Chapter 126
The scorching sun is like fire, the shade of willows is shaded, the streams in the mountains and forests flow, and the warm golden light is sprinkled on the shade of the trees.

clap clap-

The path twists and turns, and the warblers whisper softly.The buds of the white grass danced in the wind, and the two shadows walking side by side ran over the lawn mercilessly.

Jiang Rongyue was dressed in a snow-blue dress, with her hands folded around her waist, with a dignified posture.The beautiful and refined face was a little sad, and the bright almond eyes glanced at the black-robed boy beside him, and his tone was as if he was teaching an ineffective younger brother:

"Xiaojing, what did you do? Why did Master keep staring at you while eating? Did you bully Master again after eating?"

Xu Shoujing scratched his cheeks, his expression a little embarrassed, recalling the scene of Aunt Chu shouting "Jing'er" with blurred eyes last night, and put on a righteous and awe-inspiring look:

"How is it possible, Sister Rong Yue, do you think I look like that? It's really just a sleep."

"Really?" Jiang Rongyue was dubious, her eyes fixed on Xu Shoujing's profile, wanting to take a closer look.

Xu Shoujing walked calmly, as if he didn't feel wronged by his words.

Jiang Rongyue frowned, thinking about it now, the sweet voice that Master wished to wake up the whole ship in the middle of the night had never been heard again.

Am I really blaming him?
If this is the case, why do you have to drag Master back to the room after dinner?

Jiang Rongyue couldn't understand the reason, but if she continued to make trouble like this, it was obviously not in line with her character.

After a while, she snorted softly:
"Hmm~ I'll trust you for a while."

Seeing this, Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief.

As the saying goes, where you fall, you fall again...

But he has fallen so many times, and he should learn a lesson.

During the 'second round' last night, Xu Shoujing asked Chu Shuwan to put a soundproof shield.

Naturally, this thing can't stop Ling Fuyu or Qiu Xuanji, but with the temperament of those two, they obviously won't break the shield specially, just to listen to the corner.

The only ones that the whole ship could defend against were Zhao Fuyao, who had died of old injuries, and Jiang Rongyue, who had failed to repair it.

Seeing Jiang Rongyue's demure and gentle expression restored to her former demure and gentle look, Xu Shoujing felt a rare guilty conscience.

This... should be considered a white lie, right? ——
Denglong Port is in the southwest of Tiannan Continent. According to He Su's information, the freshwater lake called 'Jingyue Lake' can be found less than [-] miles east from Denglong Mountain.

There is nothing special about Jingyue Lake itself, it is just a lake in the wild jungle. The origin of the name is only that there is a stone tablet with a long history next to it, and there are words on it that I do not know how many years ago.

For such a stone monument of unknown origin, the disciples of several nearby small sects have naturally come to investigate, and have also dived into the bottom of the lake, just to find the opportunity of the fairy family.

Unfortunately, as a result of repeated investigations, apart from the exceptional clarity of Jingyue Lake, there are no other features. Over time, Jingyue Lake has no one to care about.

These textual evidences were all found by Xu Shoujing from the library on the sixth floor of Tuxian Pavilion on the day he promised He Su the news.

I have to say that Tuxian Pavilion, an organization open to all monks, is really convenient, and it almost meets all the needs of going out for training.

Why didn't Yuliangzhou work?
The sun was setting in the west, and before you knew it, it was already dusk.

The red sun is like the sunset glow of clear water and red ink, smearing half of the sky;

Xu Shoujing stopped under a towering ancient tree with simple lines and looked at the blue lake in the distance, frowning slightly, and muttered to himself:

"Strange... Didn't He Su say to wait here, people? Could it be... I'm in the wrong place?"

While saying this, Xu Shoujing unconsciously leaned against the trunk of the ancient tree.

Just looking at the size of the ancient tree, he knew that his age did not belong to the thousand-year-old demon king. The tree pattern was already dry and could not stand the toss. Xu Shoujing was so careless.

