The queen is so fierce

Chapter 108 9 Xiao Shenlong Ding Nanchu

Chapter 108 The Nine Heavens Dragon Ding Nanchu

bang - bang - bang
The drums of war sounded like thunder, stirring up the monstrous yellow sand.

At the junction of the desert and the greenery, the dark army of Southern Chu marched in an orderly manner, and its target was naturally Yuanxiang City, which was located just a few miles away, where Longyumen was stationed.

At the front of the army, Yang Di, Emperor of Southern Chu, who was riding a steed, turned his head slightly:

"National teacher, thanks to you this time, Gu and Gu's 20 troops marched here in such a short time. When Gu conquers Dali, Gu will definitely mobilize the power of the whole country to help you find the demon clan saint thing."

Back then, the man in Heipao approached Yang Di and offered to help him attack Dali. As a deal, there were two conditions to help him complete.

First, after breaking the Yunan Pass, a blood disaster occurred in twenty miles. The reason is unknown, and the method is not limited. Second, after winning the Dali map, he helped to find the ancient lost demon sacred artifact.

For Yang Di, these two things were nothing more than fiddling. Compared with the people in black robes helping to attack Dali, they were nothing to mention. He agreed without thinking.

Now that Yu Nanguan has been won so easily, Yang Di really saw the hope of unifying Yuliangzhou, and he smiled and began to draw cakes for the black robe.

Yang Di originally thought that the man in Heipao listened to his words and would not be very happy, at least he would express it a little.

But surprisingly, the man in black robe didn't show anything, the old face hidden under the hood also showed a strange smile, he said meaningfully:

"No need, Your Majesty."

Yang Di was stunned for a moment, frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled tone:
"Is there something wrong with Guyou? Where is the national teacher dissatisfied, even if you put it forward, you don't need to care so much."

The man in black robe shook his head: "Your Majesty misunderstood. There is no dissatisfaction in this seat, but it is unnecessary."

"Isn't it necessary?" Yang Di's brows furrowed deeper, and he was even more puzzled.

Originally, the man in black robe repeatedly told him that he must complete these two things, and he did not forget to mention it even when he went to the battlefield, which shows how much he attaches importance to it.

I haven't done anything yet, so why isn't it necessary?
The man in black robe didn't notice the change in Yang Di's expression, he smiled grimly, and said in a low voice:
"This seat has already found the location of the sacred relic of the demon race, so don't bother your majesty. As for the blood disaster... that really needs a little help from your majesty."

Yang Di was stunned for a moment, and quickly replied:

"It's natural."

"Your Majesty just promises." The man in black robe said meaningfully.

Yang Di was stunned for a while, but he didn't understand the deep meaning of Heipaoren's words. Seeing that he was about to arrive at Yuanxiang City, he didn't have time to ponder further, so he had to temporarily put it behind his head.



On the city wall of Yuanxiang City, a fierce verbal confrontation is unfolding.

Ever since she called Xu Shoujing out on the grounds of "Nan Chu is coming soon", Chu Shuwan never gave him a good face, she kept her face straight, and almost wrote "Come and coax me" on her face.

Chu Shuwan was pressing step by step, Xu Shoujing was retreating, pinching her shoulders and saying good things, but Aunt Chu was still not in a good mood.

"Aunt Chu, I really didn't hide it from you on purpose, I was forced by the situation, and Shishu Qiu is quite pitiful..."

Xu Shoujing said in a soft voice, her two big hands kept massaging Chu Shuwan's smooth and delicate shoulders.

Chu Shuwan's face was slightly cold, and she folded her arms and didn't want to pay attention.

However, I don't know if it was because Xu Shoujing was too hard, her standing upright body accompanied Xu Shoujing rubbing her shoulders.

Aware of the hot gaze coming from behind, Chu Shuwan hurriedly coughed dryly, reached out and fanned her hot cheeks, and said calmly:
"You keep saying that you like me the most, but in the end, you end up with my rival. I understand, you don't have a word of truth in your mouth."'s hard to refute...

