The queen is so fierce

Chapter 138 Daughter control is about to arrive on the battlefield

Chapter 138 Daughter control is about to arrive on the battlefield

The Bipao cultivator tilted his head and glanced at the fat cultivator, motioning him to step back a little, so as not to hinder his performance.

The fat cultivator just wanted to be a melon eater. He didn't say much and walked away with the jade token.

"If I guessed correctly, you should have been in the mirror for less than half a year." The Bipao cultivator spread his hands.

"You can tell?" Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, his expression a little surprised.

It is not difficult to see through the realm. As long as the cultivation base is higher than the opponent and there is no magic weapon to cover it up, anyone can do it.

But to see through a person's realm, and incidentally, he can tell the time when he entered the mirror... This is very incredible.

For example, it's like other people can tell whether you have eaten or not by your mental state today.

But he can directly tell your meal time to the exact number of seconds before.

It's not so's weird.

The Bipao cultivator saw Xu Shoujing's hesitation in his eyes, paused for a moment, and then said in a very determined tone:
"And you are still the Five Elements that have never been seen in the ancient times... To be honest, I don't even know how you have cultivated until now. It's a miracle..."

"Can you know that too?"

This time Xu Shoujing was really shocked, an exclamation mark appeared on his head, and his face was full of astonishment.

"Of course, you don't even look at who I am..." Bipao cultivator rubbed his nose a little embarrassedly, and suddenly felt off topic on the way, and coughed awkwardly: "In short, you are not my opponent, I advise Don't get up just because of your temper. It's not good for you to fight with me."

The words stopped here, and the Bipao cultivator felt that he had done his best and righteousness, sighed deeply, and secretly said in his heart:
"If he still wants to die, then I can't blame me for being merciless."


A mighty wind swept across with dust, and weeds on the ground flew between the two of them.

Inside the red lacquer wall, there was a faint voice of the monks discussing where to eat after finishing their daily class.

The fat monk moved a small bench from somewhere, and the snacks in his hand changed from melon seeds and watermelons to a lot of peach cakes.

He quietly looked at the two people who suddenly stood still in front of him, his eyes swept back and forth, but he didn't mean to interrupt.

There was a thin layer of sweat on the forehead of the Bipao cultivator. It was noon, and the poisonous sunlight made him want to return to the shadow where the fat cultivator was.

On the other hand, looking at the black-robed sword immortal in front of him, there were also many beads of sweat the size of beans that fell from the side of his face to his chin.

However, the expression of the black-robed sword immortal was always calm, and the sword in his hand, which looked like a clear moon and white, pointed steadily at the ground, with a chilling concentration.

"It's time for me to change shifts to eat... In the end, I'll give you a letter of approval?" The Bipao cultivator showed a hint of impatience. The wrist holding the spear flipped, and the sole of the shoe moved half an inch.

It was at this moment that Xu Shoujing took this slight change into his eyes. He lightly threw the painting boat and smoked lightly.
"Explain a little in advance."

"Huh?" Bipao cultivator raised his eyebrows.

"No doubt, I'm better than you." Xu Shoujing curled the corners of his mouth, and the confident smile on his face gradually turned serious.


Xu Shoujing put his hand behind the hilt with his backhand, bent his knees, leaned forward, and a black spiritual force wrapped around his body like a thick ink on a picture scroll.

what's the situation……?
The Bipao cultivator instinctively took a half step back. He didn't feel any dangerous aura from Xu Shoujing, but he felt repulsion from the bottom of his heart for this action.

It's like... if you don't give resistance, the next moment, your head will move.

That long sword glowing with moon-white brilliance will leave a crescent-like trajectory in mid-air; that jet-black strange spiritual power will destroy all common sense in the world.

It was a false picture like a mirror and water moon, but the Bipao cultivator somehow felt that the picture was about to be staged in front of him.

There is no sense of reality...but it is immersive.

"I won."

The voice of the black-robed Sword Immortal announcing victory echoed in his ears, his tone was relaxed, and his expression was confident, as if he was not surprised by the result.

The Bipao cultivator suddenly returned to his senses, only to feel a chill on his neck, and the moon-white long sword had been clamped around his neck at some point.

As long as the sword fairy in the black robe exerts a little force, there is no doubt that he will die on the spot.


The spear fell to the ground, splashing a lot of smoke.

