Chapter 140
Green smoke and thin rain, small bridges and flowing water.

At three quarters of noon, the old man, who is nearly [-] years old, is putting away the blanket and preparing to rush home to eat a hot meal.

When everything was ready, the old man picked up his luggage and walked to the street, and in the distance he saw two bi people walking by like a scenic line.

The woman in the light blue skirt walked in the previous position, her face was as cold as ever, and every step revealed the immortal aura of not eating fireworks.

The handsome boy in black robe was pulled by the wrist and followed reluctantly. Junxiu's face was a little helpless, as if he was saying something.

The old man was stunned, and when the couple passed by, he said hello at the right time:
"Yo, isn't this Huan Qing? Where have you been all this time..."

As he said that, his eyes glanced behind Su Huanqing, with a feeling of 'the child has grown up' in his eyes:

"They brought their lover back to Sudu, and they didn't introduce the old man to me?"

The old man thought that his joke would make Su Huanqing and this young man very embarrassed, at least a symbolic blush, didn't he?
However, Su Huanqing glanced at the old man lukewarmly, first greeted him according to etiquette, then pulled the cuff of the black-robed boy beside him, and said sternly:
"He's not my lover."

"..." Xu Shoujing sighed, clutching his forehead and looking ashamed.

Because, he knew that the girl would definitely say something shocking next -

"He will be my teacher soon."


The old man's expression was a little stiff. He looked up and down at Xu Shoujing's appearance, pouted his lips for a long time, and then said:
"Your teacher... is quite young, not even the age of the crown..."

Su Huanqing frowned slightly, dissatisfied with the old man's statement, and said indifferently:
"People who practice, why should you care about age? There are not many Taoist companions with a gap of thousands of years, but only three hundred... uh"

Xu Shoujing couldn't listen anymore, he stretched out his hand to cover Su Huanqing's mouth with a bit of force, looked at the old man with a smirk, and said without a smile:
"Old man, you don't need to care, Huan Qing is my Taoist companion, she prefers this tune."

Su Huanqing's eyes were startled, she turned her head and looked at Xu Shoujing in surprise, as if she didn't understand what this guy was talking about.

Xu Shoujing said, that is better than marrying a filial disciple like you.

"—" The old man's eyes swirled around the two of them. Xu thought that the young man was too good at playing, so he exchanged a few words again, and left with his luggage on his back.

Before leaving, Xu Shoujing faintly heard the old man muttering something, "I'm old, I can't understand what the young man said."

click -


Suddenly, there was a tingling pain in his feet. Xu Shoujing looked down and found that Su Huanqing's exquisite embroidered shoes had stomped on his feet and was constantly grinding with his toes.

Xu Shoujing quickly released Su Huanqing, took a few steps back, and said awkwardly:

"Feel sorry……"

When the words came out, Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment. He seemed to feel something. He looked down and found that his palm was wet with water.

Su Huanqing wiped her rosy mouth, glanced at Xu Shoujing calmly, and said coldly;
"Let's go."


Xu Shoujing stared at the palm of his hand for a long time, and wiped it on his body... Obviously not, it's not right to leave it like this.

You can't drink, can you?

"Huh..." Xu Shoujing was so disgusted by his own thoughts that he felt a chill on his back, and he knew best that he just wiped it on his thighs.

Su Huanqing didn't pay any attention to Xu Shoujing's actions, and walked in front of him with a blank expression.

Having a local acquaintance is much more efficient than turning around on your own.

Under the leadership of Su Huanqing, Xu Shoujing quickly arrived at a place he had not been able to reach all morning.

At the foot of the hill is a small hill with a height of ten feet. The peak of the hill is stationed with a towering ancient tree that is not fully surrounded by individuals, and the fresh green bud lawn is endless.

Turning around at the top of the hill, the prosperous scene of Sudu is like a colorful painting, tiled in front of you.

If it is at night, I believe the scenery will only be more pleasing to the eye.

Xu Shoujing thought so, hesitated for a moment, then took a few steps. After Yu Su Huanqing walked side by side, he reached out and patted her shoulder:


"You said." Su Huanqing stared straight ahead and didn't look back for a moment.

Xu Shoujing suddenly stopped, looked at the huge ancient tree with simple lines, and said slowly:
"Why are you so obsessed with letting me go... No, let me be your master's Taoist companion? I don't think you are the kind of unreasonable person, even if it's to save your master, you wouldn't ignore her thoughts like this. "

Su Huanqing was silent for a moment, and did not answer immediately, but walked to the huge ancient tree, stretched out her slender hand and gently stroked the rough lines on it:
"I don't have a father."


