The queen is so fierce

Chapter 141 The Master, You Marry Him

Chapter 141 The Master, You Marry Him

Xu Shoujing has never been in love in his previous life, but it's not that he doesn't long for the sweet nourishment of love, but he simply doesn't have enough confidence in those so-called modern 'independent women'.

To put it bluntly, it is cowardice, afraid of paying too much. If it is the moment of being betrayed, it is very likely that you will not be able to accept this reality. The emotional fortress that was finally built up before will collapse.

Therefore, apart from the occasional jokes he saw on the Internet, Xu Shoujing has never experienced the so-called 'send proposition'.

But for some unknown reason, Xu Shoujing, who was not a giant in theory, shivered instinctively when he heard Aunt Chu say 'necklace'.

It was as if there was a voice in his heart telling him: If you don't think about it carefully, you're done.

The male instinct belongs to yes.

"Jing'er, why don't you talk? My aunt really likes that necklace."

Chu Shuwan leaned her whole body on Xu Shoujing's body, with her head attached to his shoulder, her slender index finger kept drawing circles on her chest, and her voice was sweet:
"However, that's a gift you gave to Rong Yue. My aunt is not a jealous woman who doesn't know the whole thing, and she definitely won't rob her apprentice... Jing'er, what do you say?"

The warm breath echoed in his ears, and the wet feeling of scratching made Xu Shoujing's hair stand on end.

At this moment, there was only one question in his heart: where did Aunt Chu learn all this?

"I... I'm actually..." Xu Shoujing glanced around, looking for a suitable excuse in his heart, and said hesitantly, "I... Of course I also prepared gifts for Aunt Chu."

Chu Shuwan's charming smile stopped for a while, and she stared at Xu Shoujing for a while, and found that the bastard's eyes were firm, his tone was calm, and he didn't mean to be guilty at all, so she could not help frowning -- really?

Her original intention was to take this opportunity to beat Jing'er so that he wouldn't take the woman home with him.

But now it's different. If Jing'er really prepared a gift, wasn't her performance just a pure jealous woman?
Thinking of this, Chu Shuwan loosened her arms around Xu Shoujing's soft weeds, her mature and beautiful face was a little unnatural, but her tone unconsciously revealed a bit of anticipation:

"Hmm...what is it?"

Xu Shoujing sighed lightly, and his right hand went from Chu Shuwan's waist to the front, and patted Qiongyu's belt.

I saw a black light flashing like thick ink, and a simple book with a war-damaged cover appeared in Xu Shoujing's hands.

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment. Although it wasn't the jewelry she imagined, she didn't show too much surprise.

She took the book from Xu Shoujing and looked at it carefully. The title column of the entire book was empty, not even the author's name.

When I wanted to open it, I found that the first two pages of yellowed paper were almost completely glued together. In order not to cause damage, I could only skip the first page and turn back directly.

There are hardly any annotations in the whole book, and every page is covered with dense small characters, which makes it very laborious to read.

However, although there is no image identification in the aspect of qigong exercise, it can be seen that this is a practice method, and it is quite a good practice method.

The more she looked at it, the deeper the frown of Chu Shuwan became. This exercise, whether it was the most basic luck, or the formation of spiritual power in the meridians, had far surpassed those handed down from Longyumen in terms of rank. 'Universal function method'.

If this is really a gift from Jing'er, Chu Shuwan will undoubtedly feel very happy.

But the problem is... this is obviously not the same way as her formation method. Even if the rank is high and the direction is different, you can only watch it, and you can't practice it.

Xu Shoujing grew up on her since he was a child, it is impossible not to know this.

To say it was a gift for her would be too far-fetched.


Chu Shuwan closed the page and sighed in disappointment.

Well, I expected it to some extent, how could this bastard be so kind...

"Aunt Chu, have you misunderstood something?" Xu Shoujing saw that Chu Shuwan's face was gloomy and uncertain, and she couldn't help but hug her waist tightly.

"Huh? What did I misunderstand?" Chu Shuwan gave him a sideways glance and turned her eyes away in anger.

Xu Shoujing coughed lightly, put his chin on Chu Shuwan's shoulder, and said with a smile:
"This is a good gift for Aunt Chu, but it's not for you to practice, it's for me."


Chu Shuwan's eyes were stunned, and then she looked at him with stunned eyes:

"Why don't I understand what you're saying?"

Gift for me... I can't use it, you can use it yourself?

Of course Xu Shoujing knew that this sounded a bit strange, but it really wasn't what he just thought of.

"Aunt Chu, think about it carefully. The word 'Rongling' was mentioned in this exercise just now."

