The queen is so fierce

Chapter 110 The red dust is not a robbery

Chapter 110 The red dust is not a robbery

The moonlight was quiet, and the little light passed through the cross window and sprinkled on the floor in front of the bed, like a layer of frost.

The fireplace in the center of the wing exudes a red warmth, and in the silent night it "cracks and crackles" like a never-ending nocturne.

The raised quilt on the bed protruded into a tall and graceful shape.Xu Shoujing sat on the edge of the bed, holding the slightly cold jade hand, and his eyes were distressed.

Zhao Fuyao's entire body was tightly wrapped by the brocade, his black hair was loose, and his head was sunken on the cotton pillow; his flawless white face was still a little vain, and a dense layer of perspiration appeared on his white forehead, as if Couldn't get any strength.


If there is anything, a soft moan sounded.

Xu Shoujing sighed lightly, put his weak and boneless hands back into the quilt, and whispered apologetically:

"Sorry, it's obvious that you're already very uncomfortable, so I'll ask you to help."


Zhao Fuyao shrugged his neck and turned his gaze away. In the dark night, those bright and clear phoenix eyes were extraordinarily dazzling.She forced a smile, but because she was not good at this kind of expression, her already pale face was even more distressing:
"Didn't Jiang Rongyue tell you to eat dumplings? Go quickly."

Xu Shoujing nodded. After he separated from Chu Shuwan, he did not immediately join the 'Dumpling Buffet', but came to Yaoyao's room.

Seeing Zhao Fuyao's haggard appearance, Xu Shoujing could only sigh, but there was nothing he could do.

Since Zhao Fuyao didn't practice double cultivation with him for several days in a row, his physical condition still hasn't improved in any way, and he didn't want to tell her if he asked her, so Xu Shoujing couldn't do anything about it.

Take one step at a time...

Xu Shoujing sighed again, picked up the silver-white long knife placed aside, and said softly:

"Then I'll take it, you have a good rest."

Zhao Fuyao whispered "um" and closed his eyes again.


As the partition door was gently closed, the cold outside air stopped invading.

The charcoal fire in the furnace was still lit with a golden and dark red shimmer, and in the quiet room, a delicate voice suddenly came to mind:

"Are you going to continue like this?"

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Fuyao had no surprise in his eyes. He glanced slightly, only to see Nangong Xiaoxiao in a warm yellow dress leaning against the wall with his arms folded, looking at himself without blinking.

Zhao Fuyao naturally knew the meaning of Nangong Xiaoxiao's words, he pondered for a moment, then slowly shook his head:

"not the right time yet."

Nangong Xiaoxiao pouted, her narrow and charming fox eyes were a little puzzled:

"But when you were in Yuanxiang City last time, you clearly planned to..."

"I was impulsive." Zhao Fuyao interrupted expressionlessly, but his ears were a little red.

Nangong Xiaoxiao never thought that in her lifetime, she could see a 'shy' look on Zhao Fuyao's body. Although it was very slight, she still couldn't escape her burning gossip.

Originally, Nangong Xiaoxiao was quite afraid of Zhao Fuyao, but after getting along with her during this period of time, she found that Zhao Fuyao was completely different from the empress who ignored the common people in her impression.

If it wasn't for the first time she met, the instinctive fear engraved in her soul was too strong, and she would have wondered if someone had taken it away.

Thinking of this, Nangong Xiaoxiao suddenly became curious, what would happen if these two people continued to walk like this?
"Cough cough." Nangong Xiaoxiao coughed dryly.


Zhao Fuyao's drowsiness that had just surged up was dissipated, he paused for a moment, and turned his head in confusion.

Nangong Xiaoxiao looked at the lively lights outside the window, and said stiffly:
"Ah~ this girl suddenly remembered something. The Tiannan Continent where Xiao Jingzi is going, it seems that the ruins of Gu Yao's Immortal Palace in the ancient Tianzhu era are there, but I don't know if Xiao Jingzi is interested in going around. "

Zhao Fuyao's phoenix eyes froze. When the era of Tianzhu came to an end, it happened to be the time period when she was sealed.What happened after that is almost unknown.

Logically speaking, based on Nangong Xiaoxiao's relationship with herself, she has absolutely no reason to say it.

Speaking out, it is not good for Nangong Xiaoxiao, but an act of "financing the enemy before the battle".

But no matter what he said, with this information alone, Zhao Fuyao took advantage of Nangong Xiaoxiao's love.

