The queen is so fierce

Chapter 143 The possible movements of 'Rongling'

Chapter 143 The possible movements of 'Rongling'
"In the third abyss of Gu Yao's Immortal Palace, there is a Spirit Emperor Jade that is completely white and invulnerable to all spirits, and the immortal soul of the Falling Moon Immortal Venerable is sealed inside."

"So as long as you find that Spirit Emperor Jade, you can heal your body?"

"Well, it's been too long, and I don't know where Gu Yaoxian Palace is. If..."


"...If you really find it, you can go down to the bottom and have a look. Everything you want to know is there."

"Okay, I will definitely go."
The dazzling golden light sprinkled on the water of the Sudu River, and the sparkling water on the river pushed the cruise boat through one bridge after another. The boatman and the pedestrians on the shore laughed and laughed.

After lunch, Xu Shoujing was pulled out by Su Huanqing before he could warm up with Zhao Fuyao who had just reconciled.

Although Chu Shuwan witnessed all this, she seemed to have something to discuss with Qiu Xuanji, so she didn't stop her.

Xu Shoujing himself was a little speechless. He had just returned to Sudu from the peak of the Su Clan in the Changhe River yesterday, and was dragged up again today.

What about jumping over and over again?
The surrounding trees are densely shaded, and the clear small streams are arranged slopingly along the river. I don’t know how far they have flowed. At the foot of the mountain, they converge into an open freshwater lake, which surrounds Sudu in three different directions.

Xu Shoujing silently followed behind Su Huanqing without saying a word. From time to time, he glanced at the birds in the woods beside him, and looked at the familiar mountaintop scenery, but a doubt arose in his heart.

What is this going to do?She had a quarrel with her master... so she wanted to pull me to form a united rebel front?
This thought had just arisen, and Xu Shoujing shook his head with a laugh, thinking that Su Huanqing would not be so childish.

After a long pause, he asked with a chuckle:

"Qingqing, why are you taking me to the Changhe Su Clan again?"


Su Huanqing was wearing a cool blue summer dress, her slender figure was looming under the golden light, and her fair skin was as transparent as suet jade.

After hearing Xu Shoujing's extremely nauseous address, her extremely indifferent face even showed a trace of emotional fluctuations, her curved eyelashes trembled, and she stood silently on the spot.

Su Huanqing took a deep breath, glanced at Xu Shoujing indifferently, restarted the pace, and said without looking back:
"Master doesn't want to marry you, so I'm going to take you away."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Are you really pissed off as a child?

Of course Su Huanqing wasn't pranking, she had her own considerations.Seeing Xu Shoujing's very surprised expression, he hesitated and explained:
"Yesterday, I tried my best to persuade Master, but she just doesn't want to marry you, which means you're not worthy of her now."

"—" Xu Shoujing resisted the urge to complain, and followed Su Huanqing without saying a word, waiting for her to speak.

Su Huanqing pondered for a moment, then whispered:

"Master is in the Chongxiao realm now, so you have to cultivate to the Chongxiao realm within ten years."

"Does this make you worthy of a master?" Xu Shoujing looked shocked.

"No." Su Huanqing shook her head and said as a matter of course: "In this way, she can't refuse you."


This time Xu Shoujing understood, his new senior sister's meaning was very clear, to let him hurry up to cultivate, and wait for the cultivation base to surpass the master and directly dominate the bow.

Xu Shoujing felt that no matter what he said now, Su Huanqing should not listen to him, so he didn't plan to dwell on this topic anymore.

He raised his head and glanced at the mountain that was getting closer, lowered his head and pondered, wondering:
"What does this have to do with you taking me to the Changhe Su Clan?"

Su Huanqing didn't look back, but her footsteps stopped suddenly.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, still doubtful in his heart, suddenly felt that the air around him cooled down in an instant, and a biting chill hit his neck.

He suddenly froze in his heart, almost subconsciously stroking Qiongyu on his belt, trying to call out 'Painting Fang Yanqian'.

But when he touched the center of the familiar belt, the feeling of nerve feedback was not the smooth and silky luster on the surface of Qiongyu, but the extremely cold ice full of edges and corners.

