The queen is so fierce

Chapter 148 Clear water shocks autumn, 1 sword day

Chapter 148 The clear water scares the autumn, a sword in the daytime

boom -

Lightning flashed like thunder, shuttling through the thick black clouds, and at some point, a torrential rain fell over the Changhe Su Clan.

However, this time, it wasn't caused by a spell that the big guy just put on his hands.

As early as a few days ago, the cumulonimbus clouds in the distance had a tendency to migrate to the Su Clan of the Changhe River, and it would evolve to be natural now.

The young Sword Immortal wearing a black robe with gold rims stood on the terrace, and the raindrops that fell one after another hit his shoulders, burst into a few water droplets, and scattered away.

"I don't accept your apology, because you didn't do anything wrong. As for the're not qualified."

The black-robed Sword Immortal's stern face turned, and his indifferent gaze met the white-bearded old man under the high platform. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and a mocking smile appeared:

"Get him instead."

change him... change him...

The echoes rang out, and the indifferent and somewhat mocking voice was very clearly introduced into the ears of everyone present.

The Changhe Su disciples who were still looking forward to watching the two people on the stage were all stunned in the same place, their eyes full of astonishment, as if they suspected that there was something wrong with their ears.

The long-haired male cultivator in the crowd shook his head stiffly, the expression on his face did not change, but his black pupils kept shaking, and murmured:

"This Xu Jianxian...isn't he crazy?"

Even at the end, there is a bit of fear.

The scholar in Confucian robe was stunned for a long time. He looked at Yuan Qing and Venerable Su, who were also frozen in place, and then looked up at Senior Brother Su Ren, who was stunned on the terrace. The big stone in his heart fell, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

——Well, my brain is fine, the problem is Xu Jianxian.

How could a normal person say such a thing in such a situation?

Everyone else was shocked, but Su Huanqing was just a little surprised, and without any hesitation, he planned to go to the balcony to pull Xu Shoujing back.

In any case, she was the one who brought it back by herself. She is responsible for her feelings... She can't just watch him die like this. As a host, it is obviously inappropriate.

However, Su Huanqing had just taken the first step, and as if she had expected it, a hand reached out from behind and pressed her shoulder.

Su Huanqing frowned slightly, looked back at Jiang Rongyue who was blocking her, and said solemnly:

"I'm going to call him down, it's too messy, Yuan Qing is not such a talkative person, and is extremely cautious, I'm afraid of him..."

Jiang Rongyue let go of her hand and said helplessly:
"What Xiaojing has decided is useless no matter what."

Su Huanqing calmed down, still a little worried in her heart, after a moment of silence, she said:
"Then continue to sit back and watch? You... won't your heart hurt?"

"Of course not, where do you want to go?"

Jiang Rongyue sighed lightly, and turned her eyes to look at the 'I've made up my mind' loving brother on the terrace, but shook her head:

"Xiaojing... he is no longer the same person you met before."

Su Huanqing frowned slightly and thought for a while, but she misunderstood what Jiang Rongyue meant.There was a hint of surprise in her clear and beautiful eyes:
"He was taken away?"

"..." Jiang Rongyue.

Xiaojing is right, this girl's brain circuit is indeed different from that of ordinary people.

Jiang Rongyue sighed while holding her forehead, and said a little funny:

"Of course not. What I want to say is that Xiao Jing is no longer the reckless temperament he was when you first met... Although he is still somewhat impulsive, he will not do things beyond his control."

"...The current situation is still under his control?"

Su Huanqing was a little unconvinced. According to her impression, Xu Shoujing was exactly that kind of person... As long as the plan had a theoretical feasibility of [-]%, he would be too busy.

Jiang Rongyue smiled tenderly, then tilted her head and gestured to the lower terrace:

"Yes or no, then look at it."

Su Huanqing was dubious, turned his head angrily and looked in the direction of the terrace.

She didn't notice that the moment she turned around, Jiang Rongyue changed her trusting appearance and sighed lightly, the worry in Xing's eyes did not diminish.

It is said that I believe that Xu Shoujing will be measured, but whether as a sister or a partner, is it possible that Jiang Rongyue will not worry?

She just didn't want to infect Su Huanqing with this emotion, so she temporarily abandoned her sensibility, and only analyzed Xu Shoujing's situation rationally.