Xu Shoujing had a strange expression on his face for a while, and after deliberating for a moment, the hand pinching his shoulders dropped, and he embraced Chu Shuwan's waist from behind, put his head close to her ear, and said softly:

"Aunt Chu, I admit that I am a little bit lustful...but I definitely didn't want to develop so fast with Uncle Qiu. In fact, she pushed me down on a pillar that day...forcing me to do that or something."

"Don't make excuses." Chu Shuwan ignored the hands that wrapped around her waist, and sneered, "I don't know you yet? Even if it's the same as what you said, it was Qiu Xuanji who forced you first.

I guess you've already died in your heart, but on the surface, you must still pretend to be a gentleman. If you want to refuse, you will be reluctant, but in the end, you will definitely work harder than my weak-tempered senior sister. "


Xu Shoujing groaned for a long time and was speechless with an expression on his underpants being seen through.

thump - thump - thump
While the two were talking, a rain-like sound of war drums sounded in the distance.

The southern Chu army, which was only a hazy shadow before, could already see the embryonic form of a dense formation of 20 people.

Chu Shuwan put away her playful look, glanced in the direction of Wan Yao Mountain, and said with a frown:
"Jing'er, why haven't the ghosts arrived yet? Didn't you let them out last night?"

"I do not know either……"

Xu Shoujing also thought it was very strange. It is reasonable to say that the marching speed of ghosts and demons is far faster than those of monks who can't control swords.

If he hadn't owned this limited-edition flying boat borrowed from Meng Yi, it would have been difficult for him to surpass the ghost and demon and reach Yuanxiang City in a short period of time.

Even a krypton gold player like him barely arrived this morning. There are a total of 20 people, and the Southern Chu army is still uneven. How did they do it?
Could it be that there is a small trick used by the final teaching?

In any case, given the known strength of the black-robed man, it is obviously inappropriate to launch a counterattack in Yuanxiang City so hastily.

At present, the most appropriate action should be to open the Hidden Dragon in the Nine Heavens and delay the time, wait until the ghosts attack, stand on the side and watch the fire, and wait until both sides are almost injured, and then send troops out to benefit from the fisherman.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment and said solemnly:
"Aunt Chu, open Jiuxiao Hidden Dragon Map."

At the moment of the enemy, Chu Shuwan was obviously not a little girl who would be awkward regardless of the occasion. She stroked the stone brick with her jade hand, and a blue spiritual energy emerged, and the formation that had been arranged last night slowly lit up.

This time, Chu Shuwan didn't make any self-adaptation. The giant dragon lying in the center of the great formation seemed to be in a state of mind, and even the wind and the rain could not impress it.

thump - thump - thump
The sound of the war drums was getting closer and closer, and every crenel on the city tower had already set up a continuous crossbow equipped with spiritual power. The Longyumen disciples in blue and white cloud robes stared intently at the approaching Nanchu army. , they will pull the trigger and shoot out countless spiritual light waves.

The Southern Chu army also stopped, and under the general's order, they moved from left to right, and it was estimated that it should be the distribution when they decided to attack Yuanxiang City.

The flames of war were about to break out, and at this moment, the hot air suddenly drifted with a hint of coldness.

Xu Shoujing stood on the tower, golden light flashed in his eyes, and muttered:



The black fog that swept the whole sky spread from the direction of Wan Yao Mountain, the sky and the earth were dark, and the army of Nan Chu was stunned for a while, standing in place at a loss, not knowing what this black fog was.

"National teacher, what is that?!" Yang Di hurriedly turned his head to ask, but found that the man in black robe who was still standing beside him had disappeared.
"What about people..."

The black mist engulfed the left wing of the 20 army in the blink of an eye, and the Southern Chu soldiers trapped in the black mist screamed again and again.

The people outside the black fog were also panicking, not knowing what was going on, they retreated back instinctively.

Yang Di saw all this in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.Although the whereabouts of the man in black robe could not be found, the emergency situation at the moment did not allow him to hesitate slowly.

Yang Di waved to the old general next to him to give an order, the old general bowed his head knowingly, and shouted in a strong voice with spiritual power:
"The whole army listens to the order! Stop sieging the city for now, the monks who major in wind techniques stay behind and blow away the black mist!"

