The queen is so fierce

Chapter 125 Kendo Genius Entry-Level Manual

Chapter 125 Kendo Genius Entry-Level Manual

The next morning.

The golden sunlight filtered through the thin window paper, sifted into several diamond shapes by the hollow cross window, and sprinkled on the wooden floor.

The curtain swayed gently, and circles of faint halos were rendered, and it seemed to murmur softly.

Xu Shoujing felt that his eyelids were pierced by a burst of light, he tightened the quilt on his body, and suddenly felt a pool of soft fragrance and warm jade in his arms, and his consciousness also woke up.

Opening his eyes, what caught his eyes was a bright white 'Qingluan' apron.


Chu Shuwan whispered softly like a dream, and the jade hand resting on Xu Shoujing's chest climbed up and hooked his neck, as if she didn't want him to leave in her dream.

Xu Shoujing struggled a few times, but failed to break free from the pair of fair-skinned weeds. Instead, his eyes straightened.

Against the background of the early morning sun, the snow-white and smooth skin looks like the cream of winter; the hollowed-out belly pockets on both sides outline a particularly obvious arc, propping the head of 'Qingluan's head down' high and pressing it on his shoulders up, spread out slightly.

Seeing that Aunt Chu was still sleeping, Xu Shoujing was too embarrassed to wake her up.

After all, after eating yesterday, Aunt Chu entered his room again in order to continue discussing with him about 'watching him and Xuanji fighting by the side'.

In the beginning, he sat at the round wooden table and had a serious discussion, but Xu Shoujing had always had the idea of ​​'one dragon and two phoenix', and it was not an exaggeration to say that he was fooling around.

After negotiating for a long time with no progress, Chu Shuwan felt helpless and decided to leave.

Where would Xu Shoujing give her this chance?Immediately propose:

"It's all here, Aunt Chu, why don't you just stay here for one night?"

Chu Shuwan's reaction was also very real. Seeing Xu Shoujing's posture, she knew what his plan was, she immediately protected her chest and sternly refused.

In this regard, Xu Shoujing just said sincerely:
"I'll just hug and don't move."

Chu Shuwan was dubious, but although she didn't say it, she liked the feeling of lying in Xu Shoujing's arms, so she pretended to be reluctant and warned:
"Don't move your hands or feet."

Xu Shoujing agreed with a smile on his face.

As a result, the subsequent conversation naturally became:

"It was agreed not to touch your feet! I just gave it to you before dinner, don't you feel bad for my aunt?"

"How can I do it? I just miss the taste of my childhood... I promise not to do anything else."


After half an hour.


"Aunt Chu, I will only kiss one kiss and promise to do nothing else..."


In the end, Chu Shuwan was tossed until the middle of the night before she could barely fall asleep.

Xu Shoujing looked at Chu Shuwan's tired profile face, lowered her head and kissed her on the forehead, adjusted her position to lie down, let Aunt Chu rest on her arm, stared at the ceiling, and began to think about her next plan.

In addition to looking for Su Huanqing, he came to Tiannanzhou for his own experience.

It is said that Tiannanzhou is the most densely divided continent in the Immortal Dao. Judging from what happened in the past two days, it is indeed the case.

But experience... fighting with Ji Xiangjian, is this considered experience?
How do you think it was used as a whetstone for him to experience?
What He Su said is not very reliable. Even if the remains of the Immortal King's Cave Mansion were true, he must have concealed the part about the Su Clan in the Changhe River.

After all, there is no standard for so-called experience. Some people hone their minds, while others hone their skills.

But from the moment Xu Shoujing pulled out Yaoye Senluo at Wan Yaoshan, he felt that his future path was calm and not confused at all.

Hone your mind...and it will be flat.

Practicing his skills... The battle with Ji Xiangjian did make him realize a lot of problems, but he felt that it would be faster to ask Zhao Fuyao or Ling Fuyu to guide him.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing suddenly woke up, and suddenly found out... he was still practicing, and the two great gods in the family were sitting.


The warm breath hit his neck, Xu Shoujing tilted his head and glanced, the curly eyelashes of the beautiful woman in her arms trembled slightly, her steady breathing solidified slightly, and she opened her somewhat dazed eyes like apricots.

On a whim, Xu Shoujing stretched out his hand and squeezed the moist cheek that seemed to be able to squeeze water, and said with a light smile:
"Morning, Aunt Chu."

Chu Shuwan's eyes were confused, and she looked at Xu Shoujing's handsome face with some bewilderment, pursed her red lips and said nothing.

She subconsciously wanted to get up, but found that her limbs seemed to be falling apart, and she couldn't lift her strength, and her knees were even more sore. She instinctively circulated the spiritual power to flow through the meridians of the whole body, and the strange discomfort gradually disappeared.

With this incident, Chu Shuwan's half-asleep head gradually regained its clarity, and the images before falling asleep flooded into her mind.

"Get down! You bastard!" Chu Shuwan shoved up with a look of anger, using both hands and feet, looking at this posture, she wouldn't give up easily if she didn't kick Xu Shoujing out of bed.


