The queen is so fierce

Chapter 104 Daozhi Lingyun

Chapter 104 Daozhi Lingyun
The sea of ​​gust of sand fluttered in the sky, rolling up a dust storm of dozens of meters high. The cracks in the gravel of the Yunanguan Chongren City Wall were filled with sand, and the seams were tightly fitted, and no trace of the original could be seen.

Whoosh whoosh—

Gold, silver, red, blue... Hundreds of different colored spiritual power trails fell like meteors, rushing straight into the camp of the Southern Chu people.

In an instant, the screams continued, flesh and blood flying, dyeing the eyes of the soldiers who rushed to the formation red.

On the city tower, a rough-faced man in ancient red clothes stood in front of the crenel, holding a giant repeating crossbow that filled the entire crenel. There was no groove for changing arrows on the repeating crossbow. I don't understand how it's going to fire the pill.

However, what it shoots is not an arrow at all, but a shock wave formed by spiritual power.

Da da da--

Jing Ming's hands holding the grip were constantly trembling by the recoil, and the crimson spiritual energy continued to condense into one shell after another, shooting out from the muzzle of the repeated crossbow, =.

Along with a red line across the sky, the yellow sand and dust were stirred up by a surging wave, followed by a scream that resounded through the sky.

"Hey, it's a shift change." A Longyumen disciple in a green shirt walked slowly, biting half a big meat bun in his mouth.

Jing Ming glanced at him and said solemnly, "Wait a while, I'm not satisfied yet."

"Yo, you're still addicted, aren't you?" Meng Yi stuffed the rest of the buns into his mouth, swallowed hard, raised the back of his hand and wiped the oil on his mouth, then stepped forward and started to snatch it from Jing Ming. The control of the crossbow: "How long have you been happy, it's time for me!"

"This is a war, do you think this is a game?" Jing Ming did not give in, and squeezed Meng Yi with his shoulders.

Meng Yi squatted down half body, even though his body was not as burly as Jing Ming, he did not fall into a disadvantage, he gritted his teeth and said:
"You should say this to yourself... how long have you been playing, it's time to restore your spiritual power, get out of the way!"

The two of you were fighting for each other, and neither of them would give in. The mouth of the ballista, which was sandwiched between the crenels, began to shake irregularly. The shot was changed from the downward to the sky at first. The other disciples on the left and right side of the ballista's ray of spiritual energy.

The Nan Chu cultivator with Yu Jian in the air watched helplessly as the two spiritual rays collided in front of him, and the moment they touched they separated again, making people a little dazed.

Although I didn't understand what happened, the two quarreling on the tower was undoubtedly a good breakthrough.

The Nan Chu cultivator's eyes narrowed, and the spiritual energy in his body stagnated, and then it was continuously transported into the flying sword.

The hilt of the long sword under his feet made a 'boo' sound, and blue spiritual energy was spurted out. Under the impetus of the spiritual energy exhaust, the cultivator of Nan Chu rushed towards Jing Ming and Meng Yi who were fighting.

When Jing Ming and Meng Yi heard the sound, their heads were stunned, and when they looked up, they found the Nan Chu cultivator rushing towards them with a sinister smile.

"Shoot him!"

"Then let go!"

While the two live treasures were in a hurry, the muzzle of the ballista became more and more biased. Seeing that the Nan Chu cultivator was about to climb the tower...


A sharp silver light swept along the horizontal line, and the airflow in the air was cut in half.

The sinister smile on the face of the Nan Chu cultivator froze, and a thin line of blood slowly emerged from the exposed neck, and droplets of blood poured out.

"—" Nan Chu cultivator opened his mouth, his face full of horror, blood choked the air pipe, unable to say a word, rolled his eyes, and fell along with the flying sword.


Jing Ming and Meng Yi's Adam's apple wriggled, and the hands that were fighting for the ballista stopped moving. They turned their heads mechanically, with expressions on their faces that looked like 'the students who were caught by the old master in their morning study'.

Qin Pan, dressed in a azure robe, looked at the two with a stern face, and sighed:

"You two know what this place is?"