The withered bark began to fall down in a 'patta pata', and the dust stained Xu Shoujing's clothes.

Jiang Rongyue saw all this in her eyes, frowned slightly, showing a helpless expression of "no way to take him", sighed lightly, and stepped forward and stretched out her plain hand to help him beat the dust.

"No one at home knows how to use water, and all laundry is hand-washed. When you go out, pay more attention, or... don't you feel sorry for your sister?"

Xu Shoujing felt the small hand tap lightly on the lower back, his heart was slightly warm, and the corner of his mouth smiled and said:
"How could it be? I don't care so much when I usually fight in the field, I'm used to it. Sister Rong Yue, I'll help you do the laundry in the future."

Jiang Rongyue shook her head, then walked over to Xu Shoujing's front to straighten her collar, her eyes were gentle, she raised her head and glanced at him, and said with a smile:
"That's what I said... Master doesn't usually pay attention, and I am the only one who cares about these things, and... I also like to help you do laundry."

"Sister Rong Yue..."

Xu Shoujing is not someone who is easily moved, not because he is cold-blooded, but he has not encountered anything touching.

To move a person, you don't necessarily have to swear eachother and swear to each other.Maybe, we just need to be with each other and accompany each other day after day.

Xu Shoujing subconsciously hugged Jiang Rongyue's waist.

Because of the height difference, only the toes of Jiang Rongyue's small lotus feet were still in contact with the ground, her soft body almost leaned forward into Xu Shoujing's arms, the hot breath hit her smooth forehead, and she slowly raised her head.

Looking at each other, they both saw the waves in their eyes and the deep affection hidden in their hearts.


Jiang Rongyue's breathing became heavier, her hands lightly resting on Xu Shoujing's chest, her two small feet held up high trembled slightly, as if they had reached the limit, but she did not let go.

Out of the corner of the eye, there was no one around, and her pretty cheeks were flushed. She pursed her red lips and closed her eyes.

Xu Shoujing stared at the delicate cherry mouth, tilted his head slightly, and lowered his head slowly...


The water splashed thousands of feet high, and the huge wind and waves blew the surrounding trees and leaves 'rustling'.

The spiritual power soared above the blue lake, and a long black shadow could be seen indistinctly breaking through the water, raising his hair and letting out a roar that resounded through the sky.

This resounding roar naturally entered Xu Shoujing's ears.

The four lips had only just met for half a breath, and before they could savor it carefully, Xu Shoujing and Jiang Rongyue both stiffened and separated their bodies like electric shock.

Jiang Rongyue turned her back, her face flushed red, and her two jade hands brushed the hair on the side of her face, as if she wanted to cool off her hot cheeks.

Xu Shoujing glanced at the phantom above the lake, golden light flashed in his peach blossom eyes, and after a while, he frowned and said:
"Why did they fight? Didn't we say we should investigate first and then plan?"

Jiang Rongyue's rapid breathing gradually stabilized, she squinted at Xu Shoujing, who frowned in thought, wondering:
"what happened?"

Xu Shoujing retracted his thoughts and shook his head: "I don't know either, let's go and have a look first."

"I listen to you." Jiang Rongyue nodded gently.
Surrounded by shade trees, the huge freshwater lake is crystal clear.

A poisonous dragon covered with cyan scales emerged from the center of the lake. The bright red snake letter was flat to the mouth, and the two stalactite-like fangs were exposed, and slowly opened the abyss toward the three people on the shore. mouth:

The roar resounding through the sky blew ripples on the lake, and the waves swept the smooth boulders.

Zuo Lingxuan was sitting paralyzed by the lake, looking at the huge poisonous dragon with its head raised in the lake, his face full of confusion.

who I am?Where am I...why is there such a thing?
He Su, who was dressed in green, rushed over, lifted Zuo Lingxuan's collar, and said angrily:
"Who are you? Who told you that the immortal king's ruins are here? Impossible...they only told me...impossible..."

Towards the end, the voice became smaller and smaller.

