The queen is so fierce

Chapter 139 The apprentice finds a blind date for the master

Chapter 139 The apprentice finds a blind date for the master
In the garden with the fragrance of birds and flowers, the air condenses for a while.

A middle-aged man dressed in a green robe stood in front of him, his back was bearish, his long hair was tied up, and his angular face was not angry and arrogant.

With his hands behind his back, he looked at Su Ling with a calm expression, and his voice was as low as an ice cave:
"Do I have no eyes?"

"..." Su Ling.

From what you said...that's not it, I didn't know it was you before.

Before Su Ling could react, the man in the green robe turned his head slightly and glanced at Xu Shoujing, who was standing beside him, with a little scrutiny in his eyes:

"who are you?"

Xu Shoujing frowned slightly. He didn't like to be looked down upon by others, which would make him feel unpleasant to be despised.

——Of course, if in some specific scenes, the person looking down on him is still a woman, then it is another matter, and even thinking about it is quite exciting.

But this is an away game after all, and it is normal for the host to be skeptical of a kid of unknown origin.

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Shoujing prepared words in his heart and said:

"I promise..."

Before he could finish speaking, Su Ling, who was frightened by the side, suddenly came back to his senses, his eyes panicked, and he interrupted Xu Shoujing quickly, saying anxiously:
"His name is Xu... Xu Que! Yes, his surname is Xu Que, his name is Mosheng, he's a sword cultivator friend I met outside..."

"—" Xu Shoujing opened his mouth and turned his head in surprise, looking at Su Ling with stunned eyes.

"How does this guy know my trumpet vest? And he also created a Mo Sheng... um, it sounds pretty good."

Su Ling didn't realize that he was regarded as a rare animal by Xu Shoujing. He secretly observed the change in the expression of 'Uncle' and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Of course, Su Ling didn't know about Xu Shoujing's 'trumpet vest'. He was just talking nonsense in a hurry.

And the reason that prompted him to do so... was the 'uncle' in front of him.

Even though Su Jin's appearance is quite calm, he is a real 'daughter-controller' in essence.

Half a year ago, Su Huanqing claimed to be going out to practice and left the Changhe Su Clan without saying a word.

This matter is quite a big deal, and everyone in the entire Changhe Su family knows it.

Note that it is the Changhe Su clan, not the 'Su Mansion'.

Originally, it was not uncommon for the younger generation of monks in the Changhe Su Clan to go out to practice, and I usually did not see any disturbance from the parents.

Here I am going to name and criticize Su Jin. He is a lot of age, and he is still the leader of the entire Changhe Su Clan. It was only a note left by his daughter that disappeared for more than half a year.

The whole Su Mansion was disturbed, and the family members wanted to persuade them a few words, but they were all thrown away by him on the spot, and they still said "Qing'er... Qing'er..."

I don't know, I thought it was a soul chanting...

Later, Su Huanqing finally returned to the Changhe Su Clan, and everyone thought that this farce was about to end.

Unexpectedly, Su Huanqing himself started a new version of the rhythm, and turned a deaf ear to Su Jin's long-lost inquiries. I'.

"..." Everyone in the Su residence.

As everyone expected, Su Jin was sulking for more than half a month.

During that time, as long as it was night, some whispers could be heard in the backyard of Su Mansion.

Like something like 'If that kid dares to come, I'll rip off his skin', 'No one in Jiuzhou is worthy of my daughter! ', 'My cabbage dares to bow, which pig doesn't want to mix! ' .

Actually it's nothing.What's even more shocking is that, I don't know when, in the gymnasium used to practice magic in the backyard of Su Mansion, the spiritual wood dummies for training the hit rate of magic have been engraved with three 'Xu Shoujing'. big print.

What's even more 'weird' is that no one is using it, but when I go to check it every morning, all the spirit wood dummies look like 'battle damage'.

The entire Su Mansion knew who did it, but they pretended not to see it.

