The queen is so fierce

Chapter 105 Shoujing Mingzhi

Chapter 105 Shoujing Mingzhi
The moonlight is like snow-white frost, and it reflects on the altar through the tiankeng at the top of the cave.

Da da da……

The young man in black robe caressed Qiongyu around his waist, his five fingers were slightly bent, and the spiritual power particles converged into little stars.

The black-robed youth walked towards the altar with steady steps, the dark heavy spear trailing behind him.

Nangong Xiaoxiao hurriedly turned over and sat up. The moment she saw the black gun, she vaguely guessed the black-robed boy's plan. Cherry's mouth was slightly opened, and her pretty face was full of surprise.

She swallowed a mouthful of saliva and murmured:

"What are you doing?"

The black-robed boy turned a deaf ear to Nangong Xiaoxiao's questioning, just walked slowly to the altar, raised his hand to look at his palm, his confused eyes became firm, and suddenly raised the heavy gun above his head——

Nangong Xiaoxiao was bewildered by the people on the side.

This girl finally spent most of her time arranging the strengthening formation, but you are good, you didn't do it at all, and you will be demolished without a word?

So what did you ask this girl to set up in the first place?
Amuse me, right?
"Hey, don't mess around!"

Nangong Xiaoxiao didn't dare to sit any longer, and ran over with a catapult.

After all, I don't know if this guy took the wrong medicine. With his previous style, it is possible to destroy the altar on the spot.

However, Xu Shoujing's determination seemed to be even more determined than she had imagined. She just stood up when the pitch-black heavy spear let out a long, pleasant sound, and smashed towards the altar under the blessing of gravity.


There was silver light on the blade of the gun, like a pitch-black thunderstorm pouring on the stone platform, and the huge wind and waves centered on Xu Shoujing, swept the surrounding like a raging wave.

The long hair draped behind her fluttered messily, Nangong Xiaoxiao closed her eyes subconsciously, raised her arms to resist the tide, her pupils shrank for a while, and she focused on the back of the black-robed boy in a trance.

What the hell are you doing?
The trend gradually dissipated, and the aperture on the altar lost its spiritual power supply and dimmed.

There is no doubt that the altar has lost its original function and has become a period display.

And the culprit responsible for all this, Xu Shoujing, stood there in a daze, without saying a word.

Nangong Xiaoxiao was stunned for a while, then came back to her senses and walked over angrily:

"Are you ill?! It's you who begged, this girl is reluctant! It's! It's difficult! ... to help you strengthen the demon banning formation.

You're good, it's not helpful at all, I just dismantled it after I finished it!Intentional is not!Do you feel uncomfortable if the ghosts are not released? "

Chattering, chattering.

Xu Shoujing let go of his heavy spear and ignored Xiao Chenghuang who was beside him who kept scolding him. Instead, he spread out his palm and stared blankly at the lines on his palm, his eyes a little dazed.

"Is this your choice?" I don't know when, Zhao Fuyao also walked under the altar, raised his head and looked up at him.

Xu Shoujing turned slightly, looked at Zhao Fuyao for a moment, sighed deeply, and said with a smile:
"Well, that's my choice."

Zhao Fuyao blinked his eyes and said calmly, "How do you feel now?"

"What does it feel like..."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and he glanced at the empty space subconsciously. After a while, he looked at his palm blankly:
"It's a very strange feeling... I thought I would be very entangled, and I wondered if I haven't made up my mind yet? But I really took this step by myself.

All I can feel is lightness and transparency... how should I put it, the things that I felt entangled in the past are actually quite stupid now..."

Da da da--

Zhao Fuyao lightly stepped on the steps, walked slowly to Xu Shoujing, looked at him softly, his tone was calm, but there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth:

"This shows that you have officially stepped into the threshold of the 'Dao'."

Xu Shoujing regained his senses, and suddenly grasped the palm of his hand, and said in surprise:
"This is the Tao?"

Zhao Fuyao shook his head, his jade hand caressed Xu Shoujing's chest, and his red lips lightly parted:

"It's just your way."

Nangong Xiaoxiao, who was on the side, looked at the two of them here, you and me, crazy riddlers. She didn't say why for a long time, and the curious baby in her heart was about to die of depression.

