The queen is so fierce

Chapter 109 Daily life after calm and calm

Chapter 109 Daily life after calm and calm
When the winter solstice approached, every household in Zimo City made dumplings, not only to celebrate the festival, but also to celebrate that Dali had finally overcome the difficulties.

Thinking back to the Mid-Autumn Festival, who would have thought that so many things would happen in just three months.

First, Empress Dali recruited her son-in-law to become a 'receive son', and a 'Xu Gongzi' with both civil and military skills was born. Qiu Xuanji imitated Emperor Jiajing and suddenly did not go to court.

It is hard to imagine that Dali, who has been strong for dozens of generations, has endured almost all the disasters that he can bear in just one year.

Everyone needs a celebration to wash away the storms of the past three months.

At dusk, millions of civilians up and down the capital lined up on both sides of Qinglong Street, giving way to the spacious and vast Baiyu Avenue.

Manchu Wenwu knelt at the end of Qinglong Street. As the two or five boys who would never be able to use it again, they could only kneel under the Qinglong Gate to apologize.

I don't know how long it took, but a few days ago, when Ban Lunhong fell into the horizon, there appeared a carriage convoy escorted by the Suppressing Demon Division.

Long Nian moved forward slowly under the steady pace of his inner servant, and the demon-suppressor and the imperial guards in the front row of Yujian were opening the way.

"It's the Holy One! The Holy One is here!"

Some people in the crowd exclaimed in surprise, and the rest of the people reacted, only to hear a neat 'popping' sound, and the people along the road bowed their heads and knelt, shouting 'Long live the Queen'.

If it was someone else, it might just be because of his status, because he bowed his head to the imperial power because he was 'afraid of death'.

But facing Qiu Xuanji, the people of Zimo City felt respect from the bottom of their hearts.

If it wasn't for Qiu Xuanji, they would have already become a delicious meal in the mouths of the demons.

Across the red gauze curtain, Qiu Xuanji was dressed in a luxurious phoenix skirt, with her chin resting on the back of her hands, leaning lazily on the soft seat, watching the people along the way salute as a matter of course, with some emotion in her heart:

Maybe this is the last time...

A few days ago in Yuanxiang City, the two divine dragons mingled and merged in the clouds, and after eating the demonized man and the soldiers of Southern Chu in one bite, the people under Qiu Xuanji began to plan how to shape the "Dali Empress and Burning Demon" Transforming the crowd, one person retreats to Southern Chu".

Qiu Xuanji was not interested in these things, and just asked the Demon Suppression Division to gather the remaining half-demons, and when Jing'er was free, he would use that 'demon clan's holy artifact' to purify them.

The rest, including the Longyumen disciples, took a few days of repairs and then went to Zimo together on the flying boat.

Qiu Xuanji still had to go through a routine, parading the streets outside, but Xu Shoujing and the others didn't join in the fun, they were probably wrapping dumplings in the mansion.


Qiu Xuanji sighed, thinking about whether the parade could end soon, she still wanted to change her clothes, and hurry up to find Jing'er...

Oh, and by the way, I have to bring Qiu Shangyun with me.


At the same time, at the back end of Suzaku Street, the courtyard marked 'Longyumen Residence in Beijing' was in full swing.

Inside and out, Confucian scholars and fairies in azure robes were crowded, chatting with each other. In the end, seeing that the yard couldn't hold any more, they simply climbed over the wall and moved to the next door. Anyway, Yu Zhiqiong's people had already finished talking. Almost like an empty yard.

The cold wind blew the bare branches, and in the courtyard warmed by spiritual energy, Jiang Rongyue, dressed in a long snow-blue dress, sat dignifiedly at the wooden table that Meng Yi had brought out, holding dumpling wrappers in her hands. It's making dumplings.

With a cold face in a light blue dress, Rou Weed held a small dumpling with 'two fat ears' and held it in front of Jiang Rongyue, her cold face was slightly embarrassed:

"Senior sister, I...I didn't get it right..."

"There is a little trick, put the dumpling skin on the left side of the tiger's mouth and pinch it in the middle... Okay!"

Jiang Rongyue held the small and exquisite dumplings and gently placed them in front of Leng Yan.

The cold and clear eyes were sparkling, and he stretched out his index finger and poked a few times, as if he was studying how such a 'craft' was made.

Jiang Rongyue smiled gently, and instead of pointing out, she turned her head and glanced at the Qingyunpao disciples who were whispering together not far away.

"Fantasy fried!"

"...How come you only have seventeen cards left? Honestly, are you cheating?"