After all, family shame cannot be made public, and everyone in the Su residence is not so bored that they go to Changhe Su Clan, or Su Du to hype it up.

Today, more than half a year has passed since that time, and just a while ago, Su Jin finally stopped the brutal act of 'killing Xu Shoujing'.

The Su Mansion finally regained its former calm... But everyone just took a breath, but they didn't expect that the righteous master would come to the door today.

Afraid not to die...
Su Ling didn't even dare to think, if Su Jin, the 'daughter control', knew that Xu Shoujing, who he regarded as a 'gong cabbage wild boar', was the handsome sword immortal in front of him with five elements...

Hiss...that scene was absolutely explosive, but he didn't want to watch it at all.

Su Ling took a deep breath and withdrew all the messy thoughts. The soles of his feet could not stop shaking, but he still stood in front of him, trying to use his body to protect Xu Shoujing behind him.

"—" Xu Shoujing's expression was a little weird, why does he always have the feeling of... 'If you want to hurt him, you have to step on my corpse first'?

Although Su Ling forced a stiff smile, the sweat dripping from his forehead had undoubtedly betrayed his nervousness at the moment.

Seeing Su Ling's expression of 'I'm lying' written on his face, if Su Jin could believe that 'friend declaration', he would have lived in vain.

However, having said that, Su Jin didn't care what Su Ling was hiding. Instead, he felt a little interested in this 'Xu Que' who needed to be concealed.


Su Jin slowly moved to the side, his squinting eyes flicked back and forth on Xu Shoujing's body, as if he wanted to take a closer look.

Xu Shoujing took a step back subconsciously. For some reason, he always had the feeling that he was naked with no clothes on... It seemed that in front of this man, everything about him would be invisible.

Su Ling stared at Xu Shoujing for a long time, her eyelids raised slightly, and her gloomy eyes revealed a hint of surprise:
"The broken pulse of the five elements... At the age of eighteen, I reached Canghai Yunyao. It's incredible, this is really incredible... Huh? What is this black spiritual power... I can't even see through it."

His voice was thick and his voice low.Although the sound was not loud, it was very clearly transmitted to the ears of the two present.

Su Ling's originally panicked expression gradually calmed down. He doubted his life for a while, his eyes gradually became round, and his face was full of incredible astonishment.

His father died very early. For Su Ling, who has been raised in Su Mansion, Su Jin is more like a father.

And Su Jin, the 'father', has always been synonymous with strictness, and he has never been seen to praise others since he was a child.

Unless the other party is Su Huanqing with his own filter, no matter how well he does, most of the sharp comments he gets are 'You still need to work hard'.

But what is this now?The first time we met, he boasted like this... Could it be that the talent of this cheap brother-in-law is so outrageous?
No, no matter how I look at it, I'm just a sea of ​​clouds. Although the pulse is quite strange, the Changhe Su Clan should not lack such talents...

Thinking of this, Su Ling couldn't help but look at Xu Shoujing a few more times. Although he couldn't understand how the Five Elements Dead Vessel was cultivated, it didn't prevent him from being shocked.

As a result, two pairs of amazed eyes started to swipe up and down Xu Shoujing's body, as if he wanted to see every hair on his body clearly through his clothes.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Even Xu Shoujing couldn't bear to be watched by two people as if they were watching cherished animals... After all, they are not sisters of nuns on the street.

If it was the female nun who was 'looking at the sword' for him, I would be embarrassed, but as long as it was a man, there would still be a little pride hidden in the bottom of my heart.

But if you are met by two men who have just met... one is too young and the other is a mature uncle, then this kind of 'vision sword' will make people very uncomfortable.

You know, Xu Shoujing is a straight man.

After a little embarrassment, Xu Shoujing suddenly had a doubt in his heart.

Whether it was the green-robed cultivator who guarded the door before, or the current 'uncle'...why can they all see their physique?

The Five Elements must not be a bad street...

Thinking about this, Xu Shoujing seemed to have remembered something, and his expression was startled.

