The queen is so fierce

Chapter 136 Sudu

Chapter 136 Sudu
boom -

At three quarters of noon, the sky blue misty rain faintly covered the fiery hot Gao Yang, and the crisp muffled thunder echoed in the huge capital.

What makes people feel strange is that the pedestrians on the street did not stop their footsteps because of the rainy weather. This thunderstorm seemed to be a matter of course for them, even a person with an oil-paper umbrella. can not see.

In fact, the reason is not difficult to explain. This is the 'Sudu', also known as 'Ganyu City', where the Changhe Su clan lives in seclusion all year round.

Most people born in Sudu, regardless of the year, are destined to be 'five elements hydrophilic' since their birth.

The territory of Sudu is not steep, and it faces three big rivers. Every time you walk in the city, you can see the small arch bridges that branch out of the small rivers. The population is quite large. According to the century-old statistics of the Su family, There are almost no fewer than 96 residents, comparable to the capital of Tiannanzhou's secular dynasty.

In addition, there are sufficient water sources and a sound system. The residents at the bottom rely on farming to be self-sufficient, and the high-rise...the high-rise has a high level and does not need a meal.

In general, in Tiannan Continent, where the competition is fierce, and the Xian family is seriously involved, Sudu is a rare paradise.


"I have a question." The handsome black-robed boy interrupted the old shopkeeper's immersive speech at the right time.

The old shopkeeper with white temples froze in intoxication, coughed a few times to ease the embarrassment, and while helping the black-robed youth pour tea, he replied in a low voice:

"Master, please speak."

Saying that, the old shopkeeper squinted at the black-robed youth's profile.

The old shopkeeper has opened a tea stall here for hundreds of years. People come and go, and there are many men who have seen charm.

But those male cultivators are either too masculine, swearing a lot, and they are in good shape, but their muscles are too developed, and at first glance, they are not for little girls.

On the other hand, the handsome but too bookish, the one who speaks softly and weakly, looks gentle and elegant on the surface, when it comes to things, she is more feminine than a woman, and she cannot be trusted at all.

These two are too extreme, but if they are downgraded, they are too ordinary.

Just like the black-robed youth in front of him, a handsome young man with a clean appearance, a well-proportioned yet masculine figure... It's really rare to see him.

Thinking of this, the old shopkeeper secretly stunned in his heart - just looking at the appearance, it is really good.I just don't know how to be a person, can I match my granddaughter who hasn't left the cabinet...

The black-robed youth picked up the white porcelain teacup, took a sip, and said in deep thought:
"Since Sudu advocates hidden mountains to escape from the world, why would they allow 'pure passers-by' like me to come in?"

"It's not 'Hide away from the world', it's 'not fighting with the world'." The old shopkeeper knocked on the table, correcting the loopholes in the black-robed youth's words like a teacher, and then filled a glass.

"Uh..." The black-robed boy was stunned, and touched his head in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I got it mixed up. A sect I stayed in before advocated hiding from the world, and it felt a bit like this..."

The old shopkeeper suddenly realized, and smiled lightly: "Guest officer, I don't want to fight with the world in Sudu, it's not a hidden mountain, it's just a misunderstanding of young people, including Sudu, there are many young people who misunderstand. monk."

"I'd like to hear the details." Xu Shoujing took out the 'He Su' spirit bead from the Qiongyu Pavilion, and quietly pushed it in front of the old shopkeeper.

"Ha ha."

The old shopkeeper glanced at the Lingzhu, his eyes still stayed on Xu Shoujing, and he tucked it into his cuff as if nothing had happened.

He cleared his throat, looked like a master, and said eloquently:
"This matter goes back thousands of years, Sudu's..."

"Can you pick up the main one?" Xu Shoujing's head was full of black lines.

The old shopkeeper sat down angrily, muttering 'Young people, you don't want to listen to the old days', and continued to explain:
"Su Du's non-conflict with the world refers to 'if it is not the enemy's attack, never take the initiative to participate in any conflict between Daoist sects', this is the iron law set by the Su family's patriarchs.

But in addition, Su Du is not without communication with the outside world. For some disciples who want to go outside for training, the Su family will not obstruct them, but they will not give any help, and the experienced disciples cannot use the name of the Su family. Making waves outside. "

The words stopped here, the old shopkeeper poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and then said:
"Guest officer, aren't you asking why a 'pure passerby' like you is allowed to enter Sudu?"

