The queen is so fierce

Chapter 133 Legal Luolong Settlement

Chapter 133 Legal Luolong Settlement
boom -

The huge stone door that had been sealed for a long time opened a small gap, and the dust that had been attached for thousands of years fell one after another, and an unnatural light passed through the crack of the door and reflected in the dim hall.

long - long - long
The stone door was rubbing against the floor, and every inch it was opened, the outline of the furnishings in the hall became clearer. When the stone door was completely opened, the original blurry scene was completely presented in front of him.

The floor of the entire hall is made of a layer of emerald green emerald floor tiles, supported by six beams and columns on both sides. The space is so large that even a large flying boat can be parked.

The ceiling is far away from the ground, and you can faintly see a three-headed dragon eating its tail. On a luxurious throne at the back end of the hall.

Along the dusty red carpet in the center all the way up, the two sides are piled with all kinds of gold and silver jewelry, talisman exercises, if these handed down treasures come out, I believe it is not a problem to support the rise of a small sect .


A young scholar in a green robe walked into the hall. His steps were steady, and his every move was not a little bit anxious, but those bloodshot pupils completely revealed his desire from the bottom of his heart.

He Su turned a blind eye to the secrets and treasures on both sides, and came to the throne without a pause. He almost trembled, holding up a pitch-black bead enshrined on the throne, with a bit of madness in his voice:

"They didn't lie to me...there really is...there is is here..."

The words full of riddlers reverberated in the hall like an echo in the mountains.

He Su was just talking to himself, so he never expected to get a reply, but he never thought that a breathless voice came from behind:
"This is the place you're looking for, isn't it?"

He Su's expression was stagnant, he put the black beads into Qiongyu Pavilion secretly, turned around and looked at the uninvited guest who walked into the gate, his eyes were indifferent:

"Ji Xiangjian, you are chasing after you so quickly."

Ji Xiangjian carried a generous black iron epee, his rough face was expressionless, but after hearing He Su's words, he grinned:

"He's surnamed He, I'm really not good at Yujian, but there are people who are better at it than me."

After the words fell, he gave up a little position.

The source of the panting voice revealed his true face. Zuo Lingxuan was holding Shimen, and beads of sweat the size of beans continued to appear on his forehead; he found that the eyes of both of them stopped on him, he laughed dryly, and waved his hands:
"This guy is dead, and I will never carry him a second time in the future."

He Su looked slightly startled, hesitated a little, and said in a surprised tone:

"Those guys in Tianyan Pavilion who can only pretend to be gods and ghosts, actually have a sword master like you."

"..." Zuo Lingxuan.

In fact, what He Su said is true. The strength of the top ten sects in Tiannanzhou should not be underestimated; only Tianyan Pavilion is an outlier... If you want to talk about combat power, there are some, but you have to take it out and compete with the top ten The door of the road is head-to-head, which is obviously not enough to see.

In fact, the reason why Tianyan Pavilion is famous in Tiannanzhou and even Jiuzhou is because what they inherit is the technique of stargazing that has been handed down from ancient times.

Including the ancestors of Tianyan Pavilion, they all look like masters and have no desires and no desires. When someone comes to ask for a signature, they will carefully cancel the signature without taking a penny, but... every time they only say half of it.

The most favorite thing for the fortune-tellers in Tianyan Pavilion is to arouse the interest of the seekers first, and to speak as if penetrating the hearts of the people, such as: "You came here to seek fortunes because your Taoist companion and other men last month. Xiu is very close, but he is very distant from you.", or "You want to calculate how long it will take you and the Taoist companion to have a child."

When the applicants for the lottery couldn't stop, each 'daoist, master' knelt down and begged for guidance.

These old Taoists who pretend to be ghosts will respond with a meaningful chuckle, while stroking their beards, they say the blood-vomiting line:
"The secret cannot be leaked."

This is also the reason why Tianyan Pavilion is famous and everyone is willing to ask them for fortune-telling, but it is not popular.

In order to show off their bad taste, these fortune-tellers basically do not go out. After all, the masters are waiting for the 'prey' to come, and it is too cheap to go out to find them.

Even if they go out, it is only a matter of the sect brothers taking their new disciples to overseas to hold a 'fortune-telling missionary' activity.

It's hard for you to imagine that a group of 'home repairers' who never need to go out have such flying ability.

He Su couldn't help thinking: Am I misunderstood, Zuo Lingxuan still hides his strength?
Soon, Zuo Lingxuan answered He Su's question.

