The queen is so fierce

Chapter 122 Tiannan?Heavenly Palace?

Chapter 122 Tiannan?Heavenly Palace?
"Come here for a pot of Maru Immortal."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

In the tea room on the second floor of Tuxian Pavilion, the floor made of spirit sandalwood was full of debris of wooden tables and chairs, and there was a very obvious scratch from the entrance to the remote corner.

The bar made of dark brown spirit sandalwood is one of the few complete items in the entire tea room.

A cultivator in a blue cyan shirt sat on a high-footed round wooden stool at the bar, and looked at the innocent little cultivator who was busy at the counter with teasing eyes, drinking tea slowly in his hand, looking quite elegant.

The pure nun took out a thumb-sized black mud ball from the dark compartment of the cabinet embedded in the wall, and slid away the skin, revealing the mellow and fragrant dry tea inside.

There are really few recreational activities for monks, except for tea and drinking.

But most monks still prefer to drink tea, not because they don't like drinking, but because the threshold for drinking is too high.

Except for Zuixian Brew and a few shochus that can affect the soul, few wines can make monks experience the feeling of 'drunk'.

This is also the reason why Zuixian Brewing is so well-known in the entire Jiuzhou. The founder of Zuixianlou, whose origin is unknown so far, did not know what method he adopted, so that the monks can also experience the mortal elegant monk's "wake up tonight" where".

Some people speculate that the founder of Zuixianlou is a great man who implements ancient and modern, and has extraordinary attainments in the soul.

There are also speculations that Drunken Immortal Brew can make the monks get drunk, completely using the methods of the demons that have been extinct, because only the magic skills of the demons can arouse the most essential desires in people's hearts.

However, for the Xianmen family with a long history, the position of 'tea tasting' is often placed above 'drinking'.

The Xiandao family is not like a sect. The sect recruits students from all nine continents, and basically anyone with talent and strength can come.But the family is a real bloodline inheritance.

Loose cultivators can also join sects and clans halfway through cultivation, and there is no other way to do so than to join a family.

Families with a little history all value "inheritance", and often such families also care about the sense of ritual.

In human words, drinking tea is more elegant. People from big families value face more, so they all like that kind of tone.

Elegant and never out of date.

"Guest officer, your Wanxian tea."

The innocent nun in a gauze skirt shyly pushed the steaming Jun porcelain cup in front of He Su, stood there without making a sound, and occasionally glanced at him.

He Su smiled elegantly and casually, raised his teacup and took a sip, looking like he was enjoying:
"Fragrant and pleasant, pure and pure, tender and fresh... just like you, with a long aftertaste."

"...The guest officer has won the award, where can they have..."

The innocent girl's face was slightly red, her slender jade fingers wrapped around her hair in circles, her eyes were fixed on the toes of the embroidered shoes, and she couldn't tell.

A little girl who is not familiar with the world is easy to deceive... He Su smiled indifferently, brewing for a while, and said softly:
"Girl, what's your surname Su, I don't know girl Fang..."

blah blah-

Before he could finish speaking, a hurried and heavy footstep sounded suddenly at the door.

"His surname! I have something to look for you!"

A rough and honest voice echoed in his ears.

The corner of He Su's mouth twitched, and he secretly said in his heart: This Jianmangzi is really endless, if it weren't for him being of some use to me, who would want to play with him?

"Jian Mangzi, no matter what you say, I won't fight you, give up as soon as possible." He Su turned his head impatiently, wanting to refuse solemnly, but his expression was stunned, and he said in surprise: "You How is this going?"

Ji Xiangjian lowered his head along his line of sight, glanced at his 'battle-damage makeup', and said heartlessly:
"What's the matter?"

"What's the matter with your body..." He Su said with a strange expression, his eyes swept across Ji Xiangjian's body.

In his impression, Ji Xiangjian, a jianmangzi, has never had a chance to win a fight... Most of the people who fight with him are bedridden afterwards.

But you see what's going on now?

