The queen is so fierce

Chapter 147 Don't hit the apprentice hit the master

Chapter 147 Don't hit the apprentice hit the master

"He's so brave!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent, as if even the flowing air had been frozen, and everyone felt stiff and almost breathless.

Su Jin never put his eyes on Xu Shoujing from the beginning to the end. When he said this, he also looked like he didn't care at all, but the idea of ​​'killing all the pigs' was very strong, and he was even infected only through his ideas. quite a few people.

Looking at the audience, the other person was the so-called 'son-in-law'. If it was just a deterrent, he would have already begun to figure out how to run away.

But... who is Xu Shoujing?He is a push aunt madman!He is in danger!He's an old woman... It doesn't seem to have anything to do with this.

But it doesn't matter, he is a good young man in the 21st century who grew up watching this kind of "the old man looks down on the son-in-law" joke, so he doesn't know exactly what kind of reaction he should use, or how to pass this test in an angry manner.

Bathed in the eyes of the disciples of the Changhe Su Clan with all kinds of complicated meanings, Xu Shoujing recalled the funny skills of the seniors of the traversers, and after a little simmering, he picked up his voice and coaxed:

"That is, how can the eldest lady of the Changhe Su Clan be so easy to marry, she is too self-aware!"

"..." Everyone.

"..." Su Jin.

This kid can't see that I'm talking about him?Or...was frightened?
Thinking of this, Su Jin suddenly came back to his senses, and felt that if the child was really scared and stupid, and he couldn't explain it to Qinger at that time, he lowered his tone a little:

"Actually, it's not as exaggerated as you said. This deity is not a pedantic person. I just want to take an exam..."

Xu Shoujing smiled and said: "Zun Su is indeed a good person who runs a family with charity. No wonder he is famous outside. When talking about the Changhe Su clan, they all say that he has the world in his heart and the overall situation of Jiuzhou is the most important..."

The words stopped here, Xu Shoujing restrained his smile and pretended to sigh:
"However, I think you are still worrying too much. With his ability, he will definitely not pass your test. Miss Su must still be in the pavilion. Your lord can rest easy."

Su Jin was a little embarrassed to be praised. Hearing that Xu Shoujing was inexplicably belittling himself, he smiled kindly, as if he was joking at the "self-proclaimed poor" friend at the wine table, and waved his hand:

"Don't say that, I have met that person once, and I have a pulse that has been cut off from the five elements. I have not reached the age of the crown to cultivate Canghai Yunyao, and the transmission of spiritual power in the meridians is unobstructed. He is truly a genius in the world...

If I hadn't found out later that he was Qing'er's Taoist companion, I would have accepted him as a disciple. "

"Alas~ Venerable Su's words are not good enough."

Xu Shoujing blinked, his palms gently flapping in front of him:

"No matter how talented he is, he is definitely not as good as Miss Su. It would be nonsense for him to marry Miss Su!"

Su Jin's face turned pale, and he said solemnly:
"This deity has always said something. I said that his talent is unparalleled, that is, his talent is unparalleled. Although Qing'er has achieved a lot in Bingyi, compared with him... there is still a big gap."

Xu Shoujing didn't take it seriously: "Talent and worthy are two different things! As far as I know, that person was born in Yuliangzhou dominated by a secular dynasty, and he has no background behind him, so it is not suitable for Miss Su... "

"What you said is wrong, do you think this deity looks like someone with sectarian views?" Su Jin threw his robe angrily and said solemnly: "It is good to have a background, but if you have been in the sect , Under the wings of the family, without the experience of life and death, how can you talk about the word cultivation?"

Seeing Xu Shoujing wanting to open his mouth to refute, Su Jin snorted coldly and said solemnly:
"You don't need to say it, this deity has always been very accurate in seeing people. I said that he is worthy of Qing'er, and he is worthy of it."


Xu Shoujing was silent for a while, like a son-in-law who was taught by his father-in-law, and said very obediently:


Everyone on the field fell into silence again, but Su Jin was unaware that he was immersed in the victory of a battle of words.

Hey, stinky brat dares to say that the deity is unknown, so there is nothing to say now.

I say you are a genius, you are a genius!Dare to deny it?
If it wasn't for that strange talent, why did the deity have to find Ren'er back?Isn't this afraid that Su Ling can't beat you...?

Su Jin was taken aback for a moment with a leisurely expression, as if he had finally reacted to something at this moment, he hurriedly looked down.