He touched the back of his head and smiled a little embarrassedly:

"Then what... The Yusheng Peak where I am is the poorest mountain, and the master is usually lazy, and all the expenses of cultivation are handled by ourselves.

...It's too unstable to only help other people's fortune-telling. I occasionally help my sisters and sisters run errands to buy rouge and the like, to earn some extra money. Over time, Yujian has become more and more skilled. "

"..." He Su.

Bai sighed for so long.

He Su talked for so long, but he was actually buying time for himself to think about ways to escape. At this time, seeing Zuo Lingxuan directly talking to death, he felt helpless in his heart, but said:
"Jianmangzi, have you seen this hall?"


Ji Xiangjian glanced at the secret manuals on both sides of his eyes, and raised his eyebrows:

"what do you want to say?"

He Su secretly hid the Qiongyu Pavilion in another Qiongyu Pavilion, and shoved the Qiongyu Pavilion into the Qiongyu Pavilion as if he didn't care, and then shrugged:

"The secrets of the exercises in this place, at least have four-digit ages, I know that I wanted to use you to make you feel uncomfortable... I will not use 'actually did not cause you damage' to excuse the guilt... …”

At this point, He Su spread his arms, as if 'praising the sun', he said:
"As long as you don't come to trouble me, I won't take a penny for the magic weapons and exercises here."

Zuo Lingxuan's eyes widened, why is this guy so generous?If it wasn't for the object of questioning that wasn't him, he would have almost agreed.

However, whether it was Zuo Lingxuan or He Su, they all underestimated the level of Ji Xiangjian's club.

After He Su made a rather attractive offer, Ji Xiangjian's response was neither gracious acceptance nor 'but I refuse'.

He put down the black iron heavy sword in his hand expressionlessly, his muscular arms were surrounded by majestic spiritual power, and the blue veins soared on the surface of his skin.

"Master said that there are two things that a human being cannot do.

One, betrayal.Second, disobedience. "

Kaz Kaz -

The heavy blade of the black iron epee left a broken white scratch on the crystal clear emerald floor.

Ji Xiangjian dragged his sword forward, his thick voice clearly echoed throughout the hall:
"Brother Xu is someone I like, and I won't betray him; accepting your proposal here will only make me lose my mind, so the result is obvious..."

He Su lightly glanced at Ji Xiangjian's burly body, his eyes were indifferent, and he said nothing.

"I'm going to defeat you in my own way." Ji Xiangjian grinned, his footsteps did not stop, but his breath suddenly became steady.


I saw Ji Xiangjian's emerald floor cracking with a bang, and the air blasting in all directions overturned the mountains of magic weapons, and the scrolls and pages filled the sky.

Turning his eyes again, Ji Xiangjian had already leaped high, and the half-person-wide black iron epee swung a pitch-black semicircle.

The hurricane intensified, and the black crescent moon was about to touch the corner of He Su's green robe.

He Su, who had not responded all the time, pouted and said contemptuously:

"Ji Xiangjian, do you really think I won't fight you, is it because I can't beat you?"


The aqua-blue spiritual power was like a thousand-foot tsunami, washing the walls of the hall.

A talisman that looked like a turtle's back shell lit up in the air, and the unstoppable black iron epee was firmly blocked from the turtle's shell.

Ji Xiangjian's pupils shrank, and at the moment of reaction, he turned his body and changed the direction of the slash.

But He Su seemed to have expected him to do this. The tortoise shell rune suddenly enlarged, Ji Xiangjian couldn't dodge in time, and the whole person flew upside down until it hit the load-bearing column of the main hall, and it was worthy to stop.

Zuo Lingxuan was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were full of incredible.

Ji Xiangjian just broke through the Dragon Gate Realm today, he knows that.

The aura on He Su's body is clearly also in the Dragon Gate realm... and it needs to be more stable.

God, what era is this, how can there be so many dragon gate realms at the age of [-]... and let them not let mortals live.

After defeating Ji Xiangjian with one move, He Su walked off the high platform with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile:
"I didn't want to make extra troubles. If I agree to my proposal, this matter may end here... After all, the forces behind me have never allowed them to freely show their strength outside."

He glanced at Ji Xiangjian, who fell from the shattered groove of the beam and pillar, and said contemptuously:
"You forced me to do this, Jian Mangzi... I've been annoyed by you for more than half a month. It's time to put you here."

The voice fell, He Su waved his knife, and the aqua blue spiritual power condensed into an illusory sharp blade, which was about to be cut off...


The three-headed food-tailed golden dragon inlaid with ruby ​​shattered, and a huge black shadow rushed into the hall, leaving a deep pit on the emerald ground.

