Chapter 135

About half an hour passed when the roar of the ruins collapsed.

The strange sound of 'click, click' sounded out of thin air.

Without the shimmering light reflected by the emerald palace, the light became abnormally dim. Even if you stretched out your hand and looked carefully, you could only see the outline of the five fingers at most.

In all directions, there is a circle of cliffs that are as smooth as a knife, and they cast their eyes up along the cliffs. At the end of the line of sight, there is only a dark sky.


Heavy boots, crushing emerald bricks.

A shadowy shadow in a gray robe walked unhurriedly into the rubble ruins. He glanced at the dilapidated palace.The grey-robed man gently waved his loose cuffs.

Those stone pillars and gravel blocking the road, with the sound of 'clicking', like a pair of short legs that are invisible to the naked eye, they are separated to both sides, and the free space is exactly the dust. Fluttering red carpet.

The gray-robed man paused for a moment, then took another step forward. Looking at the direction he was heading, it seemed that it was the only surviving high platform in the entire ruins - the throne.


He kicked something round at his feet, the gray-robed man paused, and when he looked down, he found that it was the head of a fairly handsome dead man.

If it's a timid female nun, maybe she has already started to take up the role of the girls in the screaming group after the murder case.

The gray-robed man was obviously not so timid, his eyes hidden under the hood were slightly surprised, and he muttered to himself:

"It seems that something changed here before I came."

The voice is calm, the tone is flat, and it seems that he is not yet 30 years old.

However, in the context of the immortal civilization of Jiuzhou, only looking at the age of the characteristics has long lost its role in judgment.

Maybe the girl who looks like a loli is actually an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

The grey-robed man drove his boots and kicked He Su's head aside like he was kicking a ball, while he stepped on the emerald steps and walked to the throne.


Suddenly, the gray-robed man seemed to have found something, bent down and picked up a crystal fragment that had lost its light color, and put it in the palm of his hand to examine it carefully:

"This is... How could complete matter be destroyed? Unless there is the power of heaven, but that is impossible. Even the leader failed to step into the legendary No.11 realm... No, maybe it is due to the power of heaven It doesn't matter at all..."

So that's it... The gray-robed man seemed to have figured out something, and the corners of his mouth exposed under the hood slightly twitched.

The gray-robed man casually threw away the black sleep that had turned into a waste mine, his eyes wandered, and finally he stayed on 'He Su' lying on the cold floor.

"It seems that you will live for a while longer." After speaking, he took out a bead with a whole body like white jade from his arms. Wrapped in the milk-like silky skin, he could faintly see the deep inside. A magical purple fog.


The gray-robed man crushed the jade beads, dragging the thick purple fog to cover 'He Su'.

In an instant, the staring head spun for a while, and finally landed on the neck of 'He Su'.

After being killed by the 'Joint Overlord', 'He Su''s scarred body was visibly restored to its roundness, and even the tiny bloodstains scratched by the edges and corners of the gravel were restored as if time had been reversed.

The gray-robed man watched all this calmly, paused for a moment, and said solemnly:
"Su He, are you waking up soon?"

Su He...that is, the young cultivator who goes by the pseudonym 'He Su', his peaceful face showed a few traces of struggle, and he slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, Su He's unfocused pupils reflected a vague and familiar outline, and his still confused brain instantly awoke.


The gray-robed man waved his robe and looked up at the sky. The big guy was very full:

"You don't have to thank the deity, once the soul of a person dissipates, there is no possibility of rebirth. You only have a wisp of soul left. The deity originally wanted to let your soul dissipate in the world. Here it is."

Su He was stunned when he heard the words, and the memories before 'death' poured into his mind in one breath.

Recalling the scene of Xu Shoujing's piercing through the heart, Su He's black eyes flashed a purple meaning. He has always had some experience in emotional management. At this time, he could not control his temper and suppressed his anger. road:
"Xu! Shou! Jing! The next time we meet again, it will be yours..."

At the moment when he heard the words 'Xu Shoujing', the grey-robed man's face hidden under the hood had a 'that's true' expression, and before Su He finished setting up the villain's death flag, he raised his hand to stop him from continuing. Go on:

"Xu Shoujing is the key pillar of the Holy Religion. Even if you meet next time, don't hurt him."

"..." Su He.

Then I'm... dead in vain?

Thrashing my teammates and protecting my enemies?
The gray-robed man ignored Su He's expression of doubt about life, paused for a moment, and said solemnly:
"Before the deity came, what happened here?"