Speaking of which, after she met Su Huanqing for the first time, she seemed to have been getting along with herself on the premise that she was a 'five elements with no pulse'.

Too many things happened at that time, just dealing with those inexplicable assassinations and attacking Qiu Xuanji, Xu Shoujing was already very tired, and he really didn't care.

Thinking about it now... He didn't say it clearly, how did Su Huanqing know?
"Huh?" Su Jin noticed the doubts written by Xu Shoujing, laughed dumbly, and slowly shook his head: "Is it strange why I can see it?"

"Uh..." Xu Shoujing's expression was a little embarrassed, but he still nodded.

Su Jin was silent for a long time, and seemed to be considering what to say, and slowly explained:

"This matter can be traced back to the ancient Tianzhu era."

"..." Could it be a problem left over from history?

Seeing Xu Shoujing being silent, Su Jin thought he wanted to 'listen carefully'.He sighed secretly, "There are not many young people who are willing to listen to such old things, this kid does have a future." After a short pause, he said eloquently:

"In the era of Tianzhu in ancient times, a total of three things happened. First, the collapse of the three realms between heaven and earth; second, the extinction of ancient immortals."

Xu Shoujing froze in his heart, suddenly recalled the scene of talking with Jiuxiao, and couldn't help interrupting:
"Thirdly, is it the ancestral sage of the dragon clan, the Jiuxiao Shenlong who ran wild, trying to destroy the human clan... Also because of this cause and effect, after the nine domains, the calamity will come?"

As soon as these words came out, Su Jin was stunned for a while, looked at Xu Shoujing with a slightly surprised look, and asked aloud:

"This is an ancient secret, how did you know it?"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

You may not believe it, but Jiuxiao and his Benlong told me.

Su Jin coughed dryly, but didn't delve into it too much. After all, the road to cultivation is so long, it's not surprising that there are some adventures.He considered for a moment, then said:
"In ancient times, the world was not divided into nine continents like it is now. In the era of Tianzhu, the demons and the demons occupied the lowest realm, which was called the ghost realm, and the mortals and the orcs were in the middle realm, which was called It is the spiritual realm. The immortals exclusively occupy the highest realm, which is called the heavenly realm."

Having said this, Su Jin paused for a moment and said in a deep voice:
"You may not believe it when you say it. The human race actually evolved from the apes of the beast race; the demon race evolved from the beasts; the demon race is also the form of those monster beasts after they obtained their intelligence... You should know this, Although most of the monsters have died, they still exist in Jiuzhou."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

What evolution theory?

Su Jin glanced at Xu Shoujing and found that his face was ignorant. He thought he was shocked by his 'hidden history'.

"In the days of Tianzhu, humans and beasts in the spiritual world were unable to cultivate, not because they couldn't, but because there was no way to practice cultivation.

The demons and beasts in the lower-level ghost world... Although they have their own system of cultivation methods, the spiritual energy of their ghost world is very sparse, and most of them are written aura residues.

When the realm is low, it is barely enough, but once the realm improves, there is not enough spiritual energy, and there is no way to support their entry.

This is also the reason why there are only seven realms of the Yaozu cultivation method that has been passed down to this day.Because they have no way to plan the realm meticulously at all, but if there is a trace of spiritual energy, they will be piled up. "

Xu Shoujing nodded thoughtfully, looking like a good student, and asked again:
"The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is so abundant now, where did the spiritual energy of heaven and earth go before?"

Su Jin pondered for a moment, did not answer, raised his finger and pointed to the sky.

"God?" Xu Shoujing's eyes froze.

"That's right, Heaven. To be's the heaven." Su Jin pondered for a moment, looked up at the sky, and said in a low voice: "In the ancient days of Tianzhu, all the spiritual energy between heaven and earth went to the upper world. ...that is, from the heavens, the spiritual energy supplied to the strange world is very small.