Ji Xiangjian's original cloth that has not been changed for ten thousand years now has only messy cloth strips left on his upper body. His bronzed skin and strong muscles are exposed, and there is a faint bloodstain on his chest.

The rough face was still smiling as heartlessly as before, but it could be seen from the complexion that there was a serious lack of qi and blood. Although the spiritual power in the body was overflowing, the five elements were not chaotic.

Didn't he go to fight?How could it be the same as offending which ancestor was hunted down?
He Su frowned. He couldn't understand the reason in his heart, but he didn't intend to continue to investigate Jian Mangzi. He waved his hand casually:
"I told you not to fight you."

"I didn't say I wanted to fight you." Ji Xiangjian said.

"Don't want to fight me?" He Suwei was stunned for a moment, and then he observed Ji Xiangjian's expression, and found that he looked at him calmly, completely unlike the previous look of wanting to eat himself.

This is... you really don't intend to pester me?

I was annoying to death when I was always pestering, but now I really don't care anymore.

For some reason, He Su felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

In order to hide this emotion, he pretended to be disgusted, and while drinking tea, he turned his head to look in the direction of the pure nun:
"Then why are you looking for me? I didn't see that I was busy..."

On the way, He Su's face froze.

The innocent girl who was shy in front of him before... is still in front of him now.

However, instead of peeking at herself shyly, she clasped her fingers together on her small chest, her eyes full of bright little stars, and she looked obsessively in a certain direction.


A row of question marks appeared on He Su's head, and he couldn't figure out how in less than half a quarter of an hour, how could the innocent little girl become like a different person.

"He's surnamed He, let me introduce someone to you." Ji Xiangjian gave up a position, and the previously covered vision was revealed, and a sword fairy in a black robe appeared in front of him.

Sword Immortal in black robe has delicate facial features, clear facial lines, long hair tied up, black eyebrows like swords, rippling peach blossom eyes that capture the soul, wearing a black robe of gold silk, restrained and extravagant, tall and straight, chivalrous and awe-inspiring, waist Between them is a belt inlaid with Qiongyu.

His expression was a little embarrassed, as if he wanted to avoid the almost obsessive gaze of the innocent little cultivator next to him, he raised his hand and waved:

"That... under Xu Shoujing."


He Su was still confused, Ji Xiangjian patted his thick chest and introduced:

"This is my newly recognized brother Xu. I lost to him just now."

He Su suddenly came back to his senses, and his first reaction was...Isn't this the Five Elements Extinguishing Vein who took Jian Mangzi's sword just now?
After listening to Ji Xiangjian's undisguised words, He Su was taken aback.

In fact, taking Ji Xiangjian's sword is not a big and difficult task, so far there are not a few who have been able to take it... Although they all lost later.

So when He Su saw Xu Shoujing taking the black iron epee with one hand, he was surprised, but he didn't take it to heart.

But this time, he was really surprised.

Ji Xiangjian is a straight person, although a little too straight, most people don't bother to pay attention to him.

But he never lies.

Since he said so, it is basically true.

A Five Elements Extinguished Veteran who has cultivated to the Sea Realm... Can he still win against Ji Xiangjian?
Why does it sound so fake?

Could it be that some kind of freak was born out of nowhere?

...haven't heard of such a character before?

He Su thoughtfully, looked at Xu Shoujing a few times, tilted his head to look at Ji Xiangjian, frowned and said:

"Jianmangzi, what do you mean?"

"Brother Xu wants to know about the Changhe Su Clan, tell him quickly!" Ji Xiangjian slammed down the counter and said with a serious face: "You didn't shout about how powerful the Changhe Su Clan was and what the Changhe Su Clan was like before. A thousand years of inheritance? You must know."

He Su's eyes were slightly stunned, observing Xu Shoujing's appearance, and said in surprise: "You want to know about the Changhe Su Clan?"

"No, I want to know how to get to Changhe Su Clan." Xu Shoujing was also looking at He Su.

He Su's hand froze when he picked up the teacup, and shook his head with a smile:

"Then you're looking for the wrong person. I just heard about the Changhe Su Clan. I don't know how to get to the Changhe Su Clan."

