The queen is so fierce

Chapter 124 Jealousy Is Strong

Chapter 124 Jealousy Is Strong
The jade-like moon was shyly hidden among the clouds, as if he was disgusted by the sound of extravagance on the pontoon in the port.

The lights of the ships in the port went out, and the hustle and bustle of the market gradually faded away, leaving only the corridors staggered, and monks in official uniforms with weapons walking back and forth.

The cool sea breeze blew ripples on the sea surface, and also blew the hair of the pure and beautiful woman on the deck.

On the deck on the second floor of the Feidu pontoon, Qiu Xuanji was wearing a long red gauze dress, looking up at the calm sea, her jade hand resting on the railing, listening to the sweet and extravagant voice in the cabin behind her, she sipped. pursed lips.


Yu'er jumped onto the railing in one leap, squatted in front of Qiu Xuanji obediently, scratched her neck with her claws, and stared at her with bright black eyes, as if saying:

Do you have any small fish here?

The answer does not even need to be asked, it is definitely not.

Qiu Xuanji's phoenix eyes were slightly startled, staring at the big white cat that was plump into a ball, especially when she saw the lump of belly fat on the railing, it was soft and seemed very comfortable...

It's weird... Qiu Xuanji stretched out her hand and pinched it slightly.

The fluffy hand feels like a lump of mud when pinched.

Yu'er trembled all over, and her hair suddenly exploded, "miaomiao" broke free from her hand, and shouted a few words to vent her dissatisfaction.

Just raised his head, and after meeting Qiu Xuanji's majestic and cold phoenix eyes, the tone of the "meow" dropped, and the scorpion became a ball.

Qiu Xuanji's eyes were inexplicable, and she wanted to touch Yu'er's belly again, but the big white cat immediately took a half step back and looked at her vigilantly.

Qiu Xuanji's hand froze in the air, her expression did not waver, but she sighed softly and withdrew her hand.

"It's late at night, and Miss Chou is watching the seascape, is there something on her mind?"

Ling Fuyu walked out of the cabin on the top floor, still wearing the light-gray light-gray dress that was airtight, her jet-black hair shawls, and her bones still looked weak, and she had to lean against the railings when she walked.

Qiu Xuanji tilted her head and glanced at it. Although she lived in the same boat with Ling Fuyu, she had only met twice.

She's not a talkative person, but everyone has come to her, and it's obviously not justified to ignore her, after all, Ling Fuyu is still Jing'er's master.

Qiu Xuanji pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said:

"It's just blowing the wind. Speaking of which, where is the Taoist priest?"

I don't know if he has been in a high position for a long time. In an equal position, Qiu Xuanji has almost no experience in communication. If he wants to bring up a certain topic, he can only turn abruptly.

Ling Fu Yuwei was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that Qiu Xuanji would ask this question at this moment, she put a hand on the railing and whispered:
"Pin Dao... It's okay not to talk about the poor Dao."

This one is tougher.

Aware of Qiu Xuanji's strange eyes, Ling Fuyu turned her head:
"Pindao thought that Miss Chou would ask me why I accepted Xu Shoujing as a disciple."

In fact, I am afraid that I am still confused about this issue. After all, although there is a life-saving grace, it is just a meeting, and it is not a unified enrollment of the major sect. It is really too hasty to accept apprentices directly.

It's a pity that there is no normal person on this ship.

What's 'filial piety deteriorating since the age of four', 'picking up a Taoist companion to go home to raise up', 'recruiting a son-in-law by martial arts in front of the imperial court', 'breaking the seal and showing promise'... They are all used to it.

That being said, when Ling Fuyu really asked this question, Qiu Xuanji really felt a little interested, and asked aloud:
"Could it be that Daoist Master Ling has any secrets?"

Ling Fuyu stretched out her hand and stroked the soft fur of the big white cat, and looked at the sea level:
"I can't tell you the secret... On the one hand, when Pindao saw Shoujing's talent, he really liked it. However, it was also related to my injury."

Speaking of which, Ling Fuyu let out a faint sigh.

Qiu Xuanji did not interrupt, and quietly waited for her to continue.

Ling Fuyu paused for a long time and said solemnly:
"Pin Dao has cultivated immortality since he was a child, and he has two methods that he considers to be a small achievement. One is the ice method, and the other is the sword. But because of an accident, the realm fell, and there is no hope in this life, so I have to pin my hopes on the disciples.

