The queen is so fierce

Chapter 134: Everywhere

Chapter 134: Everywhere
"He Su, is it time to settle our account?"

The black-robed sword fairy walked on the red carpet in the center of the emerald floor, as casual as a stroll in a garden.

He Su put one hand on the delicate relief on the armrest of the throne beside him, and narrowed his eyes:

"I can not understand what you say."

Sword Immortal Hei-pao spread his hands: "You don't have to pretend to be stupid, before I came here, I already wanted to understand what happened, if there is no one from Tianyuan Sect, it is estimated that we will be buried in the belly of Little Red. "

"Yah?" Xiao Honglian tilted her head.

He Su had a gloomy face and pondered for a while. Xu felt that it was no longer necessary to deny the matter, so he laughed:
"Xu Shoujing, you're right, if it wasn't for the idiots of Tianyuan Sect, I really planned to sacrifice you to help me open the passage into the hall..."

Having said this, He Su paced back and forth for a while, and when he looked at Xu Shoujing again, he shrugged indifferently:

"But you have to understand that it's just an idea after all. In fact, you and I didn't say that you were violated. Instead of fighting here and hurting peace, it's better to discuss with each other how to divide up these relics and treasures."


Zuo Lingxuan was stunned by this well-founded analysis. He clearly remembered that before Xu Shoujing appeared, this guy swore that he would "won't excuse himself".

The typical bully is afraid of hardship. He thinks that he can beat Ji Xiangjian is one set of rhetoric, and it is another set of rhetoric to deal with Xu Shoujing.

Thinking of this person, Zuo Lingxuan's eyes widened.

Wait a minute... not right.

Although he has only just broken through, Ji Xiangjian is still a Dragon Gate player anyway; no matter how powerful Xu Shoujing is, he is only a Canghai player.

Why is He Su afraid of Xu Shoujing?

The more Zuo Lingxuan thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and he always felt that there was some hidden secret.

On the other hand, Xu Shoujing's reaction to He Su's remarks was also very weak. He just looked at the sword in his hand at will, and replied, "Well, yes, you are right."

"—" He Su seemed to have eaten a dozen lemons, and his whole face was distorted.He suppressed the flames in his heart and said solemnly, "So, there is no possibility for us to reconcile?"

Xu Shoujing put down the sword in his hand, glanced at the gilded relief of the three-headed dragon eating tail in the corner of the hall, and said in a low voice:

"Actually, there was no possibility of reconciliation... After all, as you said, there is no deep hatred between us. You tried to use me but failed. At most, I just beat you up."

He Su frowned and said nothing, wanting to see what kind of abacus Xu Shoujing was playing.

"But it's different now." Xu Shoujing's smile disappeared, and his eyes gradually became colder: "Since you know so much about this relic... Then I want to ask, what is your relationship with the End Yanjiao?"

As soon as these words came out, the hall, which was empty and deserted, was now even more audible.

Zuo Lingxuan scratched his cheeks, a little confused.

What to teach in the end?
Hearing the name, it should be a certain Immortal Daoist organization... but he has never heard of this name, so there is a high probability that it is not a famous sect.

Could it be that this sect offended Xu Shoujing?
Thinking of this, Zuo Lingxuan shook his head and looked at He Su at the front of the hall, only to find that his pupils were constricted, his mouth was slightly parted, and his face was full of shock, as if he had heard something terrifying.

Zuo Lingxuan was immediately stunned, what was the reaction?Could it be that the Cult of the End is actually quite famous?Are you lonely?

"Where did you get the name..." He Su said in an almost hoarse voice.

"That's a long story... I just want to forget it, but I can't forget it. Who made them value me so much." Xu Shoujing took the painting Fang Yanqian back to the scabbard slowly.

A cold sweat broke out behind He Su's back, and Xu Shoujing's actions gave him a faint feeling of bad feeling; He Su put one hand behind his back, and silently cast a magic trick, only after confirming that the 'tortoise shell' took effect, it loosened. tone.

"Xu Shoujing, although I don't know where you heard this name. But I advise you not to go too deep into it, the conflict between you and me is only a trivial matter after all.

If you startle that adult, you won't even be able to leave the whole body behind. "

Haven't you heard that I am valued by your boss... Xu Shoujing is a little speechless, this is another heavyweight player who only listens to half of his obedience.