Nangong Xiaoxiao noticed Zhao Fuyao's dazed gaze, her face flushed red, frantically covering up her expression, she said stubbornly:

"Don't think too much! I only told you for the sake of Xiao Jingzi's ancestors, most likely the dragon killers."

Zhao Fuyao ignored Xiao Chenghuang's inappropriate words, and was silent for a while, then said:
"Thank you."

Nangong Xiaoxiao shuddered all over, and Zhao Fuyao said thank you, it felt like 'the big bad wolf praised the little sheep for being beautiful', which was indescribably weird.

She pouted and turned her face away so that Zhao Fuyao could not see her expression, "Anyway, you can remember, I'm going out to eat dumplings, or Sister Rong Yue will quarrel with me again..."

When the words fell, Nangong Xiaoxiao strode out as if he didn't want to stay for a moment.


There was a tremor in the other door, and the room returned to calm again.

Zhao Fuyao let out a low sigh, and tightened the quilt on his body, letting the drowsiness invade, his consciousness gradually lost.


Suzaku Street, one of the most prosperous streets in Zimo City.

The red lanterns hang on the corners of the eaves on both sides of the street, and the street vendors have begun to pack up and close.

The gurgling river flows, and the people on the arch bridge pass by each other. Everyone's face is full of smiles. Most of them are people who are busy going home to make dumplings after watching Empress Dali parade through the streets.

In such a crowd, Qiu Xuanji was dressed in a long red dress with a red gauze on her face, which concealed her peerless face; at this time, she was not at all calm and calm, and she walked briskly and hurriedly, ignoring passers-by. Curious eyes, eagerly rushing in one direction.

the same moment.

At the end of Qiu Xuanji's destination, a white-haired old man dressed in simple neon clothes walked along the wall like a leisurely stroll.

The Admiral's mansion and the mansion next door were brightly lit, and in the long night it seemed as if hundreds of stars lit up the sky.

The old man in neon clothes was full of heaven, and his face was old but he walked like a fly. After a while, he walked to the red lacquered gate with the words 'Dragon Jade' and stopped.

Across the courtyard wall and the gate, I could vaguely hear the laughter emanating from the inside.

"Wow! Senior Sister Lengyan, are these dumplings made? They are so cute. They have two big ears, like an elephant..."

"That's a rabbit..."


"I'm going, Jing Ming, don't run away! How many times I've said it, I'm not jealous! You still have to pour it into my plate, are you sick?!"

"Hey, Meng Yi. It is soulless to eat dumplings without being jealous. It's time for you to taste the taste of old vinegar."

bang bang bang...

The two who were chasing seemed to have tripped over something, causing a burst of screams from the surrounding female disciples.

The old man in Nishang heard a black line on his face. These two things are useless every day outside the sect. This is a dinner party inside the sect. If you communicate with other sects, you will lose your face. Empty?

The tightly closed red lacquer door slowly opened, and the old man in Nishang took a step back subconsciously, but when the door was completely opened, he was slightly taken aback.

The yard was filled with tables of various sizes, and the Longyumen disciples dressed in azure robes were full of seats.

But there is no sign of anyone opening the door...

"Old Kui, why are you standing there, come in."

Suddenly there was a laugh from above.

Kui Dao looked up and saw the bright moon as the background, a handsome young man in a black robe sitting on the tile of the fence, looking at himself with a mocking expression.

Since Kui Dao obeyed Xu Shoujing's words and returned to the mundane world after a hundred years, he never used the spiritual power of 'accumulating dust'.

He sighed faintly and said:
"Is there any wine?"

Xu Shoujing seemed to have expected him to say this, lightly stroked Qiongyu on his waist, and his five fingers pulled out a mass of light particles, which gradually condensed into a red wine jug.

He mentioned it to Kui Dao and said with a smile:
"Zi Mo's Drunk Immortal Brew, would you like to try it?"

Saying that, Xu Shoujing turned over and jumped down, took Kui Dao across the threshold, and walked towards the inside.

In the shop across the street, the hawker who was about to close saw this scene, the whole person was dumbfounded, and muttered to himself:
"He actually walked out the door..."

Xu Shoujing led Lao Kui beside a big tree in the courtyard, put down the red wine jug on the wooden table, and pulled up a chair:
"Old Kui, sit down."

"..." Lao Kui.

Ranxi just came over with two plates of steaming dumplings, Yingying bowed and said:

"Ranxi, go eat too, don't be busy all the time." Xu Shoujing said helplessly.

Ranxi hesitated, put down the two plates of dumplings, and turned away.