"Hey! You can't talk nonsense. Last time, my set of 'Flying Floating Boat' made you a second. I can only say that I am lucky~"

Hee hee ha ha, chatter, talk non-stop.In his hand he was holding a thin sign made of wood, with a pattern of godlike runes engraved on it.

Jiang Rongyue glanced at them indifferently. Ever since Xiaojing taught them this game called 'Pokryk Card', this group of people has been doing nothing every day, and they know how to play poker all day long.

"Jing Ming!" Jiang Rongyue shouted impatiently.

"I'm coming!"

Jing Ming, who was wearing an ancient red outfit, shuddered, and secretly asked who had provoked Senior Sister?Feeling uneasy in my heart, I hurriedly provoke a good card in my hand, and ran past, smiling:

"Elder Sister, you have something to order."

Jiang Rongyue clapped the flour on her hands and said coldly:
"What about your young master?"

Jing Ming's smile froze, and sure enough, no one except the young master could provoke Senior Sister.After hesitating for a long time, he said erratically:
"Young Master, he went to the street to buy wine."

Jiang Rongyue saw through Jing Ming's lie at a glance, raised her eyebrows, and said coldly:

"Jing Ming!"

"Hey! Don't fight! I said, I said!" Jing Ming quickly begged for mercy, without hesitation, he sold Xu Shoujing decisively: "Young Master, he went to the street to buy rouge..."

"To whom?" Jiang Rongyue asked.

" you."

"—!" Jiang Rongyue blushed, Xiaojing actually...

Jing Ming took a peek at Jiang Rongyue's face, scratched his head, and added embarrassedly:
"And the sect master, Master Qiu, Miss Zhao, Miss Nangong, and Miss Ranxi..."

"..." Jiang Rongyue.


The lights are on.

There are red lanterns hanging from the eaves and corners of the street, swaying brightly, and the people who have watched the parade of the Empress have re-invested in their respective work.

Some women were busy going home to make dumplings, and the street vendors also reopened. There was a long queue in front of the Zuixian Building, and a handsome young man in a black robe squeezed out against the crowd.

"Huh...there are too many people."

Xu Shoujing turned his head with lingering fears and glanced at the crowd of people in front of his chest and his back, patted the dust on his shoulders, looked around for a few times, and finally found the long-awaited woman not far away.

Ranxi's cultivation base is not high, and she can't change the same clothes all year round like other senior sisters.Today coincides with the winter solstice, and the cold air blows, so I have to change into a blue winter dress.

Even so, Ranxi's mellow figure does not lose half of her charm, standing slim on the street, like a little daughter-in-law who is looking forward to her husband's return; unfortunately, at the moment, she is holding a large number of brocade boxes of different styles, tall. Gao Leiqi couldn't even see Shui Yun's pretty face.


Feeling the weight on her hands suddenly lightened, Ran Xi was stunned for a moment, then she saw the handsome face of the black-robed youth, and bowed her body softly:

Xu Shoujing held the brocade box containing the rouge gouache with one hand and smiled apologetically:
"I'm sorry, Ranxi. My belt has been repaired, and I can't transform... No, I can't hold things."

Ranxi shook her head, folded her hands on her waist, took a few steps forward, and wanted to take back some brocade boxes from Xu Shoujing's hands:
"Young master is not like this, it's what Ranxi should do."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to take a few layers from the brocade box that was built up high.

But when her hand was already stretched out, the brocade box that was stacked high seemed to have life, and moved back a little, avoiding her 'magic claws'.

"Master?" Ranxi tilted her head.

Xu Shoujing shook the brocade box with one hand and said with a smile:
"I'll take it, it's just a little bit, it's not in the way."

Seeing this, Ranxi didn't insist, and Lianbu followed Xu Shoujing's right back half a step. From time to time, he peeked at the face of the young man beside him, and walked towards the yard without saying a word.

By the time they got to the mansion, the sky had completely darkened.

The lights of Wanjia are like stars in the sky, lighting up the long night of Zi Mo.

Meng Yi and several outer disciples carried a small round stool and sat at the door playing cards.Seeing Xu Shoujing coming back, Meng Yi thief smiled, took out a thick board from Qiongyu Pavilion, and joked;

"Young Master, this is the washboard we bought for you through crowdfunding. It's the style that's been especially popular among female nuns recently. It can even vibrate when injected with spiritual power."

"..." Xu Shoujing's mouth twitched for a while, Quan thought he didn't see it, and led Ranxi to walk in across the threshold.

The Qingyunpao disciple next to Meng Yi laughed, pretending to be surprised and said:
"Young master, are you sure you won't take it? The door owner just ordered to go to her room when you come back."