Xu Shoujing never thought that Su Huanqing would seal up his Qiongyu Pavilion when he came up, and the Nine Tribulations Prison was fully open. He wanted to rely on his body to withdraw to the rear, but it was too late.

Su Huanqing had moved to his back at some point, and the light blue sword that symbolized extreme cold was lightly resting on his neck.

"—" Xu Shoujing's entire body froze.

Su Huanqing stared at Xu Shoujing's back for a while, and put the long sword into the scabbard very smoothly.

She lightly tapped Qiongyu on Xu Shoujing's waist, and those frozen ice layers were torn apart in an instant.

After doing all this, he said coldly:
"Having been separated from you for half a year, I have already broken through the realm of the Dragon Gate, and I will become an immortal weapon. You were at the peak of water transformation when I left. Why have you only reached the Yunyao stage of the sea so far?"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Because there is no way to double cultivation with Shao Yao.

Su Huanqing raised the sword and shook it in front of Xu Shoujing, and said solemnly:
"The way of sword cultivation, the sword cannot be left out of the hand, and in the Qiongyu Pavilion, after all, the speed of drawing the sword is one beat slower than that of others;
Although I am a big realm higher than you, if you are at such a close distance and use the gods to punish the sky, I am not your opponent, but all your weapons are in the Qiongyu Pavilion, and there is no way to face the sudden situation. "

Xu Shoujing looked stunned, frowned and lowered his head, as if he was lost in thought.

Su Huanqing's words pointed out some of his bad habits, and still used such a blunt method.

He was a martial cultivator who relied on weapons quite a bit, but he was usually used to stuffing weapons into Qiongyu Pavilion and taking them out when he needed them.

There is still a reason to look for Shenjing Punishment, after all, it is a heavy gun, and at the moment of touching it, it is no different from a mortal, and it is obviously unrealistic to hold it in the hand.

Yao Ye Senluo is a big killer. Usually, it can be used as an air purifier quietly. When it is a last resort, take it out to fight for your life. It is a trump card, and there is nothing wrong with it in Qiongyu Pavilion.

But I also stuffed the painting Fang Yanqian that my master gave's a bit overwhelming.

Xu Shoujing was seriously reflecting on himself, and after deep dissection of his psychology, he found that it was still the same old problem - a little floating.

The recent past has been so smooth that I have no sense of crisis in my heart, and I feel that it doesn't matter if there are weapons or not.

In fact, only when facing the enemy he met for the first time would he have the opportunity to slowly take out his weapon.

Just like the group of people from the Tianyuan Sect, they didn't know Xu Shoujing well, they were afraid that random attacks would lead to the trap, and they were always reluctant to act rashly, which gave him the opportunity to slowly take out his weapon.

But once he met someone like Su Huanqing who knew him very well, especially a cultivator who majored in magic, he would probably suffer a big loss before he could react.

With a thought, Xu Shoujing took out the painting boat from Qiongyu Pavilion and hung it on his waist. He tilted his head and looked at Su Huanqing with a disappointed expression:

"You want to tell me that Jianxiu's sword can't be taken out of hand?"

Su Huanqing shook his head, looked at Su Du at the foot of the mountain, and said calmly:

"This is what the master wants to tell you, but she feels that you need to suffer a loss first, and then teach you later, you will remember it more clearly, so she never said it."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

That's why you're manually making me lose?
Su Huanqing glanced at him and continued walking up the mountain:
"In the next period of time, you can live with me, and I will urge you to cultivate."

"Ah?" Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and quickly followed, and said awkwardly: "This... this is not good, men and women are defending..."

"And the point is that I can't cultivate either..." Xu Shoujing added in his heart.

Su Huanqing didn't seem to understand why Xu Shoujing thought so, and frowned lightly:
"If you want to marry my master in the future, then you are my master, and my master is no different from my own mother to me. In this way, you are my father.

Or...are you the kind of person who has thoughts about your own daughter? "


Xu Shoujing was silent for a moment, looked at Su Huanqing a few times, and found that she was quite serious when she said these words, and her heart was suddenly a little dazed.

What does this mean... forcing him to be a father ghost?
But he is obviously a very honest and good person!
Xu Shoujing felt that his head was getting bigger, but he only thought that Su Huanqing had probably been in a place isolated from the world like Sudu for a long time, maybe his three views were a little different from normal people.

