Chapter 145

blah blah-

As the soundless and brisk footsteps approached, the disciples of the Changhe Su Clan who were watching were very winking, and they separated to the sides one by one, making way for a spacious road.

Su Huanqing, who was wearing a long light blue dress, walked slowly to Xu Shoujing's side, her eyes were calm, her clear eyes were like a mirror, or the lake frozen in winter, without a trace of ripples.

Her eyes wandered, and she glanced at the people in the hall with different expressions, and finally stopped for a moment on Jiang Rongyue's hand that was holding Xu Shoujing, tilted her head and glanced at Ji Yan, and said softly:
"The sign will be lent to you when we come out."

Ji Yan thought for a while, and wisely moved out of the way, but there was no dissatisfaction in his heart.

Everyone knows the rules of the gas refining tower. No one is qualified to enter the top floor except Su Mansion. Originally, no matter how good his grades were, he would never have the opportunity to explore the true face of the top floor. .

Su Huanqing didn't say more, turned around and walked towards the stone ladder next to the dark passage.

Seeing Su Huanqing's back disappearing around the corner, Xu Shoujing and Jiang Rongyue looked at each other, and were about to follow in Su Huanqing's footsteps.

But Xu Shoujing's front foot had just stepped out, and the sweet beauty Xiu, who had been hiding behind the counter just now, suddenly came out and stood in front of him with a bulging mouth.

Qin Xuanbing stared at her pair of water-cut pupils, her eyes locked tightly on Xu Shoujing's body, her pink cheeks bulging like a little squirrel, it was really cute.

Probably because she is also self-aware of her own image and knows that this is not a deterrent.In order to show her aura, she could only keep pushing her small breasts forward, putting on a fierce expression:
"You... you can't go in, you're not from the Changhe Su Clan."

When the words fell, Qin Xuan gave a cold snort and turned her head to stop looking at him, but the meaning of 'seeing off' was already obvious.

Xu Shoujing froze in place for a moment, then suddenly came back to his senses, not knowing why he said:
"Why? Me and Qingqing..."

"Don't call Senior Sister Huanqing, call it so close!" Qin Xuanbing glared, blocking Su Huanqing's sight with her body intentionally or not.

"..." I'm used to it, sorry.

Xu Shoujing sighed, feeling a little speechless. He looked at Qin Xuanbing who was not giving in, and spread his hands helplessly:

"I've been with Huan Qing all the way. I'm her friend. I really won't lie to you."

The tone is soft, like coaxing a child.

Qin Xuanbing became even more angry after hearing this, but it was not easy for so many people to look at it, so she could only curl her lips while pretending not to care:
"I see."

Seeing this, Xu Shoujing thought that this was allowing him to pass, so he wanted to take Sister Rongyue's hand.

"She can go, but you still can't." Qin Xuanbing paused for a while, and quickly moved sideways to stop her.

Jiang Rongyue couldn't bear it any longer. Anyone with discernment could understand that Qin Xuanbing was deliberately targeting Xu Shoujing.

However, with her temperament, even if she was angry in her heart, she would not act too impulsive.

She quietly released Xu Shoujing's hand, took a few steps closer, and said with a frown:

"Where did Xiaojing provoke you?"

Qin Xuanbing originally wanted to reply with a cold face, "No offense, but I'm happy", but after seeing Jiang Rongyue's extraordinary beauty, her face flushed slightly, and her words faltered:
"It's... not at all."

Jiang Rongyue frowned, her tone even more puzzled: "Then why are you making things difficult for him? This is your first time meeting, right?"

While speaking, Jiang Rongyue took another step forward, the refreshing breath of Orchid almost hit Qin Xuanbing's face, her breathing became heavier subconsciously, and there was a trace of white air on her head.

"—" Xu Shoujing's eyes widened.

Shouldn't she be the one with this reaction...

Xu Shoujing thought for a while, then stepped forward and pulled Jiang Rongyue back.

Although he has always expressed support for the diversity of XP, it does not mean that he will be willing to watch a Xiuxian Qi conspiracy against his sister.

At this time, Xu Shi waited for a long time without seeing Xu Shoujing follow, and Su Huanqing rushed back quietly.