" careful." Jiang Rongyue bit her thin lip, her small white jade-like hands folded in front of her chest, as if she was praying, and muttered silently in her heart.
While the audience was boiling, the two people on the terrace showed diametrically opposite silence.

Su Ren stared at Xu Shoujing's face for a long time, determined that he was not joking on a whim, and shook his head in disappointment:

"Xu Gongzi, I know that what my master said just now makes you unhappy, and the cultivator's request is also to understand the thoughts in his heart.

But that's just some irrelevant words, and those who are clear will clear themselves... Your reckless nature doesn't match your talent. "

Xu Shoujing was silent for a while, then heaved a sigh of relief and said with a light smile:

"I've seen a lot of hypocrites, so I can see that you're a real gentleman; I'm glad you can take my stand.

However, I was not reckless for a while, nor was I unhappy because I was scolded by the region.Everyone has something they can't back down, and I'm sure you have it too, so you don't have to think about convincing me. "

While the two were talking, Yuan Qing had ignored Su Jin's dissuasion, and came to the bottom of the terrace with a livid face.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, Yuan Qing suppressed the anger in his heart and said solemnly:
"You're a fledgling brat, do you know who I am? If you want to fight me, you still have hundreds of years of Taoism!
Just because of your disrespectful attitude, I will abolish your cultivation and take your life on the spot!No one will make irresponsible remarks! "

As soon as Yuan Qing's voice fell, a young monk in a hooded black robe, on the top of a cliff in Sudu, saw this scene through the shining crystal ball spinning in the air.

Su He quickly took off his hood, tilted his head to look at the rootless white fire floating beside him, and asked in a deep voice:
"My lord, Yuan Qing seems to want to kill Xu Shoujing."

Wugen Baihuo did not answer immediately, but soon there was a sound of footsteps in Baihuo, after a while:

"It's just a momentary remark, don't worry about it. If he really wants to do something, Su Jin will stop him. If it's really a last resort, you can call the deity out and kill him.

This deity is very busy, there is no major business, don't call me. "

Su He rolled his eyes secretly, and said respectfully:



Back to the patio.

After hearing Yuan Qing's words, Xu Shoujing's expression did not change. He stepped on the armrest of the balcony with one foot, looked down at him, and said with a pouting:
"Don't say so much useless, you can say whether you accept it or not."

catch?Take a ball? !
Yuan Qing was about to die of anger. He wasn't a cat or a dog. How could it be possible that a young cultivator of the sea level would take on any challenge?
Is he shameless?
It is definitely impossible to pick up, such a battle without suspense, won't go anywhere with glory.

But this kid is really annoying. If he doesn't teach him a lesson, Yuan Qing is afraid that he won't even think about meditation in the future.

Thinking of this, Yuan Qing waved his robe and put on the appearance of an old senior, coldly snorted:
"It's good to be young and energetic, but you should also pay attention to the occasion when you speak. This time I don't care about you. If you apologize to me, it's over..."

"Old man, you shouldn't be cowardly." Xu Shoujing looked contemptuous.

Old... old man?
Yuan Qing broke the defense on the spot, turned to look at his apprentice, and said angrily:

"Su Ren, teach this yellow-mouthed child for the teacher!"

"The disciple obeys."

Su Ren looked helpless, dragged his spear to the middle of the terrace, looked at Xu Shoujing with an indifferent face, and sighed:
"Xu Gongzi, why are you doing this, you shouldn't be the kind of person who likes to take advantage of words."

"It's hard to say. Sometimes I'm really too lazy to talk nonsense, but in some specific cases, I like to say some rude things to irritate others."

Xu Shoujing said with a smile, stroking Qiongyu around his waist, and his five fingers dragged the jet-black aura particles, which gradually condensed into a pitch-black heavy spear.

The moment the pitch-black heavy spear was exposed in the air, Xu Shoujing's aura changed, and the ink-colored spiritual power that seemed to have been repelled by the whole world completely dissipated.

The current Xu Shoujing seems to be no different from ordinary people, except that his physique is slightly stronger.

Most people can feel that the spiritual power of Xu Shoujing has disappeared. Most of the people who met him before have guessed that he used some kind of high-level magic weapon to hide the fluctuation of spiritual power.

But in the eyes of the Changhe Su Clan, it was a completely different picture.

