The queen is so fierce

Chapter 103 The Victory Between Women

Chapter 103 The Victory Between Women

Longyumen's residence in Beijing.

The warm golden light sprinkled on the open space behind the threshold of the main hall, and three women with different styles were sitting beside the round table in the room.

Qiu Xuanji was dressed in a red dress, her tall and graceful figure was dazzling and dazzling; three thousand blue silks naturally draped over her shoulders, with a golden hairpin with a flying phoenix on her head. Her lips pursed, her phoenix eyes stared at the two women in front of her, her eyes unspeakably strange.

Yesterday, the only remaining demon-suppressing officers and soldiers in Zimo City had been sent by her to suppress the half-demon and the demonized people in Xizhao.

It is said to be repression, but after all, the guards of the Demon Suppression Division are not big sect disciples. The role they can play is basically to prevent the spread of demonized people, and it cannot be eradicated.

Qiu Xuanji herself is about to go on a solo expedition, not only to go to the East to suppress the demonized people at the fastest speed, but also to fly to Xizhao non-stop after that, to clean up those half-hearted people before the Demon Suppression Division is broken through. Demons and Demons.

I don't know how many days it will take for her to go, but she has just established a relationship with Xu Shoujing, and she is at a time when it is like glue.

Early in the morning, Qiu Xuanji was ready to go, specially came to the courtyard of Longyumen in Beijing before the expedition, and finally came to spend a while with Xu Shoujing.

Who knew that she had just entered the hall when she saw such a strange scene——

Nangong Xiaoxiao, who was wearing a white dress, held her stomach straight, holding her lower back with one hand, while the other hand kept stroking her flat belly without a trace of fat; Jiang Rongyue held her arm, for fear that she would fall. Gently move, and constantly ask for warmth.

"Yesterday you ate grilled squid, so greasy, don't eat it again."


"Forget it, you have to fight with a cat. How can you beat a cat with your body? It's not allowed next time."

"I see……"

Nangong Xiaoxiao was so embarrassed that tears almost fell, but she couldn't express it.


There was a sound of hurried footsteps.

Xu Shoujing, who was putting the black and gold robe over his body, stepped over the threshold and walked in.

Xu Shoujing glanced at first, and found that Qiu Xuanji was also sitting on the chair.

"Sister Rong Yue, where is Aunt Chu's Long Xun card?"

Jiang Rongyue helped the unlovable Nangong Xiaoxiao to the chair, took out the warm jade token from the jacket, and threw it to Xu Shoujing:

"It's already hung up, you can call again yourself."


Xu Shoujing swallowed his saliva, felt the temperature on the jade card, and glanced at Jiang Rongyue's bulging clothes. Under the sight of the other party's blushing face pretending to be nothing, he silently drew on the Longxun card. Qingluan bows his head.


The Longxun card lit up with a blue light, and the spiritual energy condensed into a cloud in the air, the chaos dispersed, and a charming and beautiful woman appeared in the light curtain.

The beautiful woman was wearing a dark green slim-fitting dress, her flawless skin was completely hidden, but her round and jade-like figure could clearly feel the heavy weight of it even through the light curtain.

The long black and supple hair was rolled up by the wind and waves, the beautiful woman's familiar face was a little impatient, and the smoke was everywhere behind her. From time to time, you could see the moment of annihilation caused by the collision of spells.

Seeing this scene, Xu Shoujing frowned subconsciously, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, he quickly asked:
"Aunt Chu, where are you?"

Chu Shuwan casually cast a spell and smashed a Southern Chu soldier who was trying to climb the city wall.Hearing Xu Shoujing's question, she waved her hand and said angrily:

"Where else can it be, Yu Nanguan."

Xu Shoujing's pupils shrank, his inner world experienced frequent tsunamis and earthquakes, and his panicked expression was evident:
"Aunt Chu, what are you doing at Yunanguan?!"

Chu Shuwan was still releasing lightning bolts, and when she heard Xu Shoujing's urgent tone that was not as usual, she was stunned for a moment, and said with a frown:
"What's the matter? Don't you believe Auntie?"

