The queen is so fierce

Chapter 102 Chu Shuwan's Choice

Chapter 102 Chu Shuwan's Choice

After that, Chu Shuwan could clearly feel that Xu Shoujing had changed.

The most obvious change was that when he mentioned 'poetry', Xu Shoujing said with a black face that he copied it all by himself, and it had nothing to do with him.

In addition, Xu Shoujing began to clamor every day to visit other places in Longyumen.

Chu Shuwan thought it was just a teenager's temperament, so she agreed to him.

Later, Chu Shuwan discovered... Xu Shoujing had other plans.

At the age of four, Xu Shoujing quickly got along with his senior brothers from Longyumen. Every morning, he went to the monastery to learn the theoretical knowledge of immortality with other disciples from the outer sect.

Day after day, year after year.

Even if he knew that the five elements did not exist, Xu Shoujing did not show that he wanted to give up.

Perseverance... just like myself back then.

On Xu Shoujing's seventh birthday, Chu Shuwan cooked a good table for Xu Shoujing.

After eating and drinking, Chu Shuwan asked Xu Shoujing to sit on her lap and wrapped him in her arms with two flawless white catkins, and asked quite seriously:

"Why are you so obsessed with cultivating immortals?"

With the pressure on Xu Shoujing's head, his small face, which was beginning to take shape as the rudiment of the country and the people, was hot and his neck was red. Hearing Chu Shuwan's words, he suddenly calmed down:

"Because I don't want to leave you."

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, and pinched his cheek in a funny way:

"When did I say I was leaving you?"

Xu Shoujing rolled his eyes and patted Chu Shuwan's hand off. After a moment of silence, he looked up at the sky like a little adult and said with emotion:
"Not now, but what about a hundred years from now?"

Chu Shuwan was stunned, she was as smart as she was, and she reacted immediately.

She is a fairy, he is a man.

Jing'er was afraid that the immortals would be separated.

For the first time, Chu Shuwan thought that this little guy was quite cute. She put her chin on Xu Shoujing's head and rubbed the corner of her mouth.
"Don't worry, your Aunt Chu, my talent is not that high. Now I'm stuck in the sea... When you grow up, I'll find you some elixir to help you live, maybe Auntie will be able to talk to you on Huangquan Road. with you."

Chu Shuwan intended to make a joke, but when she said it, her expression was a bit bitter.

From the time she made up her mind to abandon the past, the speed of entering the realm became slower and slower. On the other hand, Qiu Xuanji sang all the way, and broke through the Dragon Gate realm with almost no bottlenecks.

If nothing else, Qiu Xuanji should be the youngest Nirvana Realm in the history of Longyumen.

She used to dream of surpassing Senior Sister Qiu, but now she can't even cross the threshold of Longyumen.

Perhaps, his talent has really reached the limit.

While Chu Shuwan was stunned, Xu Shoujing suddenly struggled and jumped out of her arms, looking straight at her seriously.

"What's wrong?" Chu Shuwan asked suspiciously.

Xu Shoujing didn't reply, just looked directly into Chu Shuwan's eyes, and was silent for a while:
"I must learn to cultivate immortals."

"..." Chu Shuwan's silent heart jumped suddenly, she slowed down for a while, her eyes were complex and authentic:
"Jing'er, it's not Aunt Chu who attacked you. I told you about your body. The spiritual energy of the five elements does not exist in the body.

"Who made it?" Xu Shoujing interrupted.

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, and twitched the corners of her mouth:
"There is no rule, but the most basic body training requires spiritual energy irrigation..."

Xu Shoujing shook his head and grinned:
"Aunt Chu, you misunderstood. What I mean is... Since there is no precedent for the Five Elements Extinguishing Vessel, it is natural that no one has ever verified that the Five Elements Extinguishing Vessel cannot be cultivated. The reason for this conclusion is purely an assumption based on experience."

As he said that, he raised his palm, staring at the handprints on his little hand in a daze:

"Is there a possibility... It's not impossible to cultivate the Five Elements Dead Vessel, but I haven't found a way yet? Actually, it can be cultivated, but no one knows yet.