Tiannanzhou is the continent with the strongest immortal atmosphere. As early as more than ten years ago, I found a disciple here to inherit the mantle of ice magic.But the way of the sword has been slow to find a successor..."

"So you liked Jing'er?" Qiu Xuanji said.

"Yes." Ling Fuyu nodded, "Pindao has never seen a person with such talent in kendo, I think his bone age is not even the weakest, and the trajectory of his spiritual power is just the most common all-round exercise. , thinking that there is no teacher's inheritance... First, I am happy to see the hunting heart, so I have offended the two of you, and the poor way will make up for you."

The most common all-match exercises...


Qiu Xuanji squeezed the jade hand holding the railing, always feeling that Ling Fuyu was irritating herself in disguise, if Chu Shuwan was here, she would have turned her face long ago.

Fortunately, Qiu Xuanji's temperament has always been stable. Seeing Ling Fuyu's sincere expression, she knew that she was unintentional. After a moment of indulgence, she said in a low voice:

"The Daoist's words are too heavy. Jing'er's growth rate is too fast. It really needs a famous teacher to give guidance. It is me and Shuwan who want to thank you."

"That's good." Ling Fuyu breathed a sigh of relief, and after a while, her eyes flashed a tangle, and she said hesitantly:
"Miss Chou, your question has already been answered by Pindao. But Pindao has something he doesn't understand now. Can you ask Miss Chou to answer it for me?"

Qiu Xuanji was stunned for a moment, although she couldn't think of anything she could answer for her:
"The Daoist said it directly."

Ling Fuyu tilted her head and glanced at the closed door behind the deck, her brows furrowed, and her face without makeup was a little anxious:

"What is the relationship between Xu Shoujing and Miss Chu, and Miss Qiu?"


Seeing Qiu Xuanji, she was stunned, Ling Fuyu thought about it for a moment, and said solemnly:
"Although it's offensive, Shoujing is already the apprentice of Pindao, and these things naturally need to be asked clearly.

Pindao originally thought that Miss Chou and Xu Shoujing were Taoist companions, but at the third watch last night, when you were having fun with him, he...he always called you the queen mother. "

"..." Qiu Xuanji.

Ling Fuyu's eyes dodged a little, and then she said:
"That's all. Yesterday, Miss Chu had been brooding over the fact that the poor Daoist accepted Xu Shoujing as her apprentice. She once said to me 'Jing'er was raised by me', and she has always regarded herself as an elder... But now she is exist……"

Ling Fuyu was almost at a loss for words, and her face was full of expressions of "you circle is really messed up"; Qiu Xuanji couldn't listen anymore, who knows what she thought at first, and put Xu Shoujing in front of so many people Recognized as a 'sister'.

Now, although this title has been removed, it has been used by Xu Shoujing as a boudoir pleasure...

Surprisingly not so annoying...

How does this explain...

Qiu Xuanji pursed her red lips, tilted her head and glanced at Ling Fuyu, and found that under her embarrassed expression, those eyes were extraordinarily serious, as if she was really worried about this matter.

After pondering for a moment, Qiu Xuanji did not answer immediately, but instead asked:
"The Daoist knows, what are you going to do?"

Ling Fuyu was silent for a long time, then turned around and looked directly at Qiu Xuanji's phoenix eyes:

"Those who are immortals should be human first. If my disciple does something that goes against human relations, I will clear the door and let him separate from you.

On the other hand, if you are just ordinary Taoist companions... I am not a heartless person, and I will not hinder my disciple's feelings, but I will teach him not to be lustful and addicted to this Tao.Immortals are the way to pure heart. "

These words sounded a little cold, and it could be seen that Ling Fuyu's bottom line was uncompromising.

Qiu Xuanji's eyes were stunned, but she had the most preliminary understanding of Ling Fuyu, but she said in her heart:

It seems that Shuwan is completely overthinking, even if Jinger has a lust for Ling Daochang, she will definitely not give the slightest chance because of her concern for human relations.If Jing'er did it, she might even be punished.

Thinking of this, Qiu Xuanji breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"The Taoist priest is overthinking it. Jing'er is indeed Shuwan... My junior sister raised it, but the two are not related by blood, and Chu junior sister picked it up.

