The queen is so fierce

Chapter 131 If my sister learned to act like a spoiled child

Chapter 131 If my sister learned to act like a spoiled child


The thick jet-black chains that could not be grasped by one hand swayed in the high altitude of the abyss.

The volcanic rock-like scale coat covered the sky, the night-like wings spread out, and the barbed limbs hovered on the central stone pillar.

The most dazzling pair of pupils, like pupils filled with magma, were staring at the crumbling black-robed sword fairy on the bridge without blinking.

Xu Shoujing took a step back and pinched a magic formula in his hand.

A jet-black rune lit up on the pure and white sword body, but after a moment, it broke away from Xu Shoujing's hand and floated in the air alone.


The lava dragon seemed to have sensed Xu Shoujing's plan, and the dragon claws holding the stone pillar shrank. Several cracks were crushed on the surface of the stone pillar, and the dark dragon head swooped down like a volcanic rock.

Xu Shoujing gritted his teeth, turned over and crossed the hook lock, and stepped on the painting Fang Yan Qian when his body fell.

He didn't dare to hesitate for a second, the moment he stepped on the sword, the whole person turned into a light and shadow and rushed out, just staggered by a giant lava dragon that bit him.

One person and one dragon, surrounding the indestructible stone pillar in the center, started a chasing battle with no difference.
On the round stage, Jiang Rongyue's pretty face was sluggish when she saw this scene, she didn't have time to think about it, she instinctively pulled out her sword and threw it into the air. When she realized it, she had already jumped into the abyss.

"Xiao Jing!"

Xu Shoujing heard Jiang Rongyue's call from a distance, and his expression was a little helpless, but he also knew that it was impossible for Sister Rongyue to watch, and she was eaten for nothing.


The indigo-purple thunder bombarded the lava dragon, and the smoke mixed with gravel and dust was everywhere.

Jiang Rongyue Yujian came to Xu Shoujing's side, hugged his arm, and pulled behind her:

"Xiao Jing, wait for me to create an opportunity, you hurry up and run."

Xu Shoujing sighed helplessly, his eyes showed a bit of tenderness, he stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around Jiang Rongyue's slender waist, withdrew the painting Fang Yanqian that was flying around nearby, and held the white long sword in front of him.

"Sister Rong Yue, let's live together."

"Do you have a way to deal with it?" Jiang Rongyue's eyes were startled, but in fact, when she jumped into the abyss, she was ready to sacrifice herself.

Xu Shoujing shook his head with a wry smile: "No, when He Su lied to the people from the Tianyuan Sect, he didn't expect to lie to me too... I preconceived that this dragon would not attack people, but I didn't expect that his reminder was still hidden. This means..."

In fact, in the face of an opponent like the lava dragon, Xu Shoujing didn't think about it, lying down for another half a year to use the 'extreme night'.

But before he went out, he didn't ask Qiu Xuanji and Chu Shuwan to help him 'charge'.

'Extreme Night' is to imitate the magic technique Zhao Fuyao used to help him escape from the ruins.

Last time, Lao Kui helped to irrigate, coupled with Zhao Fuyao's own operation, Xu Shoujing was barely able to display the tip of the iceberg of 'extreme night'.

Without their support, with his current level, he would not be able to restore the power of 'Pole Night' to destroy the world.


While thinking about it, the lava dragon sank its head again.

With the sound of 'Boom', the thick and long neck of the lava dragon fell into the stone pillar.

Xu Shoujing hurriedly embraced Jiang Rongyue's body and turned aside, holding the pure white sword in his backhand, the sword body rubbed against the black lava stone, tiny sparks splashed around, and the sound of 'zizizi' could be heard incessantly.

Xu Shoujing clearly felt that the temperature of the Huafang Yanqian was rising, and his hand holding the hilt of the sword almost lost consciousness. From the tiger's mouth, he could see the blurred outline of flesh and blood.

Finally, his wrist let go of the hilt because of the force.

