The queen is so fierce

Chapter 130 Cross the river and demolish the bridge

Chapter 130 Cross the river and demolish the bridge
In all fairness, Xu Shoujing was really not afraid to fight on the spot in this place.

If it was outside the ruins, he might have to worry a little about things like 'Tianyuanzong's revenge', 'weak only single-person attacks and group fights'.

But in this immortal king ruins where everyone's spiritual power was banned, Xu Shoujing didn't know how to lose.

So when he heard that Gao Xu actually proposed to let Sister Rong Yue stay as a hostage, Xu Shoujing did not fluctuate in his heart, but wanted to see how He Su would react.

On the other side, He Su's face was gloomy and uncertain, and the situation he had just pulled back suddenly fell into a dilemma.

Keep Jiang Rongyue?Where did he get the power to decide for Xu Shoujing?

Don't leave Jiang Rongyue?Then continue to work like this, and no one will be able to cross the bridge.

But if there is no bridge...

After a long time, He Su sighed as if giving up, and turned his eyes back to Xu Shoujing, the meaning is self-evident.

You decide.

A flash of surprise flashed in Xu Shoujing's eyes. From the very beginning, he saw that He Su had other plans for sharing the immortal king's ruins with them. He thought that at this time, He Su's character would betray him without hesitation. Unexpectedly, the bottom line was kept here.

"She stays, you go." Gao Xu looked at Xu Shoujing gloomily.

Xu Shoujing shrugged and put his left hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist. He was about to go forward, but suddenly someone behind him pulled his sleeve.

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly startled, and his tone was a little helpless:

"Sister Rongyue, don't say anything, let me go first, you stay and so on, you know that I can't agree."

"I understand you, of course I wouldn't say such a thing." Jiang Rongyue smiled softly, as if thinking of something, her eyes drooped slightly, and she forced a reluctant smile: "Be careful...don't worry about me."

"—" Xu Shoujing was silent for a long time, then nodded lightly.

"Wait for me across the bridge."

Feeling Xiaojing's steps again, Jiang Rongyue's jade hand holding the corner of his clothes trembled, and finally shrugged and pulled down weakly.

blah blah-

Seeing Xu Shoujing approaching him, He Su frowned slightly and asked in a low voice:

"What do you mean?"

"What else do you mean? I'll stay as a hostage, don't stand still, hurry up and leave." Xu Shoujing said with a smile, but his gaze on Gao Xu became more and more indifferent.

"Then be careful yourself." He Su gave Xu Shoujing a deep look and stepped on the hook-lock bridge. After hesitating for a while, he turned back and reminded:
"This ruin cannot use spiritual power, not to make things difficult for the monks who broke into this place, but to protect them."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, looked left and right, and after confirming that only he could hear the distance, he frowned and said:

"What do you mean?"

"Literally. Pay more attention to yourself."

When the words fell, He Su stopped and walked towards the opposite side along the hook-lock bridge on his own.

Seeing this, Gao Xu, who was not far away, frowned and said in an unhappy tone:
"I want that woman."

Xu Shoujing glanced at him and ignored him, but patted Zuo Lingxuan on the shoulder and said with a light smile:

"After you carry Ji Xiangjian on your back, remember to give that Gao Xu a divination. I think he has a bloody disaster today."

Zuo Lingxuan picked up Ji Xiangjian and was a little confused about Xu Shoujing's words:
"Uh... Brother Xu, can you also do magic?"

"No, I guessed it."


Being ignored again and again, Gao Xuruya's easy-going face couldn't help but twitch. He took a deep breath and said coldly:

"You have the courage to sign up."

At this time, it was Jiang Rongyue's turn to go to the bridge, Xu Shoujing still ignored Gao Xu, and said softly:
"Sister Rong Yue, wait for me on the opposite side, you will be fine soon."

Jiang Rongyue did not hide the worry in her eyes, and pursed her lips:
"Everything is for your own safety... don't mess around."

"Yes, I know."

Xu Shoujing watched Sister Rong Yue turn her head three times onto the hook-lock bridge, heaved a sigh of relief, turned back and glanced at Gao Xu with a cold face, and smiled indifferently:
"What did you just say?"

Gao Xu took a deep breath, suppressed the flames in his eyes, and said solemnly:

"I asked who you are? Sign up."

When the words came out, Gao Xu thought that this time you have to say it, but unexpectedly, Xu Shoujing just curled his lips and said with a smile:

"My name is taboo, you deserve to know it?"

Mainly because you have never heard of it... Xu Shoujing muttered silently in his heart.