All the disciples off the field, including Su Huanqing, looked at him in astonishment, as if... checking if he was fake.

That stubborn daughter-in-law... is actually speaking for the prospective son-in-law?

...Did the real Venerable go out to travel?This is to stabilize the hearts of the people in Sudu, and find someone to pretend to be?
They couldn't read it, but they were shocked.

After Su Jin came back to his senses, a nameless fire was used in his heart-he was actually surrounded by this stinky boy! !
Looking at Xu Shoujing with a grinning face off the stage, Su Jin took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to slap him to death, gritted his teeth and said:
"The deity just now has lost his mind, he is not worthy of Qing'er! No one in the entire Jiuzhou can be worthy of Qing'er!"

Xu Shoujing nodded in agreement. After a while, he seemed to have thought of something, and shrugged helplessly:

"I think so too, but just now, Venerable, you insisted on refuting me, which made me believe it a little bit now."


Su Jin didn't dare to talk to Xu Shoujing anymore. He was afraid that he would die of anger, so he pointed to the terrace next to him, and said impatiently:
"Xu Shoujing, hurry up, don't stand there pretending to be a passerby, the deity will be annoyed when he sees you."

"Oh." Xu Shoujing bowed his hands, posing as a humble junior, and flew down on the terrace.

This move almost made Su Zun's anger out of internal injuries again. He smoothed the beard that was blowing crookedly, and he completely ignored it, turning his back and ignoring it.

Xu Shoujing had just stepped on the white jade terrace, when a long chirping of birds suddenly came from the cloud with the colorful clouds.

A huge luan bird with snow-white wings covering the sky and a body like flying across a floating boat hovered in mid-air for a few weeks and slowly landed beside the terrace.

The dashing young man in a white suit jumped off Ju Luan's bird's back. He walked slowly to Su Jin's side, bowed his head slightly, and saluted respectfully:


Su Jin set his foot on the elder Fan, raised his hand slightly to signal that Su Ren was ok, and casually set his eyes on a gray-haired old man walking behind Su Ren.

The old man was also wearing a white robe that did not match the Changhe Su Clan. His temples were white, his limbs were as if withered, but his feet were walking like flying, and he came to Su Jin in a short time.

"Sir Su, long time no see."

Su Jin smiled and waved his hand: "Between you and me, there is no need to be so divided. How is Ren'er doing?"

"The progress is rapid, far surpassing what I was in the past." The old man also smiled and said with emotion.

The two of you said a word to me, and soon they exchanged greetings with each other.

Xu Shoujing was sitting on the terrace, sitting cross-legged on the white jade floor, with his elbows on his knees and his right hand on his cheeks, watching Su Jin and the others chatting endlessly, and yawned boredly.

In the crowd, Jiang Rongyue glanced around and found that all the disciples of the Changhe Su Clan were not surprised by the appearance of the old man, but in those eyes there was a vague sense of disgust that 'relatives stay at home and stay away'.

She tilted her head, touched Su Huanqing beside her with her elbow, and asked softly:

"Who is that person? I seem to be very familiar with Venerable Su..."

Su Huanqing pondered and explained in a low voice:
"Yuan Qing. He is my grandfather's disciple. Although his realm is not as good as Su Jin, and he has not even penetrated the sky, but in the way of the spear, my grandfather evaluated him as 'I can't reach it in the end'."

"It's so powerful..." Jiang Rongyue was stunned, although she didn't know who her grandfather was, she still agreed a little.

Su Huanqing nodded, "My eldest brother has no interest in magic since he was a child, but he has a soft spot for long spears. Later, Su Jin handed him over to Yuan Qing for training. Up to now, the entire Changhe Su clan is unmatched. ."

The spectators at the bottom were whispering, and the big man above was almost chatting.

Yuan Qing stroked his beard with one hand and said with a smile:

"Brother Jin, that's about it. You specifically asked me to come back with Su Ren this time just to deal with that thing?"

As he said that, he tilted his head and glanced at the black-robed boy on the terrace, a little surprised in his eyes.

Su Jin knew what kind of virtue Yuan Qing was, and did not comment on his words, but said, "Yes."

Yuan Qing was even more confused. In his opinion, Xu Shoujing was just a little cultivator in the early stages of the sea. Although the direction of spiritual power was indeed a natural sword cultivator, he started too late. A rough jade worth carving.