The Bipao cultivator took a step back tremblingly, his eyes wandered, and finally stopped on Xu Shoujing's body, and asked in a daze:
"This... what kind of move?"


Xu Shoujing put his sword into the sheath, pinned the painting Fang Yanqian to his waist, and replied casually:

"I haven't figured out what to name it yet... I recently visited a ruin and learned something."

The Bipao cultivator was still a little stunned. It wasn't that he had never fought against senior brothers, and he was usually crushed.

But even if it is crushed, at least I understand the principle.

Where is it like now... It doesn't matter if his cultivation is lower than himself, he doesn't even know how he lost.

There is a saying that people who dare to study the answer with a thick skin must go farther than those with a thin skin.

The Bipao cultivator made up his mind to ask clearly, took a deep breath, and put on the appearance of a good student:

"Fellow Daoist, tell me again... where is the person?"

The Bi-pao cultivator was stunned for a moment. He swept left and right without seeing the figure of the black-robed sword immortal. He turned around in a trance, but happened to see the fat cultivator handing the jade card to Xu Shoujing very casually.

"..." Bipao monk.

How are you so self-conscious?
The fat monk licked the halva in his hand and said in a naive voice:

"Turn right after entering the door, turn left at the end of the road, and go all the way to the end. Next to the 'alchemy room' is the Su Mansion."

"Thank you very much." Xu Shoujing thanked him, looked at the word 'Su' engraved on the jade plaque in his hand, glanced at the red lacquer wall, took a few steps, and turned over with a leap.

"..." Bipao monk.

Why do you have to go over the wall?
The Bipao cultivator couldn't understand the source of the "revenge" in Xu Shoujing's eyes when he climbed over the wall, so he looked away angrily and walked slowly to the fat cultivator.

"You just gave it to him?" he asked with a frown.

The fat cultivator bit the halva in one bite and replied as a matter of course:

"You can't beat him, and I certainly can't beat him. If I don't give him I'll be beaten for nothing, why not?"

"—" You're right.

The fat cultivator took Zhang Xiaoma and put it down next to him, tilted his head and motioned for the Bipao cultivator to sit down, and continued:
"Also, he's not a bad guy, I don't think it's okay to let him in."

The Bipao cultivator had just sat on the pony bar. Hearing the fat cultivator's determined tone, his face was startled, and he said in surprise:
"How do you know he's not a bad guy? You know him?"

The fat cultivator shook his head: "I don't know him, but didn't he say his name is Xu Shoujing? Think about it again, have you heard this name before?"

The Bipao cultivator frowned, but he did not doubt the fat cultivator's words, and muttered to himself:

"Xu Shoujing...Xu Shoujing...Xu Shoujing!"

The Bipao cultivator suddenly widened his eyes, as if he had remembered something, looked at the fat cultivator in shock, and said solemnly:
"Xu Shoujing...isn't the one that Sister Huanqing said once half a year ago..."

The fat monk nodded, took a bite of the newly turned banana, and said sternly:

"It shouldn't be a lie that he made an agreement with Senior Sister, I remembered it when I looked at his face halfway through.

So in the end, I temporarily changed it to 'there is still a good chance'. If I don't say something nice at this time, maybe I will be wearing small shoes in the future. "

"..." Bipao monk.

You are thinking long term.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier? You said earlier, what am I doing to make things difficult for him when I have nothing to do?" Bipao monk still couldn't help complaining.

The fat cultivator's face froze, his eyes dodged a little, and he said apologetically:

"I saw that you were pretty good at the time. Anyway, whoever wins or loses won't stop me..."

"To be honest." The Bipao cultivator smiled and patted his shoulder.

The fat cultivator's face stiffened, he silently handed over a piece of halva, and his eyes shifted slightly:
"Uh... Actually, I can watch the fun when you are beaten. If he is going to be beaten, I will speak for him, maybe I will remember my favor..."

"—" The Bipao cultivator was shocked, and murmured with emotion: "No wonder your grades are mediocre, and you can be on the list every time. This kind of favor can be played well."

"...It's not as powerful as you said." The fat cultivator touched the back of his head a little embarrassedly.

"You are so shy!" The Bipao cultivator slapped him on the forehead and said angrily, "Is it watching a play! How do I usually treat you!"

"...These are two different things. Friendship and future cannot be balanced."

"With your head..."

The two were arguing while sitting on the pony, when another 'wheeh' the wind blew.

The Bipao cultivator was stunned, but this time he didn't pull the fat cultivator up to play the 'Serious Duo on Guard'.