He Su's eyes narrowed, and he jumped back very vigilantly, and while making an alert posture, he turned his eyes to the source of the explosion.

It was a huge two-winged flying dragon. The scales and armor on its body were red and purple. The shark-like triangular teeth were neatly arranged in the dragon's mouth. Suddenly it sounded:


He Su blocked the wind and waves brought by the dragon's roar with his arms, and his blurred vision could vaguely see the two figures on the dragon's back.

The robes fluttered in the breeze, and the handsome sword fairy stood on the back of the dragon.He Su almost subconsciously exclaimed:

"Xu Shoujing! You are still alive!"

The black-robed sword immortal pulled out the sword from his waist, looked left and right with some confusion, and said in surprise:
"Are you sure you can get out of here?"

The red and purple dragon made two "roar~roar~" sounds, and the long tail flicked and flicked, it was the little female dragon acting like a spoiled child:
Yes, Master~-
The time goes back to half an hour ago.

"Yeah ah!"

Little Zilong flapped its wings and opened and closed its small mouth, and could see what it was trying to express, but unfortunately the human race had not evolved to the level of understanding such inhuman language.

Xu Shoujing scratched his head and said angrily, "If you have something to say, don't be a riddle person!"


Xiao Zilong's eyes widened, as if 'you're embarrassing Benlong'.

Xu Shoujing stared at Xiao Zilong for a while, then smiled maliciously:
"Don't sell me cute here, just because you eat so many people, it's not a good dragon. If you don't want to be boiled into soup, just tell me how to get out."

The little Zilong was about to cry, huddled pitifully in the corner, leaning against the stone, the two little dragon claws that were standing upright were trembling, and could only keep going 'Eyah~Eyah~', the tone was probably begging for mercy.

The girl has no resistance to cute things, and although the three views will not follow the five senses, she still feels a little distressed when she sees the aggrieved appearance of the little mother dragon.

Jiang Rongyue hurriedly pulled Xu Shoujing away, who was in a 'forcing the good as a prostitute', and said angrily:

"Xiao Jing, you scared her."

Xu Shoujing shrugged: "How did I scare her, I really want to drink dragon soup."

"Yah?" Xiao Zilong looked terrified.

It should be almost there... Xu Shoujing looked at Xiao Zilong's posture, nodded secretly in his heart, clenched his fist and coughed dryly, and played a roundabout:
"However, I also guessed that this dragon is most likely to be banned... For example, the body is completely controlled, and only a few people can eat enough to open the channel."

Little Zilong nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"And the one who made this move is undoubtedly the owner of the Immortal King Ruins... the so-called Immortal King thousands of years ago, or tens of thousands of years ago." Xu Shoujing said while holding his chin with one hand.

Little Zilong's eyes lit up with little stars. Instead of being as frightened as before, he jumped to Xu Shoujing's side and used his wings to fan him.

"Eyee! Eyee!"

Jiang Rongyue lightly frowned, and said doubtfully:
"What is she saying?"

"Uh..." Xu Shoujing held Xiao Zilong in his arms - so that the automatic fan could get closer; he shook his head and said in an uncertain tone: "I don't know, maybe... I?"

Xiao Zilong shrank in Xu Shoujing's arms and nodded vigorously.

Jiang Rongyue was amused by Xiao Zilong's serious appearance, took a few steps closer, and teased her with her fingers before showing the pointed little dragon's horns:
"This little guy can still understand people's words? So young, I thought at most childhood..."

Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment, then said in a low voice, "She should be in her childhood, and if she is in the transformation stage, just answer my question directly, there is no need for riddlers.

This dragon should have been a baby dragon who didn't know anything when it was captured, because the spell that would turn her into a giant lava dragon kept her like a baby dragon for thousands of years. "

Jiang Rongyue seemed to understand, but she snatched the little mother dragon from Xu Shoujing's arms, rubbing her little head, and said softly:
"'s true that her age is Jackie Chan, but her physical age remains in the baby dragon period?"

Xu Shoujing nodded, this was what he wanted to express, and just turned his head, only to find that Sister Rong Yue was looking at him with an extremely distrustful gaze.

"Sister Rong Yue... what happened?"

Jiang Rongyue snorted softly, rubbed the little female dragon's head, and glanced aside:
"It's nothing, I just think this dragon is quite in line with your taste. No matter how old you are, it still maintains the body of a girl..."

"..." Xu Shoujing's face stiffened, and he quickly shook his head and said, "Sister Rong Yue, where do you want to go, I am a human race, she is a dragon race, not to mention that human beings and monsters have different paths, at least it is impossible in terms of species."

