The queen is so fierce

Chapter 107 The Medicine That Is Not Bitter

Chapter 107 The Medicine That Is Not Bitter
The peaks and peaks rise one after another, and the clouds are cloudy.

The dense jungle climbed up the mountain road, the cliffs that were cut like knives were bottomless, and a few immortal birds hovered among the clouds and were unwilling to land for half a minute.

In the deep cave, the crevices of the collapsed gravel flowed with water as thick as ink silk.

The huge dragon sculpture hovered on the stone pillar at the top of the cave, and it was faintly visible in its slightly open dragon mouth, as if a hole had been dug artificially.


Crystal clear water drops dripped from the beard of the dragon head sculpture, drawing a straight waterline in the air, hitting the slate floor, and splashing away.


The entire mountain suddenly began to tremble erratically, trees collapsed, rivers flowed backwards, birds’ nests built on the cliffs fell, and the female birds who returned from foraging were startled to spread their wings and fell, trying to catch up with the scattered eggs.

In Zimo City not far away, the pedestrians on the road were also shaken by the shaking like a tumbling dragon, so they quickly grabbed the closest thing to them, trying to stabilize their figure, but there was still a problem. Many people fell to the ground.

The squid stall owner held the cart firmly, but after a few moments, his body slanted to the side with the cart, and he was about to be crushed to the ground——


"Are you OK?"

The owner of the squid stall slowly put down his hands that were protecting his head, and what caught his eye was a hesitant fairy-like woman in a purple dress.

The woman in the purple skirt held the cart with one hand, as if it had no weight, and easily helped it back to its original position.

At the same time, the earth that had been trembling gradually stopped.

The squid stall owner was a little stunned, and always felt that this scene seemed to have been seen somewhere...

Oh, when the demonized people attacked the North Gate, the black-robed boy who had a good relationship with the peach blossoms also saved himself like this.

"Ah...Thank you for this fairy." The owner of the squid stall quickly got up and thanked him.

Jiang Rongyue smiled tenderly, indicating that he didn't need to care, and at the same time reached out and handed over the broken silver:

"Please grill fifty skewers of grilled squid."

"..." The squid stall owner.

Could it be that you and the black-robed son are siblings?

How can my little stove, how can it be, fifty strings in one breath...

The squid stall owner sighed, gritted his teeth and started cooking.

Jiang Rongyue didn't care about the unlovable look of the owner of the squid stall, but fell into contemplation on her own.

The vibration just now was very unusual, not like a simple earth dragon rolling.

How long has it been since the Earth Dragon turned around in this area of ​​Zimo City?

Could it be that it has something to do with Xiaojing's sudden escape yesterday?

While thinking about it, the scene in front of Jiang Rongyue was suddenly shrouded in a shadow.


Jiang Rongyue raised her eyebrows, she didn't know why, why did it suddenly become cloudy?

"Ahh...! Ahh-!"

Pedestrians on the street suddenly shouted in horror at the sky, the candied gourd hawker carrying the straw target, and even threw the straw target in his hand to the cloth dealer next to him, and ran to the side alley with rolling and crawling.


The deafening dragon roar resounded throughout Zi Mo, Jiang Rongyue froze in her heart, and quickly looked up.

A half-bared Nine-Heaven Divine Dragon tossed among the sea of ​​clouds, shadows covering the entire sky.

Even if he couldn't see the whole body of Shenlong, it was only a dragon claw, half a dragon's tail, or a huge golden pupil, all of which showed off its huge body to the human race.

Jiang Rongyue was dumbfounded. Didn't the dragon race go extinct thousands of years ago?Where did this dragon come from?

boom -


Purple lightning entwined the dragon's body, shuttled above the clouds, and seemed to be able to chop down at any time, causing annihilation to the tiny human race.

Jiang Rongyue bit her lower lip, looked at the dragon with vigilance, stroked the Qiongyu on the bracelet, and the aura particles condensed into a long sword.


A thunderous thunder sounded again at the top of the sky, Jiang Rongyue swung her sword to block, the next moment——

The dragon swept its tail and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"...?" Jiang Rongyue.

The bright golden light peeled off the layers of dark clouds, and sprinkled a touch of warmth towards Zi Mo, who was terrified.

Jiang Rongyue maintained the posture of raising her sword and was stunned for a long time. Suddenly she smelled a burnt smell on the tip of her nose. She suddenly recovered and turned around to remind:


The owner of the squid stall stared at the sky in a daze, and was awakened by Jiang Rongyue's words, and quickly began to turn the black squid skewers in his hands, and said with a bitter face:

"Ah... oh, I'm sorry, fairy, I'll bake it again for you..."

