The queen is so fierce

Chapter 132 Sister is upset and stewed in dragon soup

Chapter 132 Sister is upset and stewed in dragon soup



The humid air condensed into droplets of water, scattered in the 'humming' abyss, as if a rain of unknown origin had fallen.

The two-winged dragon clad in volcanic rocks flew back and forth around the huge stone pillar in the center, filled with magma-like pupils, and swept back and forth at the bottom of the abyss, as if looking for a man and a woman who had just been shaken off the cliff by himself.

"Are you looking for me?"

A voice with a bit of laughter sounded.

Red Lotus Huang Xiaolong's wings stagnated slightly, his uneven head tilted downward, and he saw a small black shadow standing between the rocks, holding a long sword with a moon-white brilliance in his hand.

It was a young sword immortal in a black robe, with a handsome face and delicate features; he was tall but not weak. Even if the robe was thick, he could clearly see the outline of the muscles hidden under the fabric.

He held a long sword glowing with white light in one hand. The sword was three feet long and had simple lines. From a distance, it looked like a bright white moonlight hanging in the sky alone in the dark night.


The Red Lotus Huang Xiaolong was like a carnivore smelling the scent of its prey. It tightened its wings in order to hover in the air, and the whole body rushed towards the black-robed sword immortal in a diving posture.

Xu Shoujing held the saber in one hand and took a deep breath.

The empty valley is deep and dark, and the sight is dim, and only the tiny outline of the outer armor of the giant dragon volcanic rock can be seen.

It is not difficult to identify the position by listening to the sound. The problem is to do it right. Hit the enemy when the opponent is moving at a high speed, which in itself is a big challenge.

However, Xu Shoujing had to concentrate on recalling the details of using 'Ji Ye' that night, and couldn't be distracted by 'listening to the sound'.

Without the assistance of Zhao Fuyao, the original owner of the spell, it would be extremely difficult to restore the 'extreme night' under such circumstances.

However, even in such a critical situation, Xu Shoujing closed his eyes and put his right hand on the hilt of Huafang Yanqian's sword. He didn't seem to care about the movements of Honglian Huang Xiaolong.

No light?Is lightning considered light?


The indigo-purple thunder swept across the sky, and the dim canyon was covered with a faint purple awn.

The huge and cumbersome body of Honglian Huangxiaolong was also revealed. The black rock wrapped in lava was not scale armor, but a real rock, which was probably attached to it by applying some kind of magic.

Going up Heiyan all the way, Honglian Huang Xiaolong has an obvious circular circle on the back. There seems to be a cumbersome rune engraved in the center. Unfortunately, the distance is too far, and Xu Shoujing can only see it roughly.

"Xiaojing." After Jiang Rongyue released Lei Fa, she quickly gestured towards Xu Shoujing.

Xu Shoujing put his right hand on the hilt of the sword, closed his eyes tightly, and did not move at all.

The word magic is mysterious, but no matter what kind of complicated magic it is, there is no escape from the 'spiritual power trajectory', and the trajectory of each magic is different.

In theory, as long as you know the principles of magic, there is no magic that cannot be restored.

The reason why Xu Shoujing got stuck is actually very simple. He just couldn't understand the principle of Zhao Fuyao's 'Extreme Night'. After all, Zhao Fuyao's realm had already surpassed his cognition.

Logically speaking, things that cannot be understood cannot be restored; but who asked Xu Shoujing to use it once, even if it cannot be understood, as long as the body operates according to the original feeling.

Just as Xu Shoujing was desperately trying to concentrate, recalling the feeling of using the 'extreme night' that night.

The red lotus Huang Xiaolong had already rushed in front of Xu Shoujing, and the huge wings spread out like the night to block the light; the dragon roar that shook the eardrums blew away Xu Shoujing's black hair, silky black The bright hair swayed in the wind, and it was extraordinary.

Jiang Rongyue stood in a corner of the cliff cave, Xu Shoujing told her not to come out until the battle was over, but now that her younger brother was about to become a delicious meal in the mouth of a demon dragon, how could she continue to fish with peace of mind?

"Xiaojing!" Jiang Rongyue called anxiously, pulling out her sword and rushing out.


Just when it was a close call, Xu Shoujing finally moved.

The long sword glowing with white light drew an arc in mid-air, and it was smoothly retracted into the scabbard, and it was horizontally in front of the sword along with the hilt.

Polar night, representing pure white.

Whether it is physical strength, spiritual strength, mental strength, body temperature, or the blood flowing in the body, everything must be abandoned.

It's like... becoming an empty shell without a mind.

The feeling at that time... it should be like this.

Xu Shoujing still closed his eyes tightly, but the movements on his hands were as smooth as when he opened his eyes.


Between the tightly seamed hilt and the blade, there was a tiny gap that could not be detected.

It was this almost negligible gap that released a dazzling white light in a short period of time.