Xu Shoujing paused and was silent for a moment. He shoved the brocade box in his hand to Ranxi. The little girl who was hurt almost didn't react. "Hey, ah!" She took a few steps back, and hugged Jin tightly. Box high-rise', it didn't fall.

Xu Shoujing walked quickly to Meng Yi with a dark face, stretched out his hand, and said angrily:
"Bring it."

Meng Yi didn't do it right away, he laughed, and tapped the washboard with layers of serrations with his fingers. The next moment, the washboard turned into a little starlight and merged into a delicate belt of Qiongyu.

He handed the belt to Xu Shoujing, and while he was beaming, he did not forget to put on a cautious tone:

"Take it, young master, this is the Qiongyu Pavilion that Jing Ming has just repaired for you, and handed it over to you along with the washboard!"

Xu Shoujing snatched it from him, glared fiercely at the few people with wretched smiles, and turned to leave.

Halfway through, as if thinking of something, Xu Shoujing turned around and walked to Ranxi again, took out a black luxurious brocade box, this time without any pause, turned around and walked towards the backyard.

"Young master, don't forget to share with us your aftermath later, that stuff is so expensive!" Meng Yi teased while watching the excitement.

"According to the input of spiritual power, there are three vibration modes, young master, don't forget it!" Another disciple echoed.



Inside and outside the courtyard, there was a burst of laughter.


The front yard was as lively as the Chinese New Year, but the back yard was just the opposite. The cold light of the bright moon sprinkled on the ground, like a layer of frost.

From time to time, a gust of cold wind blows up the fallen leaves on the ground, making a 'rustling' sound, which is particularly eye-catching in the silent courtyard.

In the quiet wing room, candles flickered, and the heat from the stove dispelled the chill of the winter solstice.

Chu Shuwan was sitting at the round wooden table, dressed in a dark green dress. Under the light of the warm yellow candle, the thin window paper reflected a plump and graceful figure, her graceful figure was slender and attractive.


After an unknown amount of time, a sigh resembling a grievous woman came from the quiet wing.

Chu Shuwan rested her elbows on the table, her jade hands supported her pink cheeks, her mature and beautiful face climbed up with a trace of sadness, and muttered to herself:

"Jing'er... Obviously I am the first... hey..."

It's too late to regret it now, who asked her to send Jing'er to Zi Mo because of her shyness?
Chu Shuwan said that at that time, no one thought that Qiu Xuanji, the [-]-year-old stone girl, would have a spring day...

Da da da--

The sound of hurried footsteps came from the corridor outside the door.

Chu Shuwan's expression became condensed, she quickly sorted out the folds of her clothes and her body, and sat upright with her hands folded on her lap, showing an indifferent look.

dong dong dong-

"Aunt Chu, I'm in?" the voice outside the door tentatively asked.

Chu Shuwan looked at the figure on the window paper indifferently with almond eyes, and sneered:
"Don't enter!"

The people outside the door were silent for a moment, then laughed softly:

"Oh, then I'm in."

"???" Chu Shuwan widened her eyes.


The cold wind that came in through the crack of the door made the red candles in the room flicker and dim until the black-robed boy closed the door, and the light source in the wing room gradually stabilized.

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief, and just turned around when he saw Chu Shuwan sitting at the round wooden table.

Chu Shuwan's plump figure was fully revealed under the light of the warm yellow candle, and the two large dumplings that were covered with their clothes swayed slightly, instantly taking Xu Shoujing's attention away.

Xu Shoujing hesitated, took out the long-prepared brocade box, placed it in front of Chu Shuwan, and said with a light smile:
"Aunt Chu, this is the rouge I bought for you just now..."

Chu Shuwan looked forward, glanced at the brocade box on the table, and said in a flat tone:
"Put it there."

"..." Xu Shoujing blinked, this reaction was wrong... He moved behind Chu Shuwan, stretched out his hand and began to squeeze her shoulder: "Aunt Chu, are you unhappy?"

"What am I so happy about?" Chu Shuwan snorted and sneered: "Anyway, besides me, you must have bought it for your uncle Qiu. A bowl of water is flat, I have raised you for so many years, Do I still know you?"


Xu Shoujing's face froze, afraid that Chu Shuwan would realize that she was guilty and did not dare to stop her movements.

That...that's true.

For a time, except for the occasional humming of "um" by Xu Shoujing due to Xu Shoujing's excessive force, it was as quiet as a haunted house.