A question mark appeared on Xu Shoujing's head, and he was a little unclear. While blocking Aunt Chu's hand, he smiled and said:

"Aunt Chu, what's wrong?"

"How dare you ask what's wrong!" Chu Shuwan's apricot eyes were angry, she seemed to recall the details of last night, her face was embarrassed, and she subconsciously covered her hips: "I don't know what you think, Jing. Son, do you usually do this to Qiu Xuanji?"


Well... not really.

Mainly when it comes to 'fighting' with Xuanji, he is basically the passive side and has never taken the initiative.

That's true, but it's definitely not the answer.

Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment, then said with a smile, "Of course, if you don't believe me, next time Aunt Chu, just watch by your side."

Chu Shuwan saw that Xu Shoujing was talking nonsense at a glance, but she didn't reveal it. She just tucked the quilt into the bed and shrank, and snorted coldly:
"Go out quickly, I didn't get a good night's rest, I'll sleep for a while."

Xu Shoujing hooked the corner of his mouth and leaned over from behind: "Aunt Chu, why don't I sleep with you for a while?"


The morning glow smudged half of the sky, and the morning sun sprinkled on the deck, quieting the port at night and restoring the hustle and bustle of the day.

There are tents made of monster skins on both sides, hawkers of various aquatic shops are shouting to attract customers; the monks in official uniforms check one by one to maintain order in the town.

A big white cat with a fat ball climbed to the bow of the Feidu pontoon. Its fluffy tail drooped naturally, sweeping back and forth like a pendulum. Lazy eyes stared at the docked boat below. He didn't even care to say a word.

Yuer-like propped up his body, turned his head and glanced at the black-robed sword fairy who opened the sliding door and walked out, his eyes stayed on the Qiongyu belt around his waist.

After a few seconds, he turned his head again and looked at the group of 'unloading monks' with a bit of contempt in his eyes:

Really poor.

blah blah-

The sliding door on the second floor of the floating boat was opened, and a beautiful figure with a fluttering white dress walked out.

Xu Shoujing noticed the movement and looked up, and found that Zhao Fuyao was standing in front of the wooden handrail. Gu Jing's phoenix eyes were looking at the sea level, and he didn't seem to notice his side.

The morning breeze rolled up her shawl-length hair, and her paper-white cheeks were pale and looked completely sick.

Xu Shoujing saw these in his eyes, his heart twitched, he took a deep breath, and said hello with a smile:

"Shake, do you want to eat something?"

Zhao Fuyao's eyes were slightly startled, his head was slightly lowered, and then he noticed Xu Shoujing.She hesitated for a moment, then shook her head:

"I don't need it, you go."

After speaking, Zhao Fuyao turned around and walked back to the cabin, without stopping for a moment.

Xu Shoujing's expression was stunned, and he suddenly felt that Shaoyao was deliberately avoiding him... Could it be because he hadn't been cultivating with her recently?Shouldn't be...


There was a brisk humming sound from the long ladder connecting to the deck. Nangong Xiaoxiao, who was wearing a blue dress, hummed an unknown tune, and walked briskly onto the deck, holding two large strings of shiny grilled squid in her hands.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, took a few steps closer, and said in surprise:
"Xiaoxiao, you got up so early today? Don't you usually get up before noon?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao took a bite of the grilled squid and rolled her eyes:

"Yesterday I found a grilled squid shop in the market over there. The taste is almost the same as the one in Zimo, but they only open in the morning, so get up early."


Then what was the effect of me spending the extra money to buy you a formula?
Xu Shoujing was speechless and was about to go to the kitchen on the top floor when the image of Zhao Fuyao turning around and leaving suddenly flashed in his mind.

He paused in footsteps, turned his head to look at Nangong Xiaoxiao with a heartless face, hesitated, and asked in a low voice:

"Yaoyao is a little weird recently, do you know something?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao glanced at Xu Shoujing with a dark cloud between his brows, and said absently:

"How would I know? You can ask her yourself."

As he said that, he also took a bite of the squid skewer, completely unconcerned.

Xu Shoujing frowned: "Xiaoxiao, I'm asking you a question very seriously."

Nangong Xiaoxiao wiped the oil from the corner of her mouth and said with a smile:
"But why should I answer you?"

"—" Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, feeling that Nangong Xiaoxiao's reaction was a little wrong, not quite like her usual.

Seeing Nangong Xiaoxiao's expression of 'too lazy to pay attention to you', Xu Shoujing thought about it and said unsure:

"Could it be... are you angry?"

"I have nothing to be angry about, you think too much." Nangong Xiaoxiao used spiritual power to destroy the wooden sign that was eaten up in her hand, expressionless: "Is there anything else? I'm going back to sleep."

"Sleep? Early in the morning?" Xu Shoujing was obviously stunned. You don't have the sequelae of double cultivation... How come you still wake up during the day?

Nangong Xiaoxiao listened to Xu Shoujing's words, the corners of her mouth twitched for a while, with smoke in her eyes, she pressed her throat and said:
"Thanks to your Aunt Chu 'singing' for most of the day, I didn't sleep well all night. It happened that I stayed in the ruins for thousands of years, and my biggest interest was sleeping... But you still kept me up for two nights in a row. to make!"