"Uh..." Su He suddenly came back to his senses, feeling the scrutiny of the gray-robed man, he didn't dare to neglect, and quickly explained everything that happened in the palace.

After listening to Su He's emotional speech, the gray-robed man was silent for a while, and said like a sigh:
"This ruin cannot be entered unless it is below the Nirvana state, which is why this deity only asks you to find someone to open the passage.

...I didn't expect you to find Xu Shoujing by accident. No wonder the restrictions here were suddenly destroyed. "

Saying that, the gray-robed man glanced at the black crystal shards on the ground and slowly shook his head: "It's still a step too late."

Su He knelt on one knee and listened to the grey-robed man sighing alone, and didn't know who he was explaining to.

When the gray-robed man was completely silent, Su He hesitated for a while, and couldn't help but ask:
"Lord, then what you promised me..."

The gray-robed man glanced at him and said plainly, "Although you are ineffective, the deity has always kept his word. He is the patriarch of the Changhe Su clan, and it is not a big deal for the deity."

Su He took a deep breath, the purple light in his pupils was even more intense, almost joyful:
"Thank you Lord. I..."

The gray-robed man raised his hand to stop him from speaking, and continued, "But your identity has already been remembered by Xu Shoujing, if he is really like what you said, and he will go to the Changhe Su Clan next, you will hardly be accepted. The possibility of the patriarch."

"Then... what does the lord mean?" Su He was stunned.

The gray-robed man paused: "You don't have to go back for now, the deity has his own plans."

When the words fell, he stopped speaking, turned around and waved his sleeves, and strode towards the outside of the ruins.

Su He hesitated for a moment, then quickly followed behind.

Those purple pupils were full of greed, and the emotions that used to be hidden under the mask were revealed without reservation.

The most intense of them is the majestic ambition of delusional ambition.

Su He followed behind the gray-robed man without saying a word, but his thoughts were already wandering in the sky.

'Not fighting is fighting' is a bunch of bullshit!
Opportunities are taken!In this world of great strife, even if you become someone else's lackey, you have to devote yourself to the strife. This is the direction of the Great Dao!

Immortal, wait for me, when I become the patriarch, the Changhe Su Clan will take off the shackles of hypocrisy and become the mainstay of the world.
The sky was getting brighter, and there was a light rain on the shore of Jingyue Lake. The huge strip of dead bones was covered with a layer of moss under the washing of the lake water.

The bonfire camp on the shore has been washed by time, and it can no longer be seen as it should be; a few woods with blackened tops are scattered randomly, and the tender shoots that were once bent over have regained their former glory, facing the sky high. He straightened his waist.


In front of the empty lake, there seemed to be ripples surging.

A small sparrow with wet wings fell on the ground, and curiously stuck out its beak to see what the ripples were.

The little sparrow just stuck its head out, and it happened that a small horn that had just been exposed was exposed in the ripples.

"Jiji?" The little sparrow thought it was some kind of new beak. After a moment's pause, he assumed the posture of 'Dapeng spreading his wings' and stared at the little horn with a serious face. Demonstration.

"Jeep! Jiji?!"


The purple and red are intertwined, and the dazzling little Zilong looks like a phantom in the sky, sticking out his head from the ripples, and looking at the little sparrow with a puzzled look.

"Gee..." The little sparrow froze, looking at the little Zilong who was many times bigger than himself, and subconsciously took a step back.

It was at this moment that the little sparrow realized that he could not be so weak, this was his forest!its turf!How can you lose to an outsider!
Thinking of this, the little sparrow put on a 'golden rooster independence' posture, seriously showing its various functions, such as how smooth the feathers are, how sharp the bird's beak is, and under the layers of feathers, those bird meat How tender and juicy.

"Gee! Gee!"

Little Zilong didn't care at first, but when she saw the little sparrow posing wildly, her eyes lit up, she opened her mouth and swallowed the little sparrow, paused, and spit out a pile of fluffy feathers towards the river.

"..." Little Sparrow.

"Don't eat indiscriminately."

A gentle and sweet voice sounded, and Xiao Zilong was hugged by a woman as gentle as water.

The woman was wearing a long snow-blue dress, with a delicate face and a soft expression; she wore a warm hosta on her head, and her fair swan neck made people want to pounce on it and take a bite. It does not affect the exquisite figure outlined by the dress.

Her voice, like a drizzle in spring, gently caressed the ground and warmed one's heart.

However, the voice is gentle and gentle, and there is no shortage of reprimands.

