Chapter 149
"Looking at the reaction of the Venerable...he doesn't seem to know?"

"Nonsense, fools can see it, if he knew, could his eyes stare like that?"

"...Then Xu Jianxian is miserable, even if he has a Taoist companion, he came to kidnap Senior Sister Huanqing... Tsk tsk, I think it is difficult for him."

The Baiyu Terrace was removed, and a certain white-haired old man surnamed Yuan was carried away by several disciples together—it was said that he was going to treat internal injuries.

It was quite strange. Everyone witnessed the earth-shattering sword with their own eyes. Unexpectedly, when Yuan Qing was slashed, there was only a slender bloodstain on his chest. It was hard to imagine the power caused by that sword.

But in contrast, the internal injury is much more terrifying. For some unknown reason, Yuan Qing is a cultivator with three bones in the Nirvana realm. Linghai is just like the earth dragon who has just turned over. There is no way to balance the five elements.

Until now, it stands to reason that this commotion should have ended, but none of Changhe Su's disciples left.

"It can't be said that Xu Jianxian is so strong, and his future achievements are limitless, what's wrong with a few more confidantes?
In other words, if Xu Jianxian didn't have such a performance, could Senior Sister Huanqing have such high vision, could he possibly like him? "

At the front of the line, the long-haired male cultivator and the scholar in Confucian robe were talking to each other, as if to argue, whether Xu Shoujing, who had just entered Su Mansion with Su Ren, could hold the woman back.

But soon the conversation between the two of them was interrupted, because they found that the rest of the people around were looking at them with a very strange look.

"Why are you looking at us like that?" the long-haired male cultivator asked in confusion.

"You...isn't it a bit too strange to be surprised? Xu Jianxian defeated Elder Yuan Qing with just one sword..." One of them couldn't help but say.

The scholar in Confucian robe chuckled and waved his hand towards the man:

"You don't need to say it, I've tried my best not to think about it, don't force me to think about it."

The long-haired male cultivator was even more exaggerated, tilted his head in astonishment, and said:
"What sword? Didn't Xu Jianxian defeat Senior Brother Su Ren? Didn't Elder Yuan Qing's Dao Heart collapse and fainted out of nowhere? What are you talking about?"

"..." Everyone.

Oh, they're escaping reality, that's fine.
In Su Mansion's study, incense was quietly lit in the corner, and the air was particularly fresh after the rain, but now, including Su Jin, everyone needed some extra stimulation to digest the huge amount of information.

tah... tah... tah
After Su Jinlingxiang made the bookcase, he stretched out his right hand from his cuff and casually placed it on the bookcase. His index finger kept tapping lightly on the table, his expression was strange and speechless.

Su Ren stood upright, but his expression was much the same as his father's. His eyes swept back and forth on Xu Shoujing who had defeated him on the opposite side.

After the battle with Xu Shoujing, Su Ren did not expect that he would be defeated so quickly, and did not return to the battlefield immediately due to various psychological reasons.

But before Su Ren was mentally prepared to meet the fact that he was easily defeated by someone who was not as good as himself for the first time.

As soon as he went out, he saw his master, Yuan Qing, lying unconscious on the terrace.

But these are not bad. At most, their skills are not as good as others. Su Ren has no mentality to lose, but he appreciates Xu Shoujing's talent.

The problem is that after that...

After all, the reason why his father Su Jin would engage in such a fight was because he wanted to test Xu Shoujing.

In other words, this is a question for a father-in-law to test his son-in-law.

If he wins... then Xu Shoujing can justifiably marry his little sister and bring her beauty back.

Well, the idea of ​​sorting it out is indeed correct.

...Then why when Young Master Xu won, it wasn't the younger sister who rushed up to hug him, but another woman?
After his thoughts returned to his body, Su Ren glanced at a bunch of men and women across from him with rather strange eyes.

Now Xu Shoujing and the others are holding hands together, and his little sister seems to be invisible, sitting next to her and drinking tea without noticing it.

"Sister, she is holding your man in front of you, can't you see it?"

Su Ren shook her head secretly, only feeling that Su Huanqing was still too weak in the 'gong fight', which was also related to her indifferent temperament.

"Cough cough."

Su Jin's patience was finally worn out, he stopped the act of not tapping the table, and looked at Xu Shoujing and the three:

"What happened to you, can you explain to me?"

explain?How else can I explain...

Xu Shoujing pondered a little, and didn't explain the reason to Su Jin before because Su Huanqing said that he would not listen at all.

But after all the commotion outside just now, everyone calmed down. Now that he patiently explained his relationship with Su Huanqing, Su Jin wouldn't be so angry on the spot, right?

After all, when Sister Rong Yue hugged me just now, she should have been quite shocked by them...