Seeing Qin Xuanbing standing in front of Xu Shoujing, her cheeks blushing, and she looked down at the toes of her shoes, with a twisted look, she couldn't help but wonder:
What did Xu Shoujing do to her?Did you like Junior Sister Qin?So run over to tease?

Thinking of this, Su Huanqing felt a little unhappy in her heart - I am looking for you to cultivate, not you to flirt with my sister.

Qin Xuanbing noticed the footsteps around her, turned her head to look, and found that the object of her admiration was so close to her, her blushing face was now like a ripe apple.

She subconsciously pinched her thighs, her small white jade-like hands clenched into fists in front of her chest, and he faltered:
"Master... Senior Sister, you are here..."

Su Huanqing stared at her cheeks that were stained with red ink for a while, then turned to look at Xu Shoujing, frowning:
"What did you do to her?"


Xu Shoujing's head raised a row of question marks, only to feel inexplicable:
"I didn't do anything...she wouldn't let me go..."

"You didn't do anything, she won't let you go there?" Su Huanqing looked suspicious.

Xu Shoujing was at a loss for words for a while, this... It's quite reasonable, but he really didn't do it. If he did, why would he stop him? It's nothing to have one more person, and it's over if we go up together.

He sighed and felt that his image of a 'dengtuzi' could not be shaken off, so he simply gave up the explanation, stretched out his thumb and turned to the side:

"You ask her yourself, I really didn't do it."

Su Huanqing knew that Xu Shoujing was not the one who killed him and refused to acknowledge the account. Seeing his helpless reaction, he believed the remarks a little in his heart.

Just when Su Huanqing was planning to ask Qin Xuanbing if Xu Shoujing was harassing her, Qin Xuanbing couldn't stand.

She can keep throwing Xu Shoujing's face, but she will never take a stern attitude towards Su Huan.

"Senior sister, he really didn't provoke me. I didn't let him pass." Qin Xuan said in a plausible manner.

Su Huanqing was stunned for a moment. Seeing Qin Xuanbing's righteous and dignified appearance, she didn't turn her head around for a while, she wondered:
"Why not let him pass? He was with me."

Qin Xuanbing's smile froze, her high spirits withered instantly, she pursed her lips for a long time, but she didn't mean to answer.

Seeing her like this, Su Huanqing seemed to have thought of something, and her eyes suddenly turned cold:

"Is it him?"

Qin Xuanbing shuddered, nodding her head like a chicken pecking rice, but she shouted bluntly:

"No... not!"

"—" Xu Shoujing was dumbfounded.

Girl, your body and your mouth are actually connected by different lines?
Su Huanqing's expression sank, and she slowly closed her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

The flow of spiritual energy around suddenly became slow, and even the air froze, a chill that pierced into the bone marrow rushed up the back, and everyone watching the play shuddered subconsciously.

Qin Xuanbing's face froze, and her little face suddenly became flustered. After a little consideration, she immediately sold the 'man behind the scenes':

"Senior sister, I don't want it either... It's the venerable one. He expects that you will bring a little white face... Mr. Xu, who can't catch up with his wings, comes to practice, so the venerable told me in advance that he must not be let go."

The voice fell, before Su Huanqing had time to speak, there was an uproar in the surrounding people, and the silent hall once again started a heated discussion.

A long-haired male cultivator glanced at Xu Shoujing's back, shook his head regretfully, and sighed:
"It seems that this Sword Immortal has not been recognized by the Venerable yet. Also, just like the Venerable's daughter slave, no matter who comes, I'm afraid I don't want to see a good face."

The scholar in the Confucian robe next to the long-haired cultivator listened, showing an expression of 'understand or you understand', waved his hand and said:

"Isn't it? You didn't watch last year, even the people like the Son of Heavenly Sect came to propose marriage. What happened? Venerable slammed out the people of Heavenly Sect without saying a word. In my opinion, even if this sword Xian was brought back by Senior Sister Huanqing herself, and there is no good fruit to eat."

As he said that, he looked at Xu Shoujing a few times as if he was commenting, and sighed:

"The toad also wants to eat swan meat, it's really overbearing... eh?"