It's not a matter of believing or not...

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and said very seriously:
"Aunt Chu, do you remember the 'mysterious man in black robe' I told you when I was training in Longquan Town?"

"Remember... what's the matter?" Chu Shuwan frowned slightly.

"The mysterious black-robed man is probably in the Southern Chu army," Xu Shoujing said.

His remarks were not an unfounded inference, but one of the real news that he had traded from Qiu Ji.

Xu Shoujing still remembers the conversation between Zhuo Ding and Heipao Ren in Longquan Town very clearly.

If what Heipaoren said is true, without the willingness of Chongxiaojing to take action, I am afraid that the entire Yuliangzhou has no combat power that can fight against him.

Not to mention, there is also an emperor in the Nirvana realm in the Southern Chu camp... Although he was used as cannon fodder by Qiu Xuanji.

If you were to ask Xu Shoujing, who is his favorite person in the world...then he might say, "I like them all, I like them all."

But if you want to ask who the most important person is - except Chu Shuwan, no one can stand out.

For Xu Shoujing, Chu Shuwan is not just as simple as the woman she likes, but also relatives, family members, not just pure love, but also family... Although it has deteriorated.

The feelings that have been carefully cultivated and supported so far are far from being comparable to others.

Hearing that Chu Shuwan was in such a situation at this moment, Xu Shoujing's inner fear seemed to have dug a hole in his heart, and his heavy breathing couldn't help speeding up.

"...So, Aunt Chu, hurry up and evacuate with your senior brothers. If you give it to Yu Nanguan, you can give it. You can call back when the time comes."

After listening to Xu Shoujing's explanation, Chu Shuwan surprisingly did not respond, but fell into silence.

As the former second senior sister of Longyumen, and the current sect master, she has only been crushed by Qiu Xuanji, how could she not hear the danger?
But she has a reason why she can't go back.

"Aunt Chu?" Seeing that Chu Shuwan hadn't replied, Xu Shoujing couldn't help but ask again.

Chu Shuwan was silent for a long time, and suddenly raised her head. She glanced at Xu Shoujing, who was nervous, with a playful smile:

"Is Qiu Xuanji on your side?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and before he could answer, Qiu Xuanji, who had been listening for a long time, walked over.

Qiu Xuanji stood beside Xu Shoujing and looked at Chu Shuwan across the light curtain, her cold and majestic phoenix eyes could not see the expression, she said plainly:
"I'm here."

Chu Shuwan stared at her for a long time, her expression was a bit bitter, and she said with emotion:
"Senior Sister Qiu, I actually always envy you, because you are better than me in everything... I always wanted to win you once, but I never won.

When I knew you were having a hard time in Zi Mo, I laughed happier than anyone else, but after laughing... I started to hate myself like that again.I want to beat you head-on, not to be worse off than anyone else. "

Having said that, Chu Shuwan paused, glanced at Xu Shoujing, and said in a cold voice:

"Are you and Jing'er together?"


Xu Shoujing was stunned, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Jiang Rongyue, who was pouring tea for Nangong Xiaoxiao.

The latter noticed his gaze, snorted coldly, and didn't give a good face.Continue to give Nangong Xiaoxiao warmth in a soft voice like coaxing a baby.

A certain Cheng Huang was about to cry...

Xu Shoujing's Adam's apple wriggled and looked at Chu Shuwan nervously, "Aunt Chu..."

"Shut up, don't call me old lady." Chu Shuwan rudely returned.

Xu Shoujing was so choked that he closed his mouth angrily.

Qiu Xuanji was stunned for a long time, and silently turned her head to one side:

Chu Shuwan shook her head: "I told you this, not for you and me to apologize, it has nothing to do with apology..."

Qiu Xuanji stared blankly, and nodded thoughtfully:

"I understand."

"What do you understand?" Chu Shuwan was taken aback for a moment.

Qiu Xuanji said firmly: "After this matter, I will serve tea with you."


Chu Shuwan sometimes admires her senior sister's brain circuits and can always think of some inexplicable places.