So I have decided that before finding a cultivation method, I will use my method to cultivate the body and lay the foundation for future cultivation. "

Chu Shuwan still shook her head. She walked to Xu Shoujing and squatted down. She put her weak and boneless hands on his shoulders and said seriously:

"Jing'er, you are so obsessed with your desire to cultivate immortals that you are already a little stunned. With your current state of mind, even if you really step into the path of immortality, it will not be a great thing. Immortal cultivation is about indifference and calmness... Listen. Auntie's words, auntie will accompany you in the future, okay?"

"So, Aunt Chu, aren't you scared now?" Xu Shoujing's expression was a little weird.

Chu Shuwan didn't feel that she had reached the realm of a master, but in the face of Xu Shoujing's provocative questioning, she rightfully put on a "it's still useless" attitude, and proudly puffed out her chest:

"of course……"

Xu Shoujing stood in front of Chu Shuwan blankly, looking at her plump and graceful luxurious figure, wondering what she thought, and hooked the corner of her mouth.

While Aunt Chu was talking, she silently raised her little hand and waved it sharply towards the back——


Chu Shuwan's face was stunned, her pink face was dyed red, she subconsciously covered her back, her eyes swayed, and finally stopped on Xu Shoujing who had a wicked smile.

"What are you doing?!" Chu Shuwan said with anger in her apricot eyes.

Xu Shoujing scooped up his smile, and spread out his hands roguely:
"Aunt Chu, didn't you say you don't panic?"

Chu Shuwan was choked on a long speech that was about to blurt out. She paused for a long time and muttered:

"—!" Chu Shuwan's apricot eyes were round.

"Are you angry? Are you aggrieved? But you can't think of what to do with me?"

Xu Shoujing said with a smile, seeing that Chu Shuwan's face was flushed with anger, he decided, he paused a little, and said helplessly:

"Aunt Chu, look, forcibly abide by the way of 'being indifferent', it will become like this."

Chu Shuwan was stunned when she heard the words, and she suddenly regained her senses. She frowned and asked:

"Did you hear what the other people at the door said?"

Xu Shoujing waved his hand: "It doesn't count. When Senior Brother Qin Pan put me to sleep on the Dragon Bodhi tree yesterday, I overheard a passing inner disciple talking about you, Aunt Chu."

He sighed and said seriously:
"Aunt Chu, didn't you notice that your cultivation speed started to drop because you listened to the sect master's words and started doing things against your will?"

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a while, and after thinking about it carefully, she found that it was really the case.

Not only has the speed of cultivation slowed down, she even began to feel that even if she did not cultivate immortality, it was no big deal.

Fairy way, but that's it.

...why haven't they been found so far?
"Step into the immortal way and become a monk... As for what will happen after that, what is my Dao?... I have never considered these. But one day, I will find - not that orthodox immortal way, but It's my own way."

Xu Shoujing walked forward silently, and stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around Chu Shuwan's waist. The pressure from his brain pad wave made him deeply embarrassed again, but he still clasped his hands tightly and said softly:

"I believe Aunt Chu, you also have your Dao. As Jiuzhou is so big, it is impossible that there is only one Dao. No one can tell what the 'dao' is. Originally, there is no standard for this kind of metaphysics.

What's more, if even insisting on oneself can be called a delusion, then everyone doesn't need to cultivate. "

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, staring at Xu Shoujing's apricot eyes full of astonishment:

"It's a set of words... Who taught you this?"

Xu Shoujing's expression froze, and he silently looked away.

It's hard to say this, although it's all his true thoughts, but this set of rhetoric is from the novel in the previous life.

a little ashamed...

Chu Shuwan saw that Xu Shoujing did not answer, nor did she investigate deeply, and her pair of Xianshui Xingmei was a little dazed.

My own... Tao?

"Jing'er, thank you."

Xu Shoujing was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe, and said through the fabric:
"Aunt Chu, have you figured it out?"

"Well." Chu Shuwan reached out and grabbed Xu Shoujing's shoulder, pushed him away, and looked at him tenderly.

Xu Shoujing also showed a reassuring smile... but this smile soon froze.

Chu Shuwan's soft smile turned into a sneer, she held Xu Shoujing's collar and pressed him on her knees,

Xu Shoujing was stunned, lying on Chu Shuwan's knee at a loss:
"Aunt Chu...what are you doing?"

"Why? If you don't study well at a young age, you even dare to take advantage of the old lady. You're tired of living, right?" Chu Shuwan sneered again and again, without giving Xu Shoujing any time to react, she raised her hand high--


"Aunt Chu... Aunt Chu, I was wrong."