Zuo Lingxuan was still stunned, didn't hear He Su's last words clearly, and replied subconsciously:

"Immortal King Ruins... What Immortal King Ruins?"

He Su grabbed his hand by the collar and immediately frowned:
"You do not know?"

"I know what, me! I just calculated a fortune, and I will have good luck here today, so I flew over... What immortal king ruins?" Zuo Lingxuan finally came to his senses, twisting his body to break free of He Su's hand.

He Su's eyes were erratic, as if he still had doubts about Zuo Lingxuan's words.

At this moment, a rough man dressed in commoner came over, carrying the black iron epee on his shoulders with a heartless look:

"Forget it, there is nothing to worry about this little thing."

When the words fell, he tilted his head to look at Zuo Lingxuan, touched the back of his head and said with a smile:
"Brother, you are lucky. There seems to be an immortal king relic in this place. Maybe there will be a chance to be passed down from ancient times."

Zuo Lingxuan was stunned again, but not because of the news of the 'Immortal King Ruins'.His eyes widened, his fingers tremblingly pointed at Ji Xiangjian, and he said dumbly:
"You you you! You are the guy who pestered me to fight with me before!"

Ji Xiangjian blinked, squinted at Zuo Lingxuan for a moment, and said a little embarrassedly:

"That... brother, who are you?"


Zuo Lingxuan's raised hand froze, gradually doubting life.

He couldn't forget even if he beat him to death. He was very good at fortune-telling in the rivers and lakes. This guy with the big five and the three rough suddenly came out and said, "I've fallen in love with you", "Come with me to Tuxian Pavilion to compare swordsmanship".

Zuo Lingxuan saw his fierce look, and hurriedly calculated for himself.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I'm startled when I see it - this is going to happen, or it will be killed or injured.

Zuo Lingxuan had always cherished his life, and without thinking he shouted, "Look! There is a Jiuxiao Shenlong!" The moment he shifted Ji Xiangjian's attention, he turned and ran away.

I never imagined that I could meet him here.

Ji Xiangjian scratched his scalp and recalled it for a long time. It seemed that he finally remembered Zuo Lingxuan's identity. He gave a long "oh" and said:
"It turned out to be you, brother. You said that there was a Jiuxiao Shenlong there, but I searched around and couldn't find it. Is it possible that I need pupils to see it? But I only learned swordsmanship, and I never learned that. stuff..."

Zuo Lingxuan was stunned for a moment, his expression a little stunned... Do you really believe it?

He Su, who was next to him, was stunned by the thunder. He covered his forehead and said:
"Dragon race has been extinct for tens of thousands of years, how can there be Jiuxiao Shenlong?"

"No?" Ji Xiangjian was stunned for a moment and frowned: "How is it possible, this brother clearly saw it, is it possible that he is still blind?"

"..." Zuo Lingxuan.


There was a loud noise in the middle of the lake, and the water splashed to the edge of the lake.

The green-scaled poisonous Jiao spit out snake letters, and a nameless fire burned in the golden vertical pupils.

These few human races who don't know the sky and the earth... It's okay to dare to disturb it's rest, and now they are still chatting!
Don't you humans know how to write the word "respect"?

After all, I am a thousand-year-old indigo dragon, the closest to the existence of the ancient dragon clan... Not to mention, it is so big and so thick, can you really not see it?

"Howl!!!" Canglan Indigo Tin Jiao roared angrily, its tail hidden in the bottom of the lake twisted, and the lake water hit Ji Xiangjian and the others like waves.

Ji Xiangjian's eyes lit up, and he clenched the black iron epee in both hands, and said excitedly:
"This monster is interesting, don't grab it from Lao Tzu!"

The voice fell, only a 'boom' was heard, the cracks on the ground spread like spider webs, and Ji Xiangjian also disappeared in place.

"Hey! Jianmangzi, you!" He Su saw Ji Xiangjian jumping high into the air and wanted to stop him, but he also knew that he couldn't listen to his words at all, so he smashed his tongue secretly: "If this idiot is poisoned to death Here, what about my plan..."