When he stopped talking, the scholar in Confucian robe narrowed his eyes, looked around to Xu Shoujing's side, and poked his gaze from the sleeves of his restrained black robe, saying in astonishment:
"Hey...he doesn't seem to be a toad, take a closer look, he looks quite handsome! What should I do, I'm tempted by a man..."

", you actually have the goodness of Longyang!" The long-haired male cultivator widened his eyes and quickly took a few steps back.

At this time, within two steps in front of the two, Xu Shoujing listened to their conversation with black lines all over his head.

He couldn't help turning around, looking at the two people behind him who were 'discussing face to face', and said with disgust:

"Can you not discuss in front of me? Pay attention to the influence."

The two looked at each other, and seemed to sense the same meaning from the other's eyes. They turned to look at Xu Shoujing, and said in unison:
"We've been discussing behind your back."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

No offense, but you Changhe Su Clan... why are you full of weird minds?

Xu Shoujing rolled his eyes, not wanting to pay any attention to them.He stepped lightly and walked to Su Huanqing's side. Seeing that her face had been gloomy, he seemed to be really angry. After hesitating for a moment, he said in a low voice:

"Would you like to explain it to that Venerable?"

Jiang Rongyue also came over and comforted softly:

"Yeah, explain the reason well, maybe there is some misunderstanding in it."

Su Huanqing opened her eyes, but did not answer the question of the two, her eyes were indifferent:

"I know, let's go."

When the words fell, she walked towards the outside of the Qi Refining Tower without looking back. The disciples onlookers were stunned for a moment, and quickly moved out of the way, for fear that she would be frozen into a popsicle.

Xu Shoujing and Jiang Rongyue looked at each other and quickly followed.

When the three of them left, the hall of the Qi Refining Tower fell into an unprecedented silence, and everyone seemed to be digesting the explosive news that had just been revealed.

Senior Sister Huanqing has a Taoist companion!Or serve with another woman whose beauty is not inferior to hers!
His Holiness disagrees with them being together!It is very likely that a wave of 'the old man beats the son-in-law' will be staged!

Qin Xuanbing silently returned to her post and sighed softly. After a series of episodes just now, she felt that her image in Senior Sister Huanqing's heart was likely to become very bad.

It's obviously their father and daughter's business, but the fire of war has actually burned on them... It's none of her business...

——Although it’s true that she finds Xu Shoujing unpleasant, isn’t she a little handsome, bah!

Just when everyone was thinking about what to do, Ji Yan, who had been eating melons silently, suddenly walked to the front. Looking at the people who were looking at him, he cleared his throat:
"You all underestimate Xu Gongzi."

The scattered crowd paused and fell into a moment of silence.

"Ji Yan, do you know something?" Someone asked loudly.

Ji Yan put on a 'come over' appearance, staring into the distance:

"You haven't seen Xu Gongzi's true strength, so you made such a judgment. I don't blame you. But if I tell you, the Venerable may have to suffer a lot this time."

Everyone's faces were stunned, they didn't believe Ji Yan's words very much, and someone asked:
"Could it be that you played against him?"

Ji Yan glanced at the friend who's 'where the pot is not opened, which pot can't be lifted', and shook his head:

"not at all."

There was a 'shush' from below, and I just felt that Ji Yan was talking, and the person who was just aroused by interest suddenly wanted to leave.

Ji Yan saw these reactions in his eyes, he brewed his emotions for a while, and pointed his finger at the crowd, Qi Yu said proudly:
"But he did!"


Hundreds of gazes followed Ji Yan's fingers at the same time, and the crowd at the end quickly dispersed, leaving a monk in a green robe standing bewildered, with a very embarrassed expression.

The pupils of the disciple who recognized the monk shrank and exclaimed almost subconsciously:
"Bai Zhuang! It's actually you... Did you really lose to that Xu Jianxian?"

Bai Zhuang's face turned red and he secretly scolded Ji Yan for being unrighteous. Even though he bought a lot of snacks to seal them, he still told them.He coughed lightly and said hesitantly:
"Well... There was a conflict yesterday when I was guarding the goal. Mr. Xu is indeed very powerful. I am not an opponent."

As soon as these words came out, even Qin Xuanbing, who had fallen into self-isolation in the counter, raised her head involuntarily.

