The queen is so fierce

Chapter 129 You go, she stays!

Chapter 129 You go, she stays!

Crystal clear water droplets gather between the gaps in the ceiling, and the bottom of the dewdrop becomes more and more round and full. With its weight, it can no longer continue to cling to the stone bricks. Tiny water spots on the beach.


Another drop of water dripped and hit the face of a woman with a soft sleeping face. After a while, the woman's curved and curled eyelashes trembled slightly, and a pair of big watery eyes slowly opened, showing a slightly confused look. on the ceiling.

The stone room was dim and dark, and the only sound that could be heard was the faint sound of water droplets falling on the small water beach, as if echoing in the valley.

"Sister Rong Yue, are you awake?"

Hearing this call with a bit of joy, Jiang Rongyue's hazy consciousness gradually became clear, her head shifted to the side, and at the end of her line of sight, she saw a young man in a black robe rushing towards her.

I'm... fainted?
Jiang Rongyue blinked, her hands propped up on the stone brick floor, she wanted to sit up, but found that her limbs seemed to be falling apart, unable to raise her strength, her back and elbows were more like nails being driven into, and the pain was like is drilled into the bone marrow.


"Don't move, I'll come." At this time, Xu Shoujing came to her side and supported Jiang Rongyue to make her lean on the stubborn stone beside her.

After slowing down a bit, Jiang Rongyue smoothed out the folds of her snow-blue dress, tilted her head and asked:
"My spiritual power is gone..."

Xu Shoujing was not surprised by this. He lowered his head and helped Jiang Rongyue to roll up his cuffs. He gently stroked Qiongyu around his waist and took out the wound medicine. He patiently smeared the tiny bloodstains drawn by the edges and corners of the stone, and replied softly:
"It should be the forbidden feature of this relic. I don't have any spiritual power anymore... Give me that hand."

Jiang Rongyue's apricot eyes were slightly startled, and she obediently stretched out her other hand, watching her younger brother meticulously helping her with the wound, but she wondered:

"Could it be the entrance? When I entered the entrance, I had a sense of confusion that my body was collapsing, and my consciousness was blocked..."

After applying the trauma medicine, Xu Shoujing tied a small bow with a white cloth, and began to deal with the injured part of the bone, shaking his head:
"That entrance is just some kind of special teleportation spell, and it doesn't have the effect of banning spiritual power; as for that teleportation spell, its principle is actually very simple.

But it is the moment of entering the magic circle, the body of the person entering the formation will be disintegrated once, and then re-condensed when it reaches a specific location... Although it is simple, it has high requirements for the realm of the caster, and I am afraid that only the 'Immortal King' 'Affordable.

Looking at the troublesomeness of this spell, I have a guess. So far, no one has discovered the immortal king's ruins in Jingyue Lake. It is estimated that it is not because of how well it is hidden, but... the immortal king's ruins are not in Jingyue Lake at all. "

Saying that, Xu Shoujing raised his anger lightly, and found that Jiang Rongyue was staring at him blankly, smiled secretly in his heart, and reached out to help her stroke her hair:
"Do you want to ask...why do I know so much?"

"Mmmm." Jiang Rongyue nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Xu Shoujing gave up half of his body, pointed to a simple stone tablet at the end of the stone room, and said with a smile:

"I woke up a long time earlier than you. When I was exploring around just now, I found what was written on the stone tablet."

"..." Jiang Rongyue.

Xu Shoujing bent down and squatted in front of Jiang Rongyue, motioned her to climb onto his back, and said thoughtfully:

"However, except for the road next to the stone tablet, this place is a completely closed secret room. I searched around and found nothing special. If nothing else, the old guy from tens of thousands of years ago deliberately made things difficult. number of intruders.

He Su and the others should have just been randomly placed somewhere else, so don't worry too much.That's fine, people from Tianyuan Sect won't collide with us so easily.

"But... since it's for the purpose of training the monks who entered the ruins, why should we ban our spiritual power?"

"—" Hearing this, Xu Shoujing was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "Who knows, maybe it's the bad taste of Immortal King and his old man."

Having said that, in fact, Xu Shoujing already had guesses in his heart.

This is not the first time he has encountered such a thing as banning spiritual power. When they were in the Jiuxiao Ruins last time, he and Su Huanqing were also banned without the slightest spiritual power.

At first, he thought it was because of the gods, but now that he thinks about it carefully, the characteristics of the gods are that they will temporarily become mortals when they come into contact with them.