That kind of abnormal mode... is usually performed for outsiders to see.

The people of the Su Clan in the Changhe River are born with the same origin as the water of the Five Elements. Coupled with the unique 'magic power' of the Su Clan, it is not difficult for each other to detect each other's identities.

Since it is one's own, then everyone is used to fishing anyway, and there is nothing to hide.

"It's finally here. I've been on guard for an extra quarter of an hour. You have to supply me later... By the way, an outsider was just put in..."

"His name is Xu Shoujing?"

"Ah yes yes yes, it's called this name... how did you know?"

The Bipao cultivator turned his head suspiciously, but found that the person who came was not the junior brother who wanted to change his class.

The person who came was a tall and slender woman in a light blue dress. Her cold face showed no mood swings, and her frown seemed to turn everyone away.

"Huan...Sister Huanqing..." The Bipao cultivator said with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Su Huanqing glanced at him indifferently, and said coldly:
"Where is he?"

Don't ask, as long as you're not a fool, you all know who Su Huanqing is referring to as 'he'.

Before the Bipao cultivator could react, the fat cultivator took a step forward and patted his chest:
"Brother Xu has gone to the Su Mansion. It is estimated that he has already seen Venerable at this time. Senior Sister, don't worry, the path I showed is absolutely correct."

"Xu... Big Brother Xu?" The Bipao cultivator widened his eyes, looking at the fat cultivator with disbelief in his eyes.

This guy will give himself too much money, right?
He wouldn't think that saying something like this would make Sister Huanqing...

"The top floor of the Qi Refining Tower, one month." Su Huanqing took out a small sign and threw it to the fat monk, opened the door and walked in, disappearing into the street in the blink of an eye.

All these conversations only happened in a short quarter of an hour, and Su Huanqing came and went quickly, like a cold wind, without taking away half a grain of dust.

The fat cultivator looked at the small brand in his hand for a while, glanced at the Bipao cultivator who seemed to have eaten a few pounds of lemons, and exclaimed exaggeratedly:

"Oops! Only a few geniuses have the opportunity to go to the top of the Qi Refining Tower. If the grades are not up to standard, they may not meet until they leave the apprenticeship.

Tsk tsk, my grades are not that good, how can I go?I heard that the spiritual energy at the top of the Qi Refining Tower is more intense than the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Sitting in it for a day is equivalent to ten times the effect of cultivating outside...

It's weird, how can I go? "

"..." Bipao monk.

Tired, destroy it.
The sun is scorching hot, and the umbrellas of fire are high.

The high-rise promenade stretches endlessly, and the Bi-pao disciples walking together on the street pass by the black-robed Sword Immortal, all discussing or pointing in a low voice.

No way, it's too rare.

There may be more than 100 outsiders in Sudu every year, but this is the first time that the Changhe Su family has seen the faces of outsiders in so many years.

Especially wearing a black robe, it is more conspicuous against the background of their light blue clothes.

Of course, to say it is to point fingers, but it is not to speak ill of people behind their backs.

If it is a male cultivator, at most people who are with him can guess the origin of the black-robed sword immortal, or comment on the cultivator of the sea of ​​'five elements with no pulse', sighing that it is difficult to ask for help.

As for the nuns...

"You go and ask his name..."

"I'm not going, why aren't you going?"

"Look at how handsome he looks... I'm afraid I won't be able to speak in front of him..."

"Hey, it's like I'm not ashamed! You little hooves, if you want to strike up a conversation, you still want your sister to do it for you, right!"

"Dare you say you don't want to? I saw you cross your legs..."

Xu Shoujing listened to the unspeakable ridicule and ignored the group of 'civilized monkey watchers' Yingyingyanyan.

Hey, I didn't expect to come to the famous Changhe Su Clan, and his rate of return is still so high.

I don't know how long it has been, but the buildings on both sides have gradually become flattened. The plaques hanging on the small high-rises are all written in big characters 'alchemy room'.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

play me?Next to the alchemy room... this is all the alchemy room.

Xu Shoujing was a little speechless. Just as he was about to complain that the fat cultivator couldn't show the way, he was stunned when he glanced around.

At the end of the road underfoot, there is a mansion that is completely different from the structural level. The surging heat wave of the alchemy room washed the walls of the courtyard, but there was no sign of paint peeling.