She stepped forward quickly and pushed Xu Shoujing back.

Zhao Fuyao was startled, took a deep breath, sat cross-legged on the ground, calmed down, and closed his phoenix eyes, as if preparing for a certain moment.

Nangong Xiaoxiao put her hands on her hips, stared at her eyes, and said angrily:

"Little Jingzi! Do you know what the consequences of doing this are? The big formation that seals the ghosts and demons is like a piece of paper. As long as they fight for their lives next time, no one in the world can stop the ghosts and demons from being born!"

Xu Shoujing was just pushed to the edge of the altar by Nangong Xiaoxiao. He took back Shenjing Punishment, and then pulled out the silver sword that served as the base of the formation. He lay in his hands and looked at it, and replied roguely:
"so what?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't be helped by these words, her brows were furrowed, and she said uncertainly:
"Aren't you determined to be a fool like the Dragon Slayer? The appearance of ghosts and demons is not just as simple as slaughtering life.

You let them out with your own hands, which means that you are also involved in the cause and effect... This is also your murder. If you want to be a fool like a dragon killer, you can't ignore it... Unless, you change your mind? "

Change of Daozhi... Do you think it is to change your will?

Xu Shoujing glanced at her speechlessly, and sighed:
"Until now, Dragon Slayer is still my ambition, but it's a little different from before."

"What's the difference?" Nangong Xiaoxiao frowned.

"It's different here."

Xu Shoujing smiled, poked his heart with his index finger, and continued:

"Ever since I can remember, I have been working hard to step into the path of cultivation, but when I stepped into Immortal Sect, I had no idea what to do after that.

Just at that time, I heard Huan Qing tell me the legend of the dragon killer... To me, the dragon killer is like a manga... The protagonist in the biography of the novel, the hero of the hero, serves the country and the people... Can you find another selfless person like her in Jiuzhou?
Who didn't yearn for being a chivalrous person when they were young?Who doesn't like to be a knight who punishes evil and eliminates evil?So I thought at the time that I had found my own way... But it was actually just a misunderstanding. I didn't want to be a dragon slayer, I just longed for an existence like her. "

Nangong Xiaoxiao was a little confused by what Xu Shoujing said, and tilted her head:
"Is there any difference?"

"There's a big difference." Xu Shoujing glanced at her, then turned to Zhao Fuyao, whose eyes were closed and calm, with a trace of reminiscence in his eyes: "When I was in Longquan Town, because I was nosy, I almost caused an accident to Yaoyao...

At that time, I was actually very confused, because I longed for the Dragon Slayer, but I regretted that I wasted time because I saved others...

In fact, the answer is very simple. From the moment I regretted saving Hu Erniang, I realized that I was actually not as noble as I thought.

Although I yearn for the Dragon Slayer, I don't want to be her... the world?Light as a feather compared to the one I love. "

Nangong Xiaoxiao nodded knowingly, then pouted again, and asked:

"So you just let all the ghosts and demons die together? Even if you don't care about the common people, you can't just destroy them all, right?"

Xu Shoujing sighed rather speechlessly. He knew that Cheng Huang had not listened carefully to the lecture just now. Otherwise, how could he have asked such a question?


Nangong Xiaoxiao felt a sudden pain in her head, she covered her head subconsciously, and stared at the culprit angrily:

"What are you doing!"

Xu Shoujing pouted and continued to explain:
"It's not that I don't care about the world, but those who have nothing to do with me, and I don't want to put them and Yaoyao on the scale to measure them.

If it's within the scope of my ability, I'll pretend... ahem, it's not impossible to act as a chivalrous person.

After all, until now, I still look forward to a hero like the Dragon Slayer.Provided, of course, that shaking them wouldn't be dangerous. "

Having said that, Xu Shoujing sighed again, and casually shook the silver knife in his hand, and said decadently:

"I used to think that I could do anything... In the end, I found that I didn't have the strength to match my ideals, and I would fall into danger again and again like that. To put it bluntly, my strength was insufficient...