Jiang Rongyue didn't reply, staring at the direction where the dragon on the horizon left, thoughtfully.



Xi Zhao is located on the west side of Dali's territory... Isn't this nonsense.

'Zhao' has the meaning of 'calling water'. It is rainy all year round. Fishing boats are often used instead of horse-drawn carriages. The largest of them, 'Yushun Town', is also known as a water town.


Bright red blood beads splashed into the gurgling river, like water stained with ink, and slowly fainted.

The red-eyed monster standing on the arch bridge screamed, claws covering his chest, but blood continued to flow between his fingers.

The guard of the Demon Suppression Division holding an embroidered spring knife killed the demonized person with one knife. At the same time as his spiritual energy was scattered, he kicked the demonized person who was about to fall off the bridge with one kick.

With a 'puff' sound, water splashed everywhere.

Before waiting for the guards to catch a breath, the other side of the arch bridge heard the roar of the beast again.

He turned his head and saw that the demonized people with red eyes had assembled once again, and the front foot of the leader had even stepped on the stone steps of the arched foot.

The guards of the Demon Suppression Division's eyes were tired, and there was not much spiritual energy left in the body. If they continued to consume these demonized people, sooner or later they would fall down due to lack of physical strength.


There was a scream in the streets under the bridge, after a few pauses, a few demonized people who were thirsty for blood rushed out.

someone else died...

The hand of the Demon Suppression Guard's sword fell weakly, and finally he couldn't help kneeling on the ground, unable to say a word in despair.

When the Demon Suppression Division entered the city, they originally got together and planned to take turns to suppress the demonizing people.

But I never thought that the half-demon suddenly attacked the camp of the Zhenyao Division, so that they could only temporarily disperse, fighting each other in such a narrow place, the consequences can be imagined.

He didn't know how many of his colleagues were left alive, maybe they were still hiding in a corner of the town, maybe he was the only one left.

At the beginning, everyone agreed to live and die together, if he really is the only one left...



The red-eyed demonizing people in ragged clothes rushed to the arch bridge in groups. Seeing that there was no way out to the left and right, the guards of the town demon department closed their eyes blankly.

Suddenly, the surrounding air became hot, and the surrounding scene was hazy, like a mirage over the desert.

A few demonized people who ate more people stopped. They opened up some spiritual senses a little, and they could feel the danger faster than ordinary demonized people.

"Oh oh oh—!"

A monkey demon turned into a human who saw that the other seniors did not move, his eyes were fierce, and he surpassed all the demons in one breath. His legs were bent, and he jumped high, about to touch the neck of the guard of the town demon department——


A bright red flame streaked across the four lines, and the monkey demon turned into ashes in the blink of an eye, and dispersed with the wind.

The demonized man who stopped walking suddenly became agitated, as if shocked by the strange scene in front of him.

The guard kneeling in the center of the arch bridge, his eyes were red for a while, he looked up and saw a red figure standing in the sky.

It is holy!
Holy is here!

...But didn't the sage say that it would take three days to come over?Why did you come here in just one day?

The cold wind was rustling, and in mid-air, Qiu Xuanji was wearing a long red dress with a concubine red, with a face that looked like a fairy, with a bit of indifference, and a red lotus the size of a slap was hovering around him.

Qiu Xuanji glanced at the black shadow that was still moving below, and was a little surprised.

She was basically still alive, she thought there were at most a few people left in the Demon Suppression Division when she arrived.

In fact, she said to Chu Shuwan 'within three days'... a conservative estimate.

In other words, in fact, if she flew to the east to burn the demonized people at her fastest speed, and then flew to the west to rescue the demon-suppressing division who was fighting against the demonization army... it would only take a day at most.

At the time, Qiu Xuanji didn't know why Chu Shuwan asked this. She thought she had some plan, so she estimated the time according to the most conservative estimate. Who would have thought that her junior sister actually wanted to have a race.

There was no other way. Chu Shuwan had already said, "Okay, then three days." Qiu Xuanji was too embarrassed to tell her that one day was enough, so she could only answer silently, "Okay."

So, this contest... In fact, Qiu Xuanji won at the beginning, although the victory was unclear.

Abandoning those cumbersome thoughts, Qiu Xuanji sighed, the red lotus in her hand was spinning erratically, and it turned into a tattoo of Feihong on her arm.


A crisp snap of fingers swayed, and the tiny flames like sparks fell toward the ground, like goose feathers stirred by wind and waves.