"Then what did Nangong Xiaoxiao say?"

"She's transformed... No, I mean, Xiaoxiao is my friend, but she's been a little rebellious recently and doesn't want to talk to me..."

Jiang Rongyue blinked, stared at Xu Shoujing for a long time, and found that he had a 'clear conscience' expression; Jiang Rongyue rolled her eyes, she was just joking, but she didn't take it too seriously.

"Huh..." Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief.Not for the weird reason of not continuing to be asked 'do you like other species'.

He felt at ease... just because his sister, after the catharsis just now and the interruption of 'Dragon Stewed Soup', seemed to have returned to the jealous sister she used to be, but she was always thinking of him.

That's right, the person I like, it's enough to be a carefree ordinary girl.

The rest... I'll take care of it.

Xu Shoujing pondered whether there were some or not. He glanced at the little female dragon who was struggling frantically among the 'peaks and valleys', and asked aloud:
"Hey, can you take me out?"

Xiao Zilong stopped struggling, paused for a moment, and nodded "yah, yah", then she twisted her body to break free from Jiang Rongyue's arms, and ran away with Xiaolong's claws.

With a loud bang, the small figure disappeared, replaced by wings that were enough to cover the sky...
"To sum up, although it's a pity, Sister Rong Yue and I are still alive."

Xu Shoujing jumped off the back of Da Zilong since he was a child, and ended the 10-minute narration that he didn't know why he started.

Zuo Lingxuan glanced at the red lotus Huang Xiaolong on the ceiling of the hall, and said in surprise:
"You call this... a young dragon?"

Xu Shoujing shrugged and said indifferently, "It's true."

Saying that, he spread his arms to catch Jiang Rongyue who was following behind and jumped off the dragon's back, wrapped his arms around his slender waist, and made a large circle before placing her on the ground.

"Thank you, Xiaojing." Jiang Rongyue smiled sweetly.

"That's right, I can always sit under Sister Rong Yue." Xu Shoujing returned with a gentle smile.

"..." Zuo Lingxuan.

You are still the same as no one else, can you please understand the feelings of single monks?

Above the hall, He Su, who was standing beside the throne, had a gloomy expression in the water, and stared at the big purple dragon in disbelief.

I saw Honglian Huang Xiaolong shrunk to the size of a slap, flapping its small wings, and swayingly crawled onto Xu Shoujing's shoulder, rubbing his cheeks against him, as if begging for a reward.

He Su took a deep breath and said coldly:

"I didn't expect, Xu Shoujing, you can actually tame the red lotus Huang Xiaolong... This kind of fierce extinct species, the least close to the human race, I am very curious, what kind of methods did you use..."

fierce... fierce?

Xu Shoujing glanced at the little Zilong who was wagging his tail wildly, and tactically leaned back.

Isn't it cute?
And the means of taming... Is it a means to threaten her with 'Dragon Stewed Soup'?

However, after what He Su said, Xu Shoujing knew her name, thought for a moment, raised his hand to hook her dragon horn, and whispered:

"Red Lotus Huang Xiaolong, I always feel like a monster hunter... Why don't you just shorten it and call it Xiaohong?"

Xiao Zilong squinted his eyes in enjoyment, his expression froze, and shook his head again and again.

"It doesn't sound good?" Xu Shoujing thought for a while, and then asked tentatively, "That Xiaolian?"

Xiao Zilong still shook his head.

Xu Shoujing didn't bother to think about it anymore, there was still some serious business behind him, so he threw Xiao Zilong aside:
"Then let's make a compromise and call Xiao Honglian."

"..." Little Zilong.

Jiang Rongyue sighed and caught the little Zilong who was thrown as a ball, with some helplessness in her eyes:

"I can't do anything about him, but I like Xiao Honglian very much. It just happened to take care of Uncle Qiu's magic weapon. It's beautiful and good-sounding."

Little Zilongquan didn't hear this comfort, two small wings shrugged aside, and lowered his head in frustration.

little red... little lotus...

If you want to describe Xiao Zilong's mood at the moment, it's like a beautiful beauty who was named 'Cuihua', which is indescribably weird.

Xu Shoujing twisted his neck and took a few steps forward, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes became more and more cold:
"He Su, is it time to settle our account?"
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a follow-up reading~
PS: I'm still not used to hospital code words, it's like wearing an old pair of underwear on the first day of the new year, it's so weird.

I didn't want to break the chapter here, but I have to think about what He Su should do... Otherwise, you will spray me again...

(End of this chapter)

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