dumplings just now. Cough, you go, 'I' will never stop you."

I'm here desperately are you eating dumplings?
Qiu Ji was full of black lines, and wanted to run on Xu Shoujing, he opened his mouth to realize that the relationship between the two was just a transaction, and it was not suitable to say some words between friends.

Thinking of this, Qiu Ji didn't intend to stay for a moment, and raised his feet to leave.


A silver sword swooped in and stabbed straight in front of Qiu Ji.

Qiu Ji's steps were forced to stop, and he did not turn back, but his tone was a bit gloomy:
"Do you want to break the agreement? You and I have made a blood oath, aren't you afraid of the backlash from heaven?"

Beside the Reflecting Moon Pool, Xu Shoujing heard Qiu Ji's deterioration from a distance, and shrugged indifferently:

"I didn't stop you, I said, 'I' will never stop you."


Qiu Ji frowned, and before he could understand the meaning of Xu Shoujing's words, four diametrically opposed spiritual power fluctuations suddenly came from above his head.

He suddenly condensed in his heart, as if he had thought of something, turned to look at Xu Shoujing with a relaxed face, his eyes widened:

" shouldn't!"


The long night lit up with an instant of youth, concubine red, azure blue, indigo, and dark green, four completely different spiritual powers standing in the sky.

Chu Shuwan squinted at Qiu Xuanji, first fell to Xu Shoujing's side, and took his arm as if swearing sovereignty.

Qiu Xuanji didn't pay too much attention to the provocation of the junior sister. As long as the master and the elders were by her side, she would maintain the proper etiquette.

However, her indifferent appearance gave Chu Shuwan a sense of 'the generosity of the main room', and she was so angry that she pinched Xu Shoujing's waist fiercely on the spot.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Kui Dao looked at the two direct disciples and secretly competed for a man. The most terrible thing was that the man was still a nominal disciple... The more he thought about it, the more awkward he felt, and Kui Dao felt that the whole person was not good.

There is a scene of 'two women fighting for favor', and it seems that they don't care about Qiu Ji's movements at all.

Nangong Xiaoxiao sighed speechlessly, and with a wave of her sword finger, the silver sword inserted in front of Qiu Ji seemed to be inducted, spinning and floating in the air.

You humans... you actually forgot the real business.

In fact, if it was really the enemy, Chu Shuwan would not ignore the overall situation to compete with Qiu Xuanji, and she was not a girl in her twenties.

It is true that this 'big enemy' is too unequal now. The human race present here has one supreme power, two nirvanas, and the demon race also has a spiritual silence.

And what about Qiu Ji?It’s okay to major in illusions that are not lethal. Although it is in the Nirvana realm, only one muscle and bone has been tempered.

In human words... he has just entered Nirvana and is too weak.

This is a completely ten-kilometer situation, and I don't know how to lose.

Of course, this conclusion can only be established if a certain black-robed man is left aside.

The purpose of their trip was not at all for a small role like Qiu Ji... But it was obviously impossible for him to leave like this.

Nangong Xiaoxiao didn't say anything when she saw several people, so she silently acted as the most humble tool man, manipulating the silver sword to give Qiu Ji the last blow.

Qiu Ji watched the silver sword flying towards him, and in a hurry, he hurriedly used his spiritual power to create an imaginary clone of himself.

However, no matter how obscure he used, the silver sword seemed to be able to find his true body forever, regardless of those fantasies.

This is the weakness of majoring in illusion. Once the cultivation base is weaker than the opponent, the proud illusion is just a piece of paper that is not tough, and it will shatter when touched.

The silver sword turned into a silver-white silk thread in the air, and the sound of the wind and waves roared, and went straight to the enemy.

The only sound of 'bang' was heard, and the smoke and dust around Qiu Ji exploded.

In mid-air, Nangong Xiaoxiao's eyebrows stood upright, and she was a little surprised. She didn't think she would miss, but the silver sword that flew out after the dust explosion obviously didn't feel like a hit.

How could a little illusion cultivator escape?

But soon, Nangong Xiaoxiao's doubts were solved.

Not 'to escape', but to be 'present'.

The person blocked was not Qiu Ji.

The smoke and dust were blown away by the night wind, and the translucent shield surrounded by black mist firmly protected the silver sword from the outside.

Qiu Ji sat paralyzed in the center of the shield, his eyes were a little dazed, as if he didn't understand what happened.

Lao Kui's expression froze. He, who was present at the highest level, naturally noticed the source of this spiritual power, and squinted his eyes.

"Hehe, you can't kill him."

The man in black robe stood up, clutching his chest, his voice was still a little hoarse, but he had already taken off the oil and light that had just been exhausted.

"Don't let him kill, is it possible that you still want to protect him? He just overcast you." Nangong Xiaoxiao said with a smile, looking like she was picking things up.