I felt this way when we first met. This girl... has a straight personality and has a surprising way of thinking.

Well, at this time, Xu Shoujing didn't even realize that his thinking was actually outrageous.

Su Huanqing didn't know that in just a few quarters of an hour, Xu Shoujing had already portrayed her in his mind as an image who was older than him, but who was ignorant of the world.

At this time, the two of them just walked to the top of the mountain. Su Huanqing looked at a fifteen-story tower within the wall of the Su Clan of the Changhe River, gestured towards Xu Shoujing, and said:

"That's my Changhe Su Clan's Qi Refinement Tower. The access sign on the top floor is only available to people from the Su residence. You will live there with me in the future."

"Qi Refinement Tower?" Xu Shoujing was stunned, then turned his head in confusion.

Su Huanqing glanced at him and explained softly:
"The Refining Tower is actually a magic weapon of construction. The spiritual energy between heaven and earth has the direction of the five elements, and it will be somewhat hindered when refining;

Every year, the Qi Refining Tower gathers the spiritual energy near the Changhe Su Clan and purifies it into the purest spiritual energy. The monks who meditate in it will increase their cultivation speed exponentially. "

Having said that, she paused, tucked the strands of hair that blocked her vision behind her ears, and reminded seriously:

"But the side effects are also obvious. Cultivation in the gas refining tower has the effect of 'burning the spirit and refining the body'. The spiritual power of the whole body will be like bathing in lava, and there is even a risk of death from spiritual power exhaustion."

Su Huanqing hesitated and said solemnly, "Although I really hope that you can cultivate quickly so that you can marry my master in the future, there are many risks involved in entering the Qi Refining Tower, and the decision is yours."

After speaking, she stopped talking and waited quietly for Xu Shoujing's decision.

Xu Shoujing is no longer listening to Su Huanqing's words. He is now full of the characteristics of the gas refining tower just mentioned - "purified into the purest spiritual power".

This is fundamentally different from Yao Ye Senluo's 'transformation'. The transformation requires a source. For example, if you want to transform Qiu Xuanji's spiritual power, she needs to 'charge' beside her. Transformation can only be transformed into a cloud of air.

Purification is to eliminate the original five elements in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and turn it into the purest and cleanest spiritual energy.

To put it bluntly, the colorful drink becomes a mineral water that can be dyed in any color.

Isn't this what Xu Shoujing needs now?
And as long as there is a source of purified spiritual power, the 'Rongling' mentioned in this practice method might really succeed!
"Go, of course." Xu Shoujing agreed immediately, staring at Su Huanqing with a bit of fiery gaze. She could be said to have provided herself with a brand new cultivation direction.

He seemed to have suddenly thought of something, hesitated for a moment, and asked aloud:

"But... can you let me bring Sister Rongyue?"

No way, the method of merging the soul requires 'double cultivation', Xu Shoujing can't expect to ask Su Huanqing to fight with him, right?

The realm of Aunt Chu and Xuanji has obviously exceeded the audience of the Qi Refining Tower, and Shaoyao... Not to mention that she and herself should try to avoid double cultivation now. Before that, her physique might not be able to handle it at all. The so-called 'Burning Spirit Refinement'.

Not to mention Ling Fuyu, that is her master; Xiaoxiao and her are not of the same species, and Ranxi... the relationship has not progressed to this stage.

After thinking about it, only Sister Rong Yue is the most suitable.

What's more important is to break away from the above reasons - Xu Shoujing has long wanted to make some progress with his sister, and this has not been an opportunity.

Su Huanqing frowned lightly and was silent for a moment:
"what ever."
Sudu.Drunken House.

Incense lingered in the wing room on the second floor, and the word "No Smoking in China and Africa" ​​was lit next to the bed. Xiao Zilong squatted beside the incense burner in aggrieved way, and kept stirring on the bed with his thin wings. To drive, use incense to disperse the smell of raw truffles on the bed.

The master who oppressed Xiao Zilong was a mature and beautiful woman with a plump figure and a charming face. She was wearing a dark green slim skirt and sat on a round wooden table. Her two plump thighs overlapped and her elbows supported. Leaning on the table, jade hands resting on her cheeks, and her almond eyes are filled with a strange kind of charm.