"Well, I thought so at first, and didn't hold out much hope." A golden light flashed in Xu Shoujing's water-like peach blossom eyes, and he said firmly:

"You must know how the Changhe Su Clan got there."
In order to develop the pupil technique taught by Jiuxiao, Xu Shoujing once experimented with Meng Yi and Jing Ming.

The higher the realm of the monk, the smaller the mood swings.

It's not Lao Kui's set of "being indifferent to the world", it's just that the pure qi-raising effort has gone up, the realm level is high, and those gains and losses will not be considered.

To speak human words is... People see you as a monkey, your realm is too low to make him angry.

The reverse is also true, the lower the realm of the cultivator, the easier it is to be affected by the surrounding environment or even a few words.

However, most people can cover it up very well, even if there are some small movements, they will not be noticed by others.

There is only one thing that a low-level cultivator can't completely hide - spiritual power fluctuations.

Xu Shoujing didn't have any hope at first, even if it was true, it always felt a little unreliable to say it from Ji Xiangjian's mouth.

But the moment he saw He Su, Xu Shoujing felt a faint sense of familiarity from him.

It was this feeling of déjà vu that made Xu Shoujing activate the pupil technique, and noticed the untraceable vibration of the spiritual energy in his body when he said 'I don't know how to get to the Changhe Su Clan'.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Xu Shoujing would not stare at people with pupil dilation.

Although that thing is easy to use, the spiritual power keeps pouring into the eyeballs - it feels like dry eye syndrome, and it is not very comfortable anyway.

Fortunately, there is a reward for hard work, but Xu Shoujing was not disappointed.

"You must know how the Changhe Su Clan got there."

He Su was stunned, he didn't say anything, how could he be seen through?
Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment, and said in a deep voice:
"I also know that asking you to give information for no reason is obviously not in line with the rules... Why don't you make a condition?"


You are so refreshing, the problem is that this is not a problem of unconditional conditions, it can't be...

He Su seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly sat up straight, and the corner of his mouth tickled:
"It's okay if you want me to tell you where the Changhe Su Clan is, but you have to do me a little favor."

"What are you busy with?" Xu Shoujing frowned.

"Don't worry, it's also good for you." He Su took a few steps closer and said in a low voice, "There is a Jingyue Lake about two hundred miles away from here, and at the bottom of the lake there is an immortal king's cave dwelling for tens of thousands of years."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, his expression stunned: "Immortal King Cave Mansion... Can this thing be found casually?"

He Su was stunned, and then looked at Ji Xiangjian suspiciously.

"He's from another continent." Ji Xiangjian said.

"So that's the case." He Su nodded suddenly and coughed dryly, "Brother Xu, I think you don't know what to tell you.

According to the records of "Wannian Xiantu", Tiannanzhou was formed by the extinct immortal clan Tiangong in the ancient Tianzhu era. There are not many large and small immortal cave dwellings. Palace was built.

So far, there are no less than hundreds of caves in Tiannanzhou that have been discovered, all of which are opportunities for the major sects to compete. "

Xu Shoujing was thoughtful, frowned and said, "Since it's an opportunity, why did you tell me? Tell your elders directly, not all the opportunities are in your hands."

"I want to tell the elders that the chance is not mine alone!" He Su said in a gloomy tone, suddenly reacting to his composure, he coughed lightly, his face full of sincerity:

"How about Brother Xu, your ability to defeat Jian Mangzi has already demonstrated your strength. I have investigated the Immortal King's cave, and there is a ghost guarding the gate. The realm is probably in the late stage of Lingji. Brother Xu, me, and Jian Mang Son, it's not that there is no possibility of victory."

To be honest, Xu Shoujing never really believed in the pie falling from the sky.

What will be the price of blind obedience and luck, the people of Longquan Town are a good negative example.

Even being able to pick up Zhao Fuyao, he attributed it to "the first 17 years were too unlucky, whether this is a blessing or not".

Although He Su's words are attractive, there are still many things that don't make sense.

