The queen is so fierce

Chapter 142 Shao Yao has a little emotion

Chapter 142 Shao Yao has a little emotion


Pushing open the door, and looking down at the street scene below the Zuixian Building from the corridor on the second floor, Xu Shoujing stretched out the window.

It was still early, and a lot of people had come to the lobby on the first floor one after another. The lobby staff brought the steaming breakfast to the table, laughed and scolded the regular customers from time to time, and threw themselves into the hot kitchen again.

Xu Shoujing thought for a moment, then turned and returned to the wing.
"Do you want something to eat? I'll buy it for you."

The thin blue curtain hangs down, revealing a gap in the middle, and two thinly bulged human figures can be vaguely seen.

On the bed, the sleepy-eyed beautiful woman woke up leisurely, her long black hair scattered on the brocade pillow, enough to be called a luxurious white and greasy body, which was tightly covered, only the snow-white shoulders, With a swan neck covered with bright red strawberries.

Chu Shuwan's mature and beautiful face was still somewhat vain, she opened her almond eyes and stared at the ceiling for a while, and happened to hear Xu Shoujing's words.

She subconsciously wanted to respond, but found that her whole body seemed to fall apart, and her arms were sore that she couldn't even support her upper body.


The sound of even breathing sounded in her ears, Chu Shuwan moved her head and turned her head to find that her senior sister, Qiu Xuanji, was sleeping in a thin quilt in the same dress as herself.

The sleeping Qiu Xuanji lost her former condescending arrogance, and her temperament was more inclined towards a young girl. With that delicate face that could not tell her age, Chu Shuwan almost thought she had made a mistake. people.

But this is also normal. Think about it carefully, not to mention being slept with you. Except for Yanwutai, Chu Shuwan has rarely seen Qiu Xuanji on her own initiative in other places.

Unexpectedly, the first time I spied on her private appearance, it was actually with Jinger...

Her thoughts were interrupted here, and Chu Shuwan's almond eyes were stunned. The memory of last night was revived, and those unsightly images poured into her mind in one breath, dyeing her cheeks flushed in a blink of an eye. could could I promise Jinger like that...

"Aunt Chu? What do you want to eat?" At this moment, Xu Shoujing's gentle voice came again from outside the tent.

Chu Shuwan was instantly angry, she covered her body with her arms in the quilt, and said with shame and anger:

"Go away! Don't!"


Xu Shoujing blinked, and Aunt Chu's angry reprimand was quite loud. He was not prepared at all, and was so frightened that he took a step back.

After slowing down for a while, I was a little unclear, so I said:
"Aunt Chu... what's wrong?"

What's wrong?Dare you ask what's wrong? !

A quiet flame burned in Chu Shuwan's beautiful eyes. She propped up the edge of the bed with her hands, and finally sat up, clutching the thin quilt tucked under her armpit, lightly raising her hips, and moving her body against the head of the bed.

After doing all this, she breathed a long sigh of relief, and then said through gritted teeth:

"I ask you, didn't you say you want to 'melt the spirits of the three'? Why haven't you seen your meritorious power all night, patronizing me and bullying me?"

Xu Shoujing scratched his cheeks, glanced at other places, and said with a guilty conscience:

"Isn't it not long after I got my hands on the exercises, I'm not very proficient yet, I'm running it... I forgot about it in the middle. Besides, I've been bullying you all the time, I'm obviously exposed to rain and dew..."

In fact, in the second half of the night, Xu Shoujing discovered that the method of merging the spirits of the three people through 'double cultivation', it is estimated that only theory can work.

Chu Shuwan's and Qiu Xuanji's two spirits blending together has no obstacle, the problem lies in him.

The ink-colored spiritual power has a natural repulsive force against the other five elements, and when Xu Shoujing is turning the clouds and the rain... it is actually difficult to separate the energy to ponder how to merge the spirit.

Well, so in the middle of the night, he had already given up.

But it's okay to think about it in your heart, and you can't say it.

If she said it, Aunt Chu might faint.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing coughed lightly, and said in a comforting tone:

"Aunt Chu, it's alright. This kind of thing is familiar to me again and again, and I slowly get used to it. Next time, I can let you be on Xuanji's..."