But before he and Su Huanqing entered the ruins, their spiritual power had been sealed.

Considering the ban on spiritual power this time, it can only be guessed that some kind of special ban is at work.

Because of this, Xu Shoujing felt strange.

Tiannanzhou and Yuliangzhou are not particularly far away, but they are definitely not close either.

Why do the same bans appear for the ruins where the two eight poles can't fight together?

Besides, the soul of Jiuxiao who was suppressed in the Meteoric Dragon Abyss... was the handwriting of the Dragon Slayer.

Could it be that this immortal king relic is also related to the dragon killer?
Xu Shoujing thought about it, trying to figure out what happened thousands of years ago, but Naihe had too little information, so he could only guess at random.

Xu Shoujing was still brainstorming, and Jiang Rongyue, who was lying on his back, was blushing red and was about to drip blood.

In order to make Xu Shoujing feel a little more relaxed, Jiang Rongyue tucked the hem of the snow-blue gauze skirt on her thighs, losing the restraint of the skirt, and her two snow-white slender legs were separated to both sides without any obstruction, and the legs were bent lightly hooked. Xu Shoujing's wrist.

This also means that Jiang Rongyue is only wearing a layer of underwear and sticking to Xu Shoujing's body at this time, which is too bold for a little girl who has no personnel... oh, a big girl.

Xiaojing, he shouldn't feel it, right?
When vision is dim, hearing is often more sensitive than ever.

Xu Shoujing was walking along the wall of the stone room before getting dark, when he suddenly noticed that Sister Rong Yue's breathing on his back became depressed and heavy.

Although she had the sound of controlling her inhalation, with the current posture of the two, it still reached Xu Shoujing's ears without any hindrance.

It's broken... I forgot that Sister Rong Yue has the attributes of a slut.

Don't you smell sweat and get excited again?
Xu Shoujing twitched the corners of his mouth, took a deep breath, pretended to be nonchalant, and said with a light smile:

"Sister Rongyue, why are you breathing so much? Is it cold? Why don't you drink some hot...cough, put on some more clothes?"

"Huh... huh? Ah! No, Xiaojing, go with you, elder sister is fine."

A wisp of steam emerged from Jiang Rongyue's head, and she quickly hugged Xu Shoujing's neck, not daring to grind it.

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief and was about to move on. At the end of the dim light, it turned out to be a staircase with no end in sight.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

"..." Jiang Rongyue.

Jiang Rongyue swallowed her saliva, she was so ashamed that she almost lost her face, and said with a blushing face:
"Xiaojing...why don't you put me down, I'll go by myself..."

It's already quite that kind of thing, and then I trembled up the stairs...

Jiang Rongyue couldn't even think about it.

Xu Shoujing shook his head: "No, I checked your body when I first woke up. At least two ribs were broken on my body. Although my arm was not dislocated, it was not lightly injured."

"How could this be..." Jiang Rongyue was startled, she really didn't feel anything, she just felt that she couldn't lift herself up.

Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment: "It is estimated that it is because of the turbulent flow of the magic circle. In fact, we did not appear out of thin air, but after being reorganized, we fell out of the magic circle. I focused on body training in the early years, and I can still withstand this. You have fallen from a height, but Sister Rongyue, you are majoring in Thunder Technique, so your body training is not strong, and you have lost your spiritual power..."

"..." Jiang Rongyue pursed her lips, knowing in her heart that they didn't have a lot of time and couldn't delay here.

After thinking about it again and again, she seemed to have made a decision. She took a deep breath and pinched Xu Shoujing's waist, her voice a little dull:

"Xiaojing, hurry up, I can bear it."


Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief, his knees bent slightly, and the next moment, the whole person flew on the stone steps.

Uneasy, sullen, sullen.

Jiang Rongyue's almond eyes closed tightly, her teeth clenched her lower lip, her phalanx turned white, as if she was enduring great pain.

Xu Shoujing has been controlling her level of stability, not only to take care of Jiang Rongyue's enduring limit, but also to take care of her nearly broken body. If she is not skilled, it will make Sister Rongyue even more uncomfortable.

blah blah-

Finally, there was a blue light at the end of the stone steps, and this painful and happy journey to the top came to an end.


This is an empty and huge cave, with a narrow and long hook-lock bridge spanning a pitch-black abyss and connecting to a circular platform large enough to dock a Feidu pontoon.