A cultivator of the sea level stood upright, his eyes closed and then opened again, he became a pure mortal, and a good cultivating immortal drama turned into a horror movie in seconds.

The key is that the spiritual sea used to gather spiritual power in his body is still intact, and there is no trace of damage.

how can that be?This is completely outside the laws of heaven and is unreasonable!

To give a chestnut, it is like a mortal who has lost his heart and still lives well, how strange it is.

Including Su Jin on the stage and Su Ren on the stage, all the disciples of the Changhe Su Clan couldn't help but be amazed.

Yuan Qing stared at Xu Shoujing for a while, but didn't understand what was going on, she said strangely:
"Is this frightening that Linghai blew himself up?"


Countless contemptuous gazes stopped at him, Yuan Qing frowned, and looked at the disdainful Changhe Su disciples for unknown reasons:
"You...what are you doing?"

what to do?You are an outsider, you can't even see it, and you call yourself a senior, don't laugh off other people's big teeth.

"Young Master Xu... You are..." Su Ren raised his iron spear for a while, thinking that something was wrong with Xu Shoujing's body.

Xu Shoujing scratched his face, Shen Jing Punishing Heaven belonged to a weapon handed down from the Tianzhu era, and it was older than their long history of the Su Clan, so it was really hard to explain.

Xu Shoujing thought for a while, then put on an indifferent look:

"Well, the exercises are a little special, you don't need to worry about it, just attack it."

Su Ren said no more, took a deep breath, and took a step forward with an iron spear in his hand:
"Master Xu, be careful."


The moment the words fell, Su Ren's knees bent, and his body bowed into a streamlined shape, with the tip of the iron spear as the apex, the whole person turned into a hurricane, approaching Xu Shoujing's face.

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly startled, and he secretly thought that Su Ren had real skills.

People in the audience may not feel it, but Xu Shoujing, who has been standing in front of Su Ren, knows it very well.

From the moment he stepped forward, the light blue spiritual energy around Su Ren showed an indomitable momentum.

This kind of momentum is not the same as Ji Xiangjian's kind of pure reckless man-headed iron. If you use an analogy, it is like a wave that is enough to swallow the coastline, throwing all retreat, just to overwhelm the target.

Xu Shoujing was calm, facing Su Ren's approach without dodging or dodging, holding the iron spear in his backhand, he made a move that he wanted to throw.

Su Ren's eyes narrowed as he rushed forward, and he became vigilant with all his attention. He was walking on a path that would never return, and he must not cut off his momentum halfway.

Having said that, if Xu Shoujing really threw the heavy spear, he wouldn't be stupid enough to pick it up from the front. At most, he changed his direction a little to minimize the loss of speed.

However, until Su Ren was about to bump into Xu Shoujing, he did not throw the heavy gun in his hand.

Just when Su Ren was in doubt, Xu Shoujing looked at the tip of the iron spear less than a foot away, and suddenly raised his right hand holding the heavy spear—

With a "bang", the white jade cracked, and the pitch-black heavy gun was nailed to the white jade floor of the terrace.

Su Ren looked blank, completely unaware of the meaning of Xu Shoujing's actions, but soon, the blankness in his eyes was replaced by shock.

At the moment when Su Ren passed through God's Pure Punishment with a gun, the wave of spiritual power that was swirling around him like a ferocious tsunami was instantly disintegrated. Blown away on both sides.

Su Ren only felt that the momentum in his body was gone, the 'tsunami' pressing on his back dissipated, and his whole body became lighter.

That is, at the moment when he was stunned, Xu Shoujing, who had been standing in the same place, moved.

Xu Shoujing took a step forward, turned slightly to the side, grabbed Su Ren's iron spear in his right hand, and pulled it back sharply, pushing his left elbow towards Su Ren's neck.

Su Ren suddenly came back to his senses. He knew that he could never let go of the iron spear, so he quickly kicked his feet and lay back, trying to use his strength to grab the iron spear.

It stands to reason that he is a Dragon Gate Realm. Compared with the Canghai Realm cultivator, there is no need to say who is stronger.

But Su Ren soon found out that he couldn't draw an iron gun at all. It's not so much that Xu Shoujing's strength is strong, it's more... heavy?

Yes, it is heavy!
Su Ren found out that the iron spear in his hand seemed to be attached to a towering mountain peak.

