The queen is so fierce

Chapter 137 Changhe Su Clan

Chapter 137 Changhe Su Clan
The room was filled with the natural fragrance of sawdust, the lattice windows were closed, and the drizzle outside the window was covered up by the noise downstairs, which seemed a bit nondescript.

Ranxi was dressed in a blue and blue dress, and sat quietly on the bed, her posture was weak and lovable.

She held the plump white cat curled up in a ball in her arms, and from time to time she stroked her soft fur with her fingers, but her mind was obviously not on this. She blinked her big bright eyes and stood uncontrollably in front of the door. The three beautiful women glanced away, but quickly turned back as if afraid of being discovered.

The Taoist nun Jianxian Ling Fuyu, who has just assumed the post of Master Xu Shoujing for less than half a month, still wears a simple neon dress, her face is beautiful, and her face is lined with the sunrise, but she always has a straight face, with a frown. All reveal the rigidity in their bones.

In contrast, Chu Shuwan, who was standing in front of her, seemed to be at the other extreme.

Chu Shuwan was wrapped in a loose dark green summer dress, her long hair was rolled up high, revealing the white back of her neck, her mature face was painted with light makeup, red lips, and blush pink. Not Rao Zhaoshui Hibiscus.

As if to emphasize her proud figure on purpose, she held up her slender white arms, her bulging clothes were lifted up, and the exaggerated hip and waist lines from front to back emphasized the charm of mature women after being nourished.

If you say, Chu Shuwan is a red rose that does not hide her beauty.The senior sister beside her was the elegant white peony.

Qiu Xuanji changed into a slender red summer dress with three thousand blue silk shawls sprinkled down. Because of her tall figure, she seemed to be half a forehead higher than the others. With those phoenix eyes that were used to looking down at others, The majesty that comes from the superior is unmistakable.

Unlike Chu Shuwan, Qiu Xuanji doesn't like makeup, but with her bright and peerless face, no amount of makeup will only add to the brocade.

Looking at the two women's pestles in front of her, Ling Fuyu was silent, but she was also a little confused.

She has already made an appointment with the eldest apprentice whom she has not seen for a long time, and she will go to the appointment next.

But for some reason, Miss Chu and Miss Chou followed behind him, not saying a word, and they didn't know what they were planning.

Speaking of which, after saying that her eldest apprentice was from the Changhe Su Clan last time, Miss Chu looked a little strange.

Could it be... What is the relationship between the Changhe Su Clan and them?
Thinking of this, Ling Fuyu coughed lightly, breaking the silence:

"Miss Chu, Pindao is going to see the eldest apprentice next...but what else?"

In other words, it is not convenient to take you with me.

Although he agreed to dig corners, in the end, it is still a master-apprentice relationship, so you can't talk about it as soon as you meet, right?

Chu Shuwan's expression was a little unnatural, and her mind was no longer on 'digging corners'.

If it's not good, his Jinger will be dug away.

Chu Shuwan remembered very clearly that Jiang Rongyue once mentioned it to her when she was still living in Zimo.

When Jing'er first entered the capital, she befriended a woman named 'Su Huanqing'. According to Xu Shoujing's own explanation later, she was a member of the Su Clan of the Changhe River.

But these are not important, because that Su Huanqing has nothing to do with Jing'er... The key is that she claims that 'my master and Xu Shoujing will become Taoist companions in the future'.

There are old injuries, the apprentice is from the Changhe Su Clan, and he can also use ice... No matter what you think, it's Ling Fuyu.

Of course, these are just Chu Shuwan's own speculation in the end, and she won't jump to conclusions without confirming it.

But if you ask directly, "Is your apprentice's name Su Huanqing?" If that's the case, Ling Fuyu will ask you how you know about it... You can't answer her, "Actually, your apprentice wants to pair you with your new apprentice. "Bar.

Well, the above are all excuses.

The reason why Chu Shuwan was reluctant to speak was that she was afraid that if her guess was correct, how would she accept it at that time.

Jinger likes older people, there is no need to doubt that.Moreover, it seems that as long as the identity span is bigger, the more Jinger likes it...

Thinking of this, Chu Shuwan pursed her red lips and swept her gaze from Ling Fuyu's figure.

Tsk tsk... this hip, this chest... and the master's name, Jing'er must feel very exciting.

Ling Fuyu frowned lightly, Chu Shuwan's too fiery gaze made her feel as if she was not wearing clothes, and she felt uncomfortable, she couldn't help saying:

"Miss Chu?"