The man in black robe glanced at Xiao Chenghuang, and his raised five fingers clenched suddenly.


A thick black mist shrouded, and the black shield that used to cover Qiu Ji had many pitch-black cones on the inner wall.

Qiu Ji stared blankly, as if he had sensed something, and subconsciously said:

"Do not--"

Before Qiu Ji could finish speaking, the black shield shrunk to the size of a human with a sudden sound.


Several piercing sounds sounded, as if the fruit had been forcibly squeezed out, the blood splashed, leaving a pool of black blood on the ground.

Qiu Ji's pupils gradually lost focus, and as the black shield dissipated, his body also fell to the ground without making a sound.

After doing all this, the man in black robe withdrew his gaze, glanced at the few people who were already ready to fight, and said calmly:

"This seat has just retrieved the three souls, and the strength has not fully recovered. Even so, it is no longer able to be suppressed by the Chongxiao Realm of the Heavenly Power Period.

Xu Shoujing, this seat knows what you are planning, and advises you to give up as soon as possible. I have finished my affairs in Yuliangzhou, and leave quickly. I will not embarrass you. "

Xu Shoujing sighed and was about to say something when Chu Shuwan stepped forward to protect him:

"Jing'er, you can't get involved in this level of fighting, just watch it honestly."

Xu Shoujing hesitated, but nodded.Holding the long knife around his waist, he stepped back, frowning, and seemed to be lost in thought.

The black-robed man looked at the spiritual power surging from the four of them, as if he could fight with him anytime, anywhere.He sighed, but said solemnly:

"The idea is good, using Qiu Ji to reduce the combat power of this seat, I am indeed limited now... But you must understand that no matter how you weaken me, your own cultivation is not enough to defeat me.

This is the ultimatum. If you are still obsessed, even if you are related to Xu Shoujing, this seat will not show mercy. "


What answered him was a silver sword that broke through the air.

The man in black robe frowned lightly, and with a flick of the black mist in his hand, he flicked the silver sword aside.He looked up slowly.

I saw Nangong Xiaoxiao raised her jade hand, palm facing the sky, ripples all around, and thousands of silver swords emerged from the ripples.

Whoosh whoosh—

The rain of swords poured down from the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it broke the airflow and went straight to the man in black robe.

The man in black robe watched Jian Yu approaching, without any dodging movements, he raised his big hand, and the black mist swept away from left to right.

With a sound of 'shuh', the sky where Jian Yu was located was shrouded in black mist, and thousands of silver swords were deep in the quagmire, motionless.

As if Nangong Xiaoxiao was hit hard, he spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

When Xu Shoujing next to him saw it, he ran into the jungle, climbed over several ancient trees in the sky, jumped high, and caught her before Nangong Xiaoxiao fell to the ground.

Nangong Xiaoxiao's charming face was pale and bloodless, and her eyes were tightly closed, as if she had fainted.

This Theravada Yellow really has a lot of water... The one with a lower realm than you is still playing hot there, so you can't do it?
Xu Shoujing was a little speechless, but the movements in his hands were very gentle. He hugged Nangong Xiaoxiao and made her lean against a big tree before hurriedly rushing back.


"This seat said, you are not my opponent."

The man in black robe took back the black mist, and the expression under the hood never changed.



The noise of the waterfall disappeared, replaced by the sound of dripping liquid.

The man in the black robe turned his eyes and found that the water pool that had been gushing for thousands of miles had dried up to the point where it shattered.

The temperature in the air suddenly rose, and the vision was hazy and blurred, as if in a mirage in the desert.


Feihong's flames dyed most of the mountain range red, and the flames soared into the sky, and even the moon was eclipsed by its light.

The red lotus hovering in the air, I don't know when, has turned into a tattoo on Qiu Xuanji's white catkin.

Driven by the airflow, the red spiritual power continued to burn a raging fire one after another.

Between the mountains and the sea of ​​​​fire, the man in black robe was still standing, surrounded by black mist that could not dissipate, glanced at Qiu Xuanji in the air, and only stomped slightly.


Qiu Xuanji snorted, a thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead, and an irresistible spiritual pressure fell on her body, and it became very difficult to even operate the spiritual power.

Seeing that Qiu Xuanji was about to be overwhelmed, her soft little hand was placed on Qiu Xuanji's shoulder. She turned her head and saw that it was her competitive junior sister.

Chu Shuwan looked ahead, her spiritual power was running, and she said in a lukewarm tone:
"It's all for Jing'er, don't get me wrong, it's not for helping you."

Qiu Xuanji's phoenix eyes were startled, her eyes drooped slightly, she smiled lightly, and said:


After the words fell, the two women turned their eyes to the man in black robe again.


