The queen is so fierce

Chapter 106 The Demon Ye Senluo was born

Chapter 106 The Demon Ye Senluo was born
The moon is quiet and the caves are dense.

"By the way, what's the use of this thing?"

Xu Shoujing grabbed the silver knife and waved it a few times, and asked Nangong Xiaoxiao curiously.

Nangong Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes at him, held up the two round dumplings with both arms folded, and snorted softly:
"This is the sacred object of my demon clan, why should I tell you about the human clan?"

Yo, you're still arrogant, right?

Anyway, everything is in hand, wouldn't he think about it slowly?

Xu Shoujing pouted, not taking it seriously:



Nangong Xiaoxiao blinked, a question mark appeared on her head.

This response is not right... Shouldn't she rush over and hug her thighs, and only need a novice to teach her?

This is the sacred artifact of the demon race!

Thinking of this, Nangong Xiaoxiao stood in the same place and did not move, but surreptitiously glanced at Xu Shoujing...

I saw Xu Shoujing knocking on various stones with Yao Ye Senluo, and finally even picking up Shen Jing Pu Tian, ​​as if he wanted to collide the sword and spear to test the hardness——


Nangong Xiaoxiao's face was stunned, she hurried forward, hugged Xu Shoujing's raised arm, put her toes on her toes to grab the long silver knife, and said angrily:
"Are you crazy? Yao Ye Senluo is a holy weapon that relies on spiritual power to operate. It is the exact opposite of God's Pure Punishment. If you hit it, it will be gone..."

Xu Shoujing was also stunned, he just tried it casually, he really didn't think about it so much.

But seeing that Nangong Xiaoxiao was very concerned, he happened to borrow a donkey to go downhill, and said seriously:
"Then can you teach me how to use this thing now?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao's white and tender face was full of vigilance. She squatted aside with Yao Ye Senluo in her arms, like an old hen protecting her baby.

Hearing Xu Shoujing's words, Nangong Xiaoxiao pouted and looked at him with disgust:
"You can't use it."

Xu Shoujing frowned: "Why?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao glared at him and said angrily:

"What do you think? With your small water level cultivation, the spiritual energy will sink into the sea immediately when it is integrated into the demon sword. What's the use?"


Xu Shoujing smiled stiffly, you have to say this...

That really pricked my pain.

Whether it was the attack of Southern Chu, the rioting of demonized people, or the birth of ghosts, Xu Shoujing felt that he was like an outsider, unable to do anything.

It's not like the sentence "I can't do anything" as written in the previous life novel, but it's just a problem with pure thinking.

Xu Shoujing really felt that even if the world lost himself, it would turn around.

If you continue to salt fish like this, at least the gear that drives everything can't be your turn.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing sighed deeply and smiled bitterly:
"I just know that I am weak, so I want to seek more means to become stronger little by little... can't I?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and was persuaded.

She didn't intend to hang Xu Shoujing all the time, but she just felt that "if you ask me to say it, I will say it, then I will lose face."

As long as Xu Shoujing said a few soft words at this time, Nangong Xiaoxiao estimated that he would immediately start teaching one-on-one live real people.

But Xu Shoujing seemed to have hit the wrong muscle, and was reluctant to speak softly.

Speaking of which, it seems that he has never softened to Nangong Xiaoxiao, and more of a habitual hardening, obviously asking for it, but subconsciously saying it like an order:
"Xiaoxiao, teach me."

Nangong Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and took a few steps back silently, before she could speak.

Zhao Fuyao, who had been meditating for a while, suddenly stood up and said:

"He can use it, teach him."

Nangong Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, her eyebrows were upside down, even if Zhao Fuyao's identity was suppressed there, it was inevitable that he had some doubts about the authenticity of this sentence.

The biggest difference between the water transformation realm and the ocean realm is undoubtedly the change from "direct use" of spiritual energy to the conversion of spiritual energy into spiritual power, and then the use of spiritual power.

Don't underestimate this is just a word change, it's not just an extra step.

Although the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can be refined in the body according to the different major attributes of monks, in fact, its own essence is still spiritual energy.