"You still know what's wrong? Little color embryo!"


At the end of the eighth year of Yuanwu No. 90, besides the death of Dali Wudi Qiu Shangxian, two major events also happened in Longyumen.

First, the elder sister Qiu Xuanji, who was ranked first in Longyumen, disregarded the persuasion of the sect master Kuidao, gave up the immortal way, and returned to Zimo alone.

Second, the second senior sister Chu Shuwan, who was originally 'returning evil and returning to justice', did not know why she 'revealed her true identity'.

At Qiu Xuanji's farewell party, he challenged the eldest sister again in a grand manner. His arrogant and free attitude was the same as before, and the door owner was so angry that he blew his beard crooked... As for the result of the challenge, it was natural to return with nothing.

Almost all of Qiu Xuanji's discussions in the door were initiated by Chu Shuwan, and so far they have not been defeated.

In the past, Chu Shuwan estimated that the last time she lost, she would be depressed for several days, but this time she didn't show much annoyance, just left a sentence "my mother will win next time" and left alone.

The disciples onlookers nodded again and again, and secretly praised their decision not to provoke Second Senior Sister during this period of time.

Just know she has been acting, look!Sure enough, Bengbu lived!

After the war, when Kui Dao found Chu Shuwan in the study, he found that this unsatisfactory disciple was actually teaching the child she picked up to drink immortal brew!
Lao Kui's many years of qi-raising kung fu broke down on the spot, and he led Chu Shuwan to the main hall of the sect very seriously. When he entered the door, he knocked on the table with the hand of the whisk:
"Shuwan, what's the matter with you? Wasn't it fine before? Why..."

Chu Shuwan didn't have a trace of guilt on her delicate and fair face, and said roguely:
"It's nothing, I just figured it out all of a sudden. I've been suppressing my xinxing, and at the end of my cultivation, I will eventually attract backlash from my inner demons. Instead, it's better to love what I love from the beginning, do what I do, and be at ease."

Chu Shuwan pouted and added heartlessly: "Don't worry, Master, I will prove to you in my own way that I am not much worse than Senior Sister Qiu."

The more Lao Kui listened, the more distorted his face became, and he shook his head in disgust:

"Confused! Confused! Go as you like, without restraint... That's the demonic way of the demons! The demons were wiped out very early, and the end of the demonic way. When studying "Jiuzhou Immortal Ways", the elders of the outer sect should talk about it. Over, how can you do this!

My Longyumen is an orthodox immortal door handed down from ancient times. I don’t care about the world, and I have a pure heart and few desires. This is the way you should practice! "

"But that's not my way!" Chu Shuwan's apricot eyes were round, but her eyes couldn't help turning red.



Clouds and mist shrouded the mountains, and the birds that spread their wings swept through the clouds to make a big hole.

Whoosh whoosh—

Hundreds of flying swords carrying monks in blue and white cloud robes passed through the big hole. The flying birds in front of them let out a few screams. The wind swept through the clouds, and there were only a few feathers left on the edge of the sky.

I could faintly hear someone in the Feijian group shouting, "Ha, Meng Yi, I caught two bald-headed cranes, and I can open game tonight... It's a pity that the young master is not here, so I don't have this kind of good fortune."

Longyumen, Baiyu Square.

"But that's not my way!"

Looking at the red-eyed apprentice in front of him, Kui Dao had an illusion of chaos in time and space, just like that day ten years ago.

Chu Shuwan raised her hand and touched her eyes, and forced a smile:
"Master, I know you've been thinking about me all the time. But my disciple has never cared about the mortal world. Even if thousands of mortals are killed by my hands, I won't be troubled by it...

My disciple said that my way is to love what I love, to do what I do, and to be at ease.As long as I get rid of distracting thoughts in my heart, nothing in the world will become my shackles... Master, my way is different from yours! "

Seeing Kui Dao's silence, Chu Shuwan's eyes drooped slightly, and she laughed at herself:

"My disciple has always wanted you to recognize me. I'm really no worse than Senior Sister Qiu... Up to now, I no longer ask for it, but I also ask Master not to stop me. I have to go to Yunan."

Lao Kui was silent for a long time, his heart seemed to be vicissitudes of life, and he sighed deeply:
"Go, I won't stop you for the teacher."