He Su didn't know what he thought of, and smiled relievedly:

"Xu Shoujing, I admit that you were beyond my expectations. You actually cut down the outer disciples of the Tianyuan Sect alone. But in the end, they are only outer disciples, and the difference between the inner and core disciples is not a star and a half."

The voice fell, and the aqua blue spiritual power condensed into a translucent turtle shell in front of He Su.

The next moment, the hurricane surged, the pages of books scattered around the hall flew, and the gravel splashed, like a passionate rain of stones.

Xu Shoujing blinked, only to feel that He Su had changed too much before and after, as if he had changed a person.

Why did you suddenly speak arrogantly when you were still arrogant a second ago?
Soon, the stone rain stopped, and the pages of the book that flew up were torn to shreds.

He Su's face reappeared in the field of vision. The rune turtle shell originally composed of translucent water lines turned into a huge water turtle.

The shape of this giant tortoise is not as clear and distinct as the fierce tortoise I met before. The overall outline is blurred. From the back of the tortoise to the head, the whole body is composed of water elements transformed from spiritual power.

He Su stood in the turtle shell of the water turtle, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, opened his mouth, looking at his expression, he should be trying to say something sarcastic.

It's a pity that he didn't make any sound, only a few bubbles came out of his mouth, and floated up to the top of the terrapin, bursting into little ripples.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Your spell is quite scientific.

"Cough cough." He Su stepped out of the turtle's body, revealed a mouth, and said sternly: "My trick of 'tortoise shell binding' has so far not been broken through by anyone in the same territory, Xu Shoujing, you dare to come try?"

There is really nothing to brag about this. Since He Su's debut, he has never used the defensive technique he is proud of. Even in the face of Ji Xiangjian, who is known for his destructive power, He Su only needs to be serious. , and will not let the other party catch the slightest flaw.

Well, Ji Xiangjian is still lying on the ground now, and the famous Jian Mangzi in Tiannanzhou is now reduced to a combat unit.

After all, in the face of a cultivator who is not in the Dragon Gate Realm, He Su has no need to use his full strength.

Xu Shoujing alone has an amazing record to overthrow the disciples of the Tianyuan Sect, but as He Su said, there is really nothing to brag about the shark defeating a group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp.

He Su is not good at attacking techniques, which is why he doesn't want to have a dispute with Xu Shoujing.

But he had to be really ruthless and stand for two days and two nights with a protective cover on, and he would be able to make the attackers similar when he was tired.

In the final analysis, the reason why He Su felt so vigilant was the red lotus Huang Xiaolong.

No matter how confident He Su is in his defense matrix, he would not dare to resist the dragon breath of the red lotus Huang Xiaolong.

And Xu Shoujing actually tamed the red lotus Huang Xiaolong, and he also knew the matter of which adult... Various reasons were piled up, and finally became the reason for He Su to be afraid.

If it wasn't necessary, He Su really didn't want to fight Xu Shoujing for life and death.

However, that was only a quarter of an hour ago.

For the current He Su, the moment he successfully activated the 'tortoise shell binding', he was already invincible.

Thinking of this, He Su breathed a sigh of relief, and in order to leave here quickly, he put forward his own suggestion again:

"Xu Shoujing, this isn't advice, it's a warning, you can't break my shield... If you don't want to be too embarrassed, we'll leave it now, and no one will interfere.

Of course, if you insist on confrontation, then I will no longer be polite to you, but don't blame me for not reminding you, no one can break my 'tortoise shell'. "

As soon as the words fell, He Su stopped talking and waited quietly for Xu Shoujing to make a decision.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

He Su did not wait for an answer after a long time. He Su frowned impatiently, turned his head and found that Xu Shoujing's expression was very exciting now, and even Zuo Lingxuan looked at him with a strange look.

Xu Shoujing put the painting Fang Yanqian together with the scabbard into his belt, hesitated for a moment, and said tentatively:
"you sure?"

He Suwei was stunned for a moment, thinking that he was talking about "letting it go", he frowned and nodded:

"Of course I'm sure."

Xu Shoujing was thoughtful, turned his head to look at Zuo Lingxuan, spread his hands and said:
"You see, he said it himself."