In other words, Reiki is an external thing.

No matter how skilled you are, stabbing someone with a real sword is obviously different from stabbing someone with a sword and fingers.

The difference is not only the attack surface compared to the opponent, but also the cultivator himself.

Why do those Jianxiu who install cold storage pay attention to 'the unity of man and sword' every day?
Not because they are cheap, but because no matter how sharp the sword is, no matter how it is a peerless sword... it is still outside the body, and it is definitely not as smooth as his own arm when wielding it.

Only after reaching the realm of 'the sword is like limbs, do whatever you want', can Jian Xiu be regarded as truly entering the door.

After all, if you can call yourself a sword cultivator with a sword, then the sword cultivator is simply lousy, and any cat or dog can call himself a sword cultivator and a sword fairy.

It's all Jiuzhou era, who's cultivator can't have a sword anymore?
The same is true in the realm of one journey of cultivation. The water-melting realm focuses on refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for one's own use. To put it bluntly, it is only to incorporate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the body.

It is different in the sea realm. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is no longer simply "accommodating and using" in the body of the monk, and the behavior of refining the spiritual energy will also undergo essential changes.

Refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into its own spiritual power, which flows in the five elements of the body's meridians, just like the blood in the blood vessels, regardless of each other.

There is no doubt that Yao Ye Senluo's use conditions must at least have 'spiritual power', not 'spiritual energy'.

The spiritual energy that has not been refined into spiritual power cannot even touch Yao Ye Senluo.

This is why, when Chu Shuwan heard that the seal of Wan Yaoshan was loosened, she asked for the disciples above the Yunyao stage of the Canghai Realm to come, because it was useless for other disciples to come.

Unlike Nangong Xiaoxiao who began to seriously think about the possibility of using Yao Ye Senluo in the water transformation realm, Xu Shoujing listened to Zhao Fuyao's words and thought about it for a while, and Junxiu's face showed a bit of joy:
"Am I going to break through? When?"

"Now." Zhao Fuyao nodded and said softly: "You are no longer confused on the road, this is the moment of breakthrough, I saw the signs when I was in Zimo City, so I insisted on going with you. Come on. Epiphany is a godsend, it won't last forever, sit cross-legged and I'll help you break the mirror."

"..." Nangong Xiaoxiao was stunned.


She just thought about how to use Yaoye Senluo in the water transformation for a long time, but you said he was going to break through?'s not right...

Nangong Xiaoxiao suddenly came back to her senses, a dodging body squeezed into the gap between Zhao Fuyao and Xu Shoujing, her head was slightly raised, and her fox eyes showed shock:

"No, no, why did you break through? You just broke through the water two months ago, right?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, his eyes rolled up, and he made a memory:

"Well... it's less than two months, maybe a little more than a month and a half. In fact, it's a lot slower than I thought. I was really depressed for a long time a while ago."


Nangong Xiaoxiao is like being struck by lightning. Although the basic methods of cultivation between the demon clan and the human clan are different, they are generally the same.

The Canghai Realm is probably equivalent to the demon clan between the transformation period and the silent period.

So far, which little cutie can break through a big realm in less than two months?

Even her cuteness can't do it!
Tired, destroy it!

Just when Nangong Xiaoxiao squatted in the corner and suspected the demon, Xu Shoujing had already taken off his upper black robe, and sat cross-legged on the stone bricks of the altar without a trace of sloppiness.

He tilted his head slightly and saw Zhao Fuyao tuck up the hem of his skirt, knelt down behind him and was about to put the fair jade hand on it.

Xu Shoujing suddenly remembered that during this period of time, almost every time Shao Yao doubled with himself, he would fall asleep.

Is this just because of helping others run Zhoutian with the body of a mortal, so there is such a load?
Xu Shoujing always felt that Shaoyao was hiding something from himself. Maybe it was something rather bloody, such as sacrificing her to achieve himself or something.

With this in mind, and the fact that breaking the mirror requires far more energy than ordinary cultivation, he asked worriedly:

"Yoyao, you just passed out this morning, are you really okay?"

"I've just adjusted my breath." Zhao Fuyao's phoenix eyes were slightly startled, and he calmly shook his head.

