The queen is so fierce

Chapter 146 A Little Foreshadowing Before Climax

Chapter 146 A Little Foreshadowing Before Climax
"Xu Shoujing, come here."

On the way to Su Mansion, Su Huanqing suddenly stopped.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, turned his head and glanced at Sister Rong Yue next to him, walked over slowly, and asked:

"what happened?"

Su Huanqing stared at him for a long while, her head lowered slightly, and a hint of apology flashed in her clear beautiful eyes:
"I know him, I brought you back, and he definitely won't force you away directly and explicitly; he deliberately told Junior Sister Qin not to let you enter the Qi Refining Tower just to let me take you there."

Xu Shoujing was stunned, spent a few seconds pondering the meaning of the words, then waved his hand and said with a smile:
"It's alright, that Venerable Su probably misunderstood my relationship with you, so explain it clearly and you'll be fine."

Su Huanqing shook his head and said solemnly, "If it's unclear, as long as it's what he believes in, even if the facts are in front of him, he will use his own standards to measure it. No matter how much you say, it's useless."

Xu Shoujing was a little surprised: "When I met Venerable Su yesterday, I didn't feel that he was such a person? A very kind elder..."

"That's because he wanted to take you as his disciple at first." Su Huanqing paused for a moment, and then said, "However, he is very good-natured, I brought you back, and most likely won't do it yourself, but find someone of your same age. people……"

Xu Shoujing was silent for a while, then said, "Then what do you mean?"

"I hope you exceed his expectations." Su Huanqing thought for a while and whispered, "Su Ling is not your opponent. He should get my elder brother Su Ren back. The purpose is to make you retreat in spite of the difficulties."

Having said that, Su Huanqing paused, and looked up into Xu Shoujing's eyes with a hesitant expression:
"My eldest brother is also a martial artist. He is good at using heavy spears.

I'll tell you all his common spells and spear skills later, you must beat him head-on, and you can't work too hard. "

"Why?" Xu Shoujing was taken aback.

Su Huanqing returned to his expressionless face, and his voice was a little cold:

"Because if he can't win Su Ren head-on, that person will definitely try his best to renege on his debt, so he must be left speechless."

Xu Shoujing didn't ask any more questions, pinched his chin with one hand, and fell into contemplation on his own.

To make Venerable Su speechless?

It means to show a huge difference in strength, so that he can't find a reason to drive him away in the open?

Xu Shoujing nodded thoughtfully, turned to look at Su Huanqing, and suddenly smiled:

"oh, I understand now."

"Sorry." Su Huanqing pursed her lower lip, and there was a little more complexity on her cold cheeks, as if she was apologetic for involving Xu Shoujing in this kind of thing.

Xu Shoujing waved his hand: "It's okay, you helped me so much when I was in Dali, this little obstacle is nothing, not to mention that you are still trying to make me practice, where do I blame you?"

This is quite pertinent, but when it is put into Su Huanqing's ears, it becomes that he is understanding himself.

A normal person went to a friend's house as a guest, and was inexplicably visited by his son-in-law on the spot. He was also targeted by the 'prospective father-in-law'. The other person slammed the door and left, how could he still stay?It shows that he really values ​​love.

Hmm... This is Su Huanqing's thinking mode.

In the eyes of Jiang Rongyue, who has been by Xu Shoujing's side for many years, it is a completely different style of painting.

What kind of affection?It was obvious that he couldn't walk when he saw the woman.

What is compassionate to a friend?Obviously, he was stealing joy in his heart, and he wrapped himself in a coat of "for friends!". On the surface, the modest son is just a lustful embryo.

Seeing Xu Shoujing's 'soft whisper' to Su Huanqing, Jiang Rongyue couldn't help but puffed out her mouth and wanted to have a seizure, but she was afraid of being treated as an unreasonable girl.

It was not until the end of the conversation between the two that Jiang Rongyue silently walked to the other side of Xu Shoujing, reached out and took his arm to swear an oath of sovereignty.

Xu Shoujing noticed the change in Sister Rongyue's mentality next to her, and sighed secretly, "Sister Rongyue is becoming more and more like Aunt Chu." He quietly held her little hand, and continued to listen to Su Huanqing's story about Su Ren while he was on his way. .

The Su Mansion is located at the end of the Su Clan in the entire Changhe River, and the Qi Refining Tower is just at the end of the opposite direction.

However, this distance is only relative to mortals. If you are a cultivator, even if you don't use your sword, you won't feel tired after walking back and forth ten times.

After about half a column of incense, Xu Shoujing and the three walked through the streets lined with alchemy rooms and saw the magnificent gold-plated plaque of the Su Mansion again.

