The queen is so fierce

Chapter 128 The world is so small!Hidden family!

Chapter 128 The world is so small!Hidden family!
"Someone came, many."

The moment Ji Xiangjian's voice fell, Xu Shoujing had already put away his thoughts of 'showing affection', his eyes were slightly condensed, golden light surging, while staring at the direction of the wind and grass, he gathered a few traces of black spiritual power, and extinguished it. flare.

Fortunately, the night is not too dark, and the light of the bonfire itself is removed, and the road can be seen clearly only by relying on the moonlight, and the slight loss of light source does not attract the attention of those people.

From the depths of the forest, more than a dozen monks with yellow stripes and white shirts came. Their flying cloud boots, which were as white as Qiongyu, stepped on the lawn, as if they were weightless, and even the grass buds could not be overwhelmed. It was made by the same craftsman, but the spiritual power fluctuations emanating from the sword did not degrade the quality at all due to mass production.

"Are you sure that this is what Senior Brother said?" A refined young man headed back and asked.

In the crowd, a monk holding a spirit stone hesitated and replied:

"I've checked carefully. At midnight, the first ray of moonlight shines into the forest. There's nothing wrong with it."

The elegant monk nodded and glanced at the calm lake. His eyes narrowed slightly when he glanced at the tin tin scorpion that was being eaten, and he frowned and said:
"How can there be a corpse of a monster? And it still looks cooked..."

The disciple next to him cast his gaze upon hearing the sound, pondered for a moment, and guessed:
"Isn't it a brand-new way of the demon clan to overcome the calamity? Because it failed, so you are familiar with it?"


The elegant monk tilted his head and glanced at him, "Oh, use your imagination to practice." Then he told everyone:

"If what my brother said is true, the immortal king ruins in the ancient temple will be opened soon, and the risk is definitely not small, and it may also attract other Taoist monks because we open the ruins, you quickly prepare magic weapons and elixir, in case the emergency."

When everyone heard the words, they began to dig from their pockets. Some of the slightly wealthier disciples placed the prepared Qiongyu Pavilion in an easy-to-touch position so that they could touch it anytime, anywhere.

The battle between monks is sometimes only in an instant, and if they don't respond in time, if they don't take out the magic weapon and spiritual seal, they are likely to be killed in one blow.

This is very common among cultivators with similar realms, especially when fighting for opportunities in the wild, there is almost no situation where they keep their hands like Tuxian Pavilion.

Xu Shoujing hid in the shade of the trees, glanced at the group of monks of unknown origin, frowned, and turned his head to look at He Su.

"Hey, didn't you say that only you know about this ruin?"

He Su didn't listen to Xu Shoujing's words at all. He muttered, "This is impossible... How could they know...", his eyes dazed for a while.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said: "...What's your situation? Even if someone knows about this place, it won't be autistic on the spot..."

"He doesn't blame him for doing this... After all, that's a disciple of the 'Tianyuan Sect'." Zuo Lingxuan lay down beside Xu Shoujing and said meaningfully.

"Tianyuan Sect?" Xu Shoujing raised his eyebrows.

Zuo Lingxuan saw Xu Shoujing's dazed expression, as if he didn't pretend to be coercive on purpose, but really didn't know, his expression was startled, and his tone was very surprised:
"You really don't know? The Tianyuan Sect can be ranked in the entire Jiuzhou."

You said that your Tianyan Pavilion was the same last time... Xu Shoujing was speechless and turned to look at his sister:

"Sister Rong Yue, have you heard of it?"

Jiang Rongyue shook her head like a rattle.

Xu Shoujing nodded thoughtfully, looked back at Zuo Lingxuan, "Look, we don't know."

"..." Zuo Lingxuan.

Who knows which deep mountain and old forest you came from... I don't know the slightest bit about the deeds of Jiuzhou...

Zuo Lingxuan was depressed for a long time before he sighed and explained:
"The Tianyuan Sect was just an unknown little sect a few hundred years ago, and it doesn't have the reputation it has now. To say that the Tianyuan sect rose a hundred years ago, I don't know what medicine they took wrong. In just a hundred years, they cultivated Three Crescent Moon Realm Great Experts.

Although there are not many sects with Crescent Moon Realm in Tiannanzhou, there are definitely not many.But there is only Tianyuanzong in the three-dimensional moon. "

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly startled, and out of the corner of his eye he glanced at He Su, who was still muttering to himself, "They can't know what's here...", and thought for a moment:
"Then... Compared with the Changhe Su Clan, which is stronger?"