Xu Shoujing frowned and wanted to ask a few more questions, but a touch of coldness was already pasted on his naked back.

Feeling that the spiritual energy in his body began to flow into Zhao Fuyao's body regularly, Xu Shoujing sighed and said no more. He spread his hands on his knees and silently felt the changes in his body.

Well, I can't help it, in fact, every time I practice it is quite boring.

Because he doesn't have to do anything at all, what else can he do other than pretend and feel with his heart?
The pair had been repaired without anyone else, Nangong Xiaoxiao put Yao Ye Senluo next to Xu Shoujing, and began to pile up array materials around the cave with an unhappy expression.

After a while, the ghosts and monsters in the big formation should be able to detect that the Wanyao Mountain is now locked with paper paste. When the ghosts and monsters appear in the world, what if they smell the smell and run over?
Those two are in dual cultivation, so they definitely can't run away. I can't carry them while fighting, can I?
Thinking of this, Nangong Xiaoxiao looked back and glared at Xu Shoujing, and cursingly began to set up a formation to hide her breath.

Fortunately, the entire cave is full of one person, one immortal and one demon, and it doesn't take much effort.

About two sticks of incense passed, Nangong Xiaoxiao wiped the sweat on her forehead, looked at the neat circular formation in front of her, and clapped her hands with satisfaction.

In this short time, there will be no problem... I don't know how long it will take Xiao Jingzi to break through. It can't take two days to break through the sea, right?

A wave of air came from behind, and the skirt was lifted slightly, revealing the beautiful white and delicate legs, and the robes squeaked, and Nangong Xiaoxiao's face froze.

No soon?

How long has it been...

Nangong Xiaoxiao turned her head mechanically, just in time to see Xu Shoujing's golden eyes.

The transparent aura that had nowhere to go began to circle around Xu Shoujing, slowly transforming into soft dark threads at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Nangong Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, she knew that this was the color of Xu Shoujing's spiritual power, but these black threads were obviously different from the black ink of the Water of the Five Elements.

This kind of black is thicker, and it seems that as long as it touches it, the brain will be emptied... No, it will be devoured by the soul.

If I had to find a feeling to describe it, it would be 'rejection'.

Nangong Xiaoxiao majored in the wood of the five elements, and even when facing the gold of the five elements, he did not have a strong sense of rejection in the face of this black spiritual power.

Nangong Xiaoxiao felt that as a part of the world, she naturally rejected things that shouldn't exist. Even if she didn't think about it, her body couldn't help but resist.

Weird, take another look...


The golden light in Xu Shoujing's eyes dissipated, and all the threads of spiritual power around him retracted into his body.

At the same time, there was a 'thump' sound from behind.

Xu Shoujing's heart jumped, and he quickly turned around and put his arms around Zhao Fuyao's shoulders, letting her lie down in his arms.

Seeing Yaoyao's pale face, Xu Shoujing rebuked with some distress:
"I said that you can't stand it, you have to force yourself to cultivate with me... If this goes on, if I haven't finished my cultivation yet, I will kill you first.

Now that you have been sleeping during the day, the dual cultivation must have an impact on your body, but you just don't want to tell me... No, just suspend your cultivation for a while now. "

Zhao Fuyao lay in Xu Shoujing's arms, raised his jade hand, glanced at his palm, sighed, and slowly closed his eyes:

"it is good."

Xu Shoujing listened to the steady breathing sound in his ears, moved his left hand slightly behind Zhao Fuyao's hips, and went to the front, stroked Qiongyu on his waist, took out a few pieces of clothes, first put them on her body, and then put them on. The rest lay on the ground, and finally found a comfortable position for Yaoyao to lie down on.

After doing all this, Xu Shoujing got up and stretched out, his eyes inadvertently caught sight of Nangong Xiaoxiao, who was squatting aside and drawing a circle, and walked over in surprise:
"Xiaoxiao, what are you doing?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao glanced at him blankly, and continued to lower her head and draw circles:

"It's nothing, I just think the world is really unfair."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment: "How do you say it?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao's black eyes rolled, she stood up suddenly, and said in a sour tone:
"You say, if there is such a man. He is handsome, has a good figure, has an extraordinary background, and has a strong background. He is also a genius in cultivation, and he treats his women very gently. Although he inexplicably likes older mature women, he always comes The shortcomings are not obvious..."