In the center of the platform floated a crystal clear blue crystal, the size of two people.


Xu Shoujing came to the edge of the cliff, rubbed his feet against the floor and drove forward, kicking a small stone.

The small stone drew a complete parabola in the air, and then fell straight out of the abyss.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths, eight breaths, nine breaths...

No matter how long I waited, I couldn't hear the echo of the stone falling to the ground.

"If you can't use the sword, it will be gone now..." Xu Shoujing said with lingering fears.

"That's why the hook-lock bridge was set up?" Jiang Rongyue said vainly, her flushed cheeks revealing a hint of relief as if she had gone to the toilet.

Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't rule out this possibility, but I don't think the owner of the ruins would be so kind. If you seal the spiritual power just to walk a hook-lock bridge, it won't serve any purpose to make things difficult for intruders. ."

"Then don't go there yet, Xiaojing, I don't think He Su and the others have come yet, just wait here for a while." Jiang Rongyue glanced around.


While the two were talking, at the entrance of the other stone room they climbed up, a few shadows came.

"Who?" Xu Shoujing put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

"Hey, it's me, it's us, if you have something to say, don't draw your sword if you disagree..."

Zuo Lingxuan climbed up with a big man on his back. After losing his spiritual power, Ji Xiangjian's burden on him will undoubtedly increase several times, not to mention the need to climb such a long staircase.

The problem is that He Su is still not willing to help him!
"Huhu..." Zuo Lingxuan was panting when he happened to see Xu Shoujing carrying Jiang Rongyue on his back, his expression suddenly froze.

He tilted his head to look at the rough man on his back, and his heart twitched.

It's too much... not to bully people like this.

Xu Shoujing didn't notice Zuo Lingxuan's loveless expression. He put Jiang Rongyue down and let her lean on the stone beside him, and then asked He Su who was late:
"Did you fall together?"

He Su was staring at the entrances of several stone passages, as if he was on guard against the disciples of Tianyuan Sect who had not yet appeared.

Hearing Xu Shoujing's words, he didn't think much and replied:
"Well, the drop location has always been random. We were lucky and didn't fall with the people from the Tianyuan Sect."

Xu Shoujing narrowed his eyes slightly, and said nonchalantly:
"Then what do we do now? Cross the bridge? Or wait here for the people from Tianyuan Sect to come over and kill them all?"

As soon as the words were spoken, before He Su had time to answer, there was an explosion from several other stone crossings:
"What a big breath!"


Dozens of monks with yellow stripes and white robes rushed out, and a few younger monks glared at Xu Shoujing, seeming to be dissatisfied with his offense just now.

In the crowd, an elegant cultivator walked out slowly. He glanced at Xu Shoujing and others who were on guard, and said calmly:

"In Xiatian Yuanzong Gao Xu, how many of them have sects?"

Well, make sure you have a background before killing it.

If you have a strong background, then we are good friends. From now on, your chance will be mine. I will only step on your misery lightly, and I will never fall to the ground.

If there is no background... Fellow Daoist?What buddy?Opportunity is a battle of luck, no matter what the reason is, if the skill is inferior to others, it is inferior to others.

Zuo Lingxuan couldn't be more clear about the path of this group of hypocrites. After thinking for a moment, he said:

"In Xiazuo Lingxuan, the direct disciple of Tianyan Pavilion Yusheng Peak."

Tianyan Pavilion...

Gao Xu's eyes were slightly stunned. He didn't seem to expect to meet people from Tianyan Pavilion in such a place. If this is true, they really couldn't kill Zuo Lingxuan and others cleanly.

"Yuansheng Peak?" The disciple standing beside Gao Xu was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Is it the poorest one in Tianyan Pavilion? Senior brother, don't worry about this guy, it's true that he was passed down by an elder, but his status and resources They are not even as good as ordinary inner sect disciples. If you kill them, you will kill them. The chance is just grabbed, so who can complain if your skills are inferior to others?”

Zuo Lingxuan's eyes widened, do you dare to let the group of disciples behind you retreat, and you say this again?

If it weren't for your crowd, I would have smoked you in the morning, bah!

Xu Shoujing held the hilt of the sword in his hand, watched the conversation between them with cold eyes, walked a few steps, and protected Jiang Rongyue, who was finally able to stand up, behind him.


A gust of cold wind blew along the smooth stone wall, and a 'woo woo' sounded from the vent, like a high ape crying.

Gao Xu raised his palm slowly, and was about to give the order to kill.