These words made Zuo Lingxuan look stunned for a while. He pinched his chin and thought for a long time before saying uncertainly:

"This... I can't say anything about it. The Changhe Su Clan is mainly mysterious, and almost no one has seen them show their faces, but according to the historical data recorded in "Tiannan Xianwen", the Changhe Su Clan was probably thousands of years ago or ten thousand years ago. ...even the era of the Nine Domains already exists.

If you compare the background, the Changhe Su clan must be much deeper than the Tianyuan sect, which has been established for more than [-] years.

However, every time the Changhe Su Clan appears, the battle power on the bright side is not that strong, so I speculate that the Changhe Su Clan's paper strength may not be as strong as the Tianyuan Sect. "

After Zuo Lingxuan finished speaking in one breath, he took out a kettle from Qiongyu Pavilion and was pouring it into his throat. He Su, who seemed to have lost his soul just now, suddenly faced him with an angry face:
"What nonsense!"


Zuo Lingxuan choked a mouthful of water into his throat and kept coughing.On the way, he suddenly realized that there were people from the Tianyuan Sect not far away, and quickly covered his mouth and said dullly:

"……What's wrong?"

He Su's eyes flashed with fire, and he raised his chin disdainfully:
"How can a mere Tianyuan sect be compared with the Changhe Su clan? The Changhe Su clan has no reputation, just because the patriarchs of all dynasties believed in 'not to fight is to fight', except for the hidden mountain to escape from the world and practice behind closed doors, which led to a 'mystery' in the outside world. ' name.

If the Changhe Su Clan is willing to be born, let alone the Tianyuan Sect, even if they are in the top ten of the Jiuzhou Daoist sect, they should also call out 'Senior'. "

Those remarks were impassioned, and those who didn't know thought he was from the Changhe Su Clan.

Zuo Lingxuan was just analyzing one by one, and he was inexplicably scolded by He Su, and he was naturally a little unconvinced in his heart:
"According to what you said, Changhe Su Clan now has more than three Crescent Moon Realm masters?"

He Su's expression froze with anger, he was silent for a while, and looked away.

...Xianyuejing is not a Chinese cabbage, where can you say that there is one.

"Can you guys keep your voice down... there are people across from...?"

Xu Shoujing dissuaded him speechlessly, and while he was staring at him, he suddenly caught sight of the elegant cultivator headed by the Tianyuan Sect.

Across the bushes and a few old trees, the two were relatively speechless.



The clear and white crescent moon was looming in the clouds and mist, the shadow was hazy, and a cold wind blew past, scraping the leaves on the ground with a rustling sound.

The first to break the silence was the elegant cultivator led by the Tianyuan Sect. Without hesitation, he pulled out the sword from his waist and shouted in a rich voice:



The disciples in the yellow stripes and white robes stood up quickly, and more than a dozen swords reflecting silver light shone in the dark night.

The golden circular circle followed the steps of the Tianyuan Sect disciples, like an invincible sword, half an inch out of its sheath, just waiting to slay the enemy.

Xu Shoujing blinked, turned his head to look at Zuo Lingxuan, who was sweating coldly, and was amazed:
"Look at how fast other sects line up, and your sects are all messed up."

"Is this the time to talk about this?" Zuo Lingxuan was speechless. He glanced at Ji Xiangjian, who was cross-legged, and felt that he was not very powerful, and said in a panic: "What should I do now? ?"

Seeking opportunities in the wild is a life-and-death struggle, and trying to persuade the other party to leave with good words is obviously impossible.

Seeing that the people from the Tianyuan Sect were about to attack, Xu Shoujing kept Jiang Rongyue behind him and asked in a low voice:

"Sister Rongyue, can you still use that purple Tianlei once?"

Jiang Rongyue watched the disciples of Tianyuanzong vigilantly, clenched the hilt of the sword tightly, and shook her head:

"That's not my spell, it's the spirit seal that I asked my master to help me write before I left. There are only two in total. If the remaining one is used now, there will be no hole cards when I enter the ruins."

Xu Shoujing thought the same, the destructive power of that purple sky thunder was about to catch up with Xuanji's red lotus sky fire, no matter how she thought about it, it was not a spell that Sister Rong Yue's current cultivation could use at will.

If it was a one-on-one match, Xu Shoujing was confident that he would not lose to anyone.

But the situation on the other side... is completely planning to use crowd tactics instead of martial arts...

Zuo Lingxuan saw Xu Shoujing's posture as if he was going to go up, his face changed suddenly, and he quickly stopped in front of him:

"You can't fight, you mustn't fight. The disciples under the Tianyuan Sect have life talismans on them. If you kill them, the Tianyuan Sect will soon know who did it...