For example, he is unwilling to share the opportunity with the teacher and others, but is willing to share with him and Ji Xiangjian?
Or maybe the Immortal King Cave Mansion, a place with a mysterious name, how did he find it?
If he doesn't want to say these questions, he can't answer them.

However, after some inner struggle, Xu Shoujing decided to agree to He Su.

It's not that he is iron-clad, mainly because this is the only clue left for the Changhe Su Clan, and he doesn't seem to have a choice.

There is a saying that risk and reward coexist, crisis is opportunity.

He has grown up so much and hasn't been to the real Immortal King's Cave... It's just like going out to practice.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and said:

"It's a word."

He Su smiled: "Then we have a good time working together."

Ji Xiangjian looked left at Xu Shoujing, left at He Su, always felt that he was being ignored?

Why is no one asking my opinion?
The first floor of Tuxian Pavilion is a spacious reception hall.

There are a total of four beams and pillars in the hall, and the white jade floor tiles are neatly tiled. The scale is as majestic as an emperor's palace. The ceiling is suspended high. Because of the distance, the relief texture on it can hardly be seen with the naked eye.

Dozens of female nuns waited quietly in front of the long and narrow counter, meticulously speaking Mandarin to monks who came from all over the world for information.

In the corner of the reception hall, a man and a woman are sitting on the cotton booth of Taiqing Bing Silk.

Jiang Rongyue was wearing a long snow-blue dress, with her jade hands folded on her legs, sitting gracefully, her dignified and demure face revealed a hint of sadness:
"So you agreed?"

"Well... what can I do if I don't agree?"

Xu Shoujing rested on his soft thighs, yawned roguely, raised his eyes and looked towards the ceiling, but his vision was completely blocked by two full arcs.

It's not good to see... it's good not to see it.

Jiang Rongyue gently massaged Xu Shoujing's temple with her thumb, and said softly:
"It's okay to promise. Immortal King's Cave Mansion... is unheard of in Yuliangzhou. Maybe you will meet some opportunities."

"Sister Rong Yue, do you want to come with me?" Xu Shoujing said with his eyes closed.

"Me?" Jiang Rongyue was stunned for a moment, then forced a smile: "I won't go, my sister can't cultivate now, and going is just to cause you trouble."

Xu Shoujing frowned and heard something else.

He suddenly turned over and sat up, holding Jiang Rongyue's soft little hand, and said in a low voice:

"Sister Rong Yue, do you have something on your mind?"

Jiang Rongyue's eyelashes trembled, and there was still a gentle smile on her face, but her tone was slightly trembling:
"Sister, what can you worry about, Xiaojing, you just need to take care of your own safety. I will always wait for you to come back."

When she said this, Jiang Rongyue's eyes couldn't help dodging, and her expression was much stiffer than before.

Xu Shoujing knew that his sister had never been a good liar, especially when facing him, she almost wrote her emotions on her face.

Why doesn't this make him worry?
"Sister Rong Yue..."

"I'm fine!" Jiang Rongyue seemed to have guessed what Xu Shoujing would say, and interrupted him forcefully. Because she was too excited, she swung her hair down and covered her forehead.

After a while, Xu Shi noticed that her voice was a little louder, she quickly sorted out her emotions, and used her fingertips to lift the ends of her hair that covered her eyes.

"Sister is really fine, you don't have to worry."

Xu Shoujing sighed, hugged Jiang Rongyue gently, and stopped talking.

"Xiao Jing..."

Jiang Rongyue bit her thin lip, and gently licked Qiong's nose, Rou Weed tightly locked Xu Shoujing's waist.

She was very greedy for the smell in Xu Shoujing's arms, and also liked the way Xiaojing stood in front of her again and again.

But because of this, Jiang Rongyue struggled more and more in her heart.

"Cough cough."

An inappropriate coughing sound suddenly sounded in the ear.

Xu Shoujing and Jiang Rongyue were separated by electric shock, both facing both sides.

Jiang Rongyue lowered her head and started to straighten her hair, her face was a little red; Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and looked up to see who was coming.