"Slow!" He Su suddenly interrupted, and took a step forward.

Gao Xu glanced at him, his expression unchanged, and said coldly:

"You want to explain your last words?"

He Su sneered, took out a short knife, walked to the edge of the cliff like a leisurely stroll, and said:

"I know your plan. You didn't do anything in the forest at first. You just wanted us to find the way for you... Now you want to kill us because you think there is no more danger. Am I wrong?"

"So what?" Gao Xu raised his eyebrows.

He Su smiled even more, playing with the short knife in his hand:

"Do you there really no danger?"


He Su casually threw the short knife towards the dark abyss, and the bright silver was quickly swallowed by the darkness.


The entire platform trembled as the ground shook, and the unsteady gravel on the wall slipped, competing with each other to fall into the abyss.

Xu Shoujing hurriedly hugged Jiang Rongyue. The two were very close to the edge of the cliff. He was afraid that the tremor would make Sister Rongyue, who was injured, unsteady.


The black that covers the sky and the sun covers the entire front view.

Pieces of pitch-black scales like volcanic rocks wrapped around the long body, and the scarlet pupils brought a ray of light to the dim space, like a flaming little sun.

The shark-like teeth are evenly arranged, the uneven tail is wrapped around the pillars of the circular platform, the hook-lock bridge connecting the stone chamber and the platform sways back and forth, and the hook-lock junction emits "squeaks" from time to time, making people feel Worried sound.

This is a monster that looks like a dragon but not a dragon... Long Feilong?Xu Shoujing had never seen this breed anyway.

The only thing that can be felt is that it is big, very big.

In front of it is a small earthworm, and only a complete Jiuxiao can fight with it.

Including Xu Shoujing, everyone was taken aback.

The disciples of Tianyuan Sect who were still winning the ticket just now saw this unknown pitch-black dragon, and they all rushed to the back in a panic, as if they wanted to return to the stone room just now. Staying outside, there is always something that will attack at any time. Feel.

However, the entrance to the stone room was sealed off at some point. On the small platform, dozens of people were extremely crowded.

"What is this... I didn't hear about it when I came here..." Zuo Lingxuan was sluggish for a few seconds, and quickly dragged Ji Xiangjian back.

Gao Xu's face became ugly. At first glance, this giant dragon was not an opponent they could deal with, but now if they wanted to go back home, it was obviously out of the question, and they had to go ahead.

After a while, the giant dragon's huge eyes like a lava core turned around, and finally glanced at a few people on the platform, released the limbs that were clinging to the stone pillar, and hid at the bottom of the abyss again.

This is... not attacking us?

Xu Shoujing frowned, thinking of many possibilities in his head, but when he saw He Su's confident expression, Chaos's brain gradually became clearer as if struck by lightning.

"Xiaojing, this He Su is..." Jiang Rongyue, lying in Xu Shoujing's arms, reminded worriedly.

"I understand." Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, planning to see what medicine He Su was selling in the gourd.

Gao Xu saw the giant dragon come out inexplicably, and then left inexplicably, a little confused, he glanced at He Su, who was mocking, and said coldly:

"Why didn't it attack us?"

He Su didn't care, and spread his hands: "Who knows, maybe you will attack as soon as you get on the bridge. It's my first time here, so I don't know."


Gao Xu's eyes were erratic, this He Su was sure that they would not dare to risk their lives easily, so he told them about this giant dragon at this time.

If He Su and the others are killed here, no one will find the way. As long as the giant dragon has the intention of attacking, there will be a dead end.

But if you don't kill them, but let them explore the way... Maybe after crossing the bridge, there will be no bridge.

"Senior brother, what should we do now?"

"Don't be noisy."

Gao Xu closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then said gloomily:

"You cross the bridge first."

He Su smiled and looked indifferent, as if he had expected this result.

"But, she wants to stay." Gao Xu sneered and pointed to Jiang Rongyue behind Xu Shoujing.
PS: Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward, ask for a book~
Supplementary explanation: I am afraid that someone will argue, Qiongyu Pavilion is not opened by spiritual power or spiritual energy, but by 'mind power', that is, 'spiritual consciousness'; mortals have spiritual consciousness, such as Qiu Xuanji's father, although he does not cultivate immortals , but there is also a soul, but if you don't cultivate immortals, the lifespan of the soul is difficult to increase, and medicine can only increase the lifespan of the body.

(End of this chapter)

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