Suddenly one day, the second group of monsters in the strange world was not satisfied that they could only eat some aura residues that could not pass through the realm, so they wanted to work together to destroy the entire heaven and the three worlds into one, so that all races could use the spiritual energy fairly.

Of course, like I said before.Due to the serious unevenness of cultivation resources in the second group of monsters at that time, the strongest in the devious world was not as good as an ordinary immortal in the heavenly world. There was no suspense in the battle between the two worlds. "


Xu Shoujing was a little speechless, then you said so much.

Su Jin noticed Xu Shoujing's expression, shook his head helplessly, muttered "Young people are impatient", paused for a moment, and his tone suddenly changed:
"This action to destroy the Three Realms, to the Immortal Race, is like scratching a tickling, it didn't turn up the slightest wave at all.
It stands to reason that how things should have passed... But not long after that, no one knew what happened. The immortal clan, which was almost at the top of the ten thousand clans, suddenly became extinct!
The entire heavenly people went to the empty building, and all the immortal races have no trace of their existence..."

At this point, Su Jin rolled up his right hand, his face full of disappointment, as if he was mourning the people of the immortal race who had died unexpectedly.

Xu Shoujing scratched his neck, feeling in his heart that this 'uncle' had a lot of inner drama.He thought about it for a long time, and said in surprise:
"Then... what does this have to do with the Changhe Su Clan?"

"Haha, of course it does matter, it does matter a lot." Su Jin replied with a smile.

Xu Shoujing was stunned, thinking of a possibility in his heart, hesitating for a while, then opened his mouth and said tentatively:

"Could it be... the ancient immortals were destroyed by your Su clan?"

"Oh, yes... ah no." Su Jin coughed dryly, and looked at Xu Shoujing with a speechless expression: "Why the ancient immortals went extinct is always a mystery, at that time my ancestors of the Su clan were only among the thousands of human races. How can an ordinary child have the ability to destroy the immortal clan..."

"..." Xu Shoujing raised his head and thought about it, yes.

He didn't know anything else, anyway, before Zhao Fuyao was sealed, let alone a human race, the big guys were probably not as powerful as Zhao Fuyao's finger. 】

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment. Could it be that Shaoyao was sealed and the immortals were gone?
And think back to the way Zhao Fuyao was betrayed when he first met at that ruin.

Immortal clan... exterminate yourself?

Xu Shoujing gulped down a mouthful of saliva. He was very calm on the surface, but he was shocked inside.

"Although the immortal clan is extinct, the immortal clan had already anticipated this matter long before the catastrophe." Su Jin tilted his head to look at Xu Shoujing, and said solemnly: "Aren't you curious that the immortal clan is extinct? Where did the cultivation method of the human race come from? Even the cultivation method of the human race is exactly the same as that of the immortal race.”

Xu Shoujing's eyes were stunned, but he didn't expect the conclusion just drawn to be rejected so quickly.He pinched his chin and thought for a long time, then whispered:
"Could it be..."

"That's right." Su Jin straightened his back again and waved his hand: "It's the credit of my ancestor of the Su clan."

"Invite... invite credit?" Xu Shoujing's mouth twitched.

Su Jin didn't notice Xu Shoujing's strange expression. He was immersed in the glorious deeds of the ancestors of the Changhe Su Clan, and his voice was so expressive that he seemed to be on the spot:
"Before the ancient immortal race went extinct, they passed on the cultivation method to the human race without anyone discovering it.

I actually forgot to say something just now.All other races have evolved from 'unintelligent' to 'intelligent'.Among the ten thousand races, there is only one exception - the immortal race.In fact, the immortal race is the race that the human race has evolved into. In a sense, the immortal race and the human race come from the same source!

There are many immortals who specialize in divination. They calculated in advance that the immortals could not escape the catastrophe, so they wanted to leave incense in the future.

But if there is no cultivation base blessing, the human race who has never cultivated will not know which type of exercises are suitable for them.