Xu Shoujing glanced at Jiang Rongyue beside him, and thought for a while:

"Sister Rong Yue is my Taoist companion, and Huan Qing is actually my senior sister."

At the same time, a question mark was raised on the heads of the two people in the study.

The only one who wasn't too surprised might be Su Ren, who was directly defeated by Xu Shoujing.

Su Ren suddenly came back to his senses, the meaning of 'so it is' flashed in his eyes, and then chuckled:
"It turns out that Mr. Xu is the apprentice of Immortal Fuyu, no wonder the sword is so good..."

Su Jin was also a little bit of an afterthought, too, how could a talent like Xu Shoujing not have a mentor?
It should have been thought long ago that Qinger never showed affection to the opposite sex, but she was very interested in her master. Xu Shoujing was able to get close to her, obviously because of the blessing of Fuyu Xianzun...

The two here showed a look of sudden realization, but Su Huanqing was a little dissatisfied.

With a 'bang', she placed the white porcelain teacup in her hand on the low table next to her, tilted her head slightly, looked at Xu Shoujing unhappily, and said with a frown:
"Don't talk nonsense."


Xu Shoujing looked blank, what did I say?

Su Huanqing smoothed the folds of the skirt, stood up slowly, pointed at Xu Shoujing's handsome face, and said as a matter of course:
"Although he is my junior brother, he is only temporary. In the future, he will become my master's Taoist companion, that is, my master."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Why are you still thinking about this?
"Cough cough cough..."

Su Jin choked a sip of clear tea into his throat, and while coughing continuously, his eyes almost popped out:
"What?! This kid is the Taoist companion of Immortal Fuyu?!"

Su Ren was petrified on the spot, and he was also shocked by this sentence because of his never-surprised nature.

After a long delay, Su Ren was awakened by his father's strange gaze, and after a moment of stunned, he realized that it was inconvenient for him to say something, and asked himself to do it for him.

"Little sister, you can't arrange your own teachers behind your back." Su Ren breathed a sigh of relief and said earnestly: "Not to mention my father, even grandfather sees Immortal Fuyu and calls him a senior, she is still yours. Master, be careful."

This is to remind Su Huanqing around the corner that Ling Fuyu is very old, and she is your master. It is not suitable for her and Xu Shoujing to not talk about her... Just because of her identity, she should not say such things. .

Su Huanqing understood the meaning behind her brother's words, but she had no intention of reflecting, she shook her head gently, and said seriously:
"Cultivation of One Path is to pursue longevity, and age is never an obstacle. What's more..."

Su Huanqing tilted her head and glanced at Xu Shoujing, who was embarrassed, and said expressionlessly:
"He likes the older ones."

Su Jin frowned, he could see that Jiang Rongyue was older than Xu Shoujing, and even two years older than Qinger...

The question is can that be the same thing?You are arranging the immortal family who are hundreds of years old, and you are also your teacher.

Xu Shoujing looked at Su Huanqing's expression as he was mulling words, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and subconsciously wanted to stop her from saying:
"Don't... Huan Qing, I..."

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Su Huanqing probably never had the word 'embarrassment' in his heart. When he thought of something, he just said it without any scruples:
"Xu Shoujing likes mature women and older sisters. As far as I know, his adoptive mother who raised him until he was nearly 40 years old, as well as his adoptive mother's senior sister, the widow next door, etc., were all included in his account."

"..." Xu Shoujing opened his mouth, trying to refute a sentence, but found that——

What she said was basically the truth, what should I do?
Su Huanqing's combo wasn't over yet. She turned her head and glanced at Jiang Rongyue and found that she was about to be ashamed.

"Miss Jiang is Xu Shoujing's righteous sister. They grew up together and are now Xu Shoujing's woman."


Su Jin slumped on the chair, maintaining the motion of handing the teacup to his mouth, stiffly speechless.

As for Su Ren... Su Ren felt that his worldview had collapsed.

Anyone who mentions Su Ren, the first word that comes to mind is 'polite', he always maintains the etiquette due to his identity, even if the object is Yuan Qing's wonderful master, he is not too disrespectful the behavior of.

The behavior of a jockey like Xu Shoujing to destroy his ancestors and corrupt human relations... directly broke the three views he had built up for decades.

Oh my God……

Su Huanqing ignored everyone's reaction, and logically rounded up his last paragraph:

"So, Xu Shoujing definitely likes my master. In his eyes, there has never been any ethics, etiquette and morality."

His tone was flat, as if he was narrating a a sense it was indeed a fact.

After speaking, what should have collapsed has almost collapsed. Su Huanqing heaved a sigh of relief. Only then did he notice that several people were frozen and motionless. Liu Mei frowned slightly, and said doubtfully:
"What happen to you guys?"