Gao Xu didn't know what Xu Shoujing was thinking. He was stunned at first, and then his eyes were full of astonishment.

Is this stuff stupid?Can't understand the situation?Your life is in our hands!

How dare you be so crazy...

The disciples of the Tianyuan Sect are also confused. They are used to being domineering, and it is not that they have never encountered a thorn, but Xu Shoujing's steel thorn... This is the first time I have seen it.

Rather than being angry, the first thing I felt was curiosity.

What ancient boss is standing behind you?Or do you have a master who is a powerful Crescent Moon?
It's even more horizontal than their Tianyuan Sect with a three-circle moon...

After the initial stunned reaction, the disciples of the Tianyuan Sect gradually recovered their senses, and they all became angry, and they opened their mouths to scold.

Gao Xu raised his hand to stop them, his deadly face could not tell what he was thinking, he just made a gesture to the disciple behind him:

When He Su and the others finished crossing the bridge and determined that there was nothing strange, they immediately killed him.

The disciples of Tianyuan Sect received this order, and the blood that was pouring over their heads dissipated a lot, and the eyes that looked at Xu Shoujing also became playful.

You are crazy!You go crazy!I'll see how you dress up in a while.

bang... bang... bang

The hook-lock bridge swayed gently with the footsteps of the people above, and the dim light caused the backs of the people on the bridge to only see very subtle outlines.

Finally, after the last person left the hook-lock bridge, the original irregular shaking stopped, and the echoes echoing in the empty valleys were only the scattered sound of iron chains rubbing.

Gao Xu hooked the corner of his mouth, as if he was declaring Xu Shoujing's death sentence, and raised his right palm:


Standing beside the hook lock bridge, the black-robed sword fairy turned his back, his thumb moved the sword, and the half-inch sword body that was unsheathed reflected a dazzling whiteness.

Everyone didn't see what happened, only felt that a shadow flashed in front of them, and when they opened their eyes again, the black-robed sword immortal who had stayed there had disappeared.


There was the sound of objects falling from underfoot.

Gao Xu's eyes were stunned, and he slowly lowered his head, only to find that it was an arm cut off from the elbow, the incision was flat, and fresh red flesh could still be seen.

Why are you so familiar?

Gao Xu thought in a daze, before his brain had time to process the information beyond common sense, he only felt an iron cone-piercing pain suddenly came from his just raised right arm.

Gao Xu came to the answer in his heart, but he couldn't believe it, and he raised his right arm tremblingly in front of him——

red!Bright red!
The flesh and blood wrapped around the broken bones seemed to react at this moment.

Gao Xu's eyes widened, surprise, fear, puzzlement, disbelief... A lot of emotions were written on his face.

But in the end, the only thing that came out of his throat was a scream that resounded through the valley.

"Ah... ah ah ah!"


The bright and serene sword light flashed, and the long sword hidden in the dim vision, without the slightest pause, penetrated Gao Xu's heart from behind.

The black-robed sword immortal held the hilt in his backhand and turned his back to Gao Xu. The blade of the sword was still deep in his heart, and he looked around at the Tianyuan Sect disciples who had been terrified. coldness.

"Actually, I don't care what you are like. You shouldn't beat Sister Rong Yue's doctrine."

Xu Shoujing said without turning his head, and pulled out the painting boat Yanqian cleanly.

The blood was scattered, and a circle of blood beads was pulled out.


Losing the support of the blade, Gao Xu fell to the ground in response, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his shriveled pupils gradually lost their focus and became empty.

"Master...Senior brother..." The Tianyuan Sect disciple in the front row said tremblingly.

No matter how he called, Gao Xu on the ground did not respond at all, as if he had become an empty shell without a soul... It was indeed the case.

Xu Shoujing flipped his wrist and held the sword in his forehand. He gently shook off the blood beads attached to it. The blade pointed diagonally at the ground, and walked step by step towards the sluggish Tianyuan Sect disciple.

tread... tread... tread
The sound of heavy footsteps was getting closer and closer, and finally a disciple of Tianyuan Sect reacted, and hurriedly pulled out his sword and shouted loudly:
"Quick! Draw your sword quickly, kill him and report it to your senior brother..."


White light flashed, and blood was seen sealing his throat.

After all, the disciple couldn't finish his words, his pupils dilated in vain, he opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word, a mouthful of bright red blood spurted out, and fell to the ground with a 'puff'.

Everyone looked down and found that there was a tiny bloodstain on the neck of the boar, and blood beads the size of beans kept coming out. It was not difficult to guess what happened.



Another corpse fell.