Before the words were finished, a bluish-white shadow was thrown from the gap in the sky blue curtain.

Because there were no spiritual power fluctuations, Xu Shoujing never wanted to hide from the beginning, but he didn't expect to be hit right in front of him, and the vision in front of him was completely obscured, leaving only a little bit of golden sunlight passing through.

"Go away! Don't bother me here!" Chu Shuwan roared with a bit of grievance in anger.

Xu Shoujing shook his nose and sniffed, and found that the scent of orchid that he was familiar with and could not be too familiar with penetrated into his nose.

……smell good.

He seemed to have thought of something, and twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.Reaching out and removing the silk cloth covering his face, he looked down.

Sure enough, what caught the eye was a Qingluan drinking water with its head down. Qingluan's head was obviously stretched a lot, and it didn't look very harmonious with other parts.

Xu Shoujing stared at 'Qingluan' for a while, then coughed lightly, silently put his apron in his pocket, and then said:

"Aunt Chu, then you sleep for a while, and I'll buy it for you later."

blah blah-

The sound of footsteps gradually drifted away, and with the sound of 'bang', the door was closed, and the light in the wing suddenly dimmed a lot.

Chu Shuwan finally couldn't help curling up on the bed, holding her knees with both hands, burying her head between her legs, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Shuwan, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Shuwan shuddered and raised her head expressionlessly, just in time to see the picture of Qiu Xuanji smoothing her hair.

It stands to reason that Qiu Xuanji's dress at the moment is no different from her own, and at least she should cover it with a quilt, but she seemed to have not noticed Chu Shuwan's line of sight at all, ignoring the thin quilt that slipped from her body.

Chu Shuwan was a little speechless, and sighed as if giving up, with a bit of sadness in Xing's eyes:

"It's not a big deal... I just think that last night was so inappropriate. I... I don't look like an elder at all. Will Jing'er still recognize me as an aunt?"

Qiu Xuanji took out the rouge from the Qiongyu Pavilion, holding the bronze mirror in one hand, sticking out the head and sipping it, said plainly:

"I understand, you have entered the 'land of no desire'."

"A realm of no desire?" Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, but found that Qiu Xuanji was holding her own rouge, and was speechless at the moment.

Doesn't she never use these things?

"Well, Jinger told me." Qiu Xuanji took out a set of concubine red dress and put it on, carefully arranging the collar. "Jing'er said..."Shuangxiu" dared to say anything, dare to do anything.

...but after that, there will be a period of time when you will enter the realm of no desire and no desire, and feel ashamed of what you have done, and fall into self-doubt, this situation will usually be fine until the next 'double cultivation', no need too worried. "

"..." Chu Shuwan.

Looking at Qiu Xuanji's easy-going appearance, she was a little unconvinced, and said sourly:

"What about you? Hasn't Senior Sister ever entered a state of no desire?"

"Of course there are, but it's rare. Usually, Jing'er enters the realm of desirelessness before me." Qiu Xuanji sat on the edge of the bed, bent over and picked up the embroidered shoes, which she slowly put on her fair feet.

After putting on her shoes, she stood up and took a look at her outfit, tilted her head and glanced at Chu Shuwan, and said softly:

"But he has become more and more proficient recently, Shuwan, did he practice with you?"

"..." Chu Shuwan.
The sun is shining and the water is flowing.The passing carts and the cruise boats in the small river followed one after another, and there were more pedestrians on the street.


A cute-looking little Zilong is lying on the side of the plaque in the Zuixianlou, with two thin wings shrugging aside, one small claw resting on his chin, and the other small dragon claw keeps tapping the plaque, every time it passes by. A hawker selling snacks, she painted on the plaque.

With a lazy posture and arrogant dragon eyes, she looks like a lady who has been in a high position for a long time.

However, in fact, she was just a female Lolita dragon who was less than four years old.

Since losing the restraint of the immortal king ruins, although Red Lotus has gained freedom, the price is also obvious, losing the power bestowed by the ruins.

This also leads to her current role as a means of transportation. The only advantage is that she can carry more people than Yujian. Although the speed is not as fast as Yujian, it is also slightly faster than Feidu Floating Boat.


Another candied fruit vendor with a grass target passed by, and Honglian stretched out her small claws and scratched it very patiently on the plaque.