Su Jin held his forehead stunned, and seemed to be in a trance:
"'s fine, let my father take it easy."

"I didn't ask you." Su Huanqing glanced at him indifferently, deflected his head, looked at Xu Shoujing, who wanted to find a hole to burrow into, and said:

"After speaking, let's go to the Qi Refining Tower."

Xu Shoujing laughed dryly and nodded in agreement.

There is no way to disagree, the current situation still has the face to continue, it can no longer be described as thick-skinned... That is the face of God.

Xu Shoujing had just crossed the threshold with his forefoot, when a heavy voice sounded from behind:

"Wait a moment."

Xu Shoujing didn't want to wait, but this was the away game, so he couldn't wait. He slowly turned around, but Su Huanqing said the following lines for him:

"Any thing else?"

Su Jin looked at Su Huanqing, who was the only one who was cold to him, and sighed helplessly:

"I want to talk to him, it won't be bad for him."

Su Huanqing frowned slightly, and immediately wanted to refuse, but before she could speak, her shoulder was pressed.

She looked back at Xu Shoujing, her eyes a little unclear.

Xu Shoujing shook his head and said with a chuckle, "It's okay, you guys go first, I suddenly remembered that there is something I want to ask Venerable Su."

Saying that, she quietly squeezed Jiang Rongyue's soft little hand.

Jiang Rongyue's apricot eyes were slightly startled, realizing that Xiaojing was really in trouble, she smiled softly and pulled Su Huanqing away.

"Then we are waiting for you at the Qi Refining Tower."

Su Huanqing was a little reluctant, but she left with Jiang Rongyue.

The second daughter left, Su Jin glanced at Su Ren, who was in doubt about his life, and sighed:

"Ren'er, you also go down first."

Su Ren was still in a trance now. Hearing his father's words, he instinctively saluted "yes" and left.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

I'm sorry, brother, it's hard for you.

The study was quiet again. I don't know how long it took, Su Jin looked at Xu Shoujing with complicated eyes, and sighed:
"You just wanted to leave, but suddenly you stayed, which means that you remembered something in the middle of it. Just ask."

Xu Shoujing shrugged and said with a chuckle, "I'll just ask later. Venerable talk about you first, I'll definitely know everything."

"Okay! Then I'll ask you..." Su Jin stared at him with burning eyes. "What Qing'er said just it true?"


It's hard to say no.

Xu Shoujing held back for a long time, looking like a 'good family who was molested', and said with difficulty:
"It's basically true."

Su Jin raised his head, not knowing what he was thinking. After a while, he sighed with emotion:

"Old...I can't understand what you young people play."

"—" Xu Shoujing opened his mouth, wanting to explain patiently, at least remove his name of 'moral degeneration'.

But in the end, he gave up to justify himself.

I'm too lazy to explain, whatever you think, it's rotten, I just like mature women, I just like old age, can't I?

Su Jin was silent for a while, looked at Xu Shoujing with complicated eyes, and whispered:
"Actually, I just thought of keeping you here. If I can, I really don't want to entrust Qing'er to you... a stinky boy who can't say anything."

Xu Shoujing pursed his lips and did not speak.

Su Jin paused for a moment, then continued: "Qing'er said that she wanted you to be...the Taoist companion of Immortal Fuyu, I don't know how many sentences are true or false; but you are the only one who is not disgusted by Qing'er. Man, I can see that."

"..." Xu Shoujing was speechless and didn't dislike me, so let me die on the spot?
"You should be very curious, why does Qing'er hate me so much?" Su Jin laughed.

Xu Shoujing thought for a while, then tentatively said, "Because of your overdoing?"

"No, on the contrary." Su Jin sighed, looked up at the sky, and there was a trace of reminiscence in his eyes: "I haven't been by Qing'er's side once since she was born.

I have been pursuing my own way, and for this reason, even the Changhesu family is unwilling to take over. My father sought me many times and asked me to go home and take a look at Qinger, but I always thought that my father wanted me to go back to host Changhesu. Shi, so I don’t want to go back…”

Xu Shoujing was stunned when he heard the words, and his eyes were a little stunned.

Is this the same person as Su Jin?
The ultimate pervert Gu family daughter slave, and the emotionless seeker... These are two completely opposite extremes.

Su Jin saw Xu Shoujing's expression in his eyes and smiled kindly:

"I know you have doubts in your heart... In fact, my return to host the Changhe Su Clan is only a matter of recent years.

... Before I saw your strength, I actually didn't plan to hand Huan Qing to you at all, I always thought that I could hold on for a while longer and make up for her..."

The words stopped here, and Su Jin saw Xu Shoujing's eyes widen, knowing that he should figure out what he was going to say, so he chuckled lightly:

"As you should have guessed, my deadline is coming."
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(End of this chapter)

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