Without a layer of defense, the airflow from the lava dragon rushed straight towards Xu Shoujing and Jiang Rongyue. The two couldn't dodge in time, and fell straight into the abyss like birds with broken wings.

The lava dragon pulled out its head hidden in the stone pillar, and the magma in its pupils became more and more turbulent. It once again made a thunderous roar towards the sky, and its huge wings fanned, turning over and drilling into the abyss.
On a huge round platform supported by stone pillars.

"Xu Shoujing!"

Zuo Lingxuan, who came to check the situation, looked anxious, pulled out the long sword on his back, and hurried towards the edge of the cliff. It seemed that he was going to rescue the two who fell into the abyss.

But just as he lifted his foot, a large rough hand full of calluses reached out from behind and pressed firmly on his shoulder.

Zuo Lingxuan paused in footsteps and turned his head to the back, only to find that it was a rough man's face, his brows were slightly wrinkled:
"Ji Xiangjian, what are you doing?"

To Zuo Lingxuan's unhappy question, Ji Xiangjian just shook his head calmly, and said solemnly:
"You just run like this? Are you the opponent of that demon dragon?"

"..." Zuo Lingxuan opened his mouth, speechless.

Of course he knew that he was no match for the Lava Dragon.Rather, none of the people in the room would be able to plug the lava dragon between their teeth without using the life-saving means given by other elders.

Those disciples of Tianyuan Sect are a good example.

Zuo Lingxuan also thought that if he guessed correctly, this demon dragon should have fallen into a frenzy for some reason, and as long as it senses spiritual power, it will go over and swallow the source of spiritual power.

Don't look at the fact that they stand on the round platform and have nothing to do, that's because they haven't used spiritual power from beginning to end.

Zuo Lingxuan knew very well that once he used the sword-fighting technique, or used his spiritual power to release it...then he would also be regarded as 'food' by the lava dragon at that moment.

At that time, if he wants to escape, it will undoubtedly be several times harder than it is now, and he may even become the delicacy of the lava dragon.

In fact, everyone understands this truth. Zuo Lingxuan will react like this, but it is not because of his deep friendship with Xu Shoujing.

He simply felt that he should not just stand by and watch.

When he was in Tianyan Pavilion, his mother-in-law and mother-in-law's temperament was often criticized by his brothers and sisters, and the teachers often reprimanded him out of good intentions when they saw him.

In fact, the disciple who came out to experience this time will become the kind of character that panics when encountering an accident, which has a lot to do with the incompetence of the team leader Zuo Lingxuan.

Almost everyone said that if Zuo Lingxuan could overcome his weakness of being soft-hearted and mature in his mind, his future path would be much clearer.

The problem is, it's easier said than done.If the confusion about the 'Tao' could be overcome so easily, there would not be so many monks who died on the road to the Tao in Jiuzhou.

Zuo Lingxuan was silent for a long time, and everyone's admonitions to him were played in his mind like a revolving lantern. After hesitating for a long time, he still couldn't help saying:
"Then watch him die like that?"

"How is that possible?" Ji Xiangjian shook his head, grabbed the black iron heavy sword against his shoulders, and stepped into the abyss: "You definitely can't, I will save him."

Zuo Lingxuan's expression was dazed. If he wasn't afraid of being beaten, he would have wanted to touch Ji Xiangjian's forehead to see if he had a fever.

You are also half a level higher than me, and you once lost to Xu Shoujing, the kind of complete defeat.

I can't do can do it?
Even if you make a temporary breakthrough, you are only just entering the Dragon Gate Realm, and that Demon Dragon Master said that it has been ten thousand years.

Obviously, he is not the only one who has this idea.

He Su stood in the center of the disc platform, staring at the diamond-shaped blue crystal in front of him, which was big enough to accommodate two people. He didn't leave his eyes for a moment, and sneered:
"Forget it, Jianmangzi. Just your level of Yujian? What are you going to chase after me? Take a step back, even if you go down to the abyss and find Xu Shoujing, you can protect those two from the red. Lian Huang Xiaolong's pursuit?"