Jiuzhou has never lacked talent. Although the black-robed youth is indeed very talented, in order to overwhelm him, do you want to send Su Ren?
Isn't this the dragon-killing sword used to kill the color-tailed chicken?
In fact, it is no wonder that Yuan Qing would think so. After all, he is not a member of the Changhe Su Clan, and he does not have the characteristic of 'seeing through the false' that the Su Clan was born with.

Su Jin could see through Xu Shoujing's origin at a glance, and the rest of the disciples could also guess, but Yuan Qing could see at most that Xu Shoujing had talent in swordsmanship, which was no different from what other high-level cultivators outside could do.

Yuan Qing felt a little amused and waved his hand:
"Brother Jin, stop joking, if you want to beat him, Su Ling from your residence is a good choice. I remember that although Su Ling is still stuck in the sea, it is more than enough to deal with a sword cultivator who is just entering the sea. of."

Su Jin sighed and could only explain it again:
"Yuan Qing, this deity is not joking. Su Lingyuan is not Xu Shoujing's opponent. If you want to overwhelm him, only Ren'er can do it."

Seeing that Su Jin was so determined, Yuan Qing restrained his joking thoughts and pondered a little:

"Brother Jhin, could it be that he is a disciple of a big sect or big family?"

Su Jin's expression was a little helpless. He knew the character flaws of his old friend, but he couldn't say that it was based on the abilities of the Su family.

The secret of the Su Clan has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. If anyone with a heart knows that their Su Clan is an ancient bloodline, the entire Su Clan in the Changhe River and even the entire Su Capital will be wiped out.

Last time, it was to win Xu Shoujing and accept him as an apprentice, so I told this matter. People like Yuan Qing who like to rely on their identity to sell the old, absolutely cannot tell him.

After thinking about it, Su Jin found that there was really no way to explain it for Xu Shoujing, Yuan Qing was in a hurry again, he had to sigh:

"Neither, he came from a sect called Longyumen in Yuliangzhou."

"Longyumen? Yuliangzhou?" Yuan Qing frowned. After thinking for a long time, he didn't find the word 'Longyumen' from his memory, but he still had some impressions of Yuliangzhou.

His cautious expression dissipated, replaced by a disapproving sneer:

"Isn't Yuliangzhou the intercontinental dominated by ordinary people? What kind of genius can come out of a poor country? Brother Jin, you are making too much of a fuss."

Seeing that Su Jin wanted to explain two more sentences, Yuan Qing blew his beard and pouted:

"In the past few years, the Dali Empress who was madly passed down from Jiuzhou said that she used her own strength to fight against the double nirvana without being defeated, and now she is not abdicating to become a virtuous person? What did she say she went to seek the way, in my opinion, most of it is not worthy of the name. I was afraid that someone would go there, so I hid."

These words are not too loud. No matter how good a person from the Changhe Su Clan is, he can't help frowning.

The people of the Changhe Su Clan have always been taught that peace is the most important thing.

People like this who mock and despise because of their different birthplaces, they really don't look down on them.

However, this old man was a disciple of the previous patriarch. Although he had a bad character, the long spear was really enough to win Jiuzhou, and everyone said that he was suffering.

Everyone didn't pay attention, when they subconsciously showed a look of disgust.

On the terrace, Xu Shoujing's expression, who always had a faint smile, froze slightly. After a while, the smile became even brighter.

Jiang Rongyue saw this scene in her eyes, and with the tacit understanding of the two, she quickly saw his plan and sighed helplessly.

On the other hand, although Su Jin was used to Yuan Qing's temperament, he was inevitably a little helpless at the moment, so he had to exhort:

"Be careful, don't talk about others behind their backs."

What Yuan Qing couldn't bear the most was Su Jin's arrogant appearance of teaching others. He took a deep breath and sneered:

"I think it's too much of a child's play for Brother Jhin. Play me like a monkey. It takes a thousand miles to summon us for such trivial matters. Does Brother Jhin regard me as your subordinate?"

Su Jin really wanted to say, 'If you were my subordinate, the deity would have opened you up long ago', but identity is identity, no matter how he doesn't want him, he has to take his face into consideration, and sighed:
"You misunderstood, the deity never thought of it that way."

"It doesn't matter whether it's true or not, disciple, let's go." Yuan Qing flicked his sleeves and went to look for the giant Qingluan behind his back.

Su Ren, who had been silent for a long time, stopped in his steps, and sank slightly:
"Master, the disciple wants to play against Xu Shoujing."

Yuan Qing paused, turned his head, looked at Su Ren respectfully but with a firm expression, and was silent for a while:
"With your strength, fighting him is just a waste of time."