Chu Shuwan, who was wearing a long dark green dress, stood beside her with a cold expression on her face. She held up her tall clothes with her arms folded, her pure white swan neck raised high, and her toes tapped the white jade floor rhythmically.

Da da da
Because the fulcrum is placed on one foot, Zhu Yuanyurun's figure is slightly inclined, and the curve of the proud figure ushered in a sharp arc.

From Xu Shoujing's line of sight, he could vaguely see the silhouette of the buttocks hidden behind him.

The temperature in Chu Shuwan's eyes dropped to zero, and she sneered:

"That's right, Jing'er, it's quite enjoyable. I asked you to come to the inn, so you're welcome to come here to flirt."

Xu Shoujing silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva, intending to say 'Aunt Chu, listen to my explanation', but he also knew that if he really said it, it would be equivalent to taking the name of 'doing nothing serious'.

...because he said that every time he was arrested before.

"Aunt Chu, what are you doing here? This is the Tuxian Pavilion..." Xu Shoujing asked back.

Answering a question with a question is not a good idea, but it can often interrupt a person's thinking.

Sure enough, Chu Shuwan explained subconsciously:
"I'm here to register the sect, who knew you were..."

"Ah? Registering a sect, what sect?" Xu Shoujing quickly continued the topic.

"Longyumen." Chu Shuwan said. "I want to build a new Longyumen in Tiannanzhou."

Xu Shoujing frowned slightly, feeling a little strange.

He remembered Chu Shuwan's idea of ​​not wanting to be the head of the clan, but it was much stronger than Qiu Xuanji's not wanting to be the emperor. Now that he was finally relieved from the responsibility of being the head of the clan, why did he want to go back?
"Why do you suddenly want to build this thing?"

"Because..." Chu Shuwan was at a loss for words, because of her personality, she didn't want to say 'it's all for you' in person, she always felt that being an elder was too shameless.

Translate, this older mature woman is shy.

After hesitating for a long time, Chu Shuwan had no choice but to say:
"Because Tiannanzhou has a good atmosphere in the immortal way, I want to make Longyumen's reputation! In the future, I will open the branches of Longyumen all over Jiuzhou."


Really want to come out is one out.

Xu Shoujing said speechlessly, "Then you are registered now?"

Speaking of this Chu Shuwan was about to get angry, she said resentfully:
"No! I asked just now. To register a sect in Tuxian Pavilion, there must be at least one Chongxiaojing in charge. Neither Xuanji nor I can meet the requirements."

Having said that, Chu Shuwan glanced at Xu Shoujing, and hooked the corner of her mouth:

"So I plan to invite the fox spirit master you newly recognized to join the Longyumen after I go back. Of course, it is the honorary elder, and the master is still me."

Xu Shoujing looked stunned: "What if Master has a mentor?"

"I don't look like it. Even if there is, I'll be your master. What's wrong with helping my auntie?"

Chu Shuwan said with a look of indifference, but she was thinking in her heart: This is called Master... It's really close.

Xu Shoujing suddenly felt a chill hit his back, he trembled all over, stood up and said:
"Then why don't I go back and ask for you? Let's not look for the inn, and make do with a night on the floating boat."

"Also." Chu Shuwan thought for a while, then pointed to the counter next to her: "Rong Yue and I will go back first, you can register your identity in the past, there is no threshold for cultivator registration, and ask if you are a loose cultivator or a sectarian. When you are a cultivator, remember to report to Longyumen! After all, you are still the young master..."


Xu Shoujing rolled his eyes, patted Chu Shuwan's buttocks before leaving, and then ran away.


Chu Shuwan's mature and beautiful face was embarrassed for a while, and she spat lightly, "I'll take care of you when I go back", and greeted Jiang Rongyue:
"Let's go, Rong Yue, let's go back first."

Jiang Rongyue did not move.

"What's wrong?" Chu Shuwan frowned.

Jiang Rongyue grabbed the skirt with her small hands hanging on both sides, bit her lower lip with her teeth, hesitated for a long time, and said:

"Master, I have something to ask you."
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(End of this chapter)

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