So there is a reason for this?
Nangong Xiaoxiao glared at Xu Shoujing with grief and anger on his face:
"I don't know what's good about that. I haven't seen you stop since I got on the boat. Today, Qiu Xuanji, tomorrow Chu Shuwan... When there are more people, don't you have to take turns every day?"


It's hard to argue against.

Xu Shoujing's expression was a little embarrassed. The pleasure of the boudoir was originally a matter of two people, but I didn't expect it to affect others unintentionally.

Nangong Xiaoxiao snorted softly, and was about to leave with a stern face. After taking two steps, it seemed that she had remembered something again, and she looked back and said:
"By the way, aren't you going to go out for a walk? Remember to pay attention to whether there are any ruins called 'Gu Yaoxian Palace'."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion, "Why is this?"

"It's good for you, and it's good for you." Nangong Xiaoxiao replied indifferently.

Xu Shoujing was stunned, and seemed to have reacted to something, and his eyes gradually became round:

"Is there anything in Gu Yao's Immortal Palace to treat Shake?"

"Who knows, anyway, I've already told you so much, and the rest, wait for her to turn around and tell you." Nangong Xiaoxiao spread her hands, and walked away without stopping this time.

Gu Yao Immortal Palace... Gu Yao Immortal Palace, it sounds like a place named after a person's name.

And... Ruins?
Xu Shoujing pinched his chin and fell into contemplation.



After breakfast, Xu Shoujing and Jiang Rongyue set the schedule to depart in the afternoon.

One is to prepare for a little buffer time. After all, it is also a search for opportunities. It is also an immortal king’s cave. How can it be done without preparation?

The second is that Xu Shoujing has not heard Ling Fuyu speak once since his apprenticeship. He just took the time when Jiang Rongyue was packing things in the morning to make up for the lesson, which can be regarded as 'grinding the gun'.

However, just like Xu Shoujing at Longyumen couldn't listen to the long speeches of the elders, he felt inexplicably sleepy when he listened to Ling Fuyu's serious interpretation preaching.

It's not that the content is so hypnotic, it's just that he is closer to the practical school, and it is not Xu Shoujing's strength to keep accumulating theoretical knowledge.

At first, when Ling Fuyu saw Xu Shoujing's absent-mindedness, she scolded him severely, saying 'God rewards diligent work'.

However, when teaching the exercises, Xu Shoujing quickly and successfully operated his spiritual power according to the predetermined trajectory, which surprised Ling Fuyu for a while.

Don't listen to the theory, just get started... What kind of freak is this?

Longyumen's practice has always been biased towards 'universal', that is, no matter what kind of spell you major in or which side of the five elements is closer, you can steadily improve on this basis.

The disciples cultivated in this way are quite comprehensive, but they often face the problem of insufficient momentum.

After replacing the exercises taught by Ling Fuyu, Xu Shoujing felt particularly profound.

The torrent of spiritual power that had flowed continuously in the body like a long river before dissipated, and was replaced by a 'spiritual lightning' that was faster and faster, and a single thought could gather in any corner of the body.

Undoubtedly, this technique is very suitable for the three characters of 'fast, ruthless and accurate' required by sword cultivators, but at the same time, it will also cause a certain reduction in the long-term supply of 'continuous spells'.

After Xu Shoujing felt the difference between the two exercises, he decided to switch them into two situations: 'protracted warfare' and 'explosive warfare'... No one said it was impossible.

"Jing'er." Ling Fuyu had changed her name at some point. She looked at Xu Shoujing, who was familiar with the trajectory of the exercises, and asked earnestly, "What do you think kendo is?"

Xu Shoujing let out a breath of turbid air, slowly opened his eyes, and replied:

"One sword breaks all methods."

"That's right, but not only that." Ling Fuyu pointed her sword and tapped Xu Shoujing's chest twice, guiding the path of spiritual power: "Before you fought against the thousand-year-old fierce turtle, and you just told me, When you fight with that Ji Xiangjian, you can see an obvious problem."

"..." Xu Shoujing adjusted his breathing, did not reply, and listened carefully.

Ling Fuyu pondered for a moment: "Jing'er, you are too reliant on weapons, but you ignore more essential things, which also leads to passiveness once the weapons in your hand are ineffective. What you need now is Understand, what a sword is to you..."

The sword...the sword is the weapon...

Xu Shoujing took a peek at Ling Fuyu's chest which was covered under the simple and elegant clothes, and quickly cursed 'the teacher should not be bullied' and looked away.

Ling Fu Yusu put her hands behind her back, pacing back and forth, and continued:
"As a sword cultivator, you must implement the sword to the extreme. Some people focus on the speed of the sword, and some people focus on the power of the sword... Jinger, because the teacher knows that you are going to go out to practice, borrow Think about this opportunity, your swordsmanship."

Ask for a monthly pass, a reward, a recommendation ticket;

(End of this chapter)

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