On the other side, Ji Xiangjian stepped on the waves with his feet, the pitch-black black iron epee raised above his head, and met the snake head of Canglan Indigo Tin Jiao with a wild laugh.

stab, stab-

The sound of breaking the air roared, and the black iron epee split the waves of the lake with an indomitable momentum.

Ji Xiangjian did not hold back, and smashed the sword on the head of Canglan Dingxijiao.

In an instant, the entire space seemed to stop for a moment.

The huge head of the Canglan Indigo Tin Jiao smashed towards the water surface, and the waves provoked by the snake's body were like a continuous light rain, dotted with ripples on the water surface.

Ji Xiangjian stepped on the black iron epee and hovered in mid-air, looking at the Canglan Indigo Tin Jiao who sank to the bottom of the water, his eyes were a little surprised:
Is this gone?That's it?
It's boring. Sure enough, the monsters are not as good as real people, but Brother Xu is a little bit better.

Ji Xiangjian turned around angrily, planning to fly back with Yujian.


The silent lake bottom trembled, the cyan scales turned white, and a thick green poisonous mist rushed into the sky.

Just as Ji Xiangjian turned around, his body was enveloped by the poisonous mist that was born out of thin air. The seemingly empty space behind him rippled, like a mirror reflecting light, and the Canglan Indigo Tin Jiao appeared.

"That idiot!" He Su's tone was full of disgust. He clasped his hands together in a seal, and in front of him formed a turtle shell made of light blue spiritual energy, shielding the overflowing poisonous gas.

Ji Xiangjian didn't expect that what he had just beaten was just an illusion, and the real Canglan Indigo Tin Jiao stayed behind him and didn't move.He shuddered in his heart and raised his sword to resist, but his limbs seemed to be tied with iron handcuffs, so heavy that it was difficult to drive.

"Poisoned..." Ji Xiangjian gritted his teeth, but his body became more and more unresponsive.

This is different from the five elements in the body that were destroyed by Xu Shoujing before. Although there was no spiritual power at that time, his limbs were still able to move. After all, he was a sword cultivator, and his physical strength was stronger than that of ordinary cultivators.

At this time, it was just the opposite. Although the spiritual power was still there, it had no use at all.

Cang Lan Ding Xi Jiao hooked his head, and there were a few traces of ridicule in his golden vertical pupils, as if to say: Let you ignore me.

Ji Xiangjian's face turned purple, the hand holding the sword began to tremble, and the height hovering in the air began to drop slowly.

On the shore of the lake, Zuo Lingxuan looked at Ji Xiangjian's crumbling figure, took out the silver sword from his waist, turned his head to look at He Su, and said in surprise:
"Hey... your friend is going to die, why don't you help?"

"Companion? Oh, he's not a friend." He Su smiled disdainfully, although he was denying it, he frowned slightly.

It's not that he is being arrogant. Ji Xiangjian will have a great use for him in the future. If he dies here, his grasp of the remains of the Immortal King will undoubtedly be a few percent less.

If it were a normal monster, it would be fine, but this thousand-year-old poisonous dragon just saw the beginning of the Spiritual Quiet Period.

However, he is still a hydrophilic major in defense, and it's okay to guard against poisonous fog. If he dares to approach, he probably doesn't even know how he died.

"I actually don't want to go into this muddy water... But it will become like this, and it is also my responsibility... If you really don't get on, can I get on?"

After hearing these words, He Su glanced at Zuo Lingxuan strangely.

Is there something wrong with this guy's brain?
Ji Xiangjian will die if he dies, why do you still have to send it over there?Does it make any sense?

Zuo Lingxuan took a deep breath, the spiritual power in his body circulated, and he tapped the ground with his toes, and flew towards Ji Xiangjian.

In mid-air, Ji Xiangjian confronted Canglan Indigo Tin Jiao in the air.