Zuo Lingxuan restrained himself from laughing, his face flushed, and he waved his hand:
"Well, I testify..."

Before he finished speaking, Zuo Lingxuan couldn't help laughing.

He Su on the high platform had black lines all over his head. He didn't understand what the two were talking about in riddles, but he could also see that he seemed to be treated as a fool.

"What do you mean?" He Su said coldly.

With a somewhat relaxed smile on Xu Shoujing's face, he patted Qiongyu on his waist, and the jet-black aura particles condensed into a pitch-black heavy spear.


The pitch-black gun smashed a deep hole on the emerald floor. Xu Shoujing's smile did not change, but his voice did not contain a trace of warmth:
"He Su, it's my turn to give you a chance... Hand over the news of Changhe Su Clan and Zhan Yanjiao, and I'll spare your life."


A row of question marks appeared on He Su's head. He was clearly negotiating terms with Xu Shoujing.

He didn't even think about it, and then refused out loud: "Impossible—"

It was at this moment that He Su's pupils shrank suddenly, only to feel that Xu Shoujing's atmosphere had changed drastically, as if he had changed.

He Su's five elements are water-loving, and he is particularly sensitive to subtle changes in spiritual power. He can basically understand the other party's path based on his first impression.

At the moment of seeing Xu Shoujing, He Su immediately concluded that Xu Shoujing was a sword cultivator because of the repulsion from the spirit of the Five Elements and the feeling of the edge on his back.

Only sword cultivators can possess such sharp spiritual power.

But look what's going on now?
Why is Xu Shoujing's body like a mortal, not even a trace of spiritual power fluctuations?

Unless he is two big realms higher than me, otherwise, it is impossible for me to detect the slightest breath...

Could it be that... he is actually pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?
Thinking of this, He Su unconsciously took a step back, until he completely wrapped himself in the 'tortoise shell', he felt a little relieved.


A black flash broke through the layers of wind and waves, and in an instant, it rushed to the front of the huge water turtle.

He Su just turned his head when he saw the tip of the dark heavy spear plunged into the body of the water turtle. In a hurry, he hurriedly moved aside by instinct.


Almost at the same time as he dodged, the water turtle, which He Su claimed was absolutely impossible to break through, exploded in the air like a bubble shattered by a toothpick, turning into a drizzle.

Raindrops washed the inside and outside of the main hall, soaking countless kung fu collections.

He Su turned his head stiffly, and cast his gaze forward along the body of the jet-black heavy spear. The tip of the spear did not sink into the throne, leaving a crack with several cracks on the exquisite relief.

Just looking at this scene, it is not as shocking as when the immortals fight, but for He Su, the fact that the 'tortoise shell' was shattered made his brain almost fall into a blank.

what happened……


The long sound of weapons being unsheathed came from his ears again. He Su just wanted to turn around to defend, but he felt a chill on his neck, as if a white light flashed, and the figure of the black-robed sword immortal had already appeared in front of him.

The black-robed Sword Immortal stood behind her back, the long sword glowing with moon-white brilliance in her hand, was being retracted inch by inch into the scabbard, and dripping blood could be faintly seen where the blade reflected light.

Blood... how can there be blood?

He Su seemed to realize something, and lowered his head subconsciously, but never thought that his eyes fell like a fall from the sky, but the headless corpse in a blue shirt was reflected in his eyes.


The thick blood stained the throne red, and the head with black hair fluttering down the stairs all the way down, and when it finally stopped, He Su's pretty face stared at a pair of bloodshot eyes, and he couldn't rest.

In the distance, Zuo Lingxuan spread his hands, with a helpless expression and a little sigh.

Even the magic of the real thousand-year-old beast will be broken by that strange gun. How can you be an opponent in the Dragon Gate Realm?

Zuo Lingxuan's thoughts were uncertain, he took heavy steps, walked to Xu Shoujing who was looking for He Su's clothes, hesitated for a while, and said:
"You just killed him like that? Don't ask about the final teaching?"

Xu Shoujing looked at the Qiongyu ring he found, and shook his head:

"Killing or not killing is the same, that organization is very strange, if it is a member of status, no matter what level, it will not reveal the slightest information until death.

If it is a member of the outer circle, although it can't stand the torture, but before that, they may not know as much as me, and it's a waste of time.