The Immortal Clan also took this into consideration, and found the Immortal Clan of my Su Clan in the mortal world.The immortal clan I waited for was a mixture of the human race and the immortal clan, and the immortal clan's unique magical power was that he was born to be able to see the 'physique' of others. "

After saying such a long paragraph in one breath, Su Jin suddenly gasped, but unexpectedly, a 'applause' sounded in his ears.

"Papapa——" Xu Shoujing couldn't help but clapped.

No way, it's too wonderful, Su Jin's 'speech' is really wonderful.

By the time he was halfway through, he even thought that the 'uncle' was off topic.

This speech is worthy of being the 'most senior leader' of the Changhe Su Clan. It's so terrifying.

Su Jin's applause and applause from Xu Shoujing was very useful. He glanced at Su Ling next to him, and found that this guy was about to fall asleep. In contrast, he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, and kicked up:
"Go get some refreshments for your friends!"

"Ah... oh oh." Su Ling woke up suddenly, clutching his butt and running away.

Su Jin looked at the back of Su Ling running away, his eyes were full of helplessness, he sighed, and began to greet Xu Shoujing into the hall:

"You know why I'm telling you this."

Xu Shoujing pinched his chin and pondered for a moment, then shook his head.

...then you can't really give me popular science, can you?

Su Jin didn't answer the question immediately. After leading Xu Shoujing to the hall, he walked to the chief with steady steps, and sat down slowly.

"Mo Sheng, sit down."

Xu Shoujing hesitated a little, then walked to the guest seat next to him and sat down.Don't tell me, although this chair is made of spirit sandalwood, it is surprisingly not very hard, and it is quite comfortable.

Su Jin smiled kindly, took a deep breath, and pondered:

"These are the Changhe Su clan... No, it is the official history that people in my Su residence must learn."

"—" Xu Shoujing suddenly felt like he was on pins and needles.

What do you mean by this, do you want to recruit me as a son-in-law?
Seeing a look of vigilance in Xu Shoujing's eyes, Su Jin shook his head with a laugh, and rhythmically began to tap the armrest with his index finger:

"I won't go around in circles with you anymore, Mo Sheng, I'm interested in you."


Xu Shoujing's butt was slightly raised, and he was a little dazed. this the benefit of Longyang?

But he really doesn't like Gu Dao's warm intestines!

Xu Shoujing didn't think much, raised his hand and planned to refuse, but heard Su Jin continue:

"Would you like me to be your teacher? Your talent is really rare, and it's because of him that he is high enough to mix with Su Ling."

"—" Xu Shoujing's face froze, and he put down his butt angrily, his expression a little embarrassed.

Maybe it's because his appearance is more refined and refined, and sometimes he is really a little afraid that the same sex will have a good impression on him.

This is the first time I have misunderstood... Hey, it's not good to be handsome. When I stay with a man, I'm afraid that he will plot against me.

Xu Shoujing could see the seriousness and seriousness in Su Jin's eyes, and also understood that his proposal should not be a joke.

To be honest, if it was other senior traversers, maybe they would agree.

After all, there are multiple masters with multiple paths. In case of encountering an opponent who cannot be beaten one day, he will directly command his master army: "Go on, master! He is the one who bullied me."

...isn't this better than the names of those big sects?

However, after thinking for a while, Xu Shoujing seriously rejected Su Jin.

"Thank you for your kindness...but I'm sorry, I already have a division."

In the past, Longyumen was indeed not a teacher's sect. After all, no one could teach him anything, or... it was useless to teach.

For Xu Shoujing, Longyumen is more of a home that can go back to than a teacher's door, a hometown that can be returned after a long journey.

Therefore, when facing Ling Fuyu's invitation, Xu Shoujing was able to not have much psychological pressure, and chose to apprentice on the spot... and even called Master on the spot.

But the current situation is completely different. Ling Fuyu has become his master, and no matter what kind of consideration, it is an act of disrespecting Ling Fuyu.