Jing Ming glanced sideways at Meng Yi, and found that he was still in a daze, took a deep breath, and said with a certain face:

"It's a battlefield!"

The blue veins in front of Qin Pan's forehead skyrocketed, and he waved it casually. The silver sword suspended behind him spun like a moon wheel, drawing an arc in the air, and in the blink of an eye, he took the lives of several Nan Chu cultivators.


The circling silver sword returned to Qin Pan's hands, and he glared at the two men who were timid:
"Although we are monks, we are not immortal. If other brothers and sisters are as careless as you two, it is not impossible for them to fall."

Meng Yi groaned for a long time, pressed Jing Ming with his shoulder, and said angrily:

"It's all your fault, you insist on grabbing a gun with me."

Jing Mingwei was stunned and said unhappily, "It's obviously you who insisted on running over and grabbing it from me! How could it be that I grabbed you from me?"

"It's clear that you are not allowed to live or die!"

"You're not going to find someone else?"

Qin Pan saw that the two of them disagreed and started quarreling again. The corners of his mouth twitched. He clenched his right fist to his mouth and coughed dryly:
"Cough cough."

Jing Ming and Meng Yi trembled, both felt the unkind gaze from Qin Pan, and immediately reached out to each other's shoulders very tacitly, like good brothers who haven't seen for a long time:
"Brother, you have something to do."


Qin Pan sighed secretly and shook his head helplessly, intending to lecture the two of them again.


In the center of the Sand Sea Battlefield, a pitch-black lightning split the space, and the most spectacular sand wave so far swept the sky.

The Nanchu army that attacked the city withdrew, and the Longyumen monks on the city tower also stopped shelling.

In the vast sand sea, only a man in a black robe with a hood walked slowly.

Qin Pan's eyes narrowed, and even if they were far apart, he could clearly feel the oppression from the man in black robes that was far beyond the realm.

He didn't dare to neglect for a moment, and said stupidly to Jing Meng Er who looked serious next to him: "You guys are watching here, I'll report to the sect master." He took the sword and left in a hurry.


The fire core of the oil lamp swayed, and the light-transmitting partition doors and windows were covered with black cloth engraved with complicated and complicated inscriptions, so that no light could shine into the room.

Chu Shuwan was sitting on the rattan wooden chair, leaning over the desk, her bulging clothes sank on the table, because the scale was too large, it spread out slightly on the table, if Xu Shoujing saw this scene, she probably couldn't help swallowing. saliva.

Ran Xi, who was wearing an apricot-colored long dress, stood slim and stood aside, her small white jade-like hands mechanically grinding the inkstone, but her eyes never took off from the two dumplings held up by the table for a moment.

This is too big...

Naturally, Chu Shuwan didn't notice Ranxi's increasingly envious gaze. She was holding a brush and focused on drawing a circle on the spread rice paper.

In the center of the circle, there is a pan-headed Wolong. The four sides of the Wolong are all dense inscriptions. If the elders in the door are here, I am afraid you can see it immediately. Although there are some changes, this is undoubtedly Longyumen. Protecting the Sect Great Array, Jiuxiao Hidden Dragon Figure.

If the entire Dali wants to find the strongest defensive formation, it must be the Hidden Dragon in the Nine Heavens of Longyumen.

There is no other reason. The Hidden Dragon in the Nine Heavens is the original guardian formation created by the ancestor of Longyumen after the thousand-year demon calamity. After the baptism of the long river of history, it is still used today, except for the last time I don’t know why the supply of spiritual power suddenly stopped. Besides, it has never been broken through.


The huge noise outside interrupted Chu Shuwan's thoughts, she quickly got up and raised her hand, the black cloth covering the room lost its restraint, and each fell to the ground, Ranxi trotted forward and folded the black cloth. , in his arms.

As soon as Chu Shuwan walked out of the room, she saw Qin Pan carrying a silver sword and rushed over with a solemn expression.

"Sect Master, as Junior Brother Xu said, the man in black robe really appeared." Qin Pan saluted with his fists folded.