At this moment, she suddenly felt something soft and soft on her back, and when she turned around, she found that it was a plump white cat twice her size.

"Meow, meow." The big white cat raised its paw arrogantly, probably saying: This is where this meow is, step back!
Between the dragon and the cat, the soul is connected...probably, um.

——Anyway, no matter which one it is, the human race can't understand what they are saying.

Little Zilong somehow understood the meaning of the big white cat, his wings as thin as a cicada's wings spread out to both sides, and he barked his teeth in a 'long cry':


The big white cat glanced at her, a cat punched him, and the little Zilong couldn't dodge, and the whole dragon fell off the plaque.


Xu Shoujing had just walked out of the gate of the Drunken Immortal Building, when a dark shadow suddenly shrouded his head... It doesn't count, it should be said to be a black spot.

He didn't lift his head, he took it in his hand and looked down, only to find that it was Xiao Zilong whose eyes were turning in circles, and said in surprise:

"What are you doing here?"

Xiao Honglian suddenly came back to her senses, she quickly struggled to climb to Xu Shoujing's shoulder, pointed to the plaque above her head, and cried aggrievedly:


Xu Shoujing looked along the red lotus's small paw, and found a familiar big white cat sitting on the plaque engraved with 'Drunken Immortal Tower'.

Yu'er noticed Xu Shoujing's gaze, and hurriedly curled up, pretending to be 'cute and cute, without a head', tilting her head "meow~meow~"

"—" Xu Shoujing was silent for a moment, turned his head to look at Xiao Zilong, and whispered, "Do you want to play with her?"

"..." Little Zilong.

Different species, really can't communicate?

"Then you can fly up to play with her, anyway, you are both mother's... um." Xu Shoujing put the red lotus on the ground with an indifferent look, and out of the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of a white figure not far away, he put it up He waved his hand: "I still can't accompany you. To make friends, you have to take the initiative. Don't think that others will post it backwards."


Xiao Zilong watched Xu Shoujing leave, and made a few "babble" aggrievedly. Longyi shrugged aside, and dragged his tail to the inn little by little.

Jiang Rongyue was carrying the porridge bought outside, and was about to ask the staff in the lobby to ask for a few empty bowls when she happened to see this scene.

After thinking for a while, she walked slowly to Xiao Honglian's side, squatted down on her knees, and said softly:

"What's wrong? Did something unpleasant happen?"

Xiao Honglian's dragon body shook, raised its dragon head, looked at Jiang Rongyue with teary eyes, opened the little dragon's claws and rushed over:


Crying piercingly, like an abandoned daughter-in-law.

"Hey... don't cry, I'm still holding the porridge..." Jiang Rongyue hugged Xiao Honglian in her arms with a bit of tears and laughter, patted her on the back like a baby, and said something in her mouth: "Xiao Jing Where have you been... there is no one in the room, breakfast is already bought..."

At this time, Xu Shoujing was seeing another woman.
Although Sudu is a big city comparable to the capital of the dynasty, it is still a water city in essence.

Compared with horses that also need to supply food and grass, river tools such as boats and bamboo rafts are undoubtedly much more convenient.

Often the most common scene in Sudu is the scene of hawkers loading various goods onto boats.

When the hour came, the river section facing Zuixianlou showed a completely different scene from the previous Sudu.

Not to mention a boat, even pedestrians dare not approach the riverside. Surprisingly, every passerby couldn't help but cast his gaze towards the riverbank, but soon turned around as if he was guilty, and seemed to be running away. to leave.

This strange sight is caused by a woman.

To be precise, it is a woman who is like a nine-day fairy.

A white gauze fairy skirt is wrapped around her body, and three thousand blue silk is draped behind her like a waterfall; her skin is better than snow, her facial features are perfect, her phoenix eyes are like autumn waves, and her pupils always carry a disdain for everything in the world, as if she is just a passerby .

From the rear, her waistline and buttocks are graceful enough to evoke the flames in any man's heart, but anyone who sees her will only have fear from the bottom of their hearts, and dare not approach half a minute.

This kind of temperament from the inside out is the main culprit that no one dares to approach nearby.