"Ah..." Chu Shuwan suddenly came back to her senses, coughed lightly, and pressed her elbow against Qiu Xuanji beside her, motioning her to speak.

Qiu Xuanji's Fengrong didn't waver, as if she had expected Chu Shuwan to throw the pot to herself, but she paused for a moment and asked aloud:

"Daoist, dare to ask what the name of the commander is taboo?"

Ling Fu Yuwei was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting to be asked this kind of question, hesitated for a while, and said:
"Qing Yuzi. This is her Dao name... I wonder why the girl asked this?"


How can you still use the road number to fool around?

Chu Shuwan breathed a sigh of relief, made up her mind, and planned to grit her teeth and ask the question to the end.

But Keling Fuyu felt that she had finished answering, and reached out to open the door.

"If there is nothing else, Pindao will go first..." Ling Fuyu said with a straight face, her front foot had already stepped out of the door.

"Hey, Daoist, please stay..."

Chu Shuwan hurriedly ran after her, and before she could speak, she heard a familiar voice ringing in her ear:


Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, then turned her head to see that Jiang Rongyue, who was in a long dress with snow green, was standing at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor, looking in her direction with a look of astonishment.

Almost at the same time, the two said in unison:
"Why are you (you) here?"

Chu Shuwan was still stunned, Ling Fuyu swept her gaze over the two masters and apprentices, but she wanted to understand something in her heart, and said in a low voice:
"Miss Jiang, you are here on behalf of... Jing'er is also in Sudu?"


Chu Shuwan's eyelashes trembled, and she took a deep breath. Without thinking too much, she asked aloud:

"Rongyue, didn't you and Jinger go to Jingyue Lake? Why are you here?"

This question is obviously also what Ling Fuyu wants to ask, you must know that Su Du is not a place where everyone can come in.

Without Ling Fuyu's guidance, even if Chu Shuwan and the others flew for a few more months, they might not be able to pass the natural Three Rivers Great Array.

Feeling those two eyes with some scrutiny, although Jiang Rongyue hadn't figured out the situation yet, she thought that Xu Shoujing should have found Su Huanqing at this time, rebellious mentality, and sold him without hesitation:
"It was Xiaojing who brought me here... He said that he had made an appointment with a girl from the Su Clan in Changhe and wanted to find her when he arrived at Tiannanzhou."

Chu Shuwan was stunned, as if she suddenly realized something, glanced at Ling Fuyu's expression, and asked casually:

"What's that girl's name?"

Jiang Rongyue frowned, not knowing why: "Master, don't you know? Su Huanqing, the one who claims that Xiaojing will become her master's companion... Master?"

At the end of the sentence, Jiang Rongyue tilted her head in confusion.

Because Chu Shuwan, who asked her this question, no longer looked at herself, but kept her eyes on the Taoist nun Nishang beside her.

Ling Fuyu's always calm expression finally fluctuated, and Jian Shui's eyes were full of astonishment, as if she had not been able to digest the sudden amount of information.

Huanqing's master, isn't that me?

Will become Xu Shoujing's Taoist companion... Why have I never heard of this?
Ling Fuyu's eyes widened, her whole body seemed to be transformed into a freshly baked sculpture.

The noise downstairs was still the same, the shouts of the lobby staff urging the kitchen to cook, and the sound of colliding with bottles and jars spread to the second floor.

But the whole second floor was very quiet, and the air was filled with embarrassment.

Several women with different styles stood in the corridor, without the slightest movement, the wind was chaotic.
The terrain of the entire Sudu is built in a step-like manner. The rich residential areas rely on the original land. The streets and streets extend in all directions. Except for the large area, it seems to be no different from the city outside.

Going further up, the remaining quarter of Sudu is built on the mountain. The way to the road is full of steep slopes. There are fewer and fewer fireworks in the houses on both sides. At the end, there are only murmuring water and lush greenery all around. .

Xu Shoujing was walking on a steep mountain slope, looking up at the lush greenery full of birds singing, looking back, the thousands of fireworks in Sudu had shrunk into a dazzling picture.

When I was in the city, the blue mist and rain that covered the sky, I don't know when it dissipated on the way up the mountain, and the warm light reflected on the skin, which was very comfortable.

Xu Shoujing didn't want to break the rules casually with Yu Jian. Anyway, he was used to walking on mountain roads, so it was no big deal.

He picked up some stream water and washed the sweat on his forehead and neck, and continued on his way.