The originally irregular mountain fire suddenly seemed to have its own life, and it was condensed into a line of fire.

The man in black robe glanced at the line of fire that was constantly being drawn, and knew in his heart that this was a formation between Chu Shuwan and Qiu Xuanji.

The lines of fire intersect, and when viewed from a high altitude, it covers the center of the lines of the entire Broken Dragon Mountain Range, and there is a giant dragon that seems to have been silent for ten thousand years!

In the center of the great formation, the man in black robe narrowed his eyes slightly.He once experienced this formation in Yunanguan, and he was very familiar with it.

There is no doubt that this is the 'offensive version of Hidden Dragon in the Nine Heavens' revised by Chu Shuwan, but there seems to be some difference.

In the last picture of the Hidden Dragon in the Nine Heavens, even if he didn't get back the three souls, he could find the flaws and break them easily.

That's because Chu Shuwan destroyed the 'defense' concept set by the ancestors of Longyumen. Although she had an attack template, she failed to bring this feature into play.

Logically speaking, with the state of the man in black robe now retrieving the three souls, there should be no problem facing the magic circle that has been broken once again.

But why did he suddenly feel palpitations?
what happened?


A dragon roar broke through the sky, and the dragon that had been lying down for a long time was bathed in red lotus fire, and opened its jaws that could swallow the sun and the moon toward the man in black robe.

The black-robed man's eyes narrowed, this time he didn't dare to despise it, the black mist in his hand formed a shield around it, which was airtight, and there was no gap.


The dragon bowed its head, and the flames surged.

The flames that dyed half of the sky red attracted the attention of most of the people in Zimo City in the distance.

In the brightly lit streets, pedestrians and idlers pointed at it, but they didn't understand what happened.

White air and water vapor transpired, making a 'hissing' sound, completely obscuring the sight of the ground.

In midair, Chu Shuwan and Qiu Xuanji reached the bottom of the spiritual sea and were forced to land on the ground, leaning on each other's shoulders. I'm afraid they have never been so close in their lives.

"I still underestimated you, Sect Master Chu... You can actually combine Qiu Xuanji's flames with the incomplete offensive Jiuxiao Hidden Dragon Picture... If I hadn't sensed something wrong, I would have suffered a big loss."

The white fog dissipated, and the man in black robe came out with a choked breath.

But obviously, compared to Chu Shuwan and Qiu Xuanji, whose spirit seas were depleted, his negative influence was the least.

After all, when the spiritual sea is exhausted, it is equivalent to not being able to use even spells.


The man in black robe walked halfway, the ground he was on suddenly cracked, his legs were deep in the soil, and the luster under the moon gradually shone.

"My two apprentices are not your opponents, so let's see if my move will work."

Lao Kui raised his arms high, holding a dark green ball of light that was still condensed in his hand. A little bit of light sprinkled into it, and it was swallowed up in the blink of an eye, like a scorching sun falling, and the size was comparable to the entire Broken Dragon Mountain Range.

The man in black robe glanced at the ball of light as big as the sun, the black mist in his hand solidified, without any fear, he greeted it with one hand.

The ball of light collided with the black mist, one left and one right, and the huge wind and waves blew away the monsters living around, and the remaining coke tree trunks also turned into powder.

"However, it is only in the Heavenly Power Period, and this seat gets back the three souls. Even if it is not fully recovered, the worst is the Tianshu period... You are still far behind."

The man in black robe said lightly, and his right hand that touched the ball of light turned into a knife, and swiped in the middle of the huge ball of light.

In an instant, the huge ball of light was cut in half, wiping the shoulders of the black-robed man on both sides and flying towards the rear.


Clouds like two mushroom clouds rose, and two long-standing hills were wiped out on the spot.

Lao Kui spat out a mouthful of blood in the air, like a bird with broken wings, plummeting straight into the woods.

Xu Shoujing, who happened to return to the frontal battlefield, saw it, but he didn't pick it up.

The man in black robe waved his hand and put on a brand new black robe.He glanced at the four who had lost their combat power, and turned to leave.

"Have you forgotten someone?"

The man in black robe paused, turned his head to look at Xu Shoujing who was hurried next to him, and said solemnly:
"You are not the opponent of this seat, even if you have the gods to punish the sky. This seat will not kill you, fighting with you is just a waste of time."

Xu Shoujing wiped the sweat from his forehead, pulled the jacket of the black robe and tossed it, revealing the long knife without an edge on his waist.He clenched the handle of the knife with his right hand, the veins on the back of his hand burst out, and said with a smile:

"Indeed, even if God Purifies Punishment Heaven can eliminate all spiritual power, I can't get close to your body at all with my cultivation... Not to mention, using God Purification Punishment Heaven, I will also lose my spiritual power... …”

At this point, Xu Shoujing paused for a while, and then raised the silver knife in his hand:

"So, I didn't think about using the gods to punish you to defeat you. Although that thing is easy to use, it has too many restrictions."

