The queen is so fierce

Chapter 123 Find Your Xuanji

Chapter 123 Find Your Xuanji
The clear night is dust-free, and the moonlight is like frost.

The bright moon, as round as a white jade plate, hangs in the air, the clouds are looming, and the wind and waves on the sea are blowing wave after wave, beating against the golden sandy beach.

The plump cat with snow-white fur was lying on the bow of the huge pontoon, with its fluffy tail in his arms, squinting his eyes comfortably, and glanced at the two women who were boarding the boat below.

blah blah-

The sound of shoes hitting the boards was uneven.

Chu Shuwan folded her arms with one hand and tried her best to control her steps. Her familiar face was a little sad. She glanced back from time to time, sighed, and continued to walk forward.

Jiang Rongyue followed around three positions away from Chu Shuwan. She was not as dignified and dignified as usual. She kept her eyes fixed on her toes, her eyes drooped slightly, and her thin lips were tightly pursed.

After leaving Tuxian Pavilion, Jiang Rongyue said, "Master, I want to ask you one thing", and she has always been like this.

Chu Shuwan asked her what was the matter, but she didn't answer, she just kept crying and had to wait until she got back to the ship.

For Chu Shuwan, Jiang Rongyue was not just an apprentice, but almost a daughter.

In the fourth year of recovering Xu Shoujing, Chu Shuwan accepted Jiang Rongyue, who had just started her career, as a direct disciple, and she has been regarded as a direct descendant since then.

Even most of the time, Jiang Rongyue is more reliable as an apprentice than her clan master, which can be seen from the reactions of Longyu Sect disciples.

In Chu Shuwan's impression, Jiang Rongyue has always been a disciple who can perfectly implement the master's instructions, and she rarely shows her opinion, which is somewhat similar to Qiu Xuanji.

Therefore, Chu Shuwan has always been a laissez-faire education to her, she just doesn't want to repeat the mistakes of herself and her senior sister.

It turns out that her decision was not wrong.

Jiang Rongyue has grown up to be completely independent. She is a trustworthy senior sister in the sect, and she has never shown her weak side emotionally.

She looks so helpless now... This is the first time that Chu Shuwan has seen her.

Climbing along the long wooden ladder to the deck of the Feidu pontoon, Chu Shuwan walked to the edge of the guardrail.

Leaning on the railing, she folded her arms, and when she saw Jiang Rongyue rushing over, she whispered:

"Tell me, what do you want to ask me?"

Jiang Rongyue was silent for a moment, but did not answer:

"Master, I was rescued by Xiaojing again today."

"Really?" Chu Shuwan was stunned, she really didn't know what happened at Tuxian Pavilion.

Jiang Rongyue pursed her thin lips, and looked straight at Chu Shuwan, the corners of her mouth were a little bitter:
"Master, what do you think of my talent?"

Chu Shuwan didn't understand why Rongyue asked this so eloquently, but she still replied:

"At the age of only 21, he has cultivated the Guanlan Stage of the Sea Realm. Not to mention that his talent surpasses that of Jiuzhou cultivators, it is not a problem to be far superior to his peers."

Jiang Rongyue clenched her skirt tightly, her demure pretty face was even more bitter:

"Master, you said that my talent is excellent... But why is it that I was rescued by Xiaojing every time, and not once was I helping him..."

Chu Shuwan was stunned, and finally understood the tangle in Jiang Rongyue's heart.

It's a pity that with her straightforward temperament, she never comforts people. After thinking about it for a long time, she just said:

"Don't think like that, Jing'er definitely didn't want you to save him, and he didn't even want to put you in danger at all."

"But Tu'er doesn't want him to be in danger!" Jiang Rongyue's eyes reddened, and crystal tears fell down.

She threw herself into Chu Shuwan's arms and said:

"I'm obviously his sister... When he went to Zi Mo to be assassinated, I couldn't help him, I couldn't help him when he was on the battlefield, and even in the final battle in the Broken Dragon Mountains, I didn't even have the qualifications to intervene...

Master, do you know how desperate I was when I saw you coming back with a dying Xiaojing?You all say that my talented peers are excellent, but why do I still feel that I am so weak...

This time, too, that Ji Xiangjian was in the same realm as mine, but I couldn't even block his sword for a moment. In the end, I still had to ask Xiaojing to save me...