About half an hour later, when Xu Shoujing wanted to start complaining, the surrounding greenery suddenly changed, and the end of the mountain road was actually a basin with a hidden peak.

The red lacquer wall surrounds the entire basin. Looking from the top, you can vaguely see those tall buildings that stand out abruptly. Many monks in green robes walk together. In front of the closed gate are two monks guarding. Seems to still be yawning.

"It's more stylish than Xuanji's palace... It's really rich."

Xu Shoujing sighed and glanced at the slope under his feet. After confirming that there was no problem with the height, he jumped and a sliding shovel descended into the basin, before walking to the gate in a few steps.

He had just stood so high that he couldn't see clearly, but when he approached, Xu Shoujing finally saw the four big characters written on the plaque - 'Changhe Su Clan'.

Originally, Xu Shoujing thought that the Changhe Su Clan was actually just a family. Even if the mansion was built a little bigger, including the seven aunts and eight aunts, how many people could there be in a whole clan?
But after seeing the complete facilities at the summit just now, Xu Shoujing couldn't help sighing: My layout is small.

The Changhe Su Clan is no longer a mere 'family' that can be easily summed up. Maybe compared with those immortal sects, it is already comparable in size.

rustling --

The delicate grass buds were ruthlessly trampled on, and although it was very subtle, it still reached the ears of the two monks guarding the gate.

The drowsy Bipao monk with his head dangling suddenly woke up. He quickly patted the slightly fatter monk next to him, and reminded in a hurry:
"Don't sleep, someone is coming!"

The fat cultivator smacked his lips a few times, turning a blind eye to the words of the Bipao cultivator, holding the spear in his arms tightly, and said in a dreamy voice:
"I still want...I can't eat it...but I still want..."


Why don't you kill you?
The Bipao cultivator had black lines all over his head and kicked his ass. The latter lost his balance, his spear was missing, and he was lying on the ground on his back.

"...Why are you kicking me, sigh, it's all your fault... My stomach hurts to death..."

The fat monk hugged his stomach and groaned a few times, then stood up against the red wall.

The Bipao cultivator glanced at him and pouted:

"I kicked your ass. You fell on your ass, why would your stomach hurt? Stop pretending, someone is coming."

The fat cultivator retrieved his spear and returned to his post, muttering bitterly, "Didn't I eat too much..."

I ate a lot in my dream.


Xu Shoujing tidied up his clothes. After seeing the two gatekeepers with serious faces, before he had time to say hello, he saw the Bipao cultivator glaring at him and shouted sharply:

"Who is coming! Sign up to come!"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

This line has a sense of's the first time I've heard it in reality.

Xu Shoujing entered the play in a second, clenched his fist and coughed lightly, his expression was very serious, and he sank to the two of them:
"Under the 'pure passerby', it was purely accidental to enter Sudu by mistake... I have come here, and I want to pay tribute to the patriarch of the Su clan."

These remarks were eloquent, smooth, and steady... Xu Shoujing himself never thought that he could act so well, and it seemed that he was infected by a certain actor.

"Pure passerby?" The Bipao cultivator thought that the name was really weird, and he looked at Xu Shoujing a few times with the pupillary technique, and after confirming that this guy was just a sea-bound, he waved his hand: "The patriarch is very busy and has no time to see you. Please come back."


It's broken, I overdid it and forgot about the business.

Xu Shoujing touched his head embarrassingly, picked up his previous serious expression, and said:

"Just kidding, under Xu Shoujing, I made an appointment with Miss Su Huanqing to come here to find her..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Shoujing saw the duo of Moyu and Standing Guard trembling in front of him, as if he had heard something unbelievable.

"It seems that Su Huanqing's status is not ordinary, maybe it's a saint or a goddess..."

Xu Shoujing let out a sigh of relief, thinking that he can finally let himself in now...

"Please go back." The Bipao cultivator said with a serious expression.

"???" This time, it was Xu Shoujing's turn to look shocked, and he asked inexplicably, "Ah? I made an agreement with your Su Huanqing to..."

The Bipao cultivator did not wait for Xu Shoujing to finish his words, and waved at him:
"Every year, half of the people who try every way to enter Sudu come to Sister Huanqing. I don't know how many times I've heard your excuse."

"..." Xu Shoujing was speechless: "I really have an agreement with Su Huanqing."

The fat monk took out a handful of melon seeds from nowhere, and said while eating:
"Everyone said that, I advise you to give up. The holy son of Tianyuan Sect has been chasing after our senior sister for so many years, and the senior sister doesn't even look at him, just your appearance..."