Lao Kui looked curiously at this little girl who found her to be not simple when he first met her, his eyes wandering, but he met a pair of slightly complicated almond eyes.

In the crowd, Chu Shuwan, who was sitting beside Jiang Rongyue, looked at Master's figure with a surprised expression, but she quickly retracted her gaze and ate the dumplings in a muffled voice, pretending she didn't see it.

Lao Kui sighed and didn't care about his second apprentice's ignorance.

If it is according to the etiquette, he should come over and say hello after seeing the teacher, but he doesn't care about these things anymore.

Lao Kui looked around at the familiar but unfamiliar Longyumen disciples, reunited during the festive season, laughed and laughed, and the most simple fireworks in the world were nothing more than this. .

He couldn't remember the last time he saw a similar scene.

When I was young, I longed for the rivers and lakes, and felt that it was no big deal to walk in the world.But when he used the swordsmanship to act as a chivalrous man, he found that his companions had passed away one by one.

In this cycle again and again, Kui Dao suddenly found that everything he did was meaningless.

The people saved by the chivalrous hero will still be dead bones after a hundred years.

The confidant who accompanied him and acquainted, in the year he entered the Dragon Gate, there was no one left in the world.

The mortal calamity had been entangled with him as early as the moment he stepped into the mortal world, but he hadn't realized it yet.


The crystal clear wine filled the wine glass. Kui Dao watched the overflowing wine glass being pushed in front of him. He glanced at Xu Shoujing and said with a wry smile:
"In the past, I always wanted to cut off the cause and effect with everyone, so after all the disciples of Shuwan's generation left the school, I never showed my face again. I didn't expect that when it was about to end, I still believed in you. The evil, the success falls short."

Xu Shoujing also filled himself with a glass of wine and drank it with his head up:

"You always say that mortal things have nothing to do with immortals... But if you cut off all connections, have you really become immortal?"

Kui Dao was silent. In fact, he was somewhat aware that unless he had never stepped into the mundane world, even if he did not go to the mundane world to get involved, the memories of the past would always remain in his heart and become a stumbling block on his cultivation path.

Xu Shoujing leaned over, looked at the beaming atmosphere of Longyumen, and said with a chuckle:

"Lao Kui, in fact, I never thought that the mortal world is a calamity. Those who claim to have survived the mortal calamity are actually deceiving themselves. If they really survived the mortal calamity and underestimate everything, then they will not take it seriously. Those things are called 'catastrophe'.

It is precisely because I cannot forget that I have to deceive myself over and over again, telling myself that it is all catastrophe... Do you think this kind of person is funny? "

"..." Lao Kui.

you scold again?
Xu Shoujing noticed Kui Dao's gaze and waved his hand:

"I don't mean anything else. I just want to say that when you regard the world as a catastrophe, it will be a catastrophe. But if you don't regard him as a catastrophe, in fact, those things won't be an obstacle to your cultivation path at all."

When it is a calamity, it is a calamity, if it is not a calamity, it is nothing...

Lao Kui was stunned for a moment, pondered the sentence, then looked at him with a strange look, and said with a frown:
"Is this what you realized?"

"Uh... that's right." Xu Shoujing said.

Lao Kui was silent for a while, then sighed:
"When I was your age, I didn't think about it so much at all. In this respect, I'm not as good as you."

Xu Shoujing was a little embarrassed to be praised, scratched his cheek with his index finger, and said:
"It's not as exaggerated as you said... Not long ago, I was still thinking about whether the common people are more important, or the person I love is more important. I have always been confused, and I only recently figured out."


Saying you're fat, you're still out of breath, right?

Lao Kui was a little speechless and asked casually:

"Then for you, the people and the people you love are more important over there?"

"Of course it's the one you love." Xu Shoujing replied in seconds.

Lao Kui is not surprised. He has long known that this kid will definitely choose this way. I really don't understand if he is confused and lonely?
Xu Shoujing noticed Lao Kui's sad expression of "want to say but don't know how to say it", he thought for a while, and said:
"Lao Kui, do you think that my way is the way the ancient demons liberated their nature and conformed to their hearts?"

"Isn't it?" Lao Kui was taken aback.

"Of course not." Xu Shoujing shook his head and said seriously: "For example, if I were to be between the common people and my lover, I would undoubtedly choose my lover; but if my lover dies unfortunately, although I will Vengeance for love, but I will not choose to sacrifice the whole life to resurrect them. Do you understand what I mean?"

Having said this, Xu Shoujing smiled and whispered:
"The demons are unrestrained and follow their nature. Although I don't like to look forward and backward, I am still a person, and I have the most basic conscience.