He Su spread his hands and watched the strange red in the blue crystal getting stronger and stronger. A flash of excitement flashed in his eyes. He turned his head and glanced at Ji Xiangjian, who was standing silently, and said:

"If you want to go, I won't stop you. Anyway, I can enjoy the inheritance left by the Immortal King tens of thousands of years ago. I can't be too happy. I didn't expect... The idiots of Tianyuanzong actually helped me so much. a busy..."

Zuo Lingxuan was at a loss, watching the blue crystal turn red, a little confused:
"What's the situation... why is it still red..."

"Because the number of spiritual sacrifices is enough, the channel is opened, and it will naturally turn red..." He Su said indifferently, and he suddenly realized something on the way, and his face froze.


The pitch-black black iron epee was inserted into the stone plate for half a chi, and the cracked ground was covered with cracks like spider webs, which was shocking.

Ji Xiangjian held the hilt with one hand, his phalanx was faintly pale, and his eyes became colder:

"He's surnamed He, if the people from the Tianyuan Sect didn't follow up... What were you going to do?"

This can be regarded as a complete clarification of the words. Why He Su knew so much about this relic before seems to understand without asking.

He Su didn't expect that he would actually explode with excitement. He pondered for a moment, then turned to look at the two of them, and said with a broken jar:
"I admit that I invited you in the beginning to make you a spiritual sacrifice, so that I could open this channel...

If the realm is too high, I can't control them, but if the realm is too low, the spiritual power to be swallowed is not enough... I've been really worried about this for a long time. "

After a pause here, He Su continued:
"Aren't you curious? I don't want to fight with you at all, but I've been playing with you for so long... What do you think, why should I do that?"

"Just for this moment?" Ji Xiangjian narrowed his eyes.

"That's right." He Su chuckled. "Jian Mangzi, I have to say, within the bounds of the sea, your spiritual power is undoubtedly the highest in the group of monks, plus Xu Shoujing who defeated you... I think that no matter how you say the spiritual sacrifice, it should be Enough is enough. I didn't expect to meet those idiots from Tianyuanzong halfway, and it just saved me a lot of effort."

Speaking of this, He Su retracted his smile and pondered:

"But I didn't expect Xu Shoujing to be so strong, even though they were all inexperienced disciples, he cut them all by himself.

Speaking of which, I should be thankful for the Red Lotus Demon Dragon, without it, with Xu Shoujing's palace, maybe I'll react to him and cut me off with a backhand..."

Whoosh whoosh—

The pitch-black black iron epee spun several times in the air, and with a loud 'bang' sound, it stabbed straight at He Su's feet.

Aqua-blue spiritual power floated around He Su, and the tortoise shell-like runes shone dazzlingly in the air.

He Su kept the seal gesture unchanged, glanced at the black iron epee that was flicked aside, and his voice was a bit heavy:
"Jianmangzi, what do you mean?"

"It doesn't make any sense... do you think I won't cut you?"

Ji Xiangjian rubbed his wrist, because he didn't use spiritual power, he just threw it with physical power, and the load was not small.

" used spiritual power." Zuo Lingxuan widened his eyes, then turned to look at the abyss, as if afraid that the lava dragon would fly out.

"Oh, it's not wrong to say that you are stupid. The spiritual sacrifice is enough, and the passage is opened. Even if the red lotus Huang Xiaolong runs back, can't I just enter the passage directly."

He Su withdrew the technique and stretched out with one hand, the surface of the red crystal rippled like a pebble into the water; the next moment, He Su's body became hazy, completely immersed in the red crystal.

"Jian Mangzi, you have to stay here, I don't care, anyway, Xu Shoujing is already dead, no matter how much you wait for him, he won't come out, don't you... Then I can take all the inheritance of the Immortal King?"

The echoes echoed in the empty valley, Zuo Lingxuan frowned, turned his head to look at Ji Xiangjian, and asked:

"What should we do now?"

Ji Xiangjian was silent for a moment, then went to the bed and picked up the black iron epee, and said solemnly:

"Go, go after He Su, and it's hard to solve the hatred in my heart if you don't beat him."

