The queen is so fierce

Chapter 144 Refinement Tower

Chapter 144 Refinement Tower (Happy New Year!)
Clouds and mists, mountains and rivers are far away.

On the steep and narrow mountain road leading to the Changhe Su Clan, a woman with a cold and elegant temperament hurried on the road in an orderly manner.

She is wearing a light blue skirt, the hem and cuffs are like white gauze, and every step she takes is a little smart; her jet-black hair is draped over her shoulders, and her face is not made of powder, but she is still as white as jade, as if A snow lotus blooming in the mountains.

Among women, her figure is tall and slender, and a sheathed long sword is always carried in her hands, so that in addition to the coldness that strangers do not enter, she must add a bit of chivalry of the rivers and lakes.

It is such a cold female cultivator, but her actions at the moment are far from her appearance.

Every time she walked a distance, she had to stop, look back at the man and woman behind her, and after confirming that she was not left behind, she frowned and continued on the road.

Although the road from Sudu to Changhe Su Clan is not short, for a cultivator, even if he does not use his sword, it is not a journey that takes an hour or two.

The reason why it was so hard to go up the mountain was mainly due to the black-robed boy named Xu Shoujing.

"You said... a person with a smell very similar to He Su appeared in the Zuixianlou?"

Xu Shoujing muttered to himself, holding his chin with his right hand, but his head was lost in thought.

After a long while, he rubbed his temples and pondered:

"Could it be that you feel wrong?"

Jiang Rongyue changed out of her usual dress as a female cultivator, and wore a snow-blue ru skirt on her body. Although she lost a bit of the air of a fairy, she looked more like a dignified and virtuous daughter-in-law. It can make people feel soft.

After listening to Xu Shoujing's words, Jiang Rongyue's soft face was full of seriousness, she gently shook her head and whispered:
"Xiaojing, I won't joke with you about this kind of thing, that man in black robe... does have a solemn aura, but..."

Xu Shoujing saw Jiang Rongyue pursed her lips with a melancholy look on her face. After a long time, she did not write anything, so she could not help but ask:
"but what?"

A trace of uncertainty flashed in Jiang Rongyue's eyes, she hesitated for a moment, and said solemnly:

"But He Su's breath is only a little bit. It doesn't seem to be because of the hidden breath of the magic weapon. Anyway, it's very strange, like a different person..."

changed a person?

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and immediately thought of 'demonization'.

On the night of the Immortal King Ruins, He Su was undoubtedly decapitated by him, and he couldn't die any longer.

If the soul dissipates, even the Great Master of Xuan Yejing will not be able to return to the sky. This is the law of heaven, and it is also an iron law that cannot be broken in order to maintain a balance of planes.

If it weren't for this, Jiuxiao would not pursue the illusory "beyond the Tao of Heaven" in order to resurrect the clansmen.

When Xu Shoujing withdrew from the Immortal King's ruins, the Immortal King's palace collapsed, not to mention that the exit that Honglian helped to transfer did not encounter other suspicious people.

Even if someone did enter the ruins after Xu Shou and others left, He Su's soul would have dissipated long ago, and it would be impossible to resurrect.

Thinking about it this way, if the person Jiang Rongyue met was really He Su himself, it could only be a 'demonized version of He Su'.

The problem is here, the power of demonization can indeed play the role of 'pseudo-resurrection', it is not wrong, this has been confirmed in Zimo and Longquan Town.

However, although the 'demonizing person' has also been injected with the memories of his lifetime, it is not the same soul after all, and the differences in behavior are very different. Walking on the street and not being found.

Just imagine, a monster who is thinking of 'biting' other people all the time is by his side, even if he wears a hood, he can't be unaware.

Could it be... is the demonized person evolved a new breed?Or was it stage one before, and now stage two?
Xu Shoujing was puzzled, but because of the importance of this matter, he couldn't just leave it alone, and before he knew it, there was a look of sadness on his brow.

Jiang Rongyue saw all this in her eyes, raised her jade hand to smooth the corner of Xu Shoujing's eyes, and sighed:
"I'm sorry, Xiaojing, it would have been nice if I had caught up with me... I was all to blame. I was stunned for a while, but when I turned around, he had disappeared."

Xu Shoujing suddenly regained his senses. Seeing the apologetic eyes of his sister, he chuckled and let out a sigh of relief. He raised his hand to touch her tender cheek, and shook his head:
"It's okay, in that kind of unclear situation, I'm not at ease if I let you go to investigate alone."