But soon, that tiny Mars gradually became like an extraterrestrial meteorite that fell into the world, leaving a huge groove on the ground.


A wall of fire of up to a dozen battles surrounded the guards of the Demon Suppression Division on the arch bridge. The fiery fire wave scared everyone else into a daze, but the body was not harmed in the slightest.

On the contrary, those demonized people who spewed out were completely bathed in the sea of ​​fire, and turned to ashes like the monkey demon before.

Such scenes occurred in various places in Yushun Town.

After an unknown amount of time, the wall of fire gradually dissipated.

The stench of burnt corpses permeated the entire Yushun Town, and the river, the proud water town, was dry and desolate as if it had experienced a ten-year drought.

The guards of Zhen Yaosi, who were paralyzed on the arch bridge, haven't recovered, and the familiar voices of the colleagues came from all directions:

"Thank you for your life-saving grace!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

"The grace of the Holy One! It is unforgettable!"

One after another, like the sound of Sanskrit.

The guard on the arch bridge widened his eyes, opened his mouth, and was speechless for a long time.

Together you are not dead, are you?

Then I just felt lonely?

With a majestic voice with spiritual power, Qiu Xuanji instructed the Zhen Yao Division to capture the remaining half-demon, then turned around and planned to fly to Yunan Pass. After all, the army of Nanchu there was much more difficult to deal with than the demonized people.

The half-demon just borrowed the power of demonizing people to solve the demonizing people, and the rest is a group of daring turkeys, nothing to be afraid of.

But the Southern Chu army is a well-trained monk army, and it is far more difficult to deal with than these half-demon who are half-way monks.

Qiu Xuanji was a little worried about her reckless junior sister. No matter what, she was now half her mother-in-law, and it was unreasonable to have her mother-in-law replace her daughter-in-law on the battlefield.


Just as Qiu Xuanji turned around, a dragon roar resounded from behind, followed by a blasting sound like a blade piercing through the air.

Qiu Xuanji's phoenix eyes froze, and the jade arm holding the red lotus tattoo was wrapped in circles of fiery red silk threads, and she swayed gently towards the source of the sound.


The turquoise dragon scales scratched across the spiritual shield, and the shield shattered.

Qiu Xuanji snorted, and flew backwards towards the rear, turning several times in a row to stabilize her figure.

She caressed the placket of the clothes that was covered by the big dumplings, panting with the ups and downs of her palms, and with a startling glance, she saw a dragon that could cover nine days galloping away, and that direction was undoubtedly Yunanguan.

Between the clouds, Qiu Xuanji frowned.

How is this going?



The yellow sand fluttered in the sky, and the line of sight was dazed.

In the gatehouse compartment of Yuanxiang City, Xu Shoujing, who had just reunited with Chu Shuwan yesterday, was feeding the weak Zhao Fuyao with medicine.

"Come on, open your mouth."

Zhao Fuyao was lying on the rattan chair covered with the brocade quilt, his face as pale as paper, he fixedly looked at Xu Shoujing's gentle expression, hesitated, and then slowly parted Tankou.

Seeing this, Chu Shuwan, who was standing at the door, snorted coldly, and walked out with her arms in her arms.

Xu Shoujing heard the movement, so he could only laugh bitterly, thinking about how to coax him for a while.

When the bowl of bitter medicine for gnawing and swallowing needles bottomed out, Xu Shoujing put the porcelain bowl on the table beside him, took out a jinpa from his arms, and carefully helped Zhao Fuyao clean the corners of his mouth.

Zhao Fuyao silently watched Xu Shoujing help him do these things, without disturbing him.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" Xu Shoujing noticed Yaoyao's gaze and smiled lightly.

Zhao Fuyao shook his head, his phoenix eyes rippled, but his tone was very calm:

"These medicines don't work for me."

Xu Shoujing's heart sank, and after being silent for a long time, he deliberately made an appearance of sudden realization, and said with a smile on his face:

"I see. You dislike the bitter medicine, right? No, no matter how hard it is, you have to drink it. How can you get better if you don't drink it?"

Having said this, Xu Shoujing held back his smile, gently stroked Zhao Fuyao's cheek, and said seriously:
"You can drink it if you really don't want to, unless you tell me that there is some medicine that is not bitter and can cure you."

Zhao Fuyao's phoenix eyes were slightly startled, as if to avoid Xu Shoujing's hot eyes, she looked away, tilted her head and said:
"Not yet."

