The queen is so fierce

Chapter 127 Dog Food is Ferocious

Chapter 127 Dog Food is Ferocious
Ling Fuyu's tireless teaching, Xu Shoujing has always been in his heart.

In fact, he also understands that no matter how strong the magic weapon on his body is, it is also an external thing, and there will always be a day when it will lose its effect.

If you can't make yourself stronger, you'll just repeat the mistakes of the fierce turtle at sea.

Saying so, but without taking a small step, there is no way to go a thousand miles.Even if you want to strengthen yourself, it is not a day's work.

In the end... In the face of some situations, you still have to use magic weapons.

The moment he saw the indigo tin flood dragon, Xu Shoujing had already thought of the best solution.

Yao Ye Senluo has two major abilities, transformation and storage. The upper limit is even to the extent that it can purify the blood of the half-demon. It is perfectly suitable to resist the poisonous mist.

Xu Shoujing knew that the poisonous fog had no effect, and Jiang Rongyue had complete trust in him, and naturally rushed into the green poisonous fog without any hesitation.

But Zuo Lingxuan didn't know, he watched Xu Shoujing flying towards the poisonous fog regardless, he thought he would not brake again, he stepped on the flying sword and wanted to stop it.

Xu Shoujing didn't give him this chance. The moment he came into contact with the poisonous mist, the silver sword was unsheathed by half an inch from his waist.


A half-moon-shaped sword qi crossed the sky, and the thick green poisonous mist was split into two halves.

It was as if the rain had passed and the sky had cleared, and the warm golden sun had re-sprinkled on the clear lake.

Canglan Indigo Tin Jiao's golden vertical pupils were amazed, as if they didn't understand what was going on.

Ji Xiangjian was shaky in mid-air. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the black-robed sword immortal who broke through the air. His eyes were amazed, and his voice hoarsely said to himself:
"Brother really are amazing."

With quite a distance, Xu Shoujing naturally did not hear Ji Xiangjian's praise for him.

He reversed his wrist and pinched the silvery Yao Ye Senluo with his backhand. The simple and simple long sword under his feet radiated a clear and bright white, and he charged straight towards the snake head of Canglan Indigo Tin Jiao.


The raised head of Canglan Dingxi Jiao sank, and he was about to smash into the water, but his golden vertical pupils showed a hint of playfulness.

Another simple-minded, well-developed human race!

Xu Shoujing pouted, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and the tip of his toes lightly drew Fang Qianyan's sword, and the silver sword held in his backhand turned with the rotation of his body.


A bloodstain was suddenly slid away in the empty mid-air, and the bright red blood rushed down without money, like a crimson waterfall.


The Canglan indigo tin jiao that smashed on the water turned into a prism and dissipated, and the air floated, vaguely like a mirage in the desert, but after a while, a huge poisonous serpent with a big hole in its stomach appeared.

Canglan Dangxi Jiao's eyes were full of disbelief, as if he didn't understand how a human race under a realm could see through its perfect disguise.

In just a few short breaths, Canglan Indigo Tin Jiao's painful expression turned into monstrous anger, the bloody mouth opened wide, and the red snake letter swayed, and it seemed that he was preparing to attack.

"Who wants to fight you..." Xu Shoujing rolled his eyes, picked up Ji Xiangjian who had fainted, turned and flew towards the shore.

Naturally, the Canglan Indigo Tin Jiao would not let Xu Shoujing go. The tail hidden at the bottom of Jingyue Lake was pulled out, and its body curved and floated on the water, roaring and chasing after Xu Shoujing.

At this moment, the mirror-like lake water lit up with a purple circular circle.

In an instant, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the spiritual power that filled the air made all creatures tremble.

The woman in the purple skirt hovered in the air, making a seal with one hand, and at the moment when she passed the sword fairy in black robe, under the command of the sword——


The purple Jiuxiao Tianlei slashed straight on Canglan Dingxijiao's body, and the surrounding water made a 'crackling' sound, and wisps of white air rose up.

With the help of the lake water, the scales on the entire body turned outwards, the golden pupils turned out the whites of the eyes, and there was a faint smell of the burnt aroma of barbecued meat.


Zuo Lingxuan stared blankly at what was happening in front of him, tilted his head and glanced at the indifferent girl in the purple dress, and turned around silently.

This... where did this monster come from?

Tiannanzhou has a lot of geniuses, everyone is not easy to mix, there is no way out if you don't work hard, and even if you work hard, you can't compare to a more hard-working cultivator.

Are your family planning to drive the Nanzhou cultivator crazy?

Xu Shoujing carried Ji Xiangjian's collar Yujian to the shore, and when he happened to pass by Zuo Lingxuan, Wei was stunned and said in surprise:
"It's you? Why are you here?"

Zuo Lingxuan didn't answer, turned his head mechanically, pointed to the Canglan Dingxijiao who was being eaten by the fish at the bottom of the lake, and said in a trembling voice:
"you you you……"

Xu Shoujing was a little confused, so he turned his head to look at the various fishes that suddenly sprang out of the lake, and said in surprise:
"It seems that this group of aquatic products has been oppressed for a long time. Now that the landlord has an accident, they all come to step on it... um, one bite."