Someone ordered that the Southern Chu army, which was in chaos just now, came back to its senses, regained its strength, picked up the weapons and arranged them neatly, and the Fengfa monk also flew up the sword according to the general's words, and began to seal in his hands.


As if a hurricane that could blow off the mountainside hit, the black mist scattered on both sides, revealing the long-covered scene inside.


The armored cultivator in the front row shrank his pupils and couldn't help exclaiming.

Before the black mist dissipated, the ground was full of flesh and blood stumps, bright red blood flowing into a river, and the stubble of the divine weapon was buried between the dead bones. It is easy to imagine the bloody battle that just happened.

In the darkness ahead, the pitch-black monster was eating the monk who was only half-length, and bright red blood flowed from the sharp silver teeth along with the sound of chewing.

It seems that they sensed that the black fog dissipated, and at the moment when the faint light was projected on them, thousands of ghosts and demons, who were not inferior to the army of Nanchu, tilted their heads slightly, staring at the pupils of the people of Nanchu. Light.

"No... can't win... how can people win..."

With a 'ding dong' sound, the weapon fell to the ground.A Nanchu soldier in the forefront shook his head in a collapse, and his body kept retreating.

With his meager cultivation, he could not see the realm of ghosts and demons at all, and could only feel the fear that came from his bloodline.

In addition, the picture of countless colleagues dying was too shocking, he lost his will to fight for a while, and just wanted to leave quickly.

However, just at the moment when he wanted to retreat, the ghosts and monsters who were standing in the same place seemed to smell the 'smell of fear', and flocked to the Southern Chu army in a swarm.



Several Nanchu soldiers couldn't bear the fear either, their legs were weak, and they also dropped their weapons and squeezed behind; the soldiers who were still holding their positions were distracted by their actions, and one of them was bitten by a ghost that rushed up without paying attention. Broken throat.

"Don't run! Keep the formation! Meet the enemy! Meet the enemy!" The old general who was commanding from the rear was very anxious, but his voice could not be conveyed.

These soldiers were trained by him personally. They were the elite soldiers among the elite soldiers, and they had never been timid on any battlefield.

How can it be like this now?
What he didn't know was that the ghosts and demons originated from the resentment of the thousand-year-old robbery. They were born from the evil thoughts of the world. They naturally have the ability to affect the mood of the human race with improper cultivation.

Yang Di couldn't get past it. As the only platoon in the entire Southern Chu, he was beaten by two background boards five years ago. After entering the Nirvana Realm, the old man of [-] years old who never entered the Realm again.

He wants to keep everything in Nan Chu.

Yang Di flew into the air, holding a ball of golden spiritual power in each of his hands, and threw it towards the group of ghosts and demons.


Several ghosts were blown off their forelimbs and their movements were damaged, but they still drove forward on the ground like crazy, their iron teeth and silver teeth kept biting, it seemed that even if they tried their best, they would bite off a piece from the human race. come with meat.

dry rice man... dry rice soul...

Yang Di really didn't expect that when he charged a blow, he just blew up a few ghosts' legs, which was completely opposite to what he expected when he shot.

Are these monsters too hard?In the end, which heartless gave it out?Even if Nan Chu is completely destroyed, can you handle it?
Yang Di's face changed gloomily, and the golden ball of light condensed in his hand again. Even if the effect was minimal, at least it actually caused damage to ghosts and demons.

As long as you wait for the army to regain its strength and defend against ghosts and monsters according to the formation, it is not that there is no chance to turn defeat into victory.

However, Yang Di's plan was soon dashed.


The general stood on the high platform of the march, and suddenly felt a few drops of warm water splashed on his face.

In mid-air, Yang Di's pupils shrank, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot. Looking at the old and dry hand running through his heart, he didn't seem to understand what was going on.

"National teacher...why...?" Yang Di said in despair, intermittently.

The black-robed man smiled grimly, pulled out his arm, and brought out a string of blood beads in the air.