"Don't eat anything outside, how troublesome would it be if you had a bad stomach?"


"Since you're going to follow Jing'er, you should at least pay attention to this aspect. We expect you to fly, but we can't expect us to fly with you, right?"


As soon as Xu Shoujing came out, he saw his little sister who cared about her, with her hands on her hips and a serious face.

Beneath Jiang Rongyue, Xiao Zilong, who had shrunk to the size of a cat, lowered his head in frustration, his two thin wings were pulled aside, and his two small claws were little by little, indescribable. Wronged.


What's going on here?
Xu Shoujing was a little speechless. While scanning the surrounding environment, he was about to say hello when he inadvertently caught a glimpse of the shadow floating by the lake. He was slightly surprised and said:
"Where do you get so many feathers?"

"Eyee! Eyee!"

Seeing Xu Shoujing's arrival, Xiao Zilong ran towards Xu Shoujing with his small paws as if he had seen a savior.

Seeing Xiao Zilong huddled behind his thighs, Xu Shoujing looked at Jiang Rongyue vigilantly, as if looking at a bad woman, a question mark appeared on his head.

He bent down and pinched the back of Xiao Zilong's neck, lifted it up, and pouted:
"Did you make my sister Rong Yue angry? You want to be stewed again?"

"...Yah?" Xiao Zilong widened his eyes, paused for a moment, and struggled in midair.

"Okay, don't scare her." Jiang Rongyue spat lightly, walked to Xu Shoujing's side, held Xiao Zilong in her arms, and then looked around: "Is this the past night?"

"No, at least a week to start." Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment, then turned his head and gestured to the dead bones in the center of the lake: "The remains of Canglan Indigo Tin Flood Dragon have a layer of moss, and such a big monster, no It may be eaten so cleanly in just a few days, and then look at the area covered by the moss... Seven days is actually conservative."

After a pause, Xu Shoujing squeezed his chin with one hand and continued to explain while thinking:

"Didn't I say before that the way to enter the ruins is to disassemble our bodies and then teleport? The feeling for us is probably only for a moment, and the actual distance is not felt at all. Maybe, we have already circled around nine Maybe even if the continent turns around."

Jiang Rongyue nodded thoughtfully. After a while, she seemed to remember something, and her expression became a little anxious:
"Then let's go back quickly. Master will be worried if he waits for a long time."


Xu Shoujing's eyes dodged a little, and he forced a smile with a guilty conscience:
"Sister Rongyue, let's not go back yet, anyway, we have already come out..."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Rongyue frowned slightly.

Based on what she knew about Xiaojing, Xu Shoujing would take the initiative to propose to delay her return, and it would definitely not be something like "I want to stay with Sister Rong Yue for a while longer" or something.

This big pig's hoof, if he can go back early to have fun with his master and his sisters, maybe he will be more anxious than himself.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Sure enough, after Jiang Rongyue asked, Xu Shoujing hesitated for a while, and whispered in a tentative tone:

"Then what...I found the information of the Changhe Su Clan in He Su's ring, why don't...let's find Su Huanqing before going back?"

"After all, if you just go back like this, Aunt Chu will definitely not agree to go to Huan Qing easily." Xu Shoujing thought to himself.

In fact, Xu Shoujing said these words with consideration. Instead of letting Aunt Chu know about the trouble, it is better to kill it and then report it after all the dust settles.

This will not only avoid a bloody Asura field, but also make Aunt Chu, who knows the general knowledge, not have the same knowledge as herself in front of outsiders.

The only problem... it belongs to Sister Rong Yue, who is in love with Aunt Chu and her mother and daughter. This one is no less jealous than her master.

Xu Shoujing's erratic eyes turned to Jiang Rongyue quietly, wanting to see her reaction.

I had already prepared for 'Sister, I cried to death', but the result was completely different from what I expected.

After listening to Xu Shoujing's words, Jiang Rongyue did not make any exaggerated actions, but sighed helplessly:

"I listen to you."

Such a straightforward answer made Xu Shoujing a little dazed for a while.

what's the situation?When did my sister become so open-minded?
Could it be fake?

Xu Shoujing's face was a little flustered. He wanted to ask a few questions, but he was afraid of touching Sister Rong Yue, so he opened his mouth, but finally gave up.

Jiang Rongyue squinted at Xu Shoujing, who was hesitant, and turned his back on the little Zilong, who was unknown, and pursed his lips:
"Anyway, you won't listen to what I say... If you talk too much, you will feel that my sister is long-winded. Yes, I get jealous every day, and I can't help you with anything. Where can Su Huan Qingqiang be a cold beauty, can't be right You point fingers.