"..." Zuo Lingxuan.

Xu Shoujing saw Jiang Rongyue also starting to return, paused for a moment, and said:

"Okay, then go on and watch, I'll go back first."
After landing, Xu Shoujing threw the fainted Ji Xiangjian on the ground at will, bent over to check his pulse, and after confirming that his life was safe, he used Yao Ye Senluo to remove the toxins from his body and fed him again. A Qi Hui Dan, this is a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Jing!"

Jiang Rongyue, who was wearing a long snow-green dress, descended gracefully, walked quickly to Xu Shoujing's side, grabbed his arm and looked up and down:

"How is it, Xiaojing? Are you injured?"

Xu Shoujing sighed slightly, it seems that her sister's worried temperament can't be changed in this life.

Fortunately, he didn't hate this feeling of being cared about.

In the materialistic world of his previous life, he was alone, and it can be said that he never felt the warmth of home.

This may be the reason why he has fallen in love with Aunt Chu since he was a child.

"I'm fine, don't you think I'm fine? It's Sister Rongyue, have you been hurt anywhere?" Xu Shoujing said.

"If I can do anything, you'll be fine." Jiang Rongyue smiled lightly and snuggled into Xu Shoujing's arms.


The time for half a column of incense has passed.

"How long will it take for them to do that?" Zuo Lingxuan, who was able to go ashore, glanced at the two who were hugging each other, and turned his head to He Su, who was thinking about a stone box by himself.

He Su was a little too lazy to pay attention to him, and waved his hand impatiently:
"How do I know, and also, can you go?"

Zuo Lingxuan smiled, took out a bell seal from his jacket, walked to He Su's side, and said with a hilarious smile:

"Look at what you said, as the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other. Sharing adversity is a good brother... I've heard that there are immortal king ruins here. How could I leave?"

He Su glanced at the cumbersome spirit seal in his hand, and understood that he was guarding himself, and he was so grand, obviously relying on it.

He secretly said that this guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but complain:

"How can there be such a cheeky guy as you?"

Zuo Lingxuan shook his head, without any reflection on his actions:

"Seeking longevity is a matter of the world. You must know how to watch your words. When you are thin-skinned at a critical moment, all you miss are opportunities."

He Su disagreed, but he somewhat agreed with the idea that "opportunities are all snatched", but because of this, he had no plans to let Zuo Lingxuan come in.

Just when He Su was about to refuse and drive Zuo Lingxuan away, Xu Shoujing coughed and interrupted the conversation between the two:

"Let him join in."

Zuo Lingxuan and He Su were stunned for a moment at the same time, the former smiled happily, the latter his face sank, and he frowned:
"What is your chance? Give it away if you want to?"

Xu Shoujing shrugged and said nonchalantly:

"How could I be so kind? I kept him just because this guy really has something to do with fortune-telling. Exploring the ruins itself is a child. Exploring the unknown, it is better to have someone who can detect dangers than blind eyes."

As soon as these words came out, He Su's pupils shrank indistinctly, his eyes were erratic, but he said in his heart:
Could it be... what did this guy see?

He Su glanced at Xu Shoujing's calm expression and frowned slightly.

It's not like...

After a while, He Su pretended to be contemplating, turned his head to look at Zuo Lingxuan, and asked:
"Are you good at fortune telling?"

Zuo Lingxuan pondered for a moment, then raised his chin slightly: "It's not me, I'm a direct disciple of the elders of Tianyan Pavilion. I dare not say that everything is in the hexagram, but there are seven or eight out of ten that are no problem."

Tianyan Pavilion... He Su's eyes narrowed, if what Zuo Lingxuan said was true, then he really had no reason to exclude him.

But there is a fortune teller... What if he really sees something?
After thinking about it, He Su sighed inwardly, and had no choice but to take one step at a time.

The sun and the moon alternate, a waning moon is looming under the cover of clouds and mist, and the white moonlight sprinkles on the lake, reflecting the sparkling ripples.

A bonfire rose on the shore, and the five-year-old man fell asleep among the dead leaves.

According to He Su, the entrance to the ruins would only have a half-quarter of an hour to enter at midnight, and the dangers inside the ruins were unknown, so the battle with Canglan Indigo Tin Jiao just now consumed a lot of spiritual energy.

Except for Ji Xiangjian, who was unconscious, the rest of them were quietly resting around the bonfire.

Xu Shoujing had the Qi Hui Pill refined from dragon saliva leaves, so he didn't need to run Zhou Tian cross-legged, but everyone else was sitting still, so he was a little bored by himself.

"Xiaojing, do you want to eat something?" Jiang Rongyue seemed to see his mind, stroked Qiongyu on the bracelet, and handed over a juicy pancake.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then took the pancake slowly, his eyes slightly surprised:
"Sister Rong Yue, why are you still carrying this..."

"Of course I'm afraid you'll be eating messy things outside."