Xu Shoujing's elbow was just a short distance away from Su Ren's neck, and in just a moment, the battle of strength was over.

Su Ren knew that it was impossible to get the iron spear back, and all he could do now was to let go quickly to prevent this blow.

He thought so and did it.

Unfortunately, it backfired.

Xu Shoujing seemed to have expected it to be like this for a long time. When Su Ren let go of his hand, he kept his body in the fully open state of the Nine Tribulations Prison, and his left foot was the axis. One turned and kicked Su Ren in the abdomen.


Everyone only saw a white shadow flashing on the high platform, and there was a large human-shaped pit on the wall of Su Mansion.

Before the battle, there was a black robe and a white robe on the terrace, and now only the black robe is left. It is self-evident who won this duel.

The whole place was silent.

There is no way, it was too sudden. Although Xu Shoujing and Su Ren had several confrontations in various aspects on the field, in the eyes of the spectators, it was only Su Ren who rushed in front of Xu Shoujing and was knocked away.


I don't know who swallowed a saliva. The long-haired male cultivator in the crowd stared blankly at the scholar in Confucian robe beside him and said:
"This... is it over?"

This time, the scholar in Confucian robe did not give the long-haired cultivator a timely answer, because he himself fell into a trance that he could not understand.

To be honest, if everyone was asked to vote, then no one would not vote for Su Ren. After all, Senior Brother Su Ren is an old acquaintance, and he knows his strength well, and there are many chances to vote for him.

But if those factors aside, just speculating on who will win, after Ji Yan's 'speech', they didn't think that Xu Shoujing could beat Su Ren.

...but they really didn't expect Xu Shoujing to win so easily, this is still a situation where he has crossed a realm!
However, although everyone was shocked, they did not start cheering.

Because they know that this is just foreplay... To be precise, in the case of Xu Shoujing winning, this is just foreplay, and the main show depends on whether Yuan Qing will agree to this showdown with the big bullying the small.

Bathed in multiple lines of sight, Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, calmed the turbulent blood, and walked slowly to the edge of the terrace, looking down at Yuan Qing with a livid face:
"How, are you willing to come up and fight me?"

Saying that, he threw the iron gun in his hand.

Yuan Qing grabbed the iron spear casually, his face gloomy like water:
"Okay, as you wish, today this seat will take your teacher's place and teach you a lesson to this ignorant yellow-mouthed child!"

Seeing Yuan Qing's posture, Su Jin seemed to really want to go up to bully the small, and hurriedly wanted to stop him.

Yuan Qing noticed Su Jin's movement and said solemnly:
"Brother Jhin, don't stop me, this kid is too mad, don't let him know that there are people outside the world, there are heavens outside the world, will the sky be turned upside down in the future? This is also for his own good."

"...Hey, then you pay attention to your sense of proportion."

Su Jin was a little helpless, knowing that he could not persuade Yuan Qing to say anything now, so he thought about how to save Xu Shoujing later.

After all, although Yuan Qing has obvious personality flaws, it is still clear whether he is his father's disciple or not.

Not to mention Xu Shoujing who had just played a game, even if Xu Shoujing came to ten full states, he would not be an opponent.

Seeing Yuan Qing's challenge, Xu Shoujing smiled indifferently, took out several glass bottles from Qiongyu Pavilion, poured the crystal blue liquid into his stomach, and said with a smile:

"Old man, I just played a game, drink some elixir to restore spiritual power, do you have any opinion?"

Yuan Qing stepped on the terrace and heard Xu Shoujing's words. He was immediately angry and shouted angrily:
"I'm still afraid that you won't be able to recover your spiritual power? Do I need to give you another half an hour to adjust your breath and meditate?"

"Uh... that's not necessary, just drink this." Xu Shoujing smiled bitterly, and bit off the cork of a glass bottle again.

In the crowd, Jiang Rongyue, who witnessed all this, was slightly startled. Others might not be able to see it, but she knew it very well.

Isn't that crystal blue medicinal liquid the spring water of the spirit crystal mine under the abyss of the Immortal King Ruins?

Could it be that... Xiaojing wants it?


Four or five glass bottles fell to the ground and turned into a pool of fragments.

Xu Shoujing wiped the corners of his mouth, put Shenjing Putian into Qiongyu Pavilion, then took off the painting Fangyan from his waist, and held it together with the scabbard in his hand.