——Who was that 'uncle' just now?

Xu Shoujing resisted the urge to complain, took a deep breath, and said softly:

"What about your mother?"

"My mother is dead." Su Huanqing turned around and looked directly at Xu Shoujing with no emotion in her eyes, as if she was talking about other people's affairs.


It's not uncomfortable for me to step on the thunder, right?

Xu Shoujing simply stopped talking and waited quietly for Su Huanqing to tell her story.

"My mother died when I was three years old, and for me, my father never existed. Master...she is my only relative.

So, even if she doesn't want to, I will save her. "

It's neat and tidy, summarizing all the information in a short paragraph.

Xu Shoujing is really beginning to wonder if Su Huanqing is Su Jin's biological child now. He is also talking about the past. Su Jin can talk for a long time, and Su Huanqing can finish it with one sentence.

"But... Didn't you already get the Dragon Scale Rejuvenation Grass? Why do you still have to cultivate with your master?" Xu Shoujing wondered.

"The damage of the soul cannot be cured by a single medicine. The Dragon Scale Rejuvenation Grass only stabilizes the soul of the master, but as long as she still maintains the state of falling, the original soul will sooner or later be unable to support the collapse."

Su Huanqing walked slowly to Xu Shoujing. Because of his height, he could only look up at him and pursed his lips:

"Xu Shoujing, I know it's too much of a matter of course to ask you to do this just by relying on those few childish favors.

But Master is really important to me... As long as you promise me, I can promise you anything. "

"..." Can you not say such a misleading line?
Xu Shoujing couldn't stand Su Huanqing's pressing gaze, instinctively took a half step back, and waved his hand helplessly:
"Okay, okay... Anyway, I'll see your master first, and I'll talk about the rest later."

Su Huan sighed in relief, her clear beautiful eyes looked at him without blinking, and said sincerely:

"Thank you."


A chaotic footstep sounded from the hill, breaking the silence of the moment.

"It seems that your master is here." Xu Shoujing tilted his head and said.

Su Huanqing nodded, pulled Xu Shoujing and walked in the direction of the voice.

The person who came was a Taoist nun in simple and colorful clothes, with fair skin like snow-covered muscles, no makeup on her cheeks, and her beautiful figure was hidden under a large Taoist uniform. Although she did not imprison her introverted beauty, she always carried Gives a sense of dignity.

Don't get me wrong, it's not about being 'dignified' at funerals.This kind of solemnity is closer to seriousness. It is strict and meticulous. In front of her, you can't even use jokes to ease the tension.

It can't help but make people sigh, such a woman who pays attention to identity etiquette is impossible to accept 'master-student love'.

Xu Shoujing was stunned when he saw this glamorous Taoist nun, thinking how could Ling Fuyu be here, and wanted to say hello:

However, someone is faster than him.

"Master." Su Huanqing first greeted Xu Shoujing and bowed respectfully beside Ling Fuyu.She didn't even notice that Xu Shoujing behind her had turned into a stone sculpture.

Ling Fuyu gave Su Huanqing a complicated look, opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Master, I'll introduce you to someone." Su Huanqing glanced at Xu Shoujing in the distance, and found that he was still there and did not move, and asked in confusion, "Why didn't you come?"

Xu Shoujing's Adam's apple squirmed, his legs were stiff, and he walked in front of the two like a machine.He put on a confused look that didn't understand the current situation, and bowed to Ling Fuyu:

Before Ling Fuyu spoke, Su Huanqing frowned and said coldly:
"This is my master, what are you calling me?"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

You may not believe it when you say it, she is also my master, the kind who just recognized her for two weeks.

Ling Fuyu couldn't listen anymore. She was afraid that if Su Huanqing was allowed to scatter freely, she would probably be able to instruct Xu Shoujing to call herself 'Yu'er'.

"Jing'er, come here."

She coughed lightly and pulled Xu Shoujing with an embarrassed look to her side.

"???" Su Huanqing looked at the two of them with confusion, but she was puzzled - how did Master know Xu Shoujing's name?Did I tell her before?
At this moment, the position of just now was completely reversed, and Xu Shoujing came from Su Huanqing's side to Ling Fuyu's side.

Ling Fuyu pretended to be a strict teacher and said sharply:

"Qing'er, let me introduce you to my teacher. This is your junior brother, Xu Shoujing."