Everyone in the entire Tiannan Continent knew that the Tianyuan Sect was a group of hypocrites. They said on the surface that they were "not as good as others, and I can't blame anyone." Afterwards, those elders who would report their revenge would definitely go out in person and kill those who had no background. Those with backgrounds also find various reasons to be disgusting. "

"Don't fight? Then let the immortal king's ruins go out?" Xu Shoujing pouted, he never chose to bow his head because of the opponent's background...only because of the opponent's skirt.

"This..." Zuo Lingxuan was also in a bit of trouble, even if he was a rural cultivator, he would not be willing to give up his hand when he encountered the opportunity of the Immortal King Ruins.

Jiang Rongyue held Xu Shoujing's hand, and when he turned to look at herself, she said seriously:
"Look for it when the opportunity is gone. Don't lose your life because of a momentary anger. Xiaojing, you have long lived not for yourself, but for me...for us."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then he held the weak and boneless hand and nodded vigorously:
"I understand, Sister Rongyue. However, I'm not the Xu Shoujing who didn't take life seriously... My efforts now are all to be able to be with you... you guys."

"Xiaojing..." Jiang Rongyue pursed her lips, her almond eyes blurred.

"Sister Rong Yue..." Xu Shoujing looked at her affectionately.

"——" Zuo Lingxuan's expression twisted into the word '囧', shaking hands and putting his fist to his mouth, with a serious look:
"Cough cough! I know you are very affectionate...but can you take a look at the occasion? The opposite Tianyuan Sect is about to be mad at the two of you."


Xu Shoujing expressed a little embarrassment. He turned his head and saw that the hands of the disciples of Tianyuan Sect were shaking slightly, and their eyes were spitting fire, and they wanted to eat themselves.


Can you respect us?
It's going to be a fight, understand?


Like waking up from the eternal night, the heavy stone door opened.

The moment the moonlight shone into the forest, the surrounding space rippled like a pebble into the water.

A deep purple void cave appeared out of thin air. Depending on its size, only one person could enter at a time. The surrounding air, along with the leaves, was swept into it. There was a 'click', and I didn't know if it had disappeared or was crushed into pieces.

The moment He Su saw the Void Cave, his face suddenly sank, and his eyes were erratic. After a long while, he seemed to have made a decision, gritted his teeth and said:

"It's really impossible to conflict with them now, advanced relics, kill or not kill, and then talk about it."

When the words fell, He Su picked up his sword and rushed into the void cave first.

"Xiaojing, let's go too." Jiang Rongyue said.

"Yeah. Sister Rongyue, hold me tight." Xu Shoujing nodded, suddenly bent down and picked up Jiang Rongyue's leg, holding her firmly in his arms.

"Hey, hey..." Jiang Rongyue hooked Xu Shoujing's neck subconsciously, and said in a panic, "Xiaojing, I can walk by myself..."

But you are not as fast as me...

Xu Shoujing complained silently without explaining much, and followed He Su into the void.

Seeing the two leave, Zuo Lingxuan was a little stunned.

He looked back at Ji Xiangjian, who closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. This guy seemed to live in his own world and didn't respond to other people's actions.

"'re gone, what will he do? He looks heavy...wouldn't he want me to come?"

Zuo Lingxuan was a little speechless, but the people from the Tianyuan Sect next to him were still staring at him, and he didn't dare to stay any longer.

When Xu Shoujing and his party left, the disciples who stayed by the elegant monk finally couldn't help asking the question in their hearts:

"Senior brother, why don't we just let us form an array? They are vying for opportunities with us..."

Gao Xu glanced at him sideways, and said solemnly: "How dangerous the ruins of the Immortal King are, I don't expect them to give up, so letting them explore the risks like this is beneficial to us."

The disciple suddenly realized, thought for a moment, and then asked:

"What if they got the magic weapon of chance before us?"

"Does this even need to be said?" Gao Xu narrowed his eyes, as if a cold light flashed: "Chance is a battle of luck, cultivators are going against the sky, killing people and grabbing treasures is normal."
Denglong Port.

The moonlight is like frost, and the night is dust-free.

A huge flying boat was flying in the sea of ​​​​clouds, and the layers of clouds and mist were pushed away from both sides. From time to time, a few white-feathered fairy birds flew side by side, and the sound was endless.

In the cabin on the second floor, blue lanterns were placed on the elegant round wooden table, and the sparkling candles swayed gently in the evening breeze.