Therefore, Xu Shoujing refused very simply, without any hesitation.

Ling Fuyu is still not his master in the future, Xu Shoujing does not know, but now his master is indeed Ling Fuyu.

"Is that so..." Su Jin sighed, the look in his eyes revealed a bit of regret.

Seeing this, Xu Shoujing felt a little 'unbearable' and planned to speak out to persuade him... After all, everyone treated him with such courtesy.

"Then do you mind having one more master?" Su Jin suddenly said.

"...?" Xu Shoujing was stunned, and always felt that it sounded like 'Do you mind having another boyfriend', which was inexplicable.

Seeing Xu Shoujing want to speak, Su Jin raised his hand to stop him, and waved his hand with a smile:

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse. I see that the ink-colored spiritual energy on your body is flowing slowly and suddenly, and it flows sharply and narrowly... You should be a sword cultivator."

Xu Shoujing nodded, yes, it's only been two weeks.

Su Jin stood up with a smile, and took out a simple-looking scroll from his sleeve:

"Although the Changhe Su Clan uses the law to establish the Dao, after all, it has been inherited from the Tianzhu era, and there are many swordsmanships that have been handed down...

Here I have a piece of "Shuiyunyou" that is both offensive and defensive, famous for its superb footwork and no shadow of swords, and it is also a magical kendo practice.

This kendo practice is never going to be spread, but if you worship me as your teacher, it is only natural for you to teach your disciples..."

This proposal is quite attractive, if someone else would agree on the spot.

After all, it was a sword technique handed down from the Tianzhu era!And it is the genuine version of the heaven, not the 'cottage version' created by the human race later.

Seeing Xu Shoujing being silent, Su Jin thought he was thinking about the pros and cons, so he put the scroll on the table and sat on the chair quietly waiting for the answer.

He believes that no one can refuse such an attractive offer.

However, Xu Shoujing's reaction was so different.

He didn't feel anything because of this "Shui Yunyou", nor did he pretend to be entangled, and declined the proposal in the case of giving face.

Xu Shoujing's reaction was only one... a look of astonishment and puzzled eyes.

Not... As for?Why do everyone want him to be a teacher?What kind of potential stock does this thing have?

In fact, Xu Shoujing's silence, apart from the initial surprise, was more about thinking - if I said 'but I refused' here, would I be beaten to death on the spot?

In a sense, he was really trying to 'reject'.


There was brisk footsteps in the corridor outside the door, followed by a familiar voice as cold as a stream:

"You don't have to take him as your teacher, I'll teach you."

Su Jin's expression of winning the ticket froze, and his eyes turned around and finally stopped on the woman in the blue skirt at the door, and said in a stunned voice:


Su Huanqing glanced at Su Jin and ignored him.He stepped forward quickly, grabbed Xu Shoujing's arm without saying a word, and pulled him out in the sight of the other party's confused expression.

"Shoujing, come with me."

"Huh? Oh."

Although Xu Shoujing couldn't figure it out, he came here to find Su Huanqing. Now that everyone has seen it, there is no reason to refuse.

The two came and went quickly, and suddenly only Su Jin was left in the hall.

Su Jin stood still, the name that Su Huanqing blurted out just now echoed in his mind.

Shoujing... Shoujing... Xu?

Xu Shoujing!

Su Jin's expression gradually distorted, and he slapped on the log table, circling the light blue overflowing between his fingers.

Just heard a 'bang', the round wooden table made of spirit sandalwood turned into a pool of sawdust in an instant, and the scroll of 'Shuiyunyou' rolled out, revealing the details of every move inside. annotation.

Su Jin really didn't cheat Xu Shoujing before. The gold content of "Shui Yunyou" is actually no less than the "Nine Tribulations and Heavy Prison Body" that Xu Shoujing mastered when he first entered the immortal realm.

Of course, a large part of the reason is because Xu Shoujing did not understand the "Nine Tribulations Heavy Prison Body", and he had a good "re-three-dimensional", and he completed the terrain destruction props.