Well, she's still struggling with what happened last night.

Chou Xuanji, who was wearing a long red gauze dress, sat quietly on the chair, carefully read the manuscript in her hand, and looked at her unsmiling expression. The style of reviewing memorials in the palace.

After an unknown amount of time, Qiu Xuanji closed the manuscript, turned around slowly, and said thoughtfully:
"You want to use this to make Longyumen's reputation?"

When Chu Shuwan heard Qiu Xuanji's words, she suddenly came back to her senses, she smiled, stood up and said:

"This is the brochure I took at Tuxian Pavilion before. Every four years, the major sects in Tiannan Continent will gather in Donghuang Mountain.

I asked the front desk of the Tuxian Pavilion. Many unknown sects rely on this to make their names. "

Qiu Xuanji put down the manuscript, lowered her head and pondered for a moment, then said:

"Shuwan, the age for participating in this sect competition is limited to [-] years old, and it must be below the Nirvana realm... Although you and I are both under the age of forty, we have already lost the qualification to participate in the realm. "

Chu Shuwan waved her hand indifferently: "We don't have to participate, just let Jinger participate."

Qiu Xuanji took a deep look at Chu Shuwan and found that she hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter, and sighed:
"Shuwan, this is the largest cultivator exchange competition in Tiannan Continent. Not only the participating sects will be present, but there will certainly be many passing cultivators, hermits, and other intercontinental people to join in the fun."

"Is there any problem with this? The more people there are, the better the reputation of Longyumen." Chu Shuwan said because she was not sure.

However, Qiu Xuanji shook her head and said solemnly, "It's not surprising that there are a lot of people, especially... a female cultivator who is greedy for Jing'er's beauty."

"—" Chu Shuwan's face stiffened.

Qiu Xuanji took a deep breath and continued to alarmist: "Jing'er's talent is so outstanding, will the great gates of Tiannanzhou want to strangle him in the cradle? Or other intercontinental powers, will they want to kill him in the cradle? Did he throw an olive branch?"

"Jing'er won't be tempted by that kind of thing." Chu Shuwan suddenly returned to her senses and nodded firmly.

If it was someone else, they might be interested in the inheritance of the mighty power, and it might even be impossible for them to abandon their wives and children for the sake of chance.

But Jing'er was the only one who couldn't, he was a...a womanizer who regarded women as his life.

Qiu Xuanji sighed, looking at Chu Shuwan as if to say 'Junior sister, you are still too tender'.She paused for a moment and said solemnly:

"What if that great power wants to marry his daughter to Jing'er? Or he has a granddaughter who hasn't left the cabinet, who just happens to be a talented girl like Jing'er..."

Chu Shuwan's eyes widened, and her heart was instantly shaken, but she still defended Xu Shoujing with a strong voice:
"But...but, Jing'er likes older people."

Qiu Xuanji looked directly at Chu Shuwan and made up the last knife: "The descendants of the great power are at least several times older than you and me."


This time Chu Shuwan was really shaken, and after pacing for a long time, she asked stiffly:

"Then what to do..."

Qiu Xuanji seemed to have already prepared the draft, and immediately replied:

"Let Rongyue and Ranxi come on. I just read the brochure. The Zongmen Grand Competition will be two months later. The rule this time is two people. Just don't tell Jinger before the registration deadline."

Chu Shuwan was stunned when she heard it, and after a long pause, she nodded, and at the same time, a group of doubts arose in her heart:
"Why do you suddenly start thinking about these things, don't you never care about Jing'er's other women?"

Qiu Xuanji took out the masterpiece "On, How to Gain the Initiative in the Harem" from Qiongyu Pavilion, and said in a plain and authentic tone:
"I used to think that as long as Jing'er was by my side, I would accompany him all over the world; but Jing'er's nature is to like to mess with flowers, so I want to make some preparations in advance."

In fact... Lady Empress just thinks what this book is written is quite interesting, it's just reading to kill time, not taking it too seriously.

But later, the more she read, the more she discovered that the book contained a new continent she had never seen before, so she couldn't wait to try it now.

To put it simply, it is 3 minutes of heat, and it will be fine after a while.