Bai Zhuang is a high-ranking person who can be ranked in the entire Changhe Su Clan. He broke through the Dragon Gate Realm at a young age. Without anyone apprenticing, he can only rely on the general exercises of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Wrestling with Su Ling, the arrogant of the Su mansion, this talent is evident.

So... Xu Jianxian is really likely to pass the test of the Venerable, and hold the beauty back?

Ji Yan was very satisfied with everyone's reaction. He figured that he could almost continue talking, and brewed some emotions:
"If it was someone else, the venerable might just blast him out; but this time, Mr. Xu was brought back by Senior Sister Huanqing himself, and the venerable definitely couldn't be as rude as usual.

In the following opinion, His Holiness should send the Tianjiao of the Su residence to fight with Xu Gongzi, wanting to severely frustrate Xu Gongzi's spirit and destroy Xu Gongzi's image in Senior Sister Huanqing's heart. "

These words are reasonable and well-founded. Everyone nodded secretly, and the long-haired male cultivator Xu Shoujing who had just 'talked behind' Xu Shoujing said:
"So, Su Ling will come out to face Xu Jianxian?"

The scholar in Confucian robe next to him glanced at him and spread his hands:

"Haven't you heard that Bai Zhuang lost to Xu Jianxian? Su Ling is afraid that it's not enough."

The long-haired male cultivator was stunned for a moment, then frowned and thought for a moment:
"But Su Ling is the only one of the same generation as Xu Jianxian in the Su Mansion. Even if the others beat Xu Jianxian, there are elements of bullying the small. This is not good..."

The scholar in Confucian robe was a little speechless: "You're stupid, isn't there someone who has been training with his master outside?"

"..." The long-haired male cultivator was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened: "You mean... that one? But the others are outside..."

"Can't you be recalled from outside? Going to Tuxian Pavilion these days to set up a communication card with a smoother spiritual channel, it won't cost you a lot of spiritual beads."

"...Yes." The long-haired male cultivator nodded angrily.

Seeing that everyone was mobilized, Ji Yan secretly said that it was time to end, then he clenched his fist and coughed lightly, attracting everyone's attention:

"Now you should understand the gold content of this battle? What are you waiting for, let's go, why don't you go to the Su Mansion to watch a play?"

Everyone took a deep breath, not knowing who started the first, and swarmed towards the outside of the Qi Refining Tower, as if they were afraid that they would not be able to find a good viewing position by then.

The hall on the first floor of the Qi Refining Tower became more empty than ever in just a few short moments.

Qin Xuanbing bit her lip hesitantly. She also wanted to watch the battle, but leaving without permission is not very good...

After thinking for a long time, she finally put 'Sister Huanqing's Dao Companion' on top of her work, swiftly put the roster on the counter into the cabinet, locked it with magic, got up and prepared to leave.

dong dong dong-

There was a knock on the counter suddenly, Qin Xuanbing was stunned for a moment, just stood up, and found that Ji Yan was still standing here and didn't move.
"Why didn't you leave?"

What does it mean that he didn't go after he analyzed a big pass?
Ji Yan coughed lightly and did not answer the question:
"Senior Sister Qin, I would like to ask, the reason why the upper floors of the Qi Refining Tower are completely reserved. It's actually because there are too many people, right?"

Qin Xuanbing was stunned. Although she didn't understand the meaning of Ji Yan's question, she nodded.

"Then it will be easy." Ji Yan pointed to the empty lobby and said with a smile, "There is no one now, so there is no need to make an appointment. Sister Qin, help me register for No. 12 on the [-]th floor house.

It's that... It is said that there is a quilt made of thousands of years of ice silk, a training bed with the texture of Huangji Xuanwu ice, tsk tsk, I have long wanted to stay in such a luxurious quiet room and eat snacks while cultivating. "

Seeing Qin Xuanbing's stunned face, Ji Yan added with understanding:
"Senior Sister Qin, if you want to watch the battle, just go. Don't worry, I'm the only one here. If I don't tell you, no one will know that you left without permission."

"..." Qin Xuanbing.
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PS: I’m going. I thought I would have a little more time for the Chinese New Year and write more for you, but I’m busier than usual. I’m speechless…

(End of this chapter)

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