Chu Shuwan took a deep breath, holding the folded rice paper tightly in her jade hand, and said solemnly:
"As expected, it went according to plan."



The tide of yellow sand stopped, and the Emperor of Southern Chu, who was in front of the army, had a gloomy face.

Those who know understand that this is attacking Dali, but those who don't know they think it is attacking your Longyumen!

Yang Di smiled bitterly for a while, then leaned in front of the man in black robe and said solemnly:
"National teacher, this Longyumen has been obstructing our advance. How can this be good. I have been waiting for revenge against Qiu Xuanji for five years. I really don't want to use my trump card here because of Longyumen..."

The implication is that whether you can do well and get this group of people settled, it is up to me to decide what to do next.

The man in black robe was silent for a while, ignoring Emperor Nanchu, and walked slowly towards the city wall of Yunanguan.

Seeing this, Yang Di breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly ordered the soldiers who rushed into the formation to come back and quietly wait for the man in black robe to perform.

The man in black robe stepped lightly, and a pitch-black lightning flash fell from the dark clouds in the sky, causing waves of sand.

The army of Nanchu around him passed by him, but the man in black robe turned a deaf ear, and only slowly raised his head when he reached directly below the Yunanguan City Tower.

Standing on the crenel of the city wall, Chu Shuwan looked down for some unknown reason, but did not let the disciples around her attack.

She knew in her heart that those tricks and tricks were innocuous to the people in black robes, and they were simply a waste of energy.

The man in the black robe raised his wide cuffs, and the dark spiritual energy slanted and swung horizontally forward.


In an instant, the city-defense formation that Yunanguan had supported to this day was like a glass of glass, torn apart.

Chu Shuwan's brows jumped, but there was no surprise in Xing's eyes, she just waved to Qin Pan next to her; Qin Pan bowed her hand and hurriedly retreated, and the rest of the disciples also started running on the tower.

"Sect Master Chu, I have no intention of hurting you. For the sake of you being Xu Shoujing's woman, I promise not to hurt a single hair of your Longyumen disciple if you leave here."

The somber voice of the man in black robe echoed in Yunan Pass. Jing Ming, who was busy arranging something on the city tower, was startled, and he didn't understand why he could hear the name of the young master from the mouth of the black robe.

The armored general who was forcibly taken control of Yunan Pass was also shocked. He looked at the expressionless Chu Shuwan in horror, and took a few steps back silently.

They...wouldn't be a group, would they?
Chu Shuwan narrowed her almond eyes and said coldly, "Do you know Jing'er?"

The man in black robe did not move, and said in a low voice:

"Xu Shoujing doesn't know me, but I know him. You can rest assured that this seat will not be against him. On the contrary, can I ask you to retire? If possible, this seat does not want to use too rude means."

Chu Shuwan glanced at Qin Pan who hurried back beside her, saw him nodding to her, the corners of her mouth curled up, and she said with a smile:

"Why do you think that the sect master will retire?"

The man in black robe shook his head: "Sect Master Chu seems to have misunderstood. This is not a negotiation, but a warning. If Sect Master Chu disregards the safety of his disciples, he can continue to stay in Yunan Pass."

Chu Shuwan caressed the crenel of the city wall with her jade hand, her palm condensed with a cloud of azure-blue spiritual power, she chuckled lightly:
"It seems that I can only see the real chapter under my hand."

The voice fell, and the azure-blue spiritual power drew countless spiritual power lines vertically on the surface of the entire city wall. The azure-blue spiritual power lines converged on the ground, and a huge circular array appeared in a radius of ten miles.


A dragon roar that shattered the sky suddenly sounded, the clouds and mists rolled, the sun shone through the dark clouds, and a giant dragon that could swallow the scorching sun sprang out from the center of the huge magic circle!

The giant dragon was blazing with azure blue light, and its body was not light, but the pair of indigo-colored pupils burst out with shocking light. every grain of sand.

The troops of Nanchu who were included in the great formation lay on the ground one by one, screaming in pain, as if every trace of spiritual power in their bodies was being stripped away.