The words stopped here, the fat cultivator wanted to routinely criticize Xu Shoujing's appearance, but after taking a closer look at his handsome face like a fairy, the whole person was stunned and murmured:

"...There's still a good chance."

The Bipao cultivator hammered the fat cultivator whose elbows were turned out, cleared his throat, and looked firm:
"Anyway, please come back. Sister Huanqing can't possibly have any agreement with you."

The air suddenly cooled down, the brilliance of the sun was obscured by a few clouds, and the ground was covered with a layer of shadow.

Xu Shoujing let out a long sigh, glanced at the height of the red wall, and pouted:
"You really don't let me go?"

"Don't let... what do you want?" Bipao cultivator raised his eyebrows, his hand holding the spear tighter.

"Hehe...what do I want to do..."

Xu Shoujing walked towards the two with a smile on his face, and a cold sweat broke out behind the Bipao cultivator. I don't know why, although this guy's cultivation level is not as good as his own, but there is always an inexplicable heartache.

The fat cultivator continued nibbling on the melon seeds, looked at the distance between the two of them, and took a half step back silently, completely out of the way.


The sole of the shoe rubbed against a stone, as if the solidified air was dissolved.

The hand of the Bipao cultivator holding the spear trembled instinctively, and said:

At this moment, when Xu Shoujing stayed on the Bipao cultivator, he suddenly shifted and threw himself behind him, looking stunned:

"Huan Qing... why are you here?"

The Bipao cultivator was taken aback for a moment, and turned his head subconsciously——

The ancient red red lacquer gate, the brilliant embossed plaque, and the empty front corridor.


Where is Miss Huanqing?

The Bipao cultivator looked puzzled and paused for a moment. The puzzled look on his face turned to astonishment. He secretly said, "I was fooled," and quickly turned around.

Sure enough, Xu Shoujing, who was only a few steps away, was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's the person?!" The Bipao cultivator looked anxious, with a questioning look, and looked at the fat cultivator.

All the melon seeds disappeared from the fat cultivator's hand, replaced by a large handful of milk red dates. While eating, he pointed to the surrounding wall:

The Bipao cultivator was startled, and looked in the direction of the fat cultivator's fingers. Half of the black-robed Sword Immortal had stepped on the tiles of the red fence, and his hands were supporting the wall. Looking at the direction of his body's inertia, it seemed that To turn over.

Crazy over the wall, worthy of the name.

However, after seeing this scene, Bipao cultivator's restless heart calmed down.

To say why...


Only a 'bang' sound was heard, and the handsome and unparalleled black-robed sword immortal was bounced off by a layer of blue film that suddenly lit up behind the wall, and the whole person flew upside down towards the bushes.

Xu Shoujing smashed a deep hole in the bushes, he struggled to stand up, touched his lower back in pain, and muttered:

"What's the situation... There is still a wall that I can't climb over?"


The Bipao cultivator came over with a long spear, squatted in front of Xu Shoujing, pouted and said:
"If my Changhe Su Clan was a place where I could climb over the wall, it would have been messed up long ago. I don't want to embarrass you. I advise you to give up. The only people who can pass through the great formation are people from Sudu."

Xu Shoujing patted the soil on his body and said depressedly:
"Then what if outsiders want to go in?"

The Bipao cultivator was stunned for a moment, his eyes glanced up, and while recalling, he whispered:
"Either the patriarch personally portrayed the 'permission formation', or the gatekeeper on shift would have this kind of sign for temporary entry..."

Xu Shoujing lowered his head and glanced at the aqua blue jade plaque that the blue-robed cultivator took out to show him, and fell silent for a while.

Is this guy really stupid, or just too confident?

"So I advise you to give up, it's impossible for you to go in." Bipao monk said.

"That's not necessarily true." Xu Shoujing rubbed his wrist and shot like lightning, about to snatch the jade card.

The Bipao cultivator seemed to have anticipated it, and threw it to the fat cultivator who started eating watermelon at the back.

When he saw Xu Shoujing twisting his neck, looking like he was about to fight, he sighed helplessly:
"Forget it, you are just a beginner sword cultivator, not my opponent. We Su have always been warm and hospitable, and I don't want you to suffer from flesh and blood."

Xu Shoujing caressed Qiongyu on his waist, and Yanqian, a painting boat with thousands of sword energy in the scabbard, appeared in his hand.He held the hilt of the sword and hooked the corner of his mouth:

"Not always."
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(End of this chapter)

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