Usually wearing a veil has less impact, but today, I don't know how to get it, but Zhao Fuyao took off the veil on his own initiative and walked to the bank of the small river by himself.

"What are you thinking about?"

A gentle and hearty voice came from behind, and a pair of powerful hands suddenly wrapped around his waist. Even if he didn't have to turn his head, Zhao Fuyao knew who was coming.

Dare to approach her, and dare to make such an action, there is only one person in the whole world.

Her eyes never left the clear water, and she said calmly:
"It's nothing, just walk alone."

This excuse is even more perfunctory than when Xu Shoujing asked for leave in his previous life, he wrote 'something at home' on the leave slip. If he believed it, he would be a ghost.

"What's on your mind?" Xu Shoujing asked softly.

"No." Zhao Fuyao broke free from Xu Shoujing's big hand and walked aside.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then quickly caught up to him, walked to the side by side, and then said softly:

"Am I doing something wrong?"

Zhao Fuyao's footsteps didn't stop for half a minute, she still answered calmly:


It appears to be true.

Otherwise, it doesn't make sense, why do you suddenly use the method of 'removing the veil' to attract your attention.

Xu Shoujing felt a little helpless in his heart, and stopped talking, silently following Zhao Fuyao's side, wanting to see where she was going.

After walking like this for a while, before they knew it, the two left the downtown area and came to a rather remote area.

Although there are many courtyards of the people of Sudu around, except for some captive poultry and horses, there is no sound of any living creatures. It seems that they should go to the store to open.

After walking to the center of the empty arch bridge, Zhao Fuyao suddenly stopped.

She put her slender hand on the stone-carved handrail of the curved bridge, leaned over the head, and said plainly:
"Are you trying to integrate other people's spiritual power?"

Xu Shoujing was still looking around, and he was stunned when he heard Zhao Fuyao's unexpected question from his soul. can see that too?

As if he had guessed Xu Shoujing's mind, Zhao Fuyao replied as a matter of course:

"I know your body better than anyone else."


That's true, after all, the act of running around the body outside the body and sending it back is almost equivalent to 'looking at it with a microscope after dissecting it'.

While this may sound odd, it's true.

Xu Shoujing didn't know the purpose of Zhao Fuyao's words, he just pondered for a moment:

"I tried it, but I failed. My spiritual power is more repulsive than other five elements than I imagined."

Zhao Fuyao shrank slightly, holding the embossed jade hand, she closed her eyes and pondered for a moment, and said calmly:

"That set of exercises is not suitable for you. You are not born with other spiritual powers."

This is just a very pertinent suggestion, but after hearing it, Xu Shoujing suddenly felt irritable.

In fact, Xu Shoujing knew very well that Zhao Fuyao was right.He, who has been troubled by the five elements since childhood, understands better than anyone that his fitness with the other five elements is zero.

Rather than delving into paths that are almost impossible to get through, it is a steady and steady approach to honestly follow the directions that have been opened up.

Xu Shoujing understood these principles, but he just couldn't sit still.

Every time he saw Zhao Fuyao's collapsed appearance after Shuangxiu finished, he always felt that if he continued like this, the incident of 'feeding the knife' in the novel in his previous life would inevitably happen.

Xu Shoujing wanted to eliminate this possibility before that, which is why he had to suspend his cultivation even if he sacrificed the speed of entry.

The psychology of fluke is a psychological trap that must not be held.

"If I don't try to melt the spirit, how can I improve my realm?" Xu Shoujing's tone was unusually rude.

Zhao Fuyao's phoenix eyes were slightly startled, probably not expecting that Xu Shoujing would react so loudly, and said in a low voice:
"Continue to practice kendo. Ling Fuyu's kendo is very suitable for you. Although it can't improve your realm, it can lay a solid foundation for you."

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, her eyes drooped slightly, and hesitated: "Or, continue to cultivate with me."

The surrounding air suddenly froze a bit, and no one spoke.

Xu Shoujing was actually a little angry, but not at others, but at himself.

Why can't he do anything every time like this?
Zhao Fuyao is the woman who changed his life to Mortal's destiny, which is why Xu Shoujing is willing to be good to her regardless of her past.

He admits that he is a bit astringent, and that there is such a fairy-like character around him, it must be false to say that he has no idea.