Otherwise, the upper limit of light can exceed other cultivators by a large amount, just with a heavy prison body that has been tempered all over the body.

Su Jin really had a crush on Xu Shoujing. He hadn't been tempted for so many years. There were so many people in the Su Clan in Changhe, but he didn't like any of them.

Suddenly such a talented Puyu appeared, it was hard for him not to have the intention of 'carving'.

But why...why Xu Shoujing!
It's hard to be tempted this time, but this guy is the 'wild boar' who wants to kidnap his daughter!
Su Jin glanced at the scroll that fell on the ground and rolled away. Thinking of what he had just said about digging corners, he was angry and couldn't help but wave his hand, and the scroll was torn apart in an instant.

blah blah-

Su Ling, who was late with tea, was stunned at the door. He looked at the messy hall and was a little overwhelmed.

Su Ling glanced left and right, but couldn't find Xu Shoujing's figure. Although he noticed that the uncle was in a bad mood, he still carefully touched the bad head:

"Then... Uncle, where is Xu Queren? What about the refreshments?"

"Lack, lack, lack! Miss you!" Su Jin glared at him, gritted his teeth, and word by word emerged from between his teeth: "My daughter is going to die, you are still here. !"

Su Lingwei was stunned for a moment, a little confused: "Sister Huanqing is gone? How is it possible, didn't she just come back once..."

The words had just been uttered, and Su Ling's face gradually turned pale. It seemed that he finally realized what had happened. He took a deep breath and put down the refreshment silently.

Su Jin glanced at the refreshment, grabbed it and shoved it roughly into the mouth, as if biting Xu Shoujing's flesh and blood, and pointed to the door:
"Your sister eloped with that stinky boy surnamed Xu, so why don't you hurry up and have a look!"

"..." Su Ling.


Mountain path.

"Where are you taking me?" Xu Shoujing glanced at the prosperous Sudu at the foot of the mountain, his eyes were a little speechless, he had just come up... he was about to go down again.

Jump over and over again, right?

Su Huanqing looked ahead and said without looking back:

"Blind date."

"Ah?" Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and glanced at Su Huanqing's back.

Bi Yi Luo skirt, fair face without makeup, but it is enough to be charming; because of the backlight, when viewed from the back, the tall figure particularly highlights the sexy waist line and hip line, extending down to slightly A pair of slender and beautiful legs can be seen in the outline, which is fascinating.

It doesn't make sense to be beautiful, even if she's not as mature as Aunt Chu, she can already see a little bit of the charm a few years later.

Xu Shoujing coughed dryly, and silently looked away, his voice was a little twisted:

"With you? Wouldn't it be nice..."

"Follow my master." Su Huanqing corrected expressionlessly.

Sudu.Drunken House.

The downstairs is noisy and full of the hustle and bustle of the market; but the second floor is very quiet. Some guests who are drinking ask the lobby guy why there is no one upstairs?

The guy in the lobby replied like this: "There is a group of very beautiful female fairies who have packed the entire second floor."

The guest was immediately stunned. After all, just listening to him say 'beautiful', he couldn't imagine it in his heart. Would you add some adjectives?

The guy in the lobby shook his head with a wry smile: "Guest officer, you are really embarrassing for me. I can describe one or two... The five or six, I have no words."


In a wing room on the second floor, on the antique round wooden table, there were three beautiful women of different styles and a woman who was restless.

Ever since Ling Fuyu heard the news that her apprentice wanted her to form a Taoist companion with her new apprentice, her whole body has been in a state of confusion, and she always feels that she has no real feelings.

She just sat quietly in the chair, without saying a word, always showing embarrassment.

"Cough cough." Xu Shi felt that the atmosphere was too dull, Chu Shuwan glanced at Jiang Rongyue, and said softly: "Rongyue, didn't you go to the Immortal King Ruins this time? What did you get? Look at you with a little purple dragon..."