She rolled her eyes and said angrily:

"I don't need to serve tea, that stinky boy is still trying to figure out how to attack me every day. If you serve tea with me, it's not to make him more difficult out of thin air..."

The words were interrupted here, and Chu Shuwan realized that she had missed her mind, cleared her throat embarrassingly, and said seriously:

"Senior Sister Qiu, the bad relationship between you and me started from the beginning, and although it was cut off for another 13 years, it's time to end it now."

Qiu Xuanji's phoenix eyes were slightly startled, and she lowered her eyes slightly:

"You said."

"How long do you plan to solve the demonization riot?" Chu Shuwan asked.

Qiu Xuanji closed her eyes and pondered for a moment, then opened her eyes and said:

"Three days. Xizhao is supported by the Demon Suppression Division. I will deal with the demonized people in the east, and then rush to Xizhao. In three days at most, I can leave for Yunan."

"Okay, then three days." Chu Shuwan sighed and said coldly, "I will stay at Yunanguan for three days, and after three days, whether you come or not, I will withdraw Longyu. All the disciples of the sect. The grievances and grievances between you and me are just one battle. If you fail to come after three days, you will lose, and if I fail to last for three days, I will lose."

"Okay." Qiu Xuanji nodded in agreement.

Xu Shoujing's expression was a little stunned, and as he said that, he started to gamble?

Qiu Xuanji's side is not very worried. After all, although there are more demonized people, as long as he can spend some time, he can definitely handle it.

But Chu Shuwan's side is not necessarily. It has been said many times just now that Nan Chu's side is likely to hide a cultist who can only be solved by the Chongxiao Realm. Maybe it will really die.

"No!" Xu Shoujing immediately vetoed and persuaded bitterly: "Aunt Chu, you really can't stay in Yunanguan any longer, I've already said that the man in black robe I saw that day was probably talented in the Chongxiao realm. The power to resolve..."

"This is a matter between me and Qiu Xuanji, Jinger, don't worry about it." Chu Shuwan was unmoved. Seeing Xu Shoujing's worried look, her expression softened from her coldness, she sighed, and said softly. road:

"Jing'er, don't worry, since I chose to stay, it means that I have the confidence to fight. At least, I won't put myself in a dangerous situation."

Chu Shuwan glanced at Qiu Xuanji, who had a calm expression, and continued:

"Furthermore, this is an account of my past self... Now, Jing'er... I will promise you that."

At the end of the sentence, Chu Shuwan's cheeks couldn't help but flush red.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that what Chu Shuwan was talking about was the "wait for me for a while and I'll figure it out" agreement between the two.

If it was normal, he would have been overjoyed now and was waiting to put Aunt Chu on the bed, but at this moment, he was not in a happy mood, and was full of worry.

"So it's a given?"

"it is good."

Xu Shoujing watched helplessly as the two women exchanged promises in front of him, until the light curtain dissipated and Qiu Xuanji said goodbye and left, and he did not return to his senses.

A deep sense of powerlessness emerged from the bottom of his heart. Not long ago, Xu Shoujing realized that he could do nothing without strength, but he did not expect that he is now like an outsider, watching what is about to happen but unable to stop it.

The coldness of the morning dissipated, and the sun was shining on him, but Xu Shoujing's heart was still cold.

Jiang Rongyue didn't hear the Long Xun card between Xu Shoujing and the others, so she didn't know what happened. When Qiu Xuanji left, she ran to the kitchen again and started to prepare lunch.

"Not good." Nangong Xiaoxiao walked over with a serious face.

When Jiang Rongyue was not here, she naturally didn't have to pretend to be a pregnant woman with her lame acting skills. She walked like the wind and walked to Xu Shoujing's side in two or three strokes.

Xu Shoujing was not in the mood to tease Huang now, glanced at her, and sighed:
"What's wrong?"