"...?" Su Huanqing.

Ling Fuyu turned around again, gave up half of her body, spread her hands and gestured to Su Huanqing, and said to Xu Shoujing:

"This is the master's eldest apprentice, Su Huanqing, you will be brothers from the same sect in the future, you have to take more care..."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Will it be too stiff?
Xu Shoujing thought so in his heart, but on the surface he still smiled and said:
"Hello Senior Sister Su, it's the first time... it's not the first time, anyway, please take care of me in the future."

However, Su Huanqing didn't pay any attention to Xu Shoujing's jokes at all, and looked directly at Ling Fuyu with clear eyes, and said solemnly:
"When did this happen?"

Ling Fuyu hesitated, "It's less than twenty days."

Su Huanqing closed her eyes, paused for a while, and said seriously:
"Master, you can't accept him as your apprentice."

Ling Fuyu knew Su Huanqing's plan, but she said it was going up, just go down a step, what are you still stubborn?She couldn't help but feel a little angry, and her voice was a little deeper:

"Qing'er, as a teacher, Jing'er's talent is very much valued. There is nothing wrong with accepting him as an apprentice. There is no need to discuss this matter again."

Su Huanqing took a deep breath and said word by word:

"Master, you taught me, but I don't believe it, I don't know what it is. He promised me that he would practice double cultivation with you."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense...

Ling Fuyu watched Su Huanqing grow up since she was a child, and she had never seen such a stubborn side of her. In addition to being angry, she felt helpless in her heart:

"But the teacher has already accepted him as an apprentice, and he has also given the apprenticeship ceremony. The name of the teacher and the apprentice is greater than the sky. Qing'er, listen to my advice, this matter will be over, okay?"

Su Huanqing shook his head stubbornly: "There is another way."

"any solution?"

"Expel him from the division."
Sudu.Drunken House.

The sky blue misty rain hit the window lattice lightly, making a crisp sound of 'pop, pop'.

The room was filled with a strong aroma of wine, and a beautiful woman with a graceful figure was lying on the bed, her ears pressed against the wooden wall, as if she was eavesdropping on the movement next door.

Don't get me wrong, this is not some kind of eavesdropping on other people's fun.

Just now, Ling Fuyu and Su Huanqing walked into the next room with a cold face.

Judging from that look, this pair of master and apprentice will inevitably have a big quarrel.

Xu Shoujing sat at the round wooden table, filled himself with a glass of Drunken Immortal Brew, looked at Aunt Chu's buttocks slightly raised towards him, his mouth was dry for a while, he raised the glass and drank the wine. do.

"How's it going?" Qiu Xuanji took Xu Shoujing's hand under the table.

Xu Shoujing took a peek at Chu Shuwan, and after confirming that she would not pay attention to her side for a while, she put her arms around Qiu Xuanji's waist, wiped her oil, and said softly:

"It shouldn't be a big deal, Master just talk to Huan Qing."

Not long ago, on that hill, Su Huanqing made a proposal to expel Ling Fuyu from his division.

There is no doubt that it was rejected by Ling Fuyu by one vote.

The reason is that there is no child's play between masters and apprentices.

After that, although Xu Shoujing wanted to persuade a few more words, the pair of master and apprentice were more stubborn than the other, and he couldn't get in at all.

After returning to Zuixianlou, the two got into the same room, leaving Xu Shoujing alone.

"Oh, you still think she's a master. I thought you definitely regarded Ling Fuyu as your next target."

Chu Shuwan's rather ironic sneer came, and Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment.

However, this scene still could not escape Chu Shuwan's eyes. She glanced at the unnatural distance that suddenly separated Xu Shoujing and Qiu Xuanji, walked between them as if nothing had happened, moved a chair and sat down. .

Xu Shoujing coughed dryly, put his hand around Chu Shuwan's shoulder, and said with a smile:

"Aunt Chu, I haven't listened to you yet. How did you come here?"

Chu Shuwan originally wanted to struggle a few times symbolically, but she seemed to remember something on the way, her expression froze slightly, and when she turned her head again, she had already put on a charming smile.

"Aunt Chu... what's wrong with you?" Xu Shoujing suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I'm fine, Jing'er, I want to ask you something." Chu Shuwan put her arms around Xu Shoujing's neck, raised her hips and sat on his thigh, with a meaningful smile on the corner of her mouth: " Rongyue's necklace...Auntie also wants it, what should I do?"

"..." Xu Shoujing.
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(End of this chapter)

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