"Boy, you don't need a gun anymore?" Yuan Qing raised an eyebrow.

Xu Shoujing let out a long sigh of relief and said with a light smile:

"I'm Jian Xiu, of course I need a sword."

"Hmph, use whatever you want."

Yuan Qing sneered, clenched the body of the iron spear, and the blue-blue spiritual power quickly filled the entire terrace.

"Xu Xiaozi, don't blame me for bullying you. If you can take this shot, I will forgive you for your rudeness just now."

When the words fell, Yuan Qing's white hair fluttered, and with an iron spear in his hand, his body turned into an afterimage, approaching Xu Shoujing.


The blue-blue spiritual power turned into a real tsunami wave, covering the sky and the sun, and even the dark clouds in the sky were covered up.

If it is said that Su Ren's wave is enough to raze the entire coastline to the ground, then Yuan Qing's tsunami is a huge wave that can swallow the surrounding cities!
Su Jin's eyes were startled, and the right hand hidden in the cuff quickly made a seal:

"No! He really wants Xu Shoujing's life!"

Facing the tsunami that was swallowing the sky and the sun, Xu Shoujing took a deep breath. At this time, he was calmer than ever.

Xu Shoujing held the painting Fangyan in front of him, holding the scabbard in one hand and the hilt in the other, and suddenly closed his eyes.

Ji Ye, who fully exerted the characteristics of Zhao Fuyao's spiritual power, could not be restored with Xu Shoujing's current strength.

Even with Yao Ye Senluo and Zhao Fuyao's own transformation, they could barely imitate their form, and the result would be a thousand injuries to the enemy and eight hundred to themselves.

Therefore, Xu Shoujing would not even use Yaoye Senluo again when it was not a last resort.

The cost of using power beyond his current strength in advance is very serious, which he has deeply experienced.

However, at the time of the Immortal King Ruins, Xu Shoujing found another possibility through Lingjing Lake.

Extreme Night, in the final analysis, is just a move.

A knife will make you lose half your life, but the strength is not enough.

In this case, it is enough to press down the power. Zhao Fuyao's spiritual power is too special, can't he imitate it?Then use your spiritual power.

Even if the magic changes to the end, Ji Ye has changed beyond recognition, and the power is far less than before.

But this is also the first time he has separated from the ready-made exercises and created moves based on his own understanding.

wow wow wow-

The rain was heavy, and the raindrops kept falling on Xu Shoujing's shoulder, and the bean-sized raindrops fell down his cheeks.

The tsunami rushed in front of him, and the sound from the audience exclaiming to let him dodge was so small, the speed of Rong Yue's sister running towards the stage was as slow as time was slowing down.

Soon, Xu Shoujing found out that even the raindrops in front of him solidified into droplets of water, stranded in the air, and he just touched it lightly, and it would splash.


The sound of rain sounded again, Xu Shoujing moved his right hand holding the hilt of the sword, only to hear the sound of "Qiang", a clear moonlight reflected on his left face.

"This move... is called Bishui Jingqiu."

Xu Shoujing slowly raised his head, his right hand holding the hilt of the sword suddenly twitched——


The white light hidden in the scabbard was completely exposed. At the same time, Xu Shoujing crossed the white sword and waved gently at the huge wave and tsunami——

Everyone didn't know what happened. They were shocked by the scene in front of them, and they couldn't even make a sound.

An undetectable white crescent crossed the sky, and the tsunami shadow, which was enough to cover the sky, was instantly divided into two along with the dark clouds in the sky.

In the gaps in the thick black clouds, the scorching sun shed warm golden light on the earth.


When everyone came back to their senses, the heavy rain that had been sloping just now stopped, the huge waves dissipated, and the blue sky and the wet ground formed a great contrast.

Xu Shoujing stood on the spot and slowly put the Yuebai long sword into the scabbard. In front of him, Yuan Qing, with white hair, lay unconscious on the ground.


As soon as Xu Shoujing turned around, he saw Jiang Rongyue rushing towards him. He didn't react for a while and was thrown to the ground.

Su Jin's eyes widened, you have a Taoist partner and you come to provoke my daughter, do you want to face me? ——
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
PS: The headache of coding today... In theory, it is such a painful thing to have a little niece with social bullshit.

(End of this chapter)

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