Zuo Lingxuan was stunned for a moment, with some hesitation in his eyes, and said in a low voice:
"I really can't wait for Xu Shoujing?"

Ji Xiangjian stared at Zuo Lingxuan for a while, then shook his head:

"You and the surname He don't know Brother Xu, so he wouldn't die in such a place."


Zuo Lingxuan was a little speechless, as if you knew him very well. You and Xu Shoujing have only known each other for less than three days, right?

The crisp sound of a small stream resounded in my ears, the air was a little damp, but what I smelled into my nose was not the sour smell of rotting corners of the cave, but a rather refreshing fragrance.

How can there be a fragrance?

Consciousness suddenly entered the body, and the scene before falling off the cliff reappeared in my mind.

Xu Shoujing opened his eyes with all his strength, and what caught his eyes were two well-scaled arcs and a pretty face that looked like a painting.

The woman slept soundly, her jet-black hair dangled from both sides of her cheeks, and a considerable part of her snow-blue dress was eroded by the pool water and stuck to her skin.

Her thin lips were slightly parted, and her even breathing accompanied the rise and fall of her towering chest; her beautiful eyebrows were slightly raised, as if she was always a little worried in her sleep.

Such a caring sister...

Xu Shoujing unconsciously evoked a gentle smile, and without waking Jiang Rongyue, he began to look at the surrounding environment.

Surrounded by a very shallow pool, you can walk around it in half a column of incense, which is not very big.

It is worth mentioning that the color of this pool is very strange. In this cave where the sun does not see the sun, without any reflected light, it actually shows a crystal blue.

Not only that, it is clearly a remote cave at the bottom of the abyss, and the light is even brighter than the outside.

Xu Shoujing secretly asked: Is there any lighting crystal or something?Otherwise, there is no way to explain where these lights come from.

But soon, he discovered the reason.

The light source is nothing else, it is this pool of water under him.

The answer is already obvious. The reason for surviving after falling from the top of the abyss is the credit of this pool.

Xu Shoujing still wanted to take a closer look, but it was too difficult to operate in a lying position. Although he wanted to enjoy the soft thighs under his head again, he was not out of danger yet, so he had to crawl lightly. stand up.

Standing up straight and looking around, Xu Shoujing understood the reason for the magical effect of this pool.

In fact, these crystal blue waters are formed by the spiritual crystal liquid that has been accumulated here for many years, and they have such a good concentration.

Those bright lights were probably due to spar particles that had not yet been completely liquefied.

After sorting out the current situation, Xu Shoujing came to a conclusion.

When the two fell off the cliff, Xu Shoujing held Jiang Rongyue on his body, and he used it as a cushion, trying to relieve some of the bombardment.

As a result, she was naturally on the verge of death, and Jiang Rongyue, who still had a trace of consciousness, dragged herself to this pond. She originally wanted to wash off the blood, but she did not expect to be cured.

In such a dimly lit environment, when his injuries were not minor, dragging a dying person to find a way to survive, the difficulty can be imagined.

Xu Shoujing sighed lightly, then slowly leaned down and kissed Jiang Rongyue's forehead.

This was originally just a kiss to express affection, but unexpectedly, it woke the sleeping beauty from her dream.


Jiang Rongyue's lightly frowned eyebrows were relieved, her gentle breathing increased for a moment, and she slowly opened her almond eyes with a bit of confusion.

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly stunned, he raised his hand to hook her Xiao Qiong's nose, and said with a dumb smile:

"I'm sorry, Sister Rong Yue, I woke you up."

Jiang Rongyue's ethereal pupils gradually focused, and the shadow of the wet black robe was reflected in the watery apricot pupils.She trembled suddenly, her brain was completely awake, and she flew over:

" finally woke scared my sister to death..."

Hearing the choked sobbing in Sister Rong Yue's voice, Xu Shoujing felt uncomfortable in his heart. Even though he was holding a drenched beauty in his arms, he didn't have the slightest hint of serenity, just patted his back gently like coaxing a baby.