Jiang Rongyue raised her hips slightly and moved to Xu Shoujing's side, her head resting on his shoulders:
"Before the Longmen Realm, there was no inedia. Even if you go out, you have to have food and clothing; according to what I know about you, you will definitely not pay much attention to what you eat. Maybe picking some fruits from the wild will be regarded as a meal. If What should I do if the nutrition is not balanced?"

Xu Shoujing blinked, only to think that he was treating himself as a child.

In his heart, there has always been a fairly standard ruler.

It's okay to treat him as a younger brother, but not as a child.

Xu Shoujing glanced at Sister Rong Yue, who was still whispering to him, hesitating, bypassing Yingying's waist, and suddenly lifted it up.


The four lips meet, and the eyes are round like apricots.

Jiang Rongyue didn't dare to take a breath. After the initial shock, Yu Guang glanced at the two people meditating next to her, only to feel that her heart was beating non-stop, and she quickly reached out and beat Xu Shoujing on the shoulder.

Xu Shoujing put it away when he saw it, let go of Jiang Rongyue's flushed face and licked his lips contentedly.

"You're going to die! Didn't you see anyone else here?" Jiang Rongyue said with a face of shame and indignation.

In fact, if it was in private, she would not have reacted so much.

But this is in the wild... not to mention that there are people there. Although I haven't seen it, I always feel as if it was deliberately exposed to others... Anyway, it's weird.

Xu Shoujing didn't have so much psychological pressure, he was just a bunch of single dogs anyway.

Seeing Jiang Rongyue's embarrassed and angry face, looking like she was "bullied by her younger brother", he put his hand around Jiang Rongyue's shoulder and laughed softly:
"Sister Rong Yue, I'm already very big, so I don't need to worry so much."

Jiang Rongyue pursed her lips and glanced at him: "What? Do you think my sister is too lenient? Then don't call me sister, you can find someone else."

Saying that, he twisted his shoulders to break free of the big hand.

Of course, Xu Shoujing didn't mean that, so he had to talk nicely and talk to each other.


A piece of wood in the bonfire was burned by two knots, and the red sparks splashed on the dust, gradually dimming.

Zuo Lingxuan had just recovered his spiritual power, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a picture that was so sour that he lost his teeth.

The beautiful woman in purple dress sat in the arms of the handsome black-robed sword fairy, holding a pancake with meat ingredients in her hand, and smiled and handed it to the mouth of the black-robed sword fairy.

"Open your mouth."

The black-robed Sword Immortal hesitated for a moment, took a light bite, and while the shiny gravy dripped from the corner of his mouth, he tilted his head to look at the woman in his arms, and said with a smile:

"As expected of Sister Rong Yue, it's much more delicious than what I made."

The corners of the purple skirt woman's mouth could not be restrained from rising, and she quietly shrank into the arms of the black-robed sword fairy:

"Do you like it? After that, my sister will cook it for you every day."

Xu Shoujing smiled and said nothing.

"What are you laughing at?" Jiang Rongyue pouted.

Xu Shoujing lowered his head and took a bite on her tender cheek, with a smile on the corner of his mouth:

"you guess?"

"Hmm~ I'm not guessing, it's definitely not a good thing." Jiang Rongyue snorted lightly, turned her head and looked to the side, but the corner of her mouth couldn't restrain herself from rising.

"How could it not be a good thing?" Xu Shoujing hugged Jiang Rongyue tightly and put him in her ear: "I just think...Sister Rongyue, you look good when you smile."

"I hate you..."

The two were chatting hotly, and out of the corner of their eyes, they caught a glimpse of Zuo Lingxuan, who had a dull face next to him. The next moment, the sister and brother who were tired of being together were separated by electric shock, and they all looked aside and pretended to be nothing. look.

This dog man and woman... Zuo Lingxuan's face was full of grief and anger, what did he do wrong?Why do this to him?

Zuo Lingxuan took a deep breath, with a bit of depression in his eyes, and asked aloud:
"Xu Shoujing, how old are you now?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at Sister Rong Yue, who was inciting her cheeks with her palms, and she said:
"Just turned eighteen..."

"..." Zuo Lingxuan stood up with a 'swish' and said word by word, "You're only two years younger than me! Damn!"

When the words fell, he moved his steps to the next big tree and looked up to admire the moon.

The moonlight is so beautiful, but unfortunately he is alone.

Xu Shoujing was taken aback by his sudden foul language, not to mention He Su who was very close.

He Su woke up faintly from the meditation, glanced at Zuo Lingxuan who looked like a lonely old man, turned his head to look at Xu Shoujing, frowned and said:

"What's up with him?"

Xu Shoujing scratched his cheeks a little embarrassedly, and said in an uncertain tone:

" eat too many lemons."

rustling --

The night wind blew the fallen leaves on the ground, and the bright moonlight fell on the ground like a layer of hoarfrost.

Ji Xiangjian, who had been keeping his eyes closed, sat up suddenly, with a bit of vigilance on his rough face:

"Someone came, many."
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(End of this chapter)

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