Xu Shoujing nodded.

The old shopkeeper smiled and said: "Su Duke has never let outsiders in, but they can't find it.

Su Du has been able to hide it to this day, relying on nothing else, it is the natural formation that our ancestors used to draw here, even if outsiders are looking for it, they will only miss it.

Even if Wu really broke into Sudu, without someone from the Su family to lead the way, it would be almost impossible to get back. "

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Listen, how does it look like the Hidden Dragon in Jiuxiao?However, the Hidden Dragon in the Nine Heavens is not a natural formation, and the door owner can switch it on and off according to the situation, which is much more convenient than yours...

The old shopkeeper gave Xu Shoujing another cup of tea and said:

"Guest officer, no matter what the reason is, if you can enter Sudu, it means that you and I have a relationship with Su. The sage Zeng Yun said, 'It's a pleasure to have friends from afar', how can we not welcome them?"

Xu Shoujing seemed to understand, but after thinking for a moment, he asked again:
"So, there are actually many outsiders entering Sudu?"

"That's not true. In the whole year of last year, there were no more than [-] people." The old shopkeeper raised his head and pondered, and frowned slightly: "It's only the beginning of the year, except you, the guest officer, there are only those beautiful little girls in Chenshi. …”

"Little girl?" Xu Shoujing was taken aback.

The old shopkeeper glanced up, as if recalling:
"Well, but considering your age, you should call me aunt... Each of them is a talent in cultivation, and there are two little girls who have reached the state of Nirvana and bone-shaping before the age of 40. Such talents , don't give in to Su's genius..."

When Xu Shoujing heard 'the Nirvana state of less than forty', he immediately thought of Xuanji and Aunt Chu, but they should still be waiting for him to go back to Denglonggang now, and they are unlikely to come here...

Seeing that Xu Shoujing was a little lost, the old shopkeeper stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him, asking:

"Guest officer, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Shoujing returned to his body, mocking "I should have thought too much", then stood up.

"Treasurer, thank you for telling me this."

"Hehe, it's okay, we people in Sudu are very hospitable. When the guest officer is in Sudu, he can visit the small shop more."

"Definitely, definitely." Xu Shoujing clasped his fists and thanked him, then walked out.

The old shopkeeper frowned slightly, looked down at the white porcelain teacup that had been swept away on the table, and raised his hand to remind:

"Guest officer, check out."

Xu Shoujing had already stepped over the threshold, and looked back slightly:

"One Spirit Orb?"

The old shopkeeper smiled and nodded: "Small business, no credit... eh?"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw that Xu Shoujing had stopped and restarted again, this time without hesitation, he walked outside.

"Hey, you haven't paid yet." The old shopkeeper chased out the tea stall in the blink of an eye.

Xu Shoujing didn't look back either, and waved his hand behind his back:

"Isn't it a spirit bead? I just gave it to you."


The old shopkeeper was stunned for a while, watching Xu Shoujing's back disappear into the crowd, but he laughed dumbly, shook his head and walked back to the tea stall, scolding in his mouth:
"This stinky boy has a lot of ghost ideas, and it's not honest at first glance. My granddaughter is so cold, I don't know..."

dong dong——

There was a light knock on the door from behind. The old shopkeeper thought it was Xu Shoujing who had turned back and returned, but naturally he didn't give a good face. He turned slightly and said with a dark face:

"Stinky boy, even if you get lost now, it's too late to pay the bill..."

But when the old shopkeeper turned around completely, his eyes froze, but he smiled kindly:
"Qing'er, you are back."

The woman in a light blue skirt leaned against the door, her long black hair folded against the dark clouds, a tall stature and a cold face. The few skins that were exposed to the air were as silky as the wind dispels snow.

Holding a cold long sword in one hand, she turned a deaf ear to the old shopkeeper's gaze as if he was looking at his granddaughter, and said:

"Just came back, he asked me to bring you a word."

The voice is cold, and the words are like gold.Cold as ice and snow, and like a mountain stream.

The old shopkeeper heard the 'he' in the woman's words and smiled bitterly: The relationship between the father and daughter is still as bad as ever.

"Needless to say, I know his plan, nothing more than to let me go back to take charge of the Su family, but since I have retired, I will not go back."