Naturally, Chu Shuwan didn't know these things. She nodded thoughtfully, thinking about whether to take a look at her book "How to Discipline a Husband". After all, she has more 'knowledge' and more power. '.

dong dong dong-

Jiang Rongyue knocked on the door and walked in, with an unnatural blush on her face, she gave Chu Shuwan and Qiu Xuanji a neat salute:
"Master, Xiaojing asked me to stay at the Changhe Su Clan for a few days. There is a Qi-refining tower there, which can speed up the training."

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment. Naturally, there is no reason to refuse this kind of thing that is good for the apprentice.

She exchanged glances with Qiu Xuanji, and decided to leave the matter of the Zongmen Great Competition until they came out.

"Go, remember to tell Jing'er that the Longxun card can't be used in Tiannanzhou, so go back to Changhe Su and ask for a communication card for Tiannanzhou."

"Understood, that master... I'll go first."

With a happy expression on Jiang Rongyue's face, she walked out of the door quickly, and by the way, she also pulled the door closed.

Walking to the stairwell, a black-robed man with a hood suddenly walked towards him.

Jiang Rongyue didn't think too much, she stepped up the stairs briskly, and wanted to walk out the door - Xu Shoujing was waiting outside, although she was going downstairs now, but soon she would climb the adult stairs with Xu Shoujing .

Thinking of this, Jiang Rongyue felt a little shy in her heart, but she couldn't help but feel full of expectations.

Just like a young couple who stole the forbidden fruit behind their parents and lovers, they are full of beautiful fantasies about this 'cultivation'.

tah... tah... tah...

The black-robed man's footsteps were very heavy, and every step made a 'squeak, squeak' sound from the wooden stairs.

Jiang Rongyue didn't care at first, but the moment she brushed her feet with the man in black robe, she was stunned.

It was a familiar and unfamiliar sense of sight. I always felt that I had seen this black-robed man somewhere, but the aura emanating from him was a little different.

What I have to say... is the devilish nature. Put aside all the eyes of the world, implement the self, and release your own nature.

This black-robed man had such an aura.

Jiang Rongyue was stunned for a long time in the stairwell, then slowly turned around, only to find that the man in black robe had disappeared at the end of the corridor on the second floor.

The cultivator's senses have always been keen, but it is not without mistakes.

Jiang Rongyue was full of doubts in her heart and wanted to find out, but she always felt that if she followed through, the price might be so serious that she would die.

"Sister Rong Yue, are you alright?"

A familiar urging sound came from downstairs, Jiang Rongyue hurriedly responded with "Go down now", and finally glanced at the direction where the black-robed man disappeared, turned around angrily, and walked downstairs.
The compartment at the end of the second floor.


The man in black robe walked into the room. He first closed the door and placed a restraint on it. After confirming that there was no eavesdropping formation, he slowly took off his hood.

It was a rather scholarly face, with neat facial features and black hair standing up, looking like a disciple of a big family.

However, he has a pair of dark purple eyes, the whites of his eyes are full of bloodshots, and his pupils are always burning with the fire of greed.

"Su River."

A gloomy voice suddenly sounded in midair, and a rootless white fire raged.

Su He paused for a moment, then knelt down on one knee:

The voice in the rootless white fire paused for a while, and asked in a deep voice:
"Su Jin's matter is the same as what the deity said?"

The purple light in Su He's eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise:
"It's all true."

The rootless white fire was silent, seemingly lost in thought, and after a while:
"What to do next, you know?"

"My subordinate understands."

"That's good."

The voice fell, and the rootless white fire dissipated in the air.

Su He took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to support the chair next to him, and stood up slowly.

He glanced at the high mountains outside the window, his eyes wandered for a moment, and finally focused on the location of the Changhe Su Clan. His voice was gloomy and authentic:
"When the sect competes, it is the day you, Su Jin, die."
PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket, a reward, and a follow-up reading.

It's New Year's Eve, and the collection is going backwards. Brothers, please support me.

I might ask for a leave tomorrow, New Year's Eve, everyone who understands it... In fact, the more important thing is that I have written a story in the past two days, and I feel that if I update it hard, the quality may decline seriously.

I am Yuluo, I wish you an early year, see you next year!

(End of this chapter)

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