Xu Shoujing didn't stop for a second, still walking like a stroll in a leisurely garden.But wherever he went, a corpse was bound to fall.

The disciples of Tianyuan Sect wanted to fight together at first, but found that Xu Shoujing was just like a monster, he couldn't see his movements at all, and when he reacted, his head moved.

In the end, all Tianyuan Sect disciples reached a consensus:
"Quick... run!"


The opposite bank of the hook-and-lock bridge.

Zuo Lingxuan was lying on the stone on the edge of the circular platform, holding an eagle tube with a spiritual wood floor in his hand, carefully observing the situation on the other side.

After being silent for a long time, he put down the eagle tube, tilted his head to look at He Su, who frowned, thought about it, and handed him the eagle tube.

He Su also took it down rudely, put it in front of him and looked at it intently.

As time progressed, He Su's expression gradually became stunned, and then became calm again... It seemed that he had suffered a lot of blows.

Zuo Lingxuan was very close to He Su, so he naturally noticed the change in his expression, thought for a moment, and said solemnly:
"Should we not have to run in the first place?"

"..." He Su was silent for a while, before he said angrily, "How do I know that he is so perverted? This is still in the absence of spiritual power, so he can only do this with his body..."

At the end of the conversation, he couldn't continue, and he threw the eagle tube back to Zuo Lingxuan, turned and walked towards the sky blue crystal in the center of the disc.

"As expected of Brother Xu, as expected of someone I look up to."

Hearing this rough voice, Zuo Lingxuan was slightly taken aback.

As soon as he turned his head, he found that Ji Xiangjian had stood beside him at some point, looking at the battlefield where swordsmen and soldiers intersected on the other side, with a bit of relief on his face.

Zuo Lingxuan was a little speechless, took the eagle tube back to Qiongyu Pavilion, and said angrily:

"You've been dizzy for a long time, nothing works, the first sentence you wake up is, that's all?"

Meaning: shouldn't you thank me?I have carried you for so long.

Ji Xiangjian obviously did not understand the hints in Zuo Lingxuan's words, and shook his head honestly:
"I didn't faint. After I caught the poison of the thousand-year-old poisonous dragon, I entered a state of epiphany... Actually, I broke through."


Zuo Lingxuan's eyes froze, and his face quickly distorted:

"What the hell?"


Are you still letting people live?
The competition in Tiannanzhou is already fierce enough, and there are freaks like you every year...

I don't play anymore, I don't play anymore, I'll move when I go out!Yun Ao Continent, Hengyang Continent, Donghuang Continent... Anywhere will do, I won't play with you anyway!
Ji Xiangjian didn't pay attention to Zuo Lingxuan's loveless expression, just looked at the blurred figure of the sword fairy in black robe on the opposite bank, and sighed:
"I thought that this time, I would be able to compete with Brother Xu again... It seems that my practice is far from enough.

When I go out, I won't find anyone to fight for the time being. I'm going to retreat for a while, so that I can compete with Brother Xu on the same stage in the future. "

stop rolling...

Zuo Lingxuan couldn't listen any longer, got up angrily, took out his physiognomy tools, and walked to the side to prepare a hexagram - not listening to Xu Shoujing's calculations for Gao Xu, what if everyone died.

This is for himself, he is just going out to sea to accompany his junior and junior brothers to experience, this is a few lifetimes of bad luck, and encountering this group of freaks...

The three big men went their separate ways, only Jiang Rongyue was still standing on the bridge. She was not happy or proud because of Xu Shoujing's brilliance, but was simply worried:

Will Xiaojing get hurt by being careless?
Will he not put himself in a dangerous position just because he underestimated the enemy for a while?
Why haven't the fight been finished yet... Xiaojing stop fighting, come back soon.

Messy, cranky thinking.

Jiang Rongyue's temperament is like this, and sometimes she would rather promise Shoujing not to face those dangerous things, as long as she is safe and sound.

Unfortunately, from the moment Xu Shoujing set foot on the immortal path, he was doomed to miss the word 'safe and secure'.

The blood stained his clothes, leaving a trail of blood on Xu Shoujing's handsome side face. With the dim vision, it was like a strange rose blooming at night.

Another disciple of the Tianyuan Sect was beheaded under the sword. Xu Shoujing picked a sword flower and was about to find the next one, but found that the surviving disciples of the Tianyuan sect were rushing to the top of the hook lock bridge.

Xu Shoujing was stunned, and while walking forward with his sword in hand, he said in surprise:
"Across the bridge is my comrade, are you insane? Are you throwing yourself into the trap?"