Yang Di's eyes turned pale, the spiritual power in his body was dry, and all his vitality was stolen. Finally, he groaned in despair, and fell straight into the ghosts and demons like a bird with broken wings.

The blood-soaked palm of the black-robed man was covered with a layer of black spiritual energy, washed away the blood, and said coldly:
"Because this seat has changed its mind, the blood disaster... No one has stipulated that it must be Dali. As long as it is a human race, I will achieve the purpose of the holy religion."

After speaking, the figure of the man in black robe disappeared without a trace in the air, as if it had never appeared before.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

The old general watched the death of the monarch he served for many years. He felt powerless and at the same time understood that the situation was over.

The Southern Chu army, which was already in a panic, was now headless, unable to resist the menacing ghosts and monsters.

For a time, the screams came one after another, resounding through the sky.


Above the city tower of Yuanxiang City, Xu Shoujing's eyes were still golden, but he frowned:
"The momentum is not right... Why is Nan Chu so useless?"

Xu Shoujing originally planned to let the ghost monsters and the Nanchu snipe and clam compete, and when they were almost at the end of the fight, they would take advantage of the fisherman.

Even if Nan Chu really can't beat the ghosts, at least it can reduce some of the ghosts' combat power.

Didn't Nangong Xiaoxiao say it?At least [-]% of the ghosts and demons can go to hell with them.

But you see what's going on now?

An army of 20 people was beaten completely one-sidedly in the face of the attack of disorderly ghosts and monsters.

If I knew you were so watery, I wouldn't let the ghosts go.

Seeing that the army of ghosts and demons was like a locust crossing the border, devouring the monks of the human race, Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, knowing that he could not wait any longer.

If it goes on like this, after the ghosts and demons have eaten all the people of Nanchu, they will only become more and more fierce like the demonized people.

"I'm sorry, this girl told you a long time ago, don't underestimate these ghosts, this is something that makes your human ancestors have a headache."

Nangong Xiaoxiao was sitting on the city wall, her white calves hanging in the air, swaying constantly, her words were all a run on Xu Shoujing.

Xu Shoujing glanced at Xiaoxiao. He didn't have time to play teasing games with Xiaocheng Huang. He waved his hand to let her play in the mud, and turned his head to indicate to Chu Shuwan:

"Aunt Chu."

Chu Shuwan nodded, her expression calm, the blue light in her hand flashed, and the crouching dragon slowly dissipated.

At the same time, the Longyumen disciples who had been prepared for a long time took the flying swords and carried the crossbows in their hands, and they were about to fly to the battlefield——


A thunderous sound of Jiuxiao thunder sounded from the back of Yuanxiang City.

Everyone looked up and saw a green dragon hidden in the sea of ​​​​clouds, churning thunder and lightning, as if a hurricane blew past, and appeared above the ghost and demon battlefield.

Followed by a touch of hot red.

Xu Shoujing was slightly taken aback when he saw the figure in the red dress, and subconsciously shouted:


The red figure flying in the air paused, Qiu Xuanji lowered her head and looked down, and at a glance found Xu Shoujing... and Chu Shuwan standing beside him with a cold face.

Why is Jing'er here?

And Shuwan... Isn't she defending the enemy at Yunanguan?Why did you come to Yuanxiang?

Although there were many doubts in her heart, Qiu Xuanji controlled her skirt to cover her luxurious figure, and fell gracefully in front of Xu Shoujing.

"Jing'er, why are you here?" Qiu Xuanji took a step forward, subconsciously wanting to hug him to check for any injuries.

"Cough, cough." A dark green figure stood between the two of them. Chu Shuwan's head was covered with black lines, and she forced out a smile that was not smiling.
"Long time no see, Senior Sister, talking face to face like this... Was the last time seven years ago?"

Qiu Xuanji's eyes froze for a moment, the jade hand that had been raised froze for a moment, but she had no choice but to put it down, and said without wavering:

Chu Shuwan raised her eyebrows, her mouth curled into a small smile, but her voice had no warmth:

"Senior sister, don't you have anything to say to me?"

Qiu Xuanji blinked and said calmly, "What does my sister want me to say?"

Chu Shuwan opened her mouth and was about to say something, but suddenly fell silent.