"It's my fault, Sister Rong Yue... It won't be like this in the future."

"You say that every time...but you make yourself so dangerous every time...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Xu Shoujing let go of Jiang Rongyue, a hand gently caressed her face and looked at her.

"Xiaojing..." Jiang Rongyue Xiaoqiong's nose twitched, her tightly pursed lips turning white.

Looking at Sister Rongyue's pretty face with pear blossoms and rain, Xu Shoujing sighed inwardly, moved his thumb, wiped the bean-sized tear from the corner of Jiang Rongyue's eyes, and said softly:

"This time, I was put together. When I go out, I will use He Su to vent my anger on your behalf. Sister Rong Yue, don't cry, okay?"

"Is it put together?" Jiang Rongyue looked puzzled.

Xu Shoujing nodded and sighed:
"When the demon dragon ate the disciples of the Tianyuan Sect, I saw that the crystal in the center of the disc suddenly turned red, and every time I ate one, the redness deepened...

If my reasoning is correct, that guy He Su probably planned to feed us to the demon dragon from the beginning, so that he could enter the real ruins of the Immortal King.

Later, He Su kindly reminded me that it should be because the disciples of Tianyuan Sect had become substitutes, and they should not want to have bad relations with me without knowing my background...

No, it's already been bad.That should be out of curiosity why I want to inquire about the Changhe Su Clan?Not right..."

Xu Shoujing rested his chin with one hand, seemingly lost in thought.

Seeing this, Jiang Rongyue blinked her eyes, thought for a moment, and said in a low voice:
"These things, just grab He Su and ask them after you go out. Think about what to do now, the demon dragon has been wandering outside..."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then smiled:

"About this... Actually, I have already thought of a way."

"any solution?"

Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment, "Using 'Jiye' again is the move that killed Jiuxiao last time. Although this demon dragon can't see through its realm, it is definitely not as good as Jiuxiao, and there is no pressure to kill it with Jiye. ."

"No!" Jiang Rongyue rejected Xu Shoujing's proposal without thinking.

Just kidding, the last time Xiaojing used that move, he almost had half his life left. Let him use it again... What if he died?
"Xiaojing, everything else is fine, this elder sister will never agree. Although I don't know where you learned that trick, you should not use it in the future. The best way to contact the master is to ask them to save us. …”

Xu Shoujing shook his head: "This is in the ruins, and it may not even be Tiannanzhou. How can I contact Aunt Chu?"

"That...that's not going to work either."

Jiang Rongyue bit her lower lip, not knowing how to persuade Xiaojing.After hesitating for a long time, she took a deep breath and suddenly took Xu Shoujing's arm in her arms and swayed back and forth:

"Xiaojing~ I'm begging you~ I promise you everything, don't think about that 'extreme night', okay~"


Xu Shoujing was completely stunned. He didn't expect that Sister Rong Yue would even use the lost skill of "acting like a spoiled child" in order to persuade him.

After hesitating for a long time, Xu Shoujing couldn't help but say:
"Sister Rong Yue..."


"You... don't you feel... ashamed?"


Jiang Rongyue certainly felt that the blushing on her fair and pretty face was the best proof.

But for Xu Shoujing, she also gave up.

"Xiaojing~ I really don't want you to use that trick again~" Jiang Rongyue said in her tired voice.

Xu Shoujing was getting tired of being tired, and considering that he had not escaped the danger, he would not continue to tease Jiang Rongyue.

Sighing lightly, he said:

"Don't worry, I'm not going to use the last 'Ji Ye'."

"Huh?" A question mark appeared on Jiang Rongyue's head.

Xu Shoujing looked back at the blue water pool and said in a low voice:
"There is something like this."
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After working hard all day, Chapter 11 is finally out, guys, go and order a subscription.

PS: The rhythm has been a little chaotic recently, and this review has made me tsk... The incident of the Immortal King Ruins is a bit too long. Let's end this event in the next chapter, and it's time to go to the Shura field.

(End of this chapter)

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