Chu Shuwan lowered her head and pondered for a while, while recalling, in an uncertain tone, she said softly:
"I was like, 'Follow the spirit of heaven, follow the way of heaven, and control all things.'."

"anything else?"

"And..." Chu Shuwan gently pressed her green fingers to her chin, and pursed her lips: "Dao gives birth to one, one life to two, two to three, three to all things..."

"Not this." Seeing that Chu Shuwan couldn't find the point for a long time, Xu Shoujing sighed, put his cheeks to her ear, and whispered.

"Oh...and eh?"

Chu Shuwan nodded in agreement at first, but when she heard the back, the expression she seemed to understand suddenly froze, her white cheeks were dyed with a layer of red ink in an instant, and steam was faintly emerging from her head.

She jumped down from Xu Shoujing's lap in a panic, her face was so red that water dripped, she pointed at Xu Shoujing and then at herself, but she couldn't say a word:
"You you...I"

Xu Shoujing's expression was slightly embarrassed, but he still said cheekily:
"Aunt Chu, this is a good thing, and it's also good for you."

"I bother!"

Chu Shuwan clasped her arms tightly, looked at Xu Shoujing vigilantly, and said embarrassedly:
"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, no way! Saying something is good for me, it's not cheap for you in the end!"

"But it's a fact. Rong the spirits of two people is Rong, but isn't it also Rong to fuse the spirits of three people? Isn't this written in the book? The closer the distance, the better, the more people, the thicker..."

"That can't be... fold it up..." Chu Shuwan bit her red lips and glanced at Qiu Xuanji, who had turned a deaf ear next to her, her eyes stopped on the hem of her concubine's red skirt, she was thinking of something, her face Immediately it turned red.

Every time Xu Shoujing took a step closer, Chu Shuwan seemed to have seen some kind of wild beast.
"Aunt Chu, actually I don't want to..."

"—" Chu Shuwan didn't believe it at all, Xing Xing's eyes were full of doubts.

"Okay, actually I really want to...but this is just one of the reasons." Xu Shoujing clenched his fist and coughed, and said quite seriously: "Aunt Chu, I can cultivate thanks to Yaoyao's credit.

I haven't told you about this yet... In fact, in my own situation, I can't even run Zhou Tian, ​​I can only rely on the dual cultivation of Shao Yao to run Zhou Tian..."

"Huh?" Chu Shuwan narrowed her almond eyes slightly.

"Uh... I'm talking about the double cultivator of the palm and the back of the finger, the kind that is very healthy." Xu Shoujing explained quickly.

Hearing this, Chu Shuwan's expression gradually softened. Just as she wanted Xu Shoujing to continue speaking, she suddenly realized something was wrong in the middle, and Liu Ye frowned:
"You and her are Shuangxiu, and I'm 'Shuangxiu'?"


Then who can't generalize the constitution of people and people?

Xu Shoujing didn't want to tangle more on this issue. Women are generally unreasonable. Once they start to reason with you, it means that you are really unreasonable.

"That's not the point, I want to say that so far I have been able to improve my realm, all relying on shaking to help me out of the body, but this method seems to have side effects...

If it continues like this, Yaoyao is likely to have a life-threatening worry; this exercise was brought out by the little female dragon outside. I have been researching this thing on the way to Sudu, and maybe it can replace the original cultivation method... …”

Chu Shuwan heard that Jinger wanted to use her to 'cultivate', in order to prevent Zhao Fuyao from worrying about his life.

It stands to reason that Chu Shuwan can say sourly at this time, "Is she that important?"

But Chu Shuwan knew very well that Zhao Fuyao was really so important to Xu Shoujing.

Her arrival has realized Jing'er's 17-year dream of cultivating immortals, which has been almost desperate.

In terms of feelings, it may not be as deep as the self who grew up watching him grow up, but the level of importance may be too much.

Chu Shuwan might make trouble in small matters, but as long as it involves Jinger's major affairs, she will make compromises no matter how reluctant she is in her heart.

"I see." After an unknown amount of time, Chu Shuwan sighed as if giving up.

"Aunt Chu..." Xu Shoujing was actually very moved, but he still suppressed the urge to immediately go over and hug Aunt Chu for a kiss.

Because based on his understanding of Chu Shuwan, there must be more to this sentence.

Sure enough, Chu Shuwan folded her arms and was silent for a while, then she suddenly stretched out her thumb, pointed at Qiu Xuanji next to her, and whispered:

"She agrees, and I agree."

Well, sure enough, the choice is left to others to decide.

But it doesn't matter, although this is only a small step for Aunt Chu, it is a big step for the big cosleep.