Even the Emperor of Southern Chu showed bitterness, forcing his spiritual power to flow through his body, barely supporting his figure.

On the city tower, the armored general, who was quite knowledgeable, murmured to himself:

"This is... Longyumen's Hidden Dragon in the Nine Heavens? But isn't that a defensive formation..."

"Because this is a new type of formation improved by the sect master, on the basis of the original Jiuxiao Hidden Dragon Diagram, the formation is transformed into an offensive formation." Ranxi explained with a smile while holding the black cloth.


Another dragon roar, the giant dragon lying in the center of the great formation raised its dragon head, stared at the man in black robe under the city tower, slowly opened the abyss mouth, and charged straight away——

The expression under the hood of the man in black robe was unharmed, the wide sleeves were raised high, and the two groups of black spiritual energy condensed into a black mist.

The black mist was compressed into a small ball under the kneading of the black-robed man. The small ball revolved along the trajectory of spiritual power and turned into a light wave like a thick black smoke, facing the blue dragon.


Blue on the left and black on the right, two completely different spiritual powers collided, huge air waves spread out towards both sides, the yellow sand filled the sky, and the sleeves squeaked.

The black-robed man's legs were deep in the yellow sand, and his body was pushed back several feet by the spiritual force. The blue dragon's eyes were about to press over the black ball and bombard the black-robed man—

"I'm going to win!" Ranxi made a small fist, her joy beyond words.


The sand smoke blown up by the impact covered the figure of the man in black robe, and the dragon and the black ball dissipated into the sky at the same time.

"Is this... a win?" The armored general said blankly.

His voice had just fallen, and Chu Shuwan, who had been standing on the crenel of the city wall, suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood and fell backwards.

"Sect Master!"


The face of the Longyumen disciple changed, and Ranxi hurriedly stepped forward to support Chu Shuwan, only to find that her face was as pale as paper at this time, her breath was like a gossamer, and it seemed that she could not raise her strength.

Meng Yi felt anxious when he saw this, and quickly turned his head to look at the thick smoke in the sand sea below.

"Clap clap-"

The smoke dissipated, and in a daze, the man in black came out slowly. He clapped his hands across his sleeves and praised:
"As expected of Master Chu, you can actually change the defensive formation of the Hidden Dragon in the Nine Heavens into an offensive formation. It can be seen that your formation talent has already surpassed most of the monks who majored in formation formations in Jiuzhou. It's a pity... "

At this point, the man in black robe paused for a while, and then said regretfully:

"If you don't change the Hidden Dragon in the Nine Heavens, it may take a lot of work for me to break the formation, but thanks to your changes, this seat has a chance...Little girl, with your current formation With attainments, the formation of the Dragon Slayer can only be changed to this extent."

After these remarks, it is not like a war between the enemy and us, but like Bole, who can't bear the dust of BMW, and gives advice.

Chu Shuwan wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, and stood up with the help of Ran Xi:

"Who are you?"

"Who is this seat, you don't need to know yet." The man in black robe chuckled, and then his tone sank: "Okay, Master Truman, you should deeply realize that this seat is not an opponent you can deal with, this seat is for you. In half a day, at midnight, this seat will no longer hold hands, and anyone who remains in Yunan Pass will be killed."

The voice fell, and the man in black robe waved his sleeves and turned away leisurely.

"Madam, are you okay?" Ranxi asked Chu Shuwan worriedly as she watched the man in black robe leave.

Chu Shuwan shook her head, but the corners of her mouth were a little bitter.

She said she would stay for three days, but now she can't even hold it for half a day... Couldn't she win against Qiu Xuanji once in her life?

This black-robed man... who can stop him?



The clear night is dust-free, and the moon is faint.

A huge floating boat rowed through the sea of ​​clouds, and under the illumination of a waning moon, it docked on a towering mountain peak.



In the mountain canyon, a black and purple vortex undulates and roars like wild beasts.



The drum-like impact hit the surface of the vortex again and again, causing ripples in the night.

"It should be here..."