Master, why can't I help me with anything... Master woohoo..."

Every woman has the most vulnerable side in her heart, and they can't see it at ordinary times, just because they are trying their best to hide it.

Showing the best side to the person you like is a move that every woman in love will do.

So when Xu Shoujing asked Jiang Rongyue if she had something on her mind, she was reluctant to show her grievances.

She doesn't want to be a coquettish vase, she wants to be a real sister and be Xu Shoujing's support.

And the only one who can help her achieve this goal is Chu Shuwan, whose teachers are like mothers.

Chu Shuwan patted Jiang Rongyue's back lightly, as if coaxing a baby, her eyes were full of unprecedented tenderness.

Feeling that the front of her clothes was wet with tears, Chu Shuwan sighed lightly, but sighed with emotion:

Unexpectedly, the ideas of their master and apprentice actually went together.

Jiang Rongyue's tangled things, why hasn't she thought about it?
Chu Shuwan proposed that she wanted to build a brand new Longyumen. Isn't the most essential purpose to be able to help Xu Shoujing in the future?

"...Master...Master woo..." Jiang Rongyue raised her head with tears in her eyes and choked up, "Master, I want to become stronger..."

The moonlight was like a layer of hoarfrost, neatly spread on the deck.

Chu Shuwan looked at Jiang Rongyue's red eyes and said softly:

"Rong Yue, both you and Jing'er are my pride. I never doubted that you would fail to catch up with Jing'er, but there are not many things that Master can give you, and more depends on you."

Speaking of which, Chu Shuwan turned her head to look at the endless horizon, and sighed:
"Tiannanzhou is the continent with the strongest immortal atmosphere. It is said that the original site of the Temple of Heaven in the Tianzhu era was in the Eastern Ghost Territory of Tiannanzhou... In addition, there are countless relics of chance in the inland Xianwang Cave..."

Jiang Rongyue's sobbing gradually stopped, she looked at her master with some confusion, and said doubtfully:

"Master, what do you want to say?"

"What Master wants to say is, Rong Yue, you should rely on yourself." Chu Shuwan said seriously. "The immortal grass cultivated by magic is not as good as the treasures of heaven and earth that absorb the essence of heaven and earth. Instead of letting me guide you, you should go out and experience it, and the growth rate will be much faster than now."

"..." Jiang Rongyue was stunned.

She originally sought her master for comfort, and hoped that Chu Shuwan, as a master, could show her a clear path.

As far as the result is concerned, Chu Shuwan showed her the way, but in one sentence, it became—

Apprentice, you have to learn to be self-reliant.

Jiang Rongyue was a little stunned, as if thinking of something, she frowned and said:
"That's not right, Master, how do you know about Tiannanzhou, you have never been out of Yuliangzhou..."

Chu Shuwan's eyes were dodged a little, but under Jiang Rongyue's burning gaze, she still made a move:
"When I went with Qiu Xuanji to go through the formalities for entering the continent in the afternoon, I read "The Customs and Traditions of Tiannanzhou" on the bookcase, and I flipped through it when I was bored..."


Jiang Rongyue sighed, she couldn't do anything about her master's appearance.

"Forget it, I'm going to cook first. Master, when Xiaojing comes back, help me tell her, I'll go with him tomorrow."

"Where to?" Chu Shuwan was taken aback.

Jiang Rongyue rolled her eyes and hummed softly:

"Master said the Immortal King's Cave Mansion."
wow wow wow-

The sound of the waves hitting the beach rhythmically sounded, and the soft sea breeze blew the hair of the beautiful woman on the deck.

"Why do you say that?"

A dull voice came from behind.

Chu Shuwan turned her head slightly, and found a woman in a concubine red dress walking over quietly.

The silver light sprinkled on Qiu Xuanji's cold and pure face, adding a bit of clarity and whiteness; the three thousand blue silk shawls and the red-like slim dress were a little dim at night, but they made the graceful and luxurious who had been in a high position for a long time. Fully embodied.

She pursed her red lips lightly, her clear phoenix eyes could not see the emotion:

"You don't want to teach?"

Chu Shuwan was silent for a moment, then spread her hands:

"It's not that I don't want to teach it, it's that I can't teach it. Rongyue majors in Lei Fa, I major in Formation, and I can give some pointers as an experienced person on basic exercises. I don't know much about Lei Fa, and I am currently teaching her. It's already the limit, and if you give any advice in the future, it will mislead her practice."