However, for some unknown reason, the streets that were not crowded the last time I came, are now crowded with people, and... they look familiar.

Xu Shoujing was walking on the road that the crowd voluntarily gave up, his eyes wandering around curiously, and at a certain moment, he suddenly saw two very familiar people, and his expression was stunned.

"Aren't you... the two people who were talking about me behind the gas refining tower?"

The two monks whose names were called looked at each other, and the long-haired male monk coughed lightly and said with a smile:
"Xu Jianxian, don't say it so ugly, what's the backstory? That's obviously a reasonable analysis... But now it seems that the analysis is wrong."

"What analysis?" Xu Shoujing frowned.

The scholar in Confucian robe took a step forward, shook his arm, and said with emotion:
"It's about 'the leprosy...the swan wants to eat swan meat'. I didn't expect you to defeat Bai Zhuang at the time. I underestimated you, sorry."


Who is Bai Zhuang?

Xu Shoujing's face was dazed, and he felt that what the two were saying were obviously talking about themselves, but he couldn't understand a word.

At the end of the crowd, a woman in tight blue clothes stood shyly at the front.

Seeing her, even Su Huanqing couldn't help showing a bit of surprise, stepped forward and said:

"Junior Sister Qin...why are you here?"

Qin Xuanbing squeezed the folds of the skirt with her small hands, her face was flushed, she didn't dare to raise her head shyly, and said shyly:
"I... I also want to see Xiao Bailian... Young Master Xu, who can never be beaten, versus Senior Brother Su Ren."

Seeing Qin Xuanbing biting her thin lip lightly, looking shy and unpretentious, Su Huanqing frowned, thinking that she had been hit by Xu Shoujing's 'highly poison'.

After hesitating for a moment, she felt that it would be better for a simple woman like Qin Xuanbing to stay away from Xu Shoujing, so she kindly reminded:
"Junior Sister Qin, don't look at Xu Shoujing's appearance as a gentleman. In fact, he is essentially an apprentice. The color embryo is reincarnated. You... It's better not to approach him."

Qin Xuanbing's eyes narrowed, seeing Su Huanqing's expression of "suffering", her face turned pale, and she said in her heart:
Could it be that Senior Sister Huanqing has been caught by that little white face...

Qin Xuanbing didn't dare to think about it any longer. She pursed her lips for a long time, still holding a hint of luck, and softly probed:
"Senior Sister Huanqing, do you have... have you ever had with him?"

Su Huan was stunned for a moment. She didn't understand the meaning of Qin Xuanbing's question. She thought she was asking if she had been taken lightly by Xu Shoujing.

She didn't want to say more, but considering that if there is an example to prove that 'Xu Shoujing is a sex embryo', Junior Sister Qin may be more vigilant. After thinking for a long time, she still intends to say:
"Well, when I first met him six months ago, he had a skin-to-skin relationship with me."

As we all know, 'skin kiss' has different meanings in different people's hearts.

Su Huanqing just wanted to express that when she was soaking wet, she was hugged by Xu Shoujing secretly to remind Qin Xuanbing that he is not the gentleman you imagined.

However, in fact, Qin Xuanbing didn't care whether Xu Shoujing was a gentleman or a womanizer at all. She was now full of images of Su Huanqing being pushed to the ground by Xu Shoujing, and her whole pretty face became 'humiliated' at the end.

Qin Xuanbing's eyes were full of embarrassment, and she had an aggrieved look of "the childhood sweetheart I had liked for ten years was snatched away by a little white face who didn't know where it came from".

"He... the first time we met... he was an apprentice, nasty, shameless!"

Su Huanqing saw Qin Xuanbing's expression of 'the anger of being deceived by a scumbag'. Her face was expressionless, but she nodded with satisfaction:

"It's not too late for you to wake up now."

Qin Xuanbing deeply agreed, and raised her small pink fist angrily:
"I understand, I have completely understood. Senior Sister Huanqing, don't worry, after Senior Brother Su Ren defeats that disciple, I will definitely save you from him!"

Su Huan chuckled lightly and elegantly: "If you can understand... eh?"

She suddenly felt that something was wrong, Liu Ye frowned, and raised her head to ask Qin Xuanbing if she misunderstood something.

But Qin Xuanbing had no intention of staying at all, took a deep breath, turned around with her dress fluttering, and disappeared into the crowd...

Well, excluding poisoning and seduction, the preparation is indeed to prepare, and it is difficult to say whether it has any effect.

Seeing the back of Qin Xuanbing leaving, Su Huanqing was a little stunned. She tilted her head to look at Xu Shoujing next to her, and said with a little doubt:
"Where did I say wrong?"