The disciples of Tianyuan Sect on the bridge are full of grief and indignation... You see, if they want to go to other places, they must have a way? !
Did you not see that the road was blocked when you came?

What can they do if they don't get on the bridge?jump off?
Xu Shoujing was like the teachers who inspected the children who didn't get on the bus during the spring outing in kindergarten. After supervising all the disciples of Tianyuan Sect to get on the bridge, he nodded with satisfaction.


Xu Shoujing stepped on the wooden board of the hook-lock bridge.

"..." Tianyuan Sect disciple.

"Don't come here!" One of the frightened disciples glared at Xu Shoujing with bloodshot eyes and shouted loudly.

Xu Shoujing didn't listen to him and continued to approach them.

The disciples of Tianyuan Sect had no choice but to keep retreating, and were soon forced to the center of the hook lock bridge.


Xu Shoujing originally had a somewhat relaxed smile on his face, but on the way, his brows suddenly frowned, and he realized that something was wrong.

The familiar warm current in the meridians began to surge again, without any reminder, as long as you were a cultivator, you knew exactly what it meant.

Spiritual power is back...but why?
Because it is outside the scope of the ban?Or is there something wrong with the bridge itself?

In any case, if the people of Tianyuanzong find out that the spiritual power is returning, the original crushing game is likely to change.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing didn't stop, he drew his sword from the scabbard at his waist, bent his knees, and moved forward in a rush-he was going to take it straight.

The disciples of Tianyuan Sect were already desperate. Suddenly, they seemed to feel something, their eyes widened, and then there was a burst of cheers:
"It's spiritual power! The spiritual power is back!"

The despair of mortal death ushered in the dawn of hope...

No matter how supermodel this black-robed sword immortal is, as long as there is spiritual power, they can list the Tianyuan Sect's offensive and defensive sword formation, not without the power of a battle!

The slow shadow of the black-robed Sword Immortal suddenly turned into an afterimage, and that smear of pure white broke the air current and approached the disciples of Tianyuan Sect.

The leading disciple reacted, running his spiritual power at full speed, and shouted loudly:
"Quick! Quickly line up! Don't give him a chance!"

After all, they were elite disciples trained by the Daomen system. Even if no one took the lead, they quickly understood their position. They all pulled out their long swords and waving in the air to draw complicated and weird lines.

Xu Shoujing frowned, his footsteps slowed down, and he slashed his sword tentatively.


The moment Huafang Yanqian touched the runes in the air, he was bounced back. At the same time, Jianxiu, who was hiding behind the runes, saw the opportunity and stabbed him with a sword.

Xu Shoujing pouted, thinking how powerful it is, that's all?


Xu Shoujing's toes lightly tapped on the stabbed sword, his body reversed in the air, and he kicked his chest.

The swordsman snorted, and flew towards the rear.

The disciple who was still maintaining the rune couldn't dodge in time, and he was thrown to the ground by him. The originally airtight defensive sword formation also had a loophole.

Xu Shoujing naturally wouldn't give up this opportunity, his jet-black spiritual power rolled, and he planned to make another second sword.

"Increase the spiritual power! Increase the spiritual power!" The monk in the front row shouted anxiously.

Seeing that Xu Shoujing was about to seal his throat with a sword, a burst of air suddenly came from the abyss under the bridge.


The whole hook-lock bridge swayed back and forth, and it was already very laborious just to stand on it.

Xu Shoujing had no choice but to stop, clutching the chain of the hook and lock bridge tightly to support his body so that he would not fall off.

Suddenly, a layer of shadow shrouded the sky.


The pitch-black cave-like mouth, the shark-like inverted triangular teeth, and the roar of the shocking soul.

The abyss mouth was closed in front of him, and the disciples of Tianyuan Sect, who were still trying to deal with Xu Shoujing just now, disappeared into the mouth of the lava dragon in the blink of an eye.

Xu Shoujing's eyes widened. The moment the hook-lock bridge stopped shaking, he met the lava dragon. Those eyes that were filled with magma revealed a hint of violence... It was like seeing a long-lost prey.

Why?Didn't it attack others just now?
what's going on?
Xu Shoujing's pupils were erratic. Taking into account the difference between He Su and the others on the bridge last time and his own on the bridge, suddenly, his brain seemed to be hit by a bolt of lightning, and all the answers became clear.

'This ruin cannot use spiritual power, not to make things difficult for the monks who broke into this place, but to protect them. '

Xu Shoujing suddenly came back to his senses and laughed dryly, but there was no smile in the eyes of the lava dragon:
"That's what it meant..."
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(End of this chapter)

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