Su Huanqing not only thought of something, but Liu Ye's eyebrows wrinkled secretly.

The old shopkeeper saw this scene in his eyes and understood that the granddaughter was reacting to 'nothing more than to let me go back to take charge of the Su family'.

The relationship between his son and his granddaughter is very poor, and the granddaughter often finds various reasons to criticize her father in her heart.

Just like just now, maybe I was thinking "I want to step down as the patriarch, run away and have no responsibility".

The old shopkeeper knew that this was a misunderstanding. After hesitating for a long time, he still did not say anything to explain his son. He sighed softly and talked about another topic:
"Qing'er, when you go back, tell that one who won't succeed. I'm going out for a wander, just in the past few days."

Su Huanqing's eyes were slightly startled, but she didn't speak.

The old shopkeeper pretended to be relaxed and said with a smile: "I'm going out to find an immortal medicine, and I may be away from Tiannanzhou for a while... Let him stop thinking about throwing the burden on me, and when I come back, he will continue to do it. His Su clan chief."

Su Huanqing was silent for a while, then Tankou opened his mouth lightly: "I see."

After saying that, he turned to leave.

"Wait a minute." The old shopkeeper raised his hand to stop her.

Su Huanqing looked at her grandfather with puzzled eyes and asked with a frown, "Is there anything else?"

The old shopkeeper sighed secretly, tilted his head and gestured to the clean teacup on the table, and said with a light smile:
"The kid you're waiting for is here. I guess he's thinking about how to find you right now. According to your father's style of doing things, he might be kicked out."

Su Huanqing's plain hand holding the scabbard shrank slightly, replied "I know", and left briskly.

The old shopkeeper looked at Su Huanqing's leaving figure, sighed for a moment while leaning on the door frame, looked up at the blue misty rain in the sky, and murmured:
"It's time for me to go too, it's not worth it, and now I'm still taking his place... Well, I don't know how credible that person's words are..."
Da da da--

The continuous drizzle knocked on the blue stone bricks, and no one on the road held an umbrella. Therefore, the figure standing in front of the inn with an oil-paper umbrella was particularly conspicuous.

Qianying is a woman in a long snow-blue dress, about [-] years old, her skin is fairer than snow, and her face is gentle and bright; girly.

A black figure gradually appeared in the sight obscured by the rain curtain.

Jiang Rongyue's eyes lit up, and she walked over with an oil-paper umbrella.

After seeing her brother's drenched appearance, she quickly raised her arms and covered Xu Shoujing's head with an oil-paper umbrella, while helping him organize his clothes, she felt distressed and complained:
"Why don't you know how to buy an umbrella?"

Xu Shoujing saw Jiang Rongyue holding an umbrella for her on her toes, blinked, took the oil-paper umbrella from her hand, and said slowly:

"No one in Su is afraid of the rain... No one sells umbrellas."

"These are all excuses. You're just lazy. It's okay to use your spiritual power to resist a little bit, but you just find it troublesome." Jiang Rongyue snorted softly and unceremoniously debunked his words.

Xu Shoujing's expression was a little embarrassed, and his lowered hand rubbed the back of Jiang Rongyue's hand, changing the subject and saying:
"Stop talking about that. Sister Rong Yue, have you found the inn?"

Jiang Rongyue's face was a little red, and she bent her fingertips, still stuffing her small hand into Xu Shoujing's big hand.

Seeing that Xu Shoujing was looking at him with a smirk, Jiang Rongyue's blushing became even worse, she quickly turned her eyes and pointed to the tall building behind her:
"I found... I found it. There are no inns in the whole city, only this one."

Xu Shoujing scratched Jiang Rongyue's palm, ignoring the other's annoyed gaze, and raised his head with a smile on his face.

But when he looked up at the inn's plaque, his expression froze.

I saw the gilded plaque with the words 'Drunken Immortal Building' written on it, and there was a mouth-watering aroma of wine lingering in the nostrils.

Familiar formula, familiar taste.

Xu Shoujing's smile gradually disappeared, and then his eyes were full of astonishment: "...They all come here, how wide the business scope of Zuixianlou is..."

After this interruption, Jiang Rongyue calmed down. She patted her chest and calmed down the 'heartbeat deer' slamming into the wall. She said softly:

"Do you want to eat something first?"