If I voluntarily fall into the devil's way and revive the people I love by sacrificing others... even if they do survive, I'm afraid they will live in the sins of the common people for the rest of their lives, that's torture for them. "

"You are not a demon." Lao Kui suddenly said.

"Of course I'm not a magician. The object of my longing is the most selfless and righteous dragon slayer... Although I don't want to be her."

Xu Shoujing said with a smile, after a pause, he said quite seriously:
"Actually, I've always been afraid of those hypothetical situations that would happen, maybe the former... After reading too many biographies, I can't help but think, if one day, Aunt Chu and the others will fall because of my lack of strength, what kind of talent do they need? Earth Treasure reshapes the soul...

If something like this happened to me, would I still be able to maintain my current sanity by then?Not to mention the fact that he is being targeted by a mysterious organization inexplicably like he is now, and he might use me to do something. "

"...Divine souls are different for everyone, and there is only one in the world. If they are really scattered, there is no way to recreate them." Out of professionalism, Lao Kui still couldn't help reminding him.


Xu Shoujing was choked so badly, he said angrily:
"This is not the point. What I want to express is that in order not to face such a choice, I will be so strong that those people can't easily use me."

Lao Kui was silent for a moment, then said:

"I heard, are you planning to go to Tiannanzhou?"


Xu Shoujing nodded and pondered for a moment:
"It's not just because of an agreement with others. Tiannanzhou is a continent of immortals, with many sects, and sects are prosperous. There is no sovereign dynasties like Yuliang.

Moreover, the two continents are still connected, the immortal path has opportunities, and there are many more ancient ruins than Yuliangzhou... I want to go there to experience myself well, take off the protection of others, and truly walk the world by myself. "

"Hey, go ahead, Tiannanzhou is indeed more suitable for you than Yuliang." Lao Kui sighed.

Xu Shoujing stood up and bowed respectfully to Lao Kui:
"Ever since I can remember, the knowledge of mortal martial arts and immortality has been taught by you. Although there is no teacher or apprentice, I should respect you as a teacher."

Lao Kui was stunned for a moment, his nose was suddenly a little sour.

Xu Shoujing glanced at Lao Kui's reaction, and came up to him shamelessly:
"You see, we are half a master-apprentice relationship. Aunt Chu and Xuanji are also my senior sisters, right?"

Lao Kui's face turned dark, and his mood just disappeared in an instant. He knew that this guy couldn't be so kind. I haven't seen him say a few good words for so many years, so he was thinking about it.


"Okay, then I'll take it as your default."

Xu Shoujing laughed and left, and squeezed into Jiang Rongyue and Chu Shuwan's side.

Kui Dao, who saw this scene from a distance, had a dark complexion that was even darker now.


Suddenly, footsteps came from the door, and then the whole yard boiled.

"Uncle Qiu is here!"

"Hey, Master Qiu came to find the young master... I didn't say anything about the master."

"I - the sect master, he can't speak, you don't have to destroy me..."

There was laughter and laughter in the courtyard, and it was very lively.

Under the shadow of the big tree, Kui Dao drank alone and stared at the scene in front of him with a dazed gaze. For a long time, he shook his head and laughed:
"Hong Chen, it's actually not bad..."



The moonlight is like frost, and the night is dust-free.

The scholar dressed in a brocade robe sneaked into the woods of the Broken Dragon Mountains.

The clear water made a 'crashing' sound, and at the peak of the waterfall, a shadow stood vaguely.

Qiu Ji turned around and came to the bright water pool, and saw the simple black robe at a glance.

He quickly knelt down on one knee, covering up his guilty look, and said respectfully:
"My lord, it's too late."

As he said that, his hand hidden behind his back secretly squeezed a fantasy spell, and in an instant, the purple starlight dissipated under the quiet moonlight.


Ask for monthly pass, recommendation ticket, reward, collection;
The second half of the writing is not in a good's very strange, paving the way for the next volume, I feel that this volume will be over in two chapters.

 I was stunned. I don't know if it's because of my liver from last night to now. Just now, my fingers bleed, especially my little finger. The entire left side was broken... I found the keyboard was all red. Everyone was stunned, and because the tip of my index finger was basically numb, I didn't feel anything. I knew that I suddenly felt cold and painful just now...

  As a result, more than half of the remaining, I wrapped the bleeding finger with a tissue, and only used the other fingers to finish.

  Absolutely, for the first time in my life

(End of this chapter)

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