While the two of them were talking, Su Huanqing, who was only a few feet away, was already standing in front of him at some point.

Xu Shoujing and Jiang Rongyue were stunned for a moment at the same time, and when they looked around, the building complex of the Changhe Su Clan was right in front of them.

Su Huanqing glanced at the two of them indifferently, and said indifferently:

The Qi-Refining Tower is thirteen stories high. The bottom floor has [-] quiet rooms. The higher you go, the fewer the quiet rooms. On the top floor, the entire space is just a Qi-Refining Room.

The periphery of the tower is piled with dark and dull stone bricks, and the material cannot be seen. The only thing that can be known is that no one of the spirits of heaven and earth can penetrate into it. Similarly, the spiritual power inside can never leak out.

The Qi Refining Tower automatically extracts the nearby spiritual energy every year, absorbs it from the top of the tower, refines it into the purest spiritual energy on the top floor, and transitions to the lower layer in turn.

As long as you stay in the gas refining tower, it is equivalent to that the meridians in the body are being washed by the pure spiritual power all the time. Of course.

Of course, the side effects are also obvious. The meridians are constantly washed, just like roasting the body on the fire. Not only the outer skin is roasted crisply, but even the tender meat and blood vessels inside are also roasted dry. The closer to the top layer, The pain is especially pronounced.

Even so, the disciples of the Changhe Su Clan break their heads every year and want to go to the top floor to practice for a few days.

After all, pain is only temporary, but getting stronger is real.

But the top floor of the Qi Refining Tower only allows people from the Su Mansion to enter, and the rest of the disciples want to go to the top floor. Unless the disciples of the Su Mansion are willing to borrow it, there is really no way.

The weather is sunny, the sun is just right, and it is a good time to bask in the sun.

Next to the Changhe Su Clan's Qi Refining Tower, there were a bunch of young monks who wanted to stay in the tower.

The beautiful female monk on duty who was in charge of registration in the hall on the first floor was anxiously writing and drawing on the roster, and kept shouting:

"Don't crowd, queue slowly, you can only enter after registration... It's useless for you to crowd, take your time, everyone has a share."

However, the dissuasion of the melodious female cultivator did not cool the fiery hearts of these disciples at all, but became more eager:

"Senior Sister Qin, I managed to make an appointment for Room 32 on the sixth floor today. Would you like to have a cup of tea with me? I even made some refreshments myself..." A teenage monk said with a blushing face.

"Go away, at a young age, what kind of Taoist partner are you talking about?"

A white cloud boot suddenly stuck out from behind the little cultivator. Before Senior Sister Qin could refuse, the little cultivator was kicked away.

The person who came was a young cultivator who could tell from his appearance that he was a romantic person. He cleared his throat, pressed one hand on the counter, and threw the ticket in his hand towards Senior Sister Qin, and said in a low voice:

"Senior Sister Qin, this is the receipt for Room No. 12 on the [-]th floor. I managed to get it because of you."

Senior Sister Qin took a step back silently, her expression a little embarrassed: "Then... it's hard for you, but I don't need to..."

"There!" The young cultivator interrupted Senior Sister Qin loudly and gave her an electric eye: "There... I heard that there are quilts made of thousands of years of ice silk, and a training bed made of Huangji Xuanwu ice, how can you shake it? The kind that doesn't make a sound... Senior Sister, would you like to give me a face?"

"..." Senior Sister Qin.

Oh man.

Just as Qin Xuanbing was thinking about how to refuse, her chubby hand stretched out from the side and pushed the young cultivator away.

The young cultivator staggered under his feet, lost his balance and leaned to the other side. He quickly grabbed the counter to stabilize his body, angered from his heart, turned around and shouted at the person who came:


I saw a fat cultivator with a round body, standing there in a daze, holding a large bag of unknown snacks in his hand.


The young cultivator was stunned for a long time, and after recognizing who was coming, he straightened up with his waist, and pouted:

"Ji Yan, you have nothing to do to join in the fun. Didn't you see that I was inviting Senior Sister Qin?"

The fat cultivator named Ji Yan swallowed a mouthful of snacks, glanced at the reaction on Qin Xuanbing's face behind the counter, and said indignantly:
"I just despise your act of forcing Senior Sister Qin to agree to you. Even if I didn't stand up, thousands of Senior Sister Qin's supporters would come out and attack you!"