In Xu Shoujing's mind, a fragrant picture of when the dream came true already appeared. He picked up the blank book on the table and wanted to repeat what Chu Shuwan said just now to Qiu Xuanji.

But he never thought that although there were some whispers in the middle, but at such a close distance, Qiu Xuanji is not deaf. With her cultivation, how could she not be able to hear?

Before Xu Shoujing could make a move, Qiu Xuanji put down the white porcelain teacup, glanced at Xu Shoujing flatly, and said in a low voice:
"I can say yes, but I have one request."

Xu Shoujing did not expect that his Xuanji would cooperate so much, and was stunned:
" say, I agree."

Qiu Xuanji shook her head, but did not answer Xu Shoujing. Instead, she looked at Chu Shuwan with a proud look, and said in a flat tone:

"Junior sister, when I was in Longyumen, did I ever lose to you once?"


These words are pure provocation. Of course, Chu Shuwan has never won. If she has won, where did she get the knot from before?
Seeing that Chu Shuwan was staying in Bengbu, Qiu Xuanji's phoenix eyes were still calm:
"Shuwan, Yunan's bet was won by me, right?"

"What are you trying to say?" Chu Shuwan frowned impatiently.

Qiu Xuanji shook her head and said as a matter of course: "Whether it's in Longyumen or after that... I've never been below you, even in cultivation, I'll be above you."

Chu Shuwan's apricot eyes narrowed slightly, and after a while, she seemed to understand the meaning of Qiu Xuanji's words, a nameless fire quietly rose, and her full clothes went up and down, and she seemed to be very angry.

Seeing that a big battle was about to take place in this small wing, Xu Shoujing... Everyone else was stupid.

Aunt Chu suddenly started playing the 'heart attack' trick, so how come even Xuanji's temperament of not fighting or robbing has begun to be jealous?

What happened when I wasn't there?
Xu Shoujing was puzzled. Seeing that lightning sparks appeared at the intersection of the two women's eyes, he was anxious, but he didn't know how to quell the flames of this battle.

Just as he was pacing left and right, because of the change in position, he saw two eye-catching things.

'Book' to be precise.

The first book, lying quietly on Chu Shuwan's original chair, the cover looks very new, and the binding is also made of high-quality materials. In the column of the book title, there is a clear row of ink-colored handwriting - " How an old woman beats a lovable husband".

"—" Xu Shoujing turned his head silently, his eyes stayed behind Qiu Xuanji,

It was also a book with a brand-new cover, which was hidden by Qiu Xuanji behind her back. Looking at it now, it is estimated that when she seemed to be drinking tea just now, she was actually reading this book.

Xu Shoujing's eyes stopped on the vertical column of book titles - "On, How to Gain Active Status in the Harem".

Guys, you guys have gone a different route, haven't you?Branch option right?

Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment while holding his forehead, then waved his knife to 'cut' the spark between the two women.

After Aunt Chu and Qiu Xuanji cast their gazes at him, he cleared his throat and looked serious:
"I don't think there is any need to compete for this kind of thing. Whoever goes up and who goes down... I can actually do it."

As soon as these words came out, the air in the wing suddenly became a little colder.

Xu Shoujing hurriedly remedied: "Do you still have to rely on your own abilities? Or... try it now?"


Chu Shuwan glanced at the scenery outside the window. The blue mist and rain had just dissipated, and the brilliance of the setting sun had dyed half of the sky red.

She felt a little hot on her cheeks, and pursed her red lips: "Why don't you wait for the evening, it's so early..."

"I'm OK."

Before Chu Shuwan had finished speaking, Qiu Xuanji had already agreed, holding Xu Shoujing's arm as if there was no one else around, and walked to the bed.

"..." Chu Shuwan was stunned for a long time, a hint of dissatisfaction flashed in Xing's eyes, she gritted her silver teeth, rolled up her sleeves, and followed.

Xu Shoujing watched two beautiful women, one cold and one hot, sitting in front of him, swallowed his saliva silently, and said with a dry throat:
"How about... I'll do it myself?"

"Don't move!" The two women said in unison.


Xu Shoujing withdrew his hand angrily, and really didn't dare to move.

When night fell, in the silent wing, there was only the sound of "squeak, squeak..." the wood could not support.
Unlike the wing room where Xu Shoujing was in spring, the room next door was extremely dull.

The Lengyan Taoist nun, dressed in simple and elegant clothes, sat upright on the bed, always with that plain and chaste face, as if others had offended her.

As for the woman in the green skirt standing in front of her, there was also no trace of emotion on her bright face, and her frown and frown revealed the coldness that strangers should not enter.