Qiu Xuanji's eyes were slightly startled, and her tone was a little surprised:

"You actually think so much?"

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, and then her apricot eyes filled with anger:
"Who do you think of my old lady? Can I not care about my apprentice? ... What's more, I'm right, she's been in the sect cultivating for so long, she should go out for a long time."

Qiu Xuanji lowered her eyes slightly and asked back:
"how about you?"

"Me?" With a smile on the corner of Chu Shuwan's mouth, she stretched out towards the sky, and said lightly, "I will provide them with a place to come back when they are crazy enough outside, I can't be lazy to go out and wander around. "

In the middle of the conversation, Chu Shuwan changed her tone and walked towards the cabin, her almond eyes angrily said:
"But one thing is one thing, I haven't forgiven him for Jing'er!"

The voice drifted away, Qiu Xuanji looked at her back and thought for a long time, then muttered:

"Shuwan, I'm not as good as you."
When Xu Shoujing returned to Feidu Floating Boat, it was already close to Hai Shi.

The whole port was silent, and there was no hustle and bustle during the day.

Xu Shoujing did not climb the outrageous staircase that the cultivator of the port helped to erect, but flew directly onto the deck with his sword.

The moonlight was quiet, sprinkled on the empty deck at the bow.

I could vaguely see a graceful woman standing on the bow of the boat, a fat cat lying on the side of the boat, and its shadow was dragged for a long time.

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly stunned, even though the distance was very far, but through the full buttocks reflected by the moonlight, he still recognized the identity of the woman - his own Xuanji.

Just as he was about to go up to say hello, Xu Shoujing paused and saw that Qiu Xuanji was staring at Yu'er seriously, but he didn't notice his side at all.

He thought for a while and decided to go to Aunt Chu first.

You know, Chu Shuwan is still in trouble because of the 'apprenticeship' thing, no matter what she thinks, it's more urgent over there.


The candle-lit crystal lamp is placed on the candlestick, and the compartment-like cabin is filled with a faint scent of pear.

The silver moonlight shines through the window paper of the cross window and sprinkles on the wooden floor in front of the bed. It is quiet and sparse, like a little bit of starlight.

Chu Shuwan sat reclining at a round wooden table next to the bed in the back room, her blue silk was coiled up, her head was wearing a jade hairpin, her elbows supported the table, her jade hands rested her cheeks, her almond eyes were tightly closed, and her face was deliberately stern.

From entering the house to changing clothes, Chu Shuwan put on a gorgeous makeup, and rubbed a little peach powder on her fair cheeks, like a shy blush. Her lips were covered with a red rouge, which was delicate and moist, making people want to take a bite.

Paired with a dark green slim-fit long skirt, the round buttocks and waistline are revealed without any concealment; it does not lose the dignity of a woman, but also reflects a woman's familiar figure.


A gust of evening wind blew from the sea, and a slightly chilly air flowed in from the crack of the door.

Chu Shuwan's gradually drooping head was suddenly awakened, and she hurriedly raised her face again. She glanced out the window and pretended not to notice anyone coming in.

The curtain of the back room was pulled open, and Xu Shoujing, who was wearing a black robe, walked in slowly.

He looked around the dimly lit wing room, and his eyes finally focused on Chu Shuwan.

In my impression, Aunt Chu has never put rouge in her eyes.

This is naturally related to her free and easy and hot personality - she is naturally beautiful and immortal, so what kind of makeup do you want?
Speaking of which, this was the first time he saw Aunt Chu wearing makeup.Originally, she was already beautiful without makeup, but now she adds a beautiful woman's makeup...

Isn't this purely seductive?
Xu Shoujing controlled his facial muscles without losing his temper, but his eyes were locked on the pair of slightly swaying fronts, his eyes became more and more fiery.

blah blah-

Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching, the moonlight sprinkled on the table shrouded in a shadow.

Chu Shuwan glanced sideways and said indifferently:

"You still know how to come back?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were stunned: "Didn't you, Aunt Chu, ask me to register the identity of Tuxian Pavilion?"