Canglan Dingxi Jiao's eyes were playful, as if he was teasing his dying prey; Ji Xiangjian's rough face changed from blue to purple, then from purple to black, and the meridians of the entire muscular arm were soaring, but he couldn't exert any strength.

"Hey..." Ji Xiangjian was Ji Xiangjian in the end, he took a deep breath, completely gave up using his spiritual power to resist the spread of the poisonous mist, and let the numbness erode his internal organs.

Canglan Dangxijiao vomited snake letter, tilted his head a little unclearly, so:
This human race... wants to commit suicide?

Of course Ji Xiangjian wouldn't commit suicide, he just implemented his nickname of 'Jianmangzi', since he couldn't resist, he just didn't care.


Ji Xiangjian roared at the top of his voice, the black iron epee that had been sinking in his hand steadied, and the bones of his fingers holding the hilt turned white.

Under Canglan Dingxijiao's curious gaze, Ji Xiangjian turned his body and hit Canglan Dingxijiao's snake head with his sword.

The head of the Canglan Indigo Tin Jiao sank suddenly, but instead of sinking to the bottom of the lake like the previous illusion, it showed a more mocking look.

Struggling, Terran, the more you struggle, the more excited I am!

Canglan Dangxijiao topped the black iron epee that looked like a toothpick to him, and opened the red glowing abyss again.

Green poisonous mist spewed out from the fangs, and in the blink of an eye, it cast a shadow over Jingyue Lake like a dark cloud covering the sun.

Zuo Lingxuan, who rushed to support Yu Jian, stopped abruptly, facing the inevitable poisonous fog, rushing over at this time was also a death sentence.

But if you don't go through the poisonous fog, there is no way to save Ji Xiangjian.

How to do how to do?
"How is this going?"

The handsome black-robed sword immortal walked out of the deep jungle, saw a messy scene, and couldn't help asking He Su, who was condensing the tortoise shell on the side.

"Xu Shoujing?" He Suwei was taken aback.

The black-robed sword immortal glanced at Canglan Dianxijiao, thought for a moment, and waved to He Su:

"Probably understand, leave it to me."

When the words fell, he pulled out the sword around his waist, ready to fly over with the sword.

Xu Shoujing had already stepped on his front feet, and Jiang Rongyue, who was late, suddenly pulled his sleeves.

"I'm going too." Jiang Rongyue said seriously.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, tilted his head and pushed Jiang Rongyue's shoulder, and said with a chuckle:

"Sister Rongyue, just wait here and leave it to me."

"I said, I'll go too." Jiang Rongyue repeated it again, with a hint of refusal in her tone.

"...That's fine." Xu Shoujing felt helpless, caressing Qiongyu's belt, his spiritual power condensed, and a sheathed silver knife was attached to his waist.

Jiang Rongyue's stern face eased, and she smiled: "This is my good Xiaojing, where can I have my elder sister let my younger brother charge and stay in a safe place."

"Sister Rong Yue said yes."
Zuo Lingxuan was still battered, and suddenly two silver lights flashed across his line of sight.

Even at a distance, he still recognized the appearance of the black-robed sword immortal at the head.

Mainly because the impression is too deep...I can't forget it even if I want to.

Seeing that the two of them were about to rush into the green poisonous fog, Zuo Lingxuan suddenly came back to his senses and hurriedly shouted:
"Don't! That poisonous mist is poisonous!"

That's right, it's as if other poisonous mists are no longer poisonous...

However, the black-robed sword immortal rushed straight into the green poisonous mist as if he had not heard his words at all.

Zuo Lingxuan frowned, anxious: "Is he crazy? Don't you know that the poisonous mist is poisonous..."

In the middle of the conversation, Zuo Lingxuan's expression became stagnant, and his eyes widened——


A half-moon silver light that cut through the sky swept across, and the green poisonous mist that covered the sky was split in half in an instant.

"True or false..." Zuo Lingxuan was stunned, the whole person seemed to be stupid, dumbfounded.


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(End of this chapter)

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