Chu Shuwan, dressed in a long dark green dress, sat beside the bed. Her face was charming and beautiful, her eyebrows were like willow leaves, her red lips were like a sharp pill, and her watery apricot eyes were filled with joy.

The light is a little dim, and the plump figure is backed by the light, which highlights the body curve even more; the plump breasts hold up the placket, the upturned buttocks are pressed against the edge of the bed, and the contours of the waist and hips are perfectly curved. It looks like a ripe peach, which makes people want to take a bite.

At first glance, she is a woman who is well-bred...Ling Fuyu couldn't help sighing in her heart.

"So, do you agree?" Chu Shuwan said happily.

Ling Fuyu nodded, paused for a moment, and added:
"As I said during the day, Pindao doesn't have a teacher now, but he is not alone. If the two disciples in the sect have no opinion, for Jinger, Pindao is naturally willing to be the named elder of Longyumen."


Chu Shuwan's smile froze slightly, Liu Ye's eyebrows twitched secretly, and she muttered in her heart, "This is called Shang Jing'er?"

But for the sake of the 'big picture', Chu Shuwan temporarily put the vinegar jar aside.

"Jing'er is definitely fine. He was originally the young master of Longyumen."

Ling Fuyu was silent for a while and did not answer.

Chu Shuwan blinked her eyes, hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively:

"The other disciple of the Taoist priest is unwilling?"

"It's not like that." Ling Fuyu said. "My eldest disciple is the bloodline of a hidden family in Tiannan Continent. The patriarchs of their clan have always believed in 'no contention is a struggle', and they have hardly interfered in external affairs."

Speaking of which, Ling Fuyu looked up at Chu Shuwan and whispered:

"Girl Chu wants to establish Longyumen, she will definitely have to compete with other Taoist sects, I'm afraid she will not agree..."


Is not fighting is fighting?Hidden mountain escape?
Why does it sound a bit like Shizun's set...

What Chu Shuwan hates most is to think about these things. After listening to Ling Fuyu's words, she came closer and persuaded:
"Taoist, the Tao of people cannot be generalized. The Tao of that family may be 'do not disturb the world, keep the mind pure and few desires', but your disciple's Tao is not necessarily. Everything has to be asked."

Ling Fuyu's eyes were slightly startled, but Xu did not expect to hear such open-minded words from Chu Shuwan's mouth.

Everyone in the world says that the three thousand great roads lead to the same goal.But how many people can really accept everything?

The best example is the demons who disappeared in the long history. They believe in 'freedom', liberate their nature and do whatever they want.

Are you saying this is the way?That's for sure.

But this kind of 'dao' is the most disdainful way of human decency.To achieve self-control, self-cultivation, self-cultivation, and self-cultivation, this is the right way, and it is the harmony between nature and human beings.

But then again... Jiuzhou has a history of more than 10 years, and how many people have really achieved the above?

Even if they do, how many of them have achieved the Great Dao?

Anyone can talk about soldiers on paper, and everyone understands that this is just a nice talk, but they still believe these words as the right words, and scoff at the so-called 'magic way'.

It is very difficult for people to correct their thinking. They will be preconceived and take the education they have received as everything. Even if they are really wrong, they will just bite the bullet and go on.

Not to mention a hidden family with a long history and a well-known and respectable sect, even if it is just a little-known sect, it will not allow its disciples to violate the ancient teachings.

It is rare for a person like Chu Shuwan to be so tolerant of personal thoughts.

Thinking of this, Ling Fuyu took a deep look at Chu Shuwan and said with emotion:
"Thank you Miss Chu, the poor way has been taught."


A row of question marks appeared on Chu Shuwan's head, and she didn't know what Ling Fuyu was thinking about in just a few seconds.

He had to put on an embarrassed and polite smile, and then asked:

"Then... Daoist Master, do you want to play a summons card and ask your apprentice?"

Ling Fuyu shook her head: "My apprentice has clan rules and never uses a communication card, but you can go directly to her."

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "Is this... suitable? Isn't it a hidden family?"

"It doesn't matter, I have some friendship with the patriarch, so it shouldn't be a problem to bring some friends."

Chu Shuwan nodded thoughtfully and asked again:

"Dare to ask the chief, what is the name of the family?"

Ling Fuyu hesitated and said, "Changhe Su Clan."

"Oh...Changhe Su Clan." Chu Shuwan muttered something, she thought it sounded very good, and it sounded familiar...

"Changhe Su Clan?!!"
PS: Ask for monthly pass, reward, recommend ticket, push book~
(End of this chapter)

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