The young cultivator looked bewildered. Who forced him? If he invited him with a training scroll, he was forced?

According to this logic, everyone will not have to discuss "what jewelry is precious", "which paradise is suitable for dating" and so on.

Anyway, the final evaluation is rogue, wouldn't it be faster to get started?

However, the young monk still underestimated the power of the onlookers.

Although there are usually quite a lot of people in the Qi refining tower, the main reason for these two days being so full is because their senior sister Qin Xuanbing came to work at the front desk.

This is like the image of the school flower posted on the school brochure. One day, she suddenly ran to the cafe downstairs to work as a waiter. Everyone wanted to join in the fun.

Of course, only a few self-aware disciples really joined in the fun.

Others are still a little bit cautious, wanting to see if there is a chance for something to happen.

Therefore, they dare not speak out against the young monk's behavior of "shaking face with banknotes", and they are always reluctant in their hearts... The No. 12 floor is really rich in gold.

Unless someone can take out the No. 13 floor sign, no one can fight against the young monks, but the No. 13 floor can only be entered by people from the Su Mansion.

They could only watch him take away Senior Sister Qin Xuanbing... not to mention how unwilling it was.

Alright now, although Ji Yanren is a little fatter and has a weaker sense of existence, at least he is the one who picks up the head first, don't care if he has the confidence, it's right to follow along.

"Senior Sister Qin is everyone's sister Qin, why do you force her?"

"Since you said that you are sincere to Senior Sister Qin, why don't you give her the ticket directly! You are clearly conspiring!"

"Senior Sister Qin is always so nice to us, won't your heart hurt like this?"

Chatting and chattering, a group of people stood behind Ji Yan and kept talking.

The goals are all the same, first stand on the top of morality, and then step on the young monk.

"—" The young cultivator was stunned, this group of people are really thick-skinned.

The ticket I bought with all my fortune...I didn't eat a bite of meat, give it away for nothing?
How is this exported? ...Okay, you are shameless, right?

Isn't it just cheeky, who wouldn't?

Thinking of this, the young monk took a deep breath, threw the ticket on the counter, and said righteously:

"You bastards with dirty minds! I invited Senior Sister Qin just to practice together and exchange ideas about Dao Fa! I have never had any evil thoughts towards Senior Sister Qin in the future!

It's you, for your own selfishness, who made Senior Sister Qin give up the hard-won opportunity to practice on the No.12 floor!What are your intentions! "

"..." Everyone.

How else to say, shameless people, invincible in the world?After this plausible speech, everyone was stunned.

However, the performance of the young monk continued——

"Senior Sister Qin is everyone's Senior Sister Qin. Why do you stifle her chances of being aggressive? How good Senior Sister Qin is to you all the time, won't your heart hurt like this?"

"—" Everyone was silent again.

Once a person who wants to be shameless becomes shameless, the lethality is indeed quite terrifying.

Seeing that the others were silent, the young cultivator secretly said in his heart, "Fight with me, you are still too young." He smiled smugly, and was about to continue to tease Senior Sister Qin, but the fat cultivator, whose sense of existence had completely disappeared, blocked him again. in front of him.

"Do you have anything else to do?" The young monk frowned.

Ji Yan wiped the snack debris at the corner of his mouth, took out a jade token from his arms, and hooked the corner of his mouth:
"What do you mean, you just want to help Senior Sister Qin in her cultivation, and have no other intentions?"

"So what?" The young cultivator raised his brows and thought to himself, "Even if I'm not, you can't do anything about me. I just beat me to death and won't admit it. Anyway, I didn't want to do what I wanted to do when I entered the room?
Ji Yan played with the jade card in his hand and smiled slightly: "Oh...then if there is a better choice, for the development of Senior Sister Qin, are you willing to give up your position?"

The young monk was stunned for a moment, and he didn't take it seriously. This is nonsense. The only thing that can be better than the No.12 floor is the No.13 floor.

It's a pity that only people from the Su family can enter the No. 13 floor. According to the standards of ordinary disciples of the Changhe Su family, the No. 12 floor is already a ceiling.

With this in mind, the young cultivator naturally had to pretend, so he said as it should be:
"If there is a better choice, I will hand over Senior Sister Qin to me. I don't need you to remind me."

Ji Yan grinned, and seemed to be waiting for his words, suddenly raised the jade card he had been playing with for a long time, and said loudly:
"Remember your words and see what this is!"