Su Ren didn't give in an inch: "My disciple doesn't care."

Yuan Qing looked up at the sky and seemed to be lost in thought. After a while, he waved his hand as if giving up:
"Forget it, it's up to you."

"Thank you, Master."

Su Ren bowed his hands again, took out an iron spear inlaid with ancient jade from the ring, and walked towards the terrace with heavy steps.

"Cousin! Cousin!"

Halfway through, there were a few soft calls from the blind spot of the terrace. Su Renwei was stunned for a moment, and just turned his head to see Su Ling, who was beaten and bruised, hiding behind a tree and waving at him.

"What are you doing did your face look like this?" Su Ren asked in surprise.

Su Ling touched his head and giggled: "I was caught by my uncle after a little panic. These are all minor injuries, and they don't get in the way... No, I didn't mean to say that."

He took a deep breath, confirmed that this place was a dead end, and took a few steps closer:
"Cousin, remember to lighten your hands later. You may not know that you have been away from home for a long time, but Xu Gongzi met, knew, and probably even fell in love with his cousin half a year ago! This time, when Xu Gongzi came to the Su family, it was his cousin who brought him with him. Here it is!"

Su Renwei was stunned for a moment, then shook his head again and again:

"Is there such a thing? The second sister is also true. I found a favorite Taoist companion and didn't say anything to me as a brother."

He glanced at Su Ling, who was in panic, and said with a chuckle, "Okay, I know, I'll be careful in a while." After speaking, he carried his gun and walked to the terrace.

The clear waters start the autumn, and the yellow clouds congeal the twilight.

The audience was silent, but after Su Ren, who was armed with a gun in a white robe, stepped onto the terrace, the disciples of the Changhe Su Clan split in excitement.

Su Ren is like an idol to them.

He is courteous and modest, and he will not talk about his high cultivation. His appearance is also elegant and easy-going. Everyone can feel the joy of talking with him... just the opposite of his wonderful master.

Hearing the excited cheers from the audience, Su Ren sighed and said seriously:

"Sorry, my master is just that kind of temperament. Don't pay attention to what he says. In fact, others are very good, and they often help loose cultivators who are suffering. It's just... just a little flawed in personality."

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly surprised, Xu was not expecting that such a wonderful master could teach such a respectful apprentice.

Su Ren saw surprise in Xu Shoujing's eyes. He tilted his head and glanced at the excited juniors and brothers below the stage.

"Actually, the reason why I want to stay and fight with you is because I saw the dark-colored spiritual power in your body."

He didn't wait for Xu Shoujing to answer, he flipped his wrist, slanted the iron spear clenched on the white jade terrace, and continued:

"Master is not from the Changhe Su Clan. He can't tell that it's actually normal; but I can tell that the ink-colored spiritual power in your body is by no means ordinary. It's just ordinary things."

If it was before, Xu Shoujing might have panicked a little when he heard that someone suddenly took out his old bottom.

But now... these days in the Changhe Su Clan, similar things have long been unaccustomed to, and Su Jin even talked about the characteristics of his spiritual power, which is nothing to be surprised by now.

Xu Shoujing twisted around his neck, as if nothing had happened:

"So what do you want?"

"I want to fight with you, with a real sword and a real sword, regardless of life and death."

Su Ren put his cousin's words behind him, his eyes revealed a desire to fight, he suppressed the belligerent fire that was completely different from his elegant appearance, and said:

"Master Xu, your spiritual power is really special. The moment I saw your spiritual power, I felt fear for the first time in my life... This feeling is the first time I have practiced for so many years, even if you are not my brother-in-law, I want to fight you too."

He stretched out his hand and pulled out the iron spear, pointing diagonally behind him, "I apologize for those words of Master, Young Master Xu, please don't hold your hand, and have a serious discussion with me."

However, for Su Ren's sincere invitation, Xu Shoujing's smile was still very bright, but he shook his head expressionlessly:

"I don't accept your apology, because you didn't do anything wrong. As for the discussion..."

The words stopped here, Xu Shoujing turned his head to look at Yuan Qing under the stage, his eyes were slightly cold, and the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked:
"You're not good enough, replace him."

His smile was as bright as the scorching sun in October, but his voice was as indifferent as falling into an ice cave.
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PS: It is estimated that after writing this book, I will not be able to reach Wubaijun, nor will I be able to recommend it.But I'm already a Buddhist, so it doesn't matter whether you follow it or not, you just have to be happy with it.

(End of this chapter)

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