Chu Shuwan was so choked that she paused for a moment and regained her strength. She said with a cold face:

"Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Xu Shoujing looked up and down Chu Shuwan's figure, until the beautiful woman's already blushing cheeks were dyed with red tide, then nodded and said with a light smile:

"I really have something to say... What day is today? Why are you still dressed up, Aunt Chu?"

Saying that, a hand quietly wrapped around the slender waist.

Chu Shuwan's almond eyes narrowed, and she unceremoniously knocked off the big messy hand, sneering:
"What? Madam can't dress up, can she?"

Xu Shoujing rubbed the back of his red hands, thinking that today would be a good time to coax him, so he pulled up a chair and sat down.

He held the jade hand that Chu Shuwan casually placed on the side, and after making sure there was no resistance, he chuckled lightly:

"Aunt Chu, what are you talking about, of course you can dress up. My Aunt Chu can look down on the females even if she doesn't dress up, and it doesn't matter to anyone else if she dresses up..."

Proud of the female...


Chu Shuwan couldn't hold back her laughter, and when she noticed Xu Shoujing's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, she raised her face again and snorted coldly:
"It sounds nice. The aunt asked you, am I beautiful or Qiu Xuanji is beautiful?"

Xu Shoujing's smile gradually disappeared.

Don't put... how come I still wrap myself in it?
If you answer this question, you will be gone...

Seeing Xu Shoujing being silent, Chu Shuwan felt annoyed in her heart, she threw off his hand, gently lifted her buttocks on the chair, and turned to the other side.

"Go find your Xuanji, my aunt is not as beautiful as her."

Xu Shoujing looked up at the sky, let out a long sigh, moved the chair to come closer, hugged Chu Shuwan's delicate body from behind, and said with a smile:

"Aunt Chu, your beauty is different from that of Xuanji. Each has its own beauty, and there is no difference between you and me."

"Oh, saying it is the same as not saying it."

Chu Shuwan sneered, twisted her body, and broke free from Xu Shoujing's hands.

Xu Shoujing's face was full of helplessness, so he had to keep pinching his shoulders and beating his back, trying to please Aunt Chu in various ways.

But this time, Aunt Chu didn't know how to get it, and she didn't eat him at all.

"Aunt Chu..."

"Don't call me."

"Aunt Chu, I know it's wrong for me to be a teacher without discussing it with you..."

"I'm not angry about that. Ling Fuyu's cultivation is can I be angry about something that helps you?"

"Ah... Then why are you angry, Aunt Chu?"

"You don't even know why I'm angry? Get out!"


The night was getting darker, and all the love words that could be said were said, but Chu Shuwan still didn't seem to be in a better mood.

Xu Shoujing rubbed his temples in distress, wondering if he wanted to go to the kitchen to find something to eat?Come and feed PALY...


Xu Shoujing pushed away the chair and stood up slowly:

"Aunt Chu, I'll go out first."

Chu Shuwan glanced at him sideways, didn't speak, just frowned.

Xu Shoujing sighed and said nothing, shrugged his shoulders and walked out the door.

Just as he opened the sliding door and was about to cross the threshold.

Suddenly, a blue-blue barrier appeared in front of him, blocking his way.


Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment. The source of this blue-blue spiritual power was undoubtedly Aunt Chu.

But...what does this mean?
He turned his head to look at Chu Shuwan, and said tentatively:

"Aunt Chu?"

Chu Shuwan glanced at him and turned her back with a cold snort.

disgusting honesty...

Xu Shoujing stared blankly at Chu Shuwan's graceful figure. At this moment, even if he was a fool, he could guess Aunt Chu's mind.

"Guru..." Xu Shoujing's Adam's apple wriggled, swallowed, and his breathing became heavier.

blah blah-

The hurried footsteps quickly approached from behind, Chu Shuwan frowned lightly, and just turned her head, her little feet on the ground suddenly left the ground, and she was embraced by Xu Shoujing in his arms.

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously hugged Xu Shoujing's neck, and beat his shoulder a little embarrassedly:
"Jing'er, what are you doing?!"



Chu Shuwan's eyes were full of astonishment, and before she had time to answer, she was thrown onto the soft slump.

"Aunt are so cute."

"Hey! Wait a minute, Jing'er...wait a minute..." Chu Shuwan just wanted to rush him on purpose, it was a small revenge... How did you think it would turn out like this?

"Can't wait!" Xu Shoujing said with a dry voice.
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(End of this chapter)

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