Chu Shuwan gave Lao Kui a final salute. The blue spiritual power lingered around her, and in the blink of an eye, she transformed into an indigo light beam and rushed into the sky without a trace.

Only Lao Kui was left in the empty Baiyu Square. At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Xu Shoujing said to himself when he left for the capital—

'I will prove to you that as long as you stick to your own way, you can go on regardless of cause and effect. '

Lao Kui shook his head and laughed out loud for some reason: "It was carved out of a mold, and I don't know who looks like..."

After a while, Lao Kui's laughter gradually stopped, and the reality that the two apprentices were getting further and further away from him made him feel a sense of loss as a 'old man with a widow'.

For some reason, he suddenly thought that when he first started cultivating immortals, he hadn't been involved in so much thinking about Taoism and Taoism. , are all my way'.

When did he become what he is now?
Perhaps, with the improvement of his cultivation, he gradually lost his youthful spirit; perhaps, it was because he watched the heroic and mortal friends pass away one by one, and the loneliness in his heart made him understand that the immortals must never Contaminated with cause and effect, pure heart and few desires are the way.

Or... it's just that he was simply afraid, maybe because he was afraid that his apprentice would repeat his mistakes.

After a long time, there was a faint sigh from Baiyu Square:



Just when Chu Shuwan had just arrived at Yunan Pass, and just like a 'female bandit', she forcibly seized the city lord's decree.

Xu Shoujing, who was far away in Zimo City, was still sitting cross-legged on the bed, carrying out the daily routine, cultivating with Zhao Fuyao.

Qiu Xuanji is worthy of being the Empress of Dali, as a generation of monarchs who used to have 'very rave reviews'.After restoring the power to the imperial court, he immediately took advantage of his strength to cut off the retreat of those two or five ministers, which can be regarded as a pre-emption for the future succession of Qiu Shangyun.

The Southern Chu army came with a full 20 people, and almost exhausted the decades of history of the entire dynasty. It can be seen that this time the Southern Chu emperor intends to break the boat and win Dali no matter what.

If it were normal, it is estimated that Dali would have already sent reinforcements to Yunan to fight.

But now Dali Banyao is in civil strife, demonized into a riot, and if it sounds good, it means that he can't protect himself, and if it sounds bad, it means that he is lingering.

In such a situation of powerlessness, Qiu Xuanji could only make the few demon-suppressing divisions rush to the frontal battlefield, while he and the main army were divided into two groups, going to the east and west sides respectively to meet the demonized people. After the battle, rush to Yunan from both sides.

Although this decision will cause some people to be too late to rescue, but under the pressure of Nanchu's pressure step by step, it is already a relatively small loss plan.


Xu Shoujing snorted, and all the spiritual energy released from the body was taken back into the body. The dry veins filled up again, but the clothes were soaked unconsciously.


Suddenly there was the sound of something heavy falling on the bed from behind.

Xu Shoujing panicked in his heart, and turned his head quickly to find that Zhao Fuyao was lying on the quilt with all his strength, and he was so angry that he didn't seem to have any strength.

Zhao Fuyao stretched out his hand to prop up his upper body, but he fell down again because his arms were weak halfway.

Noticing Xu Shoujing's distressed eyes, she reluctantly raised her head and said:
"I'm fine, I'm just a little out of strength."

Xu Shoujing sighed, and bent his arms through Yao Yao's legs, hugged him horizontally, pushed the quilt away with his knees, let Zhao Fuyao lie down at a comfortable angle, and finally covered the quilt.

Xu Shoujing frowned slightly. He had been with Yaoyao for a long time. He obviously realized that Zhao Fuyao had concealed what he said. He was about to continue his questioning, but a call came from outside the room:
"Xiaojing, come and pick up the Long Xun card that Master gave you."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, without hesitation, he lowered his head and kissed Zhao Fuyao's forehead, and warned:
"take a good rest."

Turned around and walked out the door.


The door was gently closed, and the ray of light that finally came in was covered up again.

On the bed, Zhao Fuyao stared at the ceiling indifferently with his phoenix eyes, raised his jade hand laboriously, stared at the lines on the palm, and his eyes were a little dazed:
"……is there time?"


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I like Aunt Chu so much~ I wish to be in Longyumen in the next life~
(End of this chapter)

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