Daoist Leng Yan glanced sideways at the woman in the green skirt, and found that she was still staring blankly at herself, without any intention of lowering her head, and could not help but sigh.

This pair of master and apprentice has been in such a stalemate for a while, which has never happened before.

You know, Su Huanqing used to listen to Ling Fuyu for everything.

Even Master's famous quotes and every suitable metaphor, Su Huanqing kept in mind, and never did anything against Master's orders even once.

But this time... Su Huanqing seemed to have changed, not only did she not listen to her words.Still want to... want to marry her master.

Every time I think of this, Ling Fuyu Gujing's unwavering state of mind can't stop rippling the starting point waves.

No way, it's so weird.

I heard that the mother is worried about the daughter marrying, the father is worried about the son... The apprentice thinks about how to marry the master day by day, I am afraid this is the first time throughout the entire history of Jiuzhou.

Seeing Su Huanqing saying nothing and looking like she wanted to use cold violence to subdue herself, Ling Fuyu was a little angry:
"Qing'er, you still have this heart to die. I won't marry Jing'er no matter what."

Su Huanqing raised her brows, her tone a little surprised:

"Master, my disciple did not want you to marry Xu Shoujing."

"Hey?" Ling Fuyu's angry expression froze, and she said, "What do you mean?"

Su Huanqing blinked her eyes and said quite naturally:
"Master, Xu Shoujing is the vein that cuts off the five elements. His spiritual power is repelled by the five elements of heaven and earth, including your extremely cold ice, Master."

Ling Fuyu's eyes were slightly startled, but she did not doubt that Su Huanqing's words were true or false.

When groping the bones, Ling Fuyu noticed that Xu Shoujing's meridians were not simple, and could vaguely feel a natural feeling of rejection, but she did not expect that it was because the five elements had disappeared.

It was only now that Ling Fuyu understood Su Huanqing's purpose.

The damaged soul and the fall of the cultivation base are injuries that are almost impossible to heal.

Fortunately, the dragon-scale rejuvenation grass that Su Huanqing brought back half a year ago, Ling Fuyu's soul that was on the verge of being broken was barely stabilized.

But this also gave rise to a new problem - the falling realm is not enough to support the soul of the high realm.

For example, it's like a glass that's been taped down and filled with water, not knowing when it's going to be the limit.

The five elements have no pulse, and they have the natural ability to repel all things in the world, including Ling Fuyu's spiritual power.

If the spiritual power is blended in the intimate way of negative distance double cultivation, there is no doubt that the spirit of extreme cold that has had problems will be shattered.

Since then, the newly cultivated spiritual power will occupy Ling Fuyu's body, and it will be possible to restore to the realm of the peak period with almost no effort.

It is very simple to say, if it is not 'double cultivation', but the situation of dual cultivation, it is very likely that before that, Xu Shoujing's spiritual power was expelled from the body because of the huge gap in realm.

This is different from the situation of dealing with Qiu Xuanji's karmic fire at the beginning. At that time, the karmic fire that needed to be solved was flowing in Qiu Xuanji's body. You can use the gods to punish the sky for a while, and then slowly expel it afterwards.

Ling Fuyu's extremely cold spirit is entrenched in the deepest part of the broken soul. If she is silenced, whether the soul can withstand the in and out of so many black spiritual powers is another matter.

To sum up, it seems that the only way to save Ling Fuyu is really this one.

But...with my apprentice...

Ling Fuyu's eyes were extremely tangled, she pursed her lips, and said bitterly:

"Qing'er, Jing'er...he's already my apprentice after all. After living for my teacher for so long, I'm already very satisfied to have two of your apprentices who inherit the legacy before dying. Don't force me, okay? It is not an exaggeration to say that the master married the apprentice..."

"Master, I just said, I didn't expect Shoujing to marry you." Su Huanqing shook her head, paused for a while, and said very calmly under the gaze of Ling Fuyu:

"Just come with him once. After the double cultivation, your injury will heal. You are still his master. After that, you will be innocent, and there will be no relationship other than master and apprentice."


Ling Fuyu's eyes were dull, probably shocked by Su Huanqing's miraculous logic.

After a while, her face flushed slightly, her eyes shifted elsewhere, and she said angrily:

"Nonsense! How can the matter of men and women be so playful, if... If I'm really like Jing'er, what's the difference between marrying him? Might as well..."

Su Huanqing seemed to have been waiting for these words, his eyes fixed for a moment, and he interrupted:

"Then Master, let's marry him. Xu Shoujing is so talented, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is No. 1 in the past and present, and he is good-looking. Although it is a bit difficult to match Master, he is also considered a man and a woman. A match made in heaven."

"..." Ling Fuyu.
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(End of this chapter)

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