In Longquan Town, Xu Shoujing tried to hold hands for the first time, brought her a hosta for the first time, and took her first kiss on impulse for the first time.

It all happened so fast that it was hard to believe it was reality.

Also because of these, at the beginning, Xu Shoujing also felt that his thoughts towards Zhao Fuyao were more lustful.

But then he found out that it wasn't, at least not quite.

No matter who they are, they will always have a vision for the person who will change their life. Whether this vision will evolve into love or admiration, they are the most real emotions.

Do you have a color heart?Certainly, but definitely not just lust.

Xu Shoujing can say with certainty that in his heart, Zhao Fuyao's importance has already surpassed himself.

The conclusion is also obvious - why is it so troublesome to fall in love?

Xu Shoujing scratched his head irritably, and was silent for a long while:
"Gu Yao Immortal Palace."

Zhao Fuyao still had her back on her back and did not respond, but her footsteps moved slightly.

Xu Shoujing said in his heart, "Sure enough", paused for a while, and said the words that had been in his heart for a long time:

"Actually, you already knew that Xiaoxiao had already told me, why are you still reluctant to tell me?"

The moment he spoke, Xu Shoujing looked directly at Zhao Fuyao, trying to see something from her reaction.

Zhao Fuyao slowly turned around and looked at Xu Shoujing without hesitation, as if he had long expected that he would guess that Fengrong Gujing did not waver, and said lightly:

"Because there is no need to say it."

"No, you are afraid." Xu Shoujing said firmly.

Zhao Fuyao's watery eyes were slightly startled, Xu Shoujing's figure in his sight gradually enlarged, and he came to him in a blink of an eye.

He took a deep breath, looking like something was brewing.

Zhao Fuyao opened his mouth, and before he could speak, he was already embraced by him.

At the same time, a gentle whisper sounded in my ear:

"This is just my speculation... Gu Yao Immortal Palace, is there something you don't want me to discover, right?"

Zhao Fuyao lay on Xu Shoujing's shoulder, his curved eyelashes trembled, and he didn't answer.

Xu Shoujing hugged her delicate body tightly and continued:
"There are things out there that can heal you...but there are also things you don't want me to see. You're afraid that after I see it, my attitude towards you will change, right?"

These words were like a spring breeze, gently brushing Zhao Fuyao's ears.

She slightly shrank the jade hand on Xu Shoujing's shoulder, hesitated for a long time, and nodded slowly.

Xu Shoujing let out a long sigh of relief, let go of the arm holding Zhao Fuyao, looked at her blankly, and said with a soft smile:

"Don't worry, no matter what happened in the past, it has nothing to do with me. This is not a promise or a rhetoric to make you feel at ease... There is only one reason, shake, I like you."

Zhao Fuyao couldn't help but gently raised his head, and the phoenix eyes rippled slightly.

She looked at Xu Shoujing's haunting peach eyes, as if she wanted to read something from his eyes.

After a long while, a murmur that was completely different from usual indifference sounded:

Weakness, expectation, longing... and fear buried deep in my heart.

For some reason, Zhao Fuyao's expression was as calm as usual, but Xu Shoujing still read the information from her expression.

He stretched out his hand to remove the strands of hair that were blocking the side of Shake's cheeks, and nodded affirmatively:

Zhao Fuyao was silent for a moment, and looked at him very seriously:
"Didn't lie to me?"

Xu Shoujing sighed and smiled lightly:

"I will never lie to you in my life."

When the words fell, he pressed Zhao Fuyao's shoulder and bowed his head to kiss.


The handsome face in Zhao Fuyao's line of sight suddenly enlarged, and when he regained his senses, the small mouth was taken away.

She was forced to point her toes, she lost her balance and fell into Xu Shoujing's arms, two soft catkins groped and probed, and finally wrapped around his neck.


Zhao Fuyao finally released the corners of her eyes that had been holding on to the ground. She seemed to finally feel at ease, and slowly closed her eyes.

The fish swim in the river, and the people on the bridge depend on each other.
PS: Ask for a monthly pass, a recommendation ticket, a reward, and a follow-up!It's really important to follow up. Wow... I beg you (bang bang bang)

Guess where the final clip pays homage, guess it...and there's no reward.

(End of this chapter)

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