After pinching for a while, Chu Shuwan's mood didn't get better, Xu Shoujing sighed, her eyes desperate, did she still use 'that' after all?
Tears flowed from the red candle, and the fire core flickered slightly.

Feeling the big hand on her shoulder leave, Chu Shuwan squinted her almond eyes and didn't say a word, wanting to see what kind of work Jinger planned to do when she was a child.

Chu Shuwan stared straight ahead, seemingly not paying attention to Xu Shoujing's movements at all. After a while, a flash of light suddenly flashed in the corner of her eye. She was stunned for a moment, and turned her head to look—

With a 'bang' sound, a finely crafted white jade board fell to the ground. The left and right sides were engraved with complicated rune marks, and there were shocking zigzag patterns in the middle.

Rub... a washboard?

Chu Shuwan's eyes were full of astonishment, and she didn't understand why Jing'er brought this thing out.

"Bah." Xu Shoujing sighed into the palm of his hand, rubbed it a few times, and said firmly: "Aunt Chu, no matter what you say, it's my fault to get together with Xuanji without telling you, I will tell you this. Apologize..." He gestured to kneel down.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Chu Shuwan hurriedly raised her jade hand, and a gentle spiritual force dragged Xu Shoujing up, she said speechlessly:
"Where did you come up with this idea? A man has gold under his knees, he can kneel on the ground, he can kneel on his parents, except for marriage, where can he kneel on a wife..."

In the middle of the conversation, Chu Shuwan suddenly came back to her senses, her face flushed red, and she didn't dare to speak.

Xu Shoujing didn't hear Shuwan's words clearly, this time he really embraced 'death' and said solemnly:

"Aunt Chu has raised me for 17 years, she is already my half-mother, and it's okay to kneel to Aunt Chu."

Mother what mother?Which child do you see chasing after his mother for milk, is it to eat 'taste'?

Chu Shuwan was ashamed and angry, seeing that Xu Shoujing was about to kneel again regardless.She waved the delicate white jade washboard to the side.

He stepped forward and held Xu Shoujing's arm, glared at him angrily, and said reluctantly:
"Okay, okay, aunt forgives you, okay?"

With joy in Xu Shoujing's eyes, he stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around Chu Shuwan's waist. Under her somewhat dazed gaze, he bowed his head and covered his red lips with blood.


Chu Shuwan was forced to stand on tiptoe and beat Xu Shoujing's shoulders weakly a few times. Seeing that he still refused to let go, she sighed inwardly, closed her eyes, and began to respond jerkily.

What an asshole...

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Chu Shuwan adjusted Xu Shoujing's collar and smoothed the wrinkles on her body.

Noticing Jing'er's unfinished scorching gaze, her already hot cheeks became even more flushed, she paused for a moment, and cursed angrily:
"Are you satisfied?"

"I'm not satisfied." Xu Shoujing smiled and hugged Chu Shuwan's waist again, leaning over to lean up.

Chu Shuwan blocked Xu Shoujing with a look of disgust, as if thinking of something, her apricot eyes stared:
"Jing'er, my aunt asked you, Qiu Xuanji and me, who do you like more?"

Xu Shoujing's smile froze, and after a few seconds of silence, he silently released the arm that was holding Chu Shuwan, only to feel a tingling in his scalp.

here we go again……

This is the first time... oh, no.

Is this the first time someone asked me this question?

Xu Shoujing said sorry to Xuanji in his heart, went around behind Chu Shuwan and started pinching her shoulders, and said softly:
"Nothing I don't like more, I like them all."


"...Of course, since I've been with Aunt Chu for so long, I'm definitely more intimate with Aunt Chu."

"Hmph, it's not too bad." Chu Shuwan's mouth slightly raised, and she whispered, "You know who you are."

In fact, Chu Shuwan also knew that Xu Shoujing's words were not right. She had raised him for 17 years. If she still couldn't read his little thoughts, it would be a waste of time to be together for so long.

However, none of this matters.

Even if she knew that she was trying to make herself happy, and hearing "I like Aunt Chu the most" from the mouth of Jinger who was thinking about it, she still couldn't help but twitch her lips, and she was elated.

After all, this is love...

"Master, Xiaojing, the dumplings are ready, come out to eat?"

There was a faint resentment shout from outside the door, Xu Shoujing and Chu Shuwan separated like an electric shock, looked at each other silently, and both saw the embarrassment in each other's eyes.

"It's all right now, it's all your fault if Rongyue heard it!"

"Cough, my fault, my fault..."


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The main story of this volume is not over yet. Before the final battle, I will write a daily routine to change your mind.

However, my third volume outline is still not finished...

(End of this chapter)

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