This time, it is no longer the bright and quiet moon white, but the pure white with nothing.


Red Lotus Huang Xiaolong's eyes were puzzled, and at the moment when he felt this white light, the huge mouth of the abyss, which it had slowly opened, paused slightly, as if he had sensed something.

Xu Shoujing did not stop because of the pause of the red lotus and Huang Xiaolong. The water-like peach blossom eyes were empty, and there was no focus in the pupils. He just waved a sword forward mechanically.


In an instant, the empty and secluded valley, where the five fingers could not be seen, was enveloped in pure white that could not be seen at a glance.

At the end of the pure white, is a simple and simple long sword that flew out of the hand and nailed into the cliff for half a foot.

"Howl! Howl~ Howl!"

Red Lotus Huang Xiaolong struggled and rolled in the white light, roaring hoarsely, as if trying to convey a certain message.

But before that, its huge body was swallowed by pure white light, and the jet-black volcanic rock turned into a little powder, dissipating between heaven and earth.

However, despite using the incomplete version of Ji Ye, Xu Shoujing did not faint this time because his whole body was drained of spiritual energy.

The reason for this is to start with the characteristics of each person's spiritual power. From the moment of being born into this world, the spirits of the five elements of any race are not the same, which also determines the way they embark on the path of cultivation. Direction of development.

For example, Xu Shoujing's spiritual power characteristic is 'rejection', rejecting everything in the world, rejecting all things, derived from this is the 'silence technique' that Xu Shoujing is best at.

Su Huanqing's ice technique, Jiang Rongyue's thunder technique, and Qiu Xuanji's fire technique are all based on this principle.

No matter how similar Xu Shoujing imitated Zhao Fuyao's technique, he was not Zhao Fuyao himself after all, and even if he could restore the technique itself, his spiritual power characteristics could not be imitated by anyone.

This is also the reason why Xu Shoujing did not choose 'Yao Ye Senluo'. First, Zhao Fuyao was not around, so there was no way to convert it into her spiritual power out of thin air. Second, if he used his own spiritual power, although the effect might not be the same, But isn't the damage caused by the polar night not so great?
Facts have proved that Xu Shoujing's conjecture was correct. Although his body was hollowed out like last time, he did not suffer from serious injuries that required him to lie down for half a year.


The huge body that was burnt to black smashed to the ground, and the rubble splashed around. The volcanic rock was like a shriveled and crispy skin, and it fell down with a 'smack', exposing the fresh and tender skin inside.

"Xiaojing!" At this moment, Jiang Rongyue rushed over in a panic.

Seeing Xu Shoujing with a vain complexion, Jiang Rongyue hurriedly supported him, her eyes were full of distress, but her mouth was complaining:
"I told you not to be so reluctant... I just didn't listen."

Xu Shoujing gave a strong laugh and said weakly:
"I'm sorry, Sister Rong Yue... But, it finally succeeded."

Saying that, he tilted his head and turned his gaze to the red lotus Huang Xiaolong who was constantly 'skinning'.

clap clap-

The scales of the volcanic rock are like a rain of stones scattered all over the valley floor.


Xu Shoujing frowned slightly, realizing that something was wrong.

After those volcanic rocks fell off, what was revealed was not the dead red lotus Huang Xiaolong, but... another layer of white snow-like rocks.

After all the dark volcanic rocks fell, those fine porcelain-like rock surfaces cracked open with a 'click' sound, and after a while, they began to fall off just like the black volcanic rocks.

This wasn't the end, Xu Shoujing could see it very clearly. Below the cracks in the white rock, a layer of khaki-yellow rock could be faintly seen. If nothing else, it would be the next layer.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Where are you putting the nesting doll here?
"Xiaojing, come and sit down, I'll help you clear the meridians." Jiang Rongyue glanced at the 'peeling' red lotus Huang Xiaolong and said softly.

"Ah... oh." Xu Shoujing was a little absent-minded. He didn't take his eyes off the peeling dragon. While enjoying Jiang Rongyue's gentle service, he drank the blue crystal spring that was just put into the jug one by one.

Without these mineral springs found in the cave, with the spiritual power in his own spiritual sea, he would not necessarily be able to use this adapted version of Ji Ye.

Jiang Rongyue put her palm on Xu Shoujing's back for a while, raised her hand to wipe the sweat off her forehead, exhaled lightly, and asked softly:

"Xiaojing, are you hungry? I brought some dry food, do you want my sister to feed you?"

Xu Shoujing was still observing the 'evolution & degradation' of the red lotus Huang Xiaolong, and was not in the mood to eat, so he replied casually:
"No, Sister Rong Yue, eat it."

"I don't have an appetite either, you don't need to eat it."

Jiang Rongyue didn't care too much, and continued to control the spiritual power, flowing through Xu Shoujing's body with gentle force.

After a while.