When you were in the capital, you told her everything, and you were willing to let her accompany you to take on any dangerous things. I was obviously your sister, but she didn't tell me anything... Those who didn't know thought she was your sister. Yes, she happens to be a few years older than you anyway..."

The tone of resentment, ramble.

Xu Shoujing naturally heard the sourness inside and outside the words, and looked at Sister Rong Yue's puffed cheeks, like a little daughter-in-law whose husband was out in the boudoir alone.

However, Xu Shoujing was deeply relieved for Jiang Rongyue's performance like this.

It tastes right.

Xu Shoujing stretched out his hand and patted Qiongyu on his waist, his fingertips condensed the black spiritual power, and walked to Jiang Rongyue's back, gently wrapping her soft waist.

"Don't be angry, okay?" Xu Shoujing said softly.

The breath in her ears was a little itchy, and Jiang Rongyue's face turned red, but she still turned her head forcefully, as if she wanted to avoid his 'mental attack'.

However, when Jiang Rongyue turned her head to the other side, she saw Xu Shoujing's left hand in front of her as expected.

The silver necklace hangs down from Xu Shoujing's hand, and the bellflower-colored gemstone is set at the end of the necklace, swaying gently in the wind.


Jiang Rongyue subconsciously covered her small mouth, her almond eyes widened.

This necklace is not ordinary at first glance. Judging from the luster of the spiritual child, it is at least a thousand-year-old magic weapon, and the attribute is still the thunder that she majored in.

But... where did Xiaojing get it?It's not like I bought it...

Xu Shoujing looked at Sister Rongyue's sluggish and cute appearance, and wrapped her hands around Jiang Rongyue's neck for her, and said with a light smile:
"Like it?"

You must have liked it... Jiang Rongyue pursed her lower lip and stared blankly at Xu Shoujing, her eyes full of questions.

Xu Shoujing blinked, then looked down.

Xiao Zilong, who fell to the ground because Jiang Rongyue let go, was squatting and drawing circles. She felt Xu Shoujing's gaze, she quickly straightened up and looked at him vigilantly, probably saying:
They didn't do anything... You wouldn't want to stew me, would you?
Xu Shoujing rolled his eyes, took Jiang Rongyue's shoulders, and explained in a low voice:

"I asked Xiao Honglian to help me with it. At that time, I had to deal with He Su, and I didn't have time to look at the magic weapons in the palace. Thanks to her, I took two of them before I left."

Jiang Rongyue couldn't put it down and looked at the gems in front of her clothes. After listening to Xu Shoujing's words, she was very keenly aware of something:
"Two pieces?"

"Uh... One, one. I made a slip of the tongue, the situation is urgent, how can I find two... You say yes, Xiao Honglian?"

Xiao Zilong silently looked at Xu Shoujing, who was hinting at him with a crazy look in his eyes, paused for a moment, then proudly raised his waist and nodded vigorously.

It's all about living...

"Hmm..." Jiang Rongyue didn't believe it at all, but for the sake of Xiaojing's gift to herself, she didn't take it too seriously, and hummed softly:
"Let's just pretend that's the case."

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief. Although the other thing was not a piece of jewelry, it was also very important.

Although he just glanced at it, he might be able to replace it with Yao Yao to help him with extracorporeal circulation.

Seeing that Sister Rongyue was in a better mood, Xu Shoujing paused for a while, then cautiously probed:

"Sister Rongyue, let's go to Su Huanqing first... Can you see?"

Jiang Rongyue glanced at him, and when she saw her brother's cautious appearance, she felt amused, but on the surface, she pretended to be 'proud and proud', and snorted coldly:

"As you like."

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately kicked the little red lotus at his feet, and under the gaze of the other party covering his buttocks with aggrieved expression, he said:

"Why are you standing still, it's getting bigger..."

It's normal for life to be a little difficult.

Xiao Honglian lay on the ground aggrieved, the red light flashed, the original cuteness was gone, replaced by the majestic Honglian Huang Xiaolong.

When Xu Shoujing and Jiang Rongyue were sitting on the backs of Xiao Honglian, bathing in the wind and waves.


"what happened?"

" always feels like I've forgotten something..."



Zuo Lingxuan threw Ji Xiangjian on the ground, lay down beside Jingyue Lake and washed his face, while panting, glanced around, and gradually doubted his life:
"What about people?"
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(End of this chapter)

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