Jiang Rongyue laughed dryly, she wanted to say nothing, after all, the ruins had already collapsed; just as she was about to speak, she seemed to think of something, and suddenly put her little hand into the front of her clothes, and took out the bellflower-colored gem hidden in the bottom of the valley .

When Chu Shuwan saw the silver necklace, she seemed to sense something, and her expression froze.

"Master, in fact, I didn't bring anything, Xiaojing and I didn't have time to find anything, the ruins collapsed." Jiang Rongyue pursed her lips, playing with the necklace as if nothing had happened, her tone was very natural: "But Xiaojing is about to leave. Before, I found a necklace for me, it is attached to the thunder attribute, otherwise I really didn't get anything."


Chu Shuwan raised her eyebrows and slapped Jiang Rongyue on the head unceremoniously, saying angrily:
"It's all dazzling with your master, right?"

"Oh... Master, I was wrong." Jiang Rongyue realized that she was a little complacent just now, her face flushed slightly.

This interruption relieved the dull atmosphere in the room a lot.

Chu Shuwan squinted at Ling Fuyu, and found that she still had an embarrassed expression on her face, immersed in her own world and unable to extricate herself.

Chu Shuwan sighed, and just wanted to say a few words of persuasion, but she couldn't get the words out of her mouth.

Qiu Xuanji sat next to Ling Fuyu, and after sensing the meaning in Chu Shuwan's eyes, she mulled over her words and tilted her head:

"Master, we actually know Miss Su. At the time, we thought her words were very strange. I didn't expect it to be your apprentice... Could you tell us what happened?"

Ling Fuyu suddenly returned to her senses, and there was always a bit of sadness on Qinglian Chushui's face.She looked around and found that the eyes of several women were locked on her. After hesitating for a while, she sighed faintly:

"Qing'er... Actually, it's all for me."

This time, before Qiu Xuanji had time to hold her hand, Chu Shuwan immediately grabbed the words:

"How to say?"

Ling Fuyu pondered for a while, then whispered:

"When I met Jing'er for the first time, Pindao once said that I came to Tiannan Continent to find my apprentice.

In fact, this sentence is not complete. I am looking for an apprentice, in fact, because my Tao can no longer go on, because my soul is damaged, my realm has fallen, and I have no chance to prove my immortal Tao. "

Qiu Xuanji frowned lightly and asked aloud, "Could it be that Su Huanqing wants you to form a Taoist companion because of the injury of the Taoist priest?"

"..." Ling Fuyu nodded awkwardly.

This may sound awkward, but it's true.

"The damage to the soul is inherently difficult to reverse. The higher the realm, the more difficult it is to repair." Ling Fuyu shook her head: "But just half a year ago, Qing'er didn't know where to find the 'Dragon Scale Rejuvenation Grass'. My soul is stabilized."

Hearing this, Qiu Xuanji and Chu Shuwan glanced at each other, and both saw the information in each other's eyes: what Jinger said about Yulongyuan.

Ling Fuyu's eyes remained gloomy, and she whispered: "Although the spirit is stable, the fallen realm can no longer be repaired. Qing'er should be thinking... What does she want to do? If you want to repair the realm, why do you need to become a Taoist companion with Jing'er? "

On the way, Ling Fuyu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly found that she couldn't understand Su Huanqing's mind.

Seeing Ling Fuyu, Chu Shuwan couldn't say why, she was speechless at the moment, but even if she fell into the realm, she was much higher than herself, so she didn't feel embarrassed to complain.

It seems that they can only go to Su Huanqing and Jing'er to come back and ask her directly.
Ask for a monthly pass, a recommendation ticket, a reward, and a follow-up!
PS: This chapter adds the background of the main line. Some people in the group said that the main line is not obvious.

...I was forced to update (covering my face), it's all my mistake, I'm very sorry... I've finally finished writing it, and I won't be stuck on updating in the future. It's easy to make such mistakes when I'm in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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