Xu Shoujing understood, and interrupted with a look of surprise:
"You don't get married and keep it for the New Year?"


Nangong Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, just about to retort... Suddenly she reacted, it seems that there is nothing wrong?
I just wanted to piss him did it become a compliment to him?
A certain Theravada yellow has fallen into a self-closing loop.

Xu Shoujing did not notice the increasingly resentful mood of Xiaochenghuang, and once again lit up the long sword with silver light like snow:

"Okay, I'm in the Canghai Realm now. Quickly teach me how to use this thing? Didn't you say you can remove the demonization?"

"It's not about dispelling the demonization, it's about transforming the spiritual power." Nangong Xiaoxiao corrected his language error very seriously, and continued: "The sacred artifact of the demon clan is transformed by a broken horn of the ancient demon ancestor, and it has all the things in the world. The power of psychic powers, but also the ability to store or transform them."

Xu Shoujing looked embarrassed and said speechlessly, "Can you make it simpler and easier to understand?"

"Forget it, let's demonstrate it to you directly."

Nangong Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at Xu Shoujing, and put her hand on the hilt of the knife, and a blue-colored spiritual power was transmitted along it.

After a while, Nangong Xiaoxiao opened her eyes and pouted towards the open space next to her:
"No, try cutting it with a knife."

Xu Shoujing clenched the handle of the knife with suspicion, calmly, and slashed toward the front—


The cyan spirit gang flew out from the blade, and the half-moon crescent spun for a moment. With a 'bang' sound, a straight groove was left on the wall engraved with runes.


The gravel rolled from the groove, and there was still the scorching breath of the sword gang just now in the air.

Xu Shoujing was a little dazed, looked at Yao Ye Senluo in his hand, then raised his eyes to look at Nangong Xiaoxiao with a proud face, and said in surprise:

"This is... your spiritual power?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao akimbo, raised his neck, and hummed:

"Nonsense, do you think you can emit such a qi with your current spiritual power? Of course, this is just a little bit of this girl's spiritual power. If I dare to release more spiritual power, this cave will collapse."

It will help you regain some confidence, right... Xu Shoujing rolled his eyes and said speechlessly:
"And then? How do you use this thing to unleash the demonization of a demonized person?"

"Tsk, it's so stupid." Nangong Xiaoxiao glanced at him, the green onion fingers condensed a trace of cyan spiritual power, and swiped across Yao Ye Senluo's blade. In an instant, the cyan spiritual power turned milky white and dissipated into the world. between.

She coughed lightly and said seriously:
"Didn't I just say, Yao Ye Senluo's characteristic is transformation and storage? No matter who's spiritual power, as long as it is baptized by the demon knife, it will be transformed into the purest spiritual power... This is why the sacred artifact of the demon race can The reason for being a base.

So, as long as you don't mind the trouble, use Yao Ye Senluo to transform the spiritual power of those half-demons one by one. After all, the half-demon still retains half of the blood of the human race. As long as you convert the blood of the other half of the demon race, you will naturally be able to Return to the human race.

Oh, it's not enough to be completely demonized. After all, the demons transform the spiritual power of the demons... Isn't that still the spiritual power of the demons? "

Xu Shoujing thought for a while, and then said, "According to what you said, doesn't this knife have no threshold for use at all? Then why did I have to use it just now?"

"Nonsense. If you are not in the Canghai Realm, this knife is just scrap metal in your hands. Is it possible that every time you want to use it, you must have someone else fill your spiritual power?" Nangong Xiaoxiao said angrily.

Power bank... one-time?
Xu Shoujing's pupils gradually widened, as if thinking of something, he muttered to himself:
"That's it, it can be like this..."

Nangong Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment when she saw this, and suddenly felt a chill on her back, and goosebumps were about to come out. She couldn't help but hug her arms, and said angrily:

"Hey, did you come up with some crazy idea again?"