Chu Shuwan was approached by Qiu Xuanji's shoulders, just when she heard Xu Shoujing's words, a worry suddenly rose in her heart, and she quickly said:

"Jing'er, forget it, let him go, you are not his opponent, we lost."

Xu Shoujing looked back at Chu Shuwan, returned a "don't worry about me" smile, and said softly:

"It's okay, Aunt Chu, I have my senses."

Chu Shuwan pursed her red lips. Seeing the firmness in Jing'er's eyes, she sighed and stopped trying to persuade her.

The black-robed man's eyes stopped on the long knife on Xu Shoujing's waist, he narrowed his eyes, and his tone was a little helpless:
"This seat knows what you are thinking, and it is nothing more than using the characteristics of the sacred relics of the demon race to store the spiritual power of the few people around you, but unfortunately they are not opponents of this seat.

Not to mention how much of a load it will put on your body if you forcibly use spiritual power far beyond your own strength... Do you really think that with just one blow, it is possible to cause any damage to this seat? "

Xu Shoujing's expression did not change, but he laughed:

"Who told you that I just stored the spiritual power of Aunt Chu and the others?"

"What do you mean?" The black-robed man frowned.

Xu Shoujing didn't answer, his hand holding the silver saber even harder, and even his wrist began to tremble slightly:

"I did store Aunt Chu and the others' spiritual power in advance, but not only that. I also transformed a spiritual power that you absolutely cannot win."

The black-robed man felt that these words were bluffing. Just relying on this Jade Liangzhou to kill the cultivator of the Chongxiao Realm, who can make him unable to win?
But for some reason, after listening to Xu Shoujing's words, knowing that it was impossible, the man in black robe took a step back subconsciously.

Xu Shoujing heaved a sigh of relief, and suddenly released his grip on the hilt of the sword, holding the scabbard and raising it in front of him, muttering to himself:
"She told me again and again that it must not be used unless it is absolutely necessary... But it is already a last resort, right?"

The brows under the hood of the black-robed man were deeply wrinkled, the bad premonition in his heart became stronger, his Adam's apple wriggled, and he said:

"What did you just say?"

Xu Shoujing glanced at him, Junxiu's face was expressionless, the scabbard was in front of his face, and his right hand held the hilt again.


There was a small gap between the tightly stitched blade and the scabbard.

A dazzling white light shot out from the scabbard and reflected on the black-robed man's face, shaking his eyes for a while.

click - click - click

For every inch of the blade's sheath, the white light becomes stronger.

An instinctive fear suddenly rose in the black-robed man's heart, as if he was not facing a small sea-level cultivator, but a natural enemy who crossed the eternal stream and was located on the top of the immortal race.

How can it feel like this... Impossible!Impossible!
The immortal clan has been destroyed, as early as ten thousand years ago!

Finally, the long sword without elongation named Yao Ye Senluo completely showed its true appearance, silver light like snow, reflecting the increasingly flustered figure of the man in black robe.

Xu Shoujing just held the silver knife, and felt that all his energy seemed to be drawn away, and his body was so tired that he couldn't lift his strength.

Even so, seeing the black-robed man in a daze, he still smiled and said:
"To be honest, the right choice at this time should be to let you go. After all, I can't stop you. I don't know what will happen if I take the risk of using this trick..."

"But my heart doesn't allow you to go. If I hadn't broken the seal, you wouldn't have retrieved the three souls so easily."

Xu Shoujing's eyes gradually sharpened, the long knife was raised, and the silver light of the blade shone on the black-robed man:

"This is for my own thoughts, Jiuxiao, you can only die here."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Shoujing waved a knife forward with all his might, and the next moment, his brain fell into a shutdown.

Physical strength, spiritual strength, spirit, body temperature... It seems that all states have been plundered, leaving only an empty shell without thoughts.

The only remaining picture is pure white that fills the whole world.

A bit... familiar.

Yep, just like that day.

When he first came to Zimo and rescued Zhao Fuyao from the ruins, the magic that Yaoyao finally used with the help of the remaining spiritual power in his body seemed to turn the whole world into pure white.

This is... pure white?
This is polar night.


Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
At the end of the month, please clear the tickets in your hands (crazy hint);

To explain a little: it's not a wheel battle, but the words feel a lot like a wheel battle... Anyway, just treat it as if everything happened in a dozen seconds.

 In the future, I will not write team battles if I kill them. Suddenly I understand Araki. Team battles are really difficult to write. If everyone should take care of them, it is better to fight separately, clean and neat, and not look like water.

(End of this chapter)

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