Jing'er called my mother, but it was just an expedient measure for me to manage the secular dynasty. It shouldn't be true... It's just that he likes to use it as a boudoir pleasure... I can't do anything about him. "

At the end, Qiu Xuanji remained expressionless, but her ears were a little red.

Fortunately, the few moonlight was also obscured by clouds, and the sight was quite dim, so it was hard to see.

"That's good..." Ling Fuyu replied thoughtfully, but she didn't know what she was summing up.
The white and quiet moonlight came out from the clouds and sprinkled on the deck of the pontoon. From a distance, it was like a layer of white frost.

In the lobby on the second floor of the building ship, the atmosphere was a bit dull.

The huge round wooden table that can seat dozens of people is full of various dishes.

Braised Lingyu, Steamed Demon Bear's Paw, Snow Jiao Bird's Nest Soup, Multicolored God Steak...

Undoubtedly, these are the handwritings of Jiang Rongyue, who has long been accustomed to cooking skills.

With such a table of delicious food in front of him, none of the three women in the hall were willing to use chopsticks, and there was even an embarrassing atmosphere that made people want to escape.

Chu Shuwan, who was dressed in a dark green slim-fit dress, sat upright on the side. Her round and jade-like figure was under her deliberately straight waist, which further highlighted the proud curve of her waist and hips; three thousand blue silk draped like a waterfall. On the shoulders, the charming face revealed a bit of flushing.

She pursed her delicate red lips and forcibly endured the strange gaze from her apprentice, and coughed softly:
"Where's Jing'er? Why haven't you come over for dinner?"

As soon as she said it, she regretted it.

Of all the women present, there is probably no one who understands the reason for Xu Shoujing's late arrival better than her.

Sure enough, when she heard Chu Shuwan's words of 'getting cheap and selling well', Jiang Rongyue's pretty face climbed to a touch of grievance, she glanced at her resentfully, and said sourly:

"Why did Xiaojing come late, Master, don't you know?"


All I can say is...that's true.

Originally, it was embarrassing that the two masters and apprentices fell in love with the same person, but now it is even more... guilty of robbing her husband in front of the apprentice.

"I was busy cooking for you upstairs, but you were making out with me behind your back..." Jiang Rongyue said aggrievedly, as if something was heard on the way, she spat lightly, her cheeks dizzy with a layer of red Xia.

Chu Shuwan was ashamed by what was said, her eyes wandered around, and finally she looked at Qiu Xuanji as if asking for help, hoping that she could say a few good words for herself.

Qiu Xuanji blinked and pondered for a long while, thinking about something in her heart, patted Jiang Rongyue on the shoulder, and comforted:
"Rongyue, don't blame Shuwan, Jinger likes this."

"Xiaojing likes...what?" Jiang Rongyue was stunned, not understanding the meaning of this sentence.

Chu Shuwan suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart and raised her hand to stop Qiu Xuanji from continuing, but it was too late.

Qiu Xuanji paused, her clear phoenix eyes scattered and hazy, as if recalling something:
"Jing'er just woke up... It was during the time when he was recovering from the injury. In fact, when you were cooking the medicine, there were several times when he took me to the room... It was said that you often watched him beside him and couldn't find the opportunity. You can only see the stitches."

"..." Jiang Rongyue's eyes were stunned, and she was speechless with her thin lips.

Chu Shuwan couldn't see it, she had forgotten that this senior sister was always a little slow in some strange places.


There was a sound of lazy footsteps in the corridor, and the three girls instinctively cast their eyes.

The handsome young man in a black robe crossed the threshold, wiped his damp ink hair with a towel, and had a proper smile on the corner of his mouth.

After wiping his hair, he didn't use the headband to stand up. After tucking the towel into Qiongyu's waist, he let the hair fall behind him; Many people will mistakenly think that this is a woman with a free and easy manner.

"Waiting for me? Ah, Sister Rongyue, what day is it today, when you cooked such a large table of dishes..." The smile on Xu Shoujing's face gradually disappeared, he was silent for a moment, and said with some trepidation: "You guys What are you looking at me for?"

Jiang Rongyue glanced at him and began to add vegetables to an empty bowl with a blank face.

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief, and greeted him with a smile on the corner of his mouth:
"Thank you, Sister Rongyue, how do you know that I like to eat this..."