There is a saying that all the unfavorable situations in the world are caused by the incompetence of the parties involved.Just like the current situation, if I have the strength to turn the tide of the battle, I don't need to let Aunt Chu and Xuanji go into danger at all. "

Nangong Xiaoxiao's black eyes rolled, and she nodded suddenly:
"I understand, you want to release these ghosts and let them deal with the Nanchu army, right?
It's not that I'm attacking you, but even if the 20 human monks in Nanchu who have reached the Canghai Realm are all wiped out there, at most they can drag ghosts and monsters to bury [-]% of them, and the rest will suffer from the nearest Dali. "

Xu Shoujing brushed the silvery snow-like blade with his palm without hesitation, and smiled mysteriously:
"But the 20 troops in Southern Chu will be wiped out, right? That's the foundation of the entire Southern Chu. Even if Dali will suffer heavy casualties, as long as there is Long Yumen, he will be able to stop the ghosts in Wanyao Mountain outside.

How many years would it take Dali to kill all these ghosts?ten years? 20 years? 50 years?Even if it is filled with human life, without the threat of Nanchu, it is only a matter of time. "

Nangong Xiaoxiao stared blankly at Xu Shoujing and said with emotion:
"I understand, you really let yourself go and don't take human life as human life..."

"No, I just saw myself clearly." Xu Shoujing shook his head and said solemnly: "Jiuzhou is very big, my heart is very small, I can only accommodate..."

On the way to the words, Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment. He held the handle of the knife with his backhand, and began to count with his fingers:
"Yao Yao, Aunt Chu, Xuanji, Sister Rong Yue, Jiao Shuang is an apprentice, Aunt Yu doesn't count, and Huan Qing doesn't count for the time being... Well, for the time being, only four women can be accommodated."

"..." Nangong Xiaoxiao.

Why do I think you will double again in the future?

Too much!
After Xu Shoujing's explanation, Nangong Xiaoxiao understood his mental process and rolled his eyes:

"Then, are you going to wait for the ghosts to come out?"

"How is that possible? Of course, call Aunt Chu first and ask her to evacuate with Longyumen. As long as Aunt Chu is in Yunanguan for a moment, I will not be able to calm down for a moment."

Xu Shoujing said angrily, he inserted the silver knife into the ground and stood, stretched out his hand to remove the Longxun card from his waist, and began to draw a picture of 'Qingluan's head hanging down'.


Transparent and colorless clouds formed a cloud in mid-air, and a light curtain appeared in the center of the cloud.

The picture became clearer and clearer. In the background of the smoke, there was a fiery red sky. The dark clouds were like thick smoke.

Chu Shuwan was wearing a dark green slim-fitting dress, her familiar face lost its blood color, and a trace of blood could be faintly seen at the corners of her mouth. Her long black hair was not twisted up as usual, but fell naturally and casually.

Aunt Chu's skin was originally fair, but at this moment it was even more morbidly pale. It was obvious that she had been injured, and it was not too light.

Those who can hurt the Nirvana Realm, needless to say their own cultivation base, plus the information of the final teaching that they know in advance, it might be a thrilling and fierce battle.

Thinking of this, no matter how dazzling the two big dumplings posted on the front of the screen were, Xu Shoujing didn't have the slightest hint of charm, and was full of heartache.

"Aunt Chu, I already told you that you won't be able to beat me, hurry up and leave, why are you still..."

Before Xu Shoujing was both distressed and angry, Chu Shuwan's depressed expression revealed a hint of impatience. She waved her hand and sighed:

"Don't rush, I'm leaving, I'm leaving."


Xu Shoujing was slightly startled, when did his Aunt Chu become so obedient?

I really couldn't beat it and ran away...

Xu Shoujing had heard in the door before that Chu Shuwan had a much hotter temper when she was young. Even if she couldn't beat Qiu Xuanji, she never backed down once. I was subconsciously frightened when I saw her.

Chu Shuwan was stunned when she saw Xu Shoujing, as if she was a reckless man who didn't care.

"What? In your eyes, the old lady is someone who knows she will die and wants to send it up?"

When Xu Shoujing heard the words, he suddenly came back to his senses, and hurriedly said with a smile:
"How could it be, Aunt Chu has a general understanding of how to advance and retreat... Just in time, I will play the Dragon Xun card for you, and I also want you to evacuate quickly, at least to Yuanxiang City."