Instead of this, it is better to kill one hundred and one hundred, and I will slowly find it myself. "

With that said, Xu Shoujing pulled out the gods and punished the sky, and knocked on the Qiongyu ring, and a 'ding bell' sounded in the air, as if something was broken.

"Xiao Jing, it's over?" Jiang Rongyue came to her side with Xiao Honglian in her arms, bowed slightly, and asked softly.

"Well, I'll look over the spoils. Sister Rongyue, go down and see those secret treasures. We'll all take them with us later... eh?"

Xu Shoujing was answering Jiang Rongyue's question when he suddenly discovered that there was another Qiongyu ring in He Su's Qiongyu ring.

Why does this guy like nesting dolls too?
Xu Shoujing pouted, and tapped the Qiongyu ring with Shen Jing Pu Tian just like opening the ring for the first time.


After the ban was lifted, Xu Shoujing continued to find out his consciousness and searched in the ring.

After three seconds.

Xu Shoujing looked at the three Qiongyu rings in his hand and couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

Is he afraid that I don't know that important things are in it?

Fortunately, He Su only had three layers, and in the innermost ring, there was only a black crystal ball.

The crystal ball is only the size of a palm, so light that people suspect that it is made of cotton candy.

Xu Shoujing stared at the crystal ball and looked at it carefully; Jiang Rongyue put the little red lotus on the ground, with her jade hands on her knees, she leaned forward and asked:
"what is this?"

"I don't know... But this guy is hiding so deep, it's definitely not a good thing." Xu Shoujing considered for a moment, then suddenly raised Shen Jing Pu Tian and aimed it at the crystal ball.

"Xiaojing?" Jiang Rongyue was taken aback.

Xu Shoujing glanced at Jiang Rongyue and pondered: "This thing is useless in my hands, it is estimated that it will be of value in their hands... Instead of worrying about whether it will be taken away one day, it would be more enjoyable to destroy it directly."

When the voice fell, Xu Shoujing smashed it without hesitation.


As a result, there was no accident. The light crystal was easily torn apart, with a 'click' sound, and it was torn apart.

at the same time……

There was a tremor of the ground shaking and the mountains shaking under his feet, Xu Shoujing's face was startled, he quickly supported his body with a heavy gun, and reached out to support Jiang Rongyue.

"Xiaojing...what's going on..." Jiang Rongyue frowned lightly and looked at the hall where her eyes were trembling.

"..." Xu Shoujing swallowed silently, and secretly said, "You can't do it like that, right?"
He hurriedly kicked the little Zilong beside his feet, and under the eyes of the other party with a resentful expression, he said angrily:

"Didn't you say you can go out here? Hurry up and lead the way."

Xiao Honglian covered the dragon's hip with aggrieved expression, flapped her wings and came to the center of the hall, and the little dragon's claws struck the ground a few times.


With the little red lotus as the center, a huge circular circle appeared on the ground, the surrounding air began to climb, and the scattered gravel seemed to lose its gravity and was suspended in the air.

"Yah! Yah!" Xiao Honglian waved her dragon claw towards Xu Shoujing, probably telling him to come over quickly.

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief. It was good to be able to go out. Before taking Jiang Rongyue to the great formation, he stabbed He Su's corpse one more time to make up the knife to prevent resurrection.

Zuo Lingxuan also hurriedly dragged Ji Xiangjian, who was sleeping like a dead pig, to the center of the large formation. He looked at the secret treasures buried because of the collapse of the main hall. His eyes were full of distress, and he couldn't help saying:
"What about these things?"

Xu Shoujing glanced at him: "Fate or baby is more important?"

Zuo Lingxuan thought about it seriously, and said with heartache: "It's all important, our Yusheng Peak is really poor..."



There are more and more rocks piled up around, and it is about to be in danger.

Xu Shoujing stopped Zuo Lingxuan who wanted to go to 'how much you can get', turned his head to look at Xiao Zilong, and said:

"Let's go."

Xiao Honglian let out a "yep", stood at attention, and tapped the ground again with her small claws.

The huge circular array suddenly shrank to the size that could only accommodate a few people. After a pause, a white light flashed, and Xu Shoujing and the others disappeared into the hall.


(End of this chapter)

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