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Rongyue turned around, avoiding the paw he stretched out, and snorted coldly:
"Who said it was for you? Your master and Yaoyao are still lying in the room. I'll send them over."

When the words fell, Jiang Rongyue prepared the dishes on her own, without even looking at Xu Shoujing, she turned around and walked out with the plate in hand.

Xu Shoujing froze in place for a long time, and when the door slamming sounded behind him, he turned around angrily, his eyes wandered around Qiu Xuanji and Chu Shuwan, and he wondered:

"Sister Rongyue, is this... a menstrual event?"

As soon as this remark came out, Qiu Xuanji's bland temperament, Feng Mei couldn't help showing a touch of consternation

Is this what people say?
The chopsticks in Chu Shuwan's hand snapped into two pieces with a "click", and the towering front of her clothes went up and down with heavier breathing, and she was so angry:
"That's seven days later! I can't even remember Rongyue's menstrual events, how can you be someone's younger brother..."

Xu Shoujing did not expect that his unintentional remarks would actually cause such a big reaction from Aunt Chu, and he was at a loss for a while.

At this moment, Qiu Xuanji picked up a hand towel and wiped her red lips, then stood up:

"I'm done, let's talk."

After saying that, he turned and left.

In a huge front hall, only Xu Shoujing and Chu Shuwan were left.

Xu Shoujing thought about it for a while, then immediately moved a chair and leaned over, put his arms around Chu Shuwan's waist, and said with a smile:
"Okay~ Aunt Chu... I know I'm wrong."

Chu Shuwan glared at him, but didn't eat his way:
"Then tell me where did you go wrong?"

"..." Xu Shoujing's smile froze.

How do I know this... I just arrived.

Could it be... is it really because I didn't remember Sister Rongyue's menstruation?

No, Rongyue sister is a vinegar jar, but Aunt Chu's vinegar jar is not small.

Seeing that this unconscionable person really couldn't answer, Chu Shuwan was instantly annoyed:
"You don't even know what's wrong with you!"

Xu Shoujing only felt his scalp tingle for a while. In order to avoid the 'three deadly questions' from continuing, he simply picked up a piece of fresh meat with chopsticks and brought it to Chu Shuwan's mouth:
"Aunt Chu, come and taste Sister Rongyue's craftsmanship..."

"I don't eat! I'm not in the mood..."

While chewing, Chu Shuwan glared at Xu Shoujing fiercely. After a long pause, she swallowed the fresh meat. She sighed:

"Jing'er, you can't continue to hurt Rong Yue like this. I'm still her master after all, and she was also raised by me..."

Xu Shoujing restrained his smile, but was silent.

Chu Shuwan Liu Ye frowned slightly, hesitated for a long time, and seemed to finally make up her mind.She tilted her head to look at Xu Shoujing and said seriously:
"Jing'er, look back and find a time... and take down Rong Yue."


Xu Shoujing looked astonished.

Chu Shuwan turned her eyes to the other side and bit her red lips:
"Didn't I just say... I'm her master anyway, although she came later, but I've been making out with you under her nose... I'm not feeling well anyway."

 Xu Shoujing understood what Chu Shuwan meant. Although he had no intention of rejecting it, he still asked maliciously:
"Aunt Chu... Are you sure?"

Chu Shuwan's face suddenly sank, she hugged her arms, and said coldly:

"Just say whether you agree or not."

"Promise, of course promise, why not promise..."

Xu Shoujing let out a few smirks, got close to Chu Shuwan's ear, and whispered:

"Sister Rongyue's affairs are left to me... But, Aunt Chu, shouldn't you give me some reward?"

award?Letting you take down Rongyue is already cheap for you, how dare you ask for a reward?
Chu Shuwan spat softly. She didn't know what the 'reward' Xu Shoujing was referring to.

But then again, she and Jinger have achieved a positive result, and it was only half a month ago.

For Chu Shuwan, who is in her best years as a woman, she has a bit of a taste for the essence. Although she resists on the lips, she is still somewhat tempted by Xu Shoujing's proposal.

Chu Shuwan glanced left and right, making sure that everyone was gone, she hesitated for a moment, and stretched out her hands towards Xu Shoujing with a blushing face:

"It's just this time... why don't you just take me back to the room?"

"Don't you think so too..."

"To shut up!"
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a book~
(End of this chapter)

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