"Ghost idea? How can this be called a ghost idea?" Xu Shoujing suddenly recovered, put Yao Ye Senluo into Qiongyu's waist, hehe laughed: "It seems that I have to go back to Longyumen, this time Having caused such a big disaster, I don't feel sorry for Lao Kui."



The entire Ten Thousand Demons Mountain suddenly made a loud drum-like sound.

The rocky ground beneath Xu Shoujing's feet trembled, and he quickly supported Nangong Xiaoxiao beside him with a cautious look on his face:
"Looks like it's coming out."

……Um?why is it so soft...


Nangong Xiaoxiao angrily knocked off the big messed up hand, folded her arms to protect the front of her clothes, and her pretty face became hot for a while.

Xu Shoujing rubbed the back of his reddened hands, coughed dryly, and pretended that nothing had happened, then turned around and carried Zhao Fuyao, who was lying in his clothes, on his back.

He stretched out his hand and took out a model of a floating boat in the Qiongyu around his waist, turned his head and said:

"Xiaoxiao, let's go first."

Nangong Xiaoxiao glanced at the magic circle that he had painstakingly arranged, and nodded with a sigh.

Walking to the mouth of the cave, Xu Shoujing looked down at the abyss and threw the floating boat up.

click - click - click

The small body of Feidu Floating Boat grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon overshadowed the clear and bright moon.

Nangong Xiaoxiao sighed, took out a long sword again, and the overloaded three people flew onto the floating boat.

The huge floating boat broke through the clouds, and the huge waning moon was beside him.

At this height, there is basically no need to worry about ghosts and demons rushing up again.

Xu Shoujing put Zhao Fuyao down and let her lean on the chair, while he walked to the edge of the deck.

He leaned on the edge of the boat and glanced at Nangong Xiaoxiao, as if to ease the atmosphere, he chuckled lightly:
"Xiaoxiao, when the matter is over, do you want to come with me..."

Before the words were finished, a dragon yin resounding through the sky broke through the sky.


The moonlight was completely obscured, and Xu Shoujing's vision shrouded in a shadow.

His expression froze, and he turned back quickly. What caught his eye was a huge dragon head that just broke through the clouds.

Withered wood-like dragon horns, vermilion nose tip, green beard and hair, cyan scales... and a pair of golden pupils.

More importantly, this dragon head alone is far larger than the size of his own flying boat.

With such a startling glance, in just a split second, the giant dragon that came from nowhere disappeared into the sky.

"Ow! Ow!"

"Hah! Shasha!"

The shock in Xu Shoujing's eyes did not disappear when he heard the roar of a noisy and disturbed beast from below the floating boat.

He looked down on the edge of the deck, and in the purple vortex between the Wanyao Mountain canyons, there seemed to be a steady stream of black water flowing down, like a thousand-foot waterfall.

After taking a closer look, I realized that it was not black water, but a dense tide of ghosts, monsters and beasts composed of small black dots.

Xu Shoujing couldn't return to his senses for a long time, leaning back against the edge of the boat, the whole person fell into contemplation.

When Nangong Xiaoxiao saw him like this, she was a little worried, so she stepped forward and said:
"It seems that the dragon just now came out of Wan Yao Mountain, but it's obviously not a ghost..."

"Xiao Xiao."

"?" Nangong Xiaoxiao turned her head slightly, and saw Xu Shoujing's extremely cautious expression.

Xu Shoujing turned around and looked at her seriously. After a while, he said:

"Did the ghosts of Wanyao Mountain really riot because of the Dragon Breath Stone?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao frowned: "What do you mean?"

Xu Shoujing's expression remained unchanged, but his expression fell into contemplation:
"The one sealed by the Meteorite Dragon it really Jiuxiao?"


Ask for a monthly pass, a recommendation ticket, a collection, a reward, a book recommendation~
Huh... the foreshadowing is over, I feel like this volume will be over in a few more chapters, but I haven't finished writing the outline of the next volume...

Again, no knife!No knife!No knife!I hate knives the most!

(End of this chapter)

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