The young cultivator didn't take it too seriously, and was about to sneer at random. The moment his eyes stopped on the jade plaque, his pupils shrank, full of disbelief:

"How... how is it possible? This is the brand of Su Mansion!"

Ji Yan heard the uproar from the crowd behind him... Although the distance was a bit far, it should be facing him.He couldn't help but feel a little smug in his heart, while shaking the sign, he said with a smile:
"If it is fake, this is the brand of Senior Sister Huanqing, which was borrowed by me."

The young cultivator was already shocked, but when he heard the name of 'Su Huanqing', his eyeballs were almost frightened, and his fingers lifted up tremblingly:

"You... you actually hooked up with the Su Mansion! Or with the venerable's daughter?!"

Ji Yan curled his lips in disdain. This is the difference in vision. How could he fit into Su Huanqing's line?

Isn't this color, it's a convenience for Su Huanqing's future Taoist companion...

Sometimes, no matter how hard you practice for a long time, it is not as easy as observing one's words.

Seeing that the young monk had fallen into autism, Ji Yan turned around proudly, intending to invite Senior Sister Qin to enter the No.13 floor with this posture of "god descending to earth".

As soon as he turned around, he found that Qin Xuanbing's beautiful face had an unnatural blush, and the big watery eyes were rippling, as if they were filled with some kind of crazy longing.

Ji Yan sighed inwardly, who said that the fat man is not a potential stock, he reached out and touched his hair, intending to use the most unrestrained tone to invite the goddess to practice together...

"God...I read that right..."

"You pinch me, why are there still two, how could Senior Sister agree..."

There was another shocking roar from the crowd behind, Ji Yan was a little confused - he had already finished pretending, what are you shocked about?

Soon, Ji Yan realized that Qin Xuanbing's gaze was a bit wrong.

It's not so much that she felt her heart tremble when she saw her great power and crushed the young cultivator... It's better to say that she seemed to see an idol-like existence behind her, and then the deer jumped wildly, wishing to throw her arms in her arms. .


A row of question marks appeared on Ji Yan's head. Just as he was about to ask the scared apprentice brother next to him, a very familiar voice sounded behind him:

"It's you, thank you for sending the key yesterday."

Ji Yan shuddered, turned around quickly, and found a handsome sword immortal in a black robe who appeared behind him at some point.


Okay, know why they were so shocked.

Either it was because Xu Shoujing was too handsome, or he saw him standing with Senior Sister Huanqing.

Ji Yan sighed, his heart was extremely miserable, he secretly thought that he was a supporting role, thought for a while, and handed over the jade token in his hand very wisely:

"Does Senior Sister Huanqing want to go to the top floor with you to practice? It's okay, take it, you guys have a good time..."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

I haven't said anything yet...

At this time, Su Huanqing came silently, and everyone's eyes did not take their eyes off her. There was no way, it was too rare.

I usually only hear the name but don't know the person... Even if I see it once, I can't talk about it. It's hard to see it up close, so don't look at it twice?

"Thank you, I'm sorry, my family Xiaojing has caused you trouble."

Jiang Rongyue walked in style, as if to explain to her troubled younger brother, and smiled apologetically.

As Jiang Rongyue, who has called herself a 'sister' for a long time, these words are not conscious, but for everyone who already regards her as Xu Shoujing's Taoist companion, this is undoubtedly an oath of sovereignty.

Ji Yan raised his hand and froze for a moment. He looked at Jiang Rongyue, whose appearance was no less than Su Huanqing's. His eyes moved back and forth between the two of them, and finally stopped on Xu Shoujing's body, and said with a stunned expression:
"Gong... Gongdou?"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Xu Shoujing didn't notice that behind the counter, Qin Xuanbing, who had been in the center of the angle of view just now, looked like a different image.

She took her obsessive gaze away from Su Huanqing and slowly stayed on Xu Shoujing's body, the admiration in her eyes turned into contempt and anger.

How can senior sister like this little white face?
Today I don’t ask for monthly and recommended tickets. I wrote too quickly, and I don’t have the face to ask…

PS: I originally added more updates today, but my relatives came to my house, so I can't be busy, sorry (bang bang bang)

In addition, Qin Xuanbing has joined the short story book of passers-by, similar to Leng Yan; people in the V group should know what it means, anyway, this is a passerby, and there is no drama; this chapter has paved the way for a lot of serial pits... headache, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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