Nangong Xiaoxiao used his sword for three years... Obviously overloaded, he swayed and flew to a cave in the cliff of the abyss.

Xu Shoujing jumped off the flying sword, then stretched out his hand to take Zhao Fuyao, hugged her waist, and walked towards the depths of the cave on his own:

"This place is a bit like when you first met, it's all caves."

Zhao Fuyao shook his head: "There is no seal here. The ruin structure that seals me is impossible for the entire Jiuzhou to have a second one."

Xu Shoujing understood that what Yaoyao was talking about was the weird formation that "has nothing to do with realm, only seals the five elements", but he was just talking about it. He didn't expect Zhao Fuyao to be serious, and the way he explained it was really serious. Silly cute.

"That's right, the Shaoyao that sealed me must be a unique relic." Xu Shoujing said with a light smile, lowered his head and leaned over to the side of Zhao Fuyao's cheek to take a bite.

Zhao Fuyao frowned slightly, and wiped off the water stains on his face in disgust.

The two walked side by side, seeming to have completely forgotten that there was a chauffeur behind them.

Nangong Xiaoxiao puffed her cheeks and silently followed behind the two of them, mumbling:

"Dog men and women..."

After walking like this for a while, the dim vision ushered in a glimmer of light, and a square altar appeared in front of the three of them.

There was no light around the altar, only the straight knife inserted in the center was shrouded in a circle of white light, flying dust fluttered in the air, and the light from the blade showed its sharpness.

Nangong Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, she quickly walked a few steps ahead of the two of them, turned around, and put her arms on her hips quite arrogantly:
"This is the sacred object of my demon clan, it has the power of all phenomena..."

"Yao Ye Senluo..." Xu Shoujing murmured, staring blankly at the bladeless blade.

Nangong Xiaoxiao's expression froze, and then she asked strangely:
"How do you know? Although the sacred artifact of the demon race was taken away by the elder sister... the dragon killer, its real name should be unknown so far."

After Nangong Xiaoxiao said this, Xu Shoujing suddenly came back to his senses, looked down at his palm, and said puzzled:
"Yeah, how did I know... Forget it, let's not talk about this first, time waits for no one, let's start quickly."

Nangong Xiaoxiao was still puzzled, although she wanted to ask Xu Shoujing more, but she did not forget the purpose of this trip, and immediately began to prepare materials for strengthening the grand formation.

Xu Shoujing patted his head a little dazedly. The moment he saw the bladeless knife just now, there was a feeling that was both familiar and unfamiliar, just like the feeling he had when he heard the 'demon robbery' before. .

He is almost certain that this must be the memory of the night of the sea of ​​​​fire that he was sealed in, but there is no way to check it now.

Who is the woman in white in the sea of ​​fire?Why are you telling me this?How did she know the name of the demon sacred artifact?
All kinds of questions could not be answered. Xu Shoujing had been a curious 'weird' since he was a child, and his whole person was about to collapse.

So... he gave up thinking again.

Xu Shoujing found a stone and sat down against it, staring blankly at Nangong Xiaoxiao's back lying on the ground, it seemed that he was sorting out the materials needed to strengthen the formation.

"What are you thinking?" Zhao Fuyao sat next to Xu Shoujing with his knees in his arms, and asked with his head tilted.

Xu Shoujing glanced at her, sighed, and smiled wryly as if in emotion:
"Thinking about a lot of things. What happened to Aunt Chu's side, did you meet the man in black robe? Is Xuanji's side going well? After all, she was in a state of fortune and caused so many murders. Will she be right? Does she have an impact?

Sister Rong Yue, who I forgot in the she angry again?And Huanqing, who has returned to Tiannanzhou, has her master been saved? ...As long as I'm free, I'll always think about these things. "

Zhao Fuyao's phoenix eyes are calm, but his expression is somewhat strange:

"It's all women."

Xu Shoujing was stunned when he heard the words, subconsciously thinking that Yaoyao was asking a question, but when he turned his head, what he saw was Zhao Fuyao's always calm profile.