Xu Shoujing was silent for a moment, then shook his head with a smile: "Sister Rong Yue, you want a room now, I'll go check Feng Feng again, and come back later."

Jiang Rongyue's smile froze, and her heart was suddenly churning with jealousy.

How could she not hear that this was Xu Shoujing's excuse?Said to be exploring the wind, wasn't it actually just looking for the vixen Su Huanqing?
Jiang Rongyue felt infinite grievances in her heart, pursed her thin lips, and forced a reluctant smile:

"Well, you go, my sister is waiting for you to come back."

Some things are good to know, and there is no need to say anything.

Xu Shoujing felt uncomfortable when she saw Sister Rongyue's appearance. After thinking about it, she lowered her head and stamped her small cherry mouth, grabbed her shoulders lightly, and said seriously:

"Sister Rongyue, I assure you that Su Huan and I are really just friends."

Jiang Rongyue subconsciously licked her red lips, and her soft face flushed red after she reacted.

She stretched out her hand and pushed Xu Shoujing a few times, then broke free from his embrace, and her face was still a little hot:

"Well, I see... my sister believes in you, you go, I'll wait for you to come back."

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief, and after walking away, he waved to Jiang Rongyue again, and then he took an umbrella and left with confidence.

Jiang Rongyue stood at the door of the inn, staring at Xu Shoujing's departure direction, like a wife who was reluctant to leave her husband...

"Cough cough, that... guest officer, are you playing a sharpie or staying in a hotel?"

The voice of the lobby guy suddenly came from behind, and Jiang Rongyue woke up suddenly, realizing that she had been standing at someone else's door for so long as a 'deep wives', she felt infinite shame in her heart, and said embarrassedly:
"Stay in the hotel, give me a room for two, come with a pot of Zuixian Brew, and get some side dishes... side dishes can be served later, I... my husband will come over later."

At the end of the story, Jiang Rongyue was dyed with a red glow even on her neck. She shyly didn't dare to look at others, and she just crossed the threshold in a daze.

"Uh... Okay, then please come in."

The lobby guy with the white cloth quickly gave way, led the way, and loudly ordered the side dishes and wine names to be served in the kitchen.

At the same time, the second floor wing.

Nangong Xiaoxiao was wearing a cool summer dress, the indigo blue skirt was tucked into the quilt of the bed, only a small head was exposed, her pretty face was a little tired with nothing to do, but her eyes were blurred. He leaned against the woman in the white dress who was leaning against the window sill.

The woman in the white dress didn't say a word, her jade hand as white as winter suet pressed against the edge of the window.

Today is a cloudy and rainy day, and the light is not very bright. This hazy visual feeling brings out her perfect and proud figure like a work of art.

Zhao Fuyao didn't turn his head for a moment, his dull voice sounded out of thin air:
"Any questions?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao trembled all over and almost fell off the bed. She was speechless at Zhao Fuyao's behavior of 'eyes behind her back'.

She muttered, "It's scary, you know", took a deep breath, put on a heartless look, and said:

"It's nothing to do... I'm just curious, I've already told you about Gu Yao's Immortal Palace, why didn't I mention it to Xiao Jingzi..."

Zhao Fuyao looked at the black-robed youth who was gradually receding downstairs, his eyes were calm, and his voice had no warmth:
"Need to ask? Didn't you tell him while I was away?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao's face stiffened, while fanning herself with her hands, pretending to look around at the scenery:
"What did you say? It's too windy, I didn't hear it."


Zhao Fuyao was silent for a while, then slowly turned around, looking at Nangong Xiaoxiao's pretentious acting skills, he sighed softly:

"I know what you're thinking. What you want in him... just happens to be the last thing I want to see."

Nangong Xiaoxiao retracted her smile, and the look of pretending to be silly disappeared, replaced by a serious expression that suppressed certain emotions, she closed her eyes, and said solemnly:

"If he's really my sister's...I might let him kill you."

Zhao Fuyao's expression remained the same from beginning to end, as if Nangong Xiaoxiao was not talking about his own affairs.

She looked at the azure clouds outside the window, her phoenix eyes finally surging, and after a while, she murmured:

"He will not."
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PS: I used three seamless transitions in this chapter, which is an attempt. I used to like to do this when I wrote group portraits. What do you think?
(End of this chapter)

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