Xu Shoujing just knew it would be like this and didn't force it.He sighed, put on a rogue look, shrugged and said:
"Anyway, before you tell me, I won't be cultivating with you any more. I don't want to cultivate with great success, but you are gone. At most... I'll find out if there are other cultivation methods."

Zhao Fuyao was silent, but his pure white neck was slightly red.

"Okay, I'll tell you."

After a while, she seemed to have made up her mind, stretched her arms around Xu Shoujing's neck, raised her head slightly, and pressed his lips.

The two lips meet, and the warm and moist touch spreads on the corners of the lips.

Xu Shoujing was a little stunned, and responded subconsciously.

After a while, Xu Shoujing put his hand on Zhao Fuyao and pushed her away, saying angrily:

"It's useless for you to kiss me. If you say that you won't cultivate with you, you won't cultivate with you."


Zhao Fuyao's dull phoenix eyes flashed a hint of imperceptible anger, she lay back on the rattan chair, closed her eyes and stopped talking.

When Xu Shoujing saw Yaoyao's reaction, he was stunned for a moment, somewhat confused.

Is this... angry?

Why?I didn't say anything...

Xu Shoujing thought about it for a long time and couldn't come up with a reason, so he could only whisper in a tentative tone:
"Shake it?"

Zhao Fuyao ignored him and turned over in silence.


Xu Shoujing was even more puzzled, and tapped Zhao Fuyao's snow-white arm exposed outside the quilt.

Hmm... so soft.


Zhao Fuyao didn't even look at him, he turned his back, and slapped down the palm of his hand that only wanted to make an inch.


Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and rubbed the red back of his hand.

She is really hitting...

Xu Shoujing stared at Zhao Fuyao with more puzzled eyes, how could he be so angry?
He was a little unwilling, and wanted to 'the overlord to bow hard'.

No matter what this time, he had to ask clearly why his body became weaker and weaker after the double cultivation, and whether there was an underlying disease. If he didn't ask thoroughly, he had been so uneasy in his heart.


Just when Xu Shoujing stretched out his hand and was about to reach out, there was a sudden sound of hasty footsteps at the door.

Dressed in a green dress, Dianxi walked in, with a bit of anxiety on her beautiful face:
"Young Master! Madam told you to go over, the army of Nanchu is coming soon!"

Xu Shoujing's expression froze, and he quickly turned over and stood up.

In just one day, has the army of Nanchu arrived at Yuanxiang City from Yunan Pass?

20... The floating boat can't hold it, so is it possible that everyone can control the sword?
Xu Shoujing slapped his mouth, and at the moment he couldn't care about anything else, he told Ranxi "Take care of Yaoyao" and walked out.

Ranxi watched Xu Shoujing leave, and she couldn't do anything to fight against Nan Chu, she could only do some logistical support.


The sound of turning over came from her ears, and Ranxi was stunned for a while, and when she turned her head, she saw Zhao Fuyao sitting up with an expressionless upper body.

The thick brocade quilt slipped off Zhao Fuyao's shoulders, and the slim skirt that fit perfectly with the snow-white skin was hazy, and the flawless waist could be vaguely seen.

"Madam, why are you getting up!" Ranxi hurriedly trotted over and covered Zhao Fuyao with the quilt, for fear that she might catch a cold.

After all, when Xu Shoujing and Chu Shuwan reconciled this morning, Ranxi saw it.

Not only was Zhao Fuyao pale as paper, he couldn't even take a step. He could only rely on Xu Shoujing to support him, and barely stepped off the floating boat.

A big living person, showing the same attitude as if the lamp is about to run out of oil, how can it not make people worry?

Zhao Fuyao glanced at Ranxi, whose face was full of panic, and shook his head gently:

"I didn't get the cold."

Ran Xi was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said: "Since it's not a cold, then we must quickly find the right medicine! I'll go back to the pharmacy of the floating boat to look for it..."

Saying that, he was about to step back with his skirt on.

Zhao Fuyao raised his hand to hold Ranxi, and still shook his head:
"It's useless."

"It's useless?" The anxiety on Ranxi's face did not change. She pursed her lips and asked in a tentative tone: "Isn't Madam suffering from an incurable disease?"


Zhao Fuyao was choked up by Ranxi's words, and sighed softly, "There is a cure."

"Where?" Ranxi asked quickly.


Zhao Fuyao said with an expressionless face, laying down on the rattan chair again, pulling Jin to wrap himself up.

Obviously every move is very bland and natural, but somehow she is like a little girl who finally found the courage to confess but was rejected.

Ranxi tilted her head, and a row of question marks appeared on her head.


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Calvinka's awesomeness...suffering

(End of this chapter)

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