'Su Mansion' is easy to understand, without any fancy plaques.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, walked over slowly, picked up the knocker and knocked twice.

dong dong——

But a moment later, a young man dressed in brocade opened the door, he yawned lazily, and said impatiently:
"Who are you looking for?"

Xu Shoujing blinked and sank his hands:
"Xu Shoujing is here, may I ask if Su Huanqing is there?"

Hearing the name of 'Su Huanqing' appeared, Young Master Jinfu woke up with a sleepy expression. He looked at Xu Shoujing in amazement and wondered:
"Are you... an outsider? Wait... Xu Shoujing!"

The young man in Jinfu suddenly exclaimed, the door that had been slightly opened by a crack was pushed open, and his hands pressed against Xu Shoujing's shoulders, for fear that he would run away:
"You are Xu Shoujing! You are Xu Shoujing!"


Can I say I'm not?
Xu Shoujing's expression was a little embarrassed, mainly because he didn't understand why the young man in front of him was so surprised. Could it be that Su Huanqing also described his glorious deeds to them?

"That... or you let me go first, and have something to say, the two big men are hugging each other... the impact is not good."

When the words fell, Xu Shoujing tilted his head and gestured.

The young man in Jinfu was stunned for a moment, followed Xu Shoujing's line of sight, and found that there were a few charming little nuns in the corner, peeking at him with blushing faces.

Especially when he wrapped his arms around Xu Shoujing's shoulders excitedly, the female nuns screamed in excitement, as if they had seen a 'sword exchange scene'.

"..." The young man in Jinfu.

It seems that the female nun of the Changhe Su Clan needs to rectify.

"Cough cough." The young man in Jinfu released his hand, took a step back, and bowed his hand: "My name is Su Ling, and I am Sister Huanqing's cousin."

Xu Shoujing also returned a salute and introduced himself again: "Xu Shoujing...that, Su Huanqing..."

"Oh, what a coincidence, my cousin went out immediately after she came back, but it is said that she went to see the master, it probably won't be too long." Su Ling said with a smile, giving up half of her body and making a statement. A gesture of invitation: "Brother-in-law, why don't you sit inside for a while?"

"—" Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and a question mark appeared on his head: "What did you just say?"

Su Ling smiled and pulled Xu Shoujing's arm, and regardless of whether he agreed or not, he walked into the mansion and said to himself:

"Brother-in-law, although my cousin looks a little cold, she is actually cold on the outside and warm on the inside, and she is kind-hearted, you should be more concerned.

Hey, you must know that so many sects in Tiannanzhou have stepped on the door, and even the holy son of Tianyuanzong has publicly shown his love over and over again... My cousin's charm is so great.

But what about my cousin?I don't even look at them, I don't know how many Tianjiao have hit a wall with my cousin.

So, brother-in-law, I really admire you, brother-in-law, that you were able to take down Sister Huanqing. "

Xu Shoujing's head was covered with black lines, and he broke free from Su Ling in disgust, and waved his hand:
"You misunderstood, Huan Qing and I are friends."

Su Ling's eyes were stunned, and immediately put on a mocking look of 'don't be shy', and said thiefly:

"Brother-in-law, stop pretending, you are the only man Sister Huanqing is willing to bring home. As early as half a year ago, when she first came back, she told the whole family that if a man named 'Xu Shoujing' came to the door, don't Stop it and notify her immediately."

"Isn't this normal..." Xu Shoujing looked surprised.

However, Su Ling shook his head seriously: "No, it's not normal at all! That's Su Huanqing! Su Huanqing, who doesn't make excuses for any man! Because of this incident, the uncle even gave birth..."

The words stopped here, Su Ling seemed to have thought of something, his face turned pale, and he quickly pulled Xu Shoujing to the other direction.

"What are you doing..." Xu Shoujing looked confused.

As Su Ling walked, he turned his head slightly: "Save you, if your uncle sees you now, it will be over..."


Su Ling suddenly bumped into someone, and lost his balance when he leaned back. If it wasn't for Xu Shoujing's support, he almost fell.

He finally managed to stabilize his body, and he felt angry in his heart, and said in a bad mood:

"Who! Don't you have eyes? I didn't see... Uncle, hey, where are my eyes? It's strange, I was still here just now..."
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PS: please read!Please read!Please read!This is really important to me (bang bang bang)

... In addition, please subscribe to Chapter 11, that chapter really attracted a lot of subscriptions.

(End of this chapter)

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