"—" Xu Shoujing looked at her speechlessly, you two chatted across servers for so long, ask me?
It's just what you said about you, and what she said about hers.

Being criticized in person for being an old woman, and even rumored to have a skin-to-skin relationship with a woman who met for the first time, Xu Shoujing's mood can be imagined... Although the exaggerated part is aside, there is no sense in a certain sense. wrong.

He didn't want to dwell on this topic, he looked around the crowded streets and said casually:

"How come these people are so much faster than us?"

Su Huanqing pondered for a moment: "They are from Yujian, but Yujian is not allowed in Changhe Su Clan, and he will be punished with Lingzhu."

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly startled, and before he had time to ask the next question, a monk in a green robe beside him said with a smile:

"Normally, I wouldn't dare to use the sword. Xu Gongzi fought against Senior Brother Su Ren. What's wrong with the penalty for the Lingzhu for such a different missed show? It's just a ticket."

Xu Shoujing paused in his footsteps and subconsciously pulled Sister Rong Yue to the other side. After seeing the appearance of the person who came, he exclaimed in astonishment:

"It's you?"

The Bipao cultivator bowed his hands and said with a smile, "Young Master Xu, you haven't seen one day since the gate yesterday. In Xiabai Village, I wish you a successful victory... No, I believe that Young Master Xu will definitely win Senior Brother Su Ren!"


Why is it that I fought, and the way you want to win more than me?

Xu Shoujing reluctantly said "thank you", thinking that this person was a bit strange and couldn't be dealt with, so he protected Jiang Rongyue to break through the crowd and left.

When Xu Shoujing and the others disappeared from sight, the monk standing beside Baizhuang asked curiously:
"Didn't you want to expose your loss to Xu Jianxian before?"

Bai Zhuang glanced at him and spread his hands: "I originally thought it was too shameful to lose to a nobody."

The monk was stunned for a moment and asked in doubt, "What about now?"

"Now? If Xu Gongzi wins Senior Brother Su Ren, and I don't publicize my loss to Xu Gongzi for a whole year, I won't be named Bai!" Bai Zhuang said proudly.

Passing through the crowded streets, countless pieces of blue robes and long skirts swept across the line of sight, Xu Shoujing rubbed his eyes, only to feel that there were afterimages of complementary colors everywhere.

After finally pushing through the crowd, he came to the gate of Su Mansion.What catches my eye is not the open space from yesterday, but a huge terrace as high as [-] feet.

The two sides of the terrace are made of thousand-year-old sandalwood, and the circles of tree patterns are clearly exposed on the surface, which shows how hasty the construction was.

There are steep stairs on the four edges, and obscure and cumbersome formations are depicted in each corner. The surface of the terrace is covered with a layer of Bai Qiong Lingyu. In order to prevent the monks from being knocked out, they also wrote a circle shield rune.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

It's only one day in total, and you guys have come out with this thing?As for...

The sun was setting, and with Xu Shoujing's presence, the disciples of the Su Clan in Changhe all quieted down, waiting quietly for Venerable Su to speak.


The thick and luxurious door of the Su Mansion slowly opened, and Su Jin, dressed in a dark blue robe, walked out like a stroll in the garden.

His expression was gloomy, his eyes were deep, coupled with his magnificent aura from the inside out, everyone present felt an invisible pressure.

In the crowd, Su Huanqing glanced at him blankly, looked away without saying a word, and stood beside Xu Shoujing.

"—" Su Jin's face froze, and he almost couldn't control himself and ran up to surround his daughter and asked for warmth: 'What did Dad do wrong? ''Qing'er, don't be angry...'

However, considering that there are a lot of people now, if he really goes up, he may lose face. He cleared his throat and forced the majesty that the Venerable should have, and said solemnly:
"Since you are all here, you should also know what happened today... Someone wants to marry my Su Jin's daughter..."

On the way to speaking, Su Jin lightly raised his cuff and threw it towards the sky.


In an instant, black clouds overwhelmed the city, the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder continued to roar, and violent winds and torrential rains like silver needles slanted down, but for a moment, the rain curtain blocked everyone's sight.

Su Jin held a ball of blue aura in his hand, bent his fingers, and pushed towards the mountain next to him. The aura started out in sync with the thunder in the sky, and slammed into a distant mountain in the blink of an eye.


The mountain collapsed, and the smoke, dust, and gravel were scattered everywhere. When it was clear again, only the flattened surface of the mountain was left.

After doing all this, Su Jin slowly withdrew his hand, and the dark cloud seemed to be fleeting as if it had never appeared before.He looked around the crowd, his voice was low and powerful, and he sneered:
"He's so brave!"

"..." Xu Shoujing.
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(End of this chapter)

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