"Wan Yao Mountain is not good." Nangong Xiaoxiao frowned, and his tone was very serious: "The ghost demon has been stimulated by the dragon breath stone, although I heard you say it was suppressed before, but now it happened again in such a close place. After the war between the human races, the ghosts and demons that have been subdued are likely to recover again."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and asked nervously:
"why is that?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao's eyes seemed to be looking at an idiot, and sighed:
"Ghosts are born out of grievances, and they are particularly sensitive to fighting, killing intent, and blood grievances. Now there are 20 human battlefields in a distance of only twenty or thirty miles... Do you think those ghosts will fight?" Revive again and break through the seal stimulated by the dragon's breath stone?"

The more Xu Shoujing listened, the colder his heart became. It was simply that the worst situation opened the door for the worst, and the worst was at home.

What's even more unfortunate is that at this time, Aunt Chu brought all the people from Longyumen to Yunanguan, and Wanyao Mountain was not guarded at all.

Xu Shoujing's eyes wandered, there was a demonization riot in Dali, Qiu Xuanji couldn't tell the difference, and Aunt Chu was in Yunan Pass, so she couldn't protect herself... It seems that the only people who can move here are...

"Xiaoxiao, do you know how to reinforce the seal?" Xu Shoujing raised his head and asked.

Nangong Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, and noticed something from Xu Shoujing's unusual tone, and said with a wicked smile:
"What? You want me to take action? Speaking of which, I don't care about the affairs of your human race at all. If you want me to take action, you have to come up with the conditions to make this girl tempted."

"One hundred skewers of grilled squid." Xu Shoujing was expressionless.

"Gulu—" Nangong Xiaoxiao subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, came back to her senses, shook her head quickly, and said stiffly, "Impossible, you want to bribe me with just this grilled squid?"

Xu Shoujing thought for a while, then tentatively said, "I'll add another hundred strings for you, and I'll help you explain to Sister Rongyue about your pregnancy."

"Deal!" Nangong Xiaoxiao replied without hesitation, looking at her urgent appearance, it seemed that she didn't want to continue being treated as a pregnant woman for a moment.


Xu Shoujing rolled his eyes. My assessment was that if I knew this earlier, why bother.

"I'm going too..." A weak voice suddenly came from the door.

Zhao Fuyao walked along the edge of the door, his feet were slack and his face was as pale as paper.Xu Shoujing turned his head to look, immediately stepped forward to support her waist, and complained bitterly:

"You're already like this, so what's the fun..."

Zhao Fuyao didn't speak, just stared at him.

Xu Shoujing noticed the look in her eyes, and was stunned for a moment. After a while, he sighed helplessly:
"I see."

This is the tacit understanding between the two. Zhao Fuyao has her reasons, and Xu Shoujing will not ask more.

Nangong Xiaoxiao watched the two of them play dumb puzzles, her seductive pretty face was a little dazed, and she said angrily:

"Hey, can you say something that Dian Chenghuang can understand?"

Xu Shoujing glanced at her, spread out his five fingers and stroked Qiongyu around his waist, a model of a floating boat the size of a palm appeared in his hand, he waved at Nangong Xiaoxiao:
"If you want me to help you explain to Sister Rong Yue, get on the boat quickly."

"You!" Nangong Xiaoxiao snorted, and followed the two obediently.


Huge shadows covered the sky and darkened the yard.

The shadows sailed away, and the courtyard was empty.

After a while, Jiang Rongyue hummed a tune and came over with a small casserole:

"Xiaoxiao, I used the fire method to cook a pot of nourishing porridge. Would you like to try it? Xiaojing, if you want to drink it, it's not impossible..."

The words were interrupted here, and a gust of wind blew by. Jiang Rongyue looked at the empty courtyard, tilted her head, her almond eyes were a little dazed, and muttered to herself:
"What about people..."


Ask for a monthly pass, a recommendation ticket, a reward, a book recommendation~
I'm in a bit of a bad state today... As I write, I have a headache...

Immediately this volume is over, and the outline of the next volume has not been written yet, hey...

 If any big brother gives me an all-purpose white emperor belt, I will directly live every day for a month~ (in an unprovoked fantasy)

(End of this chapter)

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