"Xiao Jing, do you want to take a nap? I can give you a lap pillow just like before."

"Ah? No... No, I'm not sleepy now."

After half an hour.

"Xiao Jing, are you hungry?"


Why did it go around again?
No matter how slow Xu Shoujing is, he can see that Jiang Rongyue's attitude is not right at this time. Although she usually spoils herself...but she doesn't think of him as a giant baby, right?
Xu Shoujing turned around, looked at Jiang Rongyue earnestly, and said softly:
"Sister Rong Yue, did something happen?"

Jiang Rongyue's gentle smile stopped, and her eyes glanced to the side:


"Of course! Don't you still believe in your sister?" Jiang Rongyue patted her chest and said firmly.

Xu Shoujing stared at her for a long time, his eyes were very inclined:
"Then look into my eyes and talk."


Jiang Rongyue lowered her head in a guilty conscience, but she stared back a little unconvinced, trying to prove her 'innocence', but unfortunately, she was defeated soon after a few seconds.

Xu Shoujing's eyes were helpless and distressed:
"Tell me, what happened?"

Jiang Rongyue pursed her lips aggrievedly, a hint of hesitation flashed in her beautiful big eyes, and after a while, she sighed softly:

"Xiao Jing, isn't my sister very useless?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Sister Rongyue to think so, and said doubtfully:

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I can't help you with anything..." Jiang Rongyue pursed her thin lips, and her eyes turned red: "I call myself a sister every day, but I have always been protected by you. Half a year ago, when you went to the capital, you were I can't help you when the assassins are driven to a dead end; when Qiu Ji kidnapped you, I couldn't do anything except search the whole city; facing an enemy like Jiuxiao, I didn't even have the qualifications to participate in the war... "

Emotions are like a bursting dam. It can remain stable before exiting, but once it exits, it is like a surging river, and it cannot stop.

Xu Shoujing really didn't expect that the dignified and virtuous sister Rong Yue in his impression would have such an appearance of venting her emotions. For a time, she panicked.

"How could it be, Sister Rongyue, don't think like that..." Xu Shoujing patted Jiang Rongyue's back, trying to comfort him, but Jiang Rongyue pushed her away unexpectedly.

Jiang Rongyue's eyes were red, pearl-like tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes, choked and speechless.

"Of course I think so!" She twitched Xiao Qiong's nose, and her voice was crying: "Chou Shishu does everything for your sake, and he can become a good fighting force at critical times. Although the master doesn't say it, but I have been thinking of you, and she has been planning for you...

It's just me, I can't do anything, and I'm always jealous.Before I left, I had already decided to protect you, but what happened?In front of this demon dragon, my spells are as fragile as rice paper..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Rongyue's pretty face full of tears showed a bit of self-mockery:
"The strongest spell I have learned so far, in the end, it can only play a role in lighting."


Xu Shoujing had never seen Jiang Rongyue like this. He felt distressed and at the same time didn't know how to coax her. It was okay for him to coax girls into jealousy.

After thinking about it for a long time, Xu Shoujing gave up exploring in the blind spot of knowledge and hugged Jiang Rongyue's delicate body:

"Sister Rongyue, don't think like that. Your willingness to stay by my side is the greatest help to me. Every time I am in a desperate situation, as long as I look back on the time with you, my heart will be filled with comfort."

Jiang Rongyue lay on Xu Shoujing's chest, tears wet his shirt, and the choked words continued to emerge:
"Xiaojing...I'm really useless..."

Xu Shoujing talked for a long time, but he didn't see Jiang Rongyue's mood getting any better. In his panic, he vented his anger on the 'Skinning Dragon' next to him.

He said angrily: "It's all to blame for this broken dragon! Sister Rongyue, don't cry for now, I'll stew it for you, drink a mouthful of dragon soup first..."

Saying that, Xu Shoujing turned around, with a stance of 'killing a dragon for my sister'.

But when he turned around, he found that where the red lotus Huang Xiaolong was originally, there was only a pile of 'shells' that had been removed, but the 'doll' at the core of the Russian nesting doll was nowhere to be seen.

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly startled, but he became vigilant at the moment, and he couldn't even care about coaxing Sister Rongyue.

If nothing else, the dragon...

Or, escape.Or, it's evaporated.

Just as Xu Shoujing glanced back and forth, trying to find the position of the red lotus Huang Xiaolong, from directly below the line of sight, there was a shivering cry:


A question mark appeared on Xu Shoujing's head, and as soon as he lowered his head, he saw a small flying dragon standing beside him.

The purple and red scales are intertwined, as dazzling as the dazzling lights in the crystal palace.

Xiao Zilong covered his head with his two small claws, and while flapping his wings, he stepped back one by one, and his mouth called out like a baby, "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee", Xu was saying:
Don't eat others... they are not tasty at all...
(End of this chapter)

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