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, then frowned, "Why is this?"

Yuanxiang City is not very far from Yunan Pass, at least after retreating there, the Yunan Pass generation will not want it at all.

Xu Shoujing hesitated, and decided to still want Chu Shuwan to tell the truth:

"The ghosts are coming out soon."

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, and she took a few seconds to understand the meaning of this sentence, and immediately exclaimed:

Passing by, Jing Ming, who was busy carrying the formation stone, was so frightened that he stumbled under his feet and almost fell to the ground.

Jing Ming secretly thought in his heart that it was very dangerous. He turned his head to look at Chu Shuwan and asked in a low voice:
"Sect Master? Did something happen?"

Chu Shuwan patted her chest to calm down and waved her hand: "Go ahead and carry your things."

"..." Jing Ming pouted, intending to find Meng Yi to fish.

Chu Shuwan walked into the house with the Longxun card, and ordered Ranxi to pour herself a cup of tea and put her away. After confirming that there was no one around, Liu Mei frowned and asked:

"Jing'er, did you do it?"

Xu Shoujing nodded and said helplessly:
"Aunt Chu, I've been thinking about it for a long time, and now this is the only way to solve the problem of Nan Chu and the demonizing person at the same time."

Chu Shuwan never thought that her Jinger would actually do such a big thing without telling her, she sighed and said:
"Jing'er, since you've made up your mind, my aunt won't stop you. If it's a big deal, there will be any consequences, and I will bear it with you."

Xu Shoujing knew that Chu Shuwan would answer like this, and said softly:
"Aunt Chu, when I go back this time, I..."


Chu Shuwan knew what Xu Shoujing was going to say without guessing, so she hurriedly interrupted.At that time, when she saw Qiu Xuanji present, she said that she promised him something, but now she waited for Xu Shoujing to mention it, but she flinched in her heart.

"Why Aunt Chu?" Xu Shoujing was slightly taken aback.

Chu Shuwan's eyes were erratic, and her face was a little hot. She couldn't find any excuse. "Uh... ah, I have something to do here. I'll hang up first." She waved her hand to cut off the screen.


Ranxi walked into the house with a tea tray and was about to bow her body in a blessing ceremony when she suddenly saw Chu Shuwan slumped on the chair with flushed cheeks, and tilted her head for some unknown reason:
"Ma'am, what's wrong?"

Chu Shuwan clipped the beautiful legs under her skirt and coughed dryly:

"I'm fine, let Qin Pan and the others hurry up, we must rush to Yuanxiang City tonight."


Ranxi blinked, put the tea tray on the table, folded her hands around her waist, and turned to go out.


Ranxi raised one foot outside the threshold, and suddenly she seemed to think of something, she turned her head slightly, her soft and pretty face smiled sweetly, and was about to speak, but the smile on her face froze.

I saw Chu Shuwan sitting paralyzed on the rattan wooden chair, her red lips slightly open, holding one of her white jade-like fingers, her almond eyes were blurry, and she didn't know what she was thinking.



Ranxi's pretty face turned red for a while, and she didn't dare to disturb her again. She ran out of the room in small steps, and didn't forget to close the door.


Outside of the yellow sand, the entire army of Southern Chu is here.

The Emperor of Southern Chu stood in front of the army, Qi Yu looked at the three characters 'Yunanguan' proudly, and whispered to the black-robed man beside him:

"National teacher, Longyumen seems to have really gone... You are wrong."


The expression of the black-robed man hiding under the hood was a little distorted. He looked up at the city tower, packed his luggage, and took the Longyumen flying away in front of them on the floating boat. He was also a little puzzled.

This... the information is not right?
Isn't it said that Chu Shuwan has a hot personality and does not cry without seeing the coffin?

He is ready to persuade him again... How come people really ran away?

How did you become so unsteady in your cultivation so far?

Bathed in the surprised eyes of Yang Di, the emperor of Southern Chu beside him, the man in black robe coughed dryly and said in a deep voice:
"Perhaps, Chu Shuwan has something to do at home."

"—" Yang Di sullenly did not dare to smile, and waved to the general beside him.

The general raised his flag knowingly and shouted loudly:


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(End of this chapter)

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