Xu Shoujing didn't understand what she meant either, and tentatively said with some uncertainty:
"Uh... maybe I'm more horny?"

Zhao Fuyao didn't reply, but he responded by giving Xu Shoujing a look of 'removing the possibility'.

Xu Shoujing pursed his lips, held Zhao Fuyao's soft jade hand in front of him, and muttered:
"I always thought that as long as I worked hard, I could change some things, but in the end I found that some things may take me many, many years to change."

Zhao Fuyao's phoenix eyes froze, looking at Xu Shoujing's increasingly firm expression, he seemed to understand something, and said in a low voice:
"You figured it out?"


Why does this sound so familiar...

Xu Shoujing coughed dryly and said with a light smile:
"Thanks to you being by my side all the time, the experience in Longquan Town... and this time, I really want to understand a lot."

It can be said that it is an eventful autumn. The demonizing people have not yet been resolved, the Southern Chu army is also on the line, but the more difficult Wan Yaoshan has also gone wrong.

In fact, Xu Shoujing had been thinking about whether there was any way to break the situation while sitting on the way from Feidu Floating Boat.

But no matter how you think about it, there is no way to help Dali tide over the difficulties with almost no casualties.

The confrontation between Longyumen and the Southern Chu army is fine now, but if it continues like this, there will definitely be casualties.

Maybe it's Senior Sister Leng Yan who doesn't speak a word, maybe it's Jing Ming and Meng Yi Er who can only make a living, or maybe it's Senior Brother Qin Pan who is like an older brother.

Or maybe... Aunt Chu will also leave forever.

As long as he thinks of these possible things, Xu Shoujing can't bear the fear that his heart seems to be dug out.

Reality is reality, what has happened can't be changed, and what hasn't happened can't be stopped.

The gap in strength made Xu Shoujing understand that in this seemingly harmonious Jiuzhou, without strength, he would really be regarded as an outsider, without any right to speak.

If there is any way, I can solve all the troubles in one breath... Xu Shoujing scratched his hair a little irritably.


Just when Xu Shoujing was immersed in his own spiritual world, Nangong Xiaoxiao's breath suddenly came from a distance, followed by the sound of her collapsing to the ground because of exhaustion.

Xu Shoujing let go of Zhao Fuyao's jade hand, got up and walked over.

The altar, which originally had only one aperture, was now shining with all kinds of brilliance.

Nangong Xiaoxiao was lying on the high platform of the altar, her bulging clothes slumped down due to the gravity, which was eye-catching; the whole person was placed in a large font, and it was very unimpressive.

Xu Shoujing felt a little amused, and half squatted above her with his knees:
"How much work do you have to do to lie down?"

Suddenly, a handsome and immortal face was squeezed into his line of sight, and Nangong Xiaoxiao's heart trembled, only to feel that a deer was in a panic and kept hitting her heart.

She panicked for a while, and almost wanted to protect her chest and yelled "stay away from me", but out of face, she still pretended to be unhappy:

"What are you doing?"

"Yes." Xu Shoujing replied subconsciously.


Seeing that Nangong Xiaoxiao's eyes widened in shock, Xu Shoujing coughed dryly, as if nothing had happened, turned his head to look at the straight knife on the altar, and asked in a similar manner:
"So the ghosts won't come out?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes: "How is that possible? I don't know what you guys did with this big formation. Now it's basically on the verge of collapse. What I've done is to delay its outbreak. As long as the 20 army is still there, it will be destroyed." There is still the possibility of an explosion."

"I understand."

Xu Shoujing sighed slowly, his expression thoughtful.

After a while, he suddenly put his hand on his waist, a flash of light flashed, and the dark heavy gun appeared in his hand.

When Nangong Xiaoxiao saw this, Cheng Huang was completely stunned, and quickly turned over and sat up:

"What are you doing?"

Xu Shoujing looked at his palm, as if saying goodbye to the past, the peach blossom eyes gradually became firm, and the dark heavy gun was inserted straight into the altar...


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There is no riddle person, what needs to be explained will be put in the next chapter, you can guess it first with the title.

(End of this chapter)

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