In fact, she wanted to ask Qiu Xuanji a lot of things, but she was still on the battlefield at the moment.

At the end, Chu Shuwan could only snorted coldly and stood aside with her arms folded.

Xu Shoujing's little heart almost jumped out when he saw the atmosphere that was about to explode between the two.

Seeing that Chu Shuwan didn't play the scene of two women fighting for her husband on the spot, she felt relieved and kissed Aunt Chu fiercely in her heart.

"Xuanji, what exactly is that dragon?" Xu Shoujing asked in a low voice.

Qiu Xuanji turned her gaze to the giant dragon above the ghost and demon, and shook her head:

"I do not know either……"

Xu Shoujing was puzzled and wanted to ask a few more questions.

Jing Ming, who was eating melon seeds beside him, swallowed the skin of the melon seeds, pointed to the front, and said:
"Small... young master, look!"

Xu Shoujing frowned slightly and looked in the direction of his fingers...


Two dragons of similar color are entangled in the clouds, their tails are connected, and their bodies are twisted into a twist.


Xu Shoujing licked his dry lips with a strange expression.

He also knew the other dragon. Although he only had a glimpse of it, it was obviously the one he saw in Wan Yao Mountain...

The question is, these two dragons... are they in 'Yun Zhen'?
Is it so exciting to play?
Soon, Xu Shoujing's unreliable guess was broken.

Surrounded by hurricanes, yellow sand filled the sky.

The bodies of the two giant dragons twisted into twists gradually became illusory, the dragon scales blended with each other, the clouds dispersed, and they became the same dragon!


The dragon roar resounded for nine days, and everyone on the tower covered their ears.

Xu Shoujing's eyes widened. After the two dragons merged, the pattern on his body changed significantly.

This is clearly...


There was another dragon roar, and the giant dragon that could cover the sky suddenly opened its huge mouth and swallowed the ghosts on the ground and the people of Nanchu cleanly.


Black blood splattered everywhere, and the blood rained down.

The giant dragon slowly looked back, its golden pupils took a deep look at the shocked crowd, turned around and dived into the sea of ​​​​clouds and walked away.

There is only a messy battlefield left, and the people on the tower who have not returned to God for a long time.


Amidst the misty yellow sand, a man in black robe walked leisurely.

No matter how turbulent the hurricane and yellow sand are, it seems that they can't affect him in the slightest.


A dragon roar came from the sky.

The man in black robe took off his hood, revealing an old and godly face.

He looked at the giant dragon hovering in the clouds, and there was no surprise in his eyes. He raised his withered palms and beckoned to the giant dragon.

The giant dragon seemed to be feeling something, the sea of ​​clouds was tumbling, and it leaned down and flew down, and it was about to hit the black-robed man...


The moment the giant dragon touched the man in black robe, his body became illusory, his head seemed to hit the man in black robe and disappeared little by little.

Until the dragon's tail disappeared into the palm of the black-robed man, he raised his hand to look at the extra black tattoo of 'Three Dragons Eat Tail', hehe smiled, and took his steps again.

bell bell-


The footwork that the man in black robe had just walked a few steps stopped again. He stretched out his hand and took out a crystal from his waist, hesitated for a moment, and clicked on it.

The black mist formed a light curtain in mid-air, and a ragged scholar appeared in the picture.

"Your Majesty." The scholar bowed his hands respectfully.

The black-robed man raised his brows, and his tone was quite unexpected:

"Qiu Ji, aren't you locked up?"

Qiu Ji kept his posture of bowing his head unchanged, and said in a respectful tone:
"I made a deal with Xu Shoujing, and he let me out."

At this point, Qiu Jiwei paused, glanced at the face of the man in black robe, his eyes were erratic, and he said tentatively:
"Your Majesty, the spiritual power of this subordinate has been sealed, can you come and pick me up?"


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The state is not good today, and the writing is very poor... When writing, it is very difficult to write, not only because of bad grades and bad grades, but also because of various reasons.

If it wasn't for